Uncle Vitya, who is he without makeup? Who is Uncle Vitya? Character or real person? Ilya Sobolev - Uncle Vitya

Uncle Vitya is a shocking character in humorous shows that air on the TNT channel. Viewers are sure that under his mask there is a young comedian, whose name is still kept secret. The funny old man became the star of the show “Comedy Battle”, “Laughter without Rules”, and then created his own project.

Character history

When Uncle Vitya first appeared on the stage of Slaughter League, people wondered who played him. Some people had no doubt that it was real person. After all, the actor transforming into him cleverly hid under professional makeup and did not give himself away.

Uncle Vitya always has the same image. Old worn trousers, plaid shirts worn over a turtleneck, and a vest or jacket. And the movement around the stage, characteristic of an elderly person, casts even greater doubts. The man came up with the name Uncle Vitya, or rather his pseudonym, himself, which further emphasizes the created image.

A comedian is good at the conversational genre, when he has to quickly come up with a funny answer to the questions of the jury members and improvise. However, the man was not seen in other directions. It is not known for certain who is hiding behind the mask of a grumpy old man. The organizers of the shows in which he participates assure that the man communicates with them in the same way as on stage.

Ilya Sobolev (supposed Uncle Vitya without makeup)

Although Uncle Vitya tries to keep the intrigue to the last and does not reveal his true face, attentive viewers have drawn conclusions for themselves. Main version- hiding under the mask of a rollicking pensioner. This is a comedian on the TNT channel and a former member of the KVN team, who has a reputation as a cheerful guy who performs in miniatures in stand-up style.

Viewers of humorous programs made such conclusions after carefully comparing photos of Sobolev and Uncle Vitya. Despite the applied makeup, users found similarities in the facial features of these two people. Moreover, as “experts” assure, the image of the old man is not accidental. It is partially copied from the film “Man on the Moon”, Sobolev’s favorite film.

Those who carefully watched “Laughter Without Rules” also made their own conclusions. Uncle Vitya’s voice, rude and harsh, broke during the broadcast of the program, and the phrase “He is no longer a defender” was uttered in Sobolev’s voice.

Home distinguishing feature this character is all about jokes. More precisely, in the translation of any questions addressed to him on the topic of the love affairs of an elderly man. The boorish, unbridled Don Juan seems repulsive and outrageous to the audience. However, his wit allows him to quickly come up with a suitable answer and make the whole room laugh.

No matter how much journalists and simply fans of TNT’s humorous projects tried to get to the bottom of the truth, the attempts were in vain. Sobolev and the channel management claim that these are two different people, Ilya has no relation to Uncle Vita.

In May 2018, in an interview for the Talking Heads Youtube channel, Sobolev personally answered an exciting question, assuring the host that Uncle Vitya was not him. Therefore, everyone is left to continue to wonder whether this character is real, or whether he is skillfully played by a professional actor.

Humor and TV shows

For the first time, viewers saw Uncle Vitya on the stage of the humorous show “Laughter without Rules” in 2007. He turned his speech into a dialogue with the jury. The jokes were directed at the girls who sat in the judge's chairs. The man “flirted” with, and. Nobody took him seriously, although the mysterious character's approach to humor and charisma captivated thousands of viewers. So other television programs began to appear in his biography.

In the show “Killer League”, the purpose of which was to select comedians to advance to the next stages and fight for the place of the best, Uncle Vitya was seen again. The man performed on par with other participants and captivated everyone with his jokes, from young people to the elderly.

Uncle Vitya appeared more than once in Comedy Battle. More precisely, he became a full-fledged participant in the project, along with other performers in three seasons. While on stage, the man improvises; he does not prepare for his appearances, but tries to get the jury to talk. Moreover, he always has the same image - a grumpy old man who doesn’t love anyone.

Uncle Vitya gets a job

During the entire time Uncle Vitya participated in this project, he even managed to reach the finals. In the 7th season of the project, which took place under the slogan “Experience vs. Youth,” the man took 4th place and received the right to open his own project on the TNT channel.

He also competed in Season 8, again finishing in 4th place, but this time the cash prize was only for the sole finalist. However, he was not upset, because he began promoting his own program called “Money or Shame.”

Uncle Vitya's new show started in the summer of 2017. He invites famous guests to the studio and does not change the created image when communicating with them. Stars Russian show business experience sophisticated “set-ups”, sharp facts and scandalous details of their lives from Uncle Vitya.

The audience appreciated the show of the outrageous old man, so filming did not stop after the release of the first filmed episodes. In January 2018, the 2nd season of the show was released, and in the summer of the same year, viewers saw the 3rd. The man continues to look for new “victims” for his show, shoots new episodes and remains afloat for now.

Uncle Vitya now

On November 5, 2018, the 4th season of Uncle Vitya’s show “Money or Shame” started, where the participants, represented by eminent guests, will have to answer the host’s tricky questions. For completing all stages of the program, the guest star receives a cash prize.

Uncle Vitya and Elena Berkova

Other actors, comedians and singers have already come to visit Uncle Vita in previous episodes. The largest amount of money was earned by a businesswoman and former member TV project "Dom-2".

  • The fact that Uncle Vitya and Sobolev are one person has not yet been proven. Attentive viewers in one of the episodes of “Slaughter League” noticed important detail. After the next performance, when the comedian went down the steps from the stage, Ilya Sobolev, or a guy similar to him, appeared in the same frame for 10 seconds. This video is freely available on the Internet.
Uncle Vitya and Ilya Sobolev on the same stage
  • The interviews that Uncle Vitya gives for online publications are conducted in the same style as communication on stage during performances. The comedian turns questions from journalists into jokes and does not answer any questions seriously.
  • In the program “Money or Shame,” where the invited guest was an actor, Uncle Vitya paid most attention to the latter. Moreover, the jokes were daring and arrogant. Although they made the audience laugh, Ruslan did not like such attention. He even went up on stage to “deal” with the man, but everything ended well.


  • 2007 – “Laughter without rules”
  • 2009 – “Slaughter League”
  • 2015 – “Comedy Battle. Last season"
  • 2016 – “Comedy Battle. Experience vs. Youth"
  • 2017-2018 – “Money or shame”
  • 2018 – “Comedy Battle. Stand-up vs. Miniatures"

The essence of which is that the presenter is desperately rude to the stars, discussing with them various sharp edges from their lives, offering them a million for it. The show is hosted by “Uncle Vitya” - a guy in his grandfather’s makeup, known from the shows “Laughter Without Rules” and “Comedy Battle”. His real name is hidden.

Many initially perceived the program friendly, testing their nerves to the limit. After all, the amount of the prize if you can discuss all the unpleasant topics is equal to a million rubles. But recently Ekaterina Varnava stormed out of the studio, yelling at the presenter. And before that, just recently the presenter heartily trampled on the guys from the MBand group. Artem Pindyura, Nikita Kiosse and Anatoly Tsoi, who were not even guests of the program, heard real rudeness addressed to them, which is not easy to explain even by the format of the program.

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Money or shame MBAND.

After watching the program, Pindyura, having conducted his own investigation, decided to record a video message to the host:

“Not so long ago a project was released on one TV channel called “Money or Shame.” A certain Uncle Vitya leads and waters everyone there as best he can, thinking it’s funny. I’m sure that everyone already understands that under the beard and glasses of this Uncle Vitya is comedian Ilya Sobolev. I came across two episodes of this show, in which he “joked” at our group, and, accordingly, at me personally. "Okay, what's wrong? It's just humor!" - many will say, and I, in principle, agree with them! But not with everything. To phrases from the series “blue trailer, blue oyster”, etc. , hinting at our supposedly unconventional sexual orientation, I’m already used to it and don’t pay attention to them! But! Dude, you are a media personality, and this time you are talking about it openly on a TV channel that the whole country has access to, which is subject to censorship. You are not sitting at home in the kitchen, and not at an 18+ stand-up, and not even on the Internet. You talk about it on TV! And there is no need to say that you were forced, I’m sure you write such “jokes” yourself! What originality...Well, that’s nothing! In another episode you say that “all the worms will come out when the chorus of the MBAND song starts, because this is their favorite band!” I perceive this as a direct insult to all our fans and admirers, and there are quite a few of them, and this is a rather serious statement and insult that irritates me! Accordingly, I reserve the right to express all this here! On the Internet! Because you've gone beyond personal insults! I am quite self-ironic and like to laugh, whether at myself or not! But when is it really funny! Here it’s not funny, it’s not sharp, it’s humiliating! If there are any complaints against me, I am ready to talk personally! Apologies are still accepted!

Comedian Ilya Sobolev, whom Artem mentioned, began to deny that he was hosting the scandalous show. Like, I have nothing to apologize for. But then he deleted the video with the comment from his page, and posted another one - directly addressed to Pindyura, in no way apologetic in nature. We have no doubt that the story will continue - it’s not for nothing that Pindyura doesn’t get out of the gym, he may well challenge Sobolev to a battle, but not a verbal one, but a real fist fight.


Money or shame: Harassment of stars on Uncle Vitya's show

The premiere of the show “Money or Shame” is airing on TNT-4. Our columnist Pavel Sadkov talks about how rudeness officially became a television format

Many people wonder Uncle Vitya from Comedy Battle- who is this? Employee film set or project participant? We will talk about this later in the article.

Uncle Vitya from the “Slaughter League” - who is he?

There are artists who are easy to forget, but there are also creative personalities that can remain in memory forever. They are recognized by their voice, manner of speaking and appearance. This is what Uncle Vitya is. Once upon a time, this funny man modestly led performances and celebrations in his city, but his life changed a lot after he got into the “Slaughter League” project. This is a humorous program on TNT, the purpose of which is to select participants with the best humorous abilities.

When a mysterious man in baggy clothes appeared on stage, no one took him seriously. But his talent made all the spectators laugh. Many still remember his jokes and unusual manner of speaking. Naturally, with such talent, Uncle Vitya was able to eliminate all rivals and become the favorite of this show. “Killer League” became a kind of starting point for this participant; after the end of the project, he received many offers of cooperation, including from representatives of the TNT television channel.

The artist’s popularity is due to the fact that his jokes made everyone laugh, from younger generation to older people.

Several years have passed since the day when this performance ended, but all the organizers still do not know who exactly is hiding under the mask of this person. Perhaps this is a young guy pretending to be an old man or a nice grandfather with a great sense of humor. This man raised a lot of questions among the audience, and more and more reviews about him, both positive and negative, appeared. For some, this humor seems successful, but others think that this person has no place in youth shows.

Uncle Vitya and the project “Laughter without Rules”

The magnificent participant did not stop at one performance; his next stage was the “Laughter without Rules” project. On big stage the comedian appeared wearing glasses and a checkered shirt. He immediately aroused great sympathy among the girls who sat on the jury. He presented each performance on this project in the form of a dialogue with the judges. When he saw that Ksenia Borodina was sitting in this place, he unobtrusively asked her about the show and her choice of shoes.

Despite the fact that Uncle Vitya at that time did not behave very culturedly and was a little embittered, the audience still reacted cheerfully to his every joke.

This artist did not ignore the other members of the jury. He also pointed out the fact that they had not achieved anything in life and their problem areas. The character tried with all his appearance to show that he was exactly grandfather. He walked slowly across the stage and spoke in a voice characteristic of an elderly man. The judges willingly entered into dialogue with him and said response phrases to his dialogue. Of course, everyone understood that this, first of all, comedy show, and since the audience laughs, then Uncle Vitya has a completely good performance. It does not matter by what means he achieved this success. It is for this reason that the jury members gave him the highest score.

Uncle Vitya and Comedy Battle

The Comedy Battle project could not do without this character. He took part in it for several seasons in a row. Unfortunately, the first time he failed to reach the final, and he dropped out a few steps before winning. However, he did not despair and tried to come to the project at the second stage. This time the jury members were famous people: Sergey Svetlakov, Semyon Slepakov and Alexander Revva. The elderly artist also began his performance by addressing the jury members. Unlike past performances, his usual jokes were not received as positively, and within minutes of him being on stage, two of the judges pressed their red buttons. However, the positive man quickly corrected the situation and ensured that the jury members changed their opinion about him. On at the moment Uncle Vitya is a participant in the Comedy Battle show. It is not yet known whether he will win the project or leave it at the next stage. However, he received a remark from the jury members; they did not like the fact that, unlike many participants, this person came on stage without prior preparation.

Many viewers of the official website of the TV show also believe that it is unfair to give victory to the person who improvises on stage and does not show a full performance.

Business and performances

Despite his cruel jokes, Uncle Vitya from Moscow is a popular man. Many people want this particular grandfather to become their host at a wedding, anniversary or other celebration. It is worth noting that this elderly man has his own advertising agent and pages on all social networks.

Uncle Vitya believes that you should seek his services, since, unlike the younger generation, he was able to achieve something in life. We found out how much it will cost corporate event with the participation of Uncle Vitya. As a rough estimate, the amount is 180 thousand rubles, and this does not include accommodation and flights to the event site.

Despite the fact that in the show this man revealed himself as a negative character, many clients speak of him as a person with a broad soul.

Uncle Vitya - Ilya Sobolev

The character named Uncle Vitya, according to some assumptions, is called Ilya Sobolev. He gave himself this name, because he believed that it would emphasize his image. All spectators see this artist on stage as a mischievous old man who speaks to the audience impudently and impudently. He is excellent at answering the jury's questions with humor, improvising and composing texts from phrases suggested by the show organizers. However, no one has seen it in other genres. It is also not known what kind of person is hiding under this mask. Uncle Vitya keeps the intrigue in front of the audience until the end and does not reveal his true face to anyone. He even communicates with all the channel employees in the same manner. Perhaps it is for this reason that it arouses interest among viewers. Journalists tried to get to the truth, but they only managed to find out that this man is married and is a happy family man.

So who is Uncle Vitya from “ Comedy Battle"? This question will torment all fans of the TNT channel for many years to come. This funny character is not going to reveal his identity and stop participating in such projects, perhaps precisely O For this reason, he was loved by all viewers.

Show “Money or Shame” - 2017

The presenter has a personal show - “Money or Shame.” This is the next one scandalous project, the goal of which is to attract more audience to the TNT-4 channel.

The essence of the program is to expose the stars. They come to the studio, and Uncle Vitya gives them 1,000,000 rubles, and then asks tough questions of any nature, on the most sensitive topics.

If a guest is modest and does not answer, he gives a certain amount back; the more modest the participant, the poorer.

The first season is already on screen. The program is starting to gain views and its popularity is predictable - the project is almost a win-win. After all, what interests the main audience are peppered stories from the lives of stars.

Considering that the show stars employees of the same channel, it seems that they are all actors from the same play and how reliable the information received by the presenter is unknown. But these are just assumptions of some viewers who leave comments, while the organizers claim that everything is true.

Video about Uncle Vita

The essence of which is that the presenter is desperately rude to the stars, discussing with them various sharp edges from their lives, offering them a million for it. The show is hosted by “Uncle Vitya” - a guy in his grandfather’s makeup, known from the shows “Laughter Without Rules” and “Comedy Battle”. His real name is hidden.

Many initially perceived the program friendly, testing their nerves to the limit. After all, the amount of the prize if you can discuss all the unpleasant topics is equal to a million rubles. But recently Ekaterina Varnava stormed out of the studio, yelling at the presenter. And before that, just recently the presenter heartily trampled on the guys from the MBand group. Artem Pindyura, Nikita Kiosse and Anatoly Tsoi, who were not even guests of the program, heard real rudeness addressed to them, which is not easy to explain even by the format of the program.

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Money or shame MBAND.

After watching the program, Pindyura, having conducted his own investigation, decided to record a video message to the host:

“Not so long ago a project was released on one TV channel called “Money or Shame.” A certain Uncle Vitya leads and waters everyone there as best he can, thinking it’s funny. I’m sure that everyone already understands that under the beard and glasses of this Uncle Vitya is comedian Ilya Sobolev. I came across two episodes of this show in which he “joked” at our group, and, accordingly, at me personally. "Okay, what's wrong? It's just humor!" - many will say, and I, in principle, agree with them! But not with everything. To phrases from the series “blue trailer, blue oyster”, etc. , hinting at our supposedly non-traditional sexual orientation, I’m already used to it and don’t pay attention to them! But! Dude, you are a media personality, and this time you are talking about it openly on a TV channel that the whole country has access to, which is subject to censorship. You are not sitting at home in the kitchen, and not at an 18+ stand-up, and not even on the Internet. You talk about it on TV! And there is no need to say that you were forced, I’m sure you write such “jokes” yourself! What originality...Well, that’s nothing! In another episode you say that “all the worms will come out when the chorus of the MBAND song starts, because this is their favorite band!” I perceive this as a direct insult to all our fans and admirers, and there are quite a few of them, and this is a rather serious statement and insult that irritates me! Accordingly, I reserve the right to express all this here! On the Internet! Because you've gone beyond personal insults! I am quite self-ironic and like to laugh, whether at myself or not! But when is it really funny! Here it’s not funny, it’s not sharp, it’s humiliating! If there are any complaints against me, I am ready to talk personally! Apologies are still accepted!

Comedian Ilya Sobolev, whom Artem mentioned, began to deny that he was hosting the scandalous show. Like, I have nothing to apologize for. But then he deleted the video with the comment from his page, and posted another one - directly addressed to Pindyura, in no way apologetic in nature. We have no doubt that the story will continue - it’s not for nothing that Pindyura doesn’t get out of the gym, he may well challenge Sobolev to a battle, but not a verbal one, but a real fist fight.


Money or shame: Harassment of stars on Uncle Vitya's show

The premiere of the show “Money or Shame” is airing on TNT-4. Our columnist Pavel Sadkov talks about how rudeness officially became a television format

    Of course, there is a certain intrigue. But still, the majority of those interested are sure that this is Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev. True, this secret is not finally revealed on the channel, in order to stir up interest further, apparently.

    There were also versions that these were Artem Pushkin, Maxim Korchagin and Mishlanov.

    If Uncle Vitya were a real person, but I doubt that his behavior and speech would change during the course of his speeches. Still, I’m inclined to think that this is Ilya Sobolev.

    Moreover, although the make-up artists do an excellent job, they don’t always do it. Why do some pictures with Uncle Vova give off an old look in different areas of the skin, while others don’t?

    It seems that the make-up artists either did not have time to do the make-up on time, or that different make-up artists worked on the image. Some did it in more detail, while others were less focused on it. It turns out that there is some kind of imbalance in the image. A person cannot rejuvenate and grow old from one show to another.

    Uncle Vitya from Moscow with an unconventional sense of humor was able to win over his audience and take a respectable second place in the tenth season of Laughter Without Rules. This condition allows him to enter the Slaughter League.

    The main mystery of the project is the assertion that a completely different character is hiding behind the sluggish image. One of the opinions was that Uncle Vitya is Ilya Sobolev from the duet Beautiful, but there is no confirmation yet.

    Wikipedia says that this is Roman Vitalievich Klyachkin! https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klyachkin,_Roman_Vitalevich

    The official website of this comedian hides any data that could indicate the identity of this person.

    But many sites indicate the year of birth of Uncle Vitya - 1983. This means that he is 32 years old today.

    Date of birth of Ilya Sobolev is February 25, 1983. Place of birth - Krasnoyarsk, which also suits the famous comedian.

    Maybe this is a coincidence, but it seems to me that behind the makeup of Uncle Vitis it is Ilya Sobolev.

    Yes, this is really Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev, it’s stupid to deny it. Even now, if you watch episode 124 when Uncle Vitya says something, the intonation is like Sobolev’s, only the timbre of his voice has changed.

    For some reason, it still seems to me that it is Ilyusha Sobolev who is hiding under the guise of Uncle Vitya, there are a lot of similarities in these characters, especially since Uncle Vitya once spoke completely like Sobolev. As for age, the skill of modern make-up artists is very great, which is proven by shows like One on One. Moreover, it is not age-related changes on the face or hands that are alarming, but their inconsistency; in some photographs they are clearly visible, in others the face appears completely young. Apparently the makeup is not always applied equally diligently. But even if Uncle Vitya is not Sobolev, I won’t be too upset, there will simply be one more interesting comedian.

    One can definitely say about Uncle Vitya that he is Uncle Vitya, a comedian, showman and resident of the Comedy Club. And the most mysterious resident. There is a lot of controversy about his persona, is this a real character or a made-up Ilya Sobolev

    I am also inclined towards the version with Sobolev and good makeup.

    I think this is done to maintain intrigue. That is why they hide the person’s real name.

    The public is still inclined to believe that this is Ilya Sobolev. My opinion is also that it is him...

    Uncle Vitya is another intrigue of the TNT channel. While the real name of this character is not known to the general public. Nose high probability we can assume that the role of Uncle Vitya is played by Ilya Sobolev in high-quality makeup.

    Uncle Vitya is a participant in Comedy Battle, one of the most mysterious participants in the project. Firstly, his jokes are too dirty (which the audience likes, but the judges don’t like). Further - in fact, he is not an uncle, but a young guy. Many assume that his name is Ilya Sobolev. Date of Birth, facial structure - in general, everything agrees that Uncle Vitya is Sobolev (humorist).

    The fact that no one knows who is hiding behind the image of Uncle Vitya makes the project more attractive.

    If you take a closer look at the photo of this man, namely at his hands, then you can say with confidence that this man is much older than Ilya Sobolev. And the eyes are different.