Does Andrei Gubin have an illegitimate son: the guy who announced himself turned out to be an exact copy of the artist. The illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin is Maxim Kvasnyuk “I am a homeless person.” Boy from Ufa

On the “The Stars Aligned” program, 43-year-old Andrei Gubin was allegedly introduced to his son. 21-year-old Maxim Kvasnyuk is like two peas in a pod, he also plays music and claims that the artist met his mother Marina on tour in Donetsk. The girl was a fan of the singer, and after the concert she somehow ended up backstage with him, where they had a casual relationship. That his father is famous artist, Maxim found out in the 8th grade after a quarrel with his mother. He also said that he has a father who raised him, and he bears his last name. Mom didn’t come to the show because she asked not to involve her father in this story.

Gubin himself was sincerely surprised by the sudden acquaintance with his “son” and could not even remember any Marina from Donetsk with whom he might have known. True, he admitted that he really had relationships with fans.

There were relationships with fans. I was falling in love. I left the next day, but the love lasted for two weeks.

True, the singer said that he was “very attentive in his relationships with women,” not wanting them to have to have abortions. Therefore, he does not believe that he is Maxim’s real father. Those present suggested that the singer take a DNA paternity test. In response to this, Gubin stated that he refused to do this and was ready to meet with his alleged son in court.

I've never seen this girl. I don't know women's tricks. I don't deny that twenty years ago I walked and hung out with girls in different cities, when I was on tour in Russia. Anything could happen. But if this guy is serious, please meet him in court.

Maxim himself emphasized more than once during the broadcast that he does not need anything from “father”: no recognition, no money, no inheritance. He makes music himself, writes songs and performs them himself, including performing covers of famous hits - he also has a couple of “dad’s” songs in his repertoire. The studio even showed a video recording from Maxim’s concert, but his “dad,” judging by his reaction, was not impressed with the guy’s vocal abilities.


  • Andrey Gubin was once very popular in Russia. However, the singer disappeared from the screens several years ago and stopped giving concerts. This spring Gubin was diagnosed with left-sided prosopalgia. This is a disease of the nervous system, due to which a person has constant pain in the facial muscles. One of the artist’s last interviews, during which he could not hide traces of his illness, recently blew up the Internet.
  • Gubin has never been married, but admits that he lived in a civil marriage twice for about a year and a half. The artist does not regret that he does not have a wife and children. He says all his strength is now spent on restoring his health.

A 21-year-old young man named Maxim came on a talk show, where he stated that in the eighth grade he learned from his mother that he was the son of famous musician. Maxim shared with website emotions from meeting my father and impressions of the program.


“In general, I am satisfied, but there was some deception. We were told that samples for DNA analysis had already been taken from Andrei, but in fact it turned out that they had not. I did not come to the program for fame and PR, as many are inclined to believe “I wanted to see Andrey, see the reaction. I have no resentment. He did what he thought was necessary. It’s a little upsetting that they tried to portray my family in a negative light, but many people still support me.” , - said Maxim.

Some of those present in the hall sharply condemned Andrei for refusing a DNA examination. It would seem that it would be much easier to use a test to prove to yourself and to all those who doubt that you were not involved in the birth of a guy who, by the way, is an aspiring musician. Gubin received his son with hostility and began to deny all possible options for his paternity.

“As far as I know, Andrei does not plan to do the test. And I think that there is no point in this. I don’t know how this story was edited and presented to the viewer of the program. There is absolutely no logic in it, everything was just made up. The boy is in real life Doesn't look like Andrey at all. He’s just a beginner singer and he needs PR,” singer Julia Beretta stood up for her former lover in a conversation with the site.

“And I think that the boy is very similar to Andrey,” commented Masha Tsygal. “Gubin generally behaved quite strangely. Maybe this, of course, is connected with his illness, but it’s much easier to do a test and calm everyone down. Andrei is no longer young, he doesn’t have children. And the guy was quite pleasant and positive. What’s wrong , if it turns out to be his child? It will even brighten up Andrei’s life. I repeat, he behaved so strangely that I was stressed after this program, picking up gum from the floor, continuing to chew it, just not to do the test...” – shared with the correspondent. website designer.

Recently, the star of the 90s Andrei Gubin spoke about his illness, which was the reason for his departure from the stage. The singer stated that he suffers from left-sided prosopalgia, a disease of the nervous system that causes facial pain. The once popular artist leads a solitary life, does not perform or appear in society. Andrei’s personal life is also not going well, but it recently turned out that Gubin has an illegitimate son.

On the NTV channel show “The Stars Aligned,” the artist met 21-year-old Maxim, who claims that he is Gubin’s son. The young man said that many years ago his mother had an affair with the singer. Guests in the studio noted that Maxim is very similar to Andrey. The singer himself was skeptical and even wanted to deal with his alleged son in court.

It seems that Andrey decided to change his anger to mercy. On September 23rd it aired on NTV channel new release Lera Kudryavtseva’s program “Secret for a Million”. The hero of the show was Gubin. The singer decided to sort out the situation with his illegitimate son without the participation of the court and for this he agreed to take a DNA test. The result of the examination was announced on the air of the program.

On the show, Gubin also talked about leaving the stage, difficult relationships with relatives and romances with fans.

Musician Andrei Gubin had incredible popularity in the 90s, packed stadiums and earned millions, remained a bachelor and left the stage at the peak of fame. The singer, who had millions of fans, insisted that he had neither a wife nor children. Suddenly a guy appeared who calls himself the son of Andrei Gubin. Is he an impostor or illegitimate child performer?

The secret of paternity will be revealed by a DNA test, which was carried out right during the filming of the “Secret to a Million” program. The musician openly spoke to presenter Lera Kudryavtseva about his income over the years musical career, buying a 4-room apartment and several cars. Gubin admitted that he came to the recording of the program in a sweater for 2 thousand rubles.

The performer remembered his childhood. According to him, his father did not spoil him, but spread rot on him, while earning good money from musical abilities son. Gubin also spoke about how caring for his sister fell on his shoulders. In the studio, the idol of the 90s had to listen to complaints ex-girlfriends and admit to all the betrayals.

A young man named Maxim, who calls himself the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin, looks like a musician in a pod. Maxim was told about who his biological father was by his mother, who was one of the singer’s many fans.

Gubin himself listened attentively to a detailed story about an alleged casual relationship and a possible heir who plays music and sings from the stage the hits of the 90s that made him famous. For more than 8 years, Maxim remained silent and did not seek meetings with the idol of yesteryear, whom he considers his father. The young man submitted biomaterial for a DNA test to get a definite answer to the question: is the musician his biological parent?

Gubin himself had previously refused to conduct such a study, but then suddenly agreed. Lera Kudryavtseva announced the results of the examination in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program. The guy turned out to be not the son of a famous performer.

A young 21-year-old man from Donetsk, Maxim Kvasnyuk, is the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin, he announced this on the NTV TV show “The Stars Aligned.” Maxim Kvasnyuk pseudonym "Maxi" introduces himself as a musician, singer and songwriter. In May 2017, he released the song “The Route is Built” and often performs with songs by Andrei Gubin. The producer of "Maxi" - Yulia Kholod, by the way, she also writes songs for the musician, believes that the NTV channel did not disclose all the facts on the program about Andrei Gubin and his son. She also said in the video that they were looking for answers from the DNA test, as the organizers of the shooting promised them, they would take data from Gubin for DNA, but they deceived them and did not provide anything.

On the “The Stars Aligned” program, Maxim said that the purpose of his coming on air was for Andrei Gubin to recognize him as his son. He doesn't need money, inheritance, etc. On the contrary, he is even ready to help his biological father if necessary.

How Andrei Gubin became a father

According to young musician: My mother, when I was in the 8th grade, accidentally admitted to me that my father, who raised me, was not my own father. That it is singer Andrei Gubin! This happened 21 years ago when popular singer Andrey Gubin performed in Donetsk. Mom and her friend somehow made it backstage and met the musician there. After the concert there was Sabantuy, where they drank a little, this led to a fleeting relationship, after which the boy Maxim appeared.

Many popular stars Russian show business, the guests of the broadcast did not believe the young guy who appeared spontaneously and stunned everyone with his statement. Viktor Loginov (Gena Bukin) believes that the boy simply came to promote himself, because he is a musician, sings Andrei Gubin’s songs and wants to use the name of his “father” for fame and to get into show business.

Illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin - Maxim Kvasnyuk photo

Andrei Gubin said that he is a very clean person, especially in a relationship with a woman. He is absolutely sure that Maxim is not his son, this simply cannot be. Also, the performer of the songs “Tramp Boy” and “Liza” refuses to do DNA.

Video of the TV show "The Stars Aligned" the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin

43 year old famous singer, who was once at the peak of popularity, whose songs are still sung by fans, and many hits are played on the radio, in lately on everyone's lips. Andrey Gubin was lured to another television show, where they first began to find out where he had been disappearing for the last 10 years, why he was not visible?

It wasn’t visible because I was working on my health. “I’m still doing it now,” Gubin replied. - There are songs, but I can’t sing because my face hurts a lot. But I can say. That's why I came.

As the artist has repeatedly stated to the press, he suffers from pain due to facial prosopalgia - a disease of the nervous system. The media also reports that Andrei has the first group of disabilities.

“When they say that I’ve disappeared somewhere, I don’t understand it at all,” Gubin continued to explain his alleged absence from public. - I ride a bicycle in Gorky Park and feel the most famous person on the ground. Because wherever I go, even abroad, I climb into the most impassable places, I live in the jungle so that no one pesters me. Why should I show on the TV if I’m not singing songs now? I don’t perform, I have a free schedule. I deal only with health, only with sports. I rode a bicycle on Red Square a month ago. Everyone sees that I'm in sight. If he had disappeared so much, they could have knocked on my door and asked.

In general, I have no personal life, I only care about health. In general, I can’t do anything with girls,” the artist unexpectedly admitted frankly. - Relationships with women are difficult now. But if I’m healthy, it will be somehow different. There is one that I especially like. It feels like she wants to bury me, I fight back as best I can. I lived in a civil marriage twice for 1.5 years. I didn’t get married because there were different situations. The girl cheated, then came back, then everything accumulated and after 1.5 years we broke up.

When asked by the presenters whether the singer had connections with fans, he did not hide the truth:

There were relationships with fans. I was falling in love. I left the next day, but the love lasted for two weeks.

And this is the surprise that awaited Andrei Gubin later. An unknown young man appeared on the program and stated that he was the son of a celebrity.

The guy's name is Maxim Kvasnyuk, he is 21 years old. He said that his mother Marina was once a fan of Gubin, came to the concert, went backstage, met her idol, and then they had a chance connection. Maxim learned about this in 8th grade, after a quarrel with his mother. He also explained that he has a father who raised him, whose last name he bears. And he emphasized that his mother asked him not to interfere in all this, which is why she did not come to the program.

When asked if this is true, Andrei Gubin responded as follows:

What is the truth? I've never seen this girl. I don't know women's tricks. Maybe like Boris Becker’s “one-one-one”? But I have always had a certain cleanliness. And I watched very closely. Because I understood that for a woman, abortion is a very serious thing. And I always tried to be very careful. I him spiritual father. Yes, he drives and jokes. If you want, we will go through the courts. “Son”, I’m sorry! - answered the singer.

Regarding the DNA test, Andrei Gubin replied that he needed to think about it for a week.

As for his allegedly illegitimate son, Maxim Kvasnyuk is trying to build a singing career. He has