Chukovsky lesson notes, junior group. Summary of a lesson on speech development for children of the younger group. Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “The Miracle Tree. Educational field: speech development

Educational area: speech development

Age group : second junior group

Subject : “Journey through the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky”

Program content:

Introduce children to the children's writer K. Chukovsky and his works “Miracle Tree”, “Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Stolen Sun”. Learn to determine the name of a fairy tale from a short excerpt from it. Expand children's understanding of shoes and the ability to use a general word. Continue to work on children's speech development. Learn to transform words using diminutive suffixes, learn to correctly pronounce the endings of singular and plural nouns. Strengthen the ability to correctly use prepositions: in, on, under. Develop attention and memory Activate and expand children's vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: Chukovsky, writer, shoes, one, many, cub, bear cub, little fox, kitten, meow, bark, neigh, grunt, fly, gazelles, carousels.

Preliminary work: Reading and storytelling of the works of K. I. Chukovsky “Tsokotukha Fly”, “Moidodyr”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Aibolit”, “Confusion”, “Stolen Sun”. Examination of illustrations for works.

Material and equipment : portrait of K. Chukovsky, illustrations for the fairy tales “The Miracle Tree”, “The Stolen Sun”, “Confusion”, “Telephone”, “Cockroach”;
pictures of wild and domestic animals, baby pets, pictures of shoes, pictures of getting to know the environment: a cat on the roof, a hare on a tree stump, foxes in a hole, a dog under the table, illustrations from fairy tales.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group; on the screen is a portrait of Korney Chukovsky.

Educator : Children, today I want to introduce you to the author K.I. Chukovsky?

K.I. Chukovsky, children's writer, he wrote many fairy tales for you and today we will go on a journey through his fairy tales. I will read excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales, and you need to guess which fairy tale this excerpt is from.

“Mom will go through the garden
Mom will pick it from the tree
Shoes, boots
New galoshes"
What fairy tale is this excerpt from?
Children:"Miracle Tree"
Educator: That's right, what is this fairy tale about?
Children: About the fact that boots grew on a tree.
Educator : That's right, shoes, boots, boots, felt boots, but how can you call all this in one word?
Children: Shoes.

(slide 2)

Educator: Now we will play the game “Say one - many.”
The teacher shows pictures of different shoes and says the phrase “one....”, the children continue, changing the phrase “many...”
- ...... felt boots
- …….sandals
- ……..sneakers
- ……..slippers

Educator: : Well done guys did a good job

Listen to the following excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s book:
You go to the clubfoot,

Scratch the crocodile, tear it into pieces,

Rip the sun out of your mouth.

What work is this from?

Children : "Stolen Sun"

(slide 3)

Educator: That's right, from the fairy tale about the lazy bear who lost his cubs, let's help the bear and all other animals find their cubs, let's call them with kind words.

(slides 4, etc.)

she-bear - bear cub
cat - kitten
dogs - puppy
hare - bunny

foxes - little fox

she-wolf - wolf cub, etc.
Well done children, they helped the bear (shows an illustration from a fairy tale depicting a bear with cubs).

Educator: Listen to the following excerpt
And recently two gazelles
They called and sang
"Is it really possible?
Did all the carousels burn down?
: "Telephone"

Educator : That's right, animals called the author all day, and he answered the gazelles
“You shouldn’t make noise from the gazelles
And next week
They would gallop and sit down,
On the swing carousel."
So you and I are now going to ride on the carousel.
Physical education lesson “Carousel” (“Barely-barely-...)
Educator : Let's go visit another fairy tale
The kittens meowed
"We're tired of meowing
We want to grunt like piglets!”
: "Confusion"

Educator : That's right, everything is mixed up in this fairy tale. And our guys, all the animals are confused about which of them “says” what, let’s help them.
(An animal appears on the screen. Children imitate the animal’s voice. After that, the teacher launches the ICT with the sounds of the corresponding animals).

Educator : Well done, you completed this task, listen to the next excerpt
- He growls and screams
and moves his mustache
"Wait, don't rush
I'll swallow you up in no time!
I’ll swallow it, I’ll swallow it, I won’t have mercy!”
: “Cockroach!”
Educator : That's right, a fairy tale about how all the animals got scared of an ordinary cockroach and hid from it. Now I will show you pictures, and you will name who is hiding where.

The fox hid
V burrow
Cat - V box
Kitty -
under chair
Pig -
V puddle
Dog -
under table
Hare -
on hemp

Hedgehog - under umbrella

Fox - on tree, etc.
Well done, the guys completed a lot of tasks today, visited several fairy tales by K. Chukovsky. Did you like it?
Children: Yes
Educator : Next time we will visit other fairy tales, but now let’s remember which fairy tales we were in today and whom we helped.

Abstract of the GCD on the development of speech through fiction “Journey through the fairy tales of K.I.Chukovsky" in 2 ml. gr.


Educational: Strengthen knowledge and ideas about wild and domestic animals; about insects and their characteristic features. Clarify the name and purpose of shoes and clothing, and how to care for them. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

Educational: Activate verbal and subject dictionary on the topic. Develop recitation skills small excerpts from the author's fairy tales. Develop visual attention and memory.

Educational: Develop communication skills and independence. Bring joy to children. Generate interest in books.

Integration educational areas: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, physical education and health.

Activating the dictionary:flying carpet, steamship, steam locomotive, samovar, insects, writer K.I. Chukovsky.

Materials for the lesson:

Pictures depicting wild and domestic animals, insects, shoes, clothes, a model of a house and a tree, “Wonderful bag”. Illustrations for the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”, “Fly - Tsokotukha”, “Miracle - Tree”.

Preliminary work:Reading fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations, getting to know wild and domestic animals, insects, shoes, clothes.

GCD move.

Playback: Children, we all woke up this morning, we all smiled at each other and gave good mood. Let us now stand in a circle, hold hands and give our good mood to our guests. Smile and say hello to guests. Well done! Now sit quietly on the chairs and listen carefully to me.

Psycho-gymnastics (setting up for a lesson).

Our eyes are watching carefully.

Our ears listen carefully.

Our legs don't bother us.

Our hands help us.

Guys, do you like to travel?

What have you and I already traveled on?

(on a carpet - an airplane, on a bus, on a ship).

Today we will go on a journey through the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky by train. Do you want it? Take your seats.

Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on our train.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu - the locomotive is humming,

He took the children to Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

First station.

Look carefully at the picture and tell me what fairy tale we have arrived in? (Doctor Aibolit)

Good Doctor Aibolit!

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the worm,

And a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit!

Who does Aibolit treat? (Animals).

What types of animals are there (Wild and domestic).

Where do wild animals live? (In the forest).

Where do pets live? (Next to the person).

Each child has a picture of a wild or domestic animal.

All the animals are confused with each other, and Doctor Aibolit asks you to place all the wild animals next to the tree, and the domestic ones next to the house.

Children complete the task, explaining their action: “I put the wolf next to the tree because he is a wild animal, etc.”

Well done guys, Doctor Aibolit thanks you for your help. And it's time for us to move on.

Second station. Wheels, wheels

They knock, they knock, they knock.

And to the next fairy tale

They're bringing the boys.

Look at the picture, what fairy tale have we arrived in? (“Fly – Tsokotukha”)

Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

Mucha went to the market

And I bought a samovar:

"Come cockroaches,

I’ll treat you to tea!”

I display pictures of insects on the board.

Who came to the fly for his birthday?

(I point to the picture, the children name the insect).

Tell me, what can you call Mukha’s guests in one word? (Insects)

Tell me, how are insects similar? (they have wings, antennae, six legs).

Well done guys, now let's relax on the lawn.

Physical education lesson “Insects over the meadow”

Zhu-zhu-zhu - the bee buzzes, Children spread their arms to the sides,

I'm flying from far away. rhythmically wave their arms.

Zu-zu-zu - the mosquito squeaks, index fingers point forward,

He is in a hurry to bite. the rest are pressing, doing rhythmic

Throw your arms forward alternately.

Ooh-ooh-oof, like a steam locomotive, They rhythmically stamp their feet.

The bumblebee puffs, bringing pollen.

The beetle buzzes: buzz, buzz, buzz. They make rhythmic claps.

I'll wake anyone up.

Did you have a good rest? It's time for us to move on.

Third station.

Carriages, trailers

They swing, they run,

To the last stop

They're bringing the boys.

Name the station where our train arrived (“Miracle Tree”)

Like ours at the gate

The miracle tree is growing.

Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle


Not the leaves on it,

Not flowers on it,

What grows on it?

Like apples? (shoes and clothing).

Name the shoes that grow on the miracle tree (boots, shoes, sandals, boots, sandals, sneakers).

Tell me, how should you care for your shoes? (wash, clean, dry, protect).

Name the clothes that grow on the miracle tree? (gaiters, stockings, shoes).

Our clothes and shoes are mixed up, we need to separate them. We will hang the clothes in the closet and put the shoes on the shelf (Game “Wonderful Bag”).

Well done guys, you also completed the last task. It's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Carriages, trailers

They run, run, run.

From the tales of grandfather Korney

They are taking the boys home.


Did you enjoy the trip?

What fairy tales have we visited?

Who wrote all these fairy tales?

What tales of K.I. Chukovsky do you still know? (“Cockroach”; “Stolen Sun”; “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s Grief”, etc.).

Children, you are great, you know so many fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, because his book is in our group. How should you handle the book? (Take with clean hands, do not tear, do not throw, take care). Because you know the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky so well, I want to award you all with medals. Let's say goodbye to the guests and go to our group by train.

Victoria Nechaeva
Summary of a lesson on speech development for children of the younger group. Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “The Miracle Tree”

Target. Introduce work by K Chukovsky« Miracle - tree» .

Educational task: consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the leaves of familiar trees.

Developmental task: develop ability to listen to new works.

Educational task: cultivate responsiveness, kindness.

Vocabulary work: shoes, boots, flaunt, bast shoes, holes - patches.

Material: doll, 2 each leaf: maple and oak, pictures for each table with trees, 3 plates, wood.

Plot plot.

Educator. Hello guys! Let's look at each other and smile cheerfully at our neighbor. Oh, I have a good mood in my hands, let me share it with you. Hold it, hold it...

(The teacher distributes his mood to everyone).

There's a knock on the door.

Educator. Guys, do you hear someone came to us? I'll go have a look.

Oh, look who came to us.

The teacher brings to group doll.

Doll. Hello guys! My name is Masha, what’s yours?

The doll asks everyone's names children. Children say their names.

Very nice! I brought you pictures, but I don’t know what they show. Can you help me figure it out?

The teacher shows pictures.

Educator. Guys, what is shown in the picture?

Children. Trees and leaves.

Educator. Right! This is a maple tree. He has leaves: round, wide. And this is oak. He has leaves: long, narrow. Do you remember?

Tired? I suggest you rest.

The teacher does physical exercise with the children.

“The wind is blowing in our faces, the tree is swaying” (2 times).

Let's play with you interesting game “Whose leaf?”.

Each child has 2 pictures on the table with the image trees: maple and oak and 2 leaves each from maple and oak.

The teacher has the same thing on his desk.

Then he shows and asks “Which leaf?” (children answer).

Educator. “Show me this piece of paper 1, 2, 3!”.

(Children show the required piece of paper).

Educator. Well done, right!

“1,2,3, now find the tree.”

(Children place the leaf on the tree from which it fell).

Doll. Oh, how great you are! And they taught me. Now I know what is shown in the pictures. Thank you!

Educator. I'll read you a little now product K. Chukovsky« Miracle - tree» .

And you, Mashenka, also sit and listen carefully. Well done!

The teacher reads work, and then asks questions:

1. Who sat on bald heads? (Crow).

2. Who builds nests on trees? (ruff).

3. What is growing in the garden bed? (chocolates).

4. What grows at the gate? (miracle - tree) . etc.

Children answer the teacher's questions.

Educator. Guys, when I went to kindergarten in the morning, I saw a very sad tree and it told me that it was in trouble. I learned that it is sad because now is a wonderful time of year, autumn, everything around is colorful and bright. And there is not a single leaf on it, not a single pear, not an apple. That's why I took him with me. Do you want to help a tree become beautiful?

Educator. Mashenka, you can help us too.

(Children, together with the doll, help decorate the tree with leaves, pears and apples).

Educator. Look what beautiful tree! How elegant it has become, like autumn. Really, guys!

Doll Masha. Guys, my mother is probably already looking for me. I'll go home and walk the tree home. Let everyone admire them now.

Goodbye guys!

The teacher takes away the tree and the doll.

Educator. Children, who remembers what we did today?

Who came to visit us?

Which read the work?

Who did we help today?

Did you like our wonderful tree?

Well done! You were all smart.

Publications on the topic:

A clown enters the hall to the sound of cheerful music. Children are divided into 2 teams. Clown: Hello, kids! Girls and boys! Think,.

Summary of a physical education event with children of the younger group and their parents “Miracle Tree” Goal: Promoting emotional rapprochement between parent and child. Objectives: 1. Create a comfortable emotional and psychological atmosphere for.

Summary of the final lesson in the second younger group on the development of speech on the topic: “The Work of K. Chukovsky” Educator Rubo Elena Sergeevna.

Goal: to form children’s creative thinking and coherent speech. Objectives: To develop children’s abilities to build associative analogies between.

Abstract of the educational activity on speech development “Reading the work of N. N. Nosov “On the Hill” Abstract directly educational activities V senior group on speech development on the topic: “Reading the work of N. N. Nosov “On.”

Summary of a lesson on speech development for the middle group. Topic: Reading the work of art by L. N. Tolstoy “Smart Jackdaw” Program objectives: teach children to listen carefully to a story and comprehend its content; develop dialogical speech; answer with suggestions.

Svetlana Ustinova
Abstract of an integrated educational activity for the implementation of the public organization “Reading” fiction"in the junior group "Miracle Tree"

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution kindergarten No. 3 "Pearl" Beloretsk municipal district Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

GCD summary for reading fiction

On the topic: « Miracle - tree»

for children 2 junior group.

Ustinova S. V.



Introduce Chukovsky's work « Miracle - tree» .

Develop the ability to listen to new works, follow the development of the action.

Formation of the ability to conduct dialogue with teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the leaves of familiar trees.

Develop the ability to create a collective composition, consolidating children’s knowledge of the shape and size of objects.

To cultivate responsiveness, kindness, attention and aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: shoes, galoshki, flaunt, bast shoes, patch holes.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Surprise moment. Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us today - these are your mothers and fathers. Let's say hello.

(knock on the door)

Guys, someone is knocking on our door... I’ll take a look now...

Look, a doll has come to us. What's your name? (Murochka)

Guys, the doll Murochka brought us pictures, she doesn’t know what’s written on them. Let's help Murochka. What is shown on them? Trees. Which?

2. Didactic game "Find a leaf"

The teacher gives the children a piece of paper (birch, oak, etc.) and each piece of paper remains with the teacher; there are pictures of trees on the tables. Then he shows which leaf, for example oak and speaks: “One, two, three – show me this piece of paper!”. Children show the required piece of paper, “now find a tree” We place the leaves on the desired tree.

3. Guys, you know a lot of trees, I want to read to you small piece K. Chukovsky « Miracle - tree» Murochka sit down with us and listen, the guys put their hands on their knees and sat up straight, their ears were ready to listen, well done, listen carefully (reading a work)

1) Who was sitting on Myron’s nose? (crow)

2) Who built nests on the tree? (ruff)

3) What is growing in the garden bed? (chocolates)

4) What grows at the gate? (miracle tree)

5) It’s not leaves or flowers that grow on the tree, but what? (stockings and shoes)

6) Who wears these shoes?

7) What is the guys name?

8) Did you like the work?

3. Outdoor game "Trees and Wind"

1) stood in a circle, put the legs like mine, straightened the back

2) a light wind blew - raise the arms up, slightly swing them

3) the wind has become even stronger - the trees are swaying from side to side (tilts left to right)

4) a strong hurricane wind is blowing - the trees are shaking violently (forward back, left, right)

5) the wind flew away, it became calm.

4. Well done guys! On my way to kindergarten today, I came across a crying tree, look at it. What happened to him, do you think? (answers) Guys, recently there was a strong wind and it tore off all the leaves. Let's think now, how can we help the tree? And I propose to decorate the tree miracle of buttons, look how many there are, big and small. Now each of you will take two buttons, one large and one small, show me where you have the big button and where the small one is. Watch how I attach the buttons...and now you...well done guys! Look what we came up with. Murochka, do you like it? Do you want to help the tree? Yes (the doll attaches buttons). Thank you guys, you are fine, but I have to go home, my mother will lose me. Guys, can I come to you again, I really liked your place? goodbye)

5. Conclusion

1) what work did we read?

2) Who came to visit us?

3) who did we help today?

4) did you like ours miracle tree?

Well done! And now

Goals :

1. Fix the general concept of “dishes”.

2. Expand and activate children’s vocabulary on the topics: “Dishes”, “Hygiene products”.

3. Learn to select adjectives for a noun.

4. Consolidate knowledge of colors, geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square).

5. Learn to coordinate speech with movement.

6. Develop attention, memory, general and fine motor skills.

Material: pictures of a “clean” and “dirty” boy, natural hygiene items (soap, washcloth, comb, shampoo, towel), a model of a tree, boots cut out of colored cardboard, a bi-ba-bo granny doll, toy dishes made of different materials ( wood, metal, plastic), picture of Mukha-Tsokotukha, whatman paper, gouache, cotton swabs, easel, audio recordings.

Integration educational areas: Communication, Cognition, Artistic creativity.

Progress of activities.


Guys, what exhibition? children's writer Did we organize it with you? (K.I. Chukovsky).

Do you love his fairy tales?

What tales of K.I. Chukovsky do you know?

Today we will go on an unusual journey. On a journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

Are you ready?

Children move to the music, pretending to be a train.


And here is the first station.

Look what a dirty, grimy boy greets us. Even his trousers had escaped. What kind of fairy tale do you think we are in? (Moidodyr).

The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs and help the boy become clean and tidy.

Didactic game “What do you need?”

Children choose from various items lying on the table, those that will help the boy become clean and tidy and tell him what each item is for. (Soap, washcloth, towel, shampoo, comb).

Didactic game “Choose a word.”

Children select adjectives for the word “soap”. (Slippery, fragrant, smooth, hard, pink, oval, etc.)

Didactic game “What does it look like?”

Children figure out what a sponge looks like. (IN in this case sponge round, yellow). Looks like cheese, wheel, sun, box, etc.

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes. The music of transformation sounds, the teacher turns the picture on the easel, on the other side there is a picture of a pure boy.


Guys, you taught the boy well about hygiene products and helped him become clean.

Children “ride” and stop at a model of a tree on which boots cut out of cardboard are attached. The second boot from each pair lies under the tree.

The teacher draws attention to the unusual tree on which the boots grow. He asks what fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky they ended up in. (Miracle tree).

Didactic game "Find a pair."

You need to choose a pair for each boot, focusing on the color of the boot and the shape of the clasp.

They stop near the bi-ba-bo doll - grandmother. Utensils are scattered around.

The children guess that they are in the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief.”

They help Grandma Fedora put the dishes in order.

Putting the selected piece of utensils away on the tray, the child names it. For example: “I will put a plastic cup on the tray.”

Physical education lesson “Washing the dishes.”

We will clean you with sand,

We'll pour boiling water over you,

Will you be there again

Shine like the sun.

Children perform movements according to the text.

Collective drawing using cotton swabs on the theme “Dandelions in a clearing.”

We give the painting to Mukha-Tsokotukha for the birthday girl.

The Tsokotukha Fly “thanks” the children for the gift and treats them with sweets.