What does Dana Borisova do? Dana Borisova: biography, personal life, latest news. Dana Borisova: latest news - rehabilitation in Thailand

Dana Borisova
​Photo: Instagram

TV presenter Dana Borisova can safely be awarded the title of the most open girl Russian show business. For lately she made some shocking confessions about her personal life. But it turns out that alcohol, addiction to potent drugs, unsuccessful marriages are not all the skeletons in the blond diva’s closet.

Dana Borisova now also states that at the age of twenty she was actually engaged in prostitution. Wealthy businessmen made offers to the blonde that she could not refuse. Dana really needed money.

“I can say that I had a relationship, the cornerstone of which was material gain,” Dana Borisova frankly stated on the NTV channel’s “The Stars Aligned” program.

The TV personality clarified that men offered tens of thousands of dollars to communicate with her. Dana Borisova made it clear that she saw no point in hiding this fact. It seems that the star is a little saddened by the fact that now she can no longer earn that kind of money.

Dana Borisova made a frank confession
​Photo: Program frame

“The older I get, the fewer such offers there are,” complained 42-year-old Dana Borisova.

The star is now not at all ashamed of his free behavior and actual trading of his body. She believes that she did not do anything wrong, but simply earned money.

“I am a free woman. She was not married then. And if I met someone, I voiced what I needed. There is never too much money,” concluded Dana Borisova.

Actor Oleg Taktarov, who was present in the studio, recalled that after he attended the program hosted by Dana Borisova, he began to receive offers from respectable businessmen asking him to arrange a meeting with the beauty for a good reward.

“But I told them: she’s not like that. She is a decent intelligent girl with tall moral principles. Dana, I’m sorry, because of me you lost a lot of money,” said Oleg Taktarov.

Dana Borisova is sincerely confident that she did nothing wrong. Didn't rob, didn't kill...
Photo: Instagram

Let us recall that in February of this year, a intimate correspondence Dana Borisova with a certain businessman. It discussed prices for the blonde's services. The TV personality then indignantly called it a fake and rejected the accusations of prostitution. But now, apparently, she has decided that it is pointless to renounce this fact of her biography.

Nowadays you can find a frequently asked question on the Internet: “What happened to Danna Borisova?” Lately, Dana has been seriously scaring her fans with her noticeably neglected appearance and figure. It became known that the enviable blonde of the country has recently gained more than 30 kg of excess weight, and this figure does not bother her at all. It was also found out that Dana Borisova “made friends” with alcohol, and now she cannot imagine her life without alcoholic beverages. Many suggest that it was precisely due to such a global passion for alcohol that Dana Borisova lost her appearance and aged noticeably.

We all know Dana Borisova as a TV presenter with a capital T, who was liked by all viewers. She began her career at the age of 16, from the moment at school she was offered to be the host of the TV show “Zebra”. From that time it began finest hour. In the near future, she was lucky enough to host the TV show “Congratulations.”

In 1996, she starred in Playboy magazine; at that time she was the only TV presenter in the USSR who allowed herself such candid filming. They brought Dana even greater popularity, her work began to develop and reach the heights that she dreamed of. In 2003, Dana confidently decided to star in the reality show “ The Last Hero", the filming of which was very difficult for the girl. As a result, she decided to leave the project and try herself as a TV presenter of the City of Cougars program.

In addition to the fact that Dana Borisova became famous as a successful and self-confident TV presenter, she decided to make her debut as an actress in films. Her first film was “Bear Hunt,” where the girl played a cameo role.

For many fans, Dana Borisova became a real standard of beauty; she was an incentive for further development and success.

Everyone liked her, both men and women. Many women wanted to be like her, and men dreamed of mastering her beauty.

Dana Borisova: children and p changes in life

It is worth recalling that Dana Borisova is a journalist, TV presenter, famous actress, which had many fans. They all appreciated her creativity, admired her beauty and rejoiced at her every success. She always performed in front of spectators and television viewers as a brave person, beautiful woman, bright and interesting TV presenter. But lately her life has simply gone downhill.

From the latest photos of Dana Borisova, you can understand that excess weight and noticeable bags under the eyes are a consequence of not paying attention to yourself. The Russian TV presenter said that such a great attraction to alcohol was caused by constant stress and depression, from which it was simply impossible to get out.

Let us remind you that the TV presenter recently broke up with her husband Maxim, from whom she has a 9-year-old daughter.

In addition, Dana Borisova is now going through difficult times and professional problems, financial instability and many other nuances that leave imprints on her life. That is why the star began to “eat and drink away” her problems in order to forget about everything in the world at least for a moment.

Dana Borisova's mother is fighting for her health

As the latest news for today in 2017 shows, her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, is very worried about Dana Borisova, who suspects that her daughter is using drugs and could die because of this. She is sure that something terrible is happening to Dana now, and that without outside help she simply cannot part with such an addiction.

Ekaterina Ivanovna also said that she was very worried about her granddaughter Polina, in at the moment she lives with her father. At this time, Dana’s mother is rapidly looking for money to help her daughter get out of this situation. She wants to send her for expensive treatment, which will guarantee her recovery. Due to the lack of the required amount, the star’s mother is ready to mortgage her apartment.

Now Ekaterina Ivanovna has often started calling her former son-in-law to find out how her granddaughter is living, whether she misses her mother, and whether she needs a woman’s love. It is worth noting that the 9-year-old girl already understands everything; more than once she had to witness how her mother came home in a state of alcoholic intoxication and lay helplessly in the hallway. Polina told her grandmother about this with horror.

Polina also shared terrible news with her grandmother - in the kitchen she found a small vial, inside of which there was white powder, wrapped in a tube bill, as well as a credit card lying next to it.

As a result of this, Ekaterina Ivanovna concluded that Dana Borisova used drugs. That is why I took urgent measures to help my daughter get out of this state.

Dana Borisova during her participation in the “Let Them Talk” program

Dana Borisova had an alibi on this score; she assured her mother that she had undergone an examination in the presence of doctors, and it turned out that there were no drugs in her blood. But the TV presenter’s mother is still determined; she wants to save her daughter from this condition and return her to a normal life.

We also managed to find out that in 2009, Ekaterina Ivanovna had already resorted to medical help; she wanted to cure her daughter of alcoholism. But Dana did not respond to treatment; she did not stay in one clinic for more than two weeks. Already at that time, Ekaterina Ivanovna realized that the problem here was not only alcoholism. But, according to her, she has never met drug addicts in her life, despite the fact that she worked as an ambulance for 25 years.

That is why she could not determine exactly what her main problem was. It was not possible to completely get rid of this addiction due to the fact that Dana never completed treatment. Now latest photos 2017 with Dana Borisova is simply shocking; her fans are unpleasantly surprised by such global changes.

Exposing Dana Borisova to the whole country

After the release of the television program “Let Them Talk,” the whole country learned that famous TV presenter, bright personality Dana Borisova started using large number alcohol. Of course, it was not the TV personality who came to the program itself, but her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna. She talked about how terrible things have been happening to Dana lately, she simply lost control of herself, and what’s worst is that the star likes this kind of life. Borisova does not devote any time to her daughter; she has completely closed herself off in herself and her problems. Let us remind you that her father, Maxim Aksenov, took his daughter into his care.

The star’s mother also said that Dana Borisova has been friends with alcohol for 7 years, despite the fact that her daughter is only 9 years old. Almost a year after giving birth, she gave preference not to raising her daughter, but to alcohol.

The actress said that there are a lot of problems in her life, popularity and fame simply cannot solve them. It also became known that the relationship with her ex-husband had not worked out since the first year of marriage, so their divorce was not a surprise to anyone.

No matter how much Dana Borisova tried to undergo treatment, any attempts did not produce any results. As a rule, any treatment was not completed. Having seen the photo, many are wondering what is happening to Dana Borisova now, whether she was able to find the strength to overcome this terrible addiction. Of course, Dana does not allow anyone to see her drunk; there are no videos or photos about this on the Internet. But many of her Instagram followers never cease to express their opinion that the star has aged noticeably lately, she has large bags under her eyes, and there are noticeable wrinkles that she previously managed to hide.

Active subscribers also noticed that Dana has recently posted a lot of videos, from which you can hear a noticeably rough voice, as well as sloppy, several-day makeup, which simply cannot help but be noticeable.

They concluded that alcohol completely overcame the star, she is not interested in her daughter’s life, does not take care of her appearance and lives simply immorally. Many cannot understand what happened to Dana Borisova, that her life is only being destroyed every year.

Dana Borisova: latest news - r rehabilitation in Thailand

After the filming of the “Let Them Talk” program appeared on television screens, the news about Dana’s condition spread not only throughout Russia, but also to neighboring countries. Dana had no choice but to confirm such rumors and say that she was really addicted to alcohol. Dana Borisova underwent rehabilitation in Thailand, where she was provided with a full range of rehabilitation procedures that contributed to her rapid recovery.

But the treatment situation noticeably worsened when Dana learned that, due to all the circumstances, her ex-husband Maxim intends to deprive her of parental rights.

Famous TV presenter Dana Borisova recently pleased microblog subscribers with new bright photographs. Latest news Borisova's gifts in 2018 are not drugs or alcohol, but a refreshed appearance!

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  • What is happening to Dana Borisova today?

    It turns out that the star is regaining strength and putting her psyche in order in Thailand. Photos of Dana Borisova on Koh Samui evoke genuine delight and interest. How did she manage to get back into shape so quickly, because just a year ago the girl could hardly express a thought and would not leave the bottle?

    “You are so happy and beautiful, you are 10 years younger!”, “In the photo you look like Barbie!”, “Very cute!”, “I didn’t even have time to arrive, but I’m already prettier,” Dana’s fans write on the star’s Instagram.

    The TV presenter herself does not comment on the rave reviews addressed to her, but advises using sunscreen with a high SPF.

    Dana has an irreversible mental disorder

    Despite the fact that photos of a prettier Dana began to appear online, most bloggers agree that Borisova has obvious mental disorders. The girl is not shy about using the hashtags #ladyperfection and #lovedana, extols herself and constantly engages in narcissism.

    To questions from surprised subscribers, the star replies that she came to Samui not to relax, but to work: “I have my own De Novo recovery center, watch my video. Moreover, I am a practicing model and a VERY IN-DEMAND TV presenter!”

    In the language of doctors, such a disorder is called “narcissism” and, alas, cannot be treated. Specialists can only muffle the symptoms, but they are not able to rid Dana of the problem.

    Dana's disease is visible to the naked eye. Apparently, after several years of heavy drinking and lack of demand, the girl’s mind became clouded. This was noticed not only by relatives and friends, but also completely strangers. Maxim Aksenov, the father of Dana’s child, worries about his daughter, since the type of nervous system and narcissism can be inherited.

    Problems with my daughter

    The once popular TV presenter was invited to Alexander Gordon’s “Male/Female” program. She told the audience that she was worried about the fate of the child, since the girl did not see her mother for a long time.

    Let us recall that Dana Borisova’s latest news about drug addiction treatment ended with her ex-husband defending in court the right to raise Polina. Maxim did not hesitate to file a lawsuit demanding that the woman be deprived of parental rights, but the successful treatment of the TV presenter led to the judge allowing Dana to see the child no more than once a month.

    It is interesting that Polina always behaved well alone with her mother, but as soon as her father appeared in sight, the girl showed violent aggression and negativity towards her.

    The star does not blame herself for what happened, but believes that Polina’s violent reaction is not connected with her past, but with the fact that the girl is deprived of her mother. What is happening today with the child, who yesterday attacked his mother with his fists, is not yet known, but Borisova is confident that she will win Polina back from her ex-husband.

    Instead of drugs and alcohol - sex

    Every now and then news appears on the Internet about Dana Borisova, who, having parted with the bottle, became deeply bogged down in debauchery. The reason for such messages was the published correspondence with the star’s ex-boyfriend. The man opened up and shared with reporters candid photos girls, adding that Dana offered to pay for intimate services.

    I like to take photos with my phone without underwear. I enjoy looking at these photos and then sharing them. I didn’t send the pictures to many people, not to everyone.

    It is not surprising that Dana Borisova’s latest news in 2018 is related to intimate photos. The star admits that she is surrounded by so many beautiful and good men that I really want to have a close relationship with them. The TV presenter regrets that some of them subsequently turn out to be unworthy and leak her photos to the Internet. Such actions of the gentlemen encourage her to “drown her grief in a bottle,” but for now Dana is holding on, because she is very afraid of falling apart and returning to the swamp.

    Does Dana Borisova drink today?

    There have been many positive changes in the life of the disgraced TV presenter lately, so fans are very concerned about the question: does Dana drink now? Borisova gave the press a comment about her addiction:

    Almost a year sober! I can take any test to confirm that I am clean. I’m done with drugs, but I’m very worried about alcohol, there are so many temptations around.

    A strong character helped the star overcome her craving for drugs; she avoids alcohol a mile away. According to Borisova, she removed all drugs that stimulate the psyche, and even gave up coffee.

    On the way to a new healthy and happy life The TV presenter changed her environment. She not only does not drink alcohol, but also does not communicate with people who, in her opinion, could cause her to have an alcoholic breakdown.

    The star makes strict demands on the new chosen one: “I want him to be without bad habits and never drank alcohol. My experience of sobriety is not long enough to have connections with drunks.”

    Get your relationship back with your mom

    A girl who has just gotten rid of drug addiction has to completely change her lifestyle. Dana admitted that she would like to restore normal relations with her mother. Let us remember that the young woman’s illness led not only to the loss of her child, but also to a sharp deterioration in her relationship with her mother. Regaining the trust of the parent is one of Borisova’s most important tasks today.

    I would like to believe that Dana Borisova’s latest news in 2018 will be much more optimistic and rosy than in the past. The star’s quarrels with her mother arose because of her addiction: Borisova’s mother believed that her daughter was going down the wrong path. Now the problem has disappeared, which means the road to the mother’s heart is open.

    Our relationship is difficult to improve. Yes, I stated that my mother fed me pills. But mom didn’t want recovery, she had to earn money on scandalous shows, go on TV shows and earn money... Today mom is different, we communicate normally.

    As Dana stated, she was very tired of the scandals surrounding her person. Now, more than anything else, she wants to be close to her own child, to raise and raise her daughter. The star promised journalists that she would completely forget about drugs and alcohol in order to return to her family.

    Dana Borisova - won the love of the male audience as the host of the popular program “Army Store”. IN recent years Dana is being remembered more and more in connection with her divorce proceedings, drug addiction treatment, and suicide attempts. Entire spreads in the tabloid press, online publications, and episodes of popular television programs on central television channels are devoted to all this. Needless to say, Dana Borisova is still a TV star, but in a different role.


    Dana Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in Belarus. Soon the family moved to Russia. Father Alexander Borisov, a policeman, and mother Ekaterina Borisova, a nurse, raised the girl strictly and talked about the importance of self-discipline. While most of Alone during her childhood, since relationships with children did not work out, her sister Ksenia, who was born a few years after the move, became the girl’s friend.

    At school, Dana studied well and attended many clubs and sections. She especially enjoyed piano lessons. As a teenager, she decided to try her hand at television journalism. Not feeling much potential in herself, but constantly finding an outlet in creativity, she took a risk and was able to go through all the competitive stages.

    In the same way early age Dana also appeared on television. In her youth, she hosted the “Zebra” program and the “Congratulations” program.

    Having gained courage while working on Norilsk television, she moved to Moscow to become a journalist and entered Moscow State University. But studying at the university did not work out. Having passed a competitive selection to become the host of the “Army Store” program (an educational and entertainment program on Channel 1) and unable to combine study and work, she dropped out of the university in her 2nd year.

    Working at the Army Store became a “test of strength” for the girl. Wide popularity and constant publications in the media made Dana Borisova a constant subject of discussion.

    The soldiers literally idolized her. She received many love letters every day. Along with increasing popularity, family problems also increased. Her parents unexpectedly ended their marriage and moved to different countries.


    In 1997, Dana briefly left the Army Store program. She finally left this project only in 2005.

    During this time, Dana Borisova took part in many projects such as “The Last Hero 3: Lost,” where she was invited due to her status popular girl Runet, “City of Women”, “The Last Hero 5: Supergame”, “Domino Principle”, “This Morning”, “ Business morning", "Tower" and "Machine".

    In 1996, Dana posed for Playboy magazine. The case is not too unusual, but nevertheless, the Ministry of Defense conducted an official investigation.

    In 2006, Dana Borisova received an offer to play a role in the film “Bear Hunt”. For today it is only job in Dana Borisova.

    Personal life

    When choosing a career in her personal life, Dana Borisova had to sacrifice many relationships. Attributing to the girl a large number of novels, the first confirmed fact of the relationship is an affair with the singer Danko, who at that time had a relationship with a pregnant girl. After the birth of the child, the couple separated.

    Former common-law husband Maxim Aksenov and Dana Borisova met in 2005. Two years later, Dana gave her husband a lovely daughter, Polina. Family life it didn’t work out, and the couple soon broke up. They resolved all financial issues through the courts, which had a negative impact on their already difficult relationship.

    In 2015, for Andrei Tishchenko, with whom they had been friends for several years. But this marriage did not last long. The couple filed for divorce 8 months after the wedding. This divorce did not upset Dana at all, but rather brought her closer to a new relationship.

    In 2016, Dana had a short affair with Alexander Morozov. They broke up when Dana was invited to host a program in the USA. Alexander was against her work and suggested that the TV presenter make a choice between her personal life and career. She chose the latter.

    Latest news

    Talking openly about other people's personal lives is a freedom not controlled by society. Submitting to constant censorship own life, someone else's life, however, becomes the object of constant bullying and discussion. Especially if we're talking about about famous person. Hence the fiction, gossip and tense atmosphere.

    Television and the press, which promote discrimination and xenophobia, only fuel the interest of viewers and readers in the problems of stars, their divorce proceedings, inheritance, and the fight against alcohol and drugs.

    Of course, the latest news about Dana Borisova - treatment for drug addiction, a legal dispute over the right to raise her daughter Polina, and a suicide attempt - have been the subject of recent widespread discussion.

    During the time that Dana was in the shadows, we managed to somewhat forget about the TV presenter. And, as soon as she appeared on the screens, interest in the girl flared up with new strength. The discussion about Dana Borisova came to life when she had an accident in 2016. An investigation was carried out to find out what really happened.

    They say that in 2017 the biggest event in the life of the TV presenter took place. In April, Ekaterina Borisova, Dana’s mother, decided to talk about her daughter’s drug addiction on the prime-time talk show “Let Them Talk.” According to her, Dana has lost control of herself and does not admit her drug addiction. She reported that her daughter’s condition had suddenly deteriorated and that she urgently needed help. She also said that she found drugs in the presenter’s apartment. The same information was confirmed by her friends.

    Dana denied addiction and simply refused rehabilitation therapy. Compulsory treatment did take place. But this happened by deception. Dana agreed to participate in the filming of the program, which will supposedly take place in Thailand; upon arrival, it turned out that there was a clinic there. The rehabilitation course gave positive results, and today Dana feels much better. She plans to organize a center for helping people with drug addiction. However, there is a lot of information on the Internet that Dana Borisova is still a drug addict; photos are presented before and after treatment.

    After completing her rehabilitation, Dana is today trying to change the court’s decision and restore her parental rights to her daughter. So, during her mother’s treatment, daughter Polina was with her father. Maxim Aksenov tried to leave his daughter through the court. Dana did not return from Thailand for the court hearing, fearing to interrupt the achieved result. The decision was not made in her favor, and now she can see the girl only with permission and under the supervision of her father. Dana is outraged; she considers the decision made wrong and unfair. She has already filed a petition to appeal it.

    Also in December 2017, news appeared that Dana Borisova tried to commit suicide, but came to her senses and called ambulance. She had her stomach pumped out. Trying to avoid another scandal, she gave a different name. But, of course, the press became aware of this too. How Dana Borisova is feeling now, the latest news is still unknown.

    After several months of living in Thailand, where Dana Borisova, who abused illegal drugs and alcohol, underwent rehabilitation, the TV presenter returned to Moscow. She lives in two-room apartment, which Andrei Malakhov kindly filmed for her.


    Dana explained that she did not want to return to the apartment or things because they reminded her of her old life of addiction. “I changed my apartment, and put all my things out of use. I hate them! I gave everything away, took one unfortunate frying pan and one cup. I use this. But I didn’t take anything from that apartment and that life, so it’s completely natural that I have nothing to wear,” she told reporters of the program “You Won’t Believe It!” TV presenter.

    At the same time, Borisova admitted that her financial situation leaves much to be desired. “Yes, I’m in poverty and without a salary now. At 41 years old...” Dana said. In order to rectify the situation, Borisova put up for sale the most expensive thing she has - an apartment in an elite residential complex.

    The blonde praised her previous place of residence: “I want about 30 million for an apartment, but I’ll give it for 25 million. The stars live there - you’ll just rock! Elena Vorobey, the Presnyakovs with the whole family. Timati lives above me, Garik Martirosyan - in the tenth section, Yulia Nachalova - in the eighth. Zoo, swimming pool, forest river, lake, swans, llamas, Tajik sheep. Take the apartment - you won’t regret it!