The Hermitage detailed plan with the names of the halls. How to get to the Hermitage and what to see there first. Main halls of the Winter Palace

It is difficult to get lost in the St. Petersburg center. :)The Hermitage is located in the historical city center, on Palace Square.

The closest is the Admiralteyskaya metro station (270 m). When you get out, immediately turn left, and after a couple of steps you will find yourself on Malaya Morskaya Street. There, turn right, and after a few meters you will exit onto Nevsky Prospekt. Then follow it to the left - walk to Palace Square, where you will see the entrance to the museum. For visitors with Internet tickets there is a separate entrance: from the street. Millionnaya, in the Small Hermitage.

If the weather is good, you can walk along Nevsky to the Hermitage Museum and longer: from the Gostiny Dvor metro station (transition to Nevsky Prospekt station) - about 600 m.

How to buy a ticket to the Hermitage of St. Petersburg?

Which ticket do you prefer: electronic or regular? The most convenient way to buy electronic ticket. We sincerely recommend doing this: you will protect yourself from queuing at the cash register. The Hermitage Museum is known for long queues, especially during tourist seasons and school holidays. But at other times, unfortunately, they are not uncommon. It’s very disappointing if you have to stand around for a couple of hours, and then the wardrobe runs out of space for clothes, and they announce that receiving visitors is temporarily closed. This applies more to the autumn-winter time, when the dressing room quickly becomes overcrowded. We didn’t find ourselves in such a situation, but people often complain on forums.

How much does a ticket to the Hermitage cost?

They vary depending on the season, but not much. (Please note: this does not apply to e-tickets, prices are constant throughout the year). You can buy electronic tickets of your choice - valid for one or two days. The difference in price is not very big: 680 and 1020 rubles. If you have time, we recommend choosing a two-day tour. It includes a larger number of buildings - objects of the museum complex.

Where are the Hermitage ticket offices?

An important point: in addition to the main ticket windows, there are also Hermitage ticket offices located in the General Staff building (across the square from Winter Palace). The queues there are usually much shorter.

Hermitage free visit

Remember the days when all individual visitors can enter for free: these are the 1st Thursday of each month plus December 7th. But it’s best to avoid visiting on these days if you don’t want to jostle in the crowd. If possible, do not go to the Hermitage on Tuesday, especially in the first half of the day. Every Monday is a day off, after which it is logical that there will be a crowd of people.

Free visit daily for the following groups of citizens: Children, students, pensioners of the Russian Federation, as well as visitors of some other categories. Full list look on the official website.

How to get to the Hermitage without queuing?

What time of year is there the least likelihood of queues? In March, we stood on the street for no more than 15 minutes. Friends waited for the same amount in November. I recommend checking out the reviews on the forums on this topic. Avoid visiting days for preferential categories and summer period if possible

Da Vinci, Rubens, Titian, Raphael, Rembrandt, Giorgione, El Greco, Caravaggio, Velazquez, Goya, Gainsborough, Poussin - the richest collection of masterpieces of world art is collected. What works should you definitely not pass by?

Two Madonnas by da Vinci (room No. 214)

The incomparable Leonardo da Vinci is represented in the Hermitage (and in Russia in general!) by only two works - “Benois Madonna” and “Madonna Litta”. The artist painted “Benois Madonna” at about 26 years old, and this painting is considered one of his first works as an independent painter. “Madonna Litta” causes a lot of controversy among experts because of the image of the baby, which is solved in a manner atypical for the master. Perhaps Christ was depicted by one of da Vinci's students.

Peacock clock (room No. 204)

The Peacock watch, which is very difficult to spot without an excited crowd around, was made in the workshop of the famous London jeweler James Cox. Before us is a mechanical composition in which every detail is thought out with fantastic precision. Every Wednesday at 20:00 the clock is wound and the figures of a peacock, rooster and owl begin to move. We remind you that on Wednesdays the Hermitage is open until 21:00.

“Danae”, “Penitent Mary Magdalene” and “Saint Sebastian” by Titian (room No. 221)

The Hermitage collection includes several paintings by one of the titans of the Renaissance, including “Danae”, “Penitent Mary Magdalene” and “Saint Sebastian”, executed in a recognizable Titian manner. All three are among the main works of the artist and the pride of the museum.

“The Crouching Boy” by Michelangelo Buonarroti (room no. 230)

It takes about seven years to see all the works from the Hermitage collection and spend at least one minute near each one.

This sculpture is only job Michelangelo Buonarroti in Russia. The marble statue was intended for the Medici Chapel in the Church of San Lorenzo (Florence). It is believed that the figure of the boy represents the oppression of the Florentines in the years when the city lost its independence.

“Cupid and Psyche” by Antonio Canova (hall No. 241)

The Venetian sculptor Antonio Canova repeatedly turned to the myth of Cupid and Psyche, described by Apuleius in Metamorphoses. Frozen in marble, the love story of the god Cupid and the mortal girl Psyche is one of the master’s most famous works. The Hermitage houses the author’s repetition of the composition, while the original is presented in the Louvre.

"Danae" and "Return of the Prodigal Son" by Rembrandt (room No. 254)

The work of an outstanding master of chiaroscuro and one of the key artists of the Golden Age Dutch painting is represented in the Hermitage by 13 works, among which are “The Return of the Prodigal Son” and “Danae”. The latter was vandalized in 1985: sulfuric acid was poured onto the canvas. Fortunately, the masterpiece was restored.

“Perseus and Andromeda” by Peter Paul Rubens (hall No. 247)

There are a lot of Rubens in the Hermitage - 22 paintings and 19 sketches. Among the most striking works is the painting “Perseus and Andromeda”, which is based on the famous ancient myth. Every detail of the canvas glorifies beauty, strength and health, proclaims the triumph of light over dark.

Ancient Roman sculpture (halls No. 107, 109 and 114)

On the ground floor of the New Hermitage you can get acquainted with a magnificent collection of ancient Roman sculpture. Works that are repetitions of ancient Greek masterpieces are displayed in the halls of Dionysus, Jupiter and Hercules. One of the most famous sculptures is the majestic statue of Jupiter.

The most luxurious halls of the Hermitage

Like any museum located in a former royal residence, the Hermitage is interesting not only for its exhibits, but also for its interiors. Leading architects of the era worked on the design of the halls of the Winter Palace - Auguste Montferrand, Vasily Stasov, Giacomo Quarenghi, Andrei Stackenschneider and others.

Petrovsky (Small Throne) Hall (No. 194)

The incredibly beautiful hall, designed by Auguste Montferrand, was intended for small receptions. The interior decoration includes a lot of gold and red colors, double-headed eagles, crowns, and an imperial monogram. Central location assigned to the throne of Peter the Great.

Armorial Hall (No. 195)

The Armorial Hall, designed by Vasily Stasov, was used for ceremonial events. The decor is dominated by gold color; the room is illuminated by massive chandeliers, on which, if you look closely, you can see the coats of arms of Russian cities.

The total length of the Hermitage halls is about 25 kilometers

St. George (Great Throne) Hall (No. 198)

The main hall of the Winter Palace, where large official ceremonies took place, was designed by Giacomo Quarenghi and, after the fire of 1837, restored by Vasily Stasov. Above the throne is a marble bas-relief depicting St. George the Victorious. In the interior, the image of a double-headed eagle appears dozens of times.

Pavilion Hall (No. 204)

One of the most magnificent rooms of the palace - the Pavilion Hall - is the brainchild of Andrei Stackenschneider. Refined and harmonious, it combines ancient, Moorish and Renaissance motifs. Large windows, arches, white marble, and crystal chandeliers saturate it with light and air. The interior is complemented by snow-white statues, complex mosaics, and shell fountains. By the way, this is where the Peacock clock is located.

Loggias of Raphael (room No. 227)

Raphael's loggias in the Vatican captivated Catherine II, and she wanted to create them exact copy in the Winter Palace. The artists of the workshop, led by Christopher Unterperger, worked on creating a gallery of murals for 11 years. The result was 52 stories from the Old and New Testaments. We didn’t forget about the elegant wall ornaments.

Skylights of the New Hermitage (halls No. 237, 238 and 239)

The largest halls of the New Hermitage have glass ceilings, and therefore are called skylights. There are three of them - Small Spanish Clearance, Large Italian Clearance and Small Italian Clearance. The rooms are decorated with reliefs, floor lamps made of rhodonite and porphyry, as well as huge vases - masterpieces of stone-cutting art.

Alexander Hall (No. 282)

The hall was created by Alexander Bryullov in memory of Alexander I and the Patriotic War of 1812. Decorated in white and blue tones, thanks to thin columns and semicircular arches, it resembles a temple. The interior is decorated with 24 medallions that tell about key events wars with the French.

Personal living room of Maria Alexandrovna (room No. 304)

Another luxurious room is the personal living room of Alexander II’s wife Maria Alexandrovna, the interior of which was designed by Alexander Bryullov. According to his idea, the decoration of the room was to resemble the royal chambers of the Moscow Kremlin. The walls shine in all shades of gold, and the low vaulted ceilings with ornaments create the feeling of being in an ancient mansion.

Boudoir of Maria Alexandrovna (hall No. 306)

The small room, designed by Harald Bosse, resembles a miracle snuff box in the Rococo style. The gold color here is combined with garnet, the walls are decorated with fancy ornaments and picturesque inserts. Many mirrors create corridors of reflections.

Malachite living room (room No. 189)

The malachite living room was created by Alexander Bryullov after the fire of 1837 on the site of Yashmova. The interior has elegant malachite columns, marble walls, and a gilded ceiling. The hall looks both strict and solemn. The living room was part of Alexandra Feodorovna’s living half.

Route around the museum

What we talked about above is just the tip. cultural iceberg, which is the Hermitage. But, believe me, getting to know the listed masterpieces and magnificent halls will give you not only aesthetic pleasure, but also the desire to deepen your knowledge, come to the museum again and again, discover new exhibits and corners, and return with pleasure to the ones you already know.

To sum up all of the above, we offer you a route through the museum, which includes the most famous works The Hermitage and the incredible beauty of the hall.

So, you are in the museum. Grab your free map at the entrance, climb the magnificent Jordan Staircase and proceed to the Peter's Hall (No. 194). From it - to the Armorial Hall (No. 195), and after - through the Military Gallery of 1812 (Hall No. 197) to St. George's Hall(hall No. 198). Move straight all the way, turn left and go all the way again: you will find yourself in the Pavilion Hall (No. 204). The Peacock clock awaits you here. Go to the next numbered room and move to room No. 214: da Vinci’s “Madonnas” are exhibited here. Next on the course is Titian, who can be seen very close - in room No. 221.

Move to the next numbered hall, walk a little forward, turn right, and you will see the magnificent Loggias of Raphael (room No. 227). From them you need to go to room No. 230, where “The Crouching Boy” is presented. Move through Italian and spanish art to hall No. 240. The next three halls (No. 239, 238 and 237) are the same gaps. Go straight from them to room No. 241, where “Cupid and Psyche” is located. Go through hall no. 239 again, from there move to hall no. 251 and go to hall no. 254, where you can see Rembrandt. Turn around and walk all the way (room no. 248), turn left and you will find yourself surrounded by canvases by Peter Paul Rubens (room no. 247).

Now there will be a longer transition: turn around, go to hall No. 256, from there to hall No. 272. Turn left and go forward all the way. Now - right and forward to the Alexander Hall (No. 282). Go to hall No. 290 and move straight (so that Palace Square is on the left). When you reach Hall 298, turn left and then right. Again, go straight ahead to Maria Alexandrovna’s private living room (room No. 304). From there, proceed to the boudoir of the wife of Alexander II (room No. 306). Go to hall No. 307, turn left and go all the way (hall No. 179). Here turn right, then left and go forward to the Malachite Living Room (room No. 189). This is the last point of our route, at least on the second floor.

Go to the Jordan Staircase through halls No. 190-192 and go down to the first floor. If you have any strength left, take a look into the halls of the ancient world, which are located on the left side if you stand with your back to the stairs. If you don’t have the strength, don’t be upset and come next time! Dionysus, Jupiter, and thousands of other inhabitants of the Hermitage will be waiting for you.

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  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 10:30 - 18:00 (ticket office open until 17:00);
  • Wednesday and Friday 10:30 - 21:00 (ticket office open until 20:00);
  • Monday is a day off.

How to get to the Hermitage

The Hermitage is located in the very center of St. Petersburg, on Palace Square. The nearest metro station is Admiralteyskaya. When exiting the metro, turn left and walk a few meters to Malaya Morskaya Street. Turn right and walk a few meters to Nevsky Prospekt. You need to go left along Nevsky Prospekt and you will find yourself on Palace Square. The entrance to the Hermitage is located on Palace Square.

You can also walk from the Nevsky Prospekt / Gostiny Dvor stations. From the metro, walk along Nevsky Prospekt towards the Admiralty to Bolshaya Morskaya Street. At the intersection of Bolshaya Morskaya and Nevsky Prospekt you will see the arch of the General Staff building, through which you will get to Palace Square. Entrance to the museum from Palace Square.

Ticket prices to the Hermitage in 2019

  • for citizens of Russia and Belarus - 400 rubles;
  • for pensioners (citizens of Russia), children and students (from any country) - free;
  • for foreign citizens (including CIS countries) - 700 rubles;
  • amateur photography – free of charge. Shooting using a tripod or using flash is prohibited;
  • free visit- the third Thursday of every month, March 8, May 18 and December 7 (Hermitage Day) for all categories of visitors.

It has over 3 million exhibits, from the Stone Age to the present day, which are presented in 350 halls with a total length of 20 kilometers.

A walk through its halls will become a tempting and exciting journey of 8 years of life, if you devote at least 1 minute of time to each exhibit, as experts have calculated. But the game is worth the candle.

The Hermitage museum complex occupies Palace Embankment 5 buildings: Winter Palace, Hermitage - Bolshoi, Small, New, and Hermitage Theater. They get acquainted with the ancient and ancient world, eastern and European culture, with the history of Russian art, numismatics, weapons, interiors of imperial chambers and galleries, antiques, household items and other unique rarities of the past.

In the museum halls of the Menshikov Palace, which is located on the University Embankment, the culture of Russia of the 1st third of the 18th century is presented. In the left wing of the General Staff building, works by masters of the 19th and 20th centuries are exhibited, including impressionists and post-impressionists.

Field Marshal's Hall

The main enfilade of the Winter Palace opens with a ceremonial hall. Gilded bronze chandeliers and superb grisaille paintings contain images of laurel wreaths and trophies, emphasizing the valor of the domestic army. On the walls are portraits of outstanding field marshals. Here you can also see Russian porcelain from the early 19th century.

Petrovsky (Small Throne) Hall

The hall was designed by Montferrand in 1833 in honor of Peter the Great. The decoration includes the monograms of the 1st Emperor of Russia, double-headed eagles and a crown. In the central niche in the form triumphal arch- portrait of Peter the Great with the goddess Slava. The canvases on the walls depict the heroism of the sovereign in the battles of the Northern War. The hall is decorated with panels made of silver and Lyon velvet.

Armorial Hall

At the entrance you are greeted by sculptures of ancient Russian warriors with banners, on the shafts of which there are shields with the coats of arms of Russian provinces, which are also visible on gilded bronze chandeliers. The central part is occupied by a bowl of aventurine. Each element of the interior brings its own value and meaning to the overall ensemble, and all together create a picture of grandeur and solemnity.

Military gallery of 1812

The gallery was opened in honor of the victory over the French. It was created according to the design of Karl Ivanovich Rossi. The walls are decorated with portraits of 332 generals - participants and heroes of the Great Patriotic War 1812. In a place of honor are portraits of Alexander the First and the monarchs - allies of Frederick - William the Third and Franz the First.

St. George (Great Throne) Hall

The hall of the Winter Palace, where official ceremonies and receptions took place, was created by Stasov, who preserved the compositional design of the architect Quarenghi. Hall of Columns decorated with Carrara marble and gilded bronze. Above the Throne Place you can see the bas-relief “St. George slaying the dragon with a spear.” The imperial throne was commissioned by Empress Anna Ioannovna in London. The stacked parquet is made of 16 valuable types of wood.

Alexander Hall

The hall of the Winter Palace is dedicated to the memory of the emperor - reformer Alexander the First, a medallion with whose image can be seen in the lunette of the end wall. The frieze contains twenty-four images of prominent battles of 1812. Also exhibited here are European silver items from the 16th to 19th centuries.

White Hall

The hall was created for the wedding of Emperor Alexander II. The interior is especially luxuriously decorated with decorative plastic. The space is filled with sculptures of ancient Roman gods.

Golden living room

The hall, designed by Bryullov, belonged to Empress Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Tsar Alexander II. After his tragic death in this room, members of the State Council, led by the new autocrat Alexander III, approved the Constitution. Everything in the decoration corresponds to the name - gilded stucco ornament on the ceiling, gilded doors, gilded plant patterns on the walls. Jasper columns add splendor, and a marble fireplace adds splendor and comfort.

Malachite living room

The room was intended for the wife of Nicholas I, Alexandra Fedorovna, and served as one of her personal chambers. The skillful decoration of the entire space with malachite amazes every imagination.

Small dining room

The interior was furnished by Krasovsky in the Rococo style. The walls are decorated with tapestries from the 18th century and there are also objects from the early 20th: an English musical chandelier, a French clock and domestically produced glassware. Here at night, during the capture of the Winter Palace, the Bolsheviks arrested members of the Provisional Government, as a memorial plaque reminds.

Gallery of portraits of the Romanovs

There are pictures of all members in the hall royal family from Peter the Great to Nicholas the Second. The Winter Palace, now occupied by the Hermitage, was built under Elizabeth Petrovna; since then, the sovereigns and their relatives have permanently lived in the palace. The walls of its halls were decorated with imperial images.

Library of Nicholas II

The office belonged to the last emperor, as evidenced by the porcelain portrait on the owner’s table. The premises were designed in 1895 by the architect Alexander Fedorovich Krasovsky. The decoration features English Gothic motifs. The ceiling, furniture, bookcases are made of walnut. The interior is decorated with panels of embossed gilded leather. Everything taken together, plus a fireplace and tall windows with openwork frames, immerse you in the atmosphere of the medieval era.

Concert hall

The hall closes the Neva Enfilade of the Winter Palace. It was created by the architect Stasov. Here are statues of ancient muses and the goddess Flora. The main exhibit is the tomb of St. Alexander Nevsky, made in silver by local craftsmen by order of Elizaveta Petrovna, transferred to the Hermitage from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in 1922.

Ancient Egyptian culture

On the 1st floor of the Winter Palace, on the site of the former Buffet, in 1940, the chief architect of the Hermitage, Alexander Vladimirovich Sivkov, built a cultural hall Ancient Egypt. Egyptian household items, sarcophagi, monumental sculptures, examples of small sculptures, figurines, and artistic works of artisans are exhibited here. The most striking works are the statues of Amenemhet III, the queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty - Cleopatra VII, the stele of Ipi and many others.

Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Hall

The converted living room in the chambers of the daughters of Nicholas the First was designed by the architect Alexander Pavlovich Bryullov. The hall houses archeological monuments dating back to 6-2 millennia BC, brought from Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and many parts of Russia. There are unique finds - a slab with petroglyphs from Karelia, a staff handle in the shape of an elk's head from Sverdlovsk region, an image of an idol from the Pskov region, figurines from the burial mounds of Turkmenistan.

Culture of nomadic tribes of Altai VI-V centuries BC. e.

Numerous artifacts found during excavations near the Karakoli Ursul River are represented by overlays and wooden images of animals that served as decoration for harnesses. A large wooden plaque with two flying griffins was especially skillfully carved. It served as a decoration on the horse's head. This exhibit is recognized as one of the outstanding works of art antiquities.

Hall of the early Middle Ages in Siberia and Transbaikalia

The culture of the Tagars and Tashtyks is represented by household items, weapons and other ancient works found by archaeologists in the Minusinsk Basin in Khakassia. Of particular interest are the funeral masks that were placed on mannequins containing the ashes of the dead. Women's masks are white with red curls, men's masks are red with transverse black stripes.

Paving Beam

Exhibits from the archaeological monument Moshchevaya Balka in the North Caucasus indicate that a branch of the ancient Silk Road ran in these places, from where the finds exhibited in the hall were brought. The exhibition is decorated with well-preserved samples of fabrics, precious Chinese, Sogdian, Mediterranean silks, clothing, wood and leather items from the local Alan-Adyghe tribes.

Culture of the Golden Horde

Treasures of Volga Bulgaria are exhibited in the back - gold and silver jewelry, weapons and horse harnesses. Interesting works are related to shamanic cults and written culture, a tile with Persian verses, as well as “Dish with a Falconer”.

Hall of the Arts of France

Art Hall France XVI century (paintings by the artist Louis XIII Simon Vouet, Eustache Lesueur and Laurent de La Hire. In the hall of art of France of the 17th century, paintings by the great French classicist artist Nicolas Poussin are exhibited, the best 11 paintings. The exhibition of the hall of art of France of the 18th century presents best works French school of this time - 8 works by Antoine Watteau. Hall applied arts France of the 17th-18th centuries presents works of masters who worked in the neoclassical style.

UK Art Hall

Here are paintings by one of the leading masters of the 18th century, Joshua Reynolds, as well as original copies of portraits of members of the royal family of England. Catherine II ordered the “Service with a Green Frog” here. The display cases display products made from basalt and jasper from Wedgwood.

Halls of the Great Hermitage

The first floor of the building is occupied administrative premises, directorate State Hermitage. The 2nd floor displays works by Renaissance masters. The halls of Italian art are located here.

The Jupiter Hall represents the art of Rome from the 1st to 4th centuries. In its decor you can see medallions with profiles of Michelangelo, Canova, Martos and other great sculptors. Of particular interest here are the sculptural portraits and marble sarcophagi. The name of the hall was given by the statue of Jupiter from the country villa of the Roman emperor Domitian. The masterpieces of the collection are portraits of the emperors Lucius Verus, Balbinus and Philip the Arab.

Hall of Italian era art Renaissance XIII–XV centuries Great Hermitage opens an exhibition of works from the beginning of the new culture- Pre-Renaissance era. Here are products from the Florentine workshop of sculptors and ceramicists of the Della Robbia family.

Here you can visit the Titian Hall, intended to receive noble guests of the imperial court; paintings from the late period of the master’s work are presented here.

The Hall of Art of Italy of the 16th century presents works by Venetian painters of the 16th century: Jacob Palma the Elder, Lorenzo Lotto, Giovanni Battista Cima de Conegliano. The Leonardo da Vinci Hall presents 2 masterpieces of the artist - “Benois Madonna” and “Madonna Litta”. Raphael's loggias are the prototype of the gallery of the Vatican Palace in Rome, painted according to Raphael's sketches. The gallery vaults are decorated with paintings by the master on biblical subjects. The walls are decorated with grotesque ornaments.

Knight's Hall

One of the large ceremonial interiors of the New Hermitage. The hall was intended for the exhibition of coins. There is a collection of weapons here - about 15 thousand items - an exposition of Western European weapons: tournament, ceremonial, hunting, bladed and firearms. Knight's armor is also presented here.

Gallery of the history of ancient painting

The exhibition in the hall features European sculpture of the 19th century. The walls are decorated with paintings by the artist Hiltensperger on scenes from ancient greek myths, completed wax paints on brass boards in imitation of antique technology. The gallery exhibits works outstanding sculptor Antonio Canova and his followers. Portraits on the vaults famous masters European art, among whom is the author of the New Hermitage project - Leo von Klenze.

Pavilion Hall of the Small Hermitage

The room was built in the 19th century by Andrei Ivanovich Stackenschneider, who combined motifs from antiquity, the Renaissance and the East. It overlooks Catherine's Hanging Garden. The hall is decorated with Bakhchisarai marble fountains, located symmetrically opposite each other. The local mosaic works and elegant tables inlaid with semi-precious stones are also famous.

But the most remarkable exhibit is famous watches"Peacock". The wondrously beautiful peacock was created by the English master James Cox, who was in demand at that time. This “peacock” charm was purchased by Prince Grigory Potemkin as a gift to Catherine the Great. The watch was delivered to St. Petersburg disassembled. The composition was assembled on the spot by Ivan Kulibin.

In the Hermitage, each room is unique in its own way, everything cannot be described in words. Of course, you can find out more about the hall you are interested in on any resource. But it’s better to watch it once than to read about it 100 times. The Hermitage opens its chambers and hospitably welcomes everyone!

The founding date of the Hermitage is considered to be 1764, when Catherine the Great acquired a collection of paintings from the Berlin merchant Gotzkowsky.

Today state museum The Hermitage has a collection of about 3 million works of art and monuments of world culture. It includes painting, graphics, sculpture and objects of applied art, archaeological finds.

In a whole day, you can explore all the museum’s exhibitions only at a very quick pace. We recommend dividing your visit to the Hermitage into 2 days, and if you come to St. Petersburg for several days, then continue exploring the museum on your next visit.

Let's share useful information to make your visit to the Hermitage as simple and interesting as possible.

Don't miss:

Operating mode

The museum is open for visitors:

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10.30 – 18.00 (ticket office open until 17.00)
  • Wednesday, Friday: 10.30 – 21.00 (ticket office open UNTIL 20.00)

When is admission to the Hermitage free?

Free visit for all categories of visitors: third Thursday of each month, March 8, May 18 and December 7.

There is always a queue to enter the Hermitage. People are allowed into the museum in batches. On normal days the line is about an hour and a half long. But in the days free visit The queue to enter can start from the Alexander Column in the center of Palace Square. If you want to save on your ticket, come early and be prepared to stand for 2-3 hours.

Ticket prices

The ticket entitles you to a single visit to the museum on one day. You cannot leave the museum, walk around the city and come back.

There are several types of tickets, familiarize yourself with them so as not to get confused at the ticket office.

  • 400 rubles– comprehensive entrance ticket for citizens Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

Chances are, unless you are a foreigner, you need this ticket. Includes a visit to the Main Museum Complex, as well as the General Staff Building and the Winter Palace of Peter I. But once again we would like to warn you that it is unrealistic to see everything in one day. Few people go to the exhibitions in the General Staff Building and our editors do not know anyone who was in three places at once on the same day.

  • 300 rubles– entrance ticket to one of the separate objects of the Hermitage: Main headquarters, Winter Palace of Peter I, Menshikov Palace, Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory.

This is the case when in the Main museum complex have already visited and want to go to the General Headquarters.

When purchasing tickets you must present your passport. This is mandatory because for citizens of other countries, ticket prices are already higher.

  • 700 rubles– comprehensive entrance ticket for everyone, except for citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
  • Free tickets- pensioners ( only Russian citizens), preschool children and school age(regardless of citizenship), students (regardless of citizenship), graduate students, cadets, disabled people I and II gr.

To enter the museum for free, you still need to stand in line to enter and then in line at the ticket office. At the box office, upon presentation of a document entitling you to the benefit, you will be given a free ticket.

Where to buy tickets to the Hermitage

Tickets to the Hermitage can be purchased: at the box office, at an electronic kiosk, or online.

Tickets at the Hermitage box office

After standing in line and entering the museum building, you immediately find yourself in front of another line - at the ticket office. Don't be afraid, it moves very quickly. Spend 10-30 minutes, no more. Cards and cash are accepted for payment.

Tickets at an electronic kiosk

In the courtyard of the Hermitage, where there are queues, there are several kiosks where you can buy a ticket yourself, but only for the full price. Therefore, only a couple of foreigners buy there, who then still stand in line at the museum.

Electronic tickets and skip-the-line entry

You can buy only on the official website of the Hermitage e-ticket without commission, which gives the right to skip-the-line entrance to the Museum! In other places they will sell you the same ticket, but with a commission. For example, here, where there are vouchers for the Hermitage.

As you understand, you have to pay to enter without a queue. Therefore, an electronic ticket is more expensive than a regular ticket and the Hermitage has 2 offers:

  • 730 rubles - free entry to the Hermitage for 1 day,
  • 1020 rubles - explore the Hermitage for 2 days.

Benefits for pensioners and children remain. The purchased ticket (voucher) is valid for 180 days from the date of purchase, so you can purchase it in advance.

Where is the entrance to the Hermitage

If you bought electronic ticket, which gives you the right to enter without a queue, then you will have a separate entrance - through Shuvalovsky Proezd (from Millionnaya Street or from Palace Embankment - between the buildings of the Small Hermitage and the New Hermitage).

For everyone else: opposite the Alexander Column there is a gate through which we enter the Great Courtyard of the Winter Palace. There are two queues. You can go where you like best.

For those who want to see the exhibitions located in the General Staff Building, you need to leave the Great Courtyard and walk in the opposite direction. If you stand facing the arch of the General Staff Building, then 100 meters on the left there will be an almost inconspicuous entrance to the museum.

How to see the Hermitage

After purchasing a ticket, you can leave your personal items in the cloakroom. Outerwear is required. Believe it or not, there will most likely be a queue there too. There are automatic lockers, there are few of them and they are always busy. After this, ticket control. Liquids are not allowed.

After control, you can take an audio guide and a map of the Hermitage. The scheme is free, and the audio guide costs 350 rubles in Russian and 500 in a foreign language. Deposit 2000 rubles or document (except passport!).

Be sure to take the diagram! Otherwise it will not be clear where to go. Each hall has its own caretakers. They keep order and help you navigate the museum. These are not guides or tour guides. The caretakers can only tell you how to get into the hall with the Flemings or where the Peacock clock is located.

You can download the official audio guide for your smartphone from the Hermitage. True, only a few tours of the halls are free, the rest must be purchased.

The best option for the first time is in the company of an art critic.

You can walk around the Hermitage for a very long time. To view all the exhibits in the Hermitage collection, devoting no more than 1 minute to each, it will take 8 years. But you can count on 3-5 hours. And it’s hard to walk all day. Take short breaks - there is a cafe on the ground floor, not far from the Jordan Stairs.

The main Hermitage Museum is a collection of five buildings built in different times by different architects for different purposes, and connected in series with each other.

The Hermitage has 305 halls, but their number may vary depending on temporary exhibitions. If you have limited time, here are the most beautiful halls and pearls of the Hermitage:

1. Jordan Stairs.

This is where your acquaintance with the Hermitage will begin.

2. Loggias of Raphael.

The loggias are a separate gallery consisting of 13 buildings. The inspiration for this place came from Vatican paintings, from which the frescoes were copied. Every corner of the loggia, including columns and ceilings, is painted with paintings biblical motifs. The entire composition includes 52 canvases dedicated to the Old Testament and 4 to the New.

3. Armorial Hall of the Winter Palace.

One of the most luxurious halls.

4. Alexander Hall.

A spacious hall combining elements of Gothic and neoclassicism.

5. Malachite living room.

Due to the interior decoration with precious stones, this is the most valuable room in the building.

6. Golden living room of Maria Alexandrovna.

State room of Empress Maria Alexandrovna. The atmosphere fully corresponds to the name - everything shines.

7. Concert hall.

8. White Hall.

9. Halls of Ancient Egypt.

Sculptures, sarcophagi, mummies, texts from Books of the Dead, ancient amulets, statue of Amenemhet the Third, sculpture of the goddess Sekhmet. You can't miss it.

10. Halls Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.

The culture of antiquity in a huge number premises.

11. Pavilion hall.

The most precious exhibit in this room is the Peacock mechanical watch.

12. Hall of Leonardo Da Vinci.

13. Dutch painting.

14. Rembrandt Hall.

You will not be able to pass by this hall. Near the painting " Prodigal son“There is always a huge crowd, no less than in front of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre.

By the way, the Hermitage has a second collection of paintings by Rembrandt. Only the Rembrandt Museum in Amsterdam competes with it.