Children's drawings of geese. How to draw a goose step by step on paper in elementary school. Courses for the development of intelligence

How to easily draw a goose with a pencil step by step for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful goose with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful goose.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully and quickly, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only nature, the sun, flowers, houses, people, but also pets and wild animals.

Today we’ll see how you can easily and quickly learn to draw one of the domestic animals, a goose. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a goose is drawn. Look at the position of the goose, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a goose, on the right is the tail of the goose, on the left is the head of the goose, and at the bottom are the paws of the goose.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the goose’s body.

First, start drawing the goose from the body, draw the body of the goose in the form of a large oval, the right part of the oval is lower, and the left part of the body is located above. A little above the body on the left side, draw the head of the goose, in the form of a small circle. Connect the head and body with two smooth lines - this will be the neck of the goose.

Draw the goose's eye in the center of the head. On the left side draw the beak of a goose, it looks a little like two triangles, the tips of the beak are sharp.

Now draw the goose’s wing, it should be large, the end of the wing should be pointed. At the bottom, draw the legs of the goose. The goose's legs are short; draw spurs on the back of the goose.

Finish drawing the goose’s wing, draw its feathers, long and beautiful.

Look how beautiful your goose is. Paint the goose with any colors or leave it white, whatever you like.

Let's try to draw another goose

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a goose is drawn. Look at the position of the goose, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a goose, on the right is the tail of the goose, on the left is the head of the goose, and at the bottom are the paws of the goose. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the goose’s body.

First start drawing the goose from the head, draw the goose's head like a jagged square.

At the top of the head, draw the goose's eye in the form of a small oval and fill in the pupil. On the left side, draw the beak of a goose; the nose should be small, elongated, and the tip sharp.

From the right side of the head, draw two curved lines- this will be the neck of the goose.

Now you need to outline the outline of the goose’s body, draw it roughly, like an irregular rectangle, sketch the tail on the right side.

Outline the outline of the goose with smooth lines, draw a tail and the outline of the legs.

Draw the back of the goose's legs, draw spurs and draw wings and feathers.

Erase the extra lines that are no longer needed, draw a brighter outline of the goose.

Apply a small stroke all over the goose.

Look what a beautiful goose you have made. Color the goose as shown in the top picture or with any colors you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a goose step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent domestic animal. We wish you good luck in your future works.

I was once asked to come up with a riddle in verse about a goose for a children’s party, and the pinnacle of my creativity was “I scream ha-ha-ha, with webbed feet.”

But before we start drawing, a couple of announcements.

Thirdly, a book will be released soon, interesting and exciting, Remy Oren is nervously smoking in the corner, stay tuned.

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Well, that's all the news, now grab your easels and brushes!

Let's start drawing a goose with a squiggle like this, it will be the beak from the front, i.e. front. By the way, many people say “full face”, which is incorrect: the correct word is “full face”, without the “in”. Please note: the ends are slightly curved upward. If you want a sad goose, turn them down.

And along the beak there is a smile. My right tip didn’t quite reach the edge, it’s better to bring it closer.

On top we draw the head (shaped like an egg) and eyes...

... and add a forelock:

Teeeks, now the neck. Such a long (but without fanaticism, this is not a boa!) goose neck. If you draw it as straight as a log, you will get a goose with a dull expression on its face, so the neck first narrows and then widens back:

We are done with the neck and are finishing the belly. It is similar in shape to ours:

Wings. In my drawing they are facing left-up and right-up (at about 10 and 2 o'clock), you position them as you wish. We draw an arc to the left and up...

...and we return back with such frilly waves:

Take two:

The wings turned out to be quite thin, you can draw them wide, he still has time to fly south.

Paws. Slightly sloping “glasses” to the side (if you draw them vertically, it will look like the goose is either standing on tiptoes or dangling in the air).

Hello! Today we present new lesson drawing, in which we will talk about how to draw a goose. Here we decided to deviate a little from the cartoon style of drawing, in which our artists work quite often (for example, we drew this way), to make it more realistic, but not very difficult.

If the residents Ancient Rome, living in the 5th century BC, could read our site, this lesson would probably be one of the most popular - perhaps even more popular. The fact is that in that century Rome was experiencing attacks by Gallic tribes, one of which could have ended very sadly for the inhabitants of the eternal city. The Roman guards of one of the main towers of the fortress wall were sleeping when several Gallic troops made a desperate attempt to climb the tower, kill the guards and penetrate the undefended city. This would have happened if not for one “but” - the geese from the Temple of Juno, who heard the noise, became worried and began to scream. Their noisy cackling woke up the guards, who dealt with the Gauls - it was this story that gave rise to the expression “the geese saved Rome.”

This is the important character we will draw. Let's start this lesson and learn how to draw a goose with a pencil step by step!

Step 1

First, draw the contours of the torso, neck and head. We use only smooth, rounded lines. Please note - the goose has a small head, it is slightly thicker than the neck.

Step 2

Now let's draw an eye - just a small circle and a beak. The beak consists of two parts - the upper one is more massive than the lower one. It seems that it is longer, but this is an illusion - the lower part begins a little to the right of us than the upper. Here we connect it to the body with a pair of short, smooth lines on the sides of the neck.

Step 3

We draw the wing - it should have one angle (sharp) and smoothly curving contours. We outline the silhouettes of the paws.

Step 4

Let's draw some of the largest feathers of the wing, as well as the claws and contours of the front paw towards us. Let's erase all the extra strokes, outline the remaining contours and clean up the drawing again so that it is more complete.

A lesson in drawing domestic animals, namely birds. We will look at how to draw a goose with a pencil step by step. The goose is a migratory bird, but domestic geese cannot fly, so this breed was developed. Geese were domesticated a long time ago in Ancient world in Egypt, Rome and China. But in Greece he was as pet, like a cat or a dog nowadays. Some noble people kept 20 geese. Geese in the wild live near water and in meadows, feed on plants and seeds, and can also eat insects. There are several types of geese, they differ in color and habitat. Also, there used to be goose fights, but now they have sunk into oblivion; if they hold fights, they are cockfights. And the goose is also a formidable bird, it protects its offspring and the female, while it hisses terribly and can attack and bite very painfully.

Here is our copy.

We draw part of the head, as shown in the picture, then the beak and the eye. This is an enlarged version, we draw a small head.

Draw the neck of the goose.

Erase unnecessary lines on the head and sketch out the body.

Now we draw the outline of the body and tail using smooth lines, marking where the legs are.

Erase the auxiliary lines and draw the paws and wings of the goose.

To make the goose look more realistic, let's paint over the beak and imitate feathers, these are small curves in the most pronounced places. We also apply a little shadow on the lower part and neck. The drawing of a domestic goose is ready.

In fairy tales and legends, the goose is often found as a character. He can be absurd, cheerful, reasonable, cocky, stupid. In a word, he is not distinguished by an easy-going disposition. We know him as a bird with complex character. However, there is nothing easier than drawing a goose with a pencil. A little imagination, a little skill, a bit of patience - and now there’s a bully goose in front of you.

Not everyone can boast of having seen a real goose. Therefore, before starting work, let’s define its features. To understand how to draw a goose, you need to look at the image of a real goose in a photograph or picture. We will need this in order to find out the features of its structure. The most remarkable detail is the goose's beak. It is quite large and wide. The beak begins at the top of the head. The neck is neither short nor long, it blends steeply into the chest, which is protruded forward. The body is large, the legs are strong. The color of a goose can be different: white,

Important point

Before drawing a goose, let's determine the angle in which it will be depicted. You can choose front or side view. Drawing a goose from the front is more difficult, so we chose a side view. We will draw using ovals. We will place the goose on a whole sheet of paper, in the middle.

How to draw a goose step by step with a pencil?

First, at the top of the sheet, draw a small oval in the vertical plane - the head of a goose. One end of the oval should be located slightly downward. From the oval we draw two lines down - the neck of the goose. It is slightly narrowed at the top and widened at the bottom.

At the second stage, we shape the body in the form of a large oval. It should also be located slightly downwards. We connect the front line of the neck with the bottom point of the oval. This way we will form a protruding chest.

At the third stage, we add a tail to the back of the body. The tail should stick up. Erase the auxiliary lines connecting the head and neck, neck and torso, torso and tail.

At the fourth stage, draw a large beak, dividing it with a horizontal wavy line. You can also depict a beak with a peculiar bump. Then the goose will look more like This growth distinguishes domestic from wild. Let's not forget about the eye, it shouldn't be too big.

Let's get started final stage. Let's draw the legs. To the body, closer to its front part, we draw two semicircles next to each other. These are a kind of hips, they look like jodhpurs. From each semicircle we draw a leg. They should not be too long to maintain the proportions of the bird. One leg is pointed to the right side, the other to the left. It turns out that our goose is walking. Don't forget to draw membranes on the paws. On the side, exactly in the middle of the body, draw one wing. You can draw feathers on the wing and tail. We trace the outline of the bird again with a pencil. The goose is ready!


Now it’s clear how to draw a goose; both an adult and any child can do it. Having mastered the skills of drawing this bird, you can learn to depict others (ducks, swans, cranes).