Eilenkrieg concerts. Tickets for Vadim Eilenkrieg. One of the best jazz trumpeters

) close at the Igor Butman Jazz Club.

Very soon there will be a concert by Vadim Eilenkrig, tickets for which you can purchase right now on the VipTicket website.

He is an international jazz trumpeter. He can be regularly seen on stage as part of his group, as well as Igor Butman, Andrei Makarevich and other celebrities who are partial to jazz. For his forty-three years, this performer has participated in a huge number of jazz projects. One of the latest is the grandiose show “Big Jazz” on the “Culture” TV channel.

Vadim performed in an unusual role for himself as a presenter and was awarded rave reviews from both fans and critics. But above all, he is famous as a great jazz musician. Anyone who wants to see his virtuoso performance should buy tickets to Vadim Eilenkrieg's concert. He began to learn the basics of music thanks to his parents. Initially he played the piano, and then chose the trumpet as his second instrument, rather than the saxophone, as his parents wanted. Moreover, he began to devote more and more time to the new instrument. In his second year of studying trumpet, he became a laureate of the Moscow trumpet competition.

This finally influenced the fact that he decided to continue developing in this direction. In 1986 he entered the Music College named after. October Revolution(now Moscow Schnittke College) in the academic trumpet class. In 1990 he entered the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, where he transferred from the wind instruments department to the jazz department.

In 1995, he was invited as a soloist to the MGUKI big band at the International Jazz Festival in Torgau (Germany), where he became a laureate. After graduating from the institute, he immediately received invitations to play with the best jazz ensembles capitals.

One of the best jazz trumpeters

Among them are the ISS big band of Anatoly Kroll, the orchestra conducted by the legend of Russian jazz Oleg Lundstrem, the Moscow big band state institute them. Gnesins. will allow you to see the performance of a virtuoso who had the opportunity to perform with outstanding figures of Russian jazz and today the musician can rightfully be called one of the best.

MMDM is one of the most elegant concert halls in Moscow, where listening to prepared works and improvisations by a jazzman will be most welcome. The artist has been on an independent creative voyage for a long time.

In 1996, he created his first solo project - the group XL. At the same time, he began experimenting with electronic styles of music and was the first in Moscow to start playing with DJs. At the same time, he did not forget about academic growth, having successfully completed graduate school at the State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides. Tickets to Vadim Eilenkrig's concert will allow you to see the performance of a musician who is very pleased to be invited by famous artists and groups for joint recordings.

He collaborated with Larisa Dolina, Sergei Mazaev, Dmitry Malikov, the Umaturman group, and also participated in the recordings of the Lyube group, the Shtar group and others. If you are partial to jazz, then you should definitely order tickets to the concert of Vadim Eilenkrig - he receives a standing ovation after each of his performances.

Vadim Eilenkrig in Moscow on May 4, 2019 (and other dates) May 31, 2019 20:30 June 1, 2019 19:00 June 20, 2019 19:00 close buy tickets.

Vadim Simonovich Eilenkrieg is a famous Russian trumpeter and jazz performer. Vadim was born on May 4, 1971 in Moscow. Since childhood, he was interested in music and entered a music school. Since his parents were representatives creative professions, they only supported this boy’s hobby. The only disagreement with them arose when Vadim wanted to choose a trumpet as his second instrument, and not a saxophone, as his parents wanted. And trumpet lessons soon began to produce very tangible results. The young man became a laureate of the Moscow trumpet competition. After leaving school, Eilenkrieg entered the Music school named after the October Revolution, which today is called Moscow College named after Schnittke. And in 1990, after graduating from college, Vadim entered the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. It was here that his serious passion for jazz began. Therefore, Eilenkrieg soon decides to transfer from the academic trumpet department to the jazz one in order to get a quality music education exactly in this direction.

In 1995, Vadim Eilenkrig became a member of his big band educational institution and soon, as part of this team, takes part in the International jazz festival. At this festival, held in the German city of Torgau, the young trumpet player receives the title of laureate. Since then, the road to the best domestic ones has been open for Vadim jazz bands. The musician began to actively give concerts in collaboration with various ensembles and the most famous jazzmen in the country. In addition, around the same time, the talented young trumpeter began to actively experiment, mixing jazz with modern electronic musical styles. And since 1999, the musician became a member of Igor Butman’s big band, with which he successfully began giving concerts both in Russia and abroad.

Currently, the name of Vadim Eilenkrig is well known not only to jazz lovers, but also to fans of popular music. The trumpeter actively collaborates with such famous domestic performers as Larisa Dolina, the group “Umaturman” and the popular showman Timur Rodriguez. Today you can buy tickets for this musician’s concert not only in Russia, but also abroad. In addition, Eilenkrieg releases records with his virtuoso performances of famous jazz works, which attract the attention of hundreds of thousands of listeners.

Each concert of Vadim Eilenkrig becomes a real sensation for the entire Russian and world jazz community. Also the performances of this outstanding musician actively attract the attention of fans of many other trends and genres.

Vadim Simonovich Eilenkrieg - famous Russian musician with a worldwide reputation. He was born in Moscow on May 4, 1971. Since his parents were directly related to music, his boy early years became actively interested in this type of art. He mastered the music school piano and trumpet. Subsequently, the young man also successfully graduated from the Music College named after the October Revolution, and then from the Moscow State University culture and arts. The musician is also a graduate of the graduate school of the Maimonides State Classical Academy. More in student years he noticeably cooled towards academic art, deciding to become a professional jazz musician. At the same time, fame in in this capacity came to to a young performer very quickly, and not only in home country, but also abroad. In 1995, the jazzman became a laureate of the prestigious international competition, held in Germany. It was from this moment that his brilliant career in this genre began. But in 1996, the musician began to actively experiment in the field electronic music, creating the team “XL”. In addition, Vadim became the first classical and jazz musician in our country who began working with DJs. But his jazz work also turned out to be incredibly successful. The trumpeter had the opportunity to collaborate with a large number of famous domestic groups, such as the big band of Anatoly Kroll, the orchestra led by Oleg Lundstrem, the big band of Igor Butman and others. He also has wonderful experience with famous foreign representatives of this genre. The musician has released several very successful albums. With the advent of popularity, he began to actively perform around the world and take part in major thematic festivals. At the same time, the talented performer and bright experimenter never sought to limit himself to one musical direction. Therefore, he is also known for his successful collaborations with many famous Russian rock- and pop performers. For many years, the artist has been combining creativity with teaching. And not so long ago he made his debut as a TV presenter.

Currently, Vadim Eilenkrig is confidently among the most famous Russian and world jazz musicians. He also made a name for himself in many other areas and genres. In addition, the performer is an excellent connoisseur of music and simply an interesting and bright creative personality.