Ex-host of the Comedy Club Sargsyan Tash: biography, career and personal life. Tash Sargsyan latest news, rumors, gossip First comedy presenter

Sargsyan Artashes Gagikovich born in Yerevan (Armenia ) in 1974 on June 1. Since childhood, the boy was distinguished by his sociability, creative and acting abilities. After school, he was educated at the Academy of Agriculture in Yerevan, specializing in winemaking. But studying young man was of little interest, while still at the university, Artashes Sargsyan, taking the stage name Tash, began playing in KVN, became the leading member of the team "New Armenians", as part of which he entered the KVN First League (1994,1995). Thus, acting talent made its way and Sargsyan began his career as a producer, actor, television and radio host.

Sargsyan in the KVN Major League

Very soon Sargsyan will perform together with the “New Armenians” t in the Major League of KVN. And immediately in 1996, their team reached the semi-finals, losing first place to the Makhachkala Tramps team. The audience came to know and love this cheerful team. In the same year, the Armenian team of KVN players won second place in Jurmala at music festival. “New Armenians” repeated this success at the next festival in the Baltics.

Each subsequent season, Sargsyan's team achieved new successes. In 1997, they, together with the KVN team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit”, shared the title of champion of the Major League, and as champions began to conduct active touring activities. The year 1998 brought the KVN Super Cup to the “New Armenians”, but they did not receive an award at the KVN music festival.

Sargsyan took the pseudonym Tash

1999 was the final year in the team’s career in seasonal KVN tournaments. This year, “New Armenians” participated in the Major League, where they reached the finals, although losing to the BSU team. They also took part in another music festival in Jurmala and the KVN Summer Cup, however, as a result, the team did not win prizes at both the festival and the cup.

Gradually, the “New Armenians” team directed its work towards touring activities. Their performances were successfully held in many countries around the world. But they did not abruptly break off their connection with KVN tournaments and games: they performed in 2000 at the festival in Jurmala, where they won the “Presidential KiViN” award and took part in the 2001 Summer Cup.

Sargsyan at the comedy club

At the beginning of the 2000s, stand-ups were already popular in the USA. comedy show. In 2001, during his tour, Sargsyan and his team saw the performance of the American " Comedy Club", which made a bright and strong impression on them. Therefore, when in 2003, the touring activities of Sarkisyan’s team ceased to arouse great interest among viewers and generate sufficient financial profit, it was decided to implement the idea of ​​​​a “Comedy Club” in Moscow.

Artashes Sargsyan was one of the initiators and implementers of this project. The audience received the new show with delight. And Artashes himself became the host of the Russian "Comedy Club".

Sargsyan's personal life

Artashes Sargsyan tries not to show off his personal life. It is known that in 2012, he met the blond beauty Olga. At that time she was a student. A romantic relationship between them began quickly. Olga and Artashes live together in a civil marriage, the couple has no children. Olga turned out to be a wonderful wife and housewife, which makes Artashes Sargsyan very happy.

Sargsyan now

Artashes Sargsyan has long dreamed of opening his own restaurant or cafe. He realized his dream in 2007 by opening the restaurant “TM Cafe”, and three years later - Cafe “54”, which became winners of several prestigious awards. In addition, Artashes Sargsyan is actively involved in sports: skating, snowboarding, traveling a lot, and also maintains his pages on social networks on the Internet.

Being a passionate football fan, Sargsyan is not only a devoted fan of Lokomotiv Moscow, Barcelona, ​​and the American Pittsburgh Steelers club, but also the host of the Football Night program (2008 - 2010, NTV channel). Without betraying his interests, Artashes Sargsyan was the editor-in-chief of the Total Football magazine for a long time, and also in 2015 - 2017. headed the directorate of sports broadcasts on the Match TV channel.

Graduated from the Faculty of Winemaking of the Yerevan Agricultural Academy.

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Artashes Sargsyan
Արտաշես Սարգսյան

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Birth name:

Artashes Gagikovich Sargsyan

Date of birth:
Place of birth:

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Date of death:

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Place of death:

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from 1996 to present

  • Champion Major League KVN 1997
  • Winner of the KVN Summer Cup 1998
  • Winner of the Big KiViN in light 1996, 1997

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Artashes Gagikovich Sargsyan(Armenian Արտաշես Գագիկի Սարգսյան ; June 1, Yerevan) - Russian producer and one of the founders of the Comedy Club, former editor-in-chief magazine “Total Football”, member of the KVN team “New Armenians”. Stage name - Tash. Since 2015 - editor-in-chief of the Directorate of Sports Broadcasts of the Match TV channel. Restaurateur.


In 1996, Sargsyan and his team made their debut in the KVN Major League and in the first season they reached the semi-finals, in which they lost to the future champions “Makhachkala Tramps”. In the same year, performing for the first time at the music festival in Jurmala, “New Armenians” immediately won the second prize - “KiViN in Light”. Artashes Sargsyan and his team won the same award at the next festival.

During one of the American tours in 2001, team members attended a performance at the local Comedy Club, a stand-up comedy show. By 2003 concert activity"New Armenians" began to decline and team members experienced serious financial difficulties; Under these conditions, it was decided to try to implement the Comedy Club idea in Moscow. Among those who came up with and implemented this idea are Artashes Sargsyan, Arthur Janibekyan, and Artak Gasparyan. From the very beginning of the show, he became a non-miniature host.

Passionate football fan, supports Lokomotiv Moscow and Barcelona. He is an American football fan and a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was the host of the “Football Night” program on the NTV channel. From 2011 to August 2012 - editor-in-chief of Total Football magazine. Hosted the “Sports ReportTASH” program on Comedy Radio.

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Excerpt characterizing Sargsyan, Artashes Gagikovich

Stand up, look, listen
How the birds sing to us,
Like flowers at dawn
They drink May dew.
Get up and look, my dear,
Death will wait for you!
Do you see? - And on the graves
Sunny May lives on!
Flames with flowers
Even the land of graves...
So why is there so little
Have you, my son, lived?
My bright-eyed boy,
Joy, my hope!
Don't go, my darling,
Don't leave me...
He named him Alexander, choosing this name himself, since his mother was in the hospital and he had no one else to ask. And when the grandmother offered to help bury the baby, the father categorically refused. He did everything himself, from start to finish, although I can’t even imagine how much grief he had to endure, burying his newborn son, and at the same time knowing that his beloved wife was dying in the hospital... But dad is everything endured without a single word of reproach to anyone, only the only thing he prayed for was that his beloved Annushka would return to him, until this terrible blow completely knocked her down, and until night fell on her exhausted brain...
And so my mother returned, and he was completely powerless to help her with anything, and did not know at all how to get her out of this terrible, “dead” state...
Death little Alexander deeply shocked the entire Seryogin family. It seemed like he would never return to this sad house sunlight, and laughter will never sound again... Mom was still “killed.” And although her young body, obeying the laws of nature, began to grow stronger and stronger, her wounded soul, despite all the efforts of her father, was still far away, like a bird that had flown away, and, having plunged deeply into the ocean of pain, was in no hurry to return from there...

But soon, after some six months, good news came to them - mom was pregnant again... Dad was scared at first, but seeing that mom suddenly started to come to life very quickly, he decided to take the risk, and now everyone is with great impatience were expecting a second child... This time they were very careful and tried in every possible way to protect my mother from any unwanted accidents. But, unfortunately, trouble, apparently for some reason, fell in love with this hospitable door... And it knocked again...
Out of fright, knowing sad story mother’s first pregnancy, and fearing that something would go “wrong” again, the doctors decided to perform a “caesarean section” even before contractions began (!). And apparently they did it too early... One way or another, a girl was born who was named Marianna. But, unfortunately, she also managed to live for a very short time - after three days this fragile, slightly blossoming life, no one cares. known reasons, interrupted...
An eerie impression was created that someone really didn’t want her mother to give birth at all... And although by nature and genetics she was a strong woman absolutely suitable for childbearing, she was already afraid to even think about repeating such a cruel attempt once upon a time at all...
But man is a surprisingly strong creature, and is capable of enduring much more than he himself could ever imagine... Well, pain, even the most terrible, (if it does not immediately break the heart) once apparently dulls, repressed, eternally living in each of us, hope. That’s why, exactly a year later, very easily and without any complications, on an early December morning, another daughter was born to the Seryogin family, and this happy daughter turned out to be me... But... this birth would probably have ended differently happily, if everything continued to happen according to the pre-prepared plan of our “compassionate” doctors... On a cold December morning, mother was taken to the hospital, even before her contractions began, in order, again, “to be sure” that “ “nothing bad” will happen (!!!)... Wildly nervous from “bad premonitions,” dad rushed back and forth along the long hospital corridor, unable to calm down, because he knew that, according to their common agreement, mom was doing this try one last time, and if something happens to the child this time too, it means they will never be destined to see their children... The decision was difficult, but dad preferred to see, if not the children, then at least his beloved “ little star” alive, and not bury his entire family at once, without even really understanding what his family really means...
To my father’s great regret, Dr. Ingelevicius, who was still the chief surgeon there, again came to check on my mother, and it was very, very difficult to avoid his “high” attention... After “carefully” examining my mother, Ingelevicius said that he would come tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the morning, to perform another “caesarean section” on mom, to which poor dad almost had a heart attack...
But at about five o’clock in the morning a very pleasant young midwife came to my mother and, much to my mother’s surprise, cheerfully said:
- Well, let’s get ready, now we’ll give birth!
When the frightened mother asked - what about the doctor? The woman, calmly looking into her eyes, affectionately replied that, in her opinion, it was high time for her mother to give birth to live (!) children... And she began to gently and carefully massage her mother’s belly, as if little by little preparing her for a “soon and happy” childbirth ... And so, with light hand To this wonderful unknown midwife, at about six o'clock in the morning, my mother easily and quickly gave birth to her first living child, who, fortunately, turned out to be me.

Artashes Sargsyan, known to all of us as Tash, was born in 1974 in the city of Yerevan. He studied at the Agricultural Academy at the Faculty of Winemaking. According to the official website of agent Tash Sargsyan, he played for the New Armenians team for two years. In 1995 it was already the First League. In 1996, he made his debut in the Major League and immediately he and his team made it to the semi-finals. In the same year, New Armenians took part in Jurmala and received the second prize there. In 2001, New Armenians began to tour with their performances around various countries. During such tours, Tasha was noted by members of the local Comedy Club project.

In 2003, the work of the KVN team New Armenians slowed down and they decided to implement a similar stand-up project in Moscow. The result was this wonderful humorous show, which to this day delights us with its miniatures, sketches and comic songs. In the capital's Comedy Club, Tash became the host; he did not take part in the miniatures. Today you can invite Tash Sargsyan to an event, to a celebration. His presence at your celebration will truly become one of the brightest memories in your life.

In addition to his career in the field of humor, the artist owns his own restaurant, which has repeatedly received all kinds of prizes and awards. He is constantly invited as a presenter on various television programs, as well as as a participant in reality shows. Tash is an ardent football fan, host of Football Night on NTV and editor of a sports magazine. In addition, he is the presenter of Sports ReportTASH on Comedy Radio. Such a versatile and active personality is this Tash Sargsyan.

Organization of Tash Sargsyan's concert

Սարգսյան; June 1, 1974, Yerevan) - Russian producer and former host of the Comedy Club, former editor-in-chief of the Total Football magazine, former actor KVN team “New Armenians.” />

Artashes Gagikovich Sargsyan(hy Արտաշես Գագիկի Սարգսյան; June 1, 1974, Yerevan) - Russian producer and former host of the Comedy Club, former editor-in-chief of the Total Football magazine, former actor of the KVN team New Armenians. Stage name - Tash.


Graduated from the Faculty of Winemaking of the Yerevan Agricultural Academy. He played in KVN in the “New Armenians” team. In its composition in 1994 and 1995 he performed in the KVN First League.

In 1996, Sargsyan and his team made their debut in the KVN Major League and in the first season they reached the semi-finals, in which they lost to the future champions “Makhachkala Tramps”. In the same year, having performed for the first time at the music festival in Jurmala, “New Armenians” immediately won the second prize - “KiViN in Light”. Artashes Sargsyan and his team won the same award at the next festival.

In the 1997 season, he became the champion of the Major League, sharing this title with the team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit”. In 1998, “New Armenians”, as champions, skipped the season, concentrating on touring activities. This year, the Armenian team won the KVN Super Cup, and also participated in the KVN music festival, where this time they were left without awards.

In 1999, Sargsyan, together with his team, took part in the Major League games as a favorite, where they reached the final, losing to the young BSU team. “New Armenians” also performed at the next festival in Jurmala and the KVN Summer Cup, where they also remained without awards. After 1999, the team ended its career in seasonal KVN tournaments, taking part only in the Jurmala festival in 2000, where it won the Presidential KiViN, and the Summer Cup in 2001. “New Armenians” focused on touring activities, performing concerts in many CIS countries, Europe, as well as in Israel and the USA.

During one of the American tours in 2001, team members attended a performance at the local Comedy Club, a stand-up comedy show. By 2003, the concert activity of the “New Armenians” began to decline and the team members experienced serious financial difficulties; Under these conditions, it was decided to try to implement the Comedy Club idea in Moscow. Among those who came up with and implemented this idea, along with Artur Janibekyan, Artur Tumasyan, Garik Martirosyan, Artak Gasparyan, was also Artashes Sargsyan. From the very beginning of the show, he became a non-thumbnail host.

In 2007, he opened his own restaurant, TM Cafe, which won several awards. In December 2010, Artashes Sargsyan opened the cafe “Cafe “54””.

Hobbies: alpine skiing, snowboarding, skating, traveling, active Internet user, maintains his own blog on LiveJournal and Twitter.

He is a passionate football fan and supports Lokomotiv Moscow, Barcelona and the Russian national team. He was the host of the “Football Night” program on the NTV channel. From 2011 to August 2012 - editor-in-chief of Total Football magazine.

For several years, Sargsyan Tash hosted the comedy program Comedy Club. Want to know where he went? How did his career and personal life turn out? Now we will tell you everything.

Tash Sargsyan: biography, family

He was born on June 1, 1974 in the capital of Armenia - Yerevan. The future conversational artist was brought up in ordinary family. His father earned money through hard physical labor. And the mother took care of the housework and raising her son. The family lived modestly. They did not have extra money for expensive clothes and delicacies.

Tash is not a pseudonym, but a shortened form of the Armenian name Artashes. Few people know about this.

Childhood years

Our hero studied well at school. Teachers constantly praised him for his exemplary behavior and thirst for knowledge. Sargsyan Tashak actively participated in amateur competitions. He loved performing in front of audiences, catching their admiring glances, and hearing applause.

At home, the boy put on performances for his parents and grandparents. It was quite funny to watch him from the outside. Everyone in the area was talking about how the future artist was growing.


Tash wanted to build an acting career. But after finishing high school he decided to choose a more accessible and practical profession. The guy submitted documents to the Agricultural Academy located in the city of Yerevan. His choice fell on the Faculty of Winemaking. Artashes managed to cope with the entrance exams. The guy was enrolled in the required course.

Performances in KVN

Studying at the winemaking faculty turned out to be boring for Tash Sargsyan. The only thing that brought him joy was performances in KVN. The active and cheerful guy was accepted into the “New Armenians” team. In 1997, the team became the champion of the Major League.

Sargsyan Tash performed as a member of the “New Armenians” until 2003. At some point, he realized that he had outgrown the project and wanted to develop his creativity.

Comedy Club

In 2003 former members“New Armenians” teams launched a format unusual for our country comedy show. How did you guess we're talking about about Comedy Club. The essence of this program was that comedians go on stage, show funny skits or just joke on current topics. At first, the show was shown on cable channels in Moscow. But in April 2005, Comedy Club began broadcasting on TNT. And the show is still gaining high ratings.

Tash Sargsyan: personal life

Our hero has always dreamed of a Russian wife - beautiful, faithful and economical. It seems that God heard his prayers. But this did not happen as quickly as Tash would have liked.

In his youth, Sargsyan had many stormy romances with sultry beauties. However, in none of the girls did he see the future wife and mother of his children.

After the former KVN player began hosting the Comedy Club, the number of his fans increased significantly. But Artashes never enjoyed his fame.

Sargsyan met true love in 2012. Tash met blonde Olga at a party with mutual friends. He immediately liked the girl. And after talking with her, the Armenian realized that he had fallen in love. Of course, Olya is not only beautiful, but also smart. She has studied at MGIMO and worked in one of the largest international companies.

Artashes long and persistently courted the blonde. In the end, she agreed to become his soulmate. The couple has been living in the same apartment for several years now. The main breadwinner in the family is Tash Sargsyan. His wife Olga maintains comfort in the house. While the lovers are in a civil marriage. For them, the stamp in the passport is just a formality.

Present tense

What did Sargsyan Tash do after leaving the Comedy Club? He decided to become a restaurateur. In 2007, Artashes opened his own establishment, TM Cafe. He personally invested some of the money, and some was lent to him by wealthy friends and relatives. The project turned out to be profitable and lasted for several years. But that's not all. In 2010, Tash decided to expand by opening another establishment - Cafe 54.

Our hero is an interesting and comprehensively developed personality. At one time he hosted the “Football Night” program on NTV. And in the period from 2011 to 2012. Sargsyan served as editor-in-chief of Total Football magazine.

Recently, Artashes has been working on the new Match-TV channel. He has many other projects prepared that will be implemented in the near future.

In conclusion

The biography, career and personal life of Tash Sargsyan were reviewed in detail by us. Before us is a purposeful and hardworking young man. We wish him success in his creative work and financial well-being!