What is the protection of the human person? An essay on the topic of protection of the human person in the story by Dubrovsky. Several interesting essays

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The inner world turns out to be more powerful for the hero than the laws of society, desires are more imperative than the consciousness of necessity. That's the point romantic hero. Pushkin preserves it in the novel, where he wants to realistically explore the reasons for the defeat of a romantic personality before the force of circumstances. When speaking about Vladimir Dubrovsky as a hero endowed with romantic impulses, we mean precisely the direct romanticism of his behavior and feelings, and not the complete romantic system of worldview that he doesn't have. He often does not fully realize his conflict with reality. The process of awareness of oneself and reality in Dubrovsky is not shown, as, say, it is done in Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time.” Pushkin’s interest in the problem of the relationship between romantic impulses and the laws of society was created by the post-December situation, when the bitterness of the heroes’ experience on December 14, 1825 required clarification of the causes of the disaster. On the connection between the romantic hero Vladimir Dubrovsky and inner world and with the impulses of the Decembrists, V. Klyuchevsky pointed out: “Dubrovsky the son is the other pole of the century and at the same time its negation. The features of a gentle, noble, romantically protesting and bitterly deceived by fate Aleksandrovite, a member of the Union of Welfare, are already noticeable in him.” It is significant that this idea belongs to a historian who was able to see in Pushkin’s novel a reaction to the social situation of the era. Pushkin recognized the idea of ​​individual independence as one of the conditions for social progress. In "Rebuttal to Critics" he wrote about historical significance ideas of honor, about the ancient nobility - the bearer of nobility and independence: “Whatever the image of my thoughts, I never shared with anyone democratic hatred of the nobility. It always seemed to me a necessary and natural class of a great educated people. Looking around me and reading our old chronicles, I regretted seeing how the ancient noble families were destroyed, how the rest were falling and disappearing... and how the name of a nobleman, hourly more humiliated, finally became a parable and a laughing stock for commoners who had become nobles , and even idle jokers!” These notes by Pushkin, written in Boldin in 1830, are very close to the feelings animating the old Dubrovsky. But for Pushkin “there are virtues higher than the nobility of the family, namely: personal dignity.” The idea of ​​honor and the protection of human rights lay at the heart of Pushkin’s humanistic worldview. Fidelity to this idea determined poetic creativity, and personal behavior. It is not for nothing that Lermontov will call the deceased Pushkin a “slave of honor.” Vladimir Dubrovsky is presented as a noble defender of this idea. Even having become a robber, he remains a servant of justice. This is how V. Dubrovsky appears in Globova’s story. He is endowed with the magnificent qualities of determination, courage, and self-control. Finding himself in Hamlet’s situation, Vladimir Dubrovsky also does not avenge his father. For Hamlet, “murder is vile in itself,” the humanistic worldview does not allow the Danish prince to turn into a blind instrument of revenge. To shed blood, Hamlet needs grandiose reasons and spontaneity of indignation. He cannot commit primitive revenge, for he is endowed with love for humanity and the consciousness of the impossibility of desecrating himself with a crime. Vladimir Dubrovsky is constrained in his actions by his love for Masha Troekurova. This is what Pushkin’s hero is usually accused of, just as Hamlet has been accused of reflection and passivity for many centuries. However, despite the equal size of these heroes, their refusal to take revenge is explained by lofty reasons. In Hamlet, revenge for his father develops into a struggle to restore humanity to the world. Hamlet's reflection led him to abandon the base motives of action. Rejecting them, Hamlet goes to tragic victory. In Dubrovsky, revenge for his father involuntarily develops into social protest. He becomes the protector of the offended. But Vladimir Dubrovsky does not overcome the base motives of action, like Hamlet, but refuses revenge for the sake of love. Urging Masha not to be afraid of the robber in him, Vladimir says: “It’s all over. I told him

At all times, there have been people who resigned themselves to the strength and inevitability of circumstances and were ready to accept fate as it is with their heads bowed. But at all times there have been people who were ready to fight for their happiness, people who did not want to tolerate injustice, people who had nothing to lose. We can meet such people on the pages of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”.
This work is deep and interesting. It impressed me with its idea, plot twists, sad ending, and characters. Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov, Vladimir Dubrovsky, Masha Troekurov - all these are strong and extraordinary personalities. But the difference between them is that Troekurov was by nature a good person, he had good friendly relations with the poor landowner Dubrovsky, he was characterized by human impulses, but at the same time he was a despot and a tyrant. Troekurov is a typical serf-owner, in whom a sense of his own superiority and permissiveness, depravity and ignorance is developed to the limit. Whereas Dubrovsky and Masha are noble, sincere, pure and honest natures.
The main problem The novel is the problem of protecting human dignity. But, one way or another, she is connected with all the characters in the work. First of all, this problem concerns the Dubrovsky family, which Troekurov deprived not only of the family estate, but also encroached on their noble honor and dignity.
Andrei Gavrilovich was confident that he was right, cared little about the court case that Troekurov started against him, and therefore could not defend his rights. Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky could not stand the unequal battle with a stronger opponent and died. Then Dubrovsky Jr. had to defend his own honor. By chance, he became the head of the peasant movement in order to “administrate his own justice.” But from the very beginning he did not agree with the methods of struggle against the landowners. His pure and sincere nature did not allow him to become a real thug - cruel and merciless. He was fair and merciful, so Vladimir did not lead the peasants for long. The peasant revolt was spontaneous, their actions were often contradictory, so they obeyed Dubrovsky’s orders, stopped the armed uprising and dispersed. “...Terrible visits, fires and robberies stopped. The roads have become clear."
But why doesn’t Vladimir touch the property of his offender, the richest landowner in the area - Troekurov? As it turned out, Dubrovsky fell in love with Kirill Petrovich’s daughter, Masha, and for her sake forgave his blood enemy. Masha also fell in love with Vladimir. But these heroes could not be together - Kirill Petrovich forcibly married his daughter to the old Count Vereisky. Vladimir did not have time to save his beloved from a marriage with an unloved person.
With such a plot twist, a sad ending, it seems to me that A.S. Pushkin shows that people in Russia are defenseless against evil and injustice. Neither the law nor society can protect him. He can only rely on his own strength.
Therefore, I understand Vladimir Dubrovsky, who became a robber. What else could he do? Finding no protection from the law, he also decided to live by unwritten rules - the rules of force and cruelty. But his noble, pure and sincere nature still limited the hero in this, making him a “noble robber.”

Lesson epigraph: “The strong are not the best, but the honest ones. Honor and self-dignity are the strongest” F.M. Dostoevsky

On screen:

Honor - 1. Moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride.

2. A person’s good, unblemished reputation, good name.

3. Honor, respect.

Moral internal spiritual qualities that guide a person, rules of behavior.

Dishonor - desecration of honor, insult.

Despotism - unlimited power, arbitrariness.

Lesson type: General lesson.

Target: generalization and systematization of acquired knowledge based on A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”.


    Find out how Pushkin’s heroes understand the words “honor” and “dishonor”, ​​how they defend their dignity and what the clash of their views on life ultimately leads to.

    Form a culture of coherent speech.

    Develop the ability to reason and draw conclusions.

    Bring up moral qualities: kindness, nobility, justice

Forms of work with students: group.

Teaching methods and techniques: informational and illustrative, partially search, research.

Intrasubject connections: Before this lesson, in classes devoted to the study of Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky,” the children became acquainted with the features of the novel genre, the main conflict, and the characters.

Interdisciplinary connections: Russian language.

Verbal teaching aids: textbooks.

Technical teaching aids: ICT, feature film“The Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky,” directed by V. Nikiforov, Ozhegov’s electronic dictionary.

Progress of the lesson.

    Org moment.

Explanation. Before this lesson, in classes devoted to the study of Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky,” the children became acquainted with the features of the novel genre, the main conflict, and the characters. At home they prepared answers to questions (in groups) that will be discussed in this lesson.

    Opening remarks. Today in class we will talk about moral basis Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky". As an epigraph to today’s topic, I took the words of F.M. Dostoevsky: “The strong are not the best, but the honest. Honor and self-respect are the strongest.”

    Clarification of the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

What do you think we will talk about in our lesson?

Our task is to find out how Pushkin’s heroes understand the words “honor” and “dishonor,” how they defend their dignity, and what the clash of their views on life ultimately leads to.

    Vocabulary work.

First, let’s find out the meaning of the words “honor” and “dishonor.” Let's see what definitions it givesOzhegov in electronic explanatory dictionary .

Search for definitions in the electronic explanatory dictionary: Group 1 – “honor”, ​​“morality”; Group 2 – “dishonor”, ​​“despotism”.

As you can see, the words “honor” have several meanings, but the word “dishonor” has only one.Why is this so? To be considered a man of honor, you must have high moral qualities, not tarnish your name with bad deeds, not violate the moral laws by which society lives, and evoke the respect of others not only through speech, but also through actions, deeds, and deeds.

But sometimes it is enough for a person to stumble once (that is, to go back on his word, betray, slander someone), and now he has become known as a dishonest person. Regaining honor is difficult and sometimes impossible. The topic of honor is very important for A.S. Pushkin. So, the epigraph to the story “ Captain's daughter” became the words: “Take care of your honor from a young age,” i.e. from the very beginning of life.

In the novel "Dubrovsky" main character- Vladimir - is presented as a noble defender of this idea. But a person is not born immediately honest or dishonest.

- What determines what kind of person a person will be? Which path will he choose?

(From upbringing, from the example of loved ones.)

Let's turn to Pushkin's novel and see what the older generation was like, which influenced the formation of the characters of Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova.

    Checking d/z

Comparative characteristics of A.G. Dubrovsky and K.P. Troekurova

Retelling and selective reading

Troekurov Kirila Petrovich (1st group)

- What was Kirila Petrovich Troekurov famous for?

(Wealth, noble family and connections that gave him heavy weight in the province.)

- What characterization does Pushkin give to Troekurov at the beginning of the novel?

(Barbarian idleness, being spoiled by everyone, love of riotous amusements, lack of education, limited intelligence, arrogance, self-will.)

- Is it possible, judging by this description, to talk about Troekurov as a pleasant person to talk to?

- How do the neighbors treat him? Provincial officials?

(They cater to his whims, tremble before him, do not dare to express their opinions or show dissatisfaction.)

- Is Troekurov happy with this situation? Why?

(Yes, because it suits his ideas of honor.)

- And what does he mean by the word “honor”?

(The honor and respect that a person has due to wealth, but moral qualities are not taken into account.)

Now let's turn to another character in the novel -Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky (2nd group) .

- What character traits of this hero does Pushkin emphasize?

(Independence, courage, impatience, determination.)

- What is his material and social status?

(An impoverished landowner, a retired lieutenant of the guard; he has an old noble name, but no connections and wealth.)

- Why did Troekurov become attached to Dubrovsky and continue to value his friendship?

(They are old comrades, similar in character and inclinations. Troekurov understands that Dubrovsky will not fawn on him like others. To some extent, he likes the pride of Dubrovsky, who even opposes the wedding of Vladimir and Masha.)

- Draw a conclusion: what are A.G.’s ideas about honor? Dubrovsky?

(An untarnished reputation, a good name, high moral qualities. It is no coincidence that Pushkin speaks of him as “poor and independent.”)


Thus, before us are two people who differ not only social status, characters, but also views on such moral concepts as honor and human dignity.

But, unfortunately, in the eyes of society, dignity is most often a person’s wealth, power and connections, and the proud Dubrovskys remain outside the general law. They are “allowed” to express their character within “reasonable limits.”

However, according to Pushkin, it is impossible to remain “outside the general law” indefinitely. Sooner or later you have to choose: stand up for your honor or, turning a blind eye to the insult, accept the rules by which society lives.

The agreement between the arrogant Troekurov and his poor friend and neighbor is blown up by a quarrel.

Watching an episode of the film “At the Kennel” 5.26

Our sympathies are, of course, with Dubrovsky.

- But think about who is to blame for the quarrel that occurred in the kennel? Who's right?

(There are no rightists here:

- Andrei Gavrilovich, a “hot hunter,” out of envy allows himself to make an overly harsh remark about the owner;

- the huntsman Paramoshka, feeling that he can flatter Troekurov and amuse him, boldly answers the poor landowner, deliberately trying to offend him;

- Troyekurov doesn’t even think about the fact that a “bold remark from a serf” might offend one of his guests. He laughs loudly.

What were the consequences of the quarrel between two old friends?

Troekurov, wanting revenge, seeks, with the help of Shabashkin, an unfair court decision: Kistenevka, Dubrovsky’s estate, which he legally owns, goes to Kirila Petrovich. Dubrovsky himself, feeling his powerlessness and struck by the injustice that has happened, goes crazy.

- Is Troekurov happy with this outcome? Is this what he wanted?

Humanity and compassion awoke even in Troekurov’s rough heart.

But, as we remember, the real laws of life turned out to be stronger. And the heir to the conflict, which was started by old Dubrovsky, becomes his son.

    Comparative characteristics Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky.

The main character of the novel isVladimir Dubrovsky .

- Describe Vladimir's life and dreams in the capital (Chapter III).

- Despite his outward carelessness, Vladimir Dubrovsky is very similar to his father. How?

(Honest, independent, capable of good deeds, proud, values ​​honor above all else.)

- Why couldn't Vladimir save his father?

(Vladimir’s spiritual impulses often do not coincide with life’s demands. To return mental health father, the son should have taken up litigation, but he, as a decent person, considered his cause to be right and did not take any steps. All this leads to a sad outcome.)

- Why does Dubrovsky become a robber? What motivates him?

(Feeling of insulted human dignity and family honor, revenge for the father.)

- Which landowner is afraid of Dubrovsky the Robber? Does he, having become the chieftain of a bandit gang, retain the nobility of his actions?

(Only to rich and eminent nobles. He is a kind of Russian Robin Hood, fair, disinterested and generous. Dubrovsky becomes an intercessor of the offended, turns into a hero for people of all classes. The story of the landowner Globova is indicative in this regard.)

Dramatization of the episode “The Story of Anna Savishna Globova” 4 min

How does Globova’s story characterize Dubrovsky?

(As a just man, a man of honor.)

- Does everyone in Troekurov’s circle agree with this assessment?

(No. For everyone, he, Dubrovsky, is just a robber who has violated the laws of society.)

So, having become a robber, Vladimir Andreevich remains a fair man.

But why doesn’t he take revenge for his father, for the insulted family honor? Moreover, why does he finally give up revenge?

(For the love of Masha Troekurova.)

Expressive reading of the episode "Explanation" (Chapter XII) 3 min

Let's read his own explanation in the chapter. Pushkin seems to emphasize his isolation from life.

Humanity in Dubrovsky defeated hatred of Troekurov.

Masha Troekurova

- Is Masha worthy of such a sacrifice from Vladimir?

- What influenced her character? (Chapter VIII) ?

(French novels.)

- What traits are inherent in Masha?

(Dreamy, feminine, capable of strong feelings.)

- Did Marya Kirillovna inherit her father’s character?

(She is not rude, not hot-tempered, not cruel, maybe a little stubborn.)

And yet Masha is a true daughter of her class. She is characterized by the prejudices of the aristocracy, for example, disdainful indifference towards the lower class.

- Remember when Masha pays attention to Deforge not only as her brother’s teacher, but as a person?

Retelling the episode with the bear. (2 min)

(The story with the bear. Bravery, proud pride, calmness turned Deforge in Masha’s eyes into the hero of the novel.)

- Why, having fallen in love with Dubrovsky, Masha hesitates to turn to him for help in order to avoid marriage with an unloved person? What was stopping her?

(Dubrovsky is a robber. Turning to him for help means going against society, against generally accepted morality, and dishonoring your name. Escape with a robber is dishonor. Marriage with Vereisky is a personal tragedy, but your good name will be preserved.)

View final scene film 1.32.13 – 1.35.01 (3 min)

- Why does Masha refuse the freedom that Dubrovsky offers her?

(Masha took an oath before God, she is Vereisky’s wife. To break her word is to deviate from strict morality.)

    Summing up.

Let's sum it upresults our conversation.

- How do Pushkin's heroes understand honor and dishonor?

Sample answers.

Troekurov: dishonor, when someone allows himself to act in his own way, without listening to your opinion, which means without showing due honor and respect; dishonor - to endure a remark from a less rich and noble landowner, thereby losing your authority.

A.G. Dubrovsky: dishonor is to endure insults from rich tyrants, swallow insults, and not defend your human dignity.

Vladimir Dubrovsky: dishonor - to leave an unrighteous act without vengeance, without punishment, to endure lawlessness.

Masha: dishonor - to go against public morality, guided by feeling, desire.

As we see, everyone is true to their own concept of honor.

- Why does the novel end tragically? Why is Dubrovsky, a noble defender of the idea of ​​honor and human rights, not successful?

(The noble impulses of the hero constantly collide with the laws of society, with generally accepted rules, which, no matter how hard he tries, Dubrovsky is unable to defeat. The dignity of the individual is valued by society less than the dignity of the nobility of the family.)

    Compiling a syncwine on the theme “Honor”

IX . Final word teachers .

Noble and honest people cannot live in a country where sycophancy reigns, where even the decisions of judges can be bought. Roman raises important problem: how a person can live in a world where injustice, lawlessness, and despotism reign.

Bulat Okudzhava ( Russian poet and composer)

Conscience, nobility and dignity -

Here it is, our holy army.

Give him your hand

There is no fear for him even in the fire.

His face is high and amazing.

Dedicate your short life to him.

Maybe you won't be a winner

But you will die as a person.

Conscience, nobility

and dignity...

X . Announcement of grades.

XI . Homework (optional):

Prepare 2 questions for the characters in the novel whom you would meet in a few years?

Make a plan for the continuation of the novel.

This lesson was only the beginning of a difficult conversation about a person’s personal dignity, about honor, justice and mercy. In the following classes we will be introduced to different points of view of others writers of the 19th century century on moral problems.

Protection of the human personality in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” At all times, there were people who resigned themselves to the force and inevitability of circumstances and were ready to accept fate as it is with their heads bowed. But at all times there have been people who were ready to fight for their happiness, people who did not want to tolerate injustice, people who had nothing to lose. We can meet such people on the pages of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”.

This work is deep and interesting. It impressed me with its idea, plot twists, sad ending, and characters. Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov, Vladimir Dubrovsky, Masha Troekurov - all these are strong and extraordinary personalities. But the difference between them is that Troekurov was by nature a good person, he had good friendly relations with the poor landowner Dubrovsky, he was characterized by human impulses, but at the same time he was a despot and a tyrant.

Troekurov is a typical serf-owner, in whom a sense of his own superiority and permissiveness, depravity and ignorance is developed to the limit. Whereas Dubrovsky and Masha are noble, sincere, pure and honest natures. The main problem of the novel is the problem of protecting human dignity.

But, one way or another, she is connected with all the characters in the work. First of all, this problem concerns the Dubrovsky family, which Troekurov deprived not only of the family estate, but also encroached on their noble honor and dignity. Andrei Gavrilovich was confident that he was right, cared little about the court case that Troekurov started against him, and therefore could not defend his rights.

Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky could not stand the unequal battle with a stronger opponent and died. Then Dubrovsky Jr. had to defend his own honor. By chance, he became the head of the peasant movement in order to “administrate his own justice.” But from the very beginning he did not agree with the methods of struggle against the landowners.

His pure and sincere nature did not allow him to become a real thug - cruel and merciless. He was fair and merciful, so Vladimir did not lead the peasants for long. The peasant revolt was spontaneous, their actions were often contradictory, so they obeyed Dubrovsky’s orders, stopped the armed uprising and dispersed. “...Terrible visits, fires and robberies stopped. The roads have become clear."

But why doesn’t Vladimir touch the property of his offender, the richest landowner in the area - Troekurov? As it turned out, Dubrovsky fell in love with Kirill Petrovich’s daughter, Masha, and for her sake forgave his blood enemy.

Masha also fell in love with Vladimir. But these heroes could not be together - Kirill Petrovich forcibly married his daughter to the old Count Vereisky. Vladimir did not have time to save his beloved from a marriage with an unloved person.

With such a plot twist, a sad ending, it seems to me that A.S. Pushkin shows that people in Russia are defenseless against evil and injustice. Neither the law nor society can protect him. He can only rely on his own strength.

Therefore, I understand Vladimir Dubrovsky, who became a robber. What else could he do? Finding no protection from the law, he also decided to live by unwritten rules - the rules of force and cruelty.

But his noble, pure and sincere nature still limited the hero in this, making him a “noble robber.”

What is meanness and honor? This is one of the questions he answers in his novel. “Dubrovsky” A. S. Pushkin.

The novel “Dubrovsky” is a work of adventure. This is a story about the dramatic fate of a poor nobleman, whose estate was illegally taken away, and about the fate of his son.

One of the heroes of the novel - Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. This is an old Russian gentleman, a very rich and noble man. He is famous not only for his numerous connections, but also for his immense power and willfulness. Indeed, nothing can resist the will of Kirila Petrovich - he is capable of carrying out raids on neighboring villages for the sake of boredom, seducing courtyard girls and, as it turns out, controlling court decisions.

Troekurov is very friendly with his neighbor - Andre Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, the only person who dares to freely express his opinion in the presence of Troekurov. Dubrovsky is poor, but this does not prevent him from remaining faithful to his own honor and independence in his relationship with Kirila Petrovich. These rare qualities endear the rich gentleman to his neighbor. However, from a good friend, Troekurov quickly turns into a real scoundrel when Andrei Gavrilovich, for reasons of honor, dares to contradict Troekurov’s will.

Kirila Petrovich chooses the most severe punishment for his offender: he intends to deprive him of his blood, force him to humiliate himself, and ask for forgiveness. For the sake of this, he enters into a conspiracy with another scoundrel - the judge's employee Shabashkin. Shabashkin, seeking Troekurov’s favor, is ready to even commit lawlessness. Nothing embarrassed him in Kirila Petrovich’s request, and he cleverly arranged everything, although the wayward master did not make any effort to do so.

The neighbor's angry behavior at the trial gave Troyakurov little pleasure. Kirila Petrovich expected tears of repentance, but what he saw was a sparkling gaze of malice, self-hatred and the ability to stand up for his own dignity to the end.

Troekurov’s numerous amusements also characterize him. One of them is fun with a bear. It gives Troekurov extraordinary pleasure to see his guest frightened to death, who is unexpectedly pushed into a room with an angry, hungry animal and left alone with him for some time. Kirila Petrovich does not value either the dignity of others or the lives of others, which he puts in danger.

Vladimir Dubrovsky comes out of this test with honor, because “he does not intend to tolerate offense.” Not a single muscle flinched in the brave young man when the bear rushed at him - Vladimir pulled out a pistol and shot at the beast.

Having set out on the robber's path, Dubrovsky remains noble man. There are amazing rumors about his nobility. At the same time, Vladimir is intolerant of meanness and brutally deals with scoundrels.

Despite the existing danger, Dubrovsky decides to explain himself to Masha, whom he fell in love with and to whom he could not reveal the truth about himself ahead of time. Vladimir makes an appointment with Marya Kirilovna and how honest man explains to her.

The heroine, who is proposed to by the instantly hated fifty-year-old Vereisky, seeks compassion from her father, but although he loves his daughter, he remains deaf to her pleas. Hoping for Vereisky's decency, Masha honestly tells him about her dislike and asks him to upset the upcoming wedding. But Vereisky does not intend to deviate from his goal - the old dragnet is eager to get the young beauty. He not only does not feel sympathy for Marya Kirilovna, but also talks about Masha’s letter to Kiril Petrovich, who, angry, only brings the wedding closer.

An unfortunate fate did not force Masha to deviate from her moral principles. When Vladimir makes an attempt to save her, she refuses him, since she has already managed to get married to Vereisky, and this vow is sacred to her.

In the novel “Dubrovsky” A.S. Pushkin talks about the eternal human values, therefore, today his novel is relevant and interesting to the reader no less than many decades ago.