What is a tribe? Ancient and modern tribes. meaning, definition of word

(English tribe, from Latin tribus), a type of ethnic community and socio-poetic structure, until recently theoretically associated primarily with the early stages of social evolution.

View value Tribe in other dictionaries

Tribe- Wed (fruit) in a broad sense: a species of animal. All the tribes of the earth. human, all people. | Knee, generation, clan, offspring. The Pozharskys died out and faded away. | Offspring | People,........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Tribe Wed.— 1. An ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name. // transfer outdated People, nationality. 2. transfer.........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Tribe- R. and d. tribe, tribe, tribe, plural. tribes, tribes (tribes obsolete), tribes, cf. 1. In a pre-class society - a collection of people, usually similar in physical type, united........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Tribe- tribe; pl. tribes, -men, -menam; Wed
1. Type of ethnic community and social organization of the era of the primitive communal system (consanguinity between members,......
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Tribe- A common Slavic word that goes back to the same base as the noun fruit (with a modified root vowel).
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Tribe- a type of ethnic community and social organization of a primitive society. Characteristic: consanguinity between its members, division into clans and phratries, common territory,........
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Tribe- ethnic type. community and social organization report. society. Will distinguish. a feature of this type is ethnic. The community is served by the existence of consanguineous ties between its members........
Soviet historical encyclopedia

Tribe- a type of ethnic community and social organization of the era of the primitive communal system. P. is characterized by consanguinity between its members, division into clans, phratries........
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Tribe- - English tribe; German Stamm. A type of ethnosocial community characterized by collective ownership, common language, specific social organization (tribal meeting,........
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Tribe and Tribal Society- (tride and tribbal society) - 1. (Usual sense) a pastoral or primitive farming society whose members share common cultural or linguistic characteristics......
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Tribe— - type of ethnic community and social organization of the era of the primitive communal system. Characteristic: consanguinity between its members, division into clans and phratries,........
Philosophical Dictionary

TRIBE- TRIBE, -meni, plural. -mena, -men, -menam, cf. 1. An ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name. Primitive........
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

They don't know what a car, electricity, a hamburger or the United Nations are. They get their food by hunting and fishing, believe that the gods send rain, and do not know how to write or read. They may die from catching a cold or flu. They are a godsend for anthropologists and evolutionists, but they are becoming extinct. They are wild tribes that have preserved the way of life of their ancestors and avoid contact with the modern world.

Sometimes the meeting occurs by chance, and sometimes scientists specifically look for them. For example, on Thursday, May 29, in the Amazon jungle near the Brazilian-Peruvian border, several huts were discovered surrounded by people with bows who tried to fire at the expedition plane. IN in this case specialists from the Peruvian Center for Indian Tribal Affairs carefully flew around the jungle in search of savage settlements.

Although recently scientists rarely describe new tribes: most of them have already been discovered, and there are almost no unexplored places on Earth where they could exist.

Wild tribes live in South America, Africa, Australia and Asia. According to rough estimates, there are about a hundred tribes on Earth that do not or rarely come into contact with the outside world. Many of them prefer to avoid interaction with civilization by any means, so it is quite difficult to keep an accurate record of the number of such tribes. On the other hand, tribes that willingly communicate with modern people gradually disappear or lose their identity. Their representatives gradually adopt our way of life or even go away to live “in the big world.”

Another obstacle preventing the full study of tribes is their immune system. "Modern savages" developed for a long time in isolation from the rest of the world. The most common diseases for most people, such as a runny nose or flu, can be fatal for them. The body of savages does not have antibodies against many common infections. When the flu virus strikes a person from Paris or Mexico City, his immune system immediately recognizes the “attacker”, since it has already encountered him before. Even if a person has never had the flu, immune cells “trained” against this virus enter his body from his mother. The savage is practically defenseless against the virus. As long as his body can develop an adequate “response,” the virus may well kill him.

But recently, tribes have been forced to change their usual habitats. Development modern man new territories and deforestation where savages live force them to establish new settlements. If they find themselves close to the settlements of other tribes, conflicts may arise between their representatives. And again, cross-infection with diseases typical for each tribe cannot be ruled out. Not all tribes were able to survive when faced with civilization. But some manage to maintain their numbers at a constant level and not succumb to the temptations of the “big world”.

Be that as it may, anthropologists were able to study the lifestyle of some tribes. Knowledge about their social structure, language, tools, creativity and beliefs helps scientists better understand how human development took place. In fact, each such tribe is a model of the ancient world, representing possible options for the evolution of culture and human thinking.


In the Brazilian jungle, in the valley of the Meiki River, lives the Piraha tribe. There are about two hundred people in the tribe, they exist thanks to hunting and gathering and actively resist being introduced into “society”. Piraha are distinguished unique features language. First, there are no words for shades of color. Secondly, the Pirahã language lacks the grammatical structures necessary for the formation of indirect speech. Thirdly, the Pirahã people do not know numerals and the words “more”, “several”, “all” and “every”.

One word, but pronounced with different intonation, serves to designate the numbers “one” and “two”. It can also mean “about one” or “not very many.” Due to the lack of words for numbers, the Pirahã cannot count and cannot solve simple mathematical problems. They are unable to estimate the number of objects if there are more than three. At the same time, the Pirahã show no signs of a decline in intelligence. According to linguists and psychologists, their thinking is artificially limited by the features of language.

The Pirahã have no creation myths, and a strict taboo forbids them to talk about things that are not part of their own experience. Despite this, the Pirahã are quite sociable and capable of organized actions in small groups.

Cinta larga

The Sinta Larga tribe also lives in Brazil. Once the number of the tribe exceeded five thousand people, but now it has decreased to one and a half thousand. The minimum social unit of the Sinta Larga is the family: a man, several of his wives and their children. They can move freely from one settlement to another, but more often they establish their own home. The Sinta Larga engage in hunting, fishing and farming. When the land where their home stands becomes less fertile or game leaves the forests, the Sinta Larga move from their place and look for a new site for their home.

Each Sinta Larga has several names. One thing - the “real name” - is kept secret by each member of the tribe; only the closest relatives know it. During their life, Sinta Largas receive several more names depending on their individual characteristics or important events that happened to them. Sinta Larga society is patriarchal and male polygamy is common.

The Sinta Larga have suffered greatly due to contact with the outside world. In the jungle where the tribe lives, there are many rubber trees. Rubber collectors systematically exterminated the Indians, claiming that they were interfering with their work. Later, diamond deposits were discovered in the territory where the tribe lived, and several thousand miners from all over the world rushed to develop the Sinta Larga land, which is illegal. The tribe members themselves also tried to mine diamonds. Conflicts often arose between savages and diamond lovers. In 2004, 29 miners were killed by Sinta Larga people. After that, the government allocated $810,000 to the tribe in exchange for a promise to close the mines, allow police cordons to be placed near them, and not engage in stone mining themselves.

Tribes of Nicobar and Andaman Islands

The Nicobar and Andaman Islands group is located 1,400 kilometers off the coast of India. Six primitive tribes lived in complete isolation on the remote islands: the Great Andamanese, Onge, Jarawa, Shompens, Sentinelese and Negrito. After the devastating 2004 tsunami, many feared the tribes had disappeared forever. However, it later turned out that most Of these, to the great joy of anthropologists, she escaped.

The tribes of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands are in the Stone Age in their development. Representatives of one of them - the Negritos - are considered the most ancient inhabitants of the planet who have survived to this day. The average height of a Negrito is about 150 centimeters, and Marco Polo wrote about them as “dog-faced cannibals.”


Cannibalism is a fairly common practice among primitive tribes. And although most of them prefer to find other sources of food, some have maintained this tradition. For example, the Korubo, who live in the western part of the Amazon Valley. The Korubo are an extremely aggressive tribe. Hunting and raids on neighboring settlements are their main means of subsistence. Korubo's weapons are heavy clubs and poison darts. The Korubo do not practice religious rites, but they have a widespread practice of killing their own children. Korubo women have equal rights with men.

Cannibals from Papua New Guinea

The most famous cannibals are, perhaps, the tribes of Papua New Guinea and Borneo. The cannibals of Borneo are cruel and indiscriminate: they eat both their enemies and tourists or old people from their tribe. The last surge in cannibalism was noted in Borneo at the end of the past - the beginning of this century. This happened when the Indonesian government tried to colonize some areas of the island.

In New Guinea, especially in its eastern part, cases of cannibalism are observed much less frequently. Of the primitive tribes living there, only three - the Yali, Vanuatu and Karafai - still practice cannibalism. The most cruel tribe is the Karafai, and the Yali and Vanuatu eat someone on rare ceremonial occasions or out of necessity. The Yali are also famous for their death festival, when the men and women of the tribe paint themselves as skeletons and try to please Death. Previously, to be sure, they killed a shaman, whose brain was eaten by the leader of the tribe.

Emergency reserve

The dilemma of primitive tribes is that attempts to study them often lead to their destruction. Anthropologists and ordinary travelers find it difficult to refuse the prospect of going to Stone Age. In addition, the habitat modern people is constantly expanding. Primitive tribes managed to carry their way of life through many millennia, however, it seems that in the end the savages will join the list of those who could not stand the meeting with modern man.

(English - tribe, German - stamm) - one of the types of ethnic and sociopothetary community, differently understood by different researchers, including domestic ones.

Until the 1960s, in the ethnography of the USSR, P. was considered as a type of ethnic community or ethnos inherent in all classical primitiveness (see), replacing the primitive human herd and, with the transition to class society, giving way to the next type - nationality (see). At the same time, following L.G. Morgan and F. Engels, a number of distinctive features P.: the idea of ​​distant real or fictitious kinship of fellow tribesmen, the presence of a tribal territory, linguistic (dialect) and cultural community, common tribal power, tribal self-name and self-awareness. However, even then attention was drawn (S.A. Tokarev, N.N. Cheboksarov, etc.) to the fact that the ethnic parameters of P. (language, culture, self-awareness) are formed earlier than its sociopothetary community (organization of power).

Subsequently, the concept of P. as an ethnic and sociopothetary community characteristic of the primitive communal system was rethought. A point of view was put forward according to which in hunting-gathering groups (in particular, among the aborigines of Australia), as a rule, there was not yet P. even as an ethnic unity, but there were only amorphous “pre-ethnic communities”, or “proto-ethnic groups”, only the most rudimentarily recording the kinship and cultural-linguistic proximity of local groups - communities (V.F. Gening, V.V. Chesnov, V.A. Shnirelman). Close to this is the view according to which in such societies the primary ethnic community was the community, while the ethnic community was only secondary and emerging (V.R. Kabo). At the same time, the opinion was expressed that in later primitive societies, the role of the main ethnic unit was not the tribe, but the tribe (see), understood as a group of related tribes living in the neighborhood, speaking dialects of the same language and having significant cultural commonality (N.N. Cheboksarov, S.A. Arutyunov, V.F. Gening). The above views are largely confirmed by factual data about early primitive P., which existed only in the form of ethnicos (q.v.) with their indeed often blurred boundaries. The concept of P. began to be used mainly in relation to late primitive ethnic groups, which had already formed as special ethnosocial organizations (see), and thereby as more discrete ethnic groups (Yu.V. Bromley).

During the era of class formation, many tribes consolidated into ethnosocial unions of tribes and ethnic families of tribes or “metatribes,” in which they were formed into states and nationalities (see Metaethnic community). However, sometimes even after this, even settled farmers retained memories of such formations (or the expanded territories themselves), for example, in the “barbarian kingdoms” of the Germans or the first Slavic principalities. Even greater stability of P. and their alliances was preserved among the majority of nomadic pastoralists of Eurasia and North Africa, which could be traced for a long time in their class society. Among the Pashtuns, Lurs, Bakhtiars, Balochis, Arab Bedouins, Tuaregs of the Sahara, etc. due to specific natural conditions Until capitalist times, tribal forms of ethnic community remained or remain in force. Remnants of such forms also existed among some peoples of the CIS, for example, the Turkmens.

The tendency to revise the concept of P. as the main type of ethnic community of primitiveness even earlier than in Russian ethnography was revealed in a number of works by Western scientists. Some of them, for example, M. Fried, went particularly far, questioning the very ethnic functions P. and interpreted the ethnosocial functions of P. as secondary, generated by contacts with class societies. However, such views did not receive general recognition in Western literature.

The term P. also has a broader, everyday meaning - offspring, clan, people. In the latter sense, its English equivalent is widely used in English-language literature to designate such peoples that have long since passed the tribal level of development, such as the multi-million-strong Hausa and Yoruba in West Africa, or such “registered” P., taken into account by Indian censuses, as the multi-million-strong Santachi, Gond, etc.

LIT.: Morgan L.G. Ancient society. L., 1934.

Tokarev S.A. The problem of types of ethnic communities // VF, 1964, N II.

EXPLANATION. Article The concept of TRIBE included in SERIES OF ARTICLES, How brief theory of the tribe. Links and table of contents for other articles can be found at the end of the article.

Definition of tribe

Description of the tribe

1.2. According to the rules of the research program, at the beginning it would be necessary to give a generally accepted definition of TRIBE, with which I will argue, but the fact is that even in modern anthropology there is no scientific tribe definitions. You can read in more detail about why anthropology uses the ethnographic definition of tribe, but in economic theory we should be interested definition of TRIBE as an economic category. And then we come to an understanding of the TRIBE as a historical community - a group of primitive people, the structure and number of which depended on the amount of resources that they could extract in the territory, which theoretically represents a circle of land with a center in the PARKING PARK, a radius of walking distance to the border during the light days there and back. - this is an economic group of primitive people on a land area with a diameter of about 50 kilometers, since before the advent of transport the sizes of natural-economic complexes were the same for all TRIBES.

1.3. TRIBE is the first that followed directly after the PACK of prehumans- steppe hominids, therefore, in essence, A TRIBE is a PACK, but PEOPLE, since it differed from STAI as a higher hominid, for the extraction of raw materials composition of the TRIBE was divided into separate detachments of hunters, while STAIS of hominids moved as a whole. With the human method of providing resources, a system of redistribution should have appeared in the PARKING LAND, because otherwise, a member engaged in the extraction of one type of raw material could not receive an assortment of other vital products.

1.4. I draw attention to the approach to the TRIBE as a phenomenon that naturally arises in history of a stable group in which people are connected so tightly that the existence of everyone depends on participation in this. Orthodox social sciences They look at society as a set of individuals who, of their own free will, decide whether to belong or not to belong to a community. But primitive people did not choose whether to belong to the TRIBE or not? - they themselves formed in a HACK of pre-human hominids, and in Nature they could not exist alone outside the community. The very possibility of existence is apart small group(for example, an autonomous family) or, moreover, as an individual - is a consequence of the achievements of recent technologies, but this individualism constitutes " cornerstone» modern socio-economic theories. Therefore, we can safely say: - modern social sciences ignore historical reality.

1.5. The meaning of the concept TRIBE in orthodoxy - this is the merit of subsequent interpreters, mostly Soviet. Therefore, in this series of articles, the object of criticism is not so much the statements of Marx and Engels about TRIBE, of which there are very few, and more - a Soviet history textbook primitive society For high school, which I consider to be the Marxist concept of tribe.


Linear hierarchy of the tribe

A chiefdom is a multiplied tribe

4.1. The natural direction of development of the TRIBE was. If there were no alien neighboring tribes developing the same region, then the splintered parts of the TRIBE could occupy neighboring areas, so that a network of related STATIONS arose. The proximity to the mother STATION allowed the members of the new STATION to continue to consider the LEADER of the mother STATION as their LEADER. In fact, the entire network of related STATIONS was one expanded TRIBE, since it was headed by one LEADER. Why does a TRIBE develop into a CHIEFdom? The fact is that the LEADER physically could no longer manage the economy of all the spin-off STANDINGS, so he appointed assistants there - naturally, from among his relatives. The privileged position of this class of managers, called the term - TRIBAL KNOWLEDGE, among not particularly related members of the branched off site - was justified only by close kinship with the LEADER. But the current leader could die, so to legitimize their power, the TRIBE ELITE creates mono theistic Cult of a common ancestor, which is the natural ideology of LEADERSHIP. Since the purpose of the cult was only to organize all members of society according to the degree of their relationship with this founder of the clan, the “common ancestor” could be anyone, even an animal. After all, the “common ancestor” was needed only as a starting point for the ranking principle - the LEADER himself was considered a direct heir, the tribal nobility counted their rank from the LEADER, the rest - according to the degree of kinship with the leader and the nobility.

4.2. WAR BETWEEN TRIBES is the stage of development of a TRIBE after LEADERSHIP. At the same time, it turns out that I think that ALL tribes go through the stage of LEADERSHIP? The point is that when developing a region, the tribe that came here, as a rule, has a fairly large territory, which allows the TRIBE to develop in the direction of CHIELDhood. In fact, all TRIBES, in the case of the neighboring location of the spin-off sites, begin to form into CHIEFMANDS, but in the presence of neighbors, it is not possible to create a large-scale CHIEFHOLDhood - the subsequent spin-off parts are forced to leave through neighbors to where there is free land. Therefore, to explain the reasons for the occurrence of WAR BETWEEN TRIBES, only the case of a developed CHIELDhood, like some of the disappeared civilizations of America, is of interest. The Malthusian trap leads to war between even related STATIONS in the CHIELDhood, so they break into several hostile ALLIANCES. I put forward the following hypotheses: - that any CHIEFSHIP returns to the high road of TRIBAL development through wars between STAND-TRIBES to the conclusion of TRIBAL UNIONS.

4.3. We have already presented the CHIEFdom as one a multiplied TRIBE that only lives in different SITES, the natural complexes of which form a continuous settlement. But when there are alien tribes that have occupied neighboring areas, then the splintered parts of the TRIBE must leave through the neighbors’ areas to the periphery of the region, and, of course, a long distance contributes to the loss of connections with the mother STATION. It’s just that with mosaic settlement, relationships with neighbors turn out to be more important than connections with the distant maternal TRIBE. But even in the absence of neighbors in a region of any size, someday there will be free areas for budding are running out, and then they begin to fight for the land, and only an UNION with neighboring tribes could serve as salvation from the capture of the natural complex. After all, to lose the natural complex meant certain death from hunger, therefore, in relations between tribes, the territorial sign of proximity defeated the criterion of consanguinity. The UNION did not save from capture, but the members of the UNION did not allow the invader to keep the natural complex, they jointly attacked, drove out the invader and returned the site to the previous owner.

4.4. MILITARY-POLITICAL UNIONS arise not on the basis of kinship, but only on a territorial basis neighborhood. When wars begin, consanguineous TRIBES may find themselves on opposite sides of the fronts, which become the borders of the UNION. An awareness of community arises, as belonging to the same UNION, because the criterion for dividing into “us” and “alien” is determined on a territorial basis - “now we and our neighbors are a community, since we are fighting together, because we live on the same side borders UNION". They create ethnic groups and nationalities, since the closure of all marriage relations among only TRIBES located within borders UNION, over generations creates ethnic homogeneity of the UNION population.

4.5. It is considered typical example of a TERRITORIAL MILITARY-POLITICAL UNION- this is the Union that invited to. What immediately catches the eye is the fact that this Union was created obviously not related tribes: Finno-Ugric tribes (Chud), Slavs (Ilmen Slovenes and Krivichi), Baltic tribes under the name all . We will not discuss that anthropologists were mistaken, as always, in calling this Union typical, there were still quite a lot of free lands there, so the MAIN goal of the formation of this Union should be considered - precisely organizing robbery expeditions, for the transition to the economic practice to which the Normans, who fell into a cruel Malthusian trap on the harsh Scandinavian Peninsula, had already switched since the 7th century. Heterogeneous tribes living around Lake Ladoga also took part in predatory campaigns, so the invited military leader Necessarily had to be from the Vikings in order to be able to lead the UNION ARMY, since it was the Viking-Varangians who knew best how to organize a predatory campaign towards rich Greek settlements on the shores of the Black Sea.

4.6. The second function of the invited Viking Varangian (we know this from the chronicles) was the role of an arbitrator to resolve disputes between tribal groups, so he had to be as objective as possible, which in the old days was understood as the candidate’s absence of any family ties with any tribe from the UNION. After all, among the leaders there was no shortage of candidates for the role of the main arbiter, but then the rest of the tribal leaders would have perceived this as nothing other than a claim to the role of the main leader. But a third party small squad - in the best possible way satisfied the interests of all the heads of the tribes, since he was alien to all of them by blood, which excluded any tribe from receiving privileges. Therefore, when, being only one of a series of Varangians invited as an arbiter, he carried out a coup in Novgorod, the leaders did not show much resistance. For the tribal nobility, the main thing was that any leader of one of the tribes that was part of the UNION should not come to power in the UNION (as the Main Leader). But a stranger in the place of the main leader did not upset the balance between the heads of the allied tribes, which completely tripled the tribal nobility of the local tribes.

4.7. The finiteness of the land surface is the main factor in the development of mankind. However, the formation of UNIONS does not solve the crisis of overpopulation of PARKING PLANTS, which falls under the definition of a Malthusian trap. The tribes lived exclusively on the resources of their own natural complex, so in order to increase the volume of resources it was necessary to either (1) increase the size of the existing one, or (2) develop a new territory. The size of one’s own complex cannot be increased (before the advent of transport, it was limited by the physical ability of people to reach the border and return to the PARKING PARK at night), and the free sites with the growth of numbers would someday have to end. The era of wars between tribes for land that had begun could not stop, but with the advent of UNIONS it is already difficult to retain someone else’s land, since now the members of the UNION will jointly recapture and return the land to the previous owner. Therefore, in conditions of overpopulation, the labor division systems of all STATIONS switch mainly to food production. In order to use previously unused types of raw materials, we have to abandon the production of household items.

4.8. I draw the reader's attention that the theory of the tribe is more economic than anthropological, since in it - TRIBE is an economic category, and therefore is explained by the provisions (otherwise).

Tribes and trade

The emergence of exchange of goods

5.1. TRIBES could not conduct exchange, much less trade, since their economy was a closed system of division of labor. It would seem that overpopulation could be alleviated through exchange, as is believed in orthodox theories, but the fact is that economically the TRIBE was a country that could not interact with other TRIBES. Of course, between the TRIBES, for the sake of maintaining peace and exchanging brides, there was a reciprocal exchange or, as it is called in orthodoxy, the economy of the gift, but there could be no trade or exchange in the usual sense, since the TRIBES communicated only with neighboring TRIBES, but in one In the region, all neighboring tribes had the same range of products produced. Therefore, people did not understand why change if they could produce the product themselves, and, in addition, produce something in excess hoping for an exchange- meant denying yourself the production of something necessary today. What kind of trade is it if people rarely went beyond the boundaries of their own natural and economic complex, and there were no markets.

5.2. How did the product appear?? The Malthusian crisis of overpopulation, which only intensified in the tribal sites, even after unification into the UNIONS, contributed to the emergence of such a union structure as the ARMY. After all, if it is impossible to increase the volume of resources, there is no trade yet, it has become impossible to capture someone else’s natural complex, then all that remains is robbery of ready-made products from other tribes, therefore to eliminate the shortage of products in the TRIBAL UNIONS appears economic agent, which became the ARMY. It is clear that one TRIBE was not able to support a gang of robbers, so the ARMY is formed from representatives of individual TRIBES, obviously, in the STATION OF THE COMMANDER, who himself becomes the MILITARY LEADER OF THE UNION. Since a noticeable part of the booty brought from predatory campaigns settled among the military, the STATION OF THE MILITARY LEADER turns into the capital of a new unit of humanity, which is called -. The reader can see a contradiction here - I argued that the TRIBES could not trade, but in context - I am talking about the growth in the number of the WAR LEADER'S STAND more than possible number of any SITE, which can only be explained by the appearance of items that could serve as an exchange item to attract additional resources to the CAPITAL, which supported usually impossible to park numbers.

5.3. However, first let us understand why the population of the UNION CAPITAL is growing? Following the army members, TRIBAL LEADERS move from the TRIBAL SITES to the CAPITAL, since only here inter-tribal political issues are resolved. To meet the needs of the ARMY, artisans move here from other SITES, primarily those who know how to make weapons. And the ARMY itself and its members present a DEMAND (desire to have), which they are already able to “pay for” with mining items, which become the first goods. But what was different about an item from war booty that became the first commodity?

5.4. Objects of exchange and trade could only be items from booty, since they were external for the TRIBAL division of labor system and had signs of charms , in the sense that their ownership did not have a particularly practical utilitarian meaning, except for an element of prestige, and withdrawal from economic activity (unlike small-town ones) did not disrupt this activity. (See) After all, a TRIBE is one in which everything that was produced was consumed in it, or rather, nothing unnecessary was produced for which there was no immediate utilitarian need. In addition, all the items produced in were common, which means that none of them can be used for exchange, since it cannot be withdrawn, because withdrawal could disrupt the established production process. But, if there were no extra or free items, then they could be used in the exchange only external items for the TRIBE.

5.5. However, in addition to the subject of exchange, you also need a desire (more precisely, lust) to own it, which is called the word DEMAND. Therefore, the objects of trade could be items from the booty, since (1) the possession of these items had the nature of prestige, and (2) the exchange of them as external ones was safe for the tribes. After all, an item from the loot usually went only to a member of the ELITE or a warrior, a participant in a campaign, in whose hands it testified to participation in the campaign, so possession of it raised the status of the owner, i.e. satisfied the exchange participants.

Stages of tribal evolution

Demographic crisis as a factor of evolution

6.1. Age of Tribes ends due to a demographic crisis of overpopulation (Malthusian trap), which inevitably occurs in any region of the planet. create heads of TRIBES as a guarantee from depriving a TRIBE of its natural complex in the course of which inevitably begins in order to get out of the demographic crisis into which all TRIBES find themselves developing a certain region. It is clear that with this approach - speed of tribe evolution depends on the rate of population growth, which in the era of TRIBES was determined by the wealth of the region in resources. The richer the land of the natural-economic complex of the TRIBE, the faster the growth in the number of tribes, and therefore, the earlier historically the movement towards the formation of MILITARY-POLITICAL UNIONS began, which were PROTO-STATES, since with them both borders and supra-captive allied bodies appeared, mainly of which we must count the ARMY.

6.2. The first civilizations were the result of Malthusian traps in the natural climatic oases of the Earth. It immediately becomes clear why the richest natural and climatic regions became places where ancient civilizations appeared. The Nile Valley, Mesopotamia, India, China and the shores around the freshwater lake, which was on the site of the modern Black Sea, which was the center of the Indo-Europeans, already at the dawn of mankind became places of a demographic crisis, since they had the most favorable natural and climatic conditions for human reproduction. But unlike America, in Afro-EuroAsia there were many different tribes that began to develop one region, so development along the path of CHIELDhood due to wars for land, it quickly ceased with the formation of MILITARY-POLITICAL UNIONS returning to the road. The Malthusian traps that brought people to the brink of starvation forced them to look for a way out, which, in my theory, consisted of growth scale of the division of labor system. Accordingly, within the boundaries of the region affected by the crisis, units of humanity merged into new, more numerous formations. After the emergence of the appropriate management systems of the UNION, the division of labor systems of each TRIBE began to interact through the division of labor system of the CAPITAL STANDING OF THE UNION. The new unit of human existence had an order of magnitude greater number, which was a critical condition for both the growth of the scale of the system and the growth of the level of division of labor, which resulted in an increase in the range and volume of consumed products. Human societies did not move from one abstract stage of formation to another; in order to achieve the goal of maintaining the achieved numbers, they were forced to combine systems of division of labor into much larger ones - not only in numbers, but also in the size of the territory that provided people with resources.

6.3. Growth in numbers is both the goal and the means of human development. Until now, politicians will not understand that in order to achieve the goals of: - both one person, and an individual state, and all of humanity - live better, which biologically means - to reproduce faster, you need UNITY into a planetary unit of humanity. The growth in numbers is both a condition and a subsequent result of the globalization of the division of labor systems of different states, and the reverse process - the breakdown of the international trade system - means a rollback to the previous stable units, the smaller division of labor systems of which are not capable of feeding today's multiplied population.

6.4. The condition for development is the growth of the number of units of humanity, since this is the only way to increase the level of consumption, but growth never leads to a Malthusian crisis of overpopulation, the resolution of which requires the merging of the systems of division of labor of previous units of humanity into a new SRT, which we call the term - EVOLUTION humanity. Economic approach when every TRIBE, and all other units of humanity, are considered a system of division of labor, helps to imagine social evolution (as Marxists would say - the passage of societies through the stages of socio-economic formations) as the destruction of previous systems as a result of merger-formation much larger system, which, if it is sustainable, is the next unit of humanity. The representation of all units of humanity as economic categories made it possible to consider all historical stable communities as peer phenomena, so that social evolution can be illustrated scheme changing units of humanity, each of which we associate with a certain system of division of labor:


Territorial Military-Political Union of Tribes

6.5. This SCHEME is supported by the economic provisions of NEOCONOMICS and is intended to replace the scheme of changing socio-economic formations, which has established itself in the world thanks to the popularity of Marxism. Humanity Unit Change Scheme demonstrates the connection of the human species with previous species of hominids, since the TRIBE as the first unit of humanity directly followed the PACK of hominids and therefore inherited the hierarchical structure of the PACK.

6.6. Reconstruction of the development of the TRIBE showed that the primitive communal system is the period of existence not just one formational unit of human existence, which we call TRIBE. Theory of pre-state societies

a form of community of people characteristic of the primitive communal system. P. is based on tribal relations, which determine the disunity of tribes by territory, language, and culture. Only the individual’s belonging to the P. made him a co-owner of common property, provided him with a certain share of the produced product, the right to participate in public life. The displacement of clan relations by commodity relations led to the disintegration of tribes and their unification into nationalities.

Great definition

Incomplete definition ↓


ethnic type community and social organization of pre-class society. P. in its rudimentary form appears simultaneously with the birth, because the exogamy of the latter requires constant connections between at least two clan groups. Archaeologically, the emergence of P. is usually recorded only in the Mesolithic, when its formation as a social and ethnic structure ended. community. Basic features of P., as ethnic. community, and its social structure were scientifically characterized by Engels on the basis of the works of L. Morgan and other researchers. In the 1950s under the influence of Stalin's statement about generic languages, the theory about the later appearance of P. in comparison with the genus gained some currency (see the discussion in the journal "Soviet Ethnography", 1951, No. 2). However, in the future this so-called was not confirmed (see S. A. Tokarev, The problem of types of ethnic communities, "VF", 1964, No. 11). Characteristics of the emerging P. are: the presence of a tribal territory, usually delimited from the territory of neighboring tribes. boundaries; defined economy, community and mutual assistance of fellow tribesmen, expressed, for example, in collective hunts; a single tribal language; tribal self-designation and identity, etc. Unlike subsequent types of ethnic. communities (nationality, nation), P. is based on the common origin of the clans included in it, on consanguinity. connections between its members. Precisely consanguinity. connection that unites two or more. clans, makes them P. The developed P. of the end of the era of the primitive communal system had tribal self-government, consisting of a tribal council, military and civil. leaders. Property is gradually developing in P. stratification, rich and poor clans are distinguished, tribal nobility appears, the role of the military grows. leaders, who often capture citizens. power in the patrimonial system. Pedigree unions appear, in which, according to Engels, “... the organs of the clan system are gradually torn away from their roots in the people, in the clan, in the phratry, in the tribe, and the entire clan system turns into its opposite : from an organization of tribes for the free regulation of their own affairs, it turns into an organization for the robbery and oppression of neighbors, and accordingly, its organs from instruments of the people's will turn into independent organs of domination and oppression directed against their own people" (Marx K. and Engels F. , Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 21, pp. 164–65). In surviving later forms, the tribal organization can be preserved in a class society, intertwined with slave ownership. and even capitalist. relations (tribes of nomads of the Arabian Peninsula, Bedouins of North Africa, etc.). Lit.: Engels F., The origin of the family, private property and the state, Marx K. and Engels F., Works, 2nd ed., vol. 21; Formozov?. ?., About time and history. conditions of the formation of the tribal organization, "Soviet Archeology", 1957, No. 1; Zolotarev?. ?., Tribal system and primitive mythology, M., 1964. L. Fainberg. Moscow.