Erotic dance is the art of seducing a man. How to give your man a lap dance

Year after year, many girls and women ask themselves the question: what to give to their loved one?

Some people do not want to deviate from stereotypes, and without thinking twice they buy something they need in everyday life or for personal hygiene.

For example: a set of screwdrivers, cologne, razors and much more. But, if you want to give an unforgettable gift to your loved one, then we will help you in this choice - erotic dance as a gift for a man will be an excellent option!

The most original gift

What gift can you surprise a man with? It should be original, enchanting and, most importantly, sexy. The most suitable choice is erotic dance. To do this, you need to carry out some plan for its preparation.

First of all, you need to gain skills in the field of erotic dance.

  1. To do this, you can sign up for strip plastic lessons, where professional choreographers and directors will teach you the art of undressing sexually to music. But I warn you, such activities at this stage of life are not cheap! Therefore, there is an option to download online strip dance lessons or watch a number of videos on this topic.
  2. If you think your figure is not ideal, then you can visit strip aerobics. This is a great way to tighten your shape, as well as become more flexible and flexible.
  3. Of course, no one has canceled self-improvement. You will have to spend a little time learning the capabilities of your body and preparing a series of clear movements. But, under no circumstances prepare a clearly choreographed dance, because a sexual gift for a man should also include improvisation in order to give free rein to his feelings. You also need to spend some time in front of the mirror to hone your facial expressions.

If you decide to give a man an erotic dance, pay more attention to the beauty of your body, and not to the correct execution of the movements, because this is your beloved man, not a choreographer.


For your unforgettable surprise, your loved one needs to prepare a place where, in fact, everything will happen. Be sure to have twilight and candles in the room to create an intimate atmosphere. You can also use an aroma lamp, but first consult with experts in choosing the oils to use.

If you are embarrassed, due to lack of experience, to speak in front of an audience, try to brighten the place of your speech, but at the same time darken as much as possible the place where the hero of the occasion will be, so as not to see his face.
Some women say that in the first minutes of erotic dance for a man, they did not know where to put their hands, so you can use additional objects, such as a hat, scarf, chair, etc.


To make your gift more sexy, choose underwear that fits perfectly and accentuates your assets.

More suitable color for this kind of dance is red. Many scientists consider it the most stimulating.


For erotic dance, choose music that touches your senses and awakens your passionate desire to dance.

Of course, it is better if it is a slow composition, preferably one with which you and your loved one have positive memories.

Charming look

The key to making your erotic dance a success for a man is your look. Don't look at the wallpaper or the ceiling. Look only into your partner's eyes, without looking away!

Finishing touch

To properly set up a man before your surprise, take a bath with rose petals and wine together. This will set him in the right direction.

Don’t be afraid to be sexy, because in front of you is your loved one who loves you. Be sure that your man will appreciate such an extravagant gift!

So, you want to show a striptease to your friend. Perhaps you are stopped by fears that you will not do as a professional stripper and this may nullify your efforts. But erotic dance at home should not resemble a number in a nightclub. “Striptease at home” is a special “exclusive” for any man - a show for him personally, which radically changes the attitude towards what he sees. In addition, knowing your friend (husband), you know what turns your viewer on best.

To get started, select your music. Good choice musical accompaniment - 30% success. On the one hand, the song (of course, you can also use an instrumental composition) should turn you on, sound inside you, encouraging you to dance. On the other hand, you should not dance to music that irritates your viewer. You want to excite admiration and please! Perhaps you have some common track that you consider “your song”. Monotonous music is not suitable, as well as excessively slow and excessively fast music. To dance to very slow music you need to have very high plasticity, and fast performance requires a high tempo of performance, but you want to do everything slowly, having time to savor every action and allowing the viewer to do it.

When it comes to clothing, many take the most trivial path: they simply choose their best underwear and the dress that they consider the sexiest. But this is not the best approach. Use your imagination - choose an image for yourself: a vamp woman, a Lolita girl, a cheeky coquette, a savage, an Amazon, a teacher, etc. Images of erotic (or pornographic) films that your viewer prefers can serve as a hint for you. It is possible that he confided in you about his fantasies related to the nurse or praised the corresponding scene from the film. Then, wearing a white robe and gently running a thermometer over the body, you will give the person a pleasant surprise. Don't limit your imagination. And don’t be shy: your friend understands that you are doing all this personally for him, and not demonstrating to everyone.

Conditions play an important role. If it is too cold, you are unlikely to be able to naked beautifully and naturally. Lighting can add eroticism to the action, or it can completely take it away from your performance. Try to arrange dim lighting. The most important thing is that light can change the perception of your figure, make you slimmer, more mysterious... For this, it is preferable to place the lighting source behind you. You can use scented candles, but you must first find out how your partner feels about this. Men, after all, are less interested in such things than women. Such smells can irritate him, and you will get a result that is far from expected.

Avoid choosing clothes that have a lot of fasteners, a million buttons, or tight-fitting clothes. If you hesitate during the dance, you can lose all your courage. If this happens, you can get out of the situation in a way that is unexpected for your viewer: approach, sneaking, and ask to take off your insidious piece of clothing. I doubt that your request will not please Him. The main thing is not to leave the image, as if everything was planned this way. Don't wear tights. Only stockings are acceptable, especially if you have chosen shoes for your home show. If you decide to give up shoes, then you won’t need stockings.

The most insidious thing is the shoes. Of course, it is advisable to choose high-heeled shoes, or even platform ones, etc., you understand. Only these shoes are suitable for a variety of looks and corresponding attires. Practice dancing in them. Having decided to “perform” in shoes, you cannot do without “rehearsals”. But if you are very uncomfortable wearing them, or you don’t have the right ones, don’t worry. It's better to dance well without shoes than poorly with shoes. By the way, don't forget about hair and makeup. Just choose an image that is close to you, in which shoes are out of place. For example, when returning from vacation, remind yourself and Him of beach days (barefoot, respectively). A pareo, by the way, is a very good accessory - after all, the fabric is delicate and translucent, and you want to wear bone jewelry bought in the south more often, despite their impracticality. Or choose the image of a savage, an Amazon. You can even go into the image of an athlete in sneakers and a single-color T-shirt, if this is close to you and your viewer. The main thing is not to follow the template, thinking that there is only one standard for an erotic show. Remember your uniqueness and the uniqueness of your only viewer.

Clothes can be removed in different ways. The main thing is to take your time so that every button becomes an event. The number of items removed can be very different. The less time you spend doing striptease as such - that is, undressing, the more you will need to dance accordingly. Don’t be embarrassed by the fact that you will do this differently from the heroines of the night TV channels that men love to watch. Your viewer doesn't expect this. He is waiting exactly for you. Do everything you do with the unshakable confidence that it is sexy. Give yourself this upfront. If you think less about “it will work or not”, painfully look at the viewer’s face and get nervous, then you will enjoy it no less than the viewer. We expect an expression of admiration on His face, well, at least some kind of expression, but a stony face scares us. In vain. A serious face indicates extreme concentration - attention directed at you. The only look that should scare you is a look past you at the TV. The seriousness on your viewer's face is inherent in such situations and should not scare you away. In addition, perhaps you are not the only one who may be shy about something. So don’t make the same concentrated face in response. It is better to make the dance simpler in terms of movements (you are not taking an exam at a choreographic school and are not hired into a ballet troupe), but more fulfilling in an emotional and erotic sense. Many movements, on the one hand, should be repeated several times so that the viewer has time to appreciate them, and on the other hand, not to get too carried away with repetitions (no more than 4 times). Breathe deeply, try to relax your facial muscles, which can be done by exhaling through your mouth.

Many people are put off from performing striptease at home by the fear of the feeling - “you are on stage, the audience is looking at you, even if only in the singular.” Many of us are generally afraid to perform. To begin with, do not communicate your intentions in advance, do not present the action as some kind of act, but present it supposedly spontaneously, choosing the right moment. Don't ask the question first: "Do you want me to striptease for you?" Wants, 99.9%. This way you will not put yourself in the situation of evaluating your actions. Think of it as a game. Come up with various actions with objects that will relieve your tension, remove the mood for the “artist-spectator” relationship and transfer everything to the level of communication between partners. In addition, they will add surprise and originality. To do this, make the viewer a participant. For example, somewhere at the beginning of the performance, take a powder brush out of your neckline and mysteriously hand it to the viewer so that he can powder you (not necessarily your face). Come up with more similar “tricks” and you will get rid of the “stage jitters”.

Striptease at home also has special charms associated with the presence of special auxiliary equipment - furniture. Just think of all the things you can do in a chair! Don't forget that there is also a door frame and a table. You can even lean against a wall or cabinet and slide down it excitingly. "Houses and walls help." You can even play a flirty game: “I’m actually wiping the dust here, don’t peek (and don’t even think about not looking).” The main thing is not to limit your imagination, do not strive to be like someone else. Be yourself, square your shoulders and dance with confidence. You've already been chosen. And gratitude awaits you, even if not in words. And a warm welcome from the viewer.

As Bernard Shaw said, dancing is nothing more than a vertical expression of horizontal desires. At all times, girls have been looking for new ways to charm a man. Our mothers adopted the fatal looks from Sophia Loren, the gait of Marilyn Monroe, and today your girlfriends are mastering Thai massage and Indian ritual dances. The bravest ones took strip plastic courses. So you decided to learn belly dancing yourself.

All these efforts are not intended for the general public, but for one, the most important viewer - a loved one. Almost none of the school visitors Arabic dances or doesn't plan to strip dance concert activities. Each one hopes that, having learned a few moves, she will become unique for her man. Remember: experiments are good at the right time and in the right place.

Situations in which body language is necessary:

Make an impression

Oriental dance is still at the peak of fashion. Everyone will be delighted when at a party you offer to perform real bellydance. And if there is someone in the company you dream of, you can be sure: he will not resist. While dancing for everyone, be sure to give him a few special looks.

Refresh your relationship

You've been together for quite some time, and your sweetheart imagines that he knows everything about you, which means it's time to master the exciting dance. And when he’s in the mood for a traditional and already a little boring evening, give him a show for adults. Believe me, he will be incredibly happy about such a surprise.

Enjoy it

Even if you are not trying to win over anyone, but are just having a blast in a nightclub, you can gain many new fans. Elements of strip dancing or belly dancing look very exciting. The main thing is to enjoy the movement and think less about how you look from the outside!

Dmitry worked with Marina for a whole year and practically did not notice her - plump, short, not at all his type. For the company's birthday, the employees organized a skit party, and the girls prepared a belly dance. They came out in monists, bright oriental outfits. And suddenly Dmitry realized that he was admired by girls with curves! And when he met Marina’s eyes, he immediately decided to make a date with her. Now she dances only for him.

Debutante rules

For the first time, putting on a “performance” for his companion. Try to avoid common mistakes.

Prepare in advance!

Sometimes a girl believes that by rehearsing several explicit poses in front of the mirror, she will be able to show her beloved a first-class show. However, strip dance is a very demanding dance; all movements must be carefully worked out. It is not surprising that for beginners it is often not so much erotic as it is funny. Therefore, it is better to learn several dance sequences well than to simply try to portray passionate steps “like in the movies.”

Make the room dark, turn on the music, and tell your loved one that an incredible temptation awaits him. However, he himself will understand everything.

Forget about your shyness and stiffness, because this will only ruin everything. The viewer is your beloved man, who loves you any way - dressed and undressed, who knows every mole on your body, who longs for adventures with YOU! You are the one and only for him.


When a girl performs a sultry belly dance with a tense, concentrated face, the effect is rather the opposite. You might think that you are seducing your own lover through force. Eyes and lips should also dance: flirt, give smiles! And then your sweetheart will never notice any flaws in the plastic. Remember your favorite films, for example, “Striptease”, “True Lies” or “9 and a Half Weeks” - it’s good that you have someone to learn from!

Keep it in moderation!

The dance should last no more than two or three minutes and end when the man is ready to eagerly watch more and more. You can limit yourself to a few hints of striptease, for example, to depict a couple of bold movements. Or beckon him with your hand again. This will inspire your partner more than a full-fledged “performance.” You don't even have to turn on the music.

Andrey invited Lena on a first date: he arranged a candlelit dinner in his apartment... Having finished a glass of wine, the girl suddenly turned on the music and began to “give out” an intricate oriental dance. For about 15 minutes. She tried so hard that it was a pity to stop her. Andrei was wondering what to do: start dancing around her, clapping his hands, or catching her around the room. In general, they both experienced nothing but awkwardness.

A few advantages:

Erotic dance classes are useful not only for relationships in couples. You will learn the capabilities of your body, improve coordination and, of course, get rid of complexes about your figure.

Unusual steps are also an intense load on many muscle groups. Keep in mind: half an hour of belly dancing is minus 160 calories.

Surely, after your efforts, your loved one will also think about how to add variety to your life. Expect surprises!

Fashion is fickle. Today everyone is studying strip plastic, and tomorrow variations on the rumba theme will become popular. A dance without words will tell you about the feelings you have for a person. So live by dancing!

Note author: Men should not read. :)

For your beloved man, you can prepare a delicious dinner, light candles, put a crimson tablecloth on the table, and two high-stemmed glasses filled with Laurent-Perrier wine. (others can do the same, it’s not so important).
And you can add something else to all this!

You apply a pleasant, sophisticated aroma to your body, wear beautiful red underwear, stockings, and high-heeled shoes. (This prerequisite) and from above... One detail is important here. You don’t have to wear an evening dress, but you need to wear something so that you have more to take off. More the better. For example, a revealing blouse and skirt.
For what? But why - you will dance a striptease. Yes, yes, exactly!
But just let it be unexpected for him.

And then the beloved comes...
You sit him down on a chair and turn on the music. (for example, Clara Morgane feat. Six Coups Mc - Strip tease).
Important: You must warn your dear, beloved and dear one that you cannot be touched with your hands! You can’t do that and that’s it!

So... let's go...
Stand opposite him and begin to move slowly to the beat of the music. The emphasis is on the hips. Their movements should be rhythmic, in time with the music. You look at yourself and caress yourself with your hands, along your body, over your clothes. Run the back of your hand over your face, across your chest and further down, like your hand autumn leaf, falling from a tree and falling down. Movements should be very smooth. Then you slowly take off your blouse and throw it on the floor. At the same time, look at him.
Then you turn your back to him and take off your skirt, teasing him with your ass. You twirl it, move it, stroke it. In general, anything, but as exciting as possible.
Then go to the chair on which this charming creature is sitting - your beloved man. Place one leg between his legs and throw the other one over his shoulder. (Just don’t say that this action is impossible to perform. If this is not possible for you, the gym and other institutions are crying for you. They are waiting for you). Now you need to lightly press against it and rub just a little. You can't touch it! Don't give it to him. (Slightly hit the hands. Or... you better know how to deal with your man).
Then sit on it and start moving your hips, leaning back slightly. Touch him: stroke his face, lips, nose with your finger. Run your hands through your hair. Then touch his lips with your lips, but don't kiss him! Now you are just teasing him, warming him up. Then let your chest touch his lips, but immediately lean back.
Next, stand up and turn around. Sit on your man with your back to him and move as if you are making love to him, but very, very smoothly.
And again you get up, move away from him, turn your back to him, wrap your arms around yourself and sway from side to side to the beat of the music. Looks very impressive if your hair is long. (If your hair is not long, you need to grow it out. Men like long hair. Most of them). Then unfasten the clasp on the bra.
Unbuttoned? Amazing. Now it’s very important to remove it correctly! First remove one strap, then the other. And you throw the bra at his feet.
And now, dear ladies, let's take off our panties!
So, how can you take off your panties? There are several options:
a) Standing in front of your beloved, slowly, pull them together.
b) Get on the floor, on all fours, and slowly lower yourself onto your stomach like a cat. Then you turn over onto your back, slightly raise your legs bent at the knees and butt and pull them off.
c) Come up with something yourself.
So, once you've taken them down, what do you do with them?
Of course, you need to send them to your loved one. You throw them to him. Throw it right in the face.
Now all that remains is to undress him - his dear one!
Come up to him, sit down on your knees between his legs and unbutton his pants. Then straddle him and slowly, very slowly unbutton every button of his shirt, touching your lips to every exposed part of his chest. (If he himself has not undressed before).

Come on... kiss him sweetly, tenderly, ardently, passionately! Whatever! :)

Marquise Angi

Which will help the woman seduce a man showing off your sexuality. To look more sexy and seductive during dance try to periodically look a man in the eyes, but this should be natural and in no case should you constantly “stare” at him. When dancing, try to let him know that you are dancing with him and that he is not like everyone else.

For a man to guess that you like him, during slow dance You can hug his neck, but it should not look vulgar or overtly sexual. Also when you dance slow dance, you can turn your head to the side and get a little closer to him, so he will feel the captivating aroma of your perfume, which will help awaken desire and interest in you.

To seduce man in dance yours is very important appearance. The most important thing is that when touching you, he does not experience discomfort. Therefore, there should be no hairspray on your hair, cosmetics should be used very wisely, to a minimum, “Amazon war paint” is categorically not acceptable. You should also pay attention special attention to your wardrobe. The clothes you wear should be soft and pleasant to the touch. play a very important role, so when a man touches you, you must do everything so that he wants to repeat his touches.

If a man behaves passively, then you should tickle his feelings a little with the help of some sexy ones. For example, straighten your hair and casually run your hand over your knee. If, in addition to everything else, there is a romantic atmosphere around - pleasant music is playing and soft lighting is on, then your efforts will soon be rewarded and the man will succumb to your charms.

But don’t forget that you have to be alert and watch the guy’s reactions. By flirting with him while dancing, touching him, you get into his intimate space and this is how the man understands that you want something. It is important here that he understands correctly what you really want. The main thing for you is that he feels the warmth emanating from you and wants to reduce the distance between you and spend his time and energy on you. But if you put too much pressure on him with your charms, then he may perceive your desire as a hint of a quick transition to, bypassing the bouquet and candy period of courtship. Therefore, if a man behaves actively, then tempt his touching should be kept to a minimum.

I would also like to note that it is welcome if in your evening wardrobe for dancing There will be all sorts of accessories. These could be elegant earrings, beautiful beads or a bracelet. Such little things will give you additional charm and show your individuality.