Dan Balan knows Russian. Singer Dan Balan: biography, photos and personal life

At the age of 14-15 he played in the bands Pantheon and Inferialis in the style of gothic doom metal. After the breakup of Inferialis in 1998, he recorded the solo song De La Mine (De La Mine, Russian. From me), in 1999, together with ex ... Read all

Dan Balan was born on February 6, 1979 in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, in the family of Ambassador Mihai Balan and TV presenter Lyudmila Balan. IN early age mastered the accordion, finished music school.

At the age of 14-15 he played in the bands Pantheon and Inferialis in the style of gothic doom metal. After the collapse of Inferialis in 1998, he recorded the solo song De La Mine (De La Mine, Russian. From me), in 1999, together with former partner Petru Zhelikhovsky, he created the group O-Zone. The album Dar, Unde Eşti... (Dar, Unde Eşti..., Russian. But where are you...) was released, which was a huge success.

In 2001, Dan Balan reorganized O-Zone, taking on Arseniy Toderash and Radu Sirba. In 2002, the group signed a contract with a Romanian record company and released the album Number 1 (Russian Number 1). The songs Numai Tu (Numai Tu, Russian. Only you) and Despre Tine (Despre Tine, Russian. About you) became hits in Moldova and Romania. This was followed by the album DiscO-Zone (Russian DiscO-zones) with the world hit Dragostea Din Tei (Dragostya Din Tei, Russian First Love or Russian Love in Linden Trees). It was this song and album that brought the group unprecedented fame. On the European Hot 100 Singles chart, the song stayed at number one for 12 weeks and sold 12 million copies worldwide.

At the beginning of 2005, the O-Zone group ceased to exist, the members took up solo projects. Dan created a pop-rock group called Balan and performed the songs Sugar Tunes Numa Numa (rock arrangement of Dragostea Din Tei) and 17. At the same time, under the pseudonym Crazy Loop, the album The Power of Shower was recorded, which was released on 1 December 2007.

On December 1, 2009, a presentation of a new album called Crazy Loop Mix took place in Chisinau. The name of the album is explained by the fact that it combines the results of the singer’s work under the pseudonym Crazy Loop and under own name(on the album itself the artist is listed as Dan Balan).

In February 2010, the single Chica Bomb was released, which took first place in the charts. On July 31, 2010 Dan presented in Moscow new song Justify SEX, which topped the official Russian chart. On October 29, 2010, the Love Radio radio station premiered Dan’s joint song with Vera Brezhneva, Petals of Tears; the song also topped the official Russian chart, becoming the 3rd of Dan’s three singles, which peaked at number 1. Also, the song “Chica Bomb” at the end of 2010 became the winner in the category “Foreign single, male vocal” (511 thousand repetitions on air) and took 2nd place in the final TOP 800 chart for 2010.

For all fans, the biography of Dan Balan is of significant interest. He was born into the family of an ambassador and famous TV presenter February 6, 1979 in Chisinau. He was raised by his grandmother until he was three years old. Until the eighth grade, Balan studied at the theoretical lyceum “M.Eminesku”, and from 1993 at the lyceum “Gheorghi Asache”. Even as a child, Dan showed interest in music. His first public performance took place on an entertainment show at the age of 4. At the age of eleven, singer Dan Balan learned to play the accordion and performed waltzes, which he composed independently. And already from the age of fourteen he made attempts to enter the world of music, playing in the groups “Pantheon” and “Inferialis”.

In 1999, Dan Balan and his friend Petru Zhelikhovsky founded the group “O-Zone”, writing and producing all the compositions. The song “Dragostea din Tei”, also known as the “Numa Numa song,” topped the charts in 32 countries and reached third place in the UK. The single became the best-selling single in Europe in 2004. The group's CD "DiscOzone" topped the charts in six countries around the world. But, despite the success, the team disbanded in 2005, and all participants began their own careers. Deciding to do solo work, Dan Balan left for Los Angeles. Helped him there famous producer Jack Joseph Puig.

Dan Balan's discography was replenished with her first studio solo album, “The Power of Shower,” which was released under the pseudonym Crazy Loop. In December 2009, the presentation of the album “Crazy Loop Mix” took place. And the next year the song “Chica Bomb” appeared under his name, this single took first place on the charts, and in 2010 won in the category “Foreign single, male vocal”. New hits began to appear one after another. Dan Balan's creativity has truly reached its peak!

The handsome singer Dan Balan, a favorite of the domestic public, has long captivated everyone with his talent and sense of smell. His popularity has successfully spread far beyond his own homeland. Dan Balan's rapidly developing solo career is very different from his work in musical group, he literally opened up, and his hits (Only Until the Morning, “Chica Bomb”) blew up the world of popular music!

Beautiful duets, enviable concerts and, of course, high-quality videos - the young performer can literally boast of all this, because his creativity is at its best!

Moldovan performer Dan Balan recently received recognized Russian awards and was identified as the most sexy singer Russian stage. What can I say, even the magnificent Vera Brezhneva herself, a Ukrainian beauty, agreed to sing a duet with him. And I was right, the success was stunning!

Articles about Dan Balan are full of information that the singer worked in Chisinau for quite a long time. There he truly took off like a star. However, being famous, Dan says that he rarely thought about such a future. Of course, the singer knew that his whole life would be connected with music. Dan was actively involved in his personal creativity. Parents truly did not devote much time to their child, since both mother and father were very busy people.

However, this even helped the young performer, since he could calmly choose his own path in life and the direction of his development. Nobody put pressure on him. Even when it came to choosing the highest educational institution, the singer was not at all worried that his parents would not support him in his endeavors, since his choice was entirely approved by his parents.

At the same time, the personal life of Dan Balan is of serious interest. Dan has a lot of fans who love him not only as a world-class singer, but also as a very charming guy. However, little is known about the facts from the life of Dan Balan. The singer lives in New York, works on new songs and often comes to Russia.

However, information about Dan Balan and his amorous affairs still comes out from time to time. So, it is obvious that Dan Balan’s personal life, like that of all people, is present and has its own significant stages. For example, as Balan himself claimed, there were three fatal women in his life with whom he had serious relationships. None of them were singers or anything else famous person. The performer liked them solely for themselves, just as they were. According to the singer himself, sometimes he is very surprised by the cunning tricks of fans who want to get a photo of Dan Balan.

Dan Balan regularly posts his photographs in social networks. As the singer himself says, he really likes to communicate with fans through this kind of sites. Regarding winter holidays, then for Dan they will, of course, be distinguished by their dense tour schedule. New Year the artist noted on stage that he, surprisingly, liked it! The singer believes that celebrating such a celebration before or after is completely wrong, since that is the beauty of the New Year - celebrating it on time!

Dan Balan is an outstanding singer whom even the most famous stars should look up to. His parents prepared for the guy to become a lawyer, but he was able to survive and follow his own path, and the result was that Dan is now a world-class star. He made his way from an ordinary boy from Chisinau to a popular musical artist, whose songs are not only listened to all over the world, but also take first place in all music charts on radio and television. His biography is worth admiring.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dan Balan

Many fans are interested in Dan Balan’s height, weight, age, and age. He is very handsome guy and has a special attractive appearance, which so attracts fans and makes his popularity even greater. Of course, the guy takes care of his appearance, but he considers the quality of sleep and food to be the main things in this life; Dan lives under the motto “Eat or Die!” With a height of 190, he weighs 73 kg. The singer was born on February 6, 1979, on at the moment he is 38 years old, although he always looks like a young guy under 30 years old.

Biography and personal life of Dan Balan

Dan was born into an artistic family, so it is not surprising that from childhood he loved to play music and eventually devoted his whole life to it. Mom was a popular TV presenter, so the boy became acquainted with the world of show business while visiting her at work. Dan's father was a diplomat, and his mother was busy with her career, both parents were immersed in work and did not have time to raise their son, so little Dan was sent to be raised by his grandmother in a small village, but when he was three years old, his parents took him back to the city.

From the very early childhood Dan was fond of music and first performed in front of an audience at the age of 4. And at the age of 11 he was given an accordion, which he quickly learned to play and actually composed his first compositions. At the same age he was sent to study at a music school.

The father took a very responsible approach to his son’s education and sent him to one of the best lyceums in the country, “M.Eminesku,” and then to “Gheorghi Asache.” A little later, Dan’s father was given a promotion and he and his family went to live in Israel. After spending a year and a half in a foreign country, the guy decided to return to his homeland. His father insisted that Dan enter the Faculty of Law and the young talent did not contradict, but asked to give him a synthesizer for successfully passing the exams. He passed the exams, entered law school and now immersed himself in a new instrument. Studying the keys prompted the guy to create own group, this is how “Inferialis” appeared in Chisinau. After working with the group a little, the guy left the group and tried himself solo, recording his first work.

This was followed by the creation of the O-Zone group, which gave the world many interesting and popular compositions that occupied leading positions in sales in many countries. Since 2006, Dan finally began solo career and went to New York where he bought himself an apartment and still lives, although the guy says that he goes there at most 5 times a year, and the rest of the time he travels around countries.

The biography and personal life of Dan Balan is very interesting for the public, and not only fans of his work are interested in his life. The artist’s personal life is very vague, or rather, hidden from the public by real networks. Now the musician remains free and says that the very first and most big feelings he experienced it while still a schoolboy, at the age of 16. And throughout his entire life Dan experienced only three times strong feelings to the girls. With his busy schedule and constant work, there is simply no time left for his personal life.

After the release of a joint song with Vera Brezhneva called “Petals of Tears,” journalists for a long time attributed an affair to this duet and hoped to get spicy details, but there was no connection between them. Dan himself admits that he liked Vera as a girl, she is very beautiful and generally interesting, but she has a husband and for the performer this is sacred.

Family and children of Dan Balan

Dan's parents practically did not raise him. The guy admits that mom and dad were constantly at work, and sometimes there wasn’t even time to have dinner together, so the singer grew up on his own. Throughout his childhood, he watched how his peers were raised incorrectly by their parents, instilling in them Soviet rules and norms, and at that time Dan himself decided what was right for him and what was not, making mistakes and trying everything new that interested him. It was thanks to this childhood that Dan grew up open, purposeful and talented person.

Dan Balan’s own family and children are still only in the distant future. The singer doesn’t have enough time to even think about it and doesn’t want to get ahead of himself. He has not yet met the girl with whom he would like to live his whole life, but he is not upset about this either. Now he has dizzying career and he works hard to hone his talent. Dan devotes all his energy to music and one can say that he lives by his creativity, devoting all his free time to development.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balan

Instagram and Wikipedia Dan Balan will be of interest to his fans. Dan does not use Twitter, but is an active user of VKontakte and Facebook. On VKontakte he has his own fan club in which he communicates with his fans and answers all their questions.

If you look at this young performer, his serious look and cold appearance make him a serious person outwardly, but when communicating with him it becomes clear how open and kind a guy he is. Dan always communicates openly with fans and journalists, often jokes in interviews and is embarrassed when they tell him that he has a very beautiful appearance and that all his fans simply adore him. Despite the multimillion-dollar stadiums, Dan does not suffer from star fever and all he does is simply live by music, and his fame is only the result of his work on himself and constant rehearsals. One day he simply created a group to do what he loved, he did not pursue fame, it overtook him on its own.

Dan Balan is a popular Moldovan singer, successful musician and poet. Did you know that the talented Dan graduated from school as an accordion student, and his parents were preparing the future singer to become a lawyer? And that's not all! Read full biography famous performer, see photos and find out details.

Name: Dan Balan

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Place of birth: Chisinau, Moldova

Height: 190

Profession: singer, producer, composer,

Marital status: not married

Dan Balan had long haul from an unknown Moldovan singer to a global celebrity. The talented performer has worked with many famous stars: Rihanna, Jesse Dylan, Missy Elliott and others. However, he might never have realized himself as an artist, since his parents sent him into law as a teenager.

However, Dan turned out to be persistent and still followed his heart - he became a musician!

A handsome man with Moldovan roots, Dan Balan has long gone beyond the boundaries of his own homeland and began to move towards his goal with leaps and bounds. The sexy brunette's sensational hits were heard in all corners of the world. A musical creations“Love”, “Only Until the Morning”, “Chica Bomb” won many world awards. What is known about Dan Balan? What was his childhood like and his path to success? Let's talk!


The future artist was born on February 6, 1979 in Chisinau. Dan's parents were famous and successful people: my father was involved in political activities, and my mother was a popular TV presenter.

Little Dan has been familiar with the world of show business since childhood and over time he began to be interested in music.

At the age of 4, the boy performed in front of an audience on an entertainment television show. And at the age of 11 he was given musical instrument- accordion and was sent to study at a music school so that he could develop his talent. Later Dan performed waltzes of his own composition on this instrument. As a teenager he played in the bands Pantheon and Inferialis, who played gothic doom metal music. But after a while these groups ceased to exist. This period of music study was at an amateur level, but Dan Balan began studying professionally at the age of 20.

“My parents, of course, saw that I was interested in music (I started writing it at the age of 10), but they could not even think that it would become my profession. Moreover, I told them about my choice in 1997, when there was not a single pop star in Moldova yet and you could be a musician either by playing symphony orchestra for $10 a week, or at weddings.

Both options ultimately meant beggary and starvation. And then I tell them that I am leaving the prestigious law university I just entered for the sake of music. Of course they were shocked!”

Starting point to a stellar life

Dan Balan realized that he would gain real popularity only through commercial music. And 1999 became a fateful year. Together with ex-member of “Inferialis” Piotr Zhelikhovsky, he creates new group called "O-Zone".

The group members created pop music and rap. A couple of months later the band recorded their first album. In an interview, the singer admitted that he had to resort to cunning to achieve his goal:

“I knew that major record companies receive tons of demo tapes every day and the chances that they would choose my disc from this pile and listen to it are negligible. And I used a trick: I asked my mother, an incredibly impressive woman, to give the disk to the manager. I had no doubt that he would definitely be interested in what kind of music such a beauty writes. And so it happened. The deception, of course, was quickly revealed, but the material was so good that it no longer mattered: we started working with this company.”

The song, called "Dragostea din Tei", which is also known as the "Numa Numa song", topped the charts in dozens of countries around the world, and even reached number three in the UK and sold 12 million copies. The album of the group “DiscO-Zone” has become the best-selling!

But, despite the immodest success, in 2005 the members of this group decided to stop working together. The team broke up, and each member began a solo career.

Solo swimming

Exactly a year after the end of the sensational group “O-Zone”, Dan Balan set off to conquer America. He took the pseudonym Crazy Loop and recorded his own album called “The Power of Shower.” The difference from Dan Balan in the new image was the singing of songs in falsetto and fiery songs.

The album “The Power of Shower” was quite positively received in Europe, and the performer himself was awarded the “MTV Europe Music Awards” in the “Best Romanian Act” category.

Now Dan Balan has received world fame, and this opened the door for him to collaborate with many foreign celebrities. So, a little later, he wrote the song “Live your life” for the singer Rihanna, which brought him a Grammy nomination in 2009.

In 2010, everything changed. The musician decided to re-release the album “Crazy Loop mix” and got rid of his pseudonym in favor of his real name. Then he presented the public with the song “Chica Bomb,” the video for which was directed by Chaim Williams, who worked with Jay-Z, Missy Elliott and many others.

One after another, the songs premiered and all became hits. In 2010, Dan released the track “Justify Sex”, also recorded with popular singer Vera Brezhneva performed the track “Rose Petals” in a duet, which immediately appeared at the top of the Russian charts.

In 2011, the songs “Freedom”, which for a long time was the leader of many charts, and “Only Until the Morning” were played on the radio for a long time and often. The singer is still working on creating new songs, lives in New York and often comes to Russia and Ukraine.

A year later, in May, he releases video clips for the songs “Not Loving” and “Love.”

In March, singer Dan Balan, together with Romanian performer Matteo, presented new clip to the composition "Allegro Ventigo".

Hot dancing at night around the fire, beautiful girls, and the artist himself sings in Spanish and plays the guitar.

On February 7, 2018, a three-month all-Ukrainian tour of the popular artist Dan Balan started. Now the artist travels to many cities of Ukraine with concerts.

"Eat or Die!"

1. What Dan Balan cannot do without:

“Well, you all know Maslow’s pyramid. About human needs. We all, first of all, need the physical. This is food and sleep. Always. And no matter how much we want to answer romantically, it’s still the way it is. We are always waiting until we get rich and buy ourselves everything we dream of.” Therefore, the artist lives by the motto “Eat or Die!”

2. Dan Balan had his first kiss at the age of 13, and at 15 he had his first sex.

3. When an artist relaxes or takes water treatments, he thinks about girls and music.

4. If he had not chosen creativity in life, he would have chosen sports.

5. Dan Balan is a fan of the band “Metallica”.

4. In 2015, the media wrote that Dan does not have his own car.

Love affairs

Unfortunately, the Moldovan artist is reluctant to share details of his personal life - he keeps it under seven locks. Quite often, he was previously credited with an affair with Vera Brezhneva, but later Pepper explained that nothing could happen between them, since she was married and this was taboo for both.

“I am a free bird, an artist, and for now everything remains that way”

The artist stated in long-standing interviews.

However, in 2015, he stated in one program that he was in a relationship, but would not say anything more.

In 2016, in the program “ Social life with Katya Osadchaya” he admitted what kind of girls he likes:

“The main thing is magic. It doesn't matter if she's brunette or blonde. The main thing is that there is that same magic between us.”