Village - wooden world Completed by an art and art teacher. Fine art lesson summary Village - wooden world The hut was installed directly on the ground or on poles. Oak logs, large stones or stumps were placed at the corners, on which the frame stood. In the summer I walked under the hut

Educational project on fine arts “VILLAGE WOODEN WORLD” 4th grade Introduction Development educational project: VILLAGE - WOODEN WORLD Goals: - To foster love and interest in art - To develop creative and cognitive activity Objectives: - To involve in useful activities; - Develop aesthetic taste and observation skills. -Perceive and aesthetically evaluate the beauty of Russian wooden architecture. -Characterize the importance of the harmony of the building with the surrounding landscape. -Explain the design features of the Russian hut and the purpose of its individual elements. -Depict by graphic or pictorial means the image of a Russian hut and other buildings of a traditional village. -Master design skills - construct a model of a hut. -Create a collective panel (three-dimensional layout) by combining individually taken images. -Master the skills of collective activity, work organizedly in a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher. Methodological passport of the educational project. Topic: Village - wooden world Class: 4th grade Lesson time: 4 lessons Form of work: lesson Project type: creative Equipment: For the teacher: presentation, drawings and photographs with types of folk wooden buildings, audio recording of bell ringing. For students: scissors, pencil, glue, paper, gouache, brushes. Working on a project. 1. Research stage - lesson 1 Purpose: to introduce you to the world of the Russian village; material for the construction of a Russian hut and its forms; explain the purpose of the home; capture the world of Russian housing in a drawing; introduce the terms “hut”, “log house”, “verb”, “purse”, “prichelina”, “towel”, “platband”, “horse”. Planned results: learn about the role of wood in construction; will repeat the specifics of Russian wooden architecture; get acquainted with various types of construction; create an image of a Russian home in a drawing; will practice skills in performing a creative task. Type of activity: drawing with wax crayons. Equipment: wax crayons, album sheet, drawings and photographs with types of folk wooden buildings. Kizhi - getting to know the buildings. Russian folk songs. NAMES OF MASTERS Geniuses of Old Architecture People of unclear fate! How your name and patronymic, the designer of the hut, whose hand sketched out its modest estimate? Your glorious name has been planed and hewn from the logs! Why didn’t you embed the name even into the curlicues of the carving? Lord save me! Do I really expect boasting: Here is a hut for you, God’s paradise - and that’s all! What do you care about our names? You are modest, you pretend, Architect of forgotten times, Its mica windows, You, who preceded Bazhenov, his Vesnin brothers! 1967 Leonid Martynov Components of a Russian hut: Types of houses: The verb-type of the northern hut is shaped like the letter “G”. Utility premises are located at right angles to the residential premises. Koshel - all residential and utility rooms in such a house are grouped and combined into a single square log house. Its huge mass is covered by a common gable roof, and its top does not pass over the middle of the entire building, as is usually the case, but along the axis of the residential part of the house. Therefore, the roof slopes are different: one is short and steep, and the other is flat and long. The house really becomes like a wallet. A windmill is a complex engineering and technical structure. In order for the mill to start working, its wings must be installed using a yoke parallel to the wind. The movement from the rotation of the wings is transmitted to the central vertical riser, and from it by a transmission system to the millstones. Owning a mill was available only to wealthy peasants who paid for grinding in kind. The poorest peasants used hand millstones. Church. They built churches from pine without using iron nails. The domes were covered with silver aspen ploughshare. The only tool the peasants used was an axe. They not only cut down trees, but also made the most intricate and fine carvings. Well. Since ancient times in Rus', wells were treated with reverence. Various healing properties were attributed to well water. The well was treated as a place where one could renounce worldly worries for a while and be a little alone with oneself. In Rus' there was even a special day for Fyodor Kolodeznik - June 21. This day was considered the most suitable for finding places where you can dig a well. Introduce the terms. Drawing of a Russian hut (log house), bell tower, well, church, mill. Material: colored wax crayons. Technological stage: lesson 2 Purpose: to repeat the buildings of Russian wooden architecture; consolidate knowledge about the use of wood in construction; identify images for their reproduction in design; master teamwork skills; perform the main and decorative details of Russian buildings in panels; introduce the terms “panel” and “scale”. Type of activity: paper design, applique, creation of panels with the image of a traditional Russian village. Expected results: skill teamwork, work in groups, mastering construction skills, will acquire knowledge about different forms of wooden buildings. The class is divided into creative workshops, usually 4 people, 5-6 workshops per class, they come up with the name of the workshop and the work is done by groups of children who construct models of wooden buildings from paper logs and work in an organized manner in a team. Paper logs are prepared - “lumberjacks”, the main ones in the workshop appear and they begin to lead everyone, there is a heated discussion and by the end of the lesson the already pasted works are handed in. The work is signed: the name of the workshop, the participants. Equipment: scissors, paper, PVA glue. Verb Purse Well Bell tower Church Mill 2. Intermediate stage-3 lesson. Goal: to master the skills of collective work, creating the image of a traditional village, a collective panel with the unification of group-made buildings. Type of activity: drawing and creating an image of a Russian village. Planned results: On two sheets of Whatman paper, the background of the future collective work is drawn, artists who work with gouache paints are selected from the groups, the rest prepare their work, cut it out and work with gouache. When all the works are ready, they are pasted onto the general background. Equipment: gouache paints, brushes, sponge, PVA glue, jars of water. 3. Final stage.-4 lesson. The image of a Russian person (Russian national costume). Objectives: -Acquire an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the national image of male and female beauty. -Understand and analyze the design of Russian folk costume. -Gain experience emotional perception traditional folk costume. -Distinguish between the activities of each of the Master Brothers (Master of Image, Master of Decoration and Master of Construction) when creating Russian folk costume. -Characterize and aesthetically evaluate human images in the works of artists. -Create female and male folk images. -Master the skills of depicting a human figure. Purpose: to study images of women and male images in the paintings of Russian artists, repeat the skills of depicting a person with paints, teach the depiction of elements folk costumes, introduce the terms “kokoshnik”, “sarafan”, “dushegreya”, “kichka”, “kaftan”. Type of activity: drawing Planned results: depiction of female and male Russians folk images(individual work), development of human image skills. The cut out works are pasted onto a collective panel. Equipment: gouache, brushes, water, PVA glue. 4. Stage Reflection Lesson 1: -Name the type of work you did during the lesson? -What supplies did you need? -What material was the most common in Ancient Rus'? -What components of a log house do you know? -What other decorations were used in the construction of the hut? -What other buildings, besides the hut, were erected in Rus'? Lesson 2: - What is the name of the island on which the museum of wooden architecture is located? -Name the type of work you did in class. -What supplies did you need? -What is a panel? -What is rhythm in a panel? Lesson 3: -What is scale? -How did the word “street” come about? -What is the role of each of the three Master brothers in creating the image of the Russian village on the panel? Lesson 4: -Name the type of work you did in class? -What supplies did you need? -What rules must be followed when drawing a human figure? -What do the terms “kokoshnik”, “sarafan”, “dushegreya”, “kichka”, “kaftan” mean? -What details of folk costumes did you use in your works? -Did you manage to convey the characters of the people you painted? -What is the role of each of the three Master brothers in creating the image of the Russian people? Result: "What happened?" - the most interesting thing was... - I liked it... - what did we learn... - if I were a teacher, then... - what questions were the most difficult? Collective work of 4th grade students on the project “WOODEN WORLD VILLAGE”

From memories of A. Tvardovsky’s childhood: “Most people have a sense of homeland in a broad sense - home country, fatherland - is complemented by a feeling of a small, original homeland, homeland in the sense of native places, fatherland, region, city or village. This small homeland, with its special appearance, with its most modest and unassuming beauty, appears to a person in childhood at a time of lifelong impressions of the childish soul, and with it, this separate and personal homeland, he comes over the years to that great homeland that embraces all the small ones and in its great whole is one for everyone.” “For most people, the feeling of homeland in the broad sense - native country, fatherland - is complemented by a feeling of small, original homeland, homeland in the sense of native places, fatherland, region, city or village. This small homeland, with its special appearance, with its most modest and unassuming beauty, appears to a person in childhood at a time of lifelong impressions of the childish soul, and with it, this separate and personal homeland, he comes over the years to that great homeland that embraces all the small ones and in its great whole is one for everyone.”

My village stands on an unsteep hill, My village stands on an unsteep hill, A spring with icy water is just a stone's throw from us. Everything around me is joyful, I know the taste of water, I love with soul and body everything in my native land... I will see a lot - after all, life is still long, And probably more than one road awaits me; And only wherever I am, and no matter what I do, - You are in my memory and in my heart, dear side! G. Tukay G. Tukay

The author of the presentation is Sharipova Alfina Kasimovna - art teacher; Sharipova Alfina Kasimovna - art teacher; Municipal educational institution "Bardymskaya secondary school 2"; Municipal educational institution "Bardymskaya secondary school 2"; Highest category; Highest category; Teaching experience – 23 years; Teaching experience – 23 years;

Lesson summary on fine art

Teacher: Gorshkova V.V.

Lesson topic: The village is a wooden world.


- introduce the teacherthose dealing with wooden architecture;

- consider diversityno rural wooden buildings;

- fobuild a constructive skill;

Strengthen interdisciplinary connections;

- developcreative abilities of students;

- cultivate interest in folk art.


materials: simple pencil, colored pencils, eraser.

clarity: sample drawing, picture.

Lesson progress:

I Organizational moment.

- Hello guys. Today I will teach you an art lesson, my name is VictoriaVladimirovna, have a seat

Check if everything is on your desks. You should have simple and colored pencils, an eraser.

Today we will go many years ago, and where, you will find out by reading the rebus. (Village)

Where do you think this word came from?

Let's go with you to the Russian village and turn into masters. So, everyone is ready. Take your seats and hit the road.

II Introducing a new topic.

1. Introductory conversation.

A long time ago, when Russia was called Russia, there were neither large cities nor modern stone buildings. There were only fields and dense dark forests. From time immemorial, Russia has been a forested country.

Our land is rich in forests,

And the forest in it is both structured and even.

Once upon a time both the walls and Kremlin towers,

And they were assembled from logs.

Wood was the most accessible material for creating household and household items. And, of course, Russian craftsmen built their homes from wood.

What was the name of such a dwelling? (Izba)

What was the meaning of this word in ancient times?

(This word sounded in ancient times as “istba”, “istokka”, i.e. a dwelling that was heated from the inside and served as a reliable shelter from the cold.)

Guess the riddle and you will find out what kind of wood was used to build it.

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I grow in height very evenly.

If I'm not on the edge,

The branches are only at the top of the head.

What kind of tree did you guess? (Pine)

Pine was the main material for construction.

What part of the wood was used in construction? (Trunk)

Various trunks were made from building materials: bars, boards, logs.

The men cut the hut from the logs,

Only one assistant is an axe.

But the ancient huts are still strong,

And the pattern on the shutters is subtle.

What tools were needed when building with wood? (Axe)

What is the name of the profession of a person who builds something from wood? (Carpenter)

Did carpenters have nails in the old days? (No)

How then were the logs and beams connected to each other? (Using cuttings)

Each row of logs fastened together formed a crown. Crown upon crown - and a cage or log house grows. Log houses are the basis of any construction in Rus'. If this log house was intended for housing, then it was called a log hut. Remember, what were called mansions? (Large huts, richly decorated) What about towers? (Tall structures with living quarters on top)

Guys, who can list the components of a Russian hut? (shown on the board)

(Log house, outlets, roof, ridge, pier, towel, ridge, brow, frontal board, platband)

Ancient masters invested deepest meaning not only in the construction of the house, but also in its decoration. How were Russian huts decorated?


What components of the hut were necessarily decorated? (Pechelins, towel, front board)

What motifs were used in the carving? (Carved round rosette - a symbolic image of the sun, images of birds and horses, a horse’s head above the hut)

What meaning did the craftsmen put into decorating the hut? (Signs - amulets in the most important places seemed to protect from evil spirits)

The huts in the villages had never been painted or sheathed with anything before. People knew how to appreciate the amazing beauty and warmth of wood.

What other buildings can be found in the village? (Barns - for storing grain, sheds, wells, bathhouses, mills, richly decorated gates - entrance to the courtyard, church)

Construction skills were not born immediately, not suddenly. Where do you think the ancient masters got their experience and inspiration from? (From nature, passed down from generation to generation)

III Practical work

- Guys, let's start practical work. Pay attention to the step-by-step execution of the drawing.

IV Analysis of works

Groups take turns presenting their work.

Is the composition correct?

VBottom line

You and I have built an amazing village. And now let's go back. What do you remember about our trip to the Russian village today? What new interesting things did you learn?

Village - wooden world

  • Completed by an art and art teacher

  • I.V. Kurbakova

  • Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5

  • Nizhny Novgorod

  • 2010

Village - wooden world

  • The beauty of our land is created not only by nature, but also by man. The huts were made of wood, hence the word “VILLAGE”

Northern villages

Types of northern huts

Red corner in the hut

  • In a Russian hut, usually oriented to the cardinal points, the red corner was located in the far corner of the hut, on the eastern side. Icons were placed in the “red” corner of the room in such a way that the icon was the first thing that a person entering the room paid attention to.

"Kurnaya" hut

  • Such a hut was heated by a stove without a chimney. The stove did not have an outlet for smoke and the smoke came out of the front part of it, filled the hut and exited (“smoked”) through the door. Hence the name - chicken

The foundation of the hut

  • The hut was installed directly on the ground or on poles. Oak logs, large stones or stumps were placed at the corners, on which the frame stood. In the summer, the wind blew under the hut, drying the boards of the so-called “subfloor” from below.

Target: To reveal the role of art in understanding the harmonious connection between Russian housing and nature.

Tasks:introduce students with wooden temple architecture; consider a variety of rural wooden buildings: huts, gates, wells, etc.; learn determine means artistic expression, used in works by landscape artists; develop constructive, graphic skills ; bring up Children have a love of nature, artistic taste, and the need to focus on spiritual values folk art; strengthen interdisciplinary connections.

Equipment: photographs of wooden architecture, the Kizhi ensemble; painting reproductions Nikolai Anokhin - Fading Rus', Fyodor Vasilyev - Village,

Isaac Levitan - Sunny day.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

Honor science, love art,

Take on your work without regret.

Children! Then noble feelings

They will find noble soil in you!

II. Updating knowledge:

From time immemorial, people in Rus' lived in harmony with nature. The earth is not only a natural beauty, it retains deep traces of the events of human life.

Remember in what places in Rus' were settlements built? (Settlements were built along rivers, on plains, near forests, on hills with white churches on their tops, with domes burning in the sun and bells ringing far away)

What were such settlements called in one word? (villages)

III.Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

- To find out the topic of the lesson, you need to read the puzzle:

(Village - wooden world)

- What do you think we will do in class today? (children's answers).

Today we will visit a Russian village, get acquainted with various types hut, we will admire the beauty of wooden temple architecture.

IV. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

1) - Listen to an excerpt from memories of D. Tvardovsky’s childhood:

“For most people, the feeling of homeland in the broad sense - native country, fatherland - is complemented by a feeling of small, original homeland, homeland in the sense of native places, fatherland, region, city or village. This small homeland with its special appearance, with its even the most modest and unassuming beauty appears to a person in childhood, at the time of lifelong impressions of the childish soul, and with it, this separate and personal homeland, he comes over the years to that big homeland, which embraces all the small ones and in its great whole is one for all.”

Where does the Motherland, Fatherland begin? (answers: from small homeland, from a city or village, from a house, street).

Reproductions on the board: ANOKHIN Nikolay - Fading Rus' VASILIEV Fyodor - Village Levitan Isaac - Sunny day

2) Artistic word O native land, about the Russian village.

(Students read poems prepared at home)

My friend, what could be sweeter?

Priceless native land?

The sun seems brighter there

The golden spring is more joyful there,

Cooler light breeze,

The flowers are more fragrant, the hills are greener there,

There the flow sounds sweeter,

There the nightingale sings more sonorously.

N. Yazykov

Unspeakable, blue, tender....

My land is quiet after storms, after thunderstorms,

And my soul is a boundless field -

Breathes the scent of honey and roses.

This street is familiar to me

And this low house is familiar.

Wires blue straw

She fell over under the window.

I see a garden dotted with blue,

Quietly August lay down on the fence.

Holding linden trees in green paws

Bird noise and chirping.

I love this wooden house

A formidable power glowed in the logs,

Our oven is somehow wild and strange

As about someone dead, alive.

In the howl of the rain?

The light of the moon, mysterious and long,

The willows are crying, the poplars are whispering.

But no one listens to the crane's cry

He will not stop loving his father's fields.

And now, when the new light

And my life was touched by fate,

I still remained a poet

Golden log hut.

WITH. Yesenin

What feeling unites these works of art?(children's answers)

I will say the word "village".

What did you imagine? (children's answers)

- Open the textbook on page 20. Look at I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”

What feelings does this picture give you?

Where is the village located?

What time of year is shown in the picture? Can we say that these are the golden days of autumn? Why?

What mood is expressed in this picture?

Can we say that the landscape is illuminated by the sun? Why?

How are the image of Russian nature and the image of the Russian village connected?

What impression does the picture as a whole give you?

Here you are immediately introduced at home with the word “village”.

What was the name of “house” before? (children's answers)

Why was it called “izba”? (Izba is a Russian log house. The main place in them is occupied by stoves, so the house was called izba (from the words “istba”, “stompka” - a warm place)

- What natural material were the huts built from? (the huts were built from hewn, unpainted logs, which on a cloudy day looked like silver, and in the sun - like warm, glowing honey. All these are signs of the promised world. These settlements were close to nature, decorating it)

Open the textbook on page 21. Read the text of the textbook.

Why were the buildings made of wood? (children's answers)

Forests in our country occupied a vast area. Wood is an affordable natural material in the design of the home.

What were the names of the people who built houses? (carpenters)

Look at the pictures on pages 21-22. What tools did the carpenters use to build the hut? (axe, plane)

What was the craftsmanship of the buildings? (children's answers)

Is it possible to skill include decorations of buildings?

What was decorated?

Read the textbook text on pp. 23-24.

What other wooden structures can be seen in the Russian village? (wells, barns, cages (where clothes, dishes, etc. were stored), gates, porch, fence)

Physical education minute

We need to build a new house

Definitely a must!

Come on strong, come on together

We invite everyone to work,

We will build a new house.

Row after row of logs

We'll put it straight!

Here is the stove and chimney,

There are two pillars for the porch.

Let's build an attic

We'll cover the house with planks,

Well, it's ready!

And now we put

Stairs and door.

The windows are painted,

The shutters are carved.

We'll fill up the cracks with tow.

And our new home is ready!

The teacher shows photographs of wooden architecture (churches, cathedrals, temples made of wood and without a single nail) and the Kizhi ensemble.

The Russian North is beautiful. This is a land of dense forests, endless lakes and clean transparent rivers.

Since ancient times, villages, monasteries, and cities arose here. The North was famous for its skilled craftsmen carpenters. Forests provided an abundance of the most accessible material for construction - wood. The main tool in the hands of the master was an ax. With his help they left peasant huts, churches, boyar mansions.

Russian masters knew how to build in such a way that the creations of their hands seemed inseparable from the surrounding nature. The Church of the Transfiguration, which stands on the island of Kizhi in Lake Onega, is called a miracle. You look at her and it seems like you are in a fairy tale.

It was as if the master had carved the temple from one whole piece of wood. There is not a single nail in the building! Everything is light, weightless, openwork: 22 onion-like domes, and porches with turned columns.

This is what the legend says. The master built the Church of the Transfiguration, and threw his ax into Lake Onega, saying: “There has never been and will never be like this again!”

V. Independent work students.

(Children discuss the location of the album sheet; they remember the decorations of huts; that if an object is closer, it is larger; further away, it is smaller; the depicted objects do not hang in the air; about mixing paints to obtain desired color etc.)

VI. Exhibition and evaluation of works.

(A student prepared in advance reads a poem)

The geniuses of old architecture -

People of unknown fate!

What is your name and patronymic,

Hut designer,

By whose hand was it sketched?

Its modest estimate?

Planed and hewn from logs

Glorious is your name!

Why didn't you put the name in?

At least in the curlicues of the carving?

Lord save me!

Do I expect boasting:

Here's a hut, God's paradise - and that's it!

What do you care about our names?

You're being modest, you're pretending

Architect of forgotten times,

The creator of the five-walled log house,

Its mica windows,

You, who preceded Bazhenov,

His Vesnin brothers!

Leonid Martynov

VII. Lesson summary.

Continue the sentences: Now I know…….

Now I can…….

It was difficult for me in class......

I liked the lesson......

VIII. Cleaning workplaces.

Literature used:

1. Textbook “Every people is an artist.”

2. fine arts. 4th grade: lesson plans according to the program / auto-comp.

3. Works by Leonid Martynov “Genius of Old Architecture”, S. Yesenin “Unspeakable, blue, tender...”, N. Yazykov “My friend, what could be sweeter...”, D. Tvardovsky “Memories of childhood”.

4. Articles from the Internet.