Grandfather Mazai and hares drawings easy for children. "grandfather mazai and hares"

Hello, dear readers!

There are a lot of requests coming to the site to do a lesson. This cute animal is found in fairy tales and folk proverbs. All children love him madly, precisely for his sweet and funny appearance. The little bunny can be found at all holidays, from children's matinees to adult corporate events.

As usual, the drawing process will take place in stages, for more correct execution of the work.

Stages of work

Making a general simple outline

As usual, we start with the outline of our future work. Here we roughly lay out the drawing into proportions, roughly outline the head, ears and body. Based on these control points in the future, individual elements will be identified and subsequently drawn.

Highlighting the features of the drawing

Now we need to build a more “live” and realistic shape of our bunny. To do this, we, as it were, smooth out our contour from the previous stage. We begin to draw the ears, muzzle and paws.

Adding shape and basic detailing

Now we can roughly sketch out the location of the elements of our character’s face - nose, eyes and mouth. I also advise you to get rid of the remaining contour lines at this stage, i.e. just carefully remove the excess.

Almost ready

The penultimate stage - we begin to detail and work out the elements. We can start drawing out the fur to give our hare more realism. Let's also finish working on the muzzle. Don't forget to remove unnecessary contour lines and markings.

Ready drawing of a hare

Let's finish our creativity. At the last stage, it is worth paying more attention to the details - drawing the fur, highlighting the eyes and nose, paws, ears. I also recommend adding a small shadow for more volume.

Congratulations! You drew our beautiful hare step by step. The animal, as for me, turned out to be very sweet and kind, truly a children's favorite. Then you can print it out and give it to your child to paint with paints or pencils.

Step-by-step drawn pictures of a hare

Option 1

Option 2

Nekrasov N. fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the hares"

Genre: literary fairy tale in verse

The main characters of the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares" and their characteristics

  1. Grandfather Mazai. An old experienced hunter. He is a widower and has a grandson. Dreamer and storyteller. Smart and observant. Funny.
  2. Poet, author. Hunter, loves children.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"
  1. Summer rain.
  2. The village of Mazaya
  3. Tales of Mazai.
  4. High water
  5. Hares on the island
  6. Hare on a stump
  7. hare
  8. Log with hares
  9. The shore is near
  10. The hares ran away
  11. The last pair of hares
  12. Parting words from Mazai.
The short summary of the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The poet loved to hunt with Mazai, an old man who knew many funny stories.
  2. This time Mazai began to talk about the flood last spring.
  3. Then he swam along the river and suddenly saw a whole island of hares.
  4. Mazai put the hares in the boat and picked up other hares along the river.
  5. The last thing Mazai hooked with his hook was a log with hares sitting on it.
  6. Near the village, Mazai released the hares, telling them not to come across him in the winter.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"
Any animal deserves pity and care because it is a living being.

What does the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares" teach?
A fairy tale teaches you to be cheerful, to be able to fantasize, to be able to tell stories. interesting stories and jokes. Teaches you to love animals and treat them with care. Teaches not to take from nature what is unnecessary, but only what is needed.

Review of the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"
I liked this one funny story. about rescued hares. Grandfather Mazai did a very good job, preventing the hares from dying during the flood. He acted just like an Emergencies Ministry employee these days.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"
Die yourself, but help your comrade.
He who helped quickly helped twice.
Life is given for good deeds.
Involuntarily, the hare runs when there is nothing to fly on.
Those who live near water are accustomed to flooding.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Grandfather Mazai and the hares"
The poet was hunting with old Mazay when a small cloud appeared in the seemingly completely clear sky and suddenly a downpour began to pour. The poet and Mazai ran to the barn and hid in it.
The village where Mazai lives is in a low-lying area and in the spring it is flooded with meltwater. But Mazay loves his village and the forest, which he goes to all the time - to pick mushrooms, lingonberries, and hunt.
Mazai does not believe in the devil and once even specifically guarded the devil in the forest, but did not catch anyone. But at night in the forest it’s scary and quiet, like in a temple.
Mazai is an old and experienced hunter, but his eyes have begun to fail in his old age, and he often misses. But he knows a lot of jokes about other hunters. For example, about a hunter who warms his hands over the coals before shooting.
One spring, Mazai was sailing along the river in a boat. The water rose high and flooded the entire lowland. And then Mazai sees an island on which many hares are crowded. But the water still remains, and there is less than an arshin of land left under the hares.
Mazai grabbed one hare and threw it into the boat. And he simply ordered the rest to jump. And the hares jumped into his boat in a crowd.
Mazay swims further. He sees a hare frozen on a stump. I took it off. Then he grabbed the hare and her cubs near the bushes. Finally, Mazai saw a log that was floating along the river, and on the log there were a dozen hares.
There was nowhere to put them and Mazai simply caught the log with the hares with his hook.
So he sailed back to the village. The women and children all burst out laughing, looking at the strange procession.
And the hares, seeing the shore, became excited and began to jump in the boat. And when the boat approached the shore, they jumped out of the boat in a crowd and started running up the hill.
Only two hares, completely frozen, remained in the boat. Mazay took them home and warmed them up. In the morning, the dry hares also ran into the forest.
And Mazai threatened them so that in winter he would not be targeted. After all, in the summer and spring he does not kill hares - their skin is bad.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"

A small fluffy ball with long ears - this animal causes only tenderness in everyone. But at the same time he is quite nimble and elusive. How to draw a hare if it is constantly on the move, running somewhere and hiding from people?

It's very simple - step-by-step schemes with its image will help you easily cope with the task. Even if you have never held pencils and paints in your hands, if you have never seen a real live bunny, you will really enjoy the exciting process of drawing. After all, it lifts your spirits and helps you take your mind off worries.

Let's start the lesson with such a positive, cheerful hero with a drum. He can become a decoration for any holiday, and his mischievous smile involuntarily makes you smile back. The diagram makes it clear how to draw a hare step by step, but if you have any questions or doubts, we’ll look at it in more detail.

  1. We draw a circle, divide it into two equal parts, this will be the future face of the animal. The ellipse is his torso.
  2. Add legs, nose and eyes.
  3. Our bunny lacks long ears, a small tail, a cute face and an apron of paws.
  4. We trace all the strokes to get the complete image.
  5. All that remains is to erase the extra lines and the drawing is ready.
  6. To make the fluffy look even more beautiful, we suggest painting it with bright colors.

This cute little bunny is loved by both kids and adults. It is a symbol of many gifts, cards, and souvenirs. Hundreds of children's poems have been written about him, and adult songs have been sung. And of course, fairy tales and cartoons could not do without his participation.

In them, the hero sometimes appears as a coward, defenseless and helpless, and sometimes he is cunning, cheerful and mischievous. He deftly leads large animals by the nose, constantly escaping their clutches. You should definitely try to portray someone so smart and funny. cartoon character.

For example, going on a trip on a skateboard with a flower in hand.

If you look at how to draw a hare with a pencil according to the following diagram, you can understand that the process comes down to learning how to beautifully depict circles and ovals. It is from them that a small hare is produced, which, as if frightened of something, hid under a bush, quietly pressing its ears. I just want to take him in my arms under my protection, warm him and gently hug him.

Which bunny will you like the most? Cute smiling face? A mischievous creature standing on its hind legs? Or a furry animal, preparing to jump, to gallop far into the forest?

You can choose anyone, or try yourself as an artist and draw all three interesting pictures.

The following diagram explains how to draw and color with a simple pencil, while receiving real works of art. The animal on it seems to be alive and is about to jump into your arms to be stroked on its soft back.

Looking at this step by step instructions drawing a hare, no one will say that it was done by a simple person, without special creative skills and abilities. And everyone can add such a wonderful image to their collection of paintings.

And this is a simple step-by-step guide for creating a drawing in a hurry. It is quite easy to depict such a bunny and the drawing is done with almost continuous lines. Looking closely, you can see that all he lacks is a wide, radiant smile.

Here you should use your imagination and figure out on your own how to draw such a cheerful facial expression on the hare that will delight and amuse everyone around. If the idea achieves its goal, then you can safely give an “A” for the drawing lesson.