Denis Maslov: I love development, movement, I’m never afraid to start something new. Denis Maslov: “The victory in Nizhny Novgorod is doubly symbolic. There is a feeling that he can play stronger

Education: higher, technical and humanitarian.

I am engaged in conscious self-improvement and the arts of mastering the body and mind, including martial arts from 9 years old.

He was trained by a Mentor who mastered unique self-defense techniques and a system of training the body and spirit of a warrior, which were tested and are being tested in practice.

Already, being a little prepared, I continued my studies with the Chinese Master. I teach.

Experience traditional arts self-improvement from a Chinese master - 15 years; Regular teaching experience - 11 years.

There is not enough space to list all the masters who trained. I’ll just say that I studied with circus masters, where all sports came from, real combat masters (real ones who remained alive after all the military special operations), and aikido masters. I got acquainted with yoga (Indian and Chinese variations) from the leading masters of this ancient art.

Visited many Places of Power on Lake Baikal and Gorny Altai. I conduct seminars and trainings in these places every year. I prepare tours and adventure trips. I organize yoga seminars with different masters.

I teach Yoga Dynamics style and traditional Wushu. The so-called traditional or folk wushu is an art that has been passed on from teachers to students for countless years. The term wushu here is figurative name comprehensive human training. Wushu is the art of the warrior, a martial art that includes self-improvement in all areas of life. As the ancients said - calligraphy is wushu, poetry is also wushu, mastery of the body is wushu. The tradition continues from antiquity to the present day from the patriarchs. Unlike sports wushu, it is a rather closed school with a long history of knowledge transfer. Specialized preparation methods.

Main focus on:

  • self-realization;
  • self-knowledge;
  • harmonious development of personality;
  • harmonious development of body, mind and spirit.

The program includes full practice:

  • psychophysical training;
  • meditation;
  • “cleaning the meridians” and energy channels of the body;
  • gymnastic training;
  • acrobatic training;
  • studying the basics of Chinese medicine.

Interesting and exciting physical exercises. This is a complete art, including “internal” and “external” styles in their inextricable unity. Practitioners receive universal physical training.

With long preparation, supersensible perception (relative to the average untrained person) and intuition appear. Health and quality of life improves.

What we study and practice

  • Taijiquan and qigong.
  • Work on bodily improvement.
  • Energy practices.
  • Specialized sets of exercises;
  • Meditation and breathing practice;
  • Practical self-defense skills;
  • Self-defense techniques, qinna;
  • Gymnastic and acrobatic training;
  • Studying individual styles;
  • "Closed" preparation methods;
  • Body stretching exercises.

Copied from the site ""

The 30-year-old general director of PFC Krylya Sovetov, Denis Maslov, came to visit Sergei Leibgrad to sum up the results of the football year and the first part of the 2013/2014 Russian Championship. I came to answer why Alexander Tsygankov and the Krylia players managed to, unexpectedly for many fans and specialists, confidently position themselves in tenth place in the standings? And also how many years can Ruslan Adjinjal play football? And are the football turmoil and conflicts that have accompanied the club in recent years behind us, and who will leave and who will join the team during the winter break?..

“The governor congratulated me personally”

Denis, you flew back from Moscow wearing almost exactly the same suit and tie that Vladimir Putin wore at his final press conference. Did you deliberately dress like that?

Believe me, we didn’t collude with Vladimir Vladimirovich, it just happened that we managed to dress the same. Except that our hours are probably different.

- Putin wears a watch on his left hand. But you still have it on the right and with the inscription« Samara region» . Was this a gift for your recent 30th birthday?

Yes, that's absolutely right. Nikolai Ivanovich gave me this watch. I am very proud of this gift, I try to always wear it.

Taking into account a number of problems, difficulties, criticism addressed to you, and then quite unexpected for many, the optimistic ending of this part of the championship for « Krylyev» , what did the governor wish for the hero of the day Denis Maslov?

Of course, first of all, victories for our club. Good luck, good luck. Well, there were also some personal congratulations, which will probably remain between us.

- Now Merkushkin sets everyone specific deadlines, tasks and plans...

Well, including our football club. For example, this year we were given the task of trying to get into the top ten strongest clubs in the country at the end of the championship. And in the future, of course, we need to jointly prepare for the World Championships in Samara in 2018.

- Denis, did Nikolai Merkushkin convey this gift and these words to you through intermediaries?

Nikolai Ivanovich congratulated me personally. It was very nice. We met, and, of course, he said everything himself.

Before you left for Moscow, information appeared about a ban on “Wings of the Soviets” registering new players. Is this decision still valid?

First of all, I want to reassure all the fans. This is an innovation of the Russian Football Union, about which we were informed in such a way that, it turns out, the FCC is now considering the six-month-old documentation that we submitted before licensing. Naturally, there were certain debts, which we have already closed over these six months. There are nuances that we are currently working on together with the Russian Football Union, but no problems will arise here, we will not have any problems on this point. Naturally, at the next meeting of the FTC, as soon as they address this issue again, all prohibitions will be lifted from us. And I know, I called my colleagues from clubs, and every club received such bans. That is, each has its own nuances. But everything is solved in working order without problems...

Regardless of the size of the club's budget, right?


Denis, how the team greeted you New Year? It is clear that the team’s New Year should be folklore, because it could be celebrated not on the night of December 31 to January 1, but immediately after the victory in Nizhny Novgorod. How did you celebrate the successful completion of the first part of the championship? How did the players part ways when going on vacation?

In fact, we had a proposal to gather after the match in Nizhny Novgorod, which concluded the winter part of the championship. Alexander Valerievich Tsygankov, for example, offered to stay in Nizhny and have dinner with the team. Members of the Board of Directors expressed thoughts of returning to Samara, having dinner together somewhere, or spending an evening. But each of the guys has families, each of them had already purchased some tickets for their vacation. Therefore, we decided that it would be better for us to hold a holiday at the end of the year, or more precisely, at the end of the championship. Let's gather here in Samara and celebrate the end of this season. After the match with Volga, I, naturally, went into the locker room, congratulated the guys on their victory, on the upcoming New Year, and many flew straight from Nizhny via Moscow on vacation. Now almost all football players are abroad.

- Except for Ognen Koroman...

Yes, Ognen is still working...

- Working out a contract...

- I would give a running line somewhere: how much time he still has left to work in Samara...

In fact, we offered Ognjen to terminate this contract ahead of schedule so that he would go home with the team on December 8th. To which Ognen said that he, like a true professional, wants to complete the contract before last day. And on December 31, he will come to the club, receive a work book, and a note stating that the contract has been completed will be made in it, and he will fly home to Serbia.

“Tsallagov understands that it was in Samara that he managed to reach the level that he is already showing”

Now that “Wings” share eighth-eleventh place, we can talk about this with ease and humor. It used to be tragic theme. I would like to tell one story and thank Ognjen Koroman for everything. I had a very honest dog named Matisse. I placed a bowl of cookies on the table in front of him, and he followed my commands. Someone called me and I left. The dog had every opportunity to eat all these cookies, no one controlled him. When I was returning, I heard strange sounds. It turns out that Matisse sat down in front of the vase, lay down, extended his paw and only then took one cookie at a time. He worked out his contract honestly. I am grateful to Ognjen Koroman. I remember his brilliant performance. Including in the bronze match, when “Wings of the Soviets”, led by Gadzhi Gadzhiev, won bronze awards in 2004... The next question, which, naturally, is of great concern to the fans, is the transfer policy. Who's really leaving already? What changes will there be in the team composition?

Today we discussed all this at a meeting of the Board of Directors. Naturally, we discussed this topic with Alexander Valerievich. We came to the conclusion that today it is probably necessary to strengthen the team. But it is necessary to do this very precisely. That is, I think three or four people will join our roster and, perhaps, the same number will leave the club. Because today we have come to the conclusion that the composition is balanced. With the possible exception of a few positions... This is a central defender, a forward...

- Flank defender...

Fullback, yes. Therefore, we will make adjustments here. As for the rest, we will probably finish the championship with the backbone that we have now.

Denis, the key figures are of most concern. In any case, in the last matches they were definitely the key ones. This refers to Ibrahim Tsallagov and Luis Caballero. They say and write that there is interest in them...

You only named two. In fact, interest has been expressed in one way or another in more than five of our players. Naturally, this season Ibrahim showed his best qualities. You could say it was fired. And a number of clubs really paid attention to him. But you know that at the beginning of the season, Ibrahim re-signed a contract with us for three years. I was talking to a guy recently. Just recently it was his birthday. I want to congratulate him again. I congratulated him personally, of course. We discussed some issues of continuing his career in Samara. And Ibrahim said that, by and large, he was happy with everything here and was not going anywhere. As for Louis, what is the situation here? I think the fans read his recent interview in which he says that he wants to leave Samara. But, I repeat once again, in my opinion - I did not witness this interview - not everything was translated correctly. Luis has long been saying that, of course, he, like any talented footballer, dreams of trying his hand at Europe, at a good big club that sets the goal of not just participating in the Eurocups, but maybe even winning them. A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. He, of course, has such a desire. But today he understands that he is under contract in Samara, that it was in Samara that he was able to show his qualities, which helped him in the Russian championship. And it’s quite difficult for us to gain a foothold in the championship. And he says that if such a transition does not happen, he will work out the contract in Samara with pleasure and with his characteristic professionalism and will not exchange us for anything.

Denis, as far as I can judge from my communication with Ibragim Tsallagov, and I started talking to him when he was a player in the youth team under Yuri Gazzaev. This guy, unlike others, in addition to financial and purely football issues, issues of comfort, is concerned about the human content of the game, worries about understanding what he is doing, why he is doing it and for whom. We have several examples where players who showed themselves here in a very interesting, original way, then either got lost in other clubs or disappeared altogether...


Samsonov, Sosnin. Partly, Pavel Yakovlev, who was an undisputed star here, but in Spartak is painfully fighting for a place in the lineup and losing. And a whole host of other players. In fact, by and large, no one except Alexander Anyukov played anywhere. Oleg Ivanov is partially recovering...

And Seryozha Petrov...

Petrov hasn’t played yet either. He became a key player here... Ibrahim understands that in Samara he has much more opportunities to become a big player, as was the case with Karyaka in his time, and then think about leaving?

He understands his role in the club. And Ibrahim, you said correctly, is a serious guy. He takes everything very seriously and professionally. Here, perhaps, we must give credit to the family. I know his father. And the phenomenal work that is done in the family produces results. Ibrahim is not just a talented football player - he is also very disciplined and hardworking, which allows him not to be distracted by any stupid things. Of course, he understands that it was in Samara that he managed to reach the level that he is already showing. And, naturally, he understands that this is where he can continue to improve. Because he is a fairly young football player, he is a football player with Russian passport, and this plays a special role in our country today. Therefore, he understands that there is demand today, it will not disappear tomorrow. But if he achieves some success here, in the regional team, then, of course, more interesting clubs will also show interest in him. I'm talking about the St. Petersburg club, I'm talking about Moscow clubs. Of course, he is aware of all this. Question: how will this manifest itself in the future? That is, today everyone seems to understand everything, but sometimes...

- It's hard to resist...

It's hard to resist, yeah. There are such proposals that make your head spin. He didn't have any of those yet. But I hope that he will have them, and that he will treat all this with dignity and understanding of the situation.

Returning to the last match, won by the “Wings” who finished and, for many, unexpectedly at such high note this part of the championship. It was Nizhny Novgorod. Also symbolic. At least for you. Did you feel like a Samara resident there, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod? I know that it was the Nizhny Novgorod fans who hung out some kind of banner there, saying that they are waiting for you in Nizhny Novgorod...

Firstly, this was not the first time I played with Samara in Nizhny Novgorod. Secondly, Volga is not my home team. And I always fought against this team - that’s how it turned out. We finally managed to win. We had a victory here when we won 1:0 in 2011. And now there is victory in Nizhny Novgorod. I felt great. Simply because we really needed this victory...

- They needed her too. They almost cried there after the match...

We turned out to be stronger. And, in my opinion, they turned out to be stronger in the matter. I watched the match in the box opposite, and the whole box was packed. There were Samara guys there. Sasha Pavlenko, for example, was nearby. And the entire management of the former football club Nizhny Novgorod. And it’s surprising to me that this entire box was rooting for Samara. Somehow it so happened that many Nizhny Novgorod residents were rooting for Samara. And, of course, we were pleasantly surprised by this. It was nice. And, in general, I didn’t feel any discomfort...

This victory is also valuable because the Volga was on the move. And so, purely subjectively, it even seemed to me that there, in their own field, they were stronger. I thought it would be a draw good result. However, they clearly settled down in the second half. I’m surprised, where do our players get such ease? And, despite all the previous complaints that we cannot fully strengthen ourselves, we nevertheless have strong individual players. As soon as they loosen up and start taking over the game...

They're pumping up the game...

- The opponent’s defense begins to crack. First of all, I mean Luis Caballero...

Firstly, we had a huge emotional charge for these games. We understood that we were playing - we must admit honestly - with our closest competitors. And here we are probably ahead of Volga in this regard. Even though we played in Nizhny Novgorod. Plus, the field, of course, was very difficult. And “Volga” - we must give it its due - held up very well in the first half, although the age of the team will give us a head start. That is, they are much older than us. Volga is one of the oldest teams in the Premier League. Therefore here...

- Ruslan Adjinjal calls one middle age teams...

Ruslan Alekseevich is experiencing his fourth youth, as I say. Therefore, we do not take his age into account...

- He’s already in his fifth youth... He’ll soon be in his fifties...

He plays in such a way that everyone forgets about his age... And desire and dedication, of course, in such difficult conditions in which this match took place, is the advantage that we received. Plus to everything - the individual actions of the same Luis, who beat three people so delicately, put the defender on the fifth point and scored a goal...

- And Tsallagova, who scratched the ball and made a perfect pass to Delkin...

And he made the right pass, yes, of course. Plus, it should be noted, no matter what anyone says, the instinct of Alexander Valerievich, who nevertheless released the young Samara forward, who decided the fate of the match with his precise shot into the near corner...

The only student of Samara football released the only other student of Samara football...

Symbolic. All this also happened in Nizhny Novgorod. Everything seems to be in one piggy bank. In the first match - I remember this match - maybe, yes, somewhere in terms of the organization of the game, Volga probably looked preferable... Kalitvintsev is famous for this: he knows how to stage such an interesting combinational game. But in the end they got hooked again. And here, I think, this is more their problem. But we certainly looked fresh. Alexander Valerievich also expressed the opinion that it’s bad that we’re going on a break now, because the team is ready now. We talked to the guys about what new year holidays they should not lose their shape too much, they should not celebrate the New Year holidays too much. And this is our tenth place...

“We are not so far removed from the zone of transition matches that we feel free”

Only tenth place... Why celebrate? Compared to the recent past, this is a rise in terms of points, well-being, and place. But in principle, this is only tenth place. Well, eighth-eleventh place, there shouldn't be any euphoria...

That’s what I told the guys in the locker room: there shouldn’t be euphoria. This is not a European Cup place, this is not a victory in the championship. This is just a calm winter... We have not pulled away so far from the zone of transitional matches to feel so free in the remaining two months... Now it turns out, after yesterday's meeting of the executive committee, that our spring part of the championship will last only two months. Eleven games in two months. This will, of course, be a game of survival...

- So, in fact, Capello’s request has been granted?

Yes, absolutely.

The clubs agreed. Somehow we always go towards our team...

- Can you not meet halfway? Or are you doomed to meet halfway?

It’s a very subtle point, because most likely, we should meet halfway... I thought about this a lot. And I came to the conclusion that - this is my logical chain - if all the clubs today were private, like, for example, Krasnodar, then we would have more, strictly speaking...

- Opportunities...

Opportunities to defend our opinion in terms of the limit, in terms of the fact that we ourselves play our own championship. But since our country’s clubs are mostly dependent on budget funds in one way or another, we, of course, must take into account the opinion of the state first of all. And the state’s opinion is that we not only have mass sports, but also the national team of our country...

- And this is the most important thing...

In addition to personal patriotism, which we all have, state interests must also be taken into account. And, of course, here we cannot help but put this at the forefront...

Denis, after the abrupt departure of Gadzhi Muslimovich Gadzhiev, who is now in a difficult situation with his club, we had a very difficult psychological atmosphere. The head coach left, three leading players left, but the team gradually leveled out the game, stopped crumbling, in fact, we only lost to the top five... What happened? What did Alexander Tsygankov do? Many people talk about the human and game role of Ruslan Adzhindzhal. About how suddenly the team felt like a team. Or simply no one tormented anyone, did not dictate anything, and it turned out that the players, in general, are capable of playing if they are not driven into some kind of unacceptable framework for them, which Andrei Kobelev mistakenly did, driving them into some kind of Procrustean bed?

It seems to me that nothing special happened. Because we recruited a team and formed it not only under coach Gadzhi Gadzhiev, but under “Wings of the Soviets”. We recruited those people who, in any situation, be it intermediate, first, tenth or last place, would not lose heart. Why was Ruslan Adjinjal needed on the team? Because this is a person who has a supernatural talent to always remain in a positive mood, to always subtly sense the spirit in the team, a person who can always convey to the team that...

- And don’t be afraid of anything...

Don't be afraid of anything at all. And explain to management how, where, when, what pain points to pay attention to, and correct so that everything is in order. Naturally, the role of Alexander Valerievich, who picked up the team, you correctly said, having lost its three leaders, is invaluable. Somewhere, probably, his personal qualities, which set up the team, removed this psychological barrier. At some stage it seemed to me that Alexander Valerievich had completely let go of the reins. But at that moment he turned out to be absolutely right: it was probably necessary to somehow relax the guys. What happened, happened. We had to let it all go and say that yes, this happened, but we need to move on - we have a team, a collective and, strictly speaking, we can move on without them. This is what our guys proved.

It’s ironic that all three newcomers started playing. Pavlenko had two wonderful matches. If there had been no injury... You could see how he was returning to that Pavlenko, who was one of the candidates for the Russian national team, the heir of Fedor Cherenkov. Well, and Forbes, who seemed difficult, but overall played quite usefully. And Nadson. Questions may arise for them. But they joined the team. And they played almost all matches without substitutions. And then the injuries started. Mukha, Veremeko, Kornilenko, Nemov, Semshov. But, like Hottabych, no matter who came out, the team continued to play their game...

This is the magic of the team that has been assembled today. I’ll say more: after winning the game with Krasnodar, I thought that I wouldn’t find the guys at all. I arrived at the base and was surprised that almost the entire team, headed by Anton Sinkov, had gathered in one of the rooms of one of the players, and they were sitting calmly and playing poker. I came and said: where is the celebration? Let's go to a restaurant to eat... No, calm down. They say we will do all this tomorrow. Now we will play cards and relax. I go into the second room, they are playing hockey on a Sony Playstation. That is, an absolutely normal, working, positive attitude in the team. It's worth a lot. Because a team is a team. She is self-organized. Plus, of course, the role of how we rallied around the team on time and together should not be relegated to the background. This is the head coach, and all the members of the Board of Directors, led by its chairman, and Sinkov and I, and that team of club employees who do a huge, seemingly invisible job. We can talk about kitchen workers, and about hotel workers, and about stadium employees, and about the guys who work at the base. Somehow it all rallied around the team with such great positivity that it couldn’t help but make a splash. This is probably what happened in the final part, this is a huge, although perhaps unnoticeable, work of the entire team.

“On March 8, we will give Olga Yuryevna a bouquet of flowers, but we will leave Kuchuk without a gift.”

Denis, among those who are interesting to other clubs, there is probably Goro. There is a feeling that he plays, even being the best, at 65%... Something continental slips through...

Regi is an absolutely European guy. That is, he has a different mindset from ours. And when he plays football, sometimes it seems to me that he is somehow careless about everything. This is his eternal fear of making some moves, doing something... With all this, when you talk to him, he says: “Well, this is football. I have to take risks. We have to win something, create something ahead.” I say: “But you will be mistaken.” And he: “It’s okay - they’ll back you up from behind.” That is, he has such adventurism. We saw this in the last matches, after which, of course, we had a serious talk with him. Because he always needs to explain that our championship is a little different from the Belgian, from the European, because we have a lot of struggle, and here it is an unaffordable luxury to treat half a moment with sloppiness. Therefore, sometimes it seems that he is playing at 65%. Although in reality he, of course, gives his best, tries...

- There is a feeling that he can play stronger...

We have the same feeling. We demand that he play harder. But today I want to reassure everyone that Reginal really likes being on the team... Despite the fact that he sometimes grumbles - he has this quality, in fact he is a very positive, cheerful guy who really likes Samara. And he likes the team. And he is not going to leave us anywhere...

You told him that - what about Sergei Bezrukov, who played Pushkin - Reginal is simply amazingly, incredibly similar to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin! If a bust had disappeared in our Pushkin House, we could have asked Goro to stand there - no one would have noticed...

We joke about the fact that we need to change our hair a little, loosen the curls...

- And let go of the sideburns...

Yes, let go of the tanks a little, and that’s it.

Denis, there are two more football players. Ceballos, who, unfortunately, does not play as he could play. And he very rarely went on the field. And the footballer we were waiting for earlier, but in last three matches it suddenly turned out that he was technical, fresh, and no longer so fragile. I'm talking about Emin Makhmudov. He played great in the last two matches. Maybe he still doesn't have enough power. But nevertheless, he performed remarkably well and was more effective than Semshov. And Pavlenko was practically not inferior. Here's the question: Ceballos is most likely leaving, but will Makhmudov stay?

Ceballos is our big selection pain. Because we took a football player who scores twenty league goals a year. Andrei Nikolaevich really insisted on acquiring this football player, and when Sinkov came to Paraguay to negotiate, he called and, indeed, drew attention to the fact that if we were going to play combination football or, as the coaches say, attacking, Ceballos would only be there ahead, as he played in Paraguay, he will benefit. If we are still going to defend 80% of the time, then it will be less effective. Andrei Nikolaevich then said that he would definitely find him, as they say, a place in the lineup. You remember: he was leaving. And these five assists and a goal in his first season - they also cannot be forgotten. But, unfortunately, this is what makes Russian football different. And if Caballero became a little ready for him, understood him, realized that here he needed to regulate his physical condition more, there was more fight here, and got used to it, then Ceballos had a hard time getting used to it. And he couldn’t play here. After which he went on loan and upon his return still did not really prove himself to either Gadzhiev or Tsygankov. Therefore, of course, we are now looking for options to continue his career in another club. And, most likely, we will indeed part with this player. As for Emin Makhmudov, initially, when we hired him exactly a year ago, we paid attention to the fact that he was, after all, a young player who had already played several games for Spartak Moscow and showed himself very well there. The question is that we, every coach, did not always have a chance to give this young player onto the field. Although we remember: as soon as he came out in Nalchik, he made his debut, in transition matches, he immediately scored a goal. And in the last matches I played quite confidently for myself. He certainly met our expectations. There can be no options here. I want to say that we have an understanding regarding Emin. I just don’t want to talk on air today about what steps we will take...

- But an attempt will be made to ensure that he stays, right?

We assessed the level of play and the level of the football player. And we understand how we will resolve the issue on it.

And Anton Sinkov, and you, and, of course, Alexander Tsygankov already know the circle of people from whom two, three or four players will emerge who will specifically strengthen the team?

Today we know all the names. With the possible exception of one or two. We have already talked in detail with all the guys, and we have discussed our possibilities with the clubs. And I think that in the near future all our fans will gradually begin to get to know them...

- Are these Russian football players? Or will there be legionnaires there?

There will also be foreigners. We hope that there will be foreign players.

The final part of the championship starts in March... Starting in March is the same as starting in December. This was shown by this fantastic match in Nizhny Novgorod, when part of the stands could not even be cleared of snow... We are playing the first match away. The second one we have to play is in Samara. Is the calendar approved? There were wandering dates...

Today the dates, as you say correctly, are wandering. But according to preliminary data, we will start on March 8th. On March 8 at the Lokomotiv stadium we will play against Lokomotiv Moscow. I think that we will give Olga Yuryevna a bouquet of flowers on March 8th.

- What will we give to Kuchuk?

I think we'll leave it without a gift.

He was left without a gift here too, when Lokomotiv began its ascent behind Zenit, he was very upset by the first half and the overall result 2:2...

But we were still disappointed in the second half.

Denis, we said that a core has appeared in the team, an important part of which is Ruslan Adjinjal, Ibragim Tsallagov, and Alexander Amisulashvili... And Sergei Veremko has become much calmer mentally in recent matches. There is also Mukha, who, as I know, also has a fairly beneficial effect on the team. This is the backbone of the team. Who makes up the backbone of the club? You know that's all lately a group of fans passionately discussing work general director... Alexander Tsygankov, Denis Maslov and Anton Sinkov are one team?... Who is part of this core, which you think should also be preserved?

First of all, I want to say that not all fans discuss. Someone is actually discussing. And that's good. That is, these people still pay attention to those moments where we might miss something. And it's good that people are talking. This is normal, this happens in every club: they write letters, pay attention to problems. I have no right to be emotional. And any fan, of course, has the right to this. We played a successful match - well done to everyone. We played negatively, naturally, everyone needs to be kicked out. And, most importantly, we have one hundred and forty million people in Russia, and everyone understands two things: politics and football. Therefore, it is very difficult to conduct debates and dialogues here: who is right, who is wrong? Everyone wants their own way, and everyone thinks that he knows and can do it. But that's their right - I think so. As for the core of the club, you partly named it...

That is, are you ready to simply thank the fans for the fact that they are so excited and interested in the Krylya Sovetov football club?

It's actually very nice. So they ask me, are they showing the match or not? I'm talking about the fact that the match is not shown in the region, but there is huge amount programs about football, people's interest in football in Samara is endless. And this can’t make me happy. In fact, this is the catalyst for the club to still exist and for many people to pay attention to it.

Denis, there are also traditional, old fans and football veterans who live by historical myths and historical memory... We finally have a memorial site for Boris Kazakov. Individual fans come, bring flowers, tinder soccer ball and a hand so that the team does not lose. I think when we have a memorial sign to Galimzyan Khusainov, we will have another patron. But nevertheless, although Samara still has more fans than many other teams, there is still obviously a problem with attendance now, there are basic problems with comfort... As well as a problem with fans...

If we talk about the problem of sickness at stadiums in the country, the state has already taken up this problem. You know that a law on fans has already been adopted, which explains the rules of behavior at those sports facilities that we have... And I specifically call them sports facilities, and not stadiums, because today in the country big problem with stadiums. We know that there is a southern region where there is an excellent stadium in Chechnya, in Grozny, there is a stadium in Makhachkala, the Lokomotiv stadium and the Luzhniki stadium, which is now closed for reconstruction. So I won’t remember any more good stadiums, with all due respect to our huge country...

- Maybe a new stadium in Kazan, where they haven’t played yet...

It's just not open yet. “Kazan Arena” is the first, one might say, spark that will give birth to new stadiums in our country. We are expecting an infrastructural surge in the country for the World Cup. And, of course, this will serve as a definite catalyst for people to return to stadiums and start watching matches live, and not on TV... Well, how was it possible to watch football in Nizhny Novgorod? I always say when we start a match, if we have the right not to like our own players, then how do we treat the fans? When the stadium is not cleaned, when the stairs are covered with ice, when we cannot simply provide people with hot tea, when we cannot regulate the system of entry into the stadium, the system of exit from it? It would seem that there are enough entrances, but it seems that there are not enough of them anymore, because new rules have appeared on how to enter these entrances...

- Denis, is there nothing we can do about this? Fans constantly contact us...

And they regularly write to me about this...

- These problems seem somehow stupid, idiotic...

In fact, at every pre-match meeting - they are held at the club every week before the match - we raise this issue with both the security service and Vyacheslav Zimnyukov... And we invite the police. How can we make the passage easier? How to avoid creating so-called human traffic jams? That is, we are unable to make new entrances to Metallurg. We were already thinking about cutting another entrance somewhere...

Unfortunately, we haven’t had total sell-outs for a long time... A lot of fans really come to matches with Spartak, Zenit, CSKA... Why can’t the rest of the games be entered through any gate from the East, and not just those that correspond sector on the ticket or subscription?

Today we are talking about the East. That's exactly what we did. We have opened all entrances to the East - to any platform. People didn't go. Zimnyukov was specially sent there to deal with this issue. People go through the same gate. They are told to go to the neighboring ones - it’s faster there. They don't want to. That is, I already want to conduct an experiment and go to the first home match myself and see why people don’t go? Some complaints begin that, they say, we are going through these gates - they don’t let us in. You give instructions, talk to the people who are responsible for this - they nod their heads and say that everything is so. But, apparently, until you plunge into it yourself, you will not understand. This problem exists. And it needs to be solved... But I think that we will solve it only with a new stadium...

- Finally...

Finally. The only thing we managed to do was put separate cash desks for fans of visiting teams, give them a separate entrance. Now, at least, we have solved that problem. And the ticket lines... We will again transfer those two ticket offices that served visiting fans to serve Samara fans. It is in this way that we will be able to, so to speak, somewhat shorten the pre-match queues.

Denis, one of the most painful problems in Russian football is the behavior of fans. To a large extent, this applies to fans of Spartak, Zenit, CSKA - there are simply pogroms, fires, racist antics and banners. In Samara, apart from that incident with the banana, there were almost no such things. However, there were excesses associated with Rubin, with obscene chants, flares... Such outbursts. I know there have been attempts to interact with fans. Appeared new employee in the club...

In fact, these attempts cannot but be made. An employee didn’t show up at the club... A freelance club employee showed up - I’ll say this. We managed to come to an agreement with our active fans. And by and large, neither we nor the guys have any problems with interaction. Many of them are even now attracted by the club to become volunteers, for example, in the family sector. Why on family? We want to show that these are not hooligans, these are individual young people with their own opinions who simply express it that way. But we can’t disguise it - there are certain problems that the state has taken on: you can’t burn, you can’t swear. But in order for all this to work, the laws in the country must work. That is, if he really swears... Here we are talking about the match with Rubin. We understand, we basically have this kind of Volga derby... This means that we need to apply sanctions to violators, which are prescribed by law. Otherwise they will not produce results. You can take as much as you like...

It turns out that if I break the rules on the road, then the police stop all traffic... Or, if one lights a fire, they shower everyone. We have video cameras everywhere. So we say: targeted strengthening of the composition. But why is it impossible for us to have targeted, personal responsibility for fans? And she must be serious...

Absolutely true. The club provides police officers with all video materials. That is, it’s not our task to catch and monitor law and order at the stadium. There are special bodies that come and, according to the Law on Police, are at the stadium. Our task is to provide video surveillance, and we cope with it. Then the police work. On January 1, the law on fans comes into force... The most important thing is that everyone follows the law. Believe me, that one or two or three times the guys are determined, so to speak, not to come to football and cheer for the game, but to come and express themselves negatively - as soon as they are punished, believe me, this everything will stop immediately...

- Denis, what is the amount of fines that the club paid for the behavior of fans?

Today – 657,000 rubles. This is for nineteen championship matches. And this amount was almost halved compared to this period of the previous championship.

Now we have such “fragile” stability. There should be no euphoria. Moreover, we are still lucky. It is clear that you can only talk about financial situation today, because the club belongs to Samara region. Now there are no financial claims from the players or employees against the club?

The regional leadership in the person of the governor today is attentive to the club, and we do not have any financial problems now. And Dmitry Anatolyevich Shlyakhtin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, came to the guys before two matches and motivated them. And to date, all bonuses for this season have already been paid. Salaries are paid on time. That is, today we are going on a winter break, having completely closed wages and all the bonuses that the guys earned this season. This is my third year working at the club. And this is the first time in three years. We always left quite well financially, covering our salaries, but we had debts regarding bonuses. This year, thanks to, I want to repeat again, the leadership of the region, we went into the break absolutely clean... Not just, so to speak, with a good points balance...

- Also for the first time in four years...

Also, probably for the first time in the last four years... But the financial component for the guys has been fully completed. Therefore, of course, it is very pleasant to talk about this. We haven't had any problems this year.

Denis, another question that is asked: will the Krylia Sovetov website be updated or will it remain in its current form?

These are technical issues. In fact, I expressed my opinion at the very beginning: our website in terms of content, in terms of content, is probably one of the best in the Russian football Premier League. That is, you can find things there that are not on any website. We have so much information...

Yes, in terms of content it is one of the best. In terms of, so to speak, the outer shell and, probably, some innovations, technical tools that correspond to the time, we are late. That is for last year Several Premier League clubs have changed their websites. Today, I know, a website is being developed for the Ministry of Sports. Let's see. This year we will leave everything as it is. And next year – we’ll see. If we have such an opportunity, we will make adjustments. If there is no such opportunity or need, we will leave it that way. This is such a technical question. I don't think it should be broad or resonant in any way. This is not really a question that needs to be discussed at the moment.

Denis, in fact, I can congratulate you on the New Year. You can congratulate me. But first of all, we must congratulate the fans. What would you wish for them and, above all, of course, for the team?

Of course, it’s nice now to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year. I would like to wish all the fans of our team, first of all, never to lose hope, always support your favorite team, and be sure to come to Metallurg. I would also like to wish everyone to become kinder in the New Year and be more attentive. Probably all the negativity that has accumulated over the years or recent events...

- A decade...

Yes, probably during that period of time when “Wings”, after their best season, did not live up to the expectations of the fans... It’s better to leave this, probably, in 2013. Take with you all the good things, take our victories, our successes, transfer them to 2014 and, together with the team, come to Metallurg, cheer, convey your positive emotions so that the club only goes up in the standings. I would also like to wish everyone to participate in such promotions that we are already conducting. There will be a second, but hopefully not the last - a memorial plaque, this time to the Honored Master of Sports of the USSR Galimzyan Khusainov. I hope that you and I will be able to do this for the first home match. I hope it will be traditional. This is both symbolic and no one in the country does this. Therefore, this is again some kind of tradition that arose among us. I want everyone to be involved in it somehow. And, of course, health, success and prosperity to each family individually and the entire Samara football community in particular.

Interviewed by Sergei Leibgrad

Denis Maslov, Deputy General Director, Head of the Real Estate Department of SOCIUM-CONSTRUCTION LLC, celebrates this year anniversary date– ten years of work in the holding. Denis Sergeevich told us about the opportunities that Sotsium provides to young professionals, about the development of the Real Estate Department and relations with tenants.


Denis, please tell us how you came to Sotsium. What are the construction plans? own life did you have at that time?

You could say I got into the commercial real estate industry by accident. I am a printer by training, and at the time of joining Sotsium I had eight years of experience in the advertising and promotional printing market. At a certain point, it became clear that my development in this area had reached its maximum, and what else could be achieved was no longer inspiring. The printing business itself is unstable, seasonal, oversaturated with competitors, with falling turnover due to the development of the Internet. I came to the conclusion that he was not interesting to me in the long term.

I wanted to change my field of activity.

Commercial real estate in Moscow seemed promising to me, and I was not mistaken. So, apparently, chance and luck play a certain role in the life of every person and every company. To some extent, I also associate the implementation of many of my life plans with luck.

- It turns out that here in “CONSTRUCTION” after the “unstable” advertising business you found a “safe haven”?

I didn't look for her. Moreover, what kind of peace can we talk about when you have several hundred tenants, and a rare day goes by when nothing happens to them that would require your personal intervention. I love movement, events and have never been afraid of responsibility.

Another thing is that “Socium” has developed clear relationships with managers and subordinates; I see development prospects for myself here. And this job really gives a sense of stability, which is very important when a person has three children, like me. In this regard, yes, “Socium” is a safe haven.

- What does “Socium” mean to me? This is 10 years of my life: experience, thousands of new people, diverse emotions, achievements; this is the key to the well-being of my family and many, many other things.

I love projects, especially complex ones, with a large number of participants and areas of work. And the company trusts me with such projects. I like to organize this process to achieve a goal. I even consider my real estate management activity plan for the year as a kind of project with many components that needs to be implemented with a certain financial result.

- How did your career develop at SOCIUM-CONSTRUCTION? Who helped you along this path?

I was both a manager for working with tenants and a marketing manager, was involved in searching for clients, negotiations, concepts for the development of territories and specific premises, led construction projects, oversaw various general issues, organized competitions for craftsmen, organized and held a meeting of the Club of Chief Engineers of the Military-Industrial Complex. In short, there have been many interesting tasks over the years.

In the fall of 2011, I was appointed head of the Real Estate Department and since then I have been doing only one thing - increasing the efficiency of using real estate under management.

In addition to the beneficiary of "Socium" Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli, which is permanent leader holding, sets the rhythm of work and the vector of development of all companies, I would like to especially thank two more people. Jan Smelyanski- a person from whom I learned a lot both in relation to business and in relation to life. I owe a lot of my professional skills in running a rental business to her.

I want to say a huge thank you to Ruslan Ashurbeyli for believing in me, giving me a chance to prove myself, appointing me to this position, listening to my opinion and entrusting serious projects.

How did you become the head of the Real Estate Department? What do you consider your main achievement in this position?

After four years of working in the company, I already knew its specifics well, all sites, characteristics of objects, many tenants, represented the company in professional associations such as the Guild of Managers and Developers, the Russian-British Chamber of Industry, received additional education appraiser. I think all this to some extent influenced the decision about my appointment.

My main responsibility, as I already said, is to manage objects as efficiently as possible and maximize income from them. There are many components to this work. But I consider my main achievement to be the formation of the current team of our Directorate - a team that can solve any problem.

We employ real professionals. Relationships within the team are open and honest. To find a way out of even the most difficult situation, we just need to discuss it and jointly develop a plan of action.

This, in my opinion, is the main strategy of a leader - to create a team and conditions for its work. In addition, the key to success in my position, perhaps, is to see the most complete “picture” of the business, see the risks and receive timely decisions that do not depend on you.

Details matter

What tools and methods do you use to improve the efficiency of real estate management at SOCIUM-STRUCTURES sites?

For us, the main indicator of efficiency is the filling of space. There are two main tasks here - retaining existing tenants and attracting new ones.

We try to use all possible methods to retain them. We make sure to regularly conduct customer surveys and surveys to find out and satisfy their needs. Based on the results of such surveys, deficiencies in maintenance are eliminated, minor repairs are made, some equipment is replaced, and so on.

In fact, replacing the old rug at the entrance to the entrance or hand dryers in the toilets, ensuring high-quality cleaning - all this is no less important than agreeing with the tenant on commercial terms.

It’s good that the holding has a practice of annually spending 5% of rental income on maintaining the condition of the property. If this had not happened, we would have immediately experienced an outflow of tenants.

According to statistics, 70% of rental transactions in 2015-2016 are not related to changes in the size of the premises of tenant companies, but to the desire to improve the conditions of their location, that is, to improve the quality of the rented space. And competition between business centers is increasing every year. Now the market is a Tenant, not a Landlord, as it was not so long ago.

The condition of the property sometimes plays a decisive role when new tenants make decisions. Even the details are important. New tenants who come to the site see them first with their “uncluttered” eyes. A broken baseboard or a musty smell in the elevator lobby can ruin the deal.

I myself, when I visit the sites every day, have become accustomed to looking at our properties the way new tenants look at them - noticing little things that need to be corrected.

Regular monitoring of customer satisfaction, implemented in different formats, in my opinion, is simply necessary.

There are all sorts of situations when working with people. Negotiations are sometimes quite tense. In general, there is nothing bad in conflict; on the contrary, it clarifies true intentions and says a lot about the true interests of the interlocutor. Often, uncomfortable situations are created intentionally. There are no conflicts during negotiations on new deals, everyone is interested in the result and works for it, but the atmosphere can be very tense.

Denis Maslov, Deputy General Director - Head of the Real Estate Department of SOCIUM-CONSTRUCTION LLC

- How do you assess the occupancy of SOCIEUM-STRUCTURES sites today?

In 2015, several tenants left us, including two large ones at the Sokol site, and the number of vacant spaces immediately reached 30%. That is, there has been a significant decline.

In 2016, we did a lot of work and created a brokerage department. Thanks to this, it was possible not only to correct the situation, but also to significantly improve it compared to the beginning of 2015. The increase in leased space amounted to more than 20 thousand square meters. Currently, occupancy is at 90%. This is one of the best indicators for all the time of my work. I hope that in the near future we will conclude several more deals that will help us show growth at the end of 2017.

The Moscow-Sokol Culture and Business Center will turn into a community of neighbors

Many tenants of "SOCIETY-STRUCTURE" say that they have developed a special warm relationship with the management company, that the leaders and managers of "STRUCTURE" are always open to communication, ready to compromise and it is much easier to reach agreements with them than with many other landlords . What is the secret of such a relationship?

I can't say that individual approach and attentive attitude to each client is our know-how. It is practiced by any self-respecting property management company, and in general by any self-respecting company.

As for our “tricks”, for example, last year we established Tenant Day, the main goal of which is to thank our partners for being with us for many years. By bringing our partners together for Tenant Day, we provide them with an additional opportunity to get to know each other, communicate with each other, and negotiate cooperation.

At the Moscow-Sokol Center for Culture and Business, we are trying to create a kind of ecosystem, a community of tenants, in order to add additional value to our facility both in the eyes of our partners and in the eyes of clients who come here to buy some goods or receive services.

This platform brings together many companies of various types - from educational, sports and medical institutions to consumer services enterprises, restaurants and stores of various formats. “Moscow-Sokol” is a place where you can simultaneously satisfy almost all basic needs: buy food or household goods; obtain legal services; exercise in your spare time; go to a museum or concert; keep your child busy in one of the studios or, for example, take him to the trampoline park; visit the dentist and so on. Most companies provide services to corporate clients.

It is important that not only residents of nearby buildings, but also the tenants themselves know about all the possibilities of our Center. Why go to the other end of Moscow for a service when you can get it at your own site, next to work? Moreover, you will receive not only the service itself, but also special treatment, favorable “neighborhood” offers, and discounts.

I hope that by the fall we will have fully formed our loyalty program. At the first stage, we will release a catalog combining most of tenants and their special offers, then we will issue a plastic card “Society-Neighbors”, which will allow you to receive discounts within the Moscow-Sokol Center for Culture and Business. All tenants will receive cards.

In addition, we are now actively collaborating with the community of residents of the Sokol and Airport districts. Through this community we plan to distribute cards among residents of the districts to attract an additional flow of buyers to the site.

Please highlight three main advantages that attract tenants to the main site of the “STRUCTURE” - the Moscow-Sokol Center for Culture and Business

-First- convenient location, transport accessibility. The center of culture and business is located at the intersection of major transport routes - Leningradsky Prospekt and Baltiyskaya Street, a five-minute walk from the Sokol metro station. Recently, the city authorities completed the renovation and improvement of Baltiyskaya, which made our location even more advantageous.

Second- infrastructure inside our business district, which I spoke about above. It is important that employees do not have to travel far to satisfy some pressing business needs or their own needs, and that all necessary institutions are located within walking distance from their place of work.

Third- a management company well-known on the market, guaranteeing a normal business approach to transactions, without the influence of subjective factors that may arise when the property is individual. Who manages the facility is one of the decisive factors when choosing a site.

Constant communication with clients, solving their problems - such work, as we know, is associated with a lot of stress. Denis, how do you deal with this? How do you like to relax?

I believe that the body should receive normal physical activity, then it copes with stress and receives energy for active life. I swim 2-4 times a week. So far I feel great.

My hobby is traveling. My family and I can travel 8,000 km by car with a tent through several countries in two weeks; we can be in one place for 10 days. Thanks to trips, I change the environment, switch and thus get new emotions. I recommend it to everyone.

Three rules of life for Denis Maslov

It's impossible to stand still.You either develop and move forward, or, in fact, take a step back, because everything around you is developing. If there is no development, then I prefer to fundamentally change something. I'm not afraid of change or new things - new opportunities always open up in new directions.

Always work for results.I can’t just “float” in the process, I need to achieve results, even just for myself.

Take care of your loved ones and take care of them There are very few truly close people, and you need to appreciate them, spend your time and energy, and find opportunities for communication.

July 24, 2017, 12 days after the release of this interview, Denis Maslov .
