Eva Lepa is the winner of the new wave. “Children's New Wave” in “Artek” was won by Eva Lepa from Ukraine. Sausage in space

Twelve-year-old singer from Ukraine Eva Lepa arrived in Crimea, where she will participate in the finals of the “Children’s New Wave” vocal competition. In her homeland, the girl became famous after performing on the “Voice.Child” project. Now Eva dreams of performing with Russian performers and traveling back in time - to the USSR. “360” looked into whether an aspiring singer could have problems in Ukraine due to a trip to Crimea.

From Kyiv to Crimea

Eva Lepa, known for her participation in the Ukrainian project “Voice.Diti”, came to Crimea. There she will perform in the finals of the “Children's New Wave” vocal competition. 15 contestants will compete for victory, and the results of the competition will be announced on June 1.

Eva Lepa is a native of the city of Kremenchug, according to the official website of the Children's new wave». Music education she receives it at the Kyiv Katapulta Art Music School. Despite her young age, the girl managed to take part in many vocal competitions, some of which brought her first places.

In 2017, Eva took part in the Ukrainian project “Voice.Diti”. At the stage of blind auditions, she performed the song “Don’t Forget” by singer Evgenia Vlasova. The girl’s talent so impressed the jury that a real fight ensued for the contestant. The performer chose members of the group “Time and Glass” as her mentors, but she failed to reach the finals.

“A talented child has the right to perform in any country”

Now Eva has big plans for the future: the young artist wants to sing a duet with Dima Bilan or Polina Gagarina, and also visit India. In addition, the girl dreams of going back in time, namely to the USSR. “I find it hard to believe that computers, satellite television and hamburgers simply did not exist!” - the organizers of the “New Wave” quote Eva.

On at the moment young singer preparing for the decisive performance at the competition. During breaks between rehearsals, he shares photographs from Crimea on social networks. In them, Eva poses against the backdrop of the sea and mountains, and also asks fans to wish her good luck.

In conversation with 360 general manager“Children's New Wave” Alexander Rumyantsev said that he had not heard criticism from Eva’s compatriots because of her decision to visit Crimea. “Even if there are attacks, they are absurd - she is simply participating in a competition. Talented child has the right to perform in any country - in America, Ukraine, and Russia,” he said.

There is no doubt about Eva’s vocal abilities - at the semi-finals of the “Children’s New Wave” she received the highest score, Rumyantsev clarified. According to him, the talent of the young Ukrainian corresponds to the level children's competition, which is “the most important in the entire post-Soviet space.”

“They will treat you like a political criminal”

Eva Lepa’s participation in the “Children’s New Wave” may cause dissatisfaction on the part of Ukraine, says State Duma deputy Boris Chernyshov. “In Kyiv there is now dictatorship, lawlessness and stupidity. It doesn’t matter to them who they pour hatred on - it’s important to them that it oozes out of all the cracks. Even if they don’t touch the child, aggression will begin to spill out on her parents and on those who help her build her career as an artist,” he said in an interview with “360.”

Russia should happily accept all Ukrainian artists and provide them with all possible support, Chernyshov believes. Even if Eva’s career is put to an end in Kyiv, in Moscow she will be able to achieve tremendous success, the deputy said.

“Our audience is very worthy and grateful. But adequate Ukrainians will still treat her with respect. And those who do not want to do this will treat her as a political criminal, which is absolute stupidity,” concluded the 360 ​​interlocutor.

A twelve-year-old singer from Ukraine became the winner of the “Children's New Wave” competition, which was held in Crimea. Eva Lepa’s parents reported that Ukrainians would react negatively to such an event. On her social network, the girl posted many photographs that she took in Yalta.

The “Children's New Wave” competition took place a few days earlier, namely from May 31 to June 1, 2018.

The Ukrainian girl not only lit up the audience, but also became the winner of the competition, which gives her the right to perform on the same stage with Russian performers.

Eva Lepa, became popular thanks to the project “Voice. Children”, which took place in Ukraine in 2017. At the blind auditions, Eva was able to amaze the jury with her talent, and the fight for her literally began. But the girl decided that her mentors would be members of the group “Time and Glass” - Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Positive.

Lepa, despite the fact that she attracted the attention of all the mentors in the first stage of the competition, was unable to make it to the finals.

For 12 years, Eva took part in a large number of competitions, in some she even won first place. The girl received vocal education thanks to one of the music schools Kyiv, but Eva was born in Kremenchug.

The girl has repeatedly stated that she dreams of performing together with Polina Gagarina and Dima Bilan.

Eva Lepa: victory at the competition in Crimea

Despite the fact that Eva Lepa is a citizen of Ukraine, she was not afraid to perform in Crimea.

On May 31 and June 1, the “Children’s New Wave” took place on the peninsula, in which Eva was able to win.

Talented children aged 8-12 years took to the competition stage. But, along with young vocalists, such stars also performed Russian stage like: Alexander Vorobyov, singer Jasmine, group “Pizza” and Timur Rodriguez.

The jury of the competition included: Nikolay Baskov, Oleg Gazmanov, Evgeny Kombarov, Sergey Lazarev, Larisa Dolina and others. There was also showman Igor Krutoy, who attends the competition every year.

Children performed various hits, both foreign and domestic performers. And despite the fact that one winner was chosen, all participants were awarded diplomas of the “Children’s New Wave 2018” and a microphone as a gift.

The absolute winner was Eva Lepa. Over the two days of the 11th annual competition, she had large number points, namely: 80 points on the first day and the same on the second.

After the victory, the 12-year-old girl thanked everyone present for their support.

Eva Lepa: scandal after the competition in Ukraine

After Eva left for the Russian competition, many Ukrainian viewers of “The Voice” condemned the girl. The vocalist’s parents had previously reported that the trip to Crimea would cause a lot of criticism in Ukraine. But still, they said that talented musicians should not pay attention to politics and perform where they want.

Users social networks reacted very negatively to Eva’s photographs from Yalta. Some of them even expressed their opinion on this matter. They believe that the girl’s parents should be deprived of Ukrainian citizenship, since many believe that it is unlikely that a 12-year-old child can make a decision on his own to go to another country for a competition.

Eva herself is very pleased with her victory in Russian competition and in the future plans to perform on the same stage with such performers as Dima Bilan and Polina Gagarina.


14 guys from 9 countries made it to the finals of the competition

The international children's center "Artek" hosted "Children's New Wave 2018" - one of the main musical events of this year on the peninsula, and throughout Russia. The finalists of the competition arrived in Crimea - 14 participants from 9 countries.

Young talents aged 8-12 years appeared at the Artek Arena, who are certainly in no way inferior to the participants of the adult “New Wave” - neither in artistry nor in vocal abilities. Famous celebrities shared the big stage with aspiring artists Russian performers: Alexey Vorobyov, Timur Rodriguez, group “Pizza”, singer Jasmine.

The jury of stars was entrusted with the difficult task of assessing the performing talent of juniors. The young performers were judged by Lev Leshchenko, Oleg Gazmanov, Nikolay Baskov, as well as Larisa Dolina, Sergey Lazarev, Yulianna Karaulova, and Evgeny Kombarov. Traditionally, the chairman of the jury was Igor Krutoy, People's Artist Russian Federation, producer and composer.

Previously, the competition was held at the central Artek stadium, but now the music festival was held at the new Artek Arena, a concert complex that can accommodate 4,500 spectators.

In the first competition, the winner of the “You’re Super!” competition was the first to take the stage. 2018 Diana Ankudinova (RF). The girl, it is worth noting, was considered one of the main favorites. In addition, on the first day (and on her birthday), Diana began “The Wave” with Edith Piaf’s song “Non, je ne.” And the jury was generous with their assessments.

But 13 more strong performers were waiting their turn. Folk and modern compositions, songs from films, hits of the Queen group, Polina Gagarina, Zhanna Oguzarova, and Elka were played.

All contestants were awarded diplomas from the “Children's New Wave 2018”, as well as a professional microphone as a gift.

Elizaveta Trofimova (Russian Federation) received a special prize from Children's Radio. She also received an award from the Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music. Special prize from the Russian state university Kosygin was taken by Vardan Margaryan (Armenia), and the special “Good Wave” prize ended up in the hands of Dina Baru (Russia). And Diana Ankudinova took the well-deserved Audience Award.

3rd place in the music competition was given to Sonya Fomenko (Russia). Ivena Rabotova (Bulgaria) took silver.

“Thank you very much to Artek for such a warm welcome and to everyone who was rooting for me: the audience and family,” noted Ivena.

Overall winner of the eleventh annual international music competition Ukrainian Eva Lepa rightfully became. The 12-year-old singer has only tens in 2 days: 80 points on the first day and 80 points on the second day!

– I received great pleasure from the artist, from her energy, artistry and, of course, from her voice. Bravo! – Nikolai Baskov applauded.

– I am grateful to my parents for giving me such an opportunity to develop my skills and sing. “I am grateful to you, dear viewers, for the warm welcome, for your amazing energy,” said Eva.

Having barely gotten back on her feet after a bone marrow transplant, Marina put on a clown costume, turned into Lyopa Sosiskin and went to the neighboring wards - to the children

Lyopa Sosiskin quickly moves around the hall of the Gorbacheva Research Institute: her cap is askew, her clown nose, a red T-shirt sticking out from under her medical gown. At first they look at him with bewilderment - he is so alien-bright against the background of emaciated faces. Do children smile at him? You can't see because of the medical masks. But they answer questions and make contact. Even teenagers are responding. Moreover, they turn out to be the most appreciative audience.

“Why do you have this?” - Sosiskin asks a girl of about thirteen and immediately takes out a foam ball from behind her ear. The girl laughs, followed by a younger boy, who also discovered a “treasure” behind his ear, and his parents. Before Sosiskin appeared, there was silence in the hall, interrupted from time to time by crying. And now here and there laughter is heard. They may fade away quickly, but something subtly changes: those who allowed themselves to be carried away by the game relax, at least for a few minutes. Both children and adults.

Sosiskin comes up to me and becomes Marina. “I didn’t have time to donate blood. Tomorrow morning I’ll come here again,” she shares in a low voice. Four years after the bone marrow transplant, Marina still regularly travels from Tomsk to St. Petersburg for routine consultations with her doctor. And he almost always visits the children, at least for a short time. She’s worried that she took so few things with her this time. In Tomsk, in the oncohematology department, she was given a whole office, wardrobes for costumes and props. The children there are no longer surprised at Sosiskin - they are waiting for him.

Seeing a child frightened by the upcoming procedure, Marina immediately turns back into a clown. “Blow!” - the clown asks his new acquaintance. He obediently blows on the outstretched ball, and there are three balls. “Are you a wizard, or what?” - Sosiskin is interested. I would like to ask the same thing from Sosiskin himself. Or rather, at Marina's.

Three in one

“I always dreamed of becoming either a doctor, a teacher, or an actress. And it’s necessary - I’m a clown doctor, I play and work with children. Three in one! - Marina smiles. Acting she studied at theater school, I’ve been used to performing on stage since childhood. Then she graduated from a pedagogical university, worked as a teacher and child psychologist. But it was only when I became a clown that I realized that it was much more than just a job. Fifteen years have passed since then.

At first, Marina, in the guise of Lyopa Sosiskin, held children's parties. But when her son ended up in intensive care with poisoning, she realized: a clown is most needed not at holidays, but in hospitals. So Lyopa Sosiskin became the first hospital clown in Tomsk.

Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

Soon Marina Myrina had a like-minded person - Natalya Shimina. They began working together, founded the Hospital Clown organization, began training volunteers, and created their own foundation, Partners in Joy. The best people came to them to learn how to become hospital clowns. different people - medical workers, journalists, teachers.

Clowns get sick too

At first, Marina worked in all children's hospitals in Tomsk, then she came to the oncohematology department and realized that this is where she should focus, because it is perhaps the most difficult for children there. Imagine the surprise of the doctors when Marina came to them as a patient, and even with a diagnosis of leukemia.

This happened in 2013. Marina spent six months in intensive care, where no one was allowed to see her, and another six months in a regular ward. “The doctors didn’t give me a chance at all,” she recalls. “There were a lot of very complications, no one thought I would pull through.” Marina finally went into remission. But the head of the department honestly told her that this type of leukemia would return again and again, that each relapse would leave less and less chance of survival. It is better to do a bone marrow transplant after the first remission.

The search for bone marrow donors begins with close relatives. Marina has a brother, a surgeon. Fortunately, he turned out to be an ideal donor - a 100% match. And they went to St. Petersburg, to the Raisa Gorbacheva Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology. Despite the word “child” in the name, bone marrow transplants are also performed here for adults. To prepare for transplantation, an expensive drug was required. The AdVita charity foundation helped pay for it. He also supports the work of the laboratories of the Gorbacheva Research Institute, which are deprived of sufficient funding from the state, pays for reagents, consumables, and also searches for donors in the Russian and international registries for those whose relatives are not suitable for this role.

Sausage in space

“After the transplant there were a lot of complications - pneumonia and mucositis. I couldn’t speak or swallow, I didn’t eat anything, I was on artificial nutrition. Well, then it’s like flying into space: once you fly!” - says Marina. Soon she got a clown costume, a nose, toys and, as soon as she could stand on her feet, she went to the children.

“They dug out the chemicals - I immediately put on a nose and a cap, took toys and went to the children,” says Marina. - They knew which ward I was in. When people pass by, they always look in, and it doesn’t matter to them whether I have a nose or not, whether I’m wearing makeup or not, whether I’m wearing a wig or not. They still perceive me as Lyopa Sosiskin. They shout: “Sausage, hello!” Sometimes they complain: “They put a catheter on me!” And I say: “Look, I have the same one!” They ask: “Do clowns get sick too?”

Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

At first the doctor scolded Marina, saying that she had simply gone crazy. But Marina felt that in this way she was helping not only the children, but also herself to recover. After the transplant, she was supposed to be observed in St. Petersburg for six months, but already in the third month the doctors allowed her to go home.

The return was exciting. When Marina fell ill, her son Yaroslav was only in third grade. “I had no hair,” Marina recalls. - I go up to the apartment and think, what should I tell the child? I decided to say that the chewing gum got stuck in my hair and I had to cut it off. I walk in, take off my hat... And he himself understood everything. We probably cried in our arms for half an hour, I didn’t even have to come up with anything.”

Radar Man

At home, Marina did not even think about stopping - she continued going to the oncology and hematology department to see the children. She says that now she and they are of the same blood. She determined for herself that a hospital clown is not an animator at all. He distracts children while they fearfully wait in line at the doctor's office, he turns a boring ward into a place where miracles are possible. For adults, the arrival of a clown is a respite, an opportunity to leave the room for a while or, more importantly, to see a child smile for the first time in a long time. And, of course, hope. After all, Marina honestly tells both parents and children that she herself survived the disease and was able to recover.

“The clown must feel the situation, the state of the child, scan the situation,” she says. - You go to someone, and it’s enough to just sit next to them, take them by the hand, stroke them, someone needs something more emotional. When I go to the children, I have a whole suitcase of games, toys, and magic tricks with me. Everyone’s age is different, their condition is different, and they need a different approach. If only the children had new person, something interesting. They stay there for six months or longer, each time they need something new.”

Pajama parties with pillows, fireworks with colorful T-shirt bags, shows soap bubbles... You have to navigate according to the situation; you can never plan everything in advance.

Lepa Sosiskin's tricks
Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

Marina wants to ensure that the clown doctor is on the staff of the hospital and comes for rounds every day, and not once a week. So far it has not been possible to arrange this - there is no funding. But Marina does not give up.

“There are, of course, difficult moments,” she admits. - You come to the department in the morning and see that the child no longer has a chance, that he is smiling with all his strength. And by lunchtime he had already died. These last smiles remain forever in the memory.”

The AdVita charitable foundation helped Marina get out, like many others. So that as much as possible more people defeated a dangerous disease and returned to a full life, we, in turn, need to support AdVita. It's very difficult for him now. There is not enough money to save patients for whom he is the last hope of paying for an expensive medicine, or to find a bone marrow donor in the international registry (after all, not everyone is as lucky as Marina). Our monthly 100 or 200 rubles are a great help for the charity foundation, someone’s hope for recovery.

Eva Lyopa performed the song Don’t Forget by singer Evgenia Vlasova at the blind auditions in the 3rd episode of the 4th season of The Voice. Children. Look online Voice. Children season 4, episode 3, November 19, 2017, blind selection.
Mogo kohannya akord ostanniy
shovala sinooka nich.
And already parting kisses my hands tenderly.
Hands kiss me.
And the wind from the sea blows the dawn
On the hvils, we remember and sleep.
But I won’t turn back until you see the sky dawning.
I won't turn back again.

Ale, I beg you, don’t eat this shit.

Alone in heaven, alone without you.
Holy and sinful at the same time.
I forgave you and let you go
This is sadness, this is my sadness.
Don’t forget that the dawn is dark here in the sky,
Ale, I beg you, don’t eat this shit.
In her eyes my sadness, my sadness is burning.
Don’t forget that the dawn is dark here in the sky,
Ale, I beg you, don’t eat this shit.
In her eyes my sadness, my sadness is burning.
Hoping for you, I hope
I say, “Happily, I’ll turn around.”
I'll leave the food soon,
Yes, for me. Yes, as if he had given me.
Don’t forget that the dawn is dark here in the sky,
I beg you, don’t eat this shit.
In her eyes my sadness, my sadness is burning.

Reviews for the video

1. Gorpina Tsigelman
I am already fed up with schizophrenia, both coaches and leaders. It’s too hard to go out, it’s pointless, why don’t you smell the stench yourself? Are you getting frustrated, jumping from language to language? Surely you can’t speak normally? If a child comes from a foreign land, if she doesn’t understand the language, then go with her to a foreign country, which is why children only read everything from Osadcheya, others, it seems, need a psychologist so as not to split up.

2. Alexandra Egorova
Well, too proud. I really liked the song and performance. But I think we need to be more modest. Yes, her best friend, but still unnecessary information that her classmates wanted to meet Nastya, but she didn’t want to, or something.

3. Siberian Health
To be honest, I understand her desire to become popular. Because she is offended when people come up to Nastya to take pictures, but no one notices her. If she didn’t know her, she wouldn’t want to become popular. And she sings great

5. _Mileshka_
In my art there is a classmate of Eva's classmate. I found her VK, almost all her photos are with stars, etc. I wanted to talk to her, but if you knew how rude and greyhound she is

6. Galina Levitskaya

7. InnaZazazu
I have nothing against the girl, but she screamed the song. Anyone who does vocals will understand the difference. Only the throat is involved, which inevitably breaks down in the end.

8. liza open smile
Here they vibrated time and glass, I go to the site voice children 1 plus one and there eyo is not there, I hope eyo wasn’t removed but ana is my town

9. Olya Andiychuk
Such a talented girl, and such a beauty. And in terms of popularity, this is a child, and her beauty is entirely adequate for the age.

10. Zhani Moon
She shows off a lot. I want to be like Nastya, so that everyone would take pictures with me, not as a friend, but with the star Eva Lyopa

11. Vocal Group
The girl is weak, the timbre is ugly, she moves clumsily, high notes yells, sings out of tune. It’s not clear how she was taken away

12. alena bon
I replayed it and didn't like it. Nastya really was a bomb, but she just tried to either copy, or overestimated herself.

13. Dasha Svintsova
Coming just to be known is stupid. She doesn’t know how to sing at all, and she doesn’t speak the words clearly.

14. Ler Ava
Well done, very talented, good luck to her, I hope she wins, she has a goal to become like Nastya Baginskaya, that makes me happy

15. Liza Baranova
This girl pisses me off. She only talked about Nastya. It would be better to tell about yourself. And then Nastya. Yes Nastya.