Didactic games on the theme of portrait. Preschool education. Creative game “Guess who it is?”

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 "Rucheyok"

general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children"

Cities of Cheboksary of the Chuvash Republic





Nadezhda Konstantinovna


Cheboksary, 2011



Make a portrait of a fairy-tale hero

Target . To consolidate children's knowledge about the components of the face and their spatial location, to encourage them to use words in speech: above, above, below, below, between, under.

Note: Nose located between the eyes. The eyebrows are located on top of the eyes.

Material. Portrait of a fairy-tale hero, cut into 8 parts (face in half and into 4 parts - forehead, eyes, nose, mouth and chin).

Family portrait

Target . To consolidate children's knowledge about the gender and age characteristics of people. Name the distinctive features of male and female female face, young and old. Select and compose portraits of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters and brothers.

Material. 6 portraits, cut into 4 parts (forehead, eyes, nose, lips and chin), and separate wigs and false parts (mustaches, beards, glasses).

Find a flaw in the portrait

Target. Consolidate knowledge about components faces: forehead, hair, eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, eyes, pupils, nose, nostrils, cheeks, cheekbones, mouth, lips, chin, ears.

Identify the missing parts of the face in the drawing and tell what function they perform.

Material. 10 cards depicting the same person with different flaws.

Facial expressions

As you know, a person has different moods: joy, surprise, laughter, crying, irritation, anger, calm.

Different facial expressions on a person's face are called facial expressions.

Study mood patterns carefully

and try to sketch them.

Design and assemble a portrait

Target . Consolidate knowledge about the portrait genre, create a portrait from different parts of the face according to your own choice and imagination. Learn to correctly navigate the location of different parts of the face and its proportions.

Material. Various modifications of facial parts in color and shape. Additional details: wigs, mustaches, beards, hats, etc.

Good and evil heroes

Target. Learn classify fairy-tale characters according to the following principles: good and evil; stupid and smart; funny and scary. Find heroes on a given topic and justify your choice.

Material. Pictures depicting various fairy tale characters with pronounced character traits (Emelya, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Fox, Elena the Beautiful, etc.)




Teach children to see the similarity of human poses in realistic and schematic images; practice conveying people's poses in a schematic representation.


The teacher has a felt-tip pen and sticks (strips of thin cardboard glued with flannel) for laying out little people, and schematic images of little people in different poses. Children have cards divided into two cells, one with a sketchy man, the other free, simple pencil


Show children three or four people depicted in different ways. Ask who can repeat the movements of one of the little men. The child takes the pose of one of the little men, and the children find on the card a little man with the same movements of his arms and legs. Denote his posture in words. For example: “The elbows are bent and raised up, one leg is strongly bent at the knee, the other is straightened. Show on a flannelgraph how you can lay out different depicted people (3- 4 poses).

Then give the children one card each, ask them to find a little man with the same movements of his arms and legs as the stick man, and put him on an empty square.

Manual "Moving Man"

(on flannelgraph)

Target: Learn to compose a human figure in a static state, as well as in motion, on a flannelgraph from component parts corresponding to parts of the human body.

Suggest laying out a figurine of a person from parts in a certain position and transferring the resulting image onto paper.

Material and necessary equipment:For each child - a table flannelograph and a set of parts of a man figurine glued to the flannel: 2 details of the head image in profile and full face, 2 body parts in two positions: front and side, separated at the elbow 2 hands(4 details) and 4 parts of legs separated at the knee.

List of used literature:

1. Trofimova M.V. and others. “Both study and play, fine arts” Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2001.

2.Shalaeva G.P. Learning to draw a person. – M., Publisher: AST, Slovo, 2009

Note: photographs depicting manufactured didactic games are copyrighted.



2 DIDACTIC GAMES ON THE PORTRAIT GENRE COMPLETE A PORTRAIT OF A FAIRY-TALE HERO GOAL. To consolidate children's knowledge about the components of the face and their spatial location, to encourage them to use words in speech: above, above, below, below, between, under. NOTE. The NOSE is located between the eyes. The eyebrows are on top of the eyes. MATERIAL. Portrait of a fairy-tale hero, cut into 8 parts (face in half and forehead, eyes, nose, mouth and chin into 4 parts). 2





7 GOOD AND EVIL HEROES GOAL. TEACH to classify fairy-tale heroes according to principles: good and evil; stupid and smart; funny and scary. Find heroes on a given topic and justify your choice. MATERIAL. Pictures depicting various fairy-tale characters with pronounced character traits (Emelya, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Fox, Elena the Beautiful, etc.) 7

8 RECOGNIZE THE PORTRAIT BY THE DESCRIPTION AND DRAW IT 1. This is what she looked like: her carrot-colored hair was braided into two tight braids that stuck out in different directions; the nose looked like a tiny potato, and besides, it was speckled with freckles; White teeth sparkled in his large, wide mouth. She was wearing a blue dress, but since she apparently didn’t have enough blue material, she sewed red patches into it here and there. She pulled long stockings onto her very thin and thin legs different colors: one is brown and the other is black. And the huge black shoes seemed about to fall off. Astrid Lindgren. Pippi Longstocking 2. There was a long pole near the fence, with a straw scarecrow sticking out on it to drive away the birds. The head of the stuffed animal was made of a bag filled with straw, with eyes and a mouth painted on it, so that it looked like a funny human face. The scarecrow was dressed in a worn blue caftan." Here and there straw stuck out from the holes in the caftan. On his head was an old shabby hat, with the bells cut off, and on his feet were old blue boots. A. Volkov. Wizard Emerald City(Scarecrow) 8

9 3. The girl took a broom and sat down on the floor, she was so scared. There was someone under the broom! Small, shaggy, in a red shirt, sparkling eyes and silent. The girl is also silent and thinks: “Maybe this is a hedgehog? Why is he dressed and wearing shoes like a boy? Maybe a toy hedgehog? They started it with the key and left. But factory toys don’t know how to cough and sneeze so loudly. HERE NATASHA STILL BEGAN TO LAUGH. THE MAN TURNED OUT TO BE VERY FUNNY. WEARING A RED SHIRT WITH A BELT, SHOTS ON LEGS, A TURN-NOSE, AND A MOUTH TO THE EARS, ESPECIALLY WHEN HE LAUGHS. Tatiana Alexandrova. KUZKA (HOUSEHOLD KUZKA) GAME EXERCISE “STICK PEOPLE” Purpose. Teach children to see the similarity of human poses in realistic and schematic images; practice conveying people's poses in a schematic representation. Material. The teacher has a felt-tip pen and sticks (strips of thin cardboard glued with flannel) for laying out little people, and schematic images of little people in different poses. Children have cards divided into two cells, one with a sketchy man, the other free, simple pencils. 9

10 Move. Show children three or four people depicted in different ways. Ask who can repeat the movements of one of the little men. The child takes the pose of one of the little men, and the children find on the card a little man with the same movements of his arms and legs. Denote his posture in words. For example: “The elbows are bent and raised up, one leg is strongly bent at the knee, the other is straightened. Show on a flannelgraph how you can lay out different depicted people (3-4 poses). Then give the children one card each, ask them to find a little man with the same arm and leg movements as the stick man, and put him on an empty square. 10

11 MANUAL “A MOVING MAN” (ON A FLANELGRAPH) Purpose: To teach how to compose a human figure in a static state, as well as in motion, on a flannelgraph from component parts corresponding to parts of the human body. Suggest laying out a figurine of a person from parts in a certain position and transferring the resulting image onto paper. Material and necessary equipment: For each child - a table flannelgraph and a set of parts of a man figurine glued to the flannel: 2 details of the image of the head in profile and in full view, 2 parts of the torso in two positions: front and side, separated at the elbow 2 arms (4 parts ) and 4 parts of legs separated at the knee. 11

12 List of used literature: 1. Trofimova M.V. and others. “Both study, and play, fine arts” Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2001. 2.Shalaeva G.P. Learning to draw a person. M., Publisher: AST, Slovo, 2009 Note: photographs depicting manufactured didactic games are copyrighted. 12

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Didactic games
by portrait genre

Make a portrait of a fairy-tale hero

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the components of the face and their spatial location, to encourage them to use words in speech: above, above, below, below, between, under.

Note: The nose is between the eyes. The eyebrows are on top of the eyes.

Material: Portrait of a fairy-tale hero, cut into 8 parts (face in half and into 4 parts - forehead, eyes, nose, mouth and chin).

Family portrait

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the gender and age characteristics of people. Name the distinctive features of a male and female face, young and old. Select and draw portraits of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters and brothers.

Material: 6 portraits, cut into 4 parts (forehead, eyes, nose, lips and chin), and separately wigs and extensions (mustaches, beards, glasses).

Find a flaw in the portrait

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the components of the face: forehead, hair, eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, eyes, pupils, nose, nostrils, cheeks, cheekbones, mouth, lips, chin, ears.
Identify the missing parts of the face in the drawing and tell what function they perform.


Facial expressions

As you know, a person has different moods: joy, surprise, laughter, crying, irritation, anger, calm.
The different expressions on a person's face are called facial expressions.

Study carefully the mood diagram and try to sketch them.

Design and assemble a portrait

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of portraiture, to create a portrait from different parts of the face according to your own choice and imagination. Learn to correctly navigate the location of different parts of the face and its proportions.

Material: Various modifications of facial parts in color and shape. Additional details: wigs, mustaches, beards, hats, etc.

Good and evil heroes

Goal: To teach to classify fairy-tale characters according to the principles: good and evil; stupid and smart; funny and scary. Find heroes on a given topic and justify your choice.

Material: Pictures depicting various fairy-tale characters with pronounced character traits (Emelya, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Fox, Elena the Beautiful, etc.)

Find out the portrait from the description and draw it

1. This is what she looked like: sea-colored hairthe forgings were braided into two tight braids, sticking outwalking in different directions; the nose looked like a tiny onepotatoes, and besides, even speckled - fromfreckles; in the big wide mouth sparkledbare teeth. She was wearing a blue dress, but sinceApparently she didn't have enough blue material, she sewedthere are red patches in it here and there. For very thinand her thin legs she pulled on long stockings of differentcolors: one is brown and the other is black.
And the huge black shoes seemed to be about to be are pouring.

Astrid Lindgren. Pippi Long stocking

2. There was a long pole near the fence, on ita straw effigy stuck out to drive away the birds. GoThe stuffed fish was made from a bag filled withstraw, with eyes and a mouth painted on it,so it turned out to be a funny human face.The scarecrow was dressed in a worn blue caftan;Here and there straw stuck out from the holes in the caftan. On his head was an old shabby hat, with the bells cut off, and on his feet were old blue boots.

A. Volkov. The Wizard of the Emerald City (Scarecrow)

3. The girl took a broom and sat down on the floor -I was so scared. There was someone under the broom! Notbig, shaggy, in a red shirt, shiny eyesZami and is silent. The girl is also silent and thinks:“Maybe it’s a hedgehog? And why is he dressed and shod asboy? Maybe a toy hedgehog? They turned him onkey and left. But factory toys are notthey can cough and sneeze so loudly
Here Natasha slowly began to laugh. He turned out to be a very funny man. In a red shirt with a belt, bast shoes on his feet, a snub nose, and a mouth from ear to ear, especially when he laughs.

Tatiana Alexandrova. Kuzka (Domovenok Kuzka)

Game exercises "Stick men"

Teach children to see the similarity of human poses in realistic and schematic images; practice conveying people's poses in a schematic representation.

The teacher has a felt-tip pen and sticks (strips of thin cardboard glued with flannel) for laying out little people, and schematic images of little people in different poses. Children have cards divided into two cells, one with a sketchy man, the other free, simple pencils.

Show children three or four people depicted in different ways. Ask who can repeat the movements of one of the little men. The child takes the pose of one of the little men, and the children find on the card a little man with the same movements of his arms and legs. Denote his posture in words. For example: “The elbows are bent and raised up, one leg is strongly bent at the knee, the other is straightened. Show on a flannelgraph how you can lay out different depicted people (3-4 poses).
Then give the children one card each, ask them to find a little man with the same arm and leg movements as the stick man, and put him on an empty square.

Manual "Moving Man"
(on flannelgraph)

Purpose: To learn to compose a human figure in a static state, as well as in motion, on a flannelgraph from component parts corresponding to parts of the human body.
Suggest laying out a figurine of a person from parts in a certain position and transferring the resulting image onto paper.

Material and necessary equipment: For each child - a table flannelgraph and a set of parts of a man figurine glued to the flannel: 2 details of the image of the head in profile and in full view, 2 parts of the torso in two positions: front and side, separated at the elbow 2 arms (4 parts ) and 4 parts of legs separated at the knee.

Nadezhda Kondakova

I present my version didactic game"Collect a portrait". Game made of cardboard and colored paper. Hairstyles, noses, eyes, lips need to be cut out and laminated. Cardboard ovals are also used (faces, rectangular colored sheets of cardboard for the location of the portrait.

The purpose of this game: 1. consolidation of knowledge about the components of the face, their location. 2. Consolidate knowledge about the genre portrait, invent and compose portrait from different parts of the face.

Game develops imagination and memory.

This is how easy it is to design a game.

We cut out hair of different colors from colored paper or cardboard.

Then we cut out the lips with different facial expressions.

Then we cut out eyes of different colors.

Now start fantasizing. You can cut a scarf and it will turn out to be a grandmother

Can be done portrait of dad.

Is it possible to collect sister portrait.

Use your imagination! You can cut glasses in different shapes.

This game My students really like it; they take great pleasure in creating varied, very interesting portraits.

Publications on the topic:

Hello, dear colleagues and friends! Spring is all around, the mood is getting better every day for your children too senior group I made it.

Goal: To develop figurative perception in children, to promote children’s skills in composing beads in a certain sequence (yellow, yellow.

Didactic lotto “Collect a Flower” from 4 to 7 years old The game consists of 11 centers and 56 petals. From 2 to 11 people can play. Goal: consolidation.

Game description: The game is intended for children 3-4 years old. Children of this age begin to become familiar with trees, parts, and changes with the seasons.

DIY didactic games! Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention did-it-yourself didactic games for children.

Goal: To develop memory and thinking, to teach children the ability to correctly assemble a whole image from individual pieces, to identify different ones.

A child with intellectual disability is not included in the development of the layer of social and cultural achievements of universal human development. By.

“Who has what house?”

Didactic game “Give me a word”

  • - teach children to focus on rhyme at the end of a word;
  • - develop listening skills and encourage communication.

Educator: Guys, today Umeika (doll) came to visit us.

(the teacher reads excerpts from poems)

(S. Marshak)

The bunny drums loudly, He is doing serious business... (busy).

(I. Tokmakova)

The phone is ringing again

It makes my ears... (ringing).

(A. Barto)

The runners are jumping - Sunny bunnies. Where are the bunnies? - They left. You didn’t find them anywhere... (not found).

(A. Brodsky)

I sewed a shirt for Mishka,

I'll sew some pants for him.

We need a pocket for them... (sew on)

And some candy... (put it down).

(3. Alexandrova)

Educator: Well done guys! Umeika liked the way you selected the right words. Now read Umeika’s poems for yourself.

(Children read poetry at will).

Didactic game “My Portrait”

Target .

Didactic material .

  • Pictures depicting children of different ages, heights, appearances; pencils, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures (depicting children of differentage in various play situations) and determine how they consider themselves - big, small or not so small. They can tell and show on their fingers how old they are, or they don’t know it yet. Children look at pictures of children of different heights and say what they think they are like now and what they want to grow up to be. The teacher invites the children to draw themselves, what they want to be. Based on the children's drawings displayed on the flannelgraph, the children try to find out who is depicted in them. The teacher asks whether it depends on the height of which person is good or bad. Reads a poem:

If you are small yourself,

But with a high soul,

So your real height is

Above the farthest stars.

At the next lesson, the teacher invites the children to look at themselves and their friends, what kind of eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears, hair they have, and then draw their own self-portrait.

Creative game “Guess who it is?”

  • The game develops in children the ability to mentally reproduce the image of someone like themselves through their own vision of a person.

Progress of the game. The teacher chooses one of the children to be the narrator. The rest of the children sit on chairs in a circle. The storyteller must tell everyone about one of the children: what he (she) is like, what he can do, what color his hair is, his eyes, what his face is, what he is wearing, what his character is, etc. After listening to the story, the children guess about who was discussed. The one who guesses first comes up to the child recognized by the description, takes him to the middle of the circle to the storyteller, and the three of them, holding hands, walk while all the children sing:

Stand, children, stand in a circle,

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Good, good friend.

La-la-la, la-la-la.

To the words “La-la-la, la-la-la,” all the children clap their hands, and the three in the circle spin around. Then the one who guessed becomes the leader.

Didactic game "No dirt! And there’s no dust!”


  • The game teaches children to help their families with housework, teaches joint activities and communication.

Didactic material.

  • Various household items and cleaning items: dishes, mop, bucket, rags, etc.

Progress of the game. The teacher shares household chores with the children. Everyone receives the items necessary for cleaning and takes their place. workplace. The teacher reads a poem. At the right time, at his signal, each of the children shows how he knows how to do his job.

There are piles of dishes on the table.

Under the table there is a basin with water.

Spring cleaning begins with us!

General! Emergency! Our mother is a general!

I'm terribly brave, I walk around with a mop!

Dad walks around the house with a trash can for the fifth time.

And my uncle was a lot of help - he washed the shelf in the kitchen.

Grandfather and grandmother went out into the yard -

We all can't stand dirt

We take out the dirty linen from the apartment,

Towel, vacuum cleaner

Under the sideboard and table -

So that the dust is standing like a pillar!

The teacher thanks his little helpers. One may ask, which of the children helps their relatives at home the way the “helper” from A. Barto’s poem does?

Tanyusha has a lot to do, Tanya has a lot to do:

Tanyusha has a lot to do: Tanya ate, drank tea,

In the morning I helped my brother - I sat down and sat with my mother,

He ate candy in the morning. She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mother:

You undress me yourself

I'm tired, I can't

I'll help you tomorrow.

Teacher. Is Tanya doing well? (Children's statements.)

Didactic game "My day"

Target. The game develops in children the ability to see and understand themselves,

your external and internal world.

Didactic material. Behavior Pictures

children in everyday life, their games and fun; pencils, felt-tip pens, flannelgraph.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem “My Day”:

In the morning I woke up by myself,

In the morning I dressed myself

And then I washed myself,

I ate my breakfast myself too.

During the day I took a walk by myself

I played at home myself

I went to bed in silence...

I saw a star in the window.

He didn’t make a fuss or whine.

That's it.

Thank me!

Teacher. Children, tell us how you behave at home and what you can do on your own. Did anyone recognize themselves in this poem? Explain whether the boy in the poem behaved badly or well and how you would behave, whether your father and mother will like your behavior if you are like this boy.

Then the teacher invites the children to draw how they behave at home.


  • Play develops in children a sense of their own adequacy to the people around them.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children a composition: the Katya doll is sitting and looking at herself in the mirror. He reasons: “I have two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, and one tongue and one nose.”

Come on, children, and let's look at ourselves in the mirror. Is this the case with you too?

Children look at themselves in a large mirror and look at each other.

The teacher tells what happened to Katya: “Why is it that I only have two of them, and the same tongue and the same nose?” Katya asks her grandmother. And the grandmother answers her: “And therefore, dear granddaughter, so that you see more, listen more, do more, walk more, talk less and don’t stick your nose where it shouldn’t.” Children, what do you think? Did grandma answer Katya correctly?

Didactic game “What to do?”


  • Teach children to be attentive, caring towards each other, and express good feelings in different ways.

Game task. Provide the necessary assistance.

Rules of the game. Be able to explain your choice of picture. Appreciate the help of a peer.

Material. Story pictures (for each child), such as: the child draws a tree and apples on it with a blue pencil; Everyone plants vegetables and flowers. Trees, and one child stands idle; children are harvesting. One girl has picked so many fruits that she cannot hold them in her hands; two eat something tasty, but the third doesn’t; children play, but one child has no toys; the child is crying; a child tries to cross the street at a red light. Subject pictures: green, red, brown pencils: shovel, bucket, basket, toys, fruits, treats. Image of a child in a warning pose.

GamesA: The plot pictures lie face down on the tables. The subject pictures that match them are laid out in the center of the table; there are slightly more of them than plot ones. Start the game with poems, a riddle, a proverb on the theme of the game; For example:

It’s not possible for one person - call your comrades.

Give all your strength, and help a friend in trouble.

Set a task for the children - to help those who need it by selecting suitable objects for the plot pictures. Children, choosing suitable subject pictures for the plot pictures. Children, having chosen a subject picture, look for the one they need among the subject ones. When the pictures have been selected, the children sitting at the same table check each other’s accuracy in completing the task and discuss why they chose this particular picture. Then they change places (are seated at other tables). The game repeats itself.

It is advisable to have several sets of subject pictures, which will force children differently act when completing a task based on one plot picture.

A game to develop communication with peers and adults“Who has what house?”

  • Encourage you to enter into dialogue with adults and peers, to speak out on topics from personal experience(non-situational communication);
  • teach to compose short story on a topic proposed by the teacher;
  • select pairs of words with opposite meanings (antonyms), develop speech attention, phonemic hearing.

Progress of the game :

(The teacher points to the panel where pictures on the theme “Home” are displayed).

Educator: Are the houses in these pictures really beautiful? Which of these houses would you like to live in? 11why? (Children's answers) Educator: I see that you liked the large, brick houses, with balconies, with shops on the ground floor. Many people live in such houses. Which one of you guys will tell you what house he lives in? (Answers 2-3 children)

Educator: Well done, what good stories you got it. You all live in different houses, where you relax, receive guests, this is your shelter, your hearth. But here’s what’s interesting: animals also have their own homes. I will read riddles to you, and you guess.

The tower is crawling,

The house is carrying itself,

The hostess is rich

Rich, horned.

It's... That's right, a snail. What is the name of her house?

Children: Shell (the child looks for a picture of a shell and puts it on the easel).

Educator: Men came without axes,

They cut down the hut without corners.

This is... That's right, ants. What is the name of their house?

Children: Anthill (the child looks for a picture of an anthill, puts it on the easel)

Educator: Without hands, without an axe,

A hut has been built

This is... The Nest. And who lives in the nests? That's right, birds. Then another riddle:

There is a palace on the pole,

There is a singer in the palace,

And his name is....

What do you think his name is? Well done, starling. A house for a starling is called a birdhouse. Go, Kolya, choose a picture with a picture of a birdhouse (the child chooses, puts it down. The teacher offers a word game “Who lives where?)

Educator: So, the starling has (children in chorus) a birdhouse,

The chicken has a chicken coop,

The cow has a barn,

The dog has a kennel,

The bird has a nest,

The ant has an anthill,

The squirrel has hollows,

The bear has a den,

The fox has a hole.

The bee has a hive.

Educator: Now you will all be bees. Stand in pairs, whoever wants to be with whom. One of you will be an adult bee, and the other will be a small bee. An adult bee makes such a loud sound: “33333”, and baby bees buzz softly, more quietly: “3333333”. They flew and buzzed. We flew to the hive and switched roles.

Educator: And now, our bees want to play the game “Say the opposite”, to whom I throw the ball, he answers and returns the ball to me, for example:

  • the house is high, and the hut.... (low)
  • Summer is warm and winter... (cold)
  • In the sun the sand is dry, but after the rain... (wet)
  • The grandfather is old, and the child... (young)
  • It’s hot near the stove, but in the refrigerator... (cold)
  • The cockerel gets up early, and the moon rises... (late)
  • When you laugh cheerfully, and when you are sad... (you cry)

Educator: Well done, they played well. And now the bees want to listen to Marina Boroditskaya’s poem “Conversation with a Bee”

I was stung by a bee.

I screamed: “How could you?”

The bee responded: “How could you,

pick my favorite flower?

After all, I really needed him terribly:

I was saving it for dinner!”

Educator: Did you like the poem? Who did you like most about it? Who is right and who is to blame for what happened?