Elina Janibekyan: I don’t have any good habits, but I have plenty of bad ones. Star gifts - Janibekyan's wife knits socks from Chanel to Zhanna Martirosyan  Arthur Janibekyan family

The wives of popular showmen are usually in the shadow of their talented husbands. But not, the wife of the general director of the TV channel TNT and head of the subholding "Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television" by Arthur Janibekyan. This stately Armenian woman dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. On December 1, her dream finally came true: on stage Moscow state theater stage the premiere of the play took place "Oh, women!", in which Elina played main role. She told PEOPLETALK How I was able to make my dream come true.

You play the main role in the play "Oh, women!" V Variety Theater. Tell us about this project.

"Oh, women!" - a performance of four one-act plays by classics of world literature. These are English lyrical comedy, Italian tragicomedy, French farce and Soviet melodrama. Different countries, temperaments and situations associated, of course, with the relationship between men and women. In this performance there are four different female roles, and literally in a matter of seconds I have to transform from an English simpleton into a “kikimora” of Soviet times, from a fool into a hysterical woman and the like... The director of the play, Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, staged it in Ermolova Theater many years ago. During this time, many different actresses played in it. But we came up with the idea that all the female roles would be played by one actress. It was a difficult task. I am a self-critical person, sometimes I criticize myself very harshly, but I was aware of the responsibility I was taking on, and I really hoped that everything would work out for me.

Play "Oh, women!"- your first acting project in a long time, what feelings did you experience after returning to the stage?

Going on stage with a new performance was scary. We rehearsed for a long time, but we didn’t know how the material would be received. I was very worried, but the excitement goes away when you see the reaction of the audience, their smiles, emotions, joy. A happy viewer is the best praise.

How did your family react to your decision to take part in the theater project?

I have a large family, and everyone was quite supportive of my desire to play on stage. The only person who needed convincing was my husband. It took us a long time to reach the point that I can be not only a mother, a wife, a housewife, but also a theater actress who can play on stage with dignity.

Why are you interested in this project?

For me, the stage is adrenaline, an incomparable feeling that you get when you are left alone with the viewer. And I always wanted to be an actress, I wanted to play in the comedy genre, to make the viewer laugh and delight, so that he would receive absolutely positive emotions, relax, laugh and leave happy. At the same time, there were never actors in our family: my grandfather was the first oncologist of the Republic of Armenia. Grandmother is a gynecologist, father is a dentist, mother is a nurse. The dynasty of doctors ended with my brother and me because we can’t even stand the sight of blood!

How did you become interested in creativity?

Since childhood, I have been in love with the stage and everything connected with it. I got my very first acting experience back in kindergarten. In our group there were trainees who staged "Little Red Riding Hood". I got this role and was only child staged by adults. I also attended all the dance clubs that were in Yerevan, and I really liked it. At the age of 12 I was accepted into "Theater of Dance and Soul" under the leadership Sophie Devoyan, and I became one of the soloists. We toured a lot, but the most vivid memory is my solo dance in Cairo opera house. At the age of 16, the dancing part of my life was interrupted because I met my future husband, and he did not really welcome my dancing. A year later we got married and moved to live in Moscow. In Moscow I went to college, because I needed to get higher education. I bought a guide to universities in "House of Books" on New Arbat and chose Russian International Academy of Tourism. It was not difficult to enroll, since I knew languages ​​and passed the exams without difficulty. But studying there did not inspire me. After graduation and much persuasion, I received my husband’s permission to try to enroll in GITIS. Now I understand that he was hoping for my failure. Result: the second higher education one could dream of: variety department GITIS, well Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, head of the course, graduation performance in the top eight students, solo vocal and dance performance in the graduation concert and a red diploma. But what was important to me was the process itself, the emotions and the realization that I was finally doing what I loved.

What are your good habits? And harmful?

I don't have any good habits. ( Laughs.) And there are plenty of harmful ones. For example, I don’t play sports, although I understand that this is bad, that I am a mother of three children, I need to take care of my health. I have never exhausted myself with strict diets. If I want to eat candy or a piece of cake, I will do it. Of course, I can limit myself in some ways if I realize that I have gained extra pounds. For example, during my last pregnancy I gained as much as 25 kg! But I dealt with them myself, without resorting to hunger strike, thanks to my mom and dad for genetics. It's a terrible habit to be late. As long as I know myself, I have been fighting it as best I can, without much success so far.

What performances do you go to? What are your favorites?

I love the theater very much, but I prefer to go to “proven material”. He is advised by people who are well versed in art, whose theatrical taste I trust. For example, recently in New York, which is noteworthy, we went to the amazing play “Stories of Shukshin”, in which wonderful actors play Chulpan Khamatova (41), Yulia Peresild(32) and Evgeniy Mironov(50). I liked it. I also really love ballet. I went to the ballet six times "Giselle", and last time I took my daughter with me. She also really liked it, and, despite her age of five, she watched all the actions and shouted “bravo.” Probably, the love for ballet was passed on to her from me. I love when everything in the theater is beautiful, enchanting, solemn and tasteful.

Do you have any special hobbies?

I really like to do things with my own hands. For example, I have a whole collection of hand made headbands. I can buy an item just because I want to remake or decorate it. These could be hats, dresses, and so on. Among other things, I did the renovations in our house myself, without resorting to the services of designers. I studied this issue thoroughly. So, if anyone needs to suggest the width of the plinth or choose the right color from the table, I can help. ( Laughs.)

The wives of popular showmen are usually in the shadow of their talented husbands. But not, the wife of the general director of the TV channel TNT and head of the subholding "Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television" by Arthur Janibekyan. This stately Armenian woman dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. On December 1, her dream finally came true: on stage Moscow State Variety Theater the premiere of the play took place "Oh, women!", in which Elina played the main role. She told PEOPLETALK How I was able to make my dream come true.

You play the main role in the play "Oh, women!" V Variety Theater. Tell us about this project.

"Oh, women!" - a performance of four one-act plays by classics of world literature. These are English lyrical comedy, Italian tragicomedy, French farce and Soviet melodrama. Different countries, temperaments and situations associated, of course, with the relationship between men and women. There are four different female roles in this play, and literally in a matter of seconds I have to transform from an English simpleton into a Soviet-era “kikimora”, from a fool into a hysterical woman, and the like... The director of the play, Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, staged it in Ermolova Theater many years ago. During this time, many different actresses played in it. But we came up with the idea that all the female roles would be played by one actress. It was a difficult task. I am a self-critical person, sometimes I criticize myself very harshly, but I was aware of the responsibility I was taking on, and I really hoped that everything would work out for me.

Play "Oh, women!"– your first acting project in a long time, what feelings did you experience after returning to the stage?

Going on stage with a new performance was scary. We rehearsed for a long time, but we didn’t know how the material would be received. I was very worried, but the excitement goes away when you see the reaction of the audience, their smiles, emotions, joy. A happy viewer is the best praise.

How did your family react to your decision to take part in the theater project?

I have a large family, and everyone was quite supportive of my desire to play on stage. The only person who needed convincing was my husband. It took us a long time to reach the point that I can be not only a mother, a wife, a housewife, but also a theater actress who can play on stage with dignity.

Why are you interested in this project?

For me, the stage is adrenaline, an incomparable feeling that you get when you are left alone with the viewer. And I always wanted to be an actress, I wanted to play in the comedy genre, to make the viewer laugh and delight, so that he would receive absolutely positive emotions, relax, laugh and leave happy. At the same time, there were never actors in our family: my grandfather was the first oncologist of the Republic of Armenia. Grandmother is a gynecologist, father is a dentist, mother is a nurse. The dynasty of doctors ended with my brother and me because we can’t even stand the sight of blood!

How did you become interested in creativity?

Since childhood, I have been in love with the stage and everything connected with it. I got my very first acting experience in kindergarten. In our group there were trainees who staged "Little Red Riding Hood". I got the role and was the only child in the adult production. I also attended all the dance clubs that were in Yerevan, and I really liked it. At the age of 12 I was accepted into "Theater of Dance and Soul" under the leadership Sophie Devoyan, and I became one of the soloists. We toured a lot, but my most vivid memory is my solo dance at the Cairo Opera House. At the age of 16, the dancing part of my life was interrupted because I met my future husband, and he did not really welcome my dancing. A year later we got married and moved to live in Moscow. In Moscow, I went to college, because I needed to get a higher education. I bought a guide to universities in "House of Books" on New Arbat and chose Russian International Academy of Tourism. It was not difficult to enroll, since I knew languages ​​and passed the exams without difficulty. But studying there did not inspire me. After graduation and much persuasion, I received my husband’s permission to try to enroll in GITIS. Now I understand that he was hoping for my failure. Result: the second higher education one could dream of: variety department GITIS, well Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, head of the course, graduation performance in the top eight students, solo vocal and dance performance in the graduation concert and a red diploma. But what was important to me was the process itself, the emotions and the realization that I was finally doing what I loved.

What are your good habits? And harmful?

I don't have any good habits. ( Laughs.) And there are plenty of harmful ones. For example, I don’t play sports, although I understand that this is bad, that I am a mother of three children, I need to take care of my health. I have never exhausted myself with strict diets. If I want to eat candy or a piece of cake, I will do it. Of course, I can limit myself in some ways if I realize that I have gained extra pounds. For example, during my last pregnancy I gained as much as 25 kg! But I dealt with them myself, without resorting to hunger strike, thanks to my mom and dad for genetics. It's a terrible habit to be late. As long as I know myself, I have been fighting it as best I can, without much success so far.

We thank the masters of the Prive7 salon network for the heroine’s makeup and hairstyle.

Do you have any family traditions?

Since all our relatives are in Yerevan, for the holidays we usually either go to Armenia, or meet somewhere and spend time together, being together is our main tradition!

Judging by your figure, it is very difficult to say that you are really a mother of three! How do you do this?

I love various treats and other things that are forbidden for my figure. During my third pregnancy, I gained almost 25 kg, but then quickly got into shape. Of course, I can say that this is a genetic predisposition, but also, as an adequate person, I understand that this advantage only works up to a certain age and genetics alone can no longer cope. We need to start exercising and watch our diet!

In general, this is very difficult for me, because I absolutely do not know how to deny myself food! There is, of course, no logic in this, but I can sit on a diet all day, and then at night get a pack of some sweets and... But I can say that after what I’ve done, I won’t suffer from self-flagellation, because the main thing is to enjoy life, and if this pack of harmful candies in the night brought me joy, then I won’t scold myself for it later. After all, this is my only bad habit! 🙂

- Don’t tell anyone how old you are, you don’t look your age at all!

I don’t hide my age and I’m happy that at 35 I already have three children. And you can always look young if you don’t overdo it with cosmetics. At least that's how it is for me. 🙂

Well, if a person is ugly from the inside, then no matter how hard they try, no matter how hard they try to hide it with makeup or something else, nothing will work, one way or another it will show up somewhere, because the most important thing is the beauty of the heart, and the rest is just details!

- Tell us about the traditions of raising children in your family.

The most important thing is that children understand that family is the most important thing and that they should be there throughout their lives, always support and be the closest people to each other.

- What plans do you have for your children?

Our daughter is very creative, sings wonderfully, draws well, designs a variety of dresses for dolls and, like her mother, wants to play in the theater. Let's see what can come of this! She went to first grade this year.

- Tell me about your sons?

Our eldest son is 12 years old, he is a mathematician! He is also interested in geopolitics: he has learned the position of all countries on the map and loves to discuss this topic. Definitely daddy's son and looks a lot like him. We are friends, he is already a head taller than me, and sometimes it seems to me that he is my brother, not my son! And the youngest in our family is the most mischievous. A true gentleman and macho. He is incredibly happy and loves everyone. Always shares these feelings with people. I am calm about my sons: our dad is raising them, and I know that everything will be great!

- Tell us about you and fashion.

Still, when a person is creative, this manifests itself in all his actions, decisions and deeds. I absolutely love remaking things and get great pleasure from this process! I can buy an expensive dress or, conversely, something quite inexpensive and alter it beyond recognition. For me there is no concept of “must have”. I always choose things that I see myself in, and no fashion can force me to wear something that I don’t like, but is a must have.

- Do you somehow instill taste in children?

When my daughter was born, I sewed her headbands with bows and different hats for each outfit. We laughed with our friends that when she can already speak, she will demand torn jeans and sneakers instead of dresses.))

But this did not happen; until the age of five, Eva wore only floor-length dresses and kept asking: “Mom, I want a dress down to my shoes!” Now, of course, this is no longer the case, and thank God. Everything has its time. For sons, it doesn’t matter at all what they wear, especially for the eldest, for him main principle“to make it convenient”!

There is hardly a person who is not familiar with the humorous programs of the TNT channel and the show business stars whose careers started on the projects of Arthur Janibekyan. General Director of entertainment broadcasting and the largest media holding in Russia. In biography talented producer, whose schedule is scheduled for the year ahead, the main place is occupied by his beloved wife and children.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future media magnate began in 1976 in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan. Arthur Janibekyan celebrates his birthday on the original date, namely February 29. Little Arthur's parents refused to write down a different number in the metrics, as is done in some families.

There is also an unusual situation with the surname, because Arthur’s father and mother are Akopyans. The boy became Janibekyan thanks to his grandfather Janibek and the ancient Armenian tradition of naming or giving a surname to an offspring in honor of an ancestor. The Akopyan family is far from creativity and the stage. His father is a former party official who held several positions in the Armenian SSR, and his mother is a dentist.

IN hometown the boy graduated from a Russian-Armenian school. The student had a good memory and outstanding mathematical abilities. The only problem with the teachers was the pranks and pranks of little Arthur, who from a young age had a sense of humor and ingenuity.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, the graduate entered the prestigious Faculty of Economic Cybernetics of Yerevan state university. Within the walls of his alma mater, the artist met professional KVN and the beginning of a career as a media person began.

In 1993, the young man, together with like-minded students, created the humorous team “New Armenians”. Initially, the group received the name “Relatives from Yerevan”, but under this name it did not last long. The premiere performance took place at Sochi KVN. Young comedians blew up the hall with their jokes, delighting the audience and the jury.

After playing a year in the First League, talented comedians hit the big stage Major League club and became famous among fans of the game. In 1998, the guys took the Summer Cup, after which the team disbanded.


Having gained experience performing on stage, as well as becoming a professional economist after receiving his diploma, Arthur decided to pursue a career in show business. Only the graduate chose the path of a producer, not an artist.

The young man goes to Moscow, where, thanks to connections from KVN, he ends up on the STS channel as a creative producer. In 2000, under the direction of Janibekyan, the programs “New Armenian Radio” and “Good Evening with Igor Ugolnikov” were released. The producer considers both projects to be failures and prefers not to publicly recall the unsuccessful experience. However, Arthur Janibekyan undoubtedly drew conclusions.

In 2003, with friends from the former team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, Artashes Sargsyan and some others, the man created one of the most successful projects on Russian television - the entertainment and humorous program “Comedy Club”.

The genre of work of comedians and the format of the program became an innovation for Russian television viewers, accustomed to the humor of Full House. Stand-up comedy with jokes on the verge of a foul instantly fell in love with young people, and many show business stars wanted to visit the Comedy hall.

After such stunning success in 2007, Janibekyan created his own production center, Comedy club production" The company has created and produced dozens of popular projects, including “Slaughter League”, “Dancing Without Rules”, “Our Russia”, “”, “” and others. Thanks to working with the producer, television stars and hundreds of others became famous.

The production center included the 7 Art company, previously founded by a media tycoon and producing youth sitcoms. In 2011, the businessman made the largest deal in Russian television– sold a stake in the production center to the TNT television channel for $350 million, which instantly increased the fortune of the successful producer.

And in 2013, Forbes magazine placed Janibekyan’s production center on the second line of the list of the largest producers of content for entertainment television. In March 2015, Gazprom-Media Holding JSC created a subholding that united four television channels owned by the joint-stock company - TNT, TV-3, Pyatnitsa! and "2x2", as well as Comedy Club Production and "A Plus Production".

Artur Janibekyan has been appointed head of the media giant Gazprom. Since 2016, he has also been the general director of the TV channel, cooperation with which ensured the rise of the producer’s career in 2003, namely the TNT channel.

For his services to Russian television and the manager’s talent, Artur Janibekyan was awarded the title “Media Manager of Russia” three times; his programs were repeatedly awarded “TEFI” statuettes. In addition to producing activities, Janibekyan owns a chain of coffee shops, gives lectures to young entrepreneurs and students, and is involved in charity work in the field of music, culture and religion.

Personal life

The talented media manager is happily married to Elina, a native of Yerevan. The man met the Armenian beauty when she was 14 years old. According to Arthur, the meeting with his wife was marked by immediate love at first sight. Of course, I had to wait patiently until the chosen one reached adulthood.

There is a true conservative in the Janibekyan family, and for a long time those close to them remained away from cameras and avoided the interest of the press. Elina can easily be considered an ideal wife - a wonderful housewife and loving mother who gave her husband three children.

In an interview, the woman spoke warmly about her beloved sons and daughter. According to Elina, the elder Narek is serious and responsible, passionate about geopolitics and mathematics, and is incredibly similar to his father. The younger Aram is cheerful and mischievous, and also a true gentleman and future macho. Daughter Eva is creative and talented, which she most likely inherited from her mother.

Arthur's wife, in addition to housekeeping, is also a theater actress. In addition, the woman loves to create things with her own hands and is involved in decor and design.

As a true oriental man, Arthur Janibekyan rightly considers family best project, a reliable rear that brings income not in currency, but in emotions, love and positivity. The man happily poses for photos with his wife and children when given the opportunity.

Arthur Janibekyan now

New projects organized by the media manager continue to appear on the TNT channel. Latest programs, released on screens were “Studio Soyuz” (2017), “Songs” (2018). Arthur continues to collaborate with former KVN members, who are loved and remembered by connoisseurs of modern humor.

In 2017, the first part of the film project "" with the leading role appeared at the box office. A new interpretation of the story of a genius Russian writer produced by the Janibekyan Center.

The media manager also distinguished himself in charity work. In 2017, the entrepreneur transferred cathedral a piece of the relics of St. Gregory the Illuminator, acquired by him at an auction in Paris.


  • Comedy Club
  • "Our Russia"
  • "Laughter without rules"
  • "Slaughter League"
  • Comedy Woman
  • "Univer"
  • "Dom-2"
  • "Killer Evening"
  • "Interns"
  • “University.” New dorm"
  • Stand Up
  • "Dancing"
  • "Once Upon a Time in Russia"
  • "Improvisation"
  • “Bearded man. Understand and forgive"
  • "Studio Union"
  • "Songs"
  • "Comedian in the City"

The wives of popular showmen are usually in the shadow of their talented husbands. But not Elina Janibekyan, the wife of the general director of the TNT television channel and head of the Gazprom-Media Entertainment Television subholding Artur Janibekyan. This stately Armenian woman dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. On December 1, her dream finally came true: the premiere of the play “Oh, Women!” took place on the stage of the Moscow State Variety Theater, in which Elina played the main role. She told PEOPLETALK how she was able to make her dream come true.

You play the main role in the play “Oh, Women!” at the Variety Theater. Tell us about this project.

"Oh, women!" - a performance of four one-act plays by classics of world literature. These are English lyrical comedy, Italian tragicomedy, French farce and Soviet melodrama. Different countries, temperaments and situations associated, of course, with the relationship between men and women. There are four different female roles in this play, and literally in a matter of seconds I have to transform from an English simpleton into a Soviet-era “kikimora”, from a fool to a hysterical woman and the like... The director of the play, Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, staged it at the Yermolova Theater many years ago. During this time, many different actresses played in it. But we came up with the idea that all the female roles would be played by one actress. It was a difficult task. I am a self-critical person, sometimes I criticize myself very harshly, but I was aware of the responsibility I was taking on, and I really hoped that everything would work out for me.

The play “Oh, women!” – your first acting project in a long time, what feelings did you experience after returning to the stage?

Going on stage with a new performance was scary. We rehearsed for a long time, but we didn’t know how the material would be received. I was very worried, but the excitement goes away when you see the reaction of the audience, their smiles, emotions, joy. A happy viewer is the best praise.

Elina Janibekyan

How did your family react to your decision to take part in the theater project?

I have a large family, and everyone was quite supportive of my desire to play on stage. The only person who needed convincing was my husband. It took us a long time to reach the point that I can be not only a mother, a wife, a housewife, but also a theater actress who can play on stage with dignity.

Why are you interested in this project?

For me, the stage is adrenaline, an incomparable feeling that you get when you are left alone with the viewer. And I always wanted to be an actress, I wanted to play in the comedy genre, to make the viewer laugh and delight, so that he would receive absolutely positive emotions, relax, laugh and leave happy. At the same time, there were never actors in our family: my grandfather was the first oncologist of the Republic of Armenia. Grandmother is a gynecologist, father is a dentist, mother is a nurse. The dynasty of doctors ended with my brother and me because we can’t even stand the sight of blood!

How did you become interested in creativity?

Since childhood, I have been in love with the stage and everything connected with it. I got my very first acting experience in kindergarten. In our group there were trainees who staged Little Red Riding Hood. I got the role and was the only child in the adult production. I also attended all the dance clubs that were in Yerevan, and I really liked it. At the age of 12, I was accepted into the Dance and Soul Theater under the direction of Sophie Devoyan, and I became one of the soloists. We toured a lot, but my most vivid memory is my solo dance at the Cairo Opera House. At the age of 16, the dancing part of my life was interrupted because I met my future husband, and he did not really welcome my dancing. A year later we got married and moved to live in Moscow. In Moscow, I went to college, because I needed to get a higher education. I bought a guide to universities at the House of Books on Novy Arbat and chose the Russian International Academy of Tourism. It was not difficult to enroll, since I knew languages ​​and passed the exams without difficulty. But studying there did not inspire me. After graduation and much persuasion, I received my husband’s permission to try to enter GITIS. Now I understand that he was hoping for my failure. Result: the second higher education that one could dream of: the variety department of GITIS, the course of Mikhail Borisovich Borisov, the head of the course, the graduation performance in the top eight students, a solo vocal and dance number in the diploma concert and a red diploma. But what was important to me was the process itself, the emotions and the realization that I was finally doing what I loved.

Elina Janibekyan

What are your good habits? And harmful?

I don't have any good habits. (Laughs.) And there are plenty of harmful ones. For example, I don’t play sports, although I understand that this is bad, that I am a mother of three children, I need to take care of my health. I have never exhausted myself with strict diets. If I want to eat candy or a piece of cake, I will do it. Of course, I can limit myself in some ways if I realize that I have gained extra pounds. For example, during my last pregnancy I gained as much as 25 kg! But I dealt with them myself, without resorting to hunger strike, thanks to my mom and dad for genetics. It's a terrible habit to be late. As long as I know myself, I have been fighting it as best I can, without much success so far.

What performances do you go to? What are your favorites?

I love the theater very much, but I prefer to go to “proven material”. He is advised by people who are well versed in art, whose theatrical taste I trust. For example, recently in New York, which is remarkable, we went to the amazing play “Stories of Shukshin”, in which wonderful actors Chulpan Khamatova (41), Yulia Peresild (32) and Evgeny Mironov (50) play. I liked it. I also really love ballet. I went to the ballet “Giselle” six times, and the last time I took my daughter with me. She also really liked it, and, despite her age of five, she watched all the actions and shouted “bravo.” Probably, the love for ballet was passed on to her from me. I love when everything in the theater is beautiful, enchanting, solemn and tasteful.

Do you have any special hobbies?

I really like to do things with my own hands. For example, I have a whole collection of hand made headbands. I can buy an item just because I want to remake or decorate it. These could be hats, dresses, and so on. Among other things, I did the renovations in our house myself, without resorting to the services of designers. I studied this issue thoroughly. So, if anyone needs to suggest the width of the plinth or choose the right color from the table, I can help. (Laughs.)