Egor creed hometown. Egor Creed: biography, personal life, family, wife, girlfriend, children - photo

Yegor Creed - popular among young people Russian singer. The young man is known not only for his music, but also for his attractive appearance. Egor leads an active personal life. In 2017 alone, he was spotted in the company of no less than three beauties. What is known about latest changes in Egor’s life, read our article.

Brief biographical information

This year Egor turned 23 years old. Yegor Creed is popular as a hip-hop artist. He actively collaborates with the famous Timati label called “ Black Star Inc."

In fact, Creed's name is Yegor Bulatkin. He is originally from Penza. Yegor's love for music began in childhood. After graduation, the guy moved to Moscow and entered the Gnessin Institute. In 2015, he took a leave of absence because he could not attend educational institution due to frequent performances.

Famous Russian singer Yegor Creed

Creed's first song is “Love on the Net.” First, he posted it on his VKontakte page, and later recorded a video. In 2012, Creed won the VKontakte Star competition. This is how his musical career began.

The singer's most famous lovers

Yegor Creed has an incredibly rich personal life. Almost every year the singer was seen in the company of more and more girlfriends. And how many more girls are there that the paparazzi didn’t manage to photograph in Yegor’s company?

The very first lover of the famous handsome man was the heroine of the television series “Daddy’s Daughters” Miroslava Karpovich. The girl is much older young man. However, the reason for their breakup was far from the age difference. It's just that the lovers couldn't find time for each other. When both of a couple are celebrities, it is very difficult for them to find time to meet. This is what happened in the pair of Mira and Yegor.

Egor Creed and Miroslava Karpovich

In 2013, Yegor began dating Diana Melison. Diana and Yegor did not meet for more than a year. Also in 2013, they broke up. Diana told the press that the reason for their separation was Yegor’s jealousy. The fact is that the girl has repeatedly starred in advertising for underwear. Perhaps the singer was not very pleased to realize that his beloved was being seen half-naked by someone other than him. The young man dedicated several songs to Diana. Among them are “Flew Away” and others.

The singer also met with the daughter of the popular Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Anna Stryukova. However, their relationship did not last long. The girl was not ready for something more serious.

With Ksenia Delhi

Yegor Creed also met with a model from Moldova, Ksenia Deli. They met through one popular social network. At first, the lovers saw each other in Los Angeles, and later in Moscow.

For a long time, the artist did not want to reveal his cards about who his chosen one was. Even if Creed published photos, he tried to choose pictures where the girl’s face was not visible. Despite the desire to protect this relationship from the public, it still did not last very long.

With singer Nyusha

From 2014 to 2016, Creed dated singer Nyusha. But the girl’s father intervened in the relationship. He decided that Yegor wanted to make a name for himself through Nyusha’s popularity. Under the influence of the girl's father, the young people had to separate.

At the end of 2016, Egor was spotted in the company of a model from St. Petersburg, Victoria Odintsova. They met on the set of the “I Like” video. The young people celebrated the singer’s birthday together, and then vacationed in Greece.

Yegor Creed's latest novel

The personal life of Yegor Creed in 2017 is boiling with hot fire. He stopped paying attention to Russian beauties. Now the star likes celebrities from abroad.

In February of this year, Creed's fans shed liters of tears. It turned out that the man had a girlfriend. Who do you think it could be this time? It turns out that Yegor wants to be a little closer to the Kardashian family than any average Russian. He met his friend Kim. The girl's name is Carla Dibella. The young people met at a party in Dubai. Later, they spent Valentine's Day together. This is very symbolic.

Carla and Creed actively shared compromising photos with their subscribers on social networks. So Carla posted a photo showing a huge bouquet of flowers. The girl signed the photo with the first letter of Yegor's name. Does this mean that it was Creed who presented the flowers?

With Carla Dibella

Carla immediately received comments from Creed’s subscribers under the photo. Not everyone shared the happiness of their idol. Some girls wondered how Egor and Karla could be together if she was much older than the guy. Others, on the contrary, were happy that the singer had found a girlfriend again. And the fact that they have an age difference does not matter. The main thing is that lovers feel comfortable in each other’s company.

Some time later, on March 28, Creed again made it known that he had more than just friendly relations with Karla. He left a happy birthday message for the girl on his Instagram page. On the same day, Carla threw a party to celebrate the holiday. Those close to Yegor said that the young man was spotted among those invited.

Yegor Creed with his new girlfriend

In April, young people again gave fans reason to wonder if the stars were dating. It turned out that Karla had arrived in Moscow. Moreover, Yegor Creed was also noticed in her company. They took pictures together, explored the sights - in general, had a good time together. What happened next in the personal life of Yegor Creed - history is silent. What is known is that Karla came to Moscow from abroad more than once.

Egor Creed on stage

If the lovers want to live together, they will have to decide which country to stay in. It is unlikely that Karla will want to move to Russia. If Creed has to go abroad, the singer needs to completely reconsider his musical style, to reorient it to the Western style of performance.

The opportunity to “enter” a foreign stage is everyone’s dream Russian performer. Why shouldn’t Yegor take advantage of it if the opportunity arises?

Who is Carla Dibella?

Carla is known not only for her friendship with Kim Kardashian. The girl is a popular TV star abroad. In addition, she is the producer of the show " Social life the Kardashian family." Karla is 33 years old. However, this apparently does not scare Yegor.

Famous model Carla Dibella

Moreover, the man said several times in his interviews that he was not embarrassed by relationships with women 10 years older than him.

What does the singer think about children?

When Creed wrote his first album "Bachelor", the guy had turning point in life. Yegor really wanted to start a family - a wife and child. At that time, he even discussed such an “outcome” with his significant other. He wanted to become a father earlier so that he and his child would have a minimal age difference. The closer the parents are to their son or daughter in age, the easier it is for them to understand each other in the future.

Yegor realized in time that it was too early to be a father. Otherwise, he was something like “Sunday Father or Father on Skype, as the singer himself says. He would constantly disappear on tour, and his mother would have to raise the child.

Singer Yegor Creed now

Later, Yegor broke up with that girl. He's happy they didn't have a child. Creed believes that children have the hardest time of divorce. If adults still understand why everything happened, children will have to explain for a long time why mom and dad can no longer live under the same roof.

Egor is from Penza, born on June 25, 1994. Despite his rather young age, this young man is distinguished by his special tenacity, hard work and, of course, incredible luck, thanks to which he has now managed to gain large number fans of his work throughout Russia.

Yegor Creed's school years

Egor Bulatkin, better known as KReeD (Creed), co- school age I felt a special reverent attitude towards music and the creative field in general. He was interested in many musical styles, however, develop creativity he was helped by hip-hop in the person of the world famous 50 cent. His music and performance style helped Egor reveal not only the talent of the performer, but also the gift of writing quite interesting texts, touching the soul of all his listeners. Yegor's entire teenage period was inextricably linked with the creation of songs dedicated to problems in relationships between people and love experiences. The lines of the songs come from the heart, supported by the experiences and feelings of the author himself. In each new text, Yegor put his own thoughts and attitude towards life, his worldview. Yegor also made recordings of his first experiments in performing the texts he wrote.

The creative path of Egor KReeDa

Like any poet, Yegor wanted to share his emotions and feelings not only with his best friends, but with the whole world. In 2011, he finally decided to reveal his work to the world. On the advice of his best friends, he posted the now famous “Love Online” video. It is unlikely that Egor and his friends could then have imagined what would happen after the video appeared on the Internet. Millions of people who watched this video were amazed at how much emotion the young man put into every line of his text; some were able to recognize themselves and their lives in the words of the song. This video could not leave any of the listeners indifferent. After such success, it was obvious that Yegor had every chance of gaining fame in the music industry, and for this it was necessary to try himself in many musical projects. In 2012, Creed participated in the VKontakte Star competition, where his competitors were more than a thousand young talents, just like himself, striving to find their way to fame. However, Yegor manages to cope with the experiences and difficulties on his way to winning the “Best Hip-Hop Project” nomination. Soon the production center “Black Star” drew attention to such a promising talent, and in 2012 Egor already received an offer to sign a contract with him.

Egor's concert schedule currently looks quite daunting, given the fact that he is now a very popular performer. Numerous fans, and especially female fans, want to see Yegor on the stages of their city. Unlike many arrogant young performers, Creed loves to communicate with his fans, happily signs autographs and shares positive emotions with his beloved fans.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

Egor loves to communicate with his fans on any topic, but conversations about his personal life, unfortunately, interest him little. On at the moment the young man is more passionate about discovering his creative potential than about beautiful girls. Despite the fact that his personal life is shrouded in secrets, until he has the “married” status on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, any of his fans has a real chance of taking the still vacant place in the heart of Yegor Creed.

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Yegor Creed is a young and mega-successful singer, hip-hop performer, who has an army of fans and admirers. He attracts full houses to his concerts, and his songs always take leading positions.

As they say, much in life depends on the person himself, but the main foundation is laid in the family.

So what is it like for the famous rapper? Yegor Creed's family is very friendly, musical, and, on top of that, also rich.

Yegor's dad is Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin. Lives with his wife in Penza. He is the director of the Unitron group of companies: the largest enterprise in Russia for processing nuts and other food products.

Having started his business during the crisis of the 90s, Nikolai Borisovich is still, with incredible diligence, engaged in the development of an enterprise that is thriving.

In 2017, information appeared in the press that Nikolay Bulatkin was suspected by tax authorities of dishonesty. But the owner of the company was able to prove the opposite in court, regaining his reputation as an honest businessman.

According to the son, his father - kindest soul Human. Bulatkin Sr. is not only an exemplary family man and a successful businessman, but also a musician. The group he created, “B - Studio,” periodically gives charity concerts in the city concert hall.

Nikolai Borisovich is the leader of the group, sings and plays the guitar. Nikolai Borisovich tries to spend as much time as possible with his family. While on a business trip in Moscow on the eve of 2018, I met New Year together with his son Yegor on Red Square.

- mother of the singer. Wonderful and beautiful woman, a wonderful mother and mistress, faithful and loving wife. She works together with her husband and holds the position of deputy director of the Unitron company. In addition, Marina Petrovna sings beautifully. Now it’s no wonder why children have such a love for music and creativity.

Handsome Creed has an equally beautiful and talented older sister - Polina Bulatkina. From childhood, the girl knew that she wanted to become an artist and singer. Graduated music school in her native Penza, she studied in a theater group.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, she left for the capital and entered the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO. Then Polina went to conquer the overseas show business in Los Angeles. This is where the girl lives and works. In the USA, the beauty works under the pseudonyms: Polina Faith and Polina Michaels.

Her career is rapidly growing: she acts in films, records singles and writes lyrics herself. Also acts as a producer and screenwriter. Actively participates in the promotion of independent cinema and helps organize festivals.

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She has the same busy and busy schedule as Egor. Despite this, brother and sister recorded a joint song “Distance” and shot a video for it. In general, Polina and Egor are very friendly. Creed often comes to visit her in the states. And she doesn’t forget about Russia. Periodically flies to visit family and friends.

At the moment, Yegor Creed’s family is the closest people famous performer. He regularly invites them to his concerts and performances. The rapper does not yet have his own family or children.

With enviable regularity, the press publishes details about Creed’s new lovers. But these are only short-term romances. According to the artist himself, he is still young to start a family, and believes that someday he will find a worthy life partner. Perhaps participating in will help the guy find love. In the meantime, the young man devotes himself entirely to the stage and creativity.

Photo of Yegor Creed's family

  • Name: Egor
  • Surname: Bulatkin
  • Surname: Nikolaevich
  • Date of birth: 25.06.1994
  • Place of birth: Penza
  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Eastern horoscope: Dog
  • Occupation: singer
  • Height: 185 cm
  • Weight: 80 kg

Egor Creed- a young singer and author of his songs, who instantly conquered Russian scene. He managed to become the youngest representative of the production center “Black Star Inc.” Thousands of fans follow Creed’s work, his songs and videos instantly gain popularity. The singer himself admits that his career started on the Internet.

Photo by Egor Creed


Egor Bulatkin, performing under the pseudonym Creed, originally from Penza. His family has always been quite wealthy. My father is the owner of a large business; he owns the company that processes nuts, Unitron, and my mother helps her husband in his business. Sister Polina lives in America and tries herself in the acting field.

Egor often visits his family and shows photos with his parents

IN school years Egor was an active guy, attended various sections, took part in sporting events. His hobbies included chess, basketball, and he even tried himself in tennis.

The singer came up with the pseudonym “Creed” as a teenager.. Then he was very passionate about hip-hop culture, this style was key for him. One of his favorite groups was the group “50 cent”, whose work greatly influenced the taste of the young guy. Egor began to write texts and record them on a voice recorder. Later they grew into entire songs.

Career start

The first video of the beginning performer “Love on the Net”

Luck smiled on Yegor and he was able to find his way into show business. The first step was the victory in the category “best hip-hop project” at the “VKontakte Star” competition. The victory turned out to be so loud that the singer was invited to St. Petersburg to perform on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Hall. Then he recorded a cover version of Timati’s hit “Don’t Go Crazy.” The growing popularity of the young guy did not pass by the rapper Timati. Soon his production center “Black Star Inc.” and seventeen-year-old Creed signed a contract and Egor began performing under the label of the famous rapper.

Yegor Creed and his “mentor” Timati at the MUZ-TV ceremony

He moved to Moscow and began to actively conquer the Russian stage. In 2012, under the auspices of the label, a video for the song “Starlet” was shot. Clip typed huge amount views online. Creed is often invited to perform at large music venues, festivals and concerts. Despite his busy schedule, the singer also finds time to communicate with fans of his work.

  • in 2014, according to the Internet portal Woman.Ru, Yegor Creed received the title of “The Most Stylish Man”;
  • in 2015: – the main prize in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category at the “Golden Track”;
  • victory in the category " Best Song of the Year" (“The Most-Most”) at the fifth award of the music channel;
  • victory in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category at the MUZ-TV awards ceremony.

Yegor Creed's first studio album, “Bachelor” (2015), included such hits as “The Most-Most” and “The Bride.” Videos were shot for both songs and were successfully broadcast on music channels. Yegor covers many of his compositions and gives them new life in a completely different interpretation.

On the set of the video “Bride”

Back in 2012, immediately after moving to Moscow, the promising artist became a student Russian Academy music named after Gnessins (producing department). However, due to the rapid development of his creative activity and a busy tour schedule, in 2015 he wrote an application for academic leave.

At the end of 2015, his collection of works was replenished with a video for the single “Alarm Clock”. No one was surprised that he instantly entered the charts of television and radio stations.

Yegor Creed and his girls

Young handsome guy earned the attention of millions of female fans. Yegor himself has repeatedly said that his first priority now is creative activity. But no matter how busy his schedule is, Yegor still finds time for his personal life.

Like many other show business stars, Creed does not tell details about relationships with his chosen ones. According to some versions, he met with Miroslava Karpovich (Masha from “ Daddy's girls"), who became the heroine of the video "Starlet". The media also discussed his relationship with model Diana Mellison and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s daughter Anna.

Miroslava Karpovich in the video “Starlet”

In 2014, one of Creed's longest-running novels was declassified. Yegor met with singer Nyusha. The couple looked very happy and harmonious, but in the spring of 2016 it became known about their separation. There is a version that the singer’s father, Vladimir Shurochkin, is to blame, but the couple commented on this with “different interests.”

The couple Creed and Nyusha were often and actively discussed by fans

Now Yegor Creed is successfully touring, recording new compositions and videos. One of latest works became the song and video “Where are you, where am I”, recorded in a duet with Timati. The soundtrack for the film “Breakfast at Dad's” was previously recorded. And crowds of female fans continue to closely follow his life in the hope of learning details from the life of an eligible bachelor. But the young artist is in no hurry to advertise his relationship, although he was spotted with a new passion - Ksenia Deli. In any case, Yegor admits that his plans include building a family and having children.

Full name: Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin

Stage names: Egor Creed, KReeD

Age: 24 years old

Father: Nikolay Borisovich Bulatkin

Mother: Marina Petrovna Bulatkina

Zodiac sign:♋ Cancer

Place of birth: Russia, Penza

Nationality: Russian

Height: 185 cm

Marital status: single

Education: higher unfinished (Gnessin Russian Academy of Music)

Annual income:$3.6 million (2018)

Who is Yegor Creed

Russian singer Egor Creed

The real name of Yegor Creed is Yegor Nikolaevich Bulatkin. He came up with the nickname Creed in his youth, at the age of 14. His Instagram is in the top ten, the number of subscribers is approaching 10 million.


Egor was born into the family of Nikolai and Marina Bulatkin. The boy demonstrated his love for music from childhood; his parents always supported him and helped him develop his creative abilities.

Yegor Creed's family

Yegor Creed's birthday is June 25, 1994. The musician’s hometown is Penza. The rapper has never been ashamed of his origin, declaring that he does not consider himself “an advanced Moscow major.”

“This boy didn’t yet know how much was waiting for him.”

His parents still live in Penza, Egor often visits them. In addition, the young man enjoys giving concerts in his hometown and communicating with fans. “I have many friends and acquaintances in Penza. Whenever possible, we meet and communicate. No one can say that I am, as they say, arrogant.”

“Mom, Dad, thank you for everything!”

The artist’s father, Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin, was born in March 1961. His nationality is Russian. He is the founder and general director of the largest nut processing factory in Russia. It was from his father that Yegor inherited musical talent. Nikolay writes songs, directs local group called "B-studio". The team often gives charity concerts, in which Bulatkin Sr. also takes part. He performs as a vocalist and plays guitar.

Egor with his father Nikolai Borisovich

The father did not spoil his children. There were a minimum of gadgets at home, and the guy only got a mobile phone in the 10th grade. Creed recalls that he was given pocket money after he helped with housework: “To earn money for ice cream, I had to take out the trash, go buy bread and wash the dishes.”

Parents and sister of Yegor Creed

The musician’s mother, Marina Petrovna, is from Penza, but her year of birth remains “a secret.”

Marina Petrovna: Egor's mother

She helps her husband in the family business and holds the post of deputy director of the company. Has two higher educations.

“2001, my mother brought me to first grade”

She approved of Yegor’s decision to build a career in Moscow. The rapper says that his mother is his main critic: “My mother often attends my concerts, and I always listen to her opinion after them.”

"I love you!❤️"

Sister, Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina, 6 years older famous musician. Graduated in my hometown music school, studied in a theater studio for many years.

“Love u my sister!”

Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO. Now she lives in the USA, where she is actively pursuing a career as an actress and singer.

Egor with his sister Polina

Works under two pseudonyms - Michaels and Faith.

Yegor Creed in childhood

At the age of 6, Yegor began to study English language, go to a music club. Until the 5th grade I studied “excellent” at school.

“Appreciate this time. It's wonderful!

At the age of 11, he became seriously interested in writing songs in the hip-hop style. The first composition was written at the same age. It was called "Amnesia". The artist’s idol is American rap artist 50 Cent.

Schoolboy Egor Creed

In addition to music, Yegor was interested in chess and basketball: “Mom believed that my sister and I also needed to mind our own business. We were taken to different clubs, events, exhibitions.”

Egor Bulatkin in his youth

In mid-2015, the artist entered the production department of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. There is information on the Internet that Creed took a sabbatical leave due to a busy work schedule. Whether he returned to school is unknown.

Career of Yegor Creed

The beginning of a serious career was in 2011. Egor recorded and posted the composition “Love on the Net” on his VKontakte page. A few months later, the 17-year-old guy recorded a cover version of “Don’t Go Crazy.” With this song, Egor won the “Best Hip-Hop Project” competition.

Egor at the beginning of his creative career

That's when representatives of the Black Star music corporation noticed him. In April 2012, he signed a contract with the label. Egor moved to Moscow and became a sought-after person in Russian show business.

Timati and Egor Creed

Pavel Kuryanov helped him achieve fame - right hand Timati and director of the Black Star label. In the musical field he is known as Pasha. Many people urged Kuryanov to “dump Bulatkin,” but he saw that the guy could be turned into a “sought-after, expensive artist.” As it turned out, Pavel was right.

Pavel Kuryanov and Egor Creed

Egor recorded two studio albums, dozens of videos and songs. He is the winner of many prestigious music nominations, including the Oops! Choice Awards 2015 in the category “Performer of the Year” and OK! – “New Faces – Music” (2016).

Yegor Creed is one of the eligible bachelors among the stars of Russian show business. The musician had a relationship, but a serious relationship never worked out. Fans hoped that something would change in his personal life. But the winners of the show raise serious doubts.