Dk Vyborg adult games. Psychology of family relationships in the play "Adult Games". Reviews

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Many family problems did not arise yesterday. Problems of loneliness and divorce have always existed, but somehow they did not attract special attention. If they get divorced, it means there is a reason. Perhaps someone is to blame or something is changing in the relationship. Whether it is good or bad is not worth judging. But figuring it out is another matter.

And the slightly sentimental, sometimes funny, sometimes lyrical comedy “Adult Games” will help with this. The actors not only performed a huge number of performances in the country, but also traveled abroad with this comedy. Over the course of two hours, the excellent main cast of the play first creates an atmosphere of mystery, in the spirit of the well-known Agatha Christie, and then gradually leads the viewer to the climax and denouement.

The cast of the play

The director of the production “Adult Games” Sergei Artsibashev based the performance on the unique individualities of the actors and some elusive similarity of characters. A tragicomic figure is the sincere and awkward Albert Donais, who buried the artist within himself. He was talentedly played in a duet with the eccentric and uninhibited Yvonne Fouche (Daria Feklenko), his former comedy wife.

Until the very climax of the performance, the mysterious handsome man Anre Bouville walks around the hall until the regal Gabrielle (Alena Yakovleva) appears, creating a complete duet in which they reveal an unexpected side. And, finally, the serious but jealous Claude Pichon (Alexander Shavrin) and the height of grace Mariette Livier, played by the actress Olga Prokofieva, beloved by everyone for her comedic roles.

Who is who, or the plot

The scene is a luxury restaurant in Paris. The table is set for six people. Claude Pichon is on stage with a glass of champagne. Albert Donais enters through the double doors. A conversation ensues in which they try to understand who else and why was invited to the dinner party by the lawyer who handled their divorce proceedings. After some time, the front door opens and another man appears. This is Andre Bouville. As it turned out from the conversation, he was also divorced, moreover, his wife also died. But the divorce case was also handled by Paul Gerard.

All three men begin to assume that the next three people will be women. Although they do not exclude the possibility of a lawyer coming with his wife. But then, who else will be with them? Andre leaves to get cigarettes, and Claude goes into the toilet room. Albert remains in the restaurant. And at this moment the charming actress Olga Prokofieva enters the room. Stop! In the play, this is Mariet. She came to Gerard's dinner party.

While talking about those invited to dinner and explaining why she also came, Mariet begins to flirt a little with Albert, letting him know that after the divorce it’s time to go out in public. So, leaving the restaurant hall and returning to it, all those invited to the dinner party gathered. Moreover, these are three couples whose divorce proceedings were handled by lawyer Gerard.

The games begin

And Gabrielle, Andre’s ex-wife, gathered everyone in the restaurant. She is alive and beautiful, but for Andre she died, because she said that she would only give a divorce through her corpse. As it turns out during the course of the play, the couples separated, but each of them really cannot answer the question why.

Staying alone in the restaurant hall, couples during the play could, without falsehood, sincerely express their feelings. Communicating with his former half, each character in the play resurrects his memories and begins to understand what mistakes he has made. To some extent, the games suggested by Gabrielle help this.

First, she asks everyone to just walk around the hall and stop at some point. And somehow the divorced spouse ends up standing opposite his ex-wife. This means the magnet exists! They continue to be attracted by something inexplicable, rather at the subconscious level. By the way, in reviews of the play “Adult Games,” many drew attention to this silent scene - the former spouses frozen in front of each other.

Question and answer game

The second was a question and answer game. There were two questions to answer here. The first was the question of what the ex-spouses did the worst thing to each other during their life together. Answering it honestly, each hero experienced his own situation and realized how stupid and biased it was. This is the inability to understand and accept your partner, from the revelations of Claude and Marielle. Or excessive absorption in your partner, as was the case in family life Gabrielle and Andre. This is the burning of bridges in the relationship between Yvonne and Albert due to a misunderstanding with love letters.

And how touching were the answers to the second question about what the best and most pleasant thing the ex-spouse did was. Yvonne and Albert returned to their memories and admitted that even on the day of separation, their breakfast was held in the same warm atmosphere. But if they had sorted out the letters (Yvonne had understood at that time that the husband burned the letters only because he wrote others, warmer and more passionate), there would not have been this stupid divorce.


The curtain is drawn, the audience slowly leaves the hall. What does everyone think about after the play “Adult Games”? Reviews are different, as always. Some scenes made some people smile, while others brought tears to their eyes. But many people have changed their view that “you can’t step into the same river twice.”

In a review of the play “Adult Games”, some viewers, apparently having experience of divorce, came to the conclusion that they could try to start with a “clean slate”. It’s better to try to maintain relationships without burning bridges.

In hundreds of reviews of the play “Adult Games,” the audience was made to think by Andre’s phrase, where he talks about Gabrielle and her half-crazy dream. That thanks to her desire to play games during the dinner party, some characters learned a useful lesson and were able to understand themselves and their relationships.

Sentimental comedy based on Neil Simon's play "The Banquet"
Director – Sergey Artsibashev
Cast: Daniil SPIVAKOVSKY, Olga PROKOFIEVA, Tatiana Augshkap, Victor Zaporozhsky, Alena Yakovleva, Nikolai Kachura

The sentimental comedy "ADULT GAMES" based on the play "Banquet" of one of the most repertoire modern playwrights Neil Simon was directed by the famous director Sergei Artsibashev.

The action takes place in Paris today. Luxuriously served table in a luxurious restaurant. The famous Parisian lawyer is throwing a dinner party... His guests are wealthy, prosperous men, beautiful sexy women... BUT neither the lawyer nor his wife shows up for the reception. Who called all these people, and most importantly, why? Intrigue is like a mountain road - there's a turn around the corner. But one thing remains unchanged - human feelings, without false pretense or falsehood.

In this performance, the middle generation of actors plays - those who played little and were unwisely unnoticed before. The comedy genre is revealed by director Sergei Artsibashev in the personalities of the actors and in the unique construction of duets. Outwardly serious, but in fact rushing about and painfully jealous Claude Pichon (Alexander Shavrin), elegant, dressed with impeccable taste Mariette Livier (Olga Prokofieva), relaxed, eccentric Yvonne Fouche (Tatyana Augshkap) - they all work very accurately in the director’s style drawings. Artsibashev's discovery was the hilariously comic Daniil Spivakovsky, he plays Albert Donais. A light-hearted, talented comedic actor who knows how to convey a serious feeling with his timid intonations.

N. Agisheva, “Moscow News”. :

“Bravo, Spivakovsky!” - viewers wrote on the Internet after the premiere and were not mistaken in their choice. Without in any way detracting from the merits of the other creators of the production, one cannot help but recognize the work of Daniil Spivakovsky in the role of Albert as a real discovery... A graduate of GITIS, Spivakovsky has been in the theater since 1992, but this is the first time he received such a role. His thin, awkward and funny Albert, who still adores his Yvonne, ultimately turns an unpretentious comedy into a real drama about a man who loved too much to be happy..."

A light sentimental comedy, absolutely in the spirit of Neil Simon, intrigue worthy of the pen of Agatha Christie and the constellation best actors Russian theater The two hours you spend in the company of our heroes will make unforgettable.

Today we all really need such a play and such a performance - where there is a victory of good over evil!

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Review left by: Artyom

The performance is weak both in acting and material. Frankly a boring play, without deep psychological immersion. If you just want to spend an easy evening at the theater, I do not recommend going to this performance. I read that thanks to this performance Spivakovsky was noticed. I can’t agree with this; his performance in the play is weak.

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Review left by: Lyudmila

The performance is weak, the dramaturgy is useless, the actors are simply bored with acting, “serving their number.” Only Spivakovsky, by virtue of his talent and conscientiousness, “took the rap” for everyone, tried to revive the half-dead content. In general, another "ches"

Duration of the performance: 2 hours with 1 intermission