The only woman in the comedy club. Marina Kravets: “My husband has known my colleagues from the Comedy Club for a long time, so in terms of jealousy, everything is calm with us. Maria Kravets's husband

Marina Kravets is a popular Russian actress, KVN performer, comedian and author of texts for comic shows. Today she is married, loves her job, and strives not to stop there. Marina is an active, positive, strong and kind woman. She always helps her friends with practical advice and kind words.

Where and when was she born

This one was born talented actress May 18, 1984 in St. Petersburg (Russia). The girl’s mother recalls that even in the maternity hospital, nurses called her an artist, because newborn Marinochka constantly cried, was capricious and demanded attention.

Marina's childhood

A girl was born and raised in ordinary family, which has nothing to do with show business. Her father was a mechanic, and her mother was an accountant. Marina has two brothers who really wanted a sister, and were happy when their parents announced the news of a new addition to the family.

In the biography of Marina Kravets, the brothers played a vital role. They helped her parents with her upbringing, and took care of her sister in every possible way, protected her, picked her up from kindergarten and fed her. This is probably why the girl began to develop a slightly boyish character from childhood. However, the feminine principle won, and Marina began to be interested in dancing, singing and acting skills. The little daughter delighted her parents, neighbors and peers with her singing. kindergarten, and later at school. She has a very clear and melodious voice, thanks to which Marina Kravets’s biography was later supplemented with information about performances with various musical groups.

The further fate of the actress

Despite good vocal abilities, enrolling in music school she couldn't. There were simply no places left for Marina in the huge competition. However, the girl’s persistence in receiving music education gave her way, and her parents hired a vocal tutor who worked with her personally.

In the biography of Marina Kravets, an important place was occupied by the game of KVN, which she became interested in in high school. The girl was one of the best comedians in the school. Together with his friend, they drew up various scripts and wrote texts for comedy skits.

When Marina finished her studies at the gymnasium, she decided to enter the Faculty of Philology, where she subsequently received a profession as a teacher of the Russian language for foreign citizens. After receiving her diploma, the girl did not try to work in her specialty, as she understood that her creative nature could not withstand sitting still for a long time and interpreting the same material.

Creativity in the life of Marina Kravets

After much thought about further work, the girl decided to go in search of best place, where she could feel at ease and at the same time earn good money. For some time, Marina worked as a cashier in a supermarket, then distributed booklets, then tried herself as a secretary in a large household appliances store. But all this did not bring pleasure to the girl. She rested her soul only while playing in the KVN team, which they called “Simps.” Thus, the life and biography of Marina Kravets gradually began to be filled with performances at competitions, concerts of the group and small victories with the team.

Marina's first achievements

The girl was invited to be a member of the KVN team by her best friend, who later became famous as singer Evgenia Kobich. Together with the team they traveled to Sochi. There was a case when one of Marina’s most successful parodies was aired on the TV show “Own Game.” However, the team failed to bring victory back from Sochi, and soon they went their separate ways.

It was then that Marina began to realize that she could not live without the stage, creativity, music and constant movement in this area. Then she became the soloist of several musical projects at once: “NestroyBand”, “Mary & Band”, NotNet.

Few of the songs of these groups became famous, but several, namely “There Will Be No Sex,” “Hop, Trash Can,” and “Disco Goddess,” blew up all radio stations in a matter of days. So, personal life in the biography of Marina Kravets faded into the background, and she devoted herself entirely to creativity.

First steps in the Comedy Club

The creator of one of the NestroyBand groups agreed with the director of the Comedy Club about his group performing at their show. At first, the guys didn’t really like this offer, but they couldn’t refuse. For them it was a chance to “shine up” and increase the number of fans. And this, as you know, plays into the hands of anyone musical performer or group.

The performance was exciting, and, fortunately, the audience was warm and welcoming. This relaxed the group a little, and they were able to perform with a bang. Photos in the biography of Marina Kravets and the team began to appear more and more often in publications, which was very flattering to the young group and gave them strength.

In 2011, the artist was invited to a concert by one of the most popular groups in Russia "City 312". There Marina and the group performed several of her compositions. And she also had the honor of singing with soloist Sveta Nazarenko. After some time, Kravets was lucky again, and she recorded a hit with the lead singer of the group Uma2rman called “Padali”. A few months later the video was released.

The singer’s career did not end there; quite the contrary. Marina records another song, this time with the popular Russian DJ Smash. In the video, Kravets appeared as a seductive and sultry girl in a wig and an open outfit.

While working in one of the groups, the girl met Ilya Pavlyuchenko, who was an employee of a famous radio station. He said that they needed a radio host for a morning show, which Marina seriously thought about and began to try herself in this role.

For four years, the presenter’s cheerful, ringing and joyful voice woke up listeners of the Rox radio station. However, in 2011, Kravets was forced to move to Moscow. There she gets a job at the Mayak radio station on night shows with famous artists.

Personal life, biography: husband of Marina Kravets

After graduating from university, Marina literally immediately began to live with a young man with whom she had a stormy and passionate affair. They knew each other since their student days, and friendship over time grew into passionate feelings.

They moved to the capital together, where Marina got a job as a radio host, and he was her producer. The couple got married in 2013. However, fans did not immediately learn about this important event in the biography of Marina Kravets. She did not post photos of her husband, or any photos from the wedding. social media.

The life of the spouses is going very well; there is always mutual understanding, respect and trust between them. They are still only talking about children, but are in no hurry to become parents. One thing is certain: they both want two children. More is possible, but less is impossible!

The husband treats the huge number of his wife’s fans calmly. Marina recently starred in a candid photo shoot for the men's magazine Maxim, and even this did not offend her husband. That's how strong trust can be in a family! This publication published Marina Kravets as one of the most beautiful girls Russia. Of course! After all, with such parameters and appearance, she could become a model. The girl's height is 171 cm, weight - 51 kg. Despite speculation about Marina’s nationality, she never tires of repeating “I am Russian, despite the fact that the shape of my eyes gives you reason to doubt it.”

Marina today

Today Kravets works tirelessly at the Comedy Club. She acts as a lyricist and often appears on stage. The men take care of her and help her, since she is the only woman in their team.

And Marina also tries herself as a TV presenter, which she does very well. She hosts the television project “Married to Buzova” and “Big Breakfast” on the TNT channel.

Marina Kravets is the only woman on the team Comedy Club. Intelligent, moderately modest, witty. The public enthusiastically welcomes and accepts all the beauty’s performances and endeavors, be it participation in films, television shows, radio broadcasts or musical numbers. At the same time, Marina is a soloist of several groups at once - “NotNet” and “Nestroyband”.


The girl was born in Leningrad on May 18, 1984. Marina's family is far from the world of art: her father worked as a mechanic, her mother was a financier at an industrial enterprise. The parents were very busy and the girl was looked after by 2 older brothers: they did homework with her, went for walks, took her to and picked her up from school. Now the Kravets family continues to live in St. Petersburg, and Marina moved to Moscow.

The girl studied at the prestigious gymnasium No. 524 and graduated from the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University. It was originally planned that after studying Marina would become a teacher or translator: she knows English, German and French.

According to the future star, she could not even think that her life would be connected with television and music. In an interview, the girl admits that her entire career is built on the principle: “Don’t refuse random offers and watch with humor where they lead this time.”

Creative career

Kravets has always loved to sing. The girl sadly remembers that in childhood tearfully asked her parents to send her to a music school, but mom and dad couldn’t take their daughter there because they were busy. The girl came closer to her dream in high school when she signed up for the school choir and guitar lessons.

Kravets discovered his talent for humor by accident: having met local KVN players at a party, the future star captivated them with her wit and was invited to join the team as a screenwriter.


Initially, Marina was part of the “Simples” team, but did not perform on stage, but was engaged in writing jokes and lyrics. The girl was not allowed to participate in the numbers, since she was then a high school student: the team represented St. Petersburg State University and, according to the rules, had to consist only of students. When Kravets entered the philology department, she was given the first role.

With “Simps” Marina participated in KVN for 5 years. However, the St. Petersburg team never reached major league. They were often invited to festivals, including in Sochi - there Kravets was noticed by more serious KVN players. In 2007, the girl joined the “IGA” team, later renamed “Own Game”. In 2008, Marina was nominated for the KVN Player of the Year award.


In the early 2000s, Marina was a soloist in the jazz group Mary&Band, performing under the pseudonym Frau Mary. The team existed for a couple of years and disbanded. After this, the girl was invited to two St. Petersburg music project- “NotNet” and “Nestroyband”. The latter turned out to be the most successful. In 2011, he took part in the anniversary of the group “City 312”, where Kravets sang in a duet with Svetlana Nazarenko (Aya).

Some songs performed by Marina Kravets are considered real hits.

Best compositions by recognition music critics and audience:

  • “Hop, trash” (jazz cover of the song by the group “Vorovaiki”);
  • "Disco Goddess"
  • “There will be no sex”;
  • “Fell” (together with singer Sergei Kristovsky);
  • “Oil” (with DJ Smash);
  • “How I was looking for you” (in a duet with the lead singer of “BrainStorm” Renars Kaupers).

In 2012, the founder of the Nestroyband group, Igor Elvis ( real name- Meerson) agreed to participate in the Comedy Club. For Kravets, this was her first appearance on the TNT channel.

After Marina’s name began to appear among the names of the Comedy Club actors, her repertoire was replenished with dozens of funny and original musical performances. The public's favorite is the number “Purely Hypothetically,” where the smiling brunette sings in a duet with Semyon Slepakov.

On the radio

Kravets was brought to the Roks station by the musician of the NotNet group Ilya Pavlyuchenko. Marina notes that she had no plans to work on radio. She came there to temporarily replace the ill presenter of the morning show, but as a result she stayed there for 4 years.

Listeners appreciated the young radio host’s soft voice and intelligent humor. Marina left the show for two reasons: it was difficult for her to cope with the schedule (the program started at 7 in the morning, and Kravets is not a fan of waking up early), and she also received an offer from the TNT channel.

After moving to Moscow, Kravets’ radio career did not end. In 2011, she was invited to work at Mayak. The show was on in the evening, which was convenient for Marina and did not interfere with her participation in television projects. The program was called “First Squad”, the artist’s co-hosts were Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdotetsky. In 2012, the whole trio left Mayak and moved to Comedy Radio.

On television

Marina was invited to TNT even before moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow. It was in 2008 - Natalya Yeprikyan invited Kravets to star in “Made in Woman” (now “Comedy Woman”). The actress can be seen in episodes 4 and 5 of the first season of the show: in the image of an aggressive German woman.

In 2010, the girl received a position as a resident of the Comedy Club, where she still performs in the company of Sergei Gorelikov, Andrei Averin, Zurab Matua, Alexander Revva, Demis Karibidis, Garik Kharlamov, Dmitry Lyusk Sorokin and other Comedy stars.

  • “Wife Waits for Her Husband” (season 13, episode 8);
  • “I Live My Life” (season 9, episode 11);
  • “Photos in Contact” (season 9, episode 20);
  • “How to Get a Girl Drunk at Sea” (season 12, episode 9);
  • “New Year’s Corporate Party” (season 8, episode 29);
  • "Lipetsky nightclub and Svetlana Loboda" (season 13, episode 36);
  • "I'm Fat" (season 13, episode 1);
  • “Showdown for the Girl” (season 12, episode 37).

In 2015, Marina took part in the third season of “One to One” on the Russia 1 TV channel, where the artist took 5th place. In the same year, Marina became the host of 2 television shows at once: “Main Stage” and “Russo Tourist”.

2018 turned out to be an even more prolific year for television projects - the beauty can be seen in the programs “League amazing people", "Married to Buzova" and "Big Breakfast".

Comedy Club

In the show, Marina performs as an artist and singer. A well-coordinated quartet is responsible for the musical performances on the Comedy Club stage, which, in addition to Kravets, includes Andrei Averin, Zurab Matua and Dmitry Lyusek Sorokin.

Game productions show all the acting talent of Kravets. Every performance new image. She has to play girls different nationalities, professions. There are also provocative images: insidious swindlers, seductive prostitutes, stupid Jews. However, Marina has never crossed the bounds of decency and does not stoop to outright vulgarity and rudeness.


Marina is an incredibly photogenic girl, “everything is with her”: long legs, a neat figure, a pretty face.

Kravets's height is 171 cm, weight is approximately 51 kg. For more than one year now, the girl has been among the top 100 attractive women Russia" according to Maxim magazine.

Every photo on Instagram, be it Marina in a swimsuit or in a home suit without makeup, gets thousands of likes.

Such popularity of the girl attracted the attention of film directors. In 2012, Kravets played main role journalist Tanya Pichugina in the series “Super Oleg”. In 2016 she took part in the film “Groom”, in 2017 - “Zomboyashchik”. Characters from the cartoons “Flap Your Wing” and “Peter Rabbit” speak in Marina’s voice.

Personal life

Marina is not a person who keeps her intimate life “closed sealed” - in an interview she willingly talks about where she vacations, who she is dating, who she is married to, what her husband’s name is, how many years they have been together and what they are planning for the future.

Kravets notes that he is a monogamous man and, despite his wide popularity, does not give rise to jealousy. Arkady Vodakhov is her husband’s name. This is a truly lucky man, whose wife puts family and the trust of her loved ones above all else.

Husband Arkady Vodakhov

I met my husband Kravets at the institute. They played together in the KVN team “Simps”. For the first year they were connected only by friendly relations, but then the friendship grew into strong love.

The couple lived in a civil marriage for more than 6 years. Change marital status Marina and Arkady decided only in the summer of 2013. It was a quiet wedding in St. Petersburg. First, the lovers registered at the registry office on Furshtatskaya, and then celebrated the event in a small restaurant, where only close people were invited - true friends and family members.

Husband Kravets is not a public person, rarely gives interviews and almost never appears at official events. He works as a creative producer for Comedy Radio. In interviews, Marina is often asked what she likes most about her man. To this the girl replies: “The fact that he allows me to be self-sufficient, to achieve my goals, but at the same time remain vulnerable and weak, knowing that there is a person nearby who can protect and make fun.”

Are there children

Despite the fact that rumors regularly appear in the media that Marina is pregnant, Kravets and Vodakhov do not yet have children. The girl claims that she will give birth to a child when she is completely ready for this step morally and financially. The actress is sure that a family can be replenished only after acquiring spacious and safe housing. For now, the couple is making do with a rented apartment, but is considering the option of buying a private house in the Moscow region in the coming years.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 18.05.1984

City: St. Petersburg

Education: St. Petersburg State University

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Read with this article:

Marina Kravets was born in Leningrad, grew up a good, obedient girl and was fond of singing.

Her parents did everything to ensure that Marina studied singing professionally, and she really enjoyed this activity.

After school Kravets entered State University St. Petersburg, choosing the Faculty of Philology. In her third year of study, she joined the KVN team, starting her creative career.

Marina was radically different from her classmates - she managed not only to study and play in KVN, but also to earn money so as not to depend on her parents and not limit them.

Her first job was a regular supermarket, where she was a promoter offering hamburgers to customers.

Then she got a job as a secretary at a car dealership, and after graduating from university she was invited to host one of the radio programs. Hard work and perseverance, instilled by her parents, helped the girl achieve her goals.

In 2008, a number of events occurred important events for a future artist- she made it to the finals of the “KVN Player of the Year” competition. She was noticed by the producers of the TNT channel and invited to the show Made In Woman, later renamed Comedy Woman.

Marina’s artistic abilities made it possible to try on all sorts of images on her, but she did not stay long in the project. At the same time, her career developed in NestroyBand, a group performing humorous songs.

Just one performance at the Comedy Club made her a resident of the club. She became the first and so far only girl in a purely male team and fully met all expectations.

The song “Oil”, as well as the video for it, became a hit on the Internet; it is still played in clubs and at parties.

Popular skits by Marina Kravets: I am a disco goddess, how to get a girl drunk, purely hypothetically (with Semyon Slepakov), etc.

In parallel with this, Marina is leading a vocal career, she recorded several songs, including a duet with Sergei Kristovsky. In 2011, the artist became a co-host of one of the programs on Radio Mayak, and a year later she was casting for the film “The First Squad.”

Such a rapid career and her first film auditions made her think about getting vocational education actresses.

In 2014, Marina first tried to voice a character in the cartoon “Flap Your Wing.” In 2015, she took part in vocal competition Main Stage, hosted the program “Russo Touristo”, talking about travel and attractions different countries. Now he still performs at the Comedy Club, broadcasts on Comedy Radio, actively participates in various projects and writes songs.

Despite such a busy schedule, Marina Kravets is married - husband Arkady Vadakhov, with whom she studied at the university. At first, the couple lived in a civil marriage for a long time, and later registered their relationship.

They don’t have children yet; Marina Kravets claims that they are not yet ripe for such a serious step.

Photo of Marina

The girl runs Instagram, where there are photos from everyday life and footage from filming. Marina Kravets is in the top 100 sexy women countries according to MAXIM magazine (2015, 2016).

Marina Kravets is one of the popular residents of the Comedy Club. But it’s not so easy to get on one of the main TV channels in Russia. Before the girl was noticed, she overcame many difficulties in her life path. Kravets knew that if you really want something, you need to make a lot of effort and rely only on your own strength.

Kravets Marina was born on one of the May days of 1984, in the city of St. Petersburg. The girl’s family was very ordinary and very far from art and creativity: her mother was an accountant by profession, and her father was a mechanic. However, the parents took their daughter’s upbringing very seriously, actively instilled in her moral standards, and explained what was good and what was bad.

The girl is not only child in the family, she has 2 more older brothers. The relationship between the brothers and sister is very warm, which is surprising. After all, as a rule, boys bully girls, and sometimes even fight. But Marina was surrounded by the incredible love of her brothers. They happily accompanied their sister to kindergarten and school and picked her up.

Marina was an active and curious child, and immediately demonstrated to her parents that she was created for creativity. The girl went to dance and vocal classes with her family, and sang her favorite songs at holidays. She did it so well that the brothers recorded the song “Aurora” performed by her on tape. This recording became a treasure for the family.

As a child, Kravets wanted to graduate from music school, but there was no free place for her. In order not to give up this pleasure at all, the girl studied individually with teachers, constantly developing her vocal abilities.

A creative child always has a wide range of interests. Marina loved to play on stage, but she went not to the theater club, but to the KVN club. She wrote interesting and very funny scripts for games, making the entire audience laugh sincerely.

At school, Marina studied in the humanities and after graduating from high school she decided to try her luck at the philological faculty of the local St. Petersburg University. Having received a diploma, the profession of a Russian language teacher became available to her. It was the “great and powerful” that the girl taught to foreigners who came to Russia.

This kind of work was difficult, because it was not easy to find an approach to everyone, plus teach them to speak Russian from scratch. Marina Kravets concluded that being a teacher was clearly not her path. It was urgently necessary to find the type of activity that would be most close and interesting.

Finding yourself in search of a business to which you could devote most of of her time, Marina Kravets accepted an invitation to join the KVN team from her good friend, classmate. The team performed not just to kill time, but was serious. She took part in various competitions, traveled to cities and even visited Sochi.

Kravets felt very comfortable on stage, she took pleasure in making people laugh, and she did it with great dignity. Once, having parodied the show “Own Game”, the girl appeared on TV screens. But the KVN team was unable to establish itself in the right way and soon fell apart.

Membership in the KVN team helped Marina understand that her place was clearly somewhere in the creative field. The range of activities narrowed, and it was much easier to start from this.

Radio and TV presenter

Marina Kravets got into the radio sphere completely by accident. One of her good friends shared information that they needed a talented morning TV presenter on the radio who could charge listeners with positivity from the very morning. For Marina, this work seemed interesting, and she wanted good morning Radio Rox listeners are 4 years old. Having decided to move to the capital, the girl immediately found a job on Mayak radio as a TV presenter of a night show.

So, Kravets gradually moved into the television sphere. Viewers of the TNT channel saw the girl in the morning program, as a presenter, in 2014. Then Marina Kravets moved to the Russia 1 channel, where she became a participant in the TV show “One to One” and was able to take an honorable 5th place. The girl’s popularity began to gradually grow, and she was offered a job as a presenter in the “Main Stage” program.

The next major project was the TV show “Russo Tourist”, hosted by Marina. The girl even tried her hand at voicing the cartoon “Fly Your Wing,” working together with Vadim Galygin, Pelageya and Alexei Vorobyov.

Resident Comedy Club

Marina Kravets knew how to come up with jokes that would make the whole room laugh. That is why, even during the existence of the KVN team, she was noticed and called with an interesting offer to star in several episodes of the popular entertainment program Comedy Women on TNT.

Having appeared on television screens and demonstrated his skills, Kravets was invited to participate in the Comedy Club television show. And after a while they even offered the girl to become a resident of this project.

Now you can often see Marina Kravets on the stage of the TNT channel in the company of Demis Karibidis, Dmitry Sorokin, Zurab Matua, Andrei Averin. It may seem that Kravets finds it difficult to work surrounded by men, but the girl fits perfectly into such a team and feels very comfortable.

A great love for music led Kravets to become a singer. At first she was a soloist in the groups “NestroyBand”, “Mary & Band” and “NotNet”, and then she began to take the musical field more seriously. The songs “There Will Be No Sex”, “Disco Goddess”, “Hop, Trash Can”, performed by Marina Kravets, became real hits. These compositions were broadcast by many radio stations, forcing listeners to hum them on the road.

Igor Meyerson, who created the NestroyBand group, was a participant in the Comedy Club TV show and invited the guys to perform a couple of songs on the TNT channel. The group was warmly received by the audience, and the songs filled with humor caused delight.

Kravets’ most popular song was the composition “Oil”, recorded with DJ Smash. And the clip that the guys made went around all social networks.

Personal life

In 2013, Marina Kravets got married. The girl met her husband at the university. Arkady Vodakhov also studied at the Faculty of Philology and, together with Marina, played in the same KVN team. Apparently, common interests brought the young people together.

At first it was a warm, friendly relationship, but after graduation and the collapse of the team, Arkady and Marina did not stop communicating. Friendship gradually developed into a romantic relationship, and later into marriage.

Marina Kravets shared with reporters that she was happy. Her husband surrounds her with care and love, always nearby in difficult life situations.

In one of her interviews, Marina Kravets said that she had been dreaming of acting in a movie for a very long time. Offers, of course, are coming, but the Comedy Club resident does not see herself in these images. As soon as a girl receives an interesting offer, she will undoubtedly try her hand at this field.

Like all TV presenters, Marina Kravets has fans who very often want to express their love and recognition as small gifts. The most memorable gift for Marina was a huge portrait that hangs in the office and is pleasing to the eye.

Marina Kravets now – latest news

Marina Kravets continues to perform on the stage of the TNT channel, presenting new jokes. She tries to develop in other creative areas, and also thinks about children. Many of her relatives grew up in a large family, so Kravets wants at least two children. After all, it’s very cool to have brothers and sisters who will be ready to help at any time.


Marina Kravets is a girl who proves by her example that if you really want something and at the same time make incredible efforts, you can achieve your goal. It is thanks to hard work famous TV presenter and the Comedy Club resident has everything she so desperately wanted and inspires fans with her example.

Marina Kravets is a talented artist and simply charming woman. Fans of the Comedy Club show know her as a good comedian and a successful resident of the show, the only female representative in this TV show. But the beauty’s advantages do not end there. Apart from this, she is also a journalist and radio presenter. In addition to everything, nature endowed Kravets with excellent hearing and in a beautiful voice, which allowed her to become a soloist in two music groups– NotNet and Nestroyband. How complex and thorny was her long haul to a prosperous life and fame?

Height, weight, age. How old is Marina Kravets

Journalist, singer, comedian... Thanks to the abundance of public positions, this woman has huge amount fans in each of its areas of activity. And many are interested in knowing literally all the details about it. Including her height, age. How old Marina Kravets is is not a secret at all. She is 34 years old, although it is worth noting that she looks somewhat younger than her age. This is probably due to her beautiful figure - after all, with a height of 171 centimeters, Marina weighs only 50 kilograms. It is always important to watch your figure under camera sights. After all, as you know, the camera adds weight. And Marinochka manages to keep herself in shape very well.

Biography and personal life of Marina Kravets

This talented one was born in St. Petersburg, in the late spring of 1984. It is noteworthy that her parents had absolutely nothing to do with the media business. The girl's father worked as a mechanic, and her mother worked as an accountant. In addition, Marina already has two older brothers. Who took every possible care of the baby in the absence of her parents. First they took it from kindergarten, and later they met me from school.

Already from an early age, Marina began to show her creative spirit. The girl pretended to be an artist as best she could. She especially loved to dance and sing. But the relatives were only happy about this - already at this age it became clear that the baby had musical ear and a beautiful voice. Once the brothers even recorded her voice on a tape cassette - how her sister diligently and with feeling sang the song “Aurora”. The recording, unfortunately, was lost, but for a long time it was a real treasure in the family archive.

Despite her talents, the girl never entered the music school - admission was not open. But the family decided that the baby’s talent should not be ruined. The right way out I managed to find it - Marina began taking private vocal lessons. To this day, she is grateful for these lessons - vocals really helped her in her future.

The artistry of the future celebrity was useful not only in vocal performances, but also in school and then in student performances of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Kravets was one of the most charismatic players. And she even took part in creating skits for the team’s humorous performances.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the philology department. Due to the fact that a predominant inclination towards humanities-type sciences prevailed in his mentality. Marina learned the profession of “Russian teacher for foreigners.” But in the end she did not work in her specialty. By the end of her studies, the girl realized that teaching would not give her the freedom she so needed.

She worked as hard as she could. She advertised various products in hypermarkets, handed out advertisements, and worked as a secretary in a technical service center. But it was not the same. The most boring work just to somehow get by. But her outlet was playing on the student team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. She was invited by a classmate. The team, by the way, was able to achieve certain heights - “Simps” traveled to humorous festivals and even managed to find themselves in the premier league of the real KVN. But still it was not possible to achieve leadership, and the team very soon ceased to exist.

But Marina was now unable to imagine own life no stage performances. For example, a love of music could result in participation in two groups at once. Marina became a soloist in Nestroyband and NotNet. And the girl has great memories associated with each of them.

The biography and personal life of Marina Kravets took a new turn completely unexpectedly. Once I. Meyerson, one of the organizers of the Nestroyband, offered a performance in what was already in demand at that time comedy show- Comedy club. At that time he himself was also there. The band members were not very enthusiastic about this idea, but still agreed to record the track.

A surprise for all band members was that the song was received quite warmly. Special significance this meant, of course, for Marina, as the then lead singer of the group and future participant in the show.

Kravets's creative career began to gain momentum. And life was filled with new bright moments. In 2011, for example, she and the group were invited to the anniversary of the popular group City 312 in the early 2000s. And she even sang one of their popular songs along with the vocalist of this group.

And while Marina was working with NotNet, the girl met bass guitarist I. Pavlyuchenko. In addition to working with music, Ilya worked at Radio Rox. One day he accidentally mentioned that the radio was now looking for a person who could become a host for a morning show called Full Throttle. And Kravets, without thinking twice, volunteered to try out for this position.

So she got a job as a radio host. And she reigned on Radio Rox for four years in a row, invigorating listeners with her ringing voice. But some time later, Marina moved to Russian capital. And she got a job at the famous radio Mayak. This time she began broadcasting at night along with a couple of other presenters. Just a year later, the artists all moved to Comedy radio.

Very soon, Marina, who was still a member of Nestroyband at that time, was invited to participate in the Comedy Club. The luxurious and positive girl was so liked by both the fans of the show and the entire team there that she was seriously offered to become a permanent member of the club. According to the majority of Comedy Club fans, the charming girl fits very organically into the all-male team.

A couple of years ago, four participants of the famous show created a video for musical composition"Loot." According to the plot of the video, two currencies - the Dollar and the Euro - refused to let the Ruble and Yuan into the night party. And Marina played the role of the last currency perfectly.

At the end of spring 2014, Marina’s list of positions was supplemented by the post of host of a morning show on TNT. A year later, the girl was able to become a participant in the parody project “One to One.” The artist's talents were appreciated. Marina was able to reach the finals of the program and even take fifth place. In the same year, Kravets temporarily replaced N. Zakirova as the host of a program called “Main Stage”.

Family and children of Marina Kravets

The family and children of Marina Kravets still exist only partially. In the sense that she no longer has her beloved husband, but children are still only in plans for the future. But the presenter has no doubt that they will be there. Now she lives happily with her husband, whom she has known since her student days. In their family, according to her in my own words, complete idyll reigns - she and her husband understand each other perfectly and completely trust each other. They even agreed among themselves that they must have at least two children. In the meantime, Marina and her beloved husband live and even work together and the creative couple is happy with everything.

Marina Kravets' husband - Arkady Vodakhov

For a long time, the only woman who stayed at the Comedy Club was first in a romantic relationship, and then in a civil marriage with a completely non-public guy. Marina Kravets' husband, Arkady Vodakhov, met his future wife when both were students. Together they played in the already mentioned Dupes. And gradually friendship grew into a romantic relationship.

Together they moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Together they also got a job on Comedy Radio. Marina became a radio presenter, and Arkady received the position of creative producer. Five years ago, the couple decided to officially legitimize their relationship. But the artist’s fans learned about this much later, because Marina did not cover this solemn event on her Instagram profile.

Photo by Marina Kravets in Maxim magazine

It's no secret that the beautiful Marina has a huge number of fans. Thanks also to her beautiful appearance. That is why the photos of Marina Kravets in the magazine “Maxim” were received with a bang by the male half of the coquette’s fans. According to the magazine, a couple of years ago Marina entered the top twenty most beautiful and sexy women. And with all this, the artist was captured in them in clothes, and without using compromising poses.

The girl would hardly appear naked or in a swimsuit in magazines like Maxim or Playboy. Because she doesn’t consider this right for herself, first of all, as a married woman.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets

Presenter, comedian, singer. It is not surprising that Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets are the main resources followed by celebrity fans who want to keep abreast of all the changes in the life of their favorite. For example, Marina was able to visit many European cities thanks to the Russo Touristo project, where she occupies the leading position. And the artist tirelessly shares her impressions with fans on her Instagram profile. As for Wikipedia, it only presents it short biography and some details have been revealed professional activity, for example, the latest projects that she is leading.