Circus for children from 2 years old. For the little ones. Children's fairytale theater

In our playbill you can choose a suitable chamber performance for a 2-year-old child. Educational, interactive, and most importantly, interesting and exciting for little viewers and their parents! :) Our puppet show- this is something more than a classic puppet theater in Moscow. All the dolls are nearby, they are alive and promise to be with the kids right inside the Fairy Tale on equal terms :)

Atmosphere of comfort and coziness

Children's theater for children from 2 years old in Moscow is different from its older, adult brother nearby important factors: a cozy small hall where you can walk, light, safe decorations, no structures separating spectators and actors - everything happens in a single space, and for spectators there are no faceless rows of chairs - there are blankets and pillows on which you can sit, lie or jump.

Interactive scene

And with us everything is as realistic as possible, simple and clear. A real pond, naughty frogs, cheerful forest inhabitants... You can not only see the fairy-tale world, but also touch it. This develops fine and gross motor skills. Children's performances for children 2 years old are bright, dynamic stories with a memorable plot, an extravaganza of colors, light, soap bubbles and unique props made from environmentally friendly materials.

Free photos and themed gift

At the end of the event, each little spectator will receive a gift for their talent and activity. Adults will also be able to take an active part in the interactive performances that our theater offers for children from 2 years old in Moscow. You don’t need to be distracted to capture your child’s smile - professional photographers work in our hall, and you can download the photo completely free of charge.

Development through art

A two-year-old baby requires special attention from adults. This is exactly the age when it is necessary to begin active socialization and introduce the child to art, to form an aesthetic perception of the world. Performances for children 2 years old in Moscow, presented on our website, are staged by talented directors who know how to attract the attention of a child.

The best interactive performances for children from 2 years old will definitely please your child and give a lot of positive emotions!

Children's subscription; Adult subscription

Repertoire performances:

Teremok 1+

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  • Teremok is a fairy tale for the youngest children about how little animals lived in the same house, and a cunning fox and a stupid, gullible wolf tried to destroy it. And in that house lived: a small mouse, a frog, a running bunny and a kind hedgehog. The fairy tale tells about what friendship is and how it helps to resist evil. The performance is made in the style of popular prints..
  • Review from a psychologist: It is very noteworthy that each performance of the Poteshki Theater is made in its own style. As for “Teremok”, these are popular print performances. Russian folklore sounds in everything, starting from the very beginning - the invitation of spring, and then - the musical arrangement, dance numbers. In my opinion, instilling a culture should not be postponed until an older age; it should be done quietly, unobtrusively from a very early age.

Geese-Swans 2+

  • Geese-Swans - Russian folk tale. Performance for children from 2 years old. The fairy tale teaches children to obey adults and not be capricious. Talks about mutual assistance and responsiveness. The poetry of this teaching is that the forces of nature stand up for children. The performance is interactive.Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Review from a psychologist: During this period, the child experiences a crisis, accompanied by stubbornness, negativism, obstinacy and devaluation. The play “Geese - Swans” shows children in an accessible form the negative aspects of their behavior, and emotional experiences help them understand their actions. The performance includes elements of magic, the revival of inanimate objects that attract attention and create an atmosphere of mystery. The entire performance takes place in game form, it includes: musical motor warm-up, riddles, songs, and of course live communication with the heroes of the fairy tale. The child is an integral part of any performance. It is in the third year of life that it is recommended to seriously engage in introducing the child to music, creativity and art. During this period, the soil is more fertile than ever.

The Three Little Pigs 1+

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  • The Three Little Pigs is one of the most popular children's fairy tales. Bright musical performance, in which children are not only spectators, but also take part, helping the piglets hide from the treacherous Wolf and his assistant the Fox.Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Review from a psychologist: The performance is indeed designed for the youngest spectators. At the age of 2-3 years, a child’s attention is not stable and is involuntary, so the performance uses various techniques for switching attention. Bright costumes and decorations contribute to the concentration of visual perception. The use of sound “geks” develops auditory perception. Direct play with soft dolls evokes tactile sensations in the child. Soap bubbles at the beginning of the performance they allow you to experience a vivid emotional state of joy. The restoration of emotional balance is facilitated by the so-called rhythmic stimulation - active play with a fairy tale character.

Kitten 2+

  • Kotya is a little kitten who really wants to prove to everyone that he is an adult. But he just can’t do it. He asks the Bunny, the Mouse, and the Little Bear what it means to “be big,” but does not find an exact answer. And only the gentle sun helps him understand that “being big” means taking care of his loved ones and being independent. Performance duration: 35-40 minutes.
  • Review from a psychologist: Good, cautionary tale for children and adults. All parents know that their children want to grow up faster, but not many know how their children feel. Complex world The protagonist's experiences are accessible and understandable to young viewers. Together with the kitten, the main character of the play, children solve important issues for themselves. When will I grow up? And most importantly, how will I grow up? Some questions will make not only children, but also adult viewers think. In a light, unobtrusive form, children are reminded of the rules of hygiene, daily routine and the benefits of physical education. Recommended for children from three to ten years old.

Kolobok 2+

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  • A small round lump traveling in a big unknown world... Who will he meet on the way? What surprises and difficulties!? He is not afraid of anything because he true friends little spectators are always nearby. Performance for children from 2 years old. All the characters are kind, beautiful, funny, but a little hungry. A familiar children's fairy tale “Kolobok” from an early age.

The Wolf and the Little Goats 2+ (premiere)

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  • One beautiful summer day a forest event took place - a fair! All the inhabitants of the forest go there to replenish their supplies. One Wolf-Wolf-gray eyes trades in theft and robbery. He found out that the mother of the Little Goats, who live on the edge of the forest, also went to the fair. He instantly finds himself at the door, the kids left alone at home.
    The play is based on the Russian plot folk tale"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats." The bottom line of this fable is this: don’t open the door for anyone. Parents: always take your keys with you. The performance is interactive and musical. The text is written in poetic form.
    Performance duration: 40-45 minutes.

It is difficult for children to sit still in a regular theater. A dark hall, a deep armchair, from where you can’t see anything, and your favorite characters are high on the stage - you can’t reach them, you can’t communicate... How about an interactive theater? One where you can freely move around the hall, meet the characters of fairy tales, touch them and take an active part in what is happening. We have compiled our list of interactive theaters for children from 1 to 3 years old.

"First Theater"

Having studied the experience of foreign baby theaters and child psychologists, the creators of the First Theater came up with their own principle of performances for young spectators. There is no stage or hall, actors and small spectators together create a cozy and safe space for performance and play, where you can enter, crawl and run, and, if desired, watch from the side. The scenes of the First Theater are short and succinct. They take as a basis simple stories– change of seasons and weather, sea, snow and others – “Water”, “First Snow”, “Snail”, “Nutcracker”. Children observe the phenomena of the surrounding world and participate in them. The First Theater also has puppet characters, they are realistic and taken from life, because it is important for children to see something familiar. By the way, the performances are performed almost without words, because not all children still understand speech. A pleasant surprise will be gifts for each spectator at the end of the performances. A piece of ice glass, a star lantern or a shell with the song of the sea.

Age: from 10 months to 4 years
Price: from 1500 rub. adult+child
Addresses and other information

"Fanny Bell's House"

It's family run chamber theater in a bright and modern space, which is open near the children's playground in the Garden named after. Bauman. Almost every performance at the Fanny Belle House provides an opportunity for children and parents to become participants. The performances are based on stories classical literature and unique ideas generated by the directors of the production team. Auditorium designed for only 50 people. During performances, live music plays and the actors are at the same level as the audience. Little ones don't have to lift their heads to see their favorite characters on stage. The play “Port,” for example, will tell about the incredible adventures of a white Tiger Cub in a Mediterranean port. There will be a lively port, giraffe cranes, and shadow tricks accompanied by live music. And in the play “Caterpillar,” sitting on a soft green carpet, kids get to know and play with a friendly caterpillar. What is the secret of turning an ordinary-looking worm into one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet?

Age: from 2.5 years
Address: st. Staraya Basmannaya, 15
Price: from 750 rub.

"Together with Mom"

Together with my mother, this is a team of organizers who every month create a unique poster of events for parents with children. Concerts of jazz and classical music, English lessons, excursions to Moscow museums and children's interactive performances. At the Theater for Kids' performances, you can touch and talk to the characters, sit quietly on the floor, or actively participate. Each performance has the opportunity for tactile impressions, such as sand or water. The roles are performed by professional actors, and live music helps children immerse themselves in a fairy tale. The titles of the performances speak for themselves - “How worms saved spring”, “How a parrot learned to be friends” and others.

Age: from 1 year to 4 years
Price: 1100 rub. adult + child, 2 adults + child 1400 and +300 rub. one more adult or child
Schedule and ticket reservations


This is not just a theater, but a whole child development program. All performances are built into a unique development line. Directors, actors and child psychologists take part in the creation of performances. At the beginning puppet show(which lasts 30-40 minutes) the actors perform a fifteen-minute game so that the kids can get used to it. During the performance there will also be plenty of opportunities to interact with the characters, answering questions, connecting to interactive game and saving the main characters. The plots in Nursery Rhymes are familiar to almost every child - “The Three Little Pigs”, “Teremok”, “Geese and Swans”. That's why they are good.

Age: from 1 year
Address: Kedrova str., 14korp.3, Children's cinema "Salut", st. Zemlyanoy Val, 27/3, House of Culture "Gaidarovets"
Price: 600 rub.

"Living Fairy Tale"

All spectators who came to the performance, young and old, take an active part in what is happening. Professional actors of the Living Fairy Tale theater try to convey all the kindest and fairest things accumulated over centuries in folklore different nations. Now the repertoire includes two fairy tales for children - “The Three Little Pigs”, “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. And at the end of October, the theater team will show the kids two new performances, “How the Kitten Looked for Its Mother” and “Nikanor the Duckling.”

Age: from 2 to 9 years
Address: RIO shopping center (2nd km of the Moscow Ring Road) 4th floor, Vegas shopping center (24th km of the Moscow Ring Road) -1st floor
Price: 600 rub.

"Theater on the Palm"

The Baby Theater at the Moscow Puppet Theater on Spartakovskaya shows 4 performances for the little ones based on different seasons. Performances last 45 minutes. In “spring” children launch boats in the stream, “in winter” they touch snowflakes and pieces of ice, “in summer” they play carrot pipes, and “in autumn” they pick mushrooms in the forest.

Age: from 1 year to 3 years
Address: Moscow Puppet Theater, Spartakovskaya street, building 26/30
Price: 800 rub.
Poster and other information


In this interactive theater, children become the main participants in all performances and help the characters unravel the most confusing stories. For the little ones, the repertoire includes the performances “The Toy Bureau” (the audience gets into the toy workshop and, together with the wizard, they fix all the broken toys), “Visiting the Wizard” (you have to disenchant your favorite characters), “Colors” about how to reconcile between all the colors. And many others. Children sit separately from adults, and at the end they have a pillow fight.
Age: from 2-3 years

Address: st. Zemlyanoy Val, 33 ATRIUM shopping center - 1st floor
Price: from 600 rub.

A unique contact theater for children in Moscow, “Fairy Tale House,” offers a wide repertoire, including children’s performances for children from 1 year old. These are vibrant theatrical performances based on Russian and foreign folk tales, which are held in an interactive format and involve children in fairy world, full amazing adventures and magical miracles.

Do you know what an interactive performance is for children over 2 years old? These are unusually bright and interesting musical scenes based on popular fairy tales and fun games with the participation of children and their favorite fairy-tale characters. What could be more exciting for kids who are only 2-3 years old than a fairy tale come to life!

Performances for the little ones in Moscow

“Fairytale House” is the first Russian theater-museum to offer such an unusual format of contact with audiences as interactive performances. For this format, the preferences of the baby are especially important - even if he is only 2 years old!

Our poster, which tells about the theater week at the museum-theater, will help you choose a show for a child under 3 years old. Here you can not only find out what performances for kids in Moscow "Fairy Tale House" is offering in the coming week, but also see brief descriptions fabulous theatrical performances for the little ones - to choose a performance that best suits the character and temperament of your baby.

Follow our poster: we are constantly updating our repertoire, offering young spectators new exciting performances and introducing them to new fairy-tale characters!

Fun for kids (2-3 years old). Puppet show “A small bird for Masha”

Fun for kids(2-3 years old)

Puppet show« A small bird for Masha»


To develop in children a sense of kindness, friendship, love and care for animals. Arouse positive emotions in children and bring joy from viewing puppet show and direct participation in it.


Doll Masha, kitten, bird, presenter.


House, fence, tree or bush.


Cage for birds, a bag of food, a cup for milk or water, a bright bow for Masha, colored handkerchiefs, a box of chocolates.

Musical repertoire:

Dance with handkerchiefs, songs "Yes-yes-yes", “The pussy came to the kids”

(A calm Russian folk melody sounds. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. The presenter draws the children’s attention to the screen and says that she knows who lives in this house.)

Ved: - Guys, the doll Masha lives here. Let's call her.

(The presenter knocks on the house, calling: "Masha!" The children help call Masha. The doll looks out the window, leading "doesn't see her"

Ved: - Where is Masha? I'll take a look now!

(Masha hides and repeats this several times. Finally, the presenter notices Masha and invites her to leave the house. Masha comes out, greets the children, shows her outfit, her beautiful bow)

Ved: - Masha, how elegant you are! What a beautiful bow you have! What, is it a holiday for you today?

Masha: - No! But I'm just very good mood and I want to have fun and dance.

Ved: - Well, then dance with our guys.

Masha: - Fine! Just wait a little, I’ll run to the house. I have a surprise for you. (Brings colored handkerchiefs)

Here are some noticeable, multi-colored handkerchiefs.

You will dance with them, show yourself!


(Meowing is heard)

Ved: - Oh! Who is that meowing?

Masha: - Oh, this is my kitten Vaska (Masha goes into the house)

Ved: - Guys, let's call the kitten. Kiss-kiss-kiss...

(The children and the presenter call the kitten. The kitten appears. Vaska meows while moving around the stage. The presenter wants to pet the kitten, it snorts and runs away)

Ved. and children: Masha, Masha! The kitten ran away!

Masha: (leaves the house with a cup of milk)

“Vaska hasn’t drunk milk yet, so he’s angry.” (Masha puts the cup on the screen and calls the cat, the children help her "kitty-kitty-kitty". Vaska comes running and starts lapping up the milk.

Ved: - Guys, while the kitten is drinking milk, let's sing him a song.


(The presenter strokes him. The cat runs away.)

Ved: - Masha, the guys and I brought you a surprise!

Masha: - Is it true? (admiringly) Oh, how I love surprises!

What's the surprise?

Ved: - Here you go « small bird» (Gives Masha bird)

Masha: (clapping his hands joyfully)- Thank you very much!

Ved: - Masha, just remember that the cage needs to be closed, otherwise the kitten will get it the bird and drags it away. DON'T FORGET!

Masha: - I won’t forget, I won’t forget!

Ved: - Masha, now we need feed the bird. Here's a bag of food for you.

(Masha tilts the bag into the cage. Closes the cage)

Masha: - I’ll go get it water bird(Leaves, then returns, puts a cup of water in the cage)

Masha: - Well, that's all. I fed the bird, I gave her some water, now I’ll go to the house to rest. (Leaves)

(The presenter draws the children’s attention to the fact that Masha forgot to close the cage. A kitten appears on the screen, inspects the cage from afar, and begins to sneak up)

Ved: - Oh-oh-oh! What to do now? Guys, let's chase the cat away! Rush, scurry, scurry! It is forbidden!

(Drives the cat away with the help of the children several times. The presenter and the children call Masha. Masha does not come out)

Ved: - We will clap our hands, we will stamp our feet, Masha will hear us and come.


(Masha comes out)

Ved: - Masha, without you something almost happened. Vaska the cat wanted to drag him away bird, because you forgot to close the cage.

(Masha quickly closes the cage, chases the cat away. The cat snorts and runs away)

Masha: - Guys, thank you very much for saving my bird. I promise that I will never, ever forget to close the cage again. After all, I have such a good one bird!

Ved: - Masha, I have another surprise for you.

(The presenter hands Masha a box)

Masha, with the help of the presenter, opens the box and treats the children.

The presenter and the children say goodbye to Masha and go to the group

Publications on the topic:

Puppet show “Maslenitsa, or How Ivanushka Saved Spring” Puppet show: “Maslenitsa or how Ivanushka saved Spring.”

Puppet show based on the Russian folk tale “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot” Puppet theater "Bubble, straw and bast shoe" Decoration: House Trees Fir-trees River.

Puppet show “In the Forest” Purpose: propaganda healthy image life. Objectives: - To develop expressive speech skills. - Form an idea of ​​health, how.

Younger preschool age– this is precisely the period when the child actively develops perception, thinking, attention, imagination, and memory.

Our group held a New Year's party, at which the children were shown a puppet show “How the animals decorated the Christmas tree.” I suggest a small one.

New Year for children is not only the expectation of something new, but it is always the expectation of a miracle, magic. Children believe that miracles happen.