Nikita Tolstoy's childhood sunny morning presentation. Presentation on the topic "A.N. Tolstoy. The story "Nikita's Childhood". Chapter from the story "Sunny Morning". Checking homework

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“Lesson of Leo Tolstoy” - The era of Nicholas I. Beginning literary activity in Yasnaya Polyana. 1847 Epigraph: Autobiographical trilogy. Childhood memories. Happy childhood L. Tolstoy. Great commanders are examples of heroism. Open lesson. Goals and objectives of the lesson: L.N. Tolstoy. Little Leva Tolstoy dreams of the “brotherhood of man.”

“The Life and Work of Tolstoy” - “The Story of My Childhood.” Life is creativity, that is, the formation of higher forms... I. N. KRAMSKOY (1837-1887) Portrait of the writer L. N. Tolstoy. 1873. L. N. Tolstoy in recent years life. Creative quests of L. N. Tolstoy. “After the Ball” is one of latest works writer. N.A. Nekrasov, editor of the Sovremennik magazine.

“Tolstoy’s creative path” - Quiz questions. Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana (report). L. N. Tolstoy 1849 “This is Gogol!” A lamp flashed in the middle of the hall. If you want to say unnecessary, pompous, painful things, your tongue won’t allow you…” The history of the creation of the work “Childhood”. Homework. What works reflected the impressions received during the service?

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open lesson

in reading

carried out

in 3 "B" class

Chuchkovskaya secondary school

teacher Tamonkina Natalya Panteleevna.


Subject. A.N. Tolstoy “Nikita’s Childhood”, chapter “Spring”.

Target. Formation of the ability to retell a detailed description.

Tasks. 1. Learn to work with text.

2. Develop the ability to retell a detailed description.

3. Identify the similarities between poetic and prose descriptions

Spring nature.

4. Cultivate interest in the work of A.N. Tolstoy.

Equipment. Portrait of A.N. Tolstoy; reproductions of birds, spring;

Children's drawings; play "April" recording of birdsong.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

II. Psychological mood.

Imagine that you are sitting comfortably in a chair and getting ready to watch a movie on TV. But instead of it, a mesmerizing spring picture, wonderful music sounds and you hear a poem by Ivan Bunin

The rains have passed, April is turning yellow.

Fog all night, and in the morning

The spring air is definitely chilling

And turns blue with a soft haze

In distant clearings in the forest.

What desires have you got? (express their opinion)

And I had a desire to check my homework.

(3 people)

III. Speech warm-up.

1. - Do you know that people call March“thawed”, April - “snow driven”, and May - “grass”.

Why do you think?

Yes, spring is an amazing time of year.

2. Instant reading

April spring

Starling messenger

A) read quickly;

B) name the words in order;

C) explain the meaning of the proverb

The April starling is the messenger of spring.

D) Read the proverb with different intonations:

With anger

With joy

D) Name the signs of spring.

E) Choral reading of V. Andreev’s poem “Spring”

Spring is bursting along the rivers.

In the forests and fields,

A humid wind is blowing

Along the crowns of oak trees.

It rings like a drop, it glows

And beckons to the open space,

Alive, cheerful

A huge old forest.

Flies on bird wings

And with every warm day

Flows, silvers,

Sings in the snow like a stream.

IY. Lesson topic message.

We have read a lot of poems about spring, and today we will read a prosaic description of nature.

Y. Work with the work of A. Tolstoy.

a) Before reading.

Look at the illustration and read the title.

What kind of spring (early, late) do you think we will be talking about?

b) Silent reading: note the comparisons that the author used.

Questions after reading:

Description of which day have we already read from A. Tolstoy? (summer


What were you reading now: a description of the whole spring or one spring day? (First about the arrival of spring, then the author describes a spring morning)

What pictures did you imagine while reading an excerpt from the story?

What familiar characters did you meet?

How do they feel when spring comes?

c) Reading aloud paragraph by paragraph with accompanying commentary.

1 paragraph

What did you see?

What smells did you smell?

What do you mean, “the chickens were moaning”?

2 paragraph

How do you understand “green cochets”?

What bird would you like to hear?

3 paragraph

4 paragraph

Do you hear the cuckoo crowing?

5 paragraph

How did the inhabitants of the garden react to the cuckoo’s blessing?

6 paragraph

What sounds and smells woke Nikita up?

What was the boy's mood? Why?

YI. Physical education minute.

YII. Questions after reading.

How does the arrival of spring make you feel?

What mood is in Alexei Tolstoy’s description of spring? Why do you think so?

Yiii. A story about a writer.

The story "Nikita's Childhood" - autobiographical work. Alexey Tolstoy conveys his childhood impressions in it. Nikita's name is the name of his son. He writes in his autobiography about his childhood on the Sosnovka farm near Samara: “My childhood passed there. Garden. Ponds surrounded by willows and overgrown with reeds. Steppe river Chausa. The changes of seasons are like huge and always new events. All this, and especially the fact that I grew up alone, developed my dreaminess...”

Alexei Tolstoy’s mother tried to develop her son’s reading talent. Maybe thanks to her he became a writer.

IX. Independent work in pairs.

Write out words from the text that convey colors, sounds, smells.

X. Answer to the 1st question in the textbook.

What birds are mentioned in Tolstoy's passage? (pictures)

XI. Retelling close to the text(Textbook task 3)

XII. Lesson summary.

What are the similarities between prose and poetic pictures of spring? (In expressing the author's mood and means of expression: epithets, comparisons, personifications)

Which poem is closer in mood and content to this sketch by A. Tolstoy?

I give grades for work in class.

XIII. Homework.

Objective of the lesson: through an analysis of the characters of the characters in the story, determine which character traits are the main ones.

Lesson objectives:

  • Learn to define a learning task;
  • Learn to plan the completion of a learning task;
  • Create a favorable emotional mood;
  • Remember the content of the story;
  • Describe the characters in the story;
  • Develop the ability to work with text;
  • Analyze your character traits;
  • Continue work on developing speech, memory, critical thinking;
  • Develop the ability to work in a group.

List of equipment for the lesson:

  • Literary reading. 4th grade. Textbook for general education organizations complete with audiopril. per electron carrier. At 2 o'clock Part 1/ L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykin; Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - 4th ed. - M.: Education, 2014. - 158 p. : ill. - (Academic school textbook) (Perspective);
  • Literary reading. 4th grade. Creative notebook for general education. organizations / T.Yu. Koti; Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - 3rd ed. - M.: Education, 2013. - 79 p. : ill. - (Perspective);
  • Multimedia equipment for showing presentations, computer;
  • Phonogram of the song “Island of Childhood” performed by M. Boyarsky;
  • Checked workbooks literary reading;
  • Strips of phrases from the text for organizing work in groups (according to the number of groups).
  • Leaflets for writing syncwine.

Planned results


  • Determine what mood the works you read create.
  • Characterize literary characters based on the work you read.


  • Determine the learning objective of the lesson.
  • Plan the implementation of educational activities in accordance with the assigned educational task.
  • Carry out logical analysis, highlighting essential and non-essential features.
  • Carry out a logical comparison action based on given and independently selected criteria.
  • Carry out the logical action of generalization.
  • Communicate your position to others, giving reasons for it.


  • Compare your personality traits with personality traits literary heroes;
  • Assess your character traits;
  • Determine which features are the main and defining ones;
  • Motivate to educational activities;
  • Develop cooperation skills in different situations.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Checks readiness for the lesson.

Check their readiness for the lesson.

2. Motivation for active educational and cognitive activity (emotional mood).

Board. Appendix 1

Read the poem by S.Ya. Marshak.
- Let me read this poem to you.

What country are we talking about? Why did they decide this?
- who has heard the expression “island of childhood”?
- how do you understand it?
- close your eyes, sit comfortably. I invite you on a journey to the “island of childhood”.
The first verse and chorus of the song “Island of Childhood” performed by M. Boyarsky sounds.
- what emotions did you have?
- why did I suggest you listen to this song?

Read S. Marshak's poem independently.
- listen to the teacher read a poem.
- express opinions about which country will be discussed, explaining their choice.

Explain the meaning of the expression “island of childhood”.
- listen to the soundtrack; express what emotions arose.
- explain why this particular song was played.

3. Message of the topic and formulation of the objectives of the lesson.

Today we continue our conversation about A. Tolstoy’s work “Nikita’s Childhood”. Try to formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Get acquainted with the topic of the lesson.
- formulate the objectives of the lesson: by analyzing the work, discuss and compare the characters of the characters in A. Tolstoy’s work “Nikita’s Childhood”.

4. Updating knowledge.

- what can you say?
- what could be the task?
- who didn’t understand the task?
- who can explain?
In 4, arrange the strips in the desired order.

Examination(error made) Appendix 3

Test yourself. Who disagrees? Why?
- Why did we complete this task?

Read the phrases on the board aloud one at a time.
- they conclude that these are phrases from the text.
- they offer options for tasks, stopping at the fact that these phrases need to be put in the order they appear in the text.
- form fours, repeat the rules of working in a group and lay out strips with phrases in the right order.

Check their work against the example on the board.
- they notice a mistake on the board and prove their opinion.
- summarize the work done: remember the content of the text and the sequence of events.

5. Check homework

What should you have done at home?
- open workbooks, page 45, table
- what is the name of the main character?
- why did the author choose this name, Nikita?
- what character traits did you see in Nikita?
- does he look like you? How?
- on your friends? How?
- who is Pakhom?
- what kind of person was he?
- what valuable quality, according to the author, did he have? Prove it with text.
- who is Arkady Ivanovich?
- find a description of his appearance in the text. Read it.
- how is he shown in this work?
- how does he feel about the main character?
- What does the expression “keep your eyes open” mean?
- why did Nikita have to “keep an eye out”?
- which hero is not in this table?
- how is she shown in this work?
- how did you understand this?

Open the workbooks on page 45. Check the completion of the table. Complete the table. Find answers to questions in the text, strengthening the ability to work with text, paying attention to details.
- they remember that the author dedicated the work to his son Nikita.
- they call Nikita’s character traits.
- compare themselves and their friends with Nikita.
- they remember that Pakhom is a carpenter. Pakhom's character traits are named. Based on quotes from the text, they prove what valuable quality, in the author’s opinion, Pakh had (textbook, p. 99).
- find in the text a description of Arkady Ivanovich’s appearance (textbook, p. 100).
- they discuss Arkady Ivanovich’s attitude towards the main character: he forced him to be patient, explained, joked, achieved obedience without coercion.
- explain the meaning of the phraseological unit “keep your eyes open” - beware. They find out why Nikita had to behave this way.
- give a description of the main character’s mother, explain what made it possible to draw such a conclusion.

6. Physical exercise

7. Organization of cognitive activity

Work in the workbook, pp. 46-47
- read support words. What is it?
- read the task on page 47. who didn't understand the task? Who can explain?
- complete it. If anyone can, continue the series on your own.
- What character traits are the most important for you? Why?
- who thinks differently? Explain your opinion.
There is a discussion going on.

Open the workbooks on pp. 46-47.
- read support words aloud, conclude that these are various character traits of a person.
- independently familiarize themselves with the task on page 47. Comprehend it and complete it.
- students who complete the task earlier continue to independently list other character traits known to them.
- express their opinion on what character traits are most important to them and why.
- speak out different opinions, necessarily with proof of choice.

8. Homework

We work in thin notebooks on literature. Write down the number.
- below the title: essay-reasoning, below the topic “What character traits do I value in people.”
- what distinguishes text-reasoning from other types of text?
This will be homework. Open the diaries. Write it down.

They open thin notebooks on literature.
- write down the date and topic of the essay
- explain that in a text-reasoning, a thought, a statement is first expressed, and then it is proven, and an explanation is given why this is so.
- open diaries and write down homework.

9. Reflection

Let's try to write a syncwine. What is it? What are the writing rules? What topic would you suggest?
- who wants to read?

They remember that cinquain is a quintet and the rules for writing it
- offer their topics, explaining their choice.
- they write a syncwine on their own on the topic CHARACTER, read it out at will, and discuss what worked best.

10. Summing up

To summarize the lesson, complete the phrases:
“While working on this piece, I realized...”, “ Main character Nikita..."

Summarize the lesson and complete the proposed phrases.

11. Self-esteem.

Think about what grade you could give yourself for the lesson, put this grade on back side leaf. Hand in the syncwine leaves.

Everyone evaluates their own work and writes the result on a piece of paper. This can be either a regular score or the number of “bonuses” that are recorded and accumulated in a separate teacher’s journal. The slips are handed over to the teacher.

12. Emotional reflection.

Imagine yourself as an artist. What colors could you use to depict your childhood? What colors predominated? Why?
- in addition to the mandatory homework, I offer optional assignments:
1. Depict your childhood in color.

2. Write a syncwine

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Slide captions:

Literary reading

Responsibility If you start, then finish, Promised, then fulfill, General rules behavior Never break! Be responsible for the matter, Don’t be cunning and don’t be lazy, Be reliable person Be sure to strive!

Live according to conscience, loving each other

Responsibility is the necessity, the obligation to answer for the consequences of one’s actions. who does what to whom Conscience is a sense of responsibility for one’s behavior before people and society.

The story “Nikita’s Childhood” is autobiographical. Writer Alexei Tolstoy conveys his childhood impressions in it. The name Nikita is the name of his son. It was to him that he dedicated his book.

The original title of the work was “A Tale of Many Excellent Things.” It is obvious that it was written by the author in a single creative impulse, in one breath. Final chapter the story has short name- "Departure." Its ending begins with the message that Nikita managed to pass the exam for admission to the second grade. And the book ends with a sad phrase: “This event ends his childhood.”

A. Tolstoy Count from the Tolstoy family, scientist, academician, writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on January 10, 1883 in Nikolaevsk, Samara province, died on February 23, 1945 in Moscow. A. Tolstoy – Soviet writer, known in many genres (two collections of poems, more than forty plays, scripts, adaptations of fairy tales, articles.

Getting to know the text

carriage maker

Workbench - a machine for carpentry work

Tub – a cylindrical wooden container

Bashlyk - a hat with two long ends that are wrapped around the neck

Arshin - an ancient Russian measure of length

Willows - willow - white willow, silver willow, tree of the willow family.

Cape - a piece of land jutting into the sea or river

Crane for raising water

Prairie - wide steppe

Work in groups 1 group (characteristic of Nikita) 2 group (characteristic of Pakhom) 3 group (characteristic of Nikita’s mother) 4 group (characteristic of Nikita’s teacher)

Lesson summary Today in the lesson I realized that……… Most of all I liked……….. It turns out………….. I would praise …………


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