Elena Kravets gave birth to twins: what is known about the actress’s family. Elena's husband from the 95th quarter studio Sergei Kravets When Elena Kravets from the 95th quarter gave birth

Producer and actress at Kvartal 95 Studio Elena Kravets told Caravan of Stories about her husband Sergei and daughter Masha, about family relationships with the Kvartals and why she has been in psychotherapy for many years

One day my mother met a friend on the street. She asks: “How is Lenochka doing? It’s so funny, everyone thinks that she is Vova Zelensky’s wife.” Mom responded: “Thank God, at least you know that she is not Zelensky’s wife.” “Well, of course, I know, she’s married to Zhenya Koshev!”

Everyone is used to this: they confuse our last names and first names, they say that “Styopa” (actor Sergei Kazanin - Author)– my brother, because we are similar. This is the cost of a comic show. Vova Zelensky has a wonderful marriage, and we are all family friends. My parents' family also had many friends.

My mother is an economist, my father is a metallurgist. Dad is simple and kind person, these are its main advantages. He greatly influenced my attitude towards the world. A bright view of the world, which I try not to lose and pass on to my own daughter, is my father’s merit.

Elena Kravets with her parents, 1986

My mother was mainly involved in my upbringing. It was from her that I received the lion's share of the knowledge that a child is usually given by a family. I have no brothers and sisters, so in order not to cultivate selfishness, my mother constantly asked me the same problem: “There are three apples on the table, one is the largest and most beautiful. You are offered to take the apple first. Which one will you choose? And with a sigh I answered what I had learned by heart: “I’ll take the smallest.”

She explained that flowers should not be picked, only smelled; that no one should be offended - neither animals, nor birds, nor insects; that a girl should always look decent and dress neatly. Sewn-in nylon tights are terrible: either wear trousers or make sure the tights don’t tear.

Elena Kravets is a Ukrainian celebrity: actress, comedian, many of us know her from the TV show “Studio Kvartal-95”.

Biography of Elena Kravets: chronology of events in life

Elena Kravets was born in the city of Krivoy Rog. Her father was a metallurgy worker, and her mother worked economic activity, including holding the post of manager of Sberbank for a long time. Elena only child in the family. In her youth, she planned to follow in her mother’s footsteps and connect her life with economics, so after school she entered the Krivoy Rog Economic Institute. As a result, the actress has a diploma in financier-economist.

Elena Kravets in childhood photo

IN student years In parallel with her studies, Lena worked part-time as a cashier and accountant at a bank, and later she became the director of the McDonald’s branch in her hometown.

Humorous career

Elena Kravets' artistry has appeared since early age. In an interview, she shared memories from her childhood:

Until I was 14, I performed at home in front of the mirror when I was alone. She loved to wear her mother’s dress and shoes and imagined herself as a superstar. My first public performance took place at school, at a parody competition: I sang “to Valeria,” copying her movements and articulation. My debut was successful, and I began to dream of entering theater school.

But the dream was not destined to come true at that time, my mother intervened, so Kravets received an economic education in Krivoy Rog.

According to the actress herself, she is very grateful to her mother for this step, since it was at the Krivoy Rog university that she began her humorous career. It was at the institute that Lena first showed her talent as an artist, taking part in the performance of the new KVN team. With her performance, the girl evoked a flurry of emotions from the audience and received thunderous applause, performing improvisations, jokes and parodies of her own composition.

In the photo, young Elena Kravets and young Vladimir Zelensky

Subsequently young talent the leaders of the professional KVN team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit” noticed. In 1998, Elena was invited to the famous team “95th Quarter”, which is now known as “Studio Kvartal-95”. Elena became an actress at the studio, and at the same time served as the administrative director of Studio Kvartal-95.

In 2003, the entire creative staff of the group moved to Kyiv, where they continued to develop their creativity.

“On the Block” Elena Kravets is the only female actress. All roles with her participation are played with a special, inherent enthusiasm and flavor!

Personal life is a bright and eventful road

Fans of the actress have long known who Elena Kravets’ husband is. Well, if you don’t know yet, read on...

Elena met her future husband in 1997, on a bus heading to the next game of the then simply beloved team “Zaporozhye-Krivoy Rog-Transit”, but this acquaintance at that time was not destined to develop into something more. But a year later, fate brought the couple together again, now Lena and Sergei were not destined to simply separate, because they had become part of a large and friendly KVN team.

Elena Kravets with her husband photo

On September 21, 2002, Elena (then still Malyashenko) gave her hand and heart to Sergei Kravets, the couple registered their marriage. At that time, Sergey Kravets was a participant cast, but after the team moved to Kyiv, he went into the shadows and became the team’s creative producer. In addition, Elena Kravets’ husband Sergei Kravets has been involved in motorsports for more than 10 years. One day the hobby outgrew professional activity and now he takes part in international competitions, driving his favorite red Ford car with the symbolic number 95.

In the photo Elena Kravets with her eldest daughter Maria

A year after the wedding, the first daughter Masha was born into the Kravets family. The girl's main hobbies at the moment– dancing and studying English language(at the suggestion of my mother).

In 2016, Elena Kravets took a minimal break from creative biography. During pregnancy, she began to appear less on television, but still sometimes participated in projects. Inspired by her situation, she released a line of clothing for pregnant women called “One Size by Lena Kravets” (One size with Elena Kravets).

In mid-2016, Elena Kravets gave birth to twins, the daughter was named Ekaterina, the son Ivan.

Fans have been waiting for a long time for the appearance of photos of Elena Kravets’ children on Instagram, but since the actress can hardly be called a lover of social networks, she rarely and irregularly posts news from her personal life and photos of her family.

When the children turned one year old, the young mother posted photos of her babies online, maintaining the intrigue, because all the photos were taken in such a way that the children’s faces are not visible :).

Creative projects with the participation of Kravets

The first project Elena worked on was the comedy series “Police Academy”. Then there was New Year's musical“A Very New Year’s Movie, or Night at the Museum,” the musical “Like the Cossacks...”, the melodramatic story “Miracle,” as well as two seasons of a remake of the American film “Home Alone,” called “1+1 at Home.”

Once the actress tried herself as a producer. Having completed the work, in 2011 she offered the audience the benefit film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko", which became the last appearance of the star Soviet stage on the screen.

Elena Kravets at the “League of Laughter” photo

In 2015, the actress became part of the team of trainers of the popular TV show “League of Laughter” in Ukraine.

Before pregnancy, Kravets starred in the satirical-political television series “Servant of the People,” playing the role of the head of the National Bank, Olga Mishchenko. The series received the WorldFest RemiAward in the “Series” category and the World Media Festival in the “Entertaining Television Series” category. The series was also exported to be shown in the USA.

The celebrity has voiced characters in the following cartoons:

  • in the cartoon " Angry Birds in the cinema” Matilda speaks in the voice of Elena Kravets;
  • you will recognize familiar notes in the voice of the villain Scarlet Overkill from the Minions cartoon;
  • The actress also gave the voice to the snail girl Burn in the cartoon “Turbo.”

Family of Elena Kravets

In 2010, according to Viva magazine, Elena Kravets was recognized as one of the most beautiful female celebrities in Ukraine. Elena has a slender figure; at that time, with a height of 172 cm, her weight was 62 kg. and is the owner of natural wheat-colored hair.

In 2016, according to the New Time magazine, Kravets was included in the TOP 100 most successful women in Ukraine.

In conclusion

Elena Kravets is not only a bright, charismatic woman, a fiery comedian, a wonderful mother and wife. She loves animals and tries to live honestly and openly. She spends half of her time with her family, the other half is clearly devoted to work.
The actress loves to read, is fond of poetry, listens to different genres of music, feels great with a needle in her hands, and not without reason, because she is Kravets (the word “kravets” is translated from Ukrainian as a cutter, seamstress).

She gave birth to twins - a boy Vanya and a girl Katya. Information was posted on official page Elena Kravets. These are the names that were given to children by happy parents.

If at least something is known about the happy mother, then it is almost impossible to find information about her husband on the Internet.

Their love story began at university. They were friends for a long time, but the romance began a long time later. In one of her interviews, Elena told how she realized that Sergei was her future husband.

“One day I noticed that Seryozha had not appeared at rehearsals for several days. Probably got sick. There were no mobile phones then, and he didn’t have a home phone either. Standing at the bus stop, I hesitated for a long time, and then I got on the trolleybus and went not to my home, but to his. The door was opened by his mother, Natalya Mikhailovna. "Helenochka, come in!" I walked in, looked around and realized that I would live in this house - it was as if an inner bell rang,” Elena shared.

In 2003, Elena and Sergei got married. The celebration was attended by more than a hundred guests. By the way, the holiday was almost completely paid for by the newlyweds, since by that time they were already making good money on KVN tours. Then, in 2003, the couple had a daughter, Masha.

When the Kravets family moved to Kyiv from Krivoy Rog, everything changed. Since that time, Sergei has not performed on stage, but he is one of the creative authors of the studio. He also has an unusual hobby: he has been involved in auto racing for quite some time.

It was previously reported that . “OneSize by Lena Kravets” - with this tag you can find things for pregnant women based on the Ukrainian brand InsideU. By the way, the clothes are interesting because they suit women not only during pregnancy, but also fit harmoniously into the wardrobe after childbirth.

    The humorous actress Elena Kravets of the Kvartal 95 studio is pregnant again. Elena’s colleague Vladimir Zelinsky announced the star’s pregnancy on the set of the Evening Quarter. For this reason, Elena Kravets did not go on tour with the team to Israel, but the star is not going to quit her job because of pregnancy.

    Elena and her husband Sergei have a 13-year-old daughter, Masha. The 39-year-old actress has repeatedly admitted that she dreams of a second child. The star is pregnant from her husband Sergei. No one yet knows when the actress will give birth to a baby, but it is clear that she will please her family, all her relatives, and her fans with a new addition.

    As reported in the 95th quarter, Elena Kravets will temporarily leave the show due to her pregnancy. This will be the second child in the family. The father of the child is Elena’s husband, Sergei. Zelensky stated this in an interview. You can read more details here

    Kvartal-95 Studio actress Elena Kravets was born on January 1, 1977 (39 years old), gave birth to a daughter, Masha, in 2003, and in May it became known that the TV presenter was expecting a second child from her husband Sergei Kravets, also a Kvartal-95 participant. The child will be born in 2-3 months, it is not yet known who it will be, but for sure the happy parents want a son.

    At the moment it is known that the 39-year-old actress of the Evening Quarter Elena Kravets is pregnant with her second child. This information is official. But there has been no birth yet; they are expected in 2-3 months.

    The father of the unborn child will be Elena's husband Sergei Kravets. The child will be the second in their family: they are raising their daughter Marina, 13 years old.

    Elena Kravets, this is famous actress, presenter, and resident of the studio block 95, she is 39 years old and she is not upset about her age, but on the contrary, she tries not only to look great, but also decides to fill her home with children’s laughter.

    Elena Kravets gave birth to twins this month: a daughter and a son.

    Elena Kravets already has an eldest daughter in her family, Maria, who is currently 13 years old.

    The famous presenter did not reveal secrets about the names for her children for a very long time, but the other day, in social network She wrote on her VKontakte page for her fans that her daughter will be called Katenka - Ekaterina Sergeevna, and her son Ivan - Ivan Sergeevich.

    I think this is very beautiful names for children. One has only to wish the children health, and the parents patience in their upbringing, great happiness and love.

    Elena Kravets is a 39-year-old Ukrainian actress and comedian, participant in such a famous show as Studio Kvartal-95. She met her husband Sergei Kravets in 2002 and they got married the same year. The marriage produced a daughter, Masha, who is now 13 years old. Recently, on August 15, the actress also gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The kids' names are Ivan and Ekaterina.

    Yes, Elena Kravets is currently pregnant, this will be the second child in their family. The child's father is, of course, Lena's beloved husband Sergei. The family already has a 13-year-old daughter, Masha, and the couple, I think, want a boy to be born this time. Due to her pregnancy, Elena Kravets did not go to the filming of the Evening Quarter in Israel, out of obvious precautions. Elena will give birth in a few months.

    Elena Kravets (Lena from 95 Kvartal) is really pregnant, but the term is about 6 months, so it’s too early to talk about giving birth. According to unverified information, the Kravets family is expecting a boy. I think Elena will give birth in the fall of 2016, then we will find out all the details, gender, weight, height and name of the child.

    Elena Kravets has not yet become a mother for the second time; she is currently pregnant. The baby is due by the end of this summer. So far, nothing is known about the gender of the baby either, but everyone thinks that it should be a boy, because... The eldest child in the family is a girl, Masha.

Elena Kravets is a Ukrainian comedian and actress, participant in the famous show “Studio Kvartal-95”. Elena Kravets was born on the first day of 1977 in the Ukrainian industrial city of Krivoy Rog. The actress’s father worked in the metallurgy industry, and her mother was engaged in economic activities and managed a savings bank for a long time. Actually, Elena planned to follow in her mother’s footsteps, so after graduating from school she entered the Krivoy Rog Economic Institute, which was a branch of the Kyiv National Economic University.

There Elena received a degree in financier-economist. In parallel with her studies, the student had to work part-time as a cashier and accountant in a bank branch; later the girl became the director of the Krivoy Rog branch of McDonald’s.

While still at school, the girl participated in amateur competitions and student performances, was an activist and even the editor of a wall newspaper. During her student years, Lena continued creative life And social activities, and in addition, she was a radio presenter at the Krivoy Rog radio station “Radio System”.

Humor and creativity

When a KVN team was organized at the university where Elena studied, Elena joined it with pleasure and showed herself with the best side. The girl showed parodies, wrote and performed jokes, and participated in the team’s performances.

As a result, the artistic student was noticed by the leaders of the professional KVN team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit”. From there, in 1998, she joined the famous group “95th Quarter”, which two years later was transformed into a studio theater. Elena became an actress at the studio, but also worked as the administrative director of Studio Kvartal-95.

The 95th Quarter team, in which not only Elena Kravets shines, but also , and , and other artists, creates evening show programs and makes feature films, mainly in the genre of comedy films.

The first project that Elena had a hand in was the comedy series “Police Academy”. Then came the New Year's musical "A Very New Year's Movie, or Night at the Museum", the musical humorous film "Like the Cossacks...", the melodramatic story "Miracle" and two seasons of a kind of remake of the American film "1+1 at home".

The actress also tried herself as a producer and offered the audience the benefit film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko,” which turned out to be the last appearance of the legend of the Soviet screen in front of movie cameras.

In 2010, Elena Kravets was recognized as one of the most beautiful female celebrities in Ukraine. Fans of the actress considered this assessment absolutely fair, because Elena Kravets has a slender figure (weight 62 kg, height 172 cm) and natural wheat hair.

This rating was published in the popular magazine “Viva!” Such recognition is important not only for the self-esteem of the actress, but also for all female comedians, as it breaks the stereotype that any popular comedian is necessarily scary or strange.

In 2014 and 2015, the actress was again included in the rating, but this time in a more serious one. Elena Kravets was named among the “100 most influential women Ukraine" - a list compiled by Focus magazine. In 2016, the press again appreciated Elena’s professionalism and influence. The magazine “New Time” placed the actress in the “TOP 100 most successful women of Ukraine” rating.

In 2015, Elena Kravets became a coach in the popular Ukrainian comedy show"League of Laughter" The program was launched by the Kvartal 95 studio. The show follows the popular format of television competitions. A group of coaches listens to the candidates' speeches, after which they select participants for their own teams. At the next stages, after working with coaches, participants demonstrate their numbers, after which the worst are eliminated.

Participants from Elena Kravets' team won only in the third season of the show. In the summer cup of this season, the duet of the teams “Let's Rest Together” and “Lugansk Team” won.

Elena Kravets’s last television film before pregnancy was the satirical socio-political series “Servant of the People,” released in 2015. The actress played the role of the head of the National Bank Olga Mishchenko. In 2016, a continuation of this picture was released. Both seasons were filmed by the Ukrainian audiovisual content production company Studio Kvartal 95, where Elena Kravets works.

The series begins with the fact that the teacher, fed up with the antics of the schoolchildren, breaks into the class and obscenely tells the students what he thinks about them. Students post a recording of the teacher’s monologue on the Internet, and this has given the teacher deafening popularity. Yielding to the persuasion of his students, the teacher begins to run for president.

The heroine of Elena Kravets - ex-wife teacher who became the President of Ukraine. The woman becomes the head of the National Bank of Ukraine, then serves as the country's prime minister, and in the second season even becomes a princess.

The series received the WorldFest RemiAward in the “Series” category and the World Media Festival in the “Entertaining Television Series” category. The series was also exported to be shown in the USA. According to the creators of the series, “Servant of the People” will be the first original Ukrainian product to be remade and adapted in America. The original series is also available on Netflix with English subtitles and voice acting.

In the same year, the actress voiced her role in the Russian adaptation of the popular American cartoon “Angry Birds at the Movies” based on the famous mobile game. Matilda speaks in the voice of the actress. This is not the first role of Elena Kravets in voice acting. A year earlier, the actress voiced the main villain Scarlet Overkill in the Minions cartoon. The actress also gave the voice to the snail girl Burn in the cartoon “Turbo”.

Personal life

IN creative team Elena met another employee of the 95th Quarter studio, Sergei Kravets, whom she married in September 2002 and replaced maiden name Malyashenko took her husband’s last name, becoming Elena Kravets.

Six months after the wedding, a daughter, Maria, was born into the family, and on August 15, 2016, Lena and Sergey became parents again: son Ivan and daughter Ekaterina. The first photos of the children that the actress posted on the Internet created a sensation.

Although Elena Kravets has registered accounts in “