Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety" (FGBNU "FTSTRB-VNIVI"). Information and Advisory Toxicology Center of the Russian Federal Medical Biological Agency Department of Toxicology

The Institute of Toxicology is a medical scientific institution engaged in conducting basic research in the field of toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology, as well as the creation on this basis of new means and methods for the prevention and treatment of poisoning.

Currently, the main task of the Institute of Toxicology is to obtain new scientific knowledge in the field natural sciences and their use in the interests of healthcare, ensuring defense and security of the state, as well as protecting environment.

The toxicology of xenobiotics remains one of the main areas of scientific research at the Institute.

This traditional direction is associated with the study of the mechanisms of toxic action, the identification of molecular receptor and physiological targets of the action of poisons, as well as the assessment of the severity of intoxication manifestations and toxicometric parameters wide range chemical compounds.

Another important area is the development and implementation of special means of medical protection and pharmacotherapy of poisoning. Solving this problem includes two main approaches. The first is experimental therapy of intoxications using existing pharmacological drugs, including the development of regimens and evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy, as well as the creation of combined dosage forms. The second approach is the creation of original antidotes and treatments for poisoning, which includes the entire process from the idea of ​​chemical synthesis to the industrial production of the drug.

One of the few centers in Russia for the creation and implementation of effective means medical protection (antidotes and means of pathogenetic therapy) from poisoning by highly toxic chemicals based on the study of the patterns of chemical-biological interaction and the study of the mechanisms of toxic action.

The Institute's staff developed 13 drugs. In practical healthcare, such drugs as pyrroxan, an alpha-blocker, have found application, which has received 5 foreign patents (England, USA, France, Germany and Switzerland) and production licenses in the USA and Spain; butyroxane - a drug for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome; Chlorazil is an anticholinergic agent. For the development of antidotes for highly toxic substances, the Institute's employees were awarded State Prizes three times (1951, 1967 and 1981).

IN recent years At the Institute of Toxicology, research related to solving problems of practical health care to ensure the chemical safety of certain contingents of workers in hazardous industries and the population of Russia was developed. This includes the substantiation of the principles and methods of early diagnosis of the toxic effects of heavy metals and organic compounds - environmental pollutants.

The result of the Institute's research devoted to the study of the toxic effects of environmental pollutants on various groups of the population was the scientific substantiation and development of a new organizational form of medical care for the population in chemical pathology - outpatient toxicology. Since 1997, the Institute has been operating a consultative and diagnostic clinic - the only specialized toxicological outpatient facility in Russia. The clinic staff is involved in providing medical and scientific advisory assistance in environmental risk areas.

The Institute’s great contribution to the development of domestic toxicology has been recognized with government awards. The Institute’s work has been awarded 3 State Prizes, a RAMS Prize, and anniversary scientific medals. 2 employees of the Institute have the high titles of “Honored Doctor” Russian Federation", more than 40 people were awarded orders and medals.

The Institute of Toxicology is included in the list of organizations and institutions carrying out preclinical research medicines(Information letter of Roszdravnadzor No. 01I-344/05 dated July 14, 2005). Leading specialists have state-issued Certificates and international Certificates (Helm global group company Ireland and Bioindustry initiative program of State department USA), confirming their qualifications in the field of preclinical research under the GLP system.

The testing center for preclinical research at the Institute of Toxicology of the FMBA of Russia complies with the principles of OECD Good Laboratory Practice (OECD GLP). Entry in the RosAccreditation register No. 2.

A unique cluster for the development and implementation of new technologies for clinical and chemical-analytical diagnostics and treatment of the adverse effects of chemical environmental factors.

Svetlana Lybina

The main task of the Institute of Toxicology of the FMBA of Russia, which has more than 80 years of history, is research and practical work on medical provision of chemical safety of the population and the environment. Its director, Maxim Borisovich Ivanov, talks about the specifics of the institution’s work.

— Maxim Borisovich, the institution you head is unique in many ways. Share some of its features.

— The more than 80-year history of the Institute of Toxicology is marked by the introduction into healthcare practice of unique drugs, medical means of protection against toxic substances, and, above all, antidotes for organophosphorus toxic substances. To solve this problem, a lot of work is being done to develop a general theory of toxic action, as well as in the field of applied pharmacology and drug synthesis.

While dealing with the creation of medical protective equipment and pharmacotherapy, the Institute naturally came to the need to solve the problems of preclinical evaluation of drugs. For this purpose, the Institute has created a certified Test Center for Preclinical Research of the Federal State budgetary institution Science "Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency", carrying out its work in accordance with the principles of OECD Good Laboratory Practice (OECD GLP). There are very few such centers in the Russian Federation; they can be counted on one hand. Leading specialists of the center have state certificates and international certificates confirming their qualifications in the field of preclinical research under the GLP system.

In addition, the Institute of Toxicology is the only institution in Russia that has preserved and developed an integrated approach to training qualified specialists in various directions toxicology and pharmacology through postgraduate studies and advanced training within the framework of additional professional education.

— The Institute is known for its powerful scientific base; at different times, outstanding scientists - toxicologists and pharmacologists - worked there. What is in the area of ​​scientific interests of the institution today?

- One of the main directions research activities The Institute has been and continues to study the toxicity of the most priority and dangerous chemical compounds and the toxic processes they cause. This is what creates fundamental basis to solve all scientific and practical problems to ensure chemical safety.

Another important area is the development and implementation of special medical protective equipment, as well as the search for effective medical technologies and treatment regimens for intoxication using available pharmacological drugs. The creation of original antidotes and treatments for poisoning, from the idea of ​​chemical synthesis to the development of finished dosage forms, is our main research strategy.

In recent years, research related to solving problems of practical health care to ensure the chemical safety of certain contingents of workers in hazardous industries and the population of Russia has developed. This includes the substantiation of the principles and methods for early diagnosis of the toxic effects of priority environmental pollutants - heavy metals and organic compounds. It was the studies of the toxic effects of these groups of pollutants that formed the basis for the scientific substantiation and development of a new organizational form of medical care to the population for diseases of chemical etiology - outpatient toxicology.

Within the framework of the Federal Target Program “National System of Chemical and Biological Safety of the Russian Federation (2009-2014)”, work has begun on the creation of centers for the indication and diagnosis of chemical poisoning. The Institute conducts a whole range of research aimed at developing a scientific, methodological and organizational basis for the effective operation of the centers. Modern chemical analytical methods and technologies are being developed, work is underway to create state standard samples, as well as the development of measurement techniques. The necessary certification of developed products and inclusion in state registers are of fundamental importance to us.

The standard samples of the composition of biomaterials containing toxic metals developed at the Institute are registered as state standard samples, including as interstate ones, and are included in the Register of interstate standard samples of the composition and properties of substances and materials of the states parties to the “Agreement on a Coordinated Policy in the Field of Standardization, metrology and certification".

It is traditional to conduct research to assess the safety and improve pharmacotherapy in the treatment of eye injuries caused by lachrymators and irritants to prevent possible long-term consequences of exposure to gas self-defense weapons.

A relatively new direction of scientific research at the Institute is the development of a methodology for assessing the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of priority ecotoxicants using modern criteria assessments and methods for identifying violations.

— What research is carried out to ensure chemical safety?

— Within the framework of the mentioned Federal Target Program, extensive work has been done to assess the elemental status of the population of various regions of the Russian Federation, as a result of which five volumes of the manual “Elemental Status of the Population of Russia” and “Atlas. Elemental status of the Russian population." Materials from these publications may be one of the basis for adoption management decisions to ensure chemical safety of the population.

In the sphere of scientific and practical interests of the institution, the problem of toxicological assessment of the safety of various environmental objects (water, soil, industrial and consumer waste) is constantly being addressed. In 1995, a Testing Laboratory for Analytical Ecotoxicology was created on the basis of the Institute of Toxicology. Within the scope of accreditation, it carries out the selection and examination of samples of natural and drinking water, wastewater discharged into open reservoirs; sampling and examination of soils, soils, bottom sediments; atmospheric air, work area air, industrial emissions into the atmosphere; production and consumption waste, as well as the study of physical environmental factors.

— Surely you collaborate with foreign colleagues. How would you define the vector of this interaction: competition or cooperation?

— In terms of international scientific and technical cooperation, the Institute carried out work on projects of the International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC) from 2009 to 2013. The Institute worked as a co-executive organization of the research project “Use of reactive metal nanoparticles in environmental protection: from fundamental knowledge to practical application» with financial support from the US Environmental Protection Agency (USA EPA). The lead organization - the executor of the project - was the Institute of Organic Chemistry named after. N.D. Zelinsky RAS. This work can be seen as a mutually beneficial collaboration.

Currently, active work is underway in the field of harmonization of domestic and international standards for studying the general and specific toxicity of pharmaceutical substances, drugs and chemical products.

Representatives of the Institute actively participate in international conferences on quality assurance systems in the field of biomedical research in Europe and the USA, essentially representing the interests of our country at the level of the international community.

— In order to develop the tasks of reducing the risk of negative effects of chemical load on the population, a unique and so far the only outpatient toxicology institution in Russia was created at the Institute of Toxicology - a specialized consultative and diagnostic clinic (KDP). What mode are you working in?

— The KDP is designed to provide medical assistance to the population for diseases caused by the effects of environmental chemicals, primarily the toxic effects of heavy metals. Work to provide assistance to the population is carried out in the modes of outpatient counseling and toxic-chemical laboratory testing, with the appointment of a course of treatment and subsequent dispensary observation. Residents of St. Petersburg and other regions of the Russian Federation are being examined.

The control center is in constant readiness to carry out medical and sanitary measures to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations (chemical accidents and incidents). Clinic specialists are involved in the examination of the population served by the medical units of the FMBA of Russia in terms of additional laboratory tests and consultations with toxicologists, which allows medical organizations of the FMBA of Russia to expand the possibilities of examination without increasing the laboratory base.

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Director of the Federal State Institution Scientific and Technical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia- Ostapenko Yuri Nikolaevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Toxicologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Department of Health of the Moscow Government, member of the Board of the All-Russian Public Organization of Toxicologists, member of the European Association of Toxicology Centers and Clinical Toxicologists.

The federal state institution “Scientific and Practical Toxicology Center” was established by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 1992 No. 319 under the name State Institution “Information and Advisory Toxicology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation” (IKTC of the Ministry of Health of Russia). Subsequently, during the administrative reforms in the Russian Federation in 2004 and 2008, the IKTC of the Ministry of Health of Russia was transformed into the Federal State Institution “Scientific and Practical Toxicology Center of the Federal Agency for Health and social development"(FGU NTTC Roszdrav), and then - to the "Scientific and Practical Toxicology Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency" (FGU NTTC FMBA of Russia).

The initiative to create the IKTC of the Ministry of Health of Russia belongs to one of the outstanding domestic clinical toxicologists, Viktor Nikitovich Dagaev (1936-1994), who became the first director of the institution. It is necessary to note the active support in the establishment of the institution from the head of the center for the treatment of acute poisoning of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, USSR State Prize Laureate, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Evgeniy Alekseevich Luzhnikov.

After the untimely death of V.N. Dagaev, the head of the IKTC of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 1995 to the present is Yuri Nikolaevich Ostapenko, chief toxicologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Moscow Department of Health.

The main objectives of the center were:

  • overcoming more than thirty years of lag developed countries in the process of informatization of domestic clinical toxicology, development and implementation of computer toxicological programs for various purposes, including the creation of a federal toxicological data bank
  • organization in the Russian healthcare system of constant round-the-clock information and advisory assistance to toxicologists and other specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of acute chemical poisoning, as well as to the population on issues of chemical safety in the domestic environment
  • development and implementation of laboratory chemical-toxicological diagnostics and toxicometry in the treatment of acute chemical poisonings

The main goal of its activities is to improve the quality of medical care for the population in case of acute chemical poisoning.

Currently, the work of the Scientific and Technical Center is carried out in the following areas:

  • promoting the development of clinical toxicology in the country
  • organization of specialized toxicological care, including information and advisory toxicological service in Russia
  • maintaining and developing the Federal Computer Information Bank on acute diseases of chemical etiology
  • development of computer information, expert treatment and diagnostic, advisory, analytical, statistical, training systems related to acute chemical poisonings
  • scientific research
  • 24/7 daily information and advisory assistance
  • educational and methodological activities
  • international cooperation

Federal State Institution Scientific and Technical Center FMBA of Russia is actually the leading federal institution on the problem of organizing and developing specialized toxicological care, in particular, the development of medical standards for the diagnosis and treatment of acute chemical poisoning, the procedure for providing medical care for this pathology, i.e. in essence of the work performed - an organizational and methodological center in the field of clinical toxicology.

Based on this, the Federal State Institution Scientific and Technical Center FMBA of Russia is developing scientifically based recommendations for the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and local health authorities to improve toxicological care, disseminating methodological documents concerning new nosological forms, issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chemical pathology diseases, disseminating domestic and international toxicological information, participation in the organization and conduct of toxicological seminars, conferences and congresses in Russia.

Research activities

Research activities are of an applied nature and are aimed at solving current problems in the development of clinical toxicology in the Russian Federation. For this purpose, the Federal State Institution Scientific and Technical Center cooperates with scientists from the Moscow Toxicology Center of the Research Institute named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Professor E.A. Luzhnikov, other toxicological centers (Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg). To solve certain problems, cooperation is carried out with leading scientists in the field of computer science and mathematical methods in medicine (Institute of System Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Prof. A.B. Petrovsky, Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Professor V.N. Novoseltsev), conducting scientific research on recognition methods images, mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence. In addition, the Federal State Institution Scientific and Technical Center works closely with the Department of Clinical Toxicology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, providing advanced training for toxicologists from various regions of Russia in the field of informatization of the problem of acute chemical exposures.

The result scientific work NPTC is creating manuals for doctors, which systematize existing experience and include new data on diagnostics, including chemical-toxicological and morphological, and treatment of acute poisoning. This takes into account the dynamics of the chemical situation in the country associated with the appearance on the market of new foreign and domestic products of chemical origin. Relevant for at this moment is the development of standards and protocols for the management of patients with acute chemical poisoning, carried out by the NPTC.

The center has created computer information retrieval, medical and statistical toxicological programs, implemented in 35 territories of Russia, as well as in Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan; together with the Ministry of Health of Russia, fundamental orders have been developed regarding the improvement of the organization of medical and information and advisory assistance to the population of the Russian Federation in case of acute poisoning, taking into account socio-economic, geographical features, and the emergency medical care system in the country; On the initiative of the Center, toxicological monitoring began. NPTC employees have made more than 250 scientific publications: articles, manuals for doctors, collections, monographs.

NTTC maintains international contacts, collaborating with the International Program on Chemical Safety of UNEP/ILO/WHO and the European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists.

In order to organize and develop information and advisory toxicological assistance in Russia, the Federal State Institution Scientific and Technical Center developed a concept for the development of an information and advisory toxicological service in Russia and began its practical implementation. The concept provides for the creation, under the leadership territorial bodies health care management of a single information space through acute poisoning treatment centers, sanitary and epidemiological control services, disaster medicine, emergency medical care and forensic medical examination.

The Sverdlovsk Regional Center for Acute Poisoning was created in 1988. Over the years of his work, he has accumulated vast experience in treating patients with “chemical” diseases.

The Center's staff includes doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category. The center is the base of the Department of Toxicology of the Ural State Medical University. Thanks to the joint work of the department and the Center, dozens of new diagnostic and treatment methods have been introduced, hundreds of doctors have been trained Sverdlovsk region and other regions of Russia. The center's employees actively participate in the work of international associations of clinical toxicologists and toxicology centers, and annually make presentations at Russian and international congresses.

Diagnostic methods:

  • laboratory biochemical study of liver and kidney functions,
  • laboratory test of blood clotting,
  • laboratory chemical-toxicological study for the presence of toxic substances in the blood and urine,
  • functional diagnostics in cardiology: ECG, echocardiography with Doppler examination (ultrasound of the heart),
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and kidneys,
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Main types of inpatient care:

  • treatment of patients with acute poisoning with drugs, chemical compounds and other poisons,
  • treatment of patients with alcohol, drug and drug addiction in the acute stage of withdrawal syndrome,
  • treatment of patients with acute renal and renal-liver failure,
  • treatment of patients using modern methods surgical detoxification.

Advantages of treatment at the Acute Poisoning Center:

  • intensive courses of treatment using the latest technologies,
  • quick examination
  • high efficiency with minimal treatment duration,
  • the ability to perform outpatient procedures at a time convenient for the patient.

In the structure of the Center:

  1. Medical (inpatient) departments:
  • – intensive care unit (with an operating room for extracorporeal detoxification) with 12 beds, including an on-site emergency detoxification service;
  • – acute poisoning department with a somatic-psychiatric unit and an information and advisory service (toxicology) with 35 beds, incl. 30 beds - acute poisoning (toxicology), 5 - somatic-psychiatric and 2 day hospital beds for renal replacement therapy using hemodialysis.

Since 2015, the Center has been headed by Andrey Vladimirovich Chekmarev, chief freelance toxicologist of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region.