Tricks for children for children's birthday. Simple tricks for children

Holiday March 8th in kindergarten and at school it is most often celebrated traditionally - with a matinee concert. What if we add a little something wonderful to this event and include magic tricks in the holiday scenario? Of course, you will have to practice and choose the right costume and props for the magician, but the delight of the audience is worth it!

At the matinee on the occasion of March 8, parents can perform tricks for kids, and schoolchildren can learn a few tricks themselves and demonstrate to their friends - at a school concert or a “light” in the classroom. "Trick Evening" can be an excellent gift from boys to girls in their classmates. And how happy grandma will be if her grandchildren congratulate her on March 8th with such a circus performance!

Among the tricks that we propose to learn, there are simply practical jokes, there are tricks that use sleight of hand (you can’t do without preparation here!) or the laws of physics.

Water spell trick

Take a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Paint the inside of the lid red watercolor paint. Pour water into the jar and screw the lid on. During the demonstration, do not turn the jar towards the audience so that the inside of the lid is visible. Say the spell loudly: “Just like in the fairy tale, make the water red.” With these words, shake the jar of water. The water will wash away the watercolor layer of paint and turn red.

Coin trick

Place several identical coins on the table. Have one of the spectators choose a coin. Announce that you will find the selected coin among others. Then ask the child to squeeze it in his fist, and bring the fist to his forehead, explaining that you need to think about this coin. Stand like this for about a minute, you can even whisper something with a mysterious look. Then ask your child to throw a coin on the table and mix it with the others. Then, focusing on the warm metal of the coin, you can easily find it and present it to the audience.

Card trick

Shuffle the deck of cards and fan them out face down. Invite someone from the audience to choose one card and remember it. Then take this card and, without looking, place it on the newly assembled deck. Divide the deck in two and, quietly peeking at the lowest card, shift the removed half of the deck, thus placing the selected card in the middle. Then turn the deck over and calmly go through the cards to the one you remembered when you removed half. The card chosen by the spectator will be located in front of this card. Take it and show it to the public.

Number Focus

This simple trick is based on a problem with one unknown. Ask someone from those gathered to guess a number from 1 to 10. Then, together with the person who guessed, begin to calculate. Ask him to add 5 to the hidden number (x + 5 = x and 5). Then subtract 1 (x and 5 - 1 = x and 4). Then add 2 (x and 4 + 2 = x and 6), subtract 4 (x and 6 - 4 = x and 2), subtract 2 (x and 2 - 2 = x). Then add 10 (x + 10 = x and 10). Ask to subtract the hidden number from the resulting amount (x and 10 - x = 10). After this, knowing that the result is 10, ask him to add or subtract something several more times, counting in his head in parallel with the child, and at the end announce the resulting amount.

Rope trick

For this trick you will need a strong rope tied in a ring knot. Grasp the opposite ends of the ring with both hands and show the audience that the rope is strong and tied tightly. Then throw the rope around your neck, continuing to hold the opposite ends of the tied ring with your hands. Bring your hands close to each other with the loops clamped, as if pulling on a rope. Count to three. Just on the count of two, do not forget to quietly intercept the left loop with your right finger, just next to the fingers of your left hand, and on the last count, sharply pull the rope forward, as if passing it through your neck. The rope will very quickly go around you to the left and end up in front of you. To your audience sitting opposite you, it will seem as if a rope has passed through your neck.

For kids, magic tricks are real miracles. Well, or dexterity and dexterity, approaching the miraculous. And at the age at which a child realizes that a trick is just a joke and practiced movements, he will be able to learn these same tricks himself.

Trick with coins and glass

Take two identical coins and a thick glass glass. Place one coin discreetly between the fingers of your right hand. With your right hand, take the glass so that your palm covers it from above, like a lid. With your left hand, take the second coin and announce to the audience that you are about to drive it into the glass through the bottom. Then place the coin in the palm of your left hand and count to three, each time “driving” the coin through the bottom into the glass. On the count of three, hit especially hard and simply release the hidden coin held in your right hand. It will fall loudly into the glass and attract the attention of the audience. At this time, deftly and quietly remove the demonstration coin in your left hand.

Trick with scarves

For this trick you will need two beautiful multi-colored scarves and trousers with pockets. Put on your trousers and tuck your scarves compactly into the far top corner trouser pocket. During the trick, show the children empty hands. You can even roll up your sleeves to the elbows, as if demonstrating that there is no catch. Then turn your trouser pockets inside out and show them that they are completely empty. Then return the pockets to their normal position and, removing your hands, hook the scarves from the fold formed while turning the pockets inside out. Show them to the audience and smile slyly.

Egg trick

Take a hard-boiled peeled egg and a glass carafe. The neck of the decanter should not be very narrow, but also not so narrow that the egg would easily fit into it. Ask a member of the audience to push the egg into the carafe without damaging either one. When they get desperate, take a few matches, light them and throw them into the carafe. After they burn out, cover the neck of the decanter with the egg, like a cork. The egg will gradually “crawl” into it, stretching under the influence of vacuum.

Nut and rice trick

Take a glass half filled with rice. Press a large walnut into the center to the bottom. Invite the audience to touch the nut without touching the rice. After their fruitless attempts, take the glass in your left hand and start gently tapping it with your right. As a result, the small rice will begin to move and in a minute will push the large walnut to the top. It will now be much easier to touch it with your finger.

Tricks. 3. Set of tricks `Master of Magic`. Fun for children (simple). Sets of tricks. Toys and games. Child from 7 to 10. What are the most interesting and convenient for a Girl, can you tell me where I can buy a children’s “magician’s kit” or how to do it correctly...



We gave our “Akobyan” sets as gifts starting from the age of six. They also gave it to older children, and it went off with a bang everywhere.

We already have several of them, we started with a small one, then bought others, larger ones. All are used. I would take the big one right away (so as not to get up twice :-)). But our child loves magic, Harry Potter and other similar things. 8.5 years

06.12.2010 13:58:23, Yolka+++

Remember the tricks from your childhood. Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with The trick itself: the magician shows the audience an empty scarf on both sides. One of the spectators is given a matchbox, please...


Preparation: take a handkerchief trimmed with a hemmed seam. Carefully push the match under the seam.
The trick itself: the magician shows the audience an empty scarf on both sides. One of the spectators is given a matchbox; we ask you to choose a match and place it on the magician’s palm, covered with a scarf.
The magician crumples the handkerchief and allows the spectator to break the match through the fabric (preferably in two places)
The magician opens the handkerchief and gives the spectator a whole match.
(when the magician crumples the scarf, he allows the spectator to break the match hidden in the lining of the scarf. The spectator’s match remains intact)

tear off your thumb :-)

9 tricks for the holiday of March 8 - in kindergarten, at school and at home. Recommend a magician's kit. Interesting ideas, some tricks may be a little difficult for a 5-year-old, but as a rule, the set includes tricks for growth and simpler ones.

To successfully celebrate the holidays, the class teacher’s collection should include funny tricks. A group of students can perform tricks in turn or a specific student. Many children will find active participation in such a holiday tempting...
And it’s even better to open a School of Young Magicians during the class “light,” when one of the students first shows other children tricks and then reveals their secrets. After all, the ability to surprise others with a simple trick will help your students both at a party and in a friendly company.

Focuses on school holiday

N Extraordinary things often happen literally before our eyes - and at the same time the magician does not have to demonstrate any special sleight of hand or use any cunning devices. Stories about how to perform magic tricks can be photocopied and given to your students as instructions. Or even the whole class should somehow unusually and funny design a textbook for the School of Young Magicians, collecting all the recipes for magic tricks there (and continuing to add to it).

The balls change places

First, let's imagine what this trick looks like from the outside. The magician gives the audience the opportunity to see and hold two small balls in their hands: one of them, say, blue, the other red. Then he takes a red handkerchief and, wrapping a red ball in it, gives this handkerchief to the audience. The magician with a blue scarf and a blue ball does exactly the same thing.
A magic wand is taken from the table. Several movements with it (“passes”), several vague spells. Spectators are asked to unwrap their scarves. And - lo and behold! – there was a red ball in the blue scarf, and a blue ball in the red one. But the magician never touched the scarves or the balls. Well, did the balls themselves change places? Of course not.
Secret The trick is not that difficult, although it will take some time to learn how to do it cleanly. The magician, of course, changed the balls. How is this done? You need to have not two, but three balls (another one, say, blue).
Before you start performing the trick, pinch this third ball discreetly under the little finger of your right hand. For better disguise, take your magic wand in the same hand. (Just a pencil? No, it’s better to make yourself a special bright stick.)
Place scarves on the table, and on them - a ball that the audience examined. To free your hand, place the stick under your armpit (left arm). Then with your left hand you take the red ball and place it in right hand so that the ball is held with the thumb and forefinger, and the rest are half bent (the blue ball is hidden under the little finger).
Decisive moment! Again, take a red scarf with your left hand and cover your right hand with the balls with it. Then you take the scarf along with the ball and give it to the audience. But together with which ball? Of course, you pretend to take the red ball from your fingertips, but in reality you take the blue ball from under your little finger. In its place, you quietly send a red ball - the one that the audience saw. Now all that remains is to do the same with the blue scarf. You will wrap the red ball in it, which is under your little finger, and you will hide the blue ball, which the audience just saw on your fingertips, under your little finger, trying to get rid of it (put it in your pocket) as soon as the attention of the audience is diverted by the miracle that has occurred .

Let the match be broken

First, about what the trick looks like to the uninitiated. You take a handkerchief (clean, of course) out of your pocket and place it on the table. Ask one of the spectators to take a match from the matchbox and mark it “so that it cannot be replaced.” Wrap this match in a scarf. You address the audience with the words: “Please break this match.” The request is willingly fulfilled. You put a handkerchief with a broken match on the table, unwrap it - the match turns out to be intact! Is this the match? There’s no doubt about it – it’s the same one, that’s the mark.
Secret. The trick is very simple. This is what amazes the audience. The secret is just as simple. Of course, you made the viewer break some other match. How is this done? You place a match in the border of the scarf in advance. When you place the scarf on the table, do it so that the border is facing you. You place the match that the audience marked in the middle of the scarf.
You need to wrap it in a scarf in a clever way. First, cover the lying match with the side of the scarf that is closer to you (here the second match is hidden in the border), then with the opposite side of the scarf, then with the right and, finally, with the left side of the scarf. The marked match is behind one layer of the scarf. You clamp it with your hand, and let the audience break the second, previously hidden match. They naturally cannot feel that they are breaking the wrong match.
All that remains is to put the scarf on the table and unfold it, making a few “magic movements” and saying a few “magic words”. Of course, you can show the audience that the scarf is empty. But don’t give it to them - and the secret of the trick will remain unsolved, which will preserve the opportunity for you to repeat it someday.

How to read letters without opening the envelopes

This, of course, is more of a joke than a real trick, especially since, as we will see, everything is based on simple cunning and collusion. But the action shown looks quite impressive and can amuse the audience a lot.
"The Magician" declares that he would like to finally discover the abilities he has hidden for so long: he can read minds. But since this is difficult to prove, he invites those present to write down their thoughts on pieces of paper, seal these sheets of paper in envelopes, and hand the envelopes to him. If there is any doubt as to whether such a question was asked accurately, the evidence will be there. In any case, even if they doubt that he read thoughts, let them admit that he can read letters without opening the envelopes - that’s also something.
An assistant is needed to perform this trick. The assistant distributes sheets of paper and envelopes to those who wish. The questions are written down, the sheets of paper are put into envelopes, and the envelopes are sealed. The assistant collects them on a tray and brings them to the “mind reader.”
For the uninitiated, what follows looks like this. The magician takes an envelope from the tray, puts it on a stand - everyone can see the envelope - and says: “So... They ask me what the weather will be like tomorrow morning. Well, I haven’t heard the weather report, but I think it will be clear and sunny, unless, of course, it rains... I’ll check if I’m wrong,” with these words he opens the envelope and reads: “What will the weather be like tomorrow in the morning?" The magician is satisfied: “Well, everything is right. Was there such a question? - he addresses the audience. Someone’s voice is heard: “It was, it was. That's what I asked."
The guessing session continues. The magician takes envelope after envelope. The amazing thing is that he actually somehow knows what he is being asked about. Well, okay, let’s say he conspired with someone, but not with everyone! After all the envelopes are opened, the most careful check reveals nothing: indeed, the contents of all the envelopes are guessed correctly.
Secret. What is the trick? It is truly impossible to come to an agreement with everyone. But with one you can, and that’s enough. (In addition, of course, the assistant is also privy to the secret.) The point is that one issue is discussed in advance. The envelope with this question should go on the tray first, and the envelopes with the real questions will fall on it.
When the envelopes reach our magician, he announces the contents not of the one he took from above and opened, but of the envelope lying below with the agreed question (then receiving confirmation from the one with whom he conspired). And when he opens “to check” the envelope lying on top and now standing on the stand in front of everyone, he insidiously recognizes the question that he is actually being asked. And so - envelope after envelope.
There is no point in delaying the demonstration of this trick-joke. Even if you open only some of the envelopes (8-10 in total), it looks very convincing. Note that success will increase if the answers to questions are lively and witty. Resourcefulness is required here: there is very little time to think. So, although the trick is based on cunning, you still have to work and show your abilities.

How to take off a shirt without taking off your jacket

The performer invites one of the spectators and seats him on a chair. Smiling slyly, he approaches the messenger of the audience and looks at him carefully. Then he takes his hand and, pulling the sleeve of his jacket to his elbow, unbuttons the cuff buttons on his shirt. The performer does the same with the other sleeve of the shirt of the viewer who meekly obeys him. “So, the sleeves of the shirt are loose,” says the performer. “Now we will take off the tie and unbutton the top three buttons.”
Everyone is watching this strange procedure in bewilderment. And the magician, approaching the viewer from behind, takes hold of the collar of his shirt and begins to pull it out from under his jacket. To the surprise of the audience, the shirt easily slides off its owner and ends up in the hands of the performer. Now the viewer was left in a jacket, but without a shirt.
Secret consists of a figurehead. The magician agrees in advance with one of his comrades and prepares him for the performance. The role of the assistant in in this case not difficult. Before demonstrating a trick, you should not just put on a shirt. The assistant will only have to throw it on and button the top three buttons (for this number you will need a shirt that buttons all the way through).
The tie is put on and tied as expected. The arms are not inserted into the sleeves, but only a cuff is fastened around each arm. After this, a jacket is put on over the shirt. The “secret” assistant calmly waits when his help is needed.

Magic circle

Stock up on a piece of chalk. Announce that you need a volunteer to cast a spell on him using just a piece of chalk. A volunteer has been found. You invite him to stand in the middle of the room and say that you will now draw a circle around him from which he will not be able to get out - neither step over it nor jump over it, despite the fact that his legs will not be tied, but only his hands will be tied behind his back.
Most likely they won't believe you. But you lightly draw a circle with a piece of chalk - no, not on the floor, but on the jacket, or shirt, or jacket of the volunteer. Let him try to get out of this circle! You could take off your jacket, but your hands are tied...
What no one has seen

Address your friends with something like this: “Do you want to see something that none of you have ever seen before, something that I myself have never seen, and something that neither you nor I will ever see again?” Your friends will probably doubt your ability to show this.
Then you can calmly take the nut out of your pocket. Crack it, give everyone the opportunity to look at the kernel of the nut (no one has really ever seen this kernel!) and then just as calmly eat this kernel.

Thread and needle

Of course, threading a needle is not that difficult. But who will be able to do this without looking, holding their hands behind their back? Probably no one. But you can do this, which you will demonstrate to the audience: in one hand - a thread, in the other - a needle, hands behind your back, a little effort - and in front of everyone there is already a needle with a thread threaded into it.
Secret simple: you prepared a needle and thread in advance and hid it by sticking it into the back of your jacket. Showing the trick, you simply pulled it out. All you have to do is hide the empty needle and get rid of the thread you were holding in your hand.

Where did the coin come from and where did it go?

This trick is good to show in a small company. By the way, the tricks of magicians make a particularly strong impression when they happen right under our noses. Take two coins. Press them between your fingers. Now you begin to quickly rub the coins one against the other. But what is it? Where did the third coin come from?
Based on this visual illusion You can come up with different comic scenes. For example, this one. You start by showing the audience: three coins moving between your fingers - in general, this does not surprise them (but we know that there are actually two of them). So give someone all these “three” coins, let him hold them tightly in his fist.
And then with a light magic touch you turn three coins into two. Where did the “third” coin go? You need to look in someone’s pocket, pretend that you have found it, but not show it separately (it’s not there after all!), but set the coins in motion again... Here it is, here!

The appearance of a magic wand

A real magician, naturally, must have a magic wand. The easiest way to make it is from wood. The diameter of the stick should be 10–15 mm, and the length should be 20–30 cm. It should be covered with black glossy paper, and the ends at a distance of 5 cm with white paper.
Some tricks require a hollow wand. Using a round stick as a template, you can glue out drawing paper or thin cardboard, a thick tube. Of course, it must be painted exactly like the first stick.
The performer greets the audience and says: “My main assistant is a magic wand, and it is always with me. But carrying it in my pocket is very cumbersome, so I hide it in a matchbox.” Next he shows an ordinary matchbox.
The audience laughs; no one can believe that a long magic wand can fit in a matchbox. The magician opens the box and takes out a long wooden stick.

Secret. Cut off one of the narrow walls of the matchbox box, slide the box into the case and hide the box in your pocket. Place the stick in the left sleeve of your jacket so that it rests on your forearm. Secure it with a rubber first aid ring in the wrist area. During the demonstration, take out a matchbox and transfer it to your left hand. Spectators should not see that one of the walls is missing. Transferring the box to your left hand, you put it on the end of the stick. You open the box and take out a wand from it. The box closes and hides in your pocket.

The appearance of the scarf

The performer shows a sheet of cardboard, rolls it into a tube and looks through it at the audience. He passes a magic wand through the tube to once again show that there is nothing there. And he immediately pulls out a handkerchief from the tube.
Secret. This focus can be a natural continuation of the previous one. It uses the hollow magic wand described above and a hook bent from wire, which is sewn to one of the corners of the handkerchief. Before demonstrating the trick, push the scarf inside the magic wand with a pencil so that the hook sticks out. After you show both sides of the piece of cardboard to the audience, roll it into a tube with an internal diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the wand.
Look at the audience through the tube. Pass a magic wand through it. In this case, hook the hook onto the edge of the tube. And when you pull it out from the other side, the scarf will remain hanging inside the tube. Say the spell and pull the scarf out of the tube.

Phoenix match

The performer informs the audience that it costs him nothing to relight a match that has already burned out once. Naturally, this statement will cause incredulous looks from those gathered at the table. Then the magician, in front of everyone, takes one of the matches from the ashtray, strikes it on the box - and it... lights up.
Secret. The match used in the trick must be prepared in advance. Use a sharp knife to grind off some of the wood near the head. Now paint the worn-off part with black ink or leather paint. This match will look burnt. All that remains is to throw it in the ashtray in advance, and the rest is up to your acting abilities.

And if you want to continue to delight your child with educational interests, we suggest, together with your children, to learn how to do the following tricks. Yes, tricks, because these are also small experiments based on sciences such as physics and chemistry.

Having studied the proposed “miracles,” on one rainy evening, you can organize a whole performance where your child will surprise guests with his skills and “magical” abilities.

Tricks for children's birthday!

Lighting a burnt match

A magician lights a burnt match in front of the audience.

The secret of the trick: you need to take a match and use a knife to give it the appearance of a burnt match. Then, dip the match in black ink and let it dry.

Spoon glued to nose

A trick spoon glued to your nose is suitable for when you drink sweet coffee or compote, stirring it with a light teaspoon. To demonstrate the trick, remove the spoon from the cup. Turn the spoon handle down and place the concave side towards your nose. Lightly press the outside of the spoon with your fingers. After you remove your hand, the spoon will hang on your nose as if it were glued.

The secret of the trick is simple. You really glued the spoon with the help of the sweet drink that remains on it when you stir it. Even with little acting ability, a few seconds are enough to convince the audience of this trick of the extraordinary properties of your spoon.

Focus Glowing Mountain Dew Soda

The essence of this trick is clear from its name: glowing soda bottle. As a result of a simple chemical reaction from scrap materials, a bottle of soda turns into a bottle of luminous liquid; Mountain Dew glows almost like a light bulb. For the trick, we'll need a bottle of Mountain Dew soda water, a hydrogen peroxide solution, and regular baking soda. To be fair, this may be why Mountain Dew soda isn't as popular as it once was.

So, grab a bottle of Mountain Dew soda. Leave about a quarter of the drink in the bottle; it’s better to pour the remaining three quarters into the sink. Add a little baking soda to the bottle, about a quarter level tablespoon. After this, add a little hydrogen peroxide solution to the bottle in a volume of about three caps or three bottle caps. Cap the bottle and shake well. As you shake the bottle, you will notice that the liquid in it begins to glow. In the dark, you can even make luminous inscriptions with this liquid, carefully pouring it in paths on the asphalt. Be careful not to get liquid on your skin or other parts of your body.

Button and soda trick

Pour ordinary sparkling mineral water into a glass. Take a small button and place it in the glass. The button will sink to the bottom of the glass. Immediately or a little later, move your hand over the glass and say: “Button, come to me.” The button will begin to rise slowly. Move your hand over the glass again and say, “Button down.” The button will obediently release to the bottom of the glass again.

The secret to the floating button trick is that when the button is at the bottom of the glass, carbon dioxide bubbles collect around it. When there are quite a lot of gas bubbles around the button, they lift the button. After the button floats, the gas bubbles begin to disappear, and the button will again fall down due to its own weight. This up and down movement will continue as long as carbon dioxide is released from the soda. Before performing this trick, practice, calculate the time, how long you need to wait before telling the button “up” or “down”, otherwise the trick will not work.


A magician holds an inflated balloon Then he takes a long knitting needle and pierces the ball right through, but the magic ball remains intact. To demonstrate to the audience that the ball is an ordinary one, the magician lightly pierces it with a needle. The ball bursts.
The secret of focus. It is necessary to prepare a knitting needle for this trick. It should be long, thin, well polished, without nicks. Now we stick a piece of tape on both sides of the ball - the props are ready. Only, first, you need to practice piercing the ball precisely in the places “reinforced” with tape quickly and accurately. If you accidentally hit the thin, stretched rubber of the ball with a knitting needle, it will burst.

Magic vase

The magician takes a vessel with a narrow neck and lowers the end of a rope into it, first showing the audience that the rope “goes in and out” freely. He then turns the vessel upside down, and the rope continues to hang, held in the vessel by some mysterious force. The magician grabs the rope with his hands, turns the vase over to its normal position, lets go, and it swings on the rope like a pendulum. After this, the magician casts a spell and the “power” releases the rope, and so freely, effortlessly comes out of the neck of the vessel.

The secret of focus. The rope you need is thick and rigid, about half a meter or less long. (To make it easier to handle). The diameter of the neck should be approximately twice the diameter of the rope. Make a glass bottle opaque by painting it with paint (for example, acrylic) and decorating it with patterns. Next, the most important thing. You will need a small rubber ball with a diameter slightly larger than half the inside diameter of the neck. The ball can also be cut from a bottle cap. It drops into the bottle and remains there throughout the entire trick. During the trick: after the magician demonstrates to the audience that the rope freely enters and exits the neck of the bottle, he lowers the rope into the bottle to the very bottom and slowly (this is important) turns the bottle upside down. The bottle should be held in one hand and the rope in the other. The ball rolls into the neck between the rope and the wall of the bottle. Now you need to slightly pull the rope to properly secure the structure, and then slowly release it. Voila! The rope doesn't fall. Then the magician grabs the rope with his hand, slowly turns the bottle over and lets go. And now she is already swinging on a rope. The ball still prevents the rope from slipping out. To eliminate the “magic power”, you just need to push the rope deep into the bottle. The ball will fall to the bottom, and the rope will easily come out. To enhance the effect, you can invite the audience to examine the rope and bottle for “magic” and try to repeat the trick themselves. Have one of the spectators pull the rope out of the neck. Then the magician turns the bottle over, as if showing the audience its bottom, and meanwhile, he hides the ball that has rolled out of the neck in his hand. That's it, now the bottle can be given to the audience for study.

Running threads

There are two spools of paint on the table. different color- white and black. There is no thread on the white spool, but there is thread on the black one. With your arms crossed, cover both coils or clench them in your fists. (You can whisper a “spell.”) Open your hands - the threads from the black spool have “rewound” to the white one. Repeat this several times. The threads will be on one or the other spool.

The secret of the trick is simple. Both coils are painted the same: when viewed from above, they are black on one side and white on the other. The coils are positioned relative to each other so that it appears that one of them is white and the other black. If you cover them and turn them over imperceptibly, the threads will seem to “move” from one spool to another. In fact, the arrangement of the coils simply changes.

Instantly transform an orange into an apple

The young wizard shows everyone an orange, covers it with a bright scarf, casts magic spells, and pulls off the scarf. And there’s already an apple on your palm!

The secret of focus. Carefully remove the peel from the orange in advance. Then place the apple (it should be slightly smaller than the orange) in this peel. When showing, the child, tightly holding an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone what he has in his hand. Then, with a deft movement, he removes the scarf from the apple along with the peel.

Endless thread

The magician notices a white thread on his jacket, near the lapel, and tries to brush it off several times. But the thread does not “blow away”. The magician takes the end and pulls it down. The thread begins to pull out of the jacket. The more she stretches out, the more surprised the magician is. And the length of the thread is several tens of meters! Mechanics of the trick: a white thread from a spool is wound onto a short colored pencil (as much as it can be wound), placed in a side inner pocket and its tail (1-2 cm) is pulled with a needle through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The pencil is needed so that “there are no traces left in the pocket” if one of the spectators asks the magician to show his pocket; a pencil is not a reel; it will not help solve this trick.

Blow out the candle

Blowing out a candle is nothing easier, but try blowing it out through a wide funnel, blowing into it through the narrow end, or through a paper tube folded into a pound. If you have a candle right in front of the middle of the tube, it will be completely impossible to blow out the candle. The flame, despite all the efforts, still stands and does not even waver. Try to place the funnel so that it is at the edge of it, and the flame will immediately go out. This happens because the streams of air coming out of the mouth pass through the narrow part of the funnel and dissipate in its wide part, then they go along the walls of the funnel and bypass the candle flame. If the flame is level with the edge of the funnel, then the same stream of air blows it out. This trick will seem interesting and unusual to the audience.

Glass on paper

Place two glasses on the table at some distance from one another (the glasses should not be heavy). Give the audience a piece of paper and ask them to place a third glass on top of the paper placed on the glasses. No one will believe that a thin piece of paper can withstand the weight of a glass placed on it. To do this trick, you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, and the glass will stand.

Transformation of tea

In one glass - “milk” (potato starch shaken in water). In another glass - “tea” (a few drops of iodine in half a glass of water). Liquid from one glass is poured into another and “ink” is obtained. You can even write on paper with them. Viewers can test their drawing skills by taking a brush and drawing something on a blank sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard.

Armored ball

The essence of the trick: The presenter invites everyone to try to pierce an inflated balloon with a pencil so that it does not burst. If there are such people willing, then they pop a couple of balloons. After which the magician gets down to business...

The secret of the trick: The magician threads a balloon through a matchbox case and inflates it. After this, you can safely pierce the case, and then the ball. The balloon does not deflate.

Girls, unlike boys, are much more inclined to believe in miracles, so an evening of magic on a holiday is what you need. Parents should not fall into despair, thinking that they are worthless wizards. The tricks, the secrets of which we will reveal below, are within the power of even the smallest. Everyone can find everything they need for this at their fingertips. These are paper, coins, ropes, scarves different sizes, glasses, boxes, etc.

Pop-up button trick

Even the smallest sorceress can demonstrate the Pop-Up Button trick. It requires a button and a glass of sparkling water. The magician pours water into a glass and throws a button into it, preferably a heavier one. A heavy button will immediately sink to the bottom. After this, the girl must order the button to float to the top. To everyone's surprise, the button actually pops up. The secret of this trick is that bubbles of carbon dioxide collect around the sunken button, which lift it up. When the button reaches the surface, the bubbles will disappear and it will fall to the bottom again.

Tricks can be not only demonstrative; it is good to ask the audience to participate in them.

Focus "Try to break it"

This trick is intended for the entire audience. The magician takes several strips of paper and makes cuts on it in 2 places. Then she asks someone from the audience to tear the piece of paper into 3 pieces in one motion. If someone manages to do this, then he is entitled to a prize - the fulfillment of any desire. Since the task is impossible, the magician does not risk anything by agreeing to fulfill her wish. Moreover, she can even suggest that someone present make cuts, but this will not change anything.

Depending on the execution, the trick can become a real miracle.

Focus "Miracle Powder"

To carry it out, lower a light ruler into a glass with a dark-colored liquid and show that it has turned the same color as the liquid. Then we add an element of mystery by covering the glass with a scarf. Lifting the edge of the scarf, you need to pretend that you are throwing some kind of powder into a glass of water. When the scarf is removed, all spectators will be very surprised to see clear water in it. To perform a trick flawlessly, preliminary preparation is needed. You must first insert a dark-colored rubber liner into a glass of water, and paint the ruler on one side the same color. During a trick, the ruler is first held with the clean side facing the audience, and then discreetly turned with the painted side. And when removing the scarf, you need to quietly remove the rubber liner from the glass - this is the secret of clean water.

Next, you can invite those present to try cutting the rope into several parts with one movement of the scissors. Perhaps someone will guess that this will be easy to do if you fold the rope several times and cut it. Or ask one of the guys to try to remove a paper clip from a sheet of paper without touching it. The most savvy will immediately realize that for this it is necessary to fold a sheet of paper in half. To remove a paperclip, it will be enough to pull the sheet of paper by the edges in different directions.

The classic trick using thread will seem like real magic to children. It is advisable to conduct it in twilight so that its secret is not discovered. To perform a trick, one end of the thread is sewn to clothing, and the other to an object, such as a hat. In the twilight, the thread is not visible, and if you let go of the hat, it will still hang, obeying your magic.

You will be able to complement your performances with your own tricks. There is no doubt that this performance will not leave any child indifferent. It is possible that for children it will become one of the most memorable childhood experiences.

Source: " Big book holidays for kids" N.V. Grishechkina

Girls or girls, unlike boys or boys, believe more in miracles, so an evening dedicated to magic is what you need. The tricks that will be presented below can be performed not only by adults, but also by children, delighting and surprising their loved ones. Everything you need for competitions can be found in every home, so no difficulties will arise. Coins, scarves, glasses, sheets of paper, ropes and much more can be used for competitions.

Before the holidays, many women have a question: “What should I give my husband?” No need to buy anything, just show off the Pop Up Button trick. Even the smallest fairy can perform this trick. The trick requires a glass of sparkling water and a button. The sorceress needs to pour sparkling water into a glass and throw in the heaviest button she has. Then the sorceress must command the button to float up. To the surprise of many, the button actually pops up. The magic of this trick is that bubbles of carbon dioxide form around the sunken button, which push it up.

When the button is at the top, bubbles will enter and it will fall to the bottom again. You can ask other people to participate in this competition.

What to give to mom? On March 8 or on her birthday, you can give your mother the “Try to Break” trick as a gift. Several people participate in this competition. The magician makes cuts on several strips of paper in two places. Then she asks one of the assistants to tear the sheet into three parts in one motion. If anyone copes with such a task, they will receive a prize - the fulfillment of any wish. This task is not feasible, so the sorceress does not take risks, agreeing to fulfill any desires. The magician may even offer to make cuts to any of her assistants, but this will not change anything.

Focus "Miracle Powder". To perform the trick, you need to lower a light ruler into a glass with a dark liquid and show that it is colored in dark color. Then we add mysterious instrument and cover the glass with a handkerchief. Lifting the edge of the scarf, you need to pretend that you are throwing some kind of powder into a glass of water. Having removed the scarf, everyone will be very surprised to see clear water in the glass. In order for the trick to work, you need to prepare for a long time. You need to insert a dark-colored rubber liner into a glass of water, and paint a ruler on one side the color of the rubber liner. During the focus, the ruler is held bright side, then carefully turn the painted one. When removing the scarf, you need to quietly remove the rubber liner from the glass, and the water will become transparent.

Then you can suggest cutting the rope with scissors into several pieces at a time. Some may realize that this is easy to do, you just need to fold the rope several times and cut it. Or you can ask someone to remove the paperclip from a piece of paper without touching it. The smartest ones will guess that you need to fold a sheet of paper in half. To remove the paperclip, you will need to pull the sheet of paper by the edges in different directions.

A real holiday trick can be demonstrated using a thread, and the women's forum will help us with this. It must be carried out in a darkened room so as not to reveal the whole secret. To perform the trick, you need to sew one end of the thread to clothing, and the other to any object, maybe a hat. In a dark room, the thread is not visible, but if you lower the hat, it will hang.

You can add your own tricks to these tricks, and this will not spoil your performance in any way. All these tricks can be done with your own hands, and your audience and loved ones will not remain indifferent.