House 2 Olga Buzova's divorce. Buzova’s curse: all men leave her. Beginning a career as a presenter

Second week the Internet is discussing latest news about the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov. Or rather, the divorce has not yet taken place, but it seems that everything is heading towards this.

The couple stopped publishing photos together and declaring their love for each other on their Instagram pages. And they even unsubscribed from each other’s microblogs.

And yesterday, subscribers of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova noticed that the couple took off their wedding rings.

What happened between Buzova and Tarasov? This question worries all viewers of the show “Doma-2” without exception.

So far, none of the Tarabuziks are commenting on the quarrel. Olga Buzova quotes sad poems on her Instagram, and Dmitry Tarasov forwarded all questions from journalists to the TV presenter, noting that “Olga loves to give comments.”

Olga Buzova creates scandals on the show “Dom-2” due to problems in her personal life

Problems in Olga Buzova’s family also affected those who are within the perimeter of the Dom-2 project. Insiders told the media that the TV star was taking it out on his colleagues and participants in the TV production.

So, a few days ago Olga Buzova brought the makeup artist to tears. The incident became known from one of the sound engineers:

The other day she brought our makeup artist to tears, bitch! She made it up, as always, everything is beautiful. Well, who is to blame that a person’s face is swollen from tears? So she saw herself in the frame and started screaming like crazy. The make-up artist left with shaking hands and was almost left with a stutter.

The producers of the TV project turn a blind eye to Buzova’s hysterics. Moreover, the management strictly forbade employees from pestering Olga with questions. Otherwise, the person who disobeys will face a fine.

Participants in reality shows also get it. Always calm and friendly, Olga Buzova now amazes with her aggression. One of the girls said:

Yells like a victim at the lighting crew. Kind of an ugly face in the frame. So she cries all the time, so damn ugly. The guys have nothing to do with it. He infuriates everyone with his aggressive behavior. You all feel sorry for her, but she behaves like a total bitch. Every second woman in the country gets divorced, no one feels sorry for them. It's terribly annoying. Everyone has to tiptoe around her. Queen, fuck!

It is difficult to say how the quarrel between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov will end. Perhaps the spouses will be able to come to an agreement and everything will work out. Although, perhaps, the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov will add to the collection of the most high-profile breakups of the outgoing year...

At the end of 2016, the family of the TV presenter of DOMA-2 Olga Buzova broke up. Her marriage to football player Dmitry Tarasov caused a wave of discussion, among which there was a lot of condemnation, because the couple met and began dating when Dmitry was still married. And although Tarasov made a statement that his marriage to gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko did not break up because of Olga, this did not calm the TV presenter’s haters.

In 2012, Tarasov and Buzova got married and began to lead a stellar life on display, exposing almost every step they took to Olga’s followers on Instagram. Especially for family photos Olya even came up with two new tags #mymoya and #tarabuziki. It was Instagram users who noticed that something was wrong in the family of Buzova and Tarasov, since all posts where Olga’s husband was present completely disappeared from the girl’s feed. But sad quotes and sad messages about pain, betrayal and betrayal appeared. And no matter how Olga kept silent about the situation in her family, it soon became known that the Tarasov family had really broken up. And in the last days of December, the couple arrived separately at the Moscow registry office, where they dissolved their marriage.

Reasons for divorce #tarabuzikov

Now is the time to talk about the reasons for the separation. Now they are called several. On Olga’s side, many are talking about Dmitry’s betrayal and even mentioning the name of the homewrecker – Rostov model Anastasia Kostenko. There is a second reason. Dmitry was quite rude in the family and often offended his wife, reprimanding her for scattered things, an unmade bed or unwashed dishes in the sink.

Dmitry Tarasov himself names his reasons for the divorce. He also has two of them. Firstly, he was irritated by Olga’s desire to live for show and social activity wives. A the last blow was the release of the book “The Price of Happiness”, in which Buzova described her family life with him. Secondly, Dmitry wanted to have a child in this family, while Buzova abandoned children in favor of her career as a TV presenter and businesswoman.

As a result, the family fell apart, and as always, two people are to blame for a divorce - both the husband and the wife. Take care of your loved ones!

// Photo: Mikhail Frolov/Komsomolskaya Pravda

Four years ago, the story of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov resembled a fairy tale: a wedding on a ship, photo shoots, vacations on the islands, millions of roses and gifts. They bought a house, got a dog, talked about children, but... the idyll ended in divorce on New Year's Eve 2017. The main reason was betrayal - they say the athlete cheated on Olya with model Anastasia Kostenko. Now the star’s ex-husband is destined to disappear from the pages of the press, but Olya’s popularity is growing. Within a month, another 2 million Instagram users subscribed to it. Olga has overtaken the microblogs of other celebrities in terms of the number of followers. The life of the star is followed by 8,284,150 people. But neither rising advertising prices nor creative plans will be able to drown out the pain now.

“Unfortunately, I have to learn from my mistakes, sometimes I step on the same rake,” the artist tells StarHit. – There have already been ups and downs, but now the only thing I regret is that I cannot say: “Hello! I am 21 years old and have not been married."

// Photo: photo shoot for Bella Potemkina

So, the presenter’s life changed: from a pretty blonde she turned into a sultry brunette, starred in films, recorded tracks that soared to the top of the charts.

“I adequately accept everything that fate presents,” continues Olya. - Yes, they hurt me, but when love story there is no continuation, you need to “cauterize” it and move on. Previously family and relationships came first, now work comes first.”

Relatives and friends were very concerned about Olya’s condition. But Buzova did not fall into depression - on the contrary, in a few months she drew conclusions from a life lesson. Social network users and celebrity acquaintances were divided into two fronts: some supported the girl, others accused her of indecent behavior after intimate photographs, videos and correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev were leaked online.

"How more stones I get it in the back, the stronger I become, but deep down I’m vulnerable. Sometimes you want to relax and feel tender,” the presenter admits. “Too many issues fell on my shoulders that I had to solve absolutely alone. If I had been even a little weaker, they would have broken me.”

Despite the pain, Olya did not miss her birthday celebration in January. Huge bouquets of flowers, jewelry, a watch worth 11 million rubles and even a white Spitz - the TV presenter was inundated with gifts. But the most unexpected surprise was made by an unknown fan - he presented Buzova with an expensive blue Mercedes SUV.

“At the most difficult moment, strangers turned out to be kinder and more caring, for which I am very grateful,” Buzova smiles. “My wings were clipped, but I didn’t give up.” While I don’t want love or marriage, I just continue to live and act according to honor, conscience and do what my heart tells me.”

Now Olya’s schedule is busy - the calendar is filled for months in advance. “I have planned my future: I see my husband and children in it, but now the main thing is my career. And I have three dogs at home, we are a friendly family. I hope I don’t turn into an avid dog lover and in my old age I won’t have 50 of them,” Olya laughs.

Last week she shot a video for her second track “I’m getting used to it,” directed by Alexey Golubev. The star voiced her vision of the video to him, and together they created the scenery and built the frame. By the way, Buzova took full responsibility for financial issues.

“Everything you see in the video, I didn’t have to play - these are living emotions: every word, turn, sigh is a story that I will tell for the last time and forget forever,” says Olga. “We always think that our tragedy is the most painful, and our love is the strongest, but when I was faced with the betrayal of a loved one, I realized that only I can help myself.”

The TV presenter and singer talks about how to emerge from a difficult situation as a winner. December 30 marks exactly one year since TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova became a free woman - on this day in 2016, she filed for divorce from her ex-husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Olga Buzova

This period was not easy for Olga, but definitely eventful. Start of a singing career, nominations for various music awards, filming on Channel One, rotation of clips and first places in various charts, solo concert and the first album. And at the same time - the scandalous leak of personal correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev to the Network, criticism from show business stars, lack of support from former friends. Olga Buzova coped with all the blows of fate and emerged from all difficulties as an undisputed winner.

Olga is still single, although she receives invitations for dates with enviable regularity. Buzova is in no hurry to tie the knot again, and in general she is wary of men. In her interviews, which over the past year have appeared in many top publications about stars, the TV presenter admits: she no longer agrees to just any man, she only needs the best. She dreams of a fairy-tale prince on a white horse, but while he is on his way, she intends to develop her career and build her life the way she dreams.

Within a year, the TV presenter completely changed her life

Olga Buzova has already written a book about how to achieve success, which she called “The Price of Happiness.” But today she probably could, based on personal experience, compose another work - about how to survive a divorce, cope with betrayal and come out of such a difficult situation as a winner, with your head held high. We have selected the most striking quotes from interviews with the TV presenter and singer over the past year, in which she shares her experiences and gives advice to other women on how to become happy no matter what.


By her own admission, Olga for a long time did not want to believe that her husband was cheating on her, and explained all the problems by the fact that Dmitry Tarasov was worried about work and his own health, and therefore took out his anger on his wife. The understanding that this was an alarming signal came only later, when the spouse announced his desire to get a divorce.

“Well, a woman can’t just be annoying. I had a situation where I felt that out of the blue I began to irritate ex-husband, - Buzova later said on the air of the “Woman’s Riot” program on Channel One. “And when everyone around said that he had another woman, I answered: “No, we love each other and will die one day.” And then, after a while, I found out that he had another woman for a year. And it was at this time that I began to irritate him.”

Olga Buzova spoke about her husband’s betrayal on Channel One


“I could lean out the window and scream - just to let out my emotions, so that I wouldn’t be torn apart from pain... And this is the 20th floor!” - she talked about how she spent the first months after breaking up in a rented apartment.

Olga also tried psychotherapy, but it did not have the desired effect, but conversations with friends and her mother helped, as well as travel and a change of environment. Giving yourself the opportunity to cry is also good advice, the only important thing is to stop in time.

“I remember coming to a hotel in Marbella and crying for 10 hours straight without stopping. In such moments, what saved me was that in the most difficult moments I turned on my acting abilities and began to play the play, as if with myself... Having survived the most terrible period in my life, it seems to me that I have grown as an actress. It’s not for nothing that they say: in order to play a tragedy, you need to experience it in real life“, the TV presenter shared.

It took Buzova great effort to pull herself together and start new life


The most important sign by which we recognize today new Olga Buzova - this is her hairstyle and dark color hair. The change is radical, but it certainly suits the star.

“Until recently, I was sure of three “never.” That I will never dye my hair brunette. I will never forgive betrayal. And I will never fall on my knees before a man. And I violated all three of these points. Now I no longer renounce anything. Something has happened in my life that it’s hard to scare me with anything,” Olga admitted.

When asked when fans will be able to see her in her usual blonde look, Buzova flirtatiously replies that she will only change her color when she falls in love again. Or perhaps she will prefer to remain a fatal beauty with dark curls - after all, it was this look that brought her long-awaited success on stage as a singer.


After the divorce, Olga had to deal with the betrayal of many friends

Having gone through a divorce, Olga Buzova once again proved to everyone that she knows how to take a punch and does not stoop to petty squabbles.

“I didn’t call my ex and say: you bastard, you ruined my whole life (although I really wanted to),” she later said with a smile.

There was no division of property. The suitcases and boxes that the star took with her from the family nest to the rented apartment contained only personal items. Two beloved dogs, Eva and Chelsea, remained with her, while Dmitry Tarasov received elite country real estate. Olga did not sue her ex-husband. "I never hold on to material assets. For me, the main thing is relationships. If fate takes something away, it means it’s not mine,” she said.


Buzova admitted: in order to throw out her emotions, she had to scream loudly out the window from the 20th floor

Even your dearest friends can betray you as soon as you find yourself in a difficult situation: Olga Buzova was able to verify this from her own bitter experience. Having received the news of the TV presenter’s imminent divorce, many of those who once confessed their love to her and promised strong friendship and support, preferred to turn away, or even completely went over to the side of Olga’s ex-husband. Only the closest ones remained nearby: mother, sister and several friends.

“Some of my friends dropped out. If 200 people came to the 30th anniversary, then when she celebrated her 31st birthday, only 25! But I take it calmly. There are close people who have known me for a long time, love me and will support me at any moment. Among them are my sister Anya, my friend Olya Desyatovskaya from St. Petersburg, the wives of football players Masha Pogrebnyak, Marina Kasaeva and others... I’m not ready to open up to new people. Too many people have turned their backs on me. I know how “girlfriends” stick their hands down your husband’s pants. “I went through everything,” Olga Buzova shared with reporters.


It is impossible to keep a grudge in yourself forever; a time comes when it is time to part with old experiences in order to open your heart to something new. Judging the offender and reliving the negativity again and again will not get you far - Olga realized this quite quickly. Although the star admitted more than once that the understatement in her story with Dmitry Tarasov still remained: after all, a number of her questions remained unanswered, and Buzova simply could not find out from her ex-husband what she was guilty of before him. Having spent some time trying to reconcile and clarifying all the circumstances of the family discord, she still found the strength to make the only right decision: from now on, be responsible only for herself.

“I will remain true to myself and my principles, and the actions of others are on their own conscience. And in no case do I want to turn into an angry, callous and complex person. Although I have a lot internal problems, which I hope I can handle on my own,” Olga explained in an interview with DOM-2 magazine.


Olga Buzova, of course, does not recommend building a singing career for anyone who has gone through a divorce, but she is sure that it is worth coming up with a business that will allow you to escape from sorrowful thoughts. It should be something that you have dreamed about for a long time, for which you still haven’t had enough time, and that will help make your old dream come true. In the case of the TV presenter, these were vocal lessons. Olga Buzova dreamed of being a singer since childhood. And, finally deciding to pick up the microphone and go on stage, she made the right decision. The success has exceeded the wildest expectations, and Olga does not intend to stop now.

“Everyone was skeptical about my undertaking, except for my family and friends. Now I sing and get unreal pleasure from it - I know that there is huge amount people who are close to my work. I don't claim the title opera singer, I’m not pretending to be Rihanna - I’m just studying, doing vocals. I sing about what worries me, I share real emotions. As it turned out, my women's history close to many,” said Buzova.


There were always plenty of people who wanted to make fun of Olga Buzova, but last year There are, alas, more of them. And the reason for jokes, not always tactful, was not only the star’s work, but also her personal life. Bloggers, social network users, comedians, and even colleagues in show business practiced their wit. But Olga stoically withstood the blow. Character, self-confidence and a very valuable quality helped - to always be the first to laugh at yourself and treat any attack on yourself with humor. Fortunately, I have a lot of experience in this matter, but I don’t lack fortitude.

Draw conclusions

The main value of any test is the conclusions that a person is able to draw from the current situation, and the experience gained that helps the individual grow and move forward. Olga Buzova handled the divorce situation with an A plus, and she willingly tells her fans what mistakes she will never repeat again.

“I learned my lesson. I won’t put my personal things on display anymore,” Olga repeated many times and in different ways in interviews and on her Instagram page.

And so far, we must give her credit, she keeps her word, only occasionally posing with bouquets from nameless fans. “I exposed too much of my personal life. But I am an open and sincere person. If I feel good, if I love, then I shout about it to the whole world. I wasn’t scared, although everyone said: “Aren’t you afraid of the evil eye? Happiness loves silence...” Now I agree with this phrase. Yes, I had to leave something for myself so that it wouldn’t hurt so much later. When everything happened, for the first time in almost thirteen years of publicity, I wanted to hide, to fall through the ground, to hide from everyone,” Olya shared.

The second idea that Buzova actively promotes is the need to rely only on yourself and not give yourself entirely to your personal life to the detriment of your career. “Once I was ready to give up everything in favor of my family. As a result, the man left, and she had to feed herself. Well, it’s okay - I learned a lesson, the scales fell from my eyes, my head returned to its place,” Buzova reasoned.


And yet this story will undoubtedly have a happy ending, and Olga Buzova - we are sure of it! - She won't be alone for long. There will definitely be a man who will appreciate and love her, making her the happiest woman. It has long been known: in order to bring your dreams closer to reality, you need to describe in as much detail as possible what you really want. And although the TV presenter and singer, flirtatiously, says that while her busy schedule leaves no room for a man, in fact she knows who she is waiting for - after all, she has given out the signs of this prince to her fans many times - suddenly someone finds out about this describing yourself?

“Now I can’t imagine what a man should be like to be interested in him. I am a very integral person, purposeful, I know perfectly well what I want. I am a strong person with a core inside. And I want to see an equally strong man next to me so that he interests me. And this is not easy. I am very inquisitive, I read a lot, I like to communicate not only in the style of “Hello, how are you?” and about new clothes. I am interested in talking about what is happening in the world, about global problems, about art. Plus my man should be easy-going. And at the same time, endure my eternal busyness,” Olga Buzova said in an interview.

The article was prepared based on materials from the following publications: “AiF About Health”, “StarHit”, “7 Days”, “TV Program” and “Telenedelya”.

The news of the separation of the #tarabuziks, which is no longer denied by the husband of the most popular blonde in the country, Dmitry Tarasov, haunts millions of fans of the once ideal couple. Unlike her lover, who answers questions about status family relations in a cheerful voice, Buzova can hardly hold back her tears even film set"House-2". How the behavior of the famous blonde has changed, the employees of the television production told.

“Well, we discussed this among ourselves a long time ago. In principle, they like to wash her bones, but here it is... I feel sorry for her like a woman. She has become terribly aggressive, both the participants and we notice. If Olya used to come, smile and laugh with everyone, now she snaps at everyone,” the worker says by sound. “The other day she brought our make-up artist to tears!” She made it up as always, everything is beautiful. Well, who is to blame that a person’s face is swollen from tears. So she saw herself in the frame and started screaming like crazy. The make-up artist left with shaking hands and was almost left with a stutter.”

According to the participants and workers of “House-2”, against the backdrop of problems with her husband Dmitry Tarasov, Olga Buzova turned from a smiling girl into an aggressive, sometimes even malicious woman.

“Buzova is on the verge of a nervous breakdown! Mikhailovsky intimidated us! He forbids us to ask her about the divorce. She says that if she complains, she will fine us. Yells like a victim at the lighting crew. Kind of an ugly face in the frame. So she cries all the time, so damn ugly. The guys have nothing to do with it. He infuriates everyone with his aggressive behavior,” shared a participant in the TV project. - You all feel sorry for her, but she’s like... (a dog feminine) the latter behaves. Every second woman in the country gets divorced, no one feels sorry for them. It's terribly annoying. Everyone has to tiptoe around her. Queen, (mate for a bunch of words)!”