Girls of different nationalities. Typical appearance of women from different nations of the world in one post. Dinaric racial type

March 9, 2018, 10:43 pm

I was prompted to write this post by the debate about what the Slavic type is. Due to existing stereotypes, most of us imagine Slavic appearance standard and one-sided - our women are all beautiful, which cannot be said about men who are no match for polished Europeans, who are handsome all the time and in general true Aryans. Slavic type Many people perceive the appearance of men as chubby, snub-nosed, with a fairly flat face, with a weakly defined chin, genetically predisposed to age-related sagging. Is this really so? Does this stereotype apply to all types? In general, I’m tired of cliches in the comments, so I made this post.

In this post I want to dwell in more detail on each racial type common among the Slavs, and consider them with examples in photographs. I will give only those examples that I am more or less sure belong to one type or another. This often causes difficulties, since types in their pure form are not often found, and there are many more mixed and transitional types. I also don’t consider photoshopped photos of remade celebrities here.

I’ll start with the most common in Russian latitudes and in Ukraine too, Baltic racial type. From that very famous “Slavic face”.

This term was first used by the Soviet anthropologist V.V. Bunak (1922-1927) to designate a large group of racial variants of Caucasians.

Baltids often have ashy or blonde hair, gray-blue or gray-green eyes. Soft features of a rounded face with a wide forehead, small mouth, small chin and a small, sometimes snub nose are common to this type. Brachycephalic (round-headed, short-headed). Height: average and below average. Body type ranges from mesomorphic to endomorphic.

A small digression. Physique terms will appear throughout the descriptions here. Here's what they mean.

Mesomorphs are distinguished by a proportional body, long arms, legs and torso. They have a wide chest and well-developed shoulder muscles. Endomorphs are characterized by their small stature and round body. Such people are characterized by a figure with smooth, rounded shapes, large bones, their hips are wider than their shoulders, and the lower part of the body is an order of magnitude heavier than the upper. The ectomorphic body type is also called asthenic. Its representatives are distinguished by narrow hips and shoulders. The height of such people is usually above average.

The greatest concentration of the Baltic racial type is found in the Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Among Ukrainians, these are the indigenous inhabitants of the Dnieper region.

Let's look at the photos

Although Leo is only one-quarter Russian, he is a clear representative of the Baltic racial type. Our man)

Vitaly Solomin

Leonid Kuravlev

Vladimir Menshov

Vladimir Shevelkov

Mikhail Kononov

Raisa Ryazanova

Svetlana Khodchenkova

Elena Korikova

Anna Kournikova

Russian girls of the Baltic type:


Taras Chernovol, Ukrainian politician

Western Baltid

From the Baltids, their closest relatives, this racial type differs by less soft facial features, the face itself is more profiled and more elongated, with a more defined chin and high cheekbones. This racial type contains a considerable Nordic component. Light pigmentation of hair and eyes, brachycephalic (short) or mesocephalic (medium size) skull, straight nose of medium size. Representatives are usually of medium and tall height. Body type: from mesomorphic to endomorphic. Western Baltids are very often confused with Nordids, but they are not yet.

Distributed in Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic countries, Belarus, northern Ukraine, and Russia.

Its representatives in photographs:

Klaus Kinski - ethnic Pole

Gleb Matveychuk

Andrey Gusin

Nikolai Olyalin, Soviet actor

Michal Zebrowski

Sergey Zhigunov

Alexey Serebryakov

Oleg Vidov

Galina Polskikh

Elena Proklova

Izabella Skorupko (Polish actress)

Magdalena Melzaz (Polish actress)

Alyosha - Ukrainian singer

Rusyn woman, photo from the early 20th century

East Baltic racial type

This subtype of the Baltic race arose when the Baltids merged with the Lapoids. Lapoids are a small race preserved among the Sami - the indigenous population Northern Europe(Northern Norway, Northern Finland and the Kola Peninsula). The East Baltic race is typical of the Finno-Ugric peoples, but among the Slavic and Baltic peoples it is more often represented in the form of influences. Brachycephalic and weakly pigmented with straight ash blonde hair fine structure and blue-gray eyes. Facial features prone to flattening have a slight Mongoloid touch (since Lappoids/Uraloids are a mixed Caucasian-Mongoloid race): massive lower jaw, poorly defined chin, a lot of soft tissue, full cheeks, small straight nose or with a concave back (the tip is turned up , sometimes the nose is potato), the nostrils are wide, the brow ridges are weakened, the forehead is low. Height is low to average. Body type ranges from endomorphic to mesomorphic. Women of this type are quite pretty in their youth.

Eastern Baltids are an autochthonous population of North-West Russia, Northern Finland, Sweden, Norway and Lapland.

Representatives of the East Baltic type in photographs. Since this type is found much less frequently among the Slavs than among the Russians and Finno-Ugric peoples, for clarity, I am posting photos of people of different nationalities representing this type.

Renee Zellweger is a bright representative of the Eastern Baltic racial type, her mother is Norwegian with Sami roots.

Ida Lolo, our Renee Zellweger)

Finnish actor Ville Haapasalo

Vladislav Galkin

Leonid Bykov

Yuri Antonov

Alexander Povetkin

Yulia Savicheva

Elena Koreneva

Suvi Koponen - Finnish top model

Tatyana Totmyanina

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Girl from Sweden

Vepsian girl (Russia)

Man from Finland

Russian girl

Nordids (Eastern Nordids)

The name itself" Nordic race"was introduced by the anthropologist Deniker, born in Astrakhan (but with French roots), who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in pre-revolutionary Russia. Unfortunately, subsequent Soviet anthropologists seemed afraid to even mention the term for political reasons. At the same time, in Nazi Germany, also for political reasons and propaganda, this term began to be almost universally attributed only to those who corresponded to a certain ideology or ethnic group, although they did not belong to the Nordic racial type. But we know what the entire top of the Third Reich, the “true Aryans”, looked like). Another misconception in this issue is that, they say, the more humane the more Nordic he is. However, as has already been shown above, other northern Caucasians also have light pigmentation.

Eastern Nordid is a subtype of Nordid, localized in Eastern Europe - from eastern Germany, Austria, further in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, northern Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries, partly in Finland and northwestern Russia.

Nordids have a thin physique (ecto/mesomorphic), their height is always high, their hair color ranges from blond and reddish to light brown, and their eyes are light. Nordids are always dolichocephalic (elongated skull with a protruding occiput). The face is oval, oblong, the jaw is narrow, graceful, the lips are thin, the thin nose with a high back can be either straight or slightly concave or with a hump, the brow ridges are pronounced.

Examples in photographs:

Alexander Godunov - standard Nordic

Petar Zekavica - Russian actor Serbian origin

Ivan Skobrev

Alexey Vorobyov

Vasily Stepanov

Ivan Dorn

Vladimir Talashko, Soviet Ukrainian actor, native of the Volyn region.

Some Russian guy

Of the Slavic women I can remember and confidently attribute to this type

Karolina Kurkova

Elena Dementieva

Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Daria Verbova (Canadian top model of Ukrainian origin)

Eva Herzigova

Antonia Misura (Croatian basketball player)

Pontic racial type

The Pontic racial type, also called the Black Sea or Eastern Mediterranean, is one of the subtypes of the Mediterranean racial type. Distributed in Ukraine, southern Russia, Georgia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and the Balkans (the most common type in all of South-Eastern Europe).

The Pontian type is characterized by mesocephaly (a medium-sized skull with a convex occiput), a narrow oblong face, a high bridge of the nose, a straight nose, narrow lips, dark hair pigmentation and slightly dark skin. In general, facial features are soft. The body type is mesomorphic and ectomorphic. Growth is average with an upward trend.

Pontid subspecies - northern pontide, a mixture of Nordids and Pontids is distinguished by a higher skull and more long face. These are thin, tall brunettes, often with light eyes:

Pontids in photographs. This type is the most difficult for me to figure out, and I may be wrong here somewhere.

Sofia Rotaru

Diana Kovalchuk (Ukrainian top model)

Ani Lorak

Milla Jovovich

Zlata Ognevich (Ukrainian singer)

Milos Bikovich, Serbian actor

Oleg Menshikov

Vladimir Mashkov

Alexander Abdulov

Vasily Lanovoi

Vladimir Konkin. Northern Pontid.

Paul Wesley - Pawel Tomasz Wasilewski, American actor, ethnic Pole. Northern Pontid.

Alpine racial type

The Alpine race is a small race within the Caucasoid race. Highlighted in late XIX V. French anthropologist Georges Lapouge. Found throughout Eastern Europe. Outside Eastern Europe this racial type is found in the north of the Balkan Peninsula, Switzerland, southern Germany and northern Italy. The Alpine race is distinguished by its wide distribution and great diversity.

Russian anthropologist V.V. Bunak proposed, in addition to the Alpine itself, to distinguish the Eastern Alpine, or Carpathian. In Ukraine, this racial type is widespread. This type is not typical for the Russian population.

The Alpine race is characterized by average and below average height, mesomorphic and endomorphic physique. A low and wide face, a steep forehead with weakly defined brow ridges, severe brachycephaly (this is one of the shortest Caucasians), a small thick nose, dark pigmentation of hair and eyes, dark skin.

Examples in photographs

Nina Dobrev (Bulgarian by nationality)

Rialda Kadrić (Serbian actress)


Ruslana Lyzhechko

Irena Kilchitskaya, deputy of the former mayor of Kyiv L. Chernovetsky

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

Alpine Serbs


Sergei Bondarchuk

Bohdan Stupka

Dinaric racial type

The Dinaric racial type of southern Caucasians was named after the Dinaric Alps. The term was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the French anthropologist I. Deniker. Deniker identified the following characteristics of the Dinaric race: tall height (usually 190 cm and above in men), ectomorphic and mesomorphic build, short head, dark brown or black hair, straight or aquiline large nose, fair skin, wide face. Later, other researchers pointed to such typical characteristics as a slender physique, strong growth of hair on the body and face, and a flat back of the head.

This type is most common among residents of the Balkans, but it also occurs in Ukraine.

Examples in photographs

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the standard representative of the Dinaric type

Roman Rusinov (Russian racing driver). Dinarides + Pontidas. There was a post about him on Gossipnik and everyone came to the conclusion that his type corresponds to people from Western Ukraine

Goran Bregovic

Kuzma Scriabin

More Dinars from Ukraine:

Pontid with Dinaric admixture

And in conclusion, there are a few more types characteristic of Western Ukraine, mostly mixed.

Chereshenka village, Chernivtsi region. Country wedding. 1988 The photo shows representatives of the Alpine-Dinaric type, mostly.

Oleg Skripka - Baltid with significant Dinaric admixture

Ivan Mikolaichuk (Soviet Ukrainian actor, native of the Chernivtsi region) - Dinaric with Baltic admixture

Sergey Pritula, TV presenter - Dinaran with Baltic admixture

Nazariy Yaremchuk (Ukrainian entertainer). Mixed Alpine-Dinaric type

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Also represents the Alpine-Dinaric type.

I did not consider other racial types of Caucasians that are not Slavs, there are at least a dozen of them, in this post. I hope you found it interesting. Thank you for your attention.

Moreover, the “Russian beauty” is a very multifaceted heroine. After all, there are 190 peoples living there - indigenous peoples, from the CIS countries and far abroad. And many of them consider themselves Russian.

We have already told you about hot women and, and on Russia Day we have prepared a selection in which you can clearly see how different and beautiful girls you can meet from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, from Murmansk to Makhachkala.








Cossack woman


A minute of statistics. The song about “ten girls for nine guys” continues to be relevant. There are ten million fewer men in Russia than women. And if you average a Russian woman, she will be about 168 centimeters tall and weigh 69 kilos.

Well, if you want to guess the name of the beauty you like, try to guess that she is Anastasia, Maria, Daria or Anna. Among adult Russian women, these are the most popular names.







The writer Nekrasov convinced us that Russian women can stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut, if necessary or in the appropriate mood.

And beauties from Russia have more than once become muses of great people. The list of geniuses inspired by our compatriots includes artists Dali, Mathis and Picasso, psychoanalyst Freud and philosopher Nietzsche.

website- “National Origins of Beauty” is a non-profit photo project by Natalia Ivanova, an independent photo artist and photojournalist, photo correspondent for the ITAR-TASS agency in France, which represents a unified media encyclopedia of all the peoples of the world. Natalya Ivanova collects throughout recent years author's photographic portraits and video interviews of young women - representatives of various nationalities and notes about each nation. The project started in 2012.

The project involves girls aged 18-30 years old, belonging to the same nationality for at least three generations. In addition to photogenic appearance and natural beauty, knowledge and awareness of their national (ethnic) roots were important for the photographer - the girls share stories about their country and people, beauty standards and features of the national way of life.

Representatives of more than 50 ethnic groups took part in the photo project “National Origins of Beauty”. It is ethnic groups, and not states, that are the basis of the project. Natalya Ivanova clearly demonstrates the entire multinational flavor of the world and the diversity of the world through the beauty of women. We are all different and that’s wonderful,” says the author of the idea.

The National Origins of Beauty project was recognized by UNESCO, and its stated goal was “not to miss a single nationality on Earth.”

To date, about 90 photos and video portraits of representatives of more than 50 ethnic groups from 15 countries and 4 continents have been captured. The plans are to represent all the peoples of the world (ethnic groups) without exception. Therefore, the project is still under implementation.

Our compatriot, a girl named Datkayim, also participated in the project. in the video she talks about what it means to her to be Kyrgyz.

Every nation of the world is beautiful in its own way, and if at first glance it seems to us that representatives of a certain race are ugly, it is only because our perception refuses to evaluate the appearance of another nation objectively. We are accustomed to the fact that white-faced people with wide eyes usually walk around us, many of whom we can call attractive. But besides the Slavs, Russia is home to many other nationalities distinguished by their stunning appearance and beauty. In continuation of the article, you will find photographs of the most beautiful representatives of various different nations Russia.

As reported, the place of birth was not taken into account when determining belonging to Russia; only citizenship/permanent residence was taken into account.

The 35th place in terms of population in Russia is occupied by the Kyrgyz (103.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Kyrgyz woman in Russia, according to voting results on the website, is a model from Moscow Begimai (Maya) Abibova. Height 175 cm, weight 51 kg, body measurements 86-61-88.

34th place – Nogais (103.6 thousand)

The most beautiful Nogay in Russia - Dinara Elgaitarova (born March 25, 1985, Aktau, Kazakhstan) - model, participant in the 3rd season of the reality show “Top Model in Russian”.

33rd place – Balkars (112.9 thousand)

The most beautiful Balkar woman is singer Liliya Shaulukhova

32nd place – Adygeis (124.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Adyghe woman is singer Fatima Dzibova (born September 18, 1991, Adygeisk, Adygea)

31st place – Tabasarans (146.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Tabasaran woman is track and field athlete Elena Isinbaeva (born June 3, 1982, Volgograd). Elena’s father is Tabasaran by nationality, and her mother is Russian

30th place – Koreans (153.1 thousand)

The most beautiful Korean woman in Russia is TV presenter Marina Kim. Her father is Korean, her mother is Russian

29th place – Moldovans (156.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Moldovan woman in Russia is Russian actress Lyanka Gryu (born November 22, 1987, Moscow).

28th place – Jews (156.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Jewish woman in Russia is Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR Elina Bystritskaya.

27th place – Georgians (157.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Georgian in Russia is Russian journalist and TV presenter Tina (Tinatin) Kandelaki (born November 10, 1975, Tbilisi).

26th place – Kalmyks (183.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Kalmyk woman - Irina Tumanova - is a representative of Kalmykia at the Miss Russia 2013 competition, where she became Second Vice-Miss and won in the People's Choice nomination.

25th place – Tajiks (200.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Tajik woman is Russian actress Sayora Safari (born March 21, 1991, Dushanbe, Tajikistan). Her real name- Safarova.

24th place – Roma (204.9 thousand)

The most beautiful gypsy in Russia - Lyalya (Olga) Zhemchuzhnaya (born May 31, 1969) - Russian actress and singer, Honored Artist of Russia

23rd place – Karachais (218.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Karachay woman is singer Alika Bogatyreva (born December 18, 1989, Cherkessk, Karachaevo-Cherkessia)

22nd place – Crimean Tatars(about 250 thousand)

The most beautiful Crimean Tatar Russia – Elzara Zakiryaeva (born June 21, 1995) – finalist of the “Crimean Beauty 2013” ​​competition

21st place – Tuvans (263.9 thousand)

The most beautiful Tuvan - Aldynai Oorzhak - representative of Tyva at the Miss Asia Moscow 2013 competition (took third place).

20th place – Uzbeks (289.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Uzbek woman in Russia, according to the results of voting on the website, is Irina Sharipova (born February 7, 1992) - Miss Tatarstan 2010, First Vice-Miss Russia 2010, representative of Russia at international competition beauty "Miss World 2010".

19th place – Germans (394.1 thousand)

The most beautiful German women in Russia are Russian actresses Tatyana and Olga Arntgolts (born March 18, 1982). They are twin sisters and German on their father's side.

18th place – Ingush (444.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Ingush woman is actress and singer Tamara Yandieva (born July 23, 1955, Karaganda, Kazakhstan). People's Artist Ingushetia

17th place – Buryats (461.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Buryat woman is model Maria Shantanova. After graduating from school in Ulan-Ude, she went to study in China, where she became the face of Nesсafe Gold in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

16th place – Lezgins (473.7 thousand)

The most beautiful Lezgin woman in Russia is model Svetlana Saidova.

15th place – Yakuts (478 thousand)

The most beautiful Yakut woman - Polina Protodyakonova - Miss Virtual Yakutia 2006, the most successful Yakut model, in demand in Russia and abroad. Height 178 cm, parameters 89-58-90

14th place – Kumyks (503 thousand)

The most beautiful Kumyk woman – Zoya Gasanova – is the author and host of the “Wedding Season” program on Dagestan TV.

13th place – Kabardians (516.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Kabardian woman in Russia is the singer Sati (Sataney) Casanova (born October 2, 1982, Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkaria).

12th place – Belarusians (521.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Belarusian woman in Russia is Russian actress Alesa Kacher (born May 9, 1987, Minsk).

11th place – Ossetians (528.5 thousand)

The most beautiful Ossetian – model Anna Gurieva

10th place – Azerbaijanis (603 thousand)

The most beautiful Azerbaijani Russia – Leyla Aliyeva (born July 3, 1986, Moscow) – editor-in-chief Moscow magazine "Baku", eldest daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

9th place – Kazakhs (647.7 thousand)

The most beautiful Kazakh woman in Russia, according to voting results on the website, is Russian actress Bibigul Suyunshalina (born July 4, 1991)

8th place – Mordovians (744.2 thousand).

The most beautiful Mordvin-Erzyan woman in Russia - Olga Kaniskina (born January 19, 1985, Saransk) - track and field athlete, 2008 Olympic champion

Have you ever wondered how many nationalities exist on our planet? You won't get a 100% accurate answer - this number changes every year. About 180 people live in Russia alone - and even this figure cannot be called the only correct one.

Russian photojournalist Natalya Ivanova decided to do the almost impossible - to embody all ethnic diversity in photography through feminine beauty. A woman is a symbol of peace, home, homeland and, of course, true beauty. Natalia's main goal is to demonstrate each unique ethnic group, no matter how small it may be and no matter what political status it may have.

The website of the project “National Origins of Beauty” (Les origines de la beauté) already includes more than 57 different ethnic groups. Any girl can become the face of her ethnic group, subject to certain conditions. Firstly, she must be a representative of any nationality for at least three generations. The second condition is age from 18 to 30 years, visual attractiveness and photogenicity. Despite the fact that the point regarding appearance is quite subjective, Natalya successfully selects truly beautiful girls to participate in the filming. See for yourself.

Bengalis are one of the most numerous peoples in the world. Major population of Bangladesh and West Bengal state in India.

The Shugnans are one of the Pamir peoples in Tajikistan and northern Afghanistan (the left bank of the Pyanj River). The largest in number.

Jews - ancient people of Semitic origin, which dates back to the population of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Representatives of the people live in many countries of the world (since 1948 there has also been a Jewish state of Israel).

Kumyks are a Turkic-speaking people, one of the indigenous peoples of Dagestan, the second largest Turkic-speaking people in the Caucasus after the Azerbaijanis. At the same time - the largest Turkic people in the North Caucasus and the third largest people of Dagestan.

Serbs are a South Slavic people whose representatives live in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Austria and other countries.

Lorraine - German people(almost completely assimilated by the French), living in northeastern France on the border with Belgium and Germany, the main population of the French region of Lorraine. They speak the German dialect Platt (Saarländischer Dialekt). Today their language has been almost completely replaced by French.

The Wolof are a people in West Africa. They live mainly in the area between Senegal and Gambia, as well as in Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau and France.

The Shloh, or Shilkh, are one of the Berber peoples living in the western part of the High Atlas and Anti-Atlas mountain ranges in Morocco, in the valleys of the Tensift, Sousse and other rivers. They live mixed with the Arab population. Shloch are divided into separate groups: Agbar and Fruga, Glaoua and Xima, Menaba and Mtuga, etc. The Shloch language belongs to the Berber language group, some also speak Arabic. Religion, like that of other tribes, is Islam.