The spiritual world of a fairy tale (Ivan Ilyin). Why are fairy tales needed: awakening the soul or accurate knowledge

Did you know that Cinderella and her envious sisters were first mentioned in the pages of an ancient Chinese manuscript that is three thousand years old?
Society, customs, states and languages ​​change - but fairy tales do not become obsolete, and we still read them to children. Such long life These stories are explained by the fact that they symbolically reflect the main psychological problems of people - our archetypal internal conflicts. They affect family relationships(for example, rivalry between brothers and sisters) and personal problems (exiting a child’s dependent position, self-affirmation, awareness of one’s merits, experiencing the Oedipus complex). Parents are sometimes frightened by fabulous violence and cruelty; Modern children's literature often tries to avoid everything scary and sad. "You shouldn't give up scary tales: By staging the child’s unconscious fears, they help him realize and overcome them, says analyst Stanislav Raevsky. “Lite literature, cleansed of suffering and cruelty, only teaches the child to hide his anxiety.”

Story about me

Psychotherapists who use fairy tales in their work identify three main (universal) characters that symbolize different aspects of our personality.
King- the embodiment of an old ego that needs updating. Old identity must die, the king is replaced by a hero.
Hero symbolizes action and change.
Fairy- our “magical” side, the unconscious. It provokes situations that lead to change.
Considering the relationships between these figures is a great opportunity to think about where exactly the problem is that is preventing us from developing.

The richness of the symbolic content of fairy tales makes them excellent material for analysis. Freudian psychoanalysts are interested in identifying the suppressed layers of our unconscious, which are reflected in this or that fairy tale. For example, they believe that in English fairy tale about Jack, who grew a beanstalk to the sky, killed a giant in the sky and took possession of the treasure, the teenager’s unconscious desire to “kill his father” and thus assert his masculinity is expressed in symbolic form. Jungian analysts see this tale as more of a story about initiation and the achievement of personal integrity.

“From the point of view of analytical psychology, any fairy tale symbolically describes an internal process, and not external events or relationships with other people. Fairy tale characters are interpreted as different components of one personality, the relationship between which leads to transformation and personal growth“,” explains Jungian analyst Yulia Kazakevich. Both of these interpretations are not mutually exclusive, but there is a third one: as in many other fairy tales, Jack, by his example, simply shows children that any difficulties can be overcome with the help of intelligence and ingenuity.

The universal nature of fairy tales makes it possible to use them in psychotherapy. According to Raevsky, “a fairy tale helps the psychotherapist and his client speak the same language, provides a common system of symbols. Sometimes you can learn a lot just by asking a person what their favorite fairy tale is.” “It’s also important how exactly a person tells his favorite fairy tale,” adds Yulia Kazakevich. “Everyone will place emphasis in their own way, add or remove details that are important to them. The next step is to write your own story. It is no coincidence that the birth of the author's literary fairy tale historically precedes the emergence of psychoanalysis. Literary fairy tale“is a transition between a folk tale and those fairy tales that everyone can write themselves, trying to understand the complexity and inconsistency of their inner world.”

Fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy is an actively developing direction in psychotherapy.
Most often, this method is used when working with children, because a fairy tale perfectly serves as a common language.
A fairy tale is a bridge between the rational thinking of an adult and the imaginative, “magical” world of a child, in which abstractions do not exist and everything happens here and now.
In fairy tale therapy are used therapeutic tales - stories that metaphorically tell about the problems and experiences that a child faces. In them, as in folk tales, the situation always gains integrity - the hero (with whom the child willingly identifies himself) overcomes difficulties and becomes stronger.
In group and individual work children read fairy tales, discuss the actions of the heroes, draw memorable episodes, role-play fairy tales.

Children and adults - we return to fairy tales again and again, thus reuniting with ourselves, helping to awaken the child who is hidden in each of us, revealing the power of our own imagination, which can transform us and our lives.

Snow White

The stepmother is jealous of Princess Snow White because she is more beautiful than her.
Snow White is taken into the forest to be killed there, but is released, and she takes refuge in the house of the seven dwarves. The stepmother finds her and, disguised as an old woman, gives her a poisoned apple. Snow White will only come to life when the prince kisses her.

Puberty difficulties
The Brothers Grimm brought to us a fairy tale that unusually accurately describes the most important stage development of a girl - period of puberty. At the beginning of the story, the Queen Mother (who later dies during childbirth) pricks her finger. Three drops of blood fall on the snow - this emphasizes the contrast between innocence and sexuality. This is how the fairy tale prepares girls to accept menstruation. Further: in a deep forest, among dwarves - characters devoid of sexuality, Snow White grows up. With them she rehearses motherhood (but so far without a man) and learns how to run a household. Performing all the functions of a woman, except sexual and reproductive, she becomes ready for the arrival of the prince. Finally, this tale speaks of the emerging rivalry between mother and daughter. The image of the evil stepmother, of course, symbolizes the ordinary, non-fairytale mother, whom the growing girl envies. The poisoned apple represents excessive mother's love, her omnipotence and fear of punishment, which the girl needs to realize and overcome in order to turn from a child into an adult. This is also a reminder to the mother that it is time to rebuild her relationship with her daughter, recognizing her right to choose her own path. The blood of the first menstruation is a signal of this.

Donkey skin

The king, having lost his beloved wife, is looking for a new wife who would be in no way inferior to the deceased, and falls in love with his own daughter. The princess, following the instructions of the fairy godmother, runs away from the palace, dressed in a donkey skin. Before meeting the handsome prince, she lives in poverty far from her native kingdom.

Incest taboo
This is perhaps the least known of all Charles Perrault's tales: it deals with the strictest taboo in existence. The desire for incest attributed to the king in the plot is a projection of any girl’s attraction to her father, which is a natural part of growing up. The heroine of the fairy tale overcomes her anxiety by refusing, on the advice of the fairy, easy life. In a foreign kingdom, she lives in the dirt, herding cattle, which symbolically conveys the difficulty of realizing incestuous attraction. Only by accepting your dark side(which includes incestuous experiences), the princess receives the right to enter into a “proper” marriage. Dressing up in the skin of an animal is a symbol of magical transformation: the girl manages not only to preserve her soul, but also to reach a new level.

Little Red Riding Hood

Most beautiful girl In the village, my mother sends me to my grandmother. In the forest she meets a wolf, who eats first the grandmother and then the girl. Few people know that the original (1697) version of Charles Perrault ends here - we are more familiar with the version with a happy ending, where the hunters kill the wolf, rip open its stomach, and the girl and grandmother turn out safe and sound.

Sexual temptation
In this famous fairy tale the sexual meaning is expressed most directly. The color red symbolizes sexual experiences; the wolf is, of course, a man: when the girl undresses and goes to bed with him, and the beast tells her that his arms are so big that he can hug her tighter, there is no room for doubt. Not satisfied with the unambiguity of these images, the author considered it necessary to provide the fairy tale with advice: girls do not need to listen to the insidious speeches of men. According to the moral standards of the time, the fairy tale says that sexuality is dangerous, equating male sexuality with aggression, and female sexuality with sacrifice. Little Red Riding Hood, unlike other fairy-tale heroines, does not grow up and remains a girl.
It is no coincidence that we persistently supplement this tale with the transformation missing from Perrault (the “second birth” of a grandmother and granddaughter from the ripped open belly of a wolf).


After being widowed, a rich man marries a woman with two evil daughters. They mock Cinderella until the prince falls in love with her at the ball. There are many versions of this tale, including those by the Brothers Grimm. Famous glass slipper appears in Charles Perrault's version.

Family rivalry
Children's rivalry over parental love has always existed and is a completely normal phenomenon. Cinderella's life seems exaggeratedly difficult to us. But the fairy tale reflects the emotions of any child who has brothers or sisters, as well as the feelings that he experiences for his parents. The image of an evil stepmother allows the child to acknowledge his “bad” experiences (anger and resentment towards his parents) without feeling guilty. The stepmother and her evil daughters take away Cinderella's father - he takes care of them, and not of his own child. From t.z. internal processes The story of Cinderella is a story of awareness of desires, which, unlike the desire to receive beautiful dress or a trip to the ball, can never be satisfied with the father. Desires are repressed, symbolized by Cinderella's subservient position, as dirty as the ashes on which she sits or sleeps, and blossom (directed toward a suitable object) after the difficult work of awareness and acceptance.

To the question: Why do we need fairy tales? What does a person look for in them?.. given by the author pregnant the best answer is Why are fairy tales needed?
In childhood, mothers often read fairy tales to their children...
There brave heroes find themselves in different situations and learn to survive...
Love is born in Fairy Tales and you really want them to end happily...

In childhood, fairy tales teach you to dream...
They help you imagine yourself in the place of her characters...
imagine what one could have done in their place.

How can you live without fairy tales?
It's the same reality...
a little fictional...
but even fiction is built on logical thinking...
Why are fairy tales needed?
They teach you to do the right thing
and not repeat those mistakes
which can be allowed...
“Don’t drink, you’ll become a little goat” –
she teaches the child that
that you can’t trust a puddle to drink from it.
And the tale of Kolobok teaches that
that you can’t trust someone you don’t know...
he may turn out to be a fox,
cunning and dexterous,
capable of luring closer with conversations...
not to get to know each other better...

How interesting is it to live in the World of Fairy Tales?
They take you away...
alluring, carefree...
where possible
along with the main characters,
live and rejoice,
discover exciting adventures,
great love...
Visit a magical land
where are the milk rivers and jelly banks,
where can you lose a shoe,
and meet a handsome prince...

There are a lot of interesting things in the Fairy Tale,
Imagination and curiosity would be enough...
live with the Fairy Tale!
And, as adults...
so, sometimes
there is not enough good, mysterious fairy tale,
to believe in Love, Happiness,
in all the most beautiful and wonderful things!
How good it is to believe in Fairy Tales!

How in life you want to believe in a Fairy Tale!
She will give only tenderness and affection!
Selfless love comes to life in her,
What makes your head spin, excites your blood! .
Only in a Fairy Tale can you become anyone
And believe in the best, and dream...
You can be born a princess there,
Only the best will happen in it!
May Gerda always find Kaya there.
Those who are pure in soul will be lucky!
Let happiness await the heroes in it...
And, everything in the world only happens in a fairy tale!

Source: about the Fairy Tale, 04/16/2013/ Thank you for the wonderful question!)
Thank you for liking it!)
Good day and good mood))

Reply from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why do we need fairy tales? What does a person look for in them?..

Reply from Dima Kravchenko[guru]

Reply from Mikhail m[guru]
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson...

Why are fairy tales needed? And should you read them to your child? The answer is clear: you need to read. Using the example different fairy tales children learn to live, learn to distinguish between good and evil. Thanks to these fairly simple and short stories, children learn how to behave in different life situations, they learn not to be afraid of difficulties and life problems. A fairy tale is a kind of model of the world around us. It talks about many of life's difficulties and problems using very simple examples that are understandable for children. The fairy tales that we read to children influence their psyche, help develop certain character traits in them, and help build a specific line of behavior in different life situations.

These simple stories teach our children to distinguish bad from good, good from evil. Therefore, it is very important to choose the “right” fairy tales, fairy tales in which good wins and evil loses, or is punished for its bad deeds. Thus, children begin to understand that if they do evil to others, then someday this evil will return to them. They understand that by doing good deeds and treating others well, they will receive goodness in return, they will be loved and respected, and they will have many friends. In order for children to understand the meaning inherent in a particular fairy tale, it certainly needs to be discussed after reading. Let the child talk about his understanding of the fairy tale, what this fairy tale taught him, about what he can and cannot do. Thus, the child learns to think, trains memory and attention, and develops imagination. Fairy tales help children learn cause-and-effect relationships, training the still fragile children's psyche and developing a self-confident personality.

Another important reason why you should read fairy tales to children is that reading is a shared pastime for the child and parents. Reading another story at night, you communicate with the child, devote so much time to him important time and the attention he needs. It is important for children to communicate with their parents, spend time with them in order to learn the necessary behavior patterns in order to receive warmth, care and positive emotions. For those parents who spend the whole day at work, without the opportunity to go for a walk or chat with their own child, a fairy tale is an opportunity to catch up, understand how their child thinks and what is important to him in life.

Fairy tales are pieces of goodness and happiness that have been passed down from generation to generation for many years; they are an invaluable experience acquired by generations and passed on to us and our children in a simple and accessible form.

I think that modern man is essentially no different from the man of the past, the century before last, from his forefathers. It is enough to open the Old Testament to be convinced that people have not changed over thousands of years. Passions still fight us. The people want bread and circuses, comfort, wealth, convenience. And only a small fraction of people thirst for the Truth, and having found it, they are ready to give everything for it. The Lord said that He is the Truth and the Life, but the path leading to Him is difficult. The road to Truth, to God, to the salvation of the soul is paved with many stones, and a fairy tale is one of them.

Most good teacher- this is an example. And our ancestors passed on the exploits of heroes from mouth to mouth and told children about the lives of holy ascetics. Each nation carefully preserved and passed on priceless tales about heroes - defenders of the homeland, about miraculous healings through prayers to the saints, about great battles, about the victory of good over evil. It was from such examples that children's characters were formed.

I really love fairy tales. Fairy tale - grain, fairy tale - folk wisdom, a fairy tale is a good helper, a fairy tale is kind soul, a fairy tale is a nanny, a fairy tale can make you laugh and cry, be sad and rejoice, but most importantly: a fairy tale helps teach a child to empathize, think, and work with the heart. A fairy tale leaves its mark on his soul until the end of his days, and it is very important that under it there is a vessel with a fragrant world, and not a crooked jar with a foul-smelling liquid that can smear everything and everyone. Whoever reads any fairy tales grows out of it. Now answer the question: “Why to modern man fairy tale?". Storyteller Irina Rogaleva.

Views: 33514

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait by the sea for weather? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life’s roads and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for something it has not yet experienced difficult life, contemplating from the depths of his national experience the difficulties of life's path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with a fairy tale and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in harmony with their national fairy tale. (27) And it is good for us if we preserve an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (1883–1954) - Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.

Fairy tale. What is its role in people's lives? It is this problem that I.A. raises. Ilyin in the text proposed for analysis.

Reflecting on the question posed, the publicist notices that a person, reading a fairy tale, asks her about “what is important and necessary for all of us,” for example, about happiness. The author of the text with undisguised confidence says that a fairy tale helps a person understand difficult life situations and answer many difficult questions, as stated in sentence 15. The philosopher draws the readers' attention to the fact that people are divided into two types: those living with a fairy tale and living without a fairy tale, and the former are undoubtedly much happier, which is clear from the following statement: “People living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness ... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy " The author of the text concludes his reasoning with the fair conclusion that “it is good for us if we keep an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.”

My agreement with author's position can be justified by the following literary example. Let us remember the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen " Snow Queen" In this work, a boy named Kai found himself in trouble: a fragment of a devilish mirror got into his eye, because of which everything good seems evil, and everything evil is more striking. The boy’s heart became callous and “icy.” Soon he was kidnapped by the Snow Queen. The girl Gerda, who loved Kai, sibling, did not know where he had disappeared, but, in spite of everything, she decided to go in search of him. She had to overcome many difficult trials, but she did not break: her love for Kai gave her strength. In the end, Gerda found him and sang their favorite psalm, thanks to which Kai remembered her and became kind again. The named brother and sister return home, and it turns out that they are already adults. A wonderful fairy tale, teaching people that love and kindness will overcome everything, and only by following the path of goodness can a person find happiness. Thus, a fairy tale gives a person wisdom, helping him answer important questions and understand how to become happy.

I'll give you another one literary example, which shows: a fairy tale, helping a person find answers to serious questions and bringing happiness to a person, makes him wise. Let us remember the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". In this work the old man caught goldfish, which turned out to be magical. The fish asked the fisherman to let her go in exchange for fulfilling her wish, but the old man refused and let her go just like that. Returning home, he told his old woman about what had happened. She got angry and forced her husband to call the goldfish and ask her for a new trough, which the old man did. The fish granted her wish, but this was not enough for the old woman. The old man repeatedly returned to the fish so that it would fulfill the old woman’s wishes. In the end, the old woman demanded that the fish make her the mistress of the sea, and that she, the fish, be on her errands. But the fish did not answer and swam away. When the old man returned, he saw that the old woman was again sitting on the threshold of the dilapidated dugout near the broken trough. This fairy tale teaches people that there is no need to be greedy, because greed is of no use to a good person will not lead, but, on the contrary, will bring him misfortune. Consequently, a fairy tale gives the reader wisdom, because it helps him understand important things and protects him from misfortunes.

I would like to believe that readers will think about the problem raised by I.A. Ilyin, and will understand what an important role a fairy tale can play in a person’s life, endowing him with wisdom and helping to answer vital questions.