What does a smile symbolize in American etiquette? Features of etiquette in North American countries. Business etiquette in the USA

If you have fully mastered the rules of etiquette (so as not to look uncultured, rude and uncouth boor) accepted in your country, this does not mean that the skills you acquired will be useful when communicating with people abroad. In fact, many things that are considered harmless or perhaps even polite in your society will cause people in other parts of the world to look at you sideways, disapprovingly, or with surprise.

This article presents eleven rules of behavior that are generally accepted in the United States of America and indecent in other parts of the world. Globe.

1. TIP

If a resident of the United States of America does not leave a tip in a bar or restaurant, it is unlikely that they will want to see him here again. Among relatives, friends, acquaintances, waiters and owners of cafes or restaurants, he will be known, frankly, as a redneck, which will ruin his reputation. However, in Japan, leaving a tip in restaurants is, oddly enough, considered rude. For good quality maintenance here does not require additional monetary incentives; it is already included in your invoice.

Considering the fact that in America the quality of service does not depend at all on the amount of tips left (waiters take them for granted), it would probably be a good idea to abolish this practice of rewarding all over the world and pay waiters more.

However, if you are going to Japan, this does not mean that you will not have to leave a tip anywhere. In service sectors such as tourism, where tour guides and tour guides primarily deal with Western tourists, financial incentives for workers are quite welcome.


In the United States of America, whistling in public places has different attitudes: positive people associate it with carelessness, lightness, energy, cheerfulness and good mood, while cynics consider this action to be a manifestation of extreme arrogance and a lack of self-awareness, however, you are unlikely to find many people here who consider it rude and indecent.

Another thing is Haiti, where children and young people are prohibited from whistling in the presence of adults.

According to Haitian blogger Mandy Claude Louis-Charles, children in Haiti should be seen, not heard. Below is a list of things that you are strictly prohibited from doing when you are around people older than you (no matter how old you are).

You can't whistle.
- You can't sit with your legs crossed.
- You are not allowed to look directly into the eyes of a person who is older than you (especially if he is gossiping with someone or having an “adult” conversation).
- You can’t stand with your hands on your hips.

All this speaks of your arrogance, self-confidence and impudence. If you behave this way, you will definitely be reprimanded.


Americans are used to laughing loudly and loudly. Jokes and funny stories, of course, are liked by all people without exception, but you should not always react to them with hysterical, explosive laughter with your mouth wide open.

In Japan, deafening laughter, during which a person has all thirty-two teeth visible, is compared to the neighing of horses and is considered a manifestation of bad taste, especially for girls and women. In turn, American etiquette prohibits coughing, yawning or eating with an open mouth.


Most Americans are fine with people arriving late to parties, holidays, or special occasions, but in general it is considered rude to be late because you are making yourself wait, thereby disrespecting the host and other guests. Take, for example, a dinner party. It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare it. When you are late, you make the hosts worry, the guests wait, and the food get cold.

However, in Argentina, showing up for a dinner party at exactly the appointed time is the same as arriving at a party an hour early in America. In Argentinean culture, being late is not considered a sign of bad taste; on the contrary, if you arrive on time, you risk catching the hosts in the process of final preparations. They will regard this as arrogance and insolence on your part.


If you find yourself in a large Japanese metropolis, then you have every chance of meeting a person walking down the street, say, in a business suit and with a surgical mask on his face. Most people in the United States think masks make people look stupid, but you have to thank those who wear them for not wanting to spread their germs. The Japanese, feeling that they have caught a cold or some other infection, do not appear in public places without surgical masks, considering this a sign of politeness and good manners. This makes sense given the fact that Japan is one of the most populous and urbanized countries in the world.

Interestingly, since the 2000s, surgical masks in Japan have become not only a means of preventing the spread of germs, but also a fashion accessory that prevents the face from freezing in cold weather and helps hide emotional reactions.


In the United States of America, it is customary to open a gift in the presence of the giver, which is almost the best part of the presentation, during which you either express sincere gratitude or try in every possible way to disguise your disappointment.

However, in many Asian countries, including China and India, opening a gift in the presence of the giver and guests is considered rude and bad manners. Agree, it will be very awkward if your gift turns out to be much more modest than others.


Ignorance of gift-giving etiquette can lead to mistakes that will spoil the overall impression of you. If you are going on a trip to Asia, then here is another piece of advice for you, just in case, following which you will look generous and generous in the eyes of others. well-mannered person. If someone in the United States of America, when given a gift, is more three times will say “What are you, I won’t take it,” at best he will be considered too modest, at worst - a little rude. However, in Japan, refusing a gift a hundred times is par for the course. Blogger Makiko Ito calls it a "ritual dance" of good manners and traditions.


In America, when meeting, it is customary to shake hands right hand, even if you are left-handed. Otherwise, people whose left hemisphere of the brain is dominant do not experience any difficulties, and certainly are not considered rude and ill-mannered, if they do something with their left hand.

Here are a few examples of things that in many countries of the world cannot be done with the left hand, according to the rules of etiquette: giving and taking gifts, touching people - in general, everything that involves tactile contact and does not require the use of both hands.

Why? You are right if you thought that the left hand is associated with evil in many cultures. But the main reason is that throughout history, the left hand was considered to be intended for performing hygiene procedures.

9. Blowing your nose in public places

If you blow your nose in public places, in the United States of America it will be perceived with irritation rather than censure. However, the Japanese believe that blowing your nose when other people are nearby is extremely impolite. In fact, the Japanese word “hanakuso” (“nasal discharge”) literally means “nasal waste.”


If you notice someone in America with their fingers crossed, it means that they are either calling for good luck or making a wish. But if you have watched the TV series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, you probably know that in Vietnam, crossing your fingers is considered an indecent gesture and means the word “vagina.”


In the United States of America, it is considered quite normal if you keep your hands in your pockets when talking to a person. However, in South Korea such behavior is unacceptable. By keeping your hands in your pockets, you are showing disrespect for your interlocutor. Just ask Bill Gates, who found himself in the middle international scandal after greeting South Korean President Park Geun-hye with a handshake, while keeping his left hand in his pocket. Of course, Bill Gates had no intention of offending or humiliating anyone, but most residents South Korea treated his gesture insultingly.

The material was prepared by Rosemarina - based on an article from the site

The United States is a country of many nationalities and, as a result, a country of great cultural diversity. Even those Americans who have lived in the States for many generations will certainly have Irish, German, Italian or other roots.

Americans are straightforward, friendly and open. They quickly get acquainted and easily start a conversation. More reserved Europeans may find them unexpected or even rude.

In America, individualism is highly valued - people take pride in their personal achievements, initiative and success.

Phrase "Time is money" made famous by Benjamin Franklin, and Americans are still guided by this principle. They value people who know how to manage time effectively. Punctuality serves as an indicator of reliability and discipline.

Meeting and Greetings

  • In general, American greetings are quite informal. This is not a sign of disrespect, but a demonstration of the equality of all present.
  • In meetings with large numbers of people, Americans will not necessarily shake everyone's hand. They can say “Hello”, or “How are you?”, or even just “Hi”. When saying goodbye, a handshake is rarely used.
  • The handshake should be brief but strong. Maintain eye contact while doing this.
  • “See you later” is just a figure of speech. You may hear this phrase even if the person is not going to see you anymore.
  • When saying goodbye, an American can say “We"ll have to get together" or "Let"s do lunch." It's just a gesture of friendliness. Don't take this as an invitation unless your American colleague says . If you really want to meet, take the initiative and set a time yourself.
  • When introducing one person to another, tell something about him brief information. For example: "Janet Freeman, I"d like you to meet Fred Harrison. He designed the brochure we are using for this campaign."
  • Americans tend to quickly switch to first names (that is, to “you”), sometimes immediately after meeting people. This is especially true for young companies.
  • Americans are not too particular about names. Don't take it as an insult if someone mispronounces or shortens your name. Or suggest a more convenient form of your name yourself. For example: “My name is Rajesh Bhatnagar. You can call me Raj."

Gestures and body language

  • Maintain a distance when talking - at least 60 cm. If an American thinks that you are standing too close, he may retreat without even thinking about it.
  • Americans smile a lot, even strangers, and expect smiles in return.
  • Some people like to pat their colleagues on the back as a sign of friendship.

Corporate culture

  • Americans regard a business card simply as a source of information for the future and exchange them without any special protocol. It's not an insult if your business card is immediately tucked into your wallet and into your back pants pocket.
  • Americans prefer directness in communication. "Yes" means "yes", "no" means "no". If an American says “Maybe”, this is not a form of veiled refusal, it really is “maybe”.
  • Don't be shy if you don't understand something. Americans ask a lot of questions and are not afraid to admit that they don’t know something.
  • Interrupting a speaker is indecent. Wait for a pause, say “Excuse me” and wait until they pay attention to you. At the same time, people quite often interject into the conversation, so do not take long pauses in speech if you do not want to be interrupted.
  • Americans really appreciate it. Oral agreements are rarely enforceable. When entering into a contract, make sure you read all the fine print.
  • When communicating in writing, it is very important to correctly indicate titles and titles. If you are not sure, please clarify.
  • Be punctual. Americans view being late as a sign of disrespect and carelessness. It is customary to arrive about 5 minutes early for business meetings. If you are 10-15 minutes late, be sure to call and apologize.
  • It is very important to meet deadlines. If you say you will provide information by such and such a date or call at such and such a time, that is what is expected of you. People who do not comply with agreements are considered irresponsible and untrustworthy.
  • usually quite informal in atmosphere, but serious in content. Information material is usually distributed before the meeting, so you are expected to be up to date.
  • You are expected to actively participate in meetings. A person who keeps quiet a lot may be seen as unprepared or unable to make a meaningful contribution.
  • Americans love it. Use statistics to support your opinion.
  • The meeting usually ends with the development of a plan that the participants must implement. Negotiations are considered successful if concrete solutions are reached.
  • Typically, one person is responsible for making the final decision. The Americans may start negotiations with inflated demands, but are willing to make concessions and consider various possibilities.
  • The goal of most negotiations in the United States is to sign a contract for a specific transaction. Long-term relationships may not be the main goal.
  • Negotiations are usually intense and can seem fast-paced. This is another manifestation of the “time is money” principle.
  • Americans are ready to discuss business on the phone, even if they have not seen the interlocutor in person.
  • In business speech, Americans tend to use sports terms (“Touch base”, “Call the shots”, “Ballpark figures”, “Game plan”)
  • In general, Americans love to laugh and love people with a sense of humor.
  • Golf - popular look sports, especially among senior managers. The golf course can often be a business meeting place.
  • Perseverance is another important trait of American businessmen.

Negotiations over lunch

  • Americans often invite business partners over for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Conversation over a meal usually begins with simple communication, but mostly will revolve around business.
  • If so, the inviting party pays for it.
  • Don't be late, but don't arrive early either. It is best to show up 5-10 minutes later than the time specified on the invitation.
  • Don't be afraid to offend someone by refusing an invitation. A much more serious mistake would be to promise and not show up.
  • Americans tend to eat faster than other countries and rarely engage in socializing over meals.
  • Americans often. This is considered a demonstration of open intentions.
  • Unlike many other cultures, in the United States it is considered normal to refuse treats or alcohol. In most cases, the owners of the house will not persuade you to eat.


  • At business meetings, as a rule, it is not customary to give gifts. Don't consider it an insult if someone refuses a gift.
  • If you are invited home, take flowers, sweets, books or wine with you. You can give plants in pots.
  • Americans will appreciate a gift from your country. Good choice there will be your local arts or crafts, books, candy or alcohol.
  • Gifts of cash are not acceptable in any setting.

Knowledge of the peculiarities of business etiquette in the USA will help you successfully establish relationships with American friends and partners. This knowledge may also be useful to you when preparing for an interview or in.

America is called the land of opportunity. And this is not in vain. The USA not only has its own strong economy, but also has a great influence on global business. That is why many companies around the world seek to cooperate with American colleagues, opening up new prospects for business.

Thanks to American cinema, it may seem to us that we know the culture and habits of this country quite well, but in fact this is not entirely true. If you want to establish strong business relationships, you should know that business etiquette in the United States has its own characteristics and differences from the way we conduct business negotiations.

How to behave at a business meeting

First contact

“Time is money” is the main rule of the American business world. However, despite this, it should be taken into account that Americans allow 10 minutes of small talk before the start of a meeting or negotiation. Often these are conversations about hobbies, interests or sports. Political discussions or disputes can, on the contrary, put an end to cooperation that has not yet begun.


Business etiquette in the United States involves a short greeting with a quick handshake and looking into each other's eyes. It is also customary in America to exchange standard greeting phrases, for example, “How are you” or “Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.” In the case where the greeting refers to a woman, you should be extremely careful. If you are sure whether your new friend is married, it is better to use the universal greeting “Miss”.

Communication speed

Americans are accustomed to exchanging quick phrases with no long pauses between them. On the contrary, silence can be perceived as something unpleasant and repulsive. Etiquette in the USA does not imply long pauses in conversation.

Harsh remarks

Remember, no matter how expressive or problematic your negotiations may be, US business ethics does not allow the use of profanity or profanity. This also applies to words that are well known to every schoolchild. You may simply be kicked out of the negotiation room.

Business lunch

For those who don't know how to behave business meeting in a restaurant, you should pay attention to just one important note. Never sit at the table and choose your own seat. Be sure to wait until you are shown to the chair reserved for you. Very often there may be a sign with your name on it.

Dress code

Regarding business attire, etiquette in the United States is very similar to the general norms of business dress code. A win-win option is a strict classic. Like us, dress codes can vary greatly depending on the industry and company you join. It is worth noting another feature of business clothing - in America it is not customary to wear open shoes or short dresses to work, even in summer. For Americans this is taboo.

  • Last minute tours all over the world

The unprecedented measures taken in the United States after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, most radically changed all security procedures in the country - primarily, of course, at airports and airplanes, but not only. About some important points Travelers need to know in advance about modern American security rules.

At the airport

The United States has taken strict measures to ensure the safety of the population, including establishing special control standards for the entry and exit of tourists. Upon arrival in the country, your luggage may be subject to a thorough search to ensure that you are not bringing in perishable foods, drugs, weapons, pornographic materials, throwaway knives, explosive materials, lottery tickets, “pirated” video, audio and computer products. You will be asked about the purpose of your visit to the United States (business trip, tourism, etc.), and - do not be surprised - the airport employee may ask if you have any connection with terrorist groups. Never joke about terrorism. If the person asking you questions doesn’t like something about the answers, you will be invited to the security office at the airport, and this is serious: you risk going home without ever setting foot on American soil.

At the hotel

There are usually many telephone booths on the streets. Each has its own number, which is written on the telephone (your interlocutor can call you back). Emergency numbers are also listed there. In case of emergency, you can always call the universal emergency number - 911.

The people inhabiting America are a young nation, since the period of consolidation of the ethnic group began to take shape relatively recently. Traditionally, Americans are considered to be a mixture of all the nations in the world. It’s not surprising, because on the territory modern America There live peoples who are carriers of different cultures. What are the features of American etiquette? Answering the question, one cannot fail to note the sociability, smiling nature of Americans, their relaxedness, and ability to openly express feelings and emotions. In fact, in the concept " American etiquette "contains a broader meaning. This is the story of an entire country, a nation that prefers to follow its own traditions. We will talk in more detail about what behavior Americans adhere to when visiting, family, or business.

Rules of etiquette in America

The hallmarks of a typical American are politeness and friendliness. The first dialogue with a representative of this culture will certainly be accompanied by phrases emphasizing his interest in you. The established phrase “How are you?” (“How are you?”) always follows the greeting words “Good afternoon!” and is considered a sign of good manners. Call by name and say “Hello!” (“Hello!”) is accepted by familiar people.

Americans, like Americans, shake hands when they meet. You can shake hands with both men and women, especially if we're talking about about business negotiations.

in the USA does not welcome kisses. The man who occupies the highest status and is the eldest in age is the first to extend his hand to the lady. It is not customary to shake hands when saying goodbye. It is enough for business partners to exchange phrases expressing gratitude for the friendly reception (cooperation, productive dialogue) and the desire to meet again.

What American doesn't like jokes? To create a relaxed atmosphere that will help you find faster common language, ability to joke - prerequisite. But don’t forget about punctuality - residents of this country value not only a sense of humor in their partners, but also order. Late arrivals are not permitted in the USA. Moreover, Americans are of little concern for explanations. A partner's punctuality in America is considered a reflection of his reliability.

Americans often invite workmates or business partners to visit. Souvenirs brought from Russia are considered traditional. Since in America bribes and anything that can be equated to them are not welcome, it is better not to experiment with the choice of others.

A first-time tourist arriving in America may find that the smiles never leave the faces of the locals. There is even a belief that it is thanks to this feature that there are so many successful entrepreneurs in America. This is a feature of the American mentality, a habit. A smile counts business card every American. Therefore, it is not surprising that people here smile not only during business negotiations and visiting people, but also on the street. Tourists should also adhere to this tradition, although many consider such an expression of emotions artificial.

Etiquette in the USA prohibits telling strangers about your own successes or misfortunes. During the conversation, you should stick to abstract topics.

Attitude to family and marriage

Americans value family very much. The desire of the typical American citizen is to create the traditional strong union between a man and a woman. Caring for children and raising them comes first. Moms and dads devote enough time to their offspring. Also, from birth, the small inhabitants of the country are taught their superiority over others and uniqueness. Since America is considered a freedom-loving country, where signs of democracy are evident in literally everything, it is customary to take into account the opinions of younger family members. WITH youth children are told about their exclusivity and are allowed to make their own decisions (although in the first years of life they only concern the expression of preferences in food/clothing). Distinctive feature The psychology of Americans is their desire to protect children from any adversity or dangerous situations. It is not for nothing that they say that in America the protection of children's rights begins in the mother's womb.

Friendship concept

Friendship is highly valued in American society. It is not surprising that the presence large number friends are almost the second item on the wish list after the desire to become successful and build a career. Despite this, etiquette in the USA does not welcome dependence on anyone. Some distance should also be maintained according to the psychology of American friendship.

In America there is no gradation of people into acquaintances and friends (as is customary among Russians). A person is either a friend or he is not. To “sign up” as a friend, it is enough to please an American. Every new acquaintance who arouses sympathy in an American can be considered a friend. Therefore, it makes sense to change your attitude towards such a concept as friendship when it comes to communicating with Americans.

Americans have slightly different requirements for their friends than Russians. It is forbidden, for example, to visit an American friend without prior agreement. Calls whose purpose is a desire to vent are not allowed. You can communicate exclusively on positive topics. Remember that no one wants to know about your problems. The desire to share emotional experiences is perceived somewhat differently here.

Americans have been doing business for a long time. It’s not for nothing that America is called the country of entrepreneurs. Of particular importance for residents of an overseas state is the peculiarity of behavior in the field of business communication.

Americans are considered a hardworking nation. Punctuality and responsibility are not alien to them. Residents of the United States do not tolerate being late or missing a day of work, even due to illness.

During business negotiations, Americans try to create a relaxed atmosphere, diluting the overly formal tone of the conversation with laughter and well-spoken jokes.

At meetings and during business negotiations, it is not customary to discuss for a long time the difficulties that impede the achievement of a goal. It is customary to quickly move on to constructive dialogue and discuss ways to solve the problem. It is also advisable to adhere main topic meetings. American meetings usually don't last long. Residents of this state always remember that time is money, so they strive to use it profitably.

Career women are common in the United States. Their rights are not infringed and they are given complete freedom of action.

It doesn't matter that the business partner is a woman. In the USA, a male entrepreneur treats a businesswoman as a person equal to himself. Therefore, any hints of flirting are unacceptable. You should not kiss the hand of a woman who is not your wife or lady of your heart. Such behavior is often regarded as an attempt at harassment, for which you can be put in the dock. suggests limiting yourself to a traditional handshake.

What should you remain silent about?

When traveling to this country for the first time, it is worth knowing Whatyou can't tell Americans . It is known that Russians are accustomed to raising topics related to personal problems, even in the presence of strangers. In America, there is a different attitude towards such conversations. In the US, this behavior is considered offensive. For attempts to continue a conversation that is unpleasant for an American, you can get a summons to court.

You should not start conversations on religious, political topics, discuss racial differences and people who hold unconventional views on family values. While expressing a subjective point of view, one may inadvertently hurt an American's pride.

Here hyou can't tell the Americans especially, these are phrases that contain unflattering comments about the local army. US citizens speak with pride of the country's armed forces and boast of their bravery. Therefore, if you want to discuss the power of the American army, you should say only good things. Jokes about terrorist attacks are also unacceptable. The lives of many people have been crippled by tragic events, so discussion of this topic, much less laughter, is inappropriate.

What else is worth remembering?

Despite the fact that obesity is one of the main problems in the United States, Americans try to take care of themselves by adhering to proper nutrition And healthy image life. People who like to drink are frowned upon. A similar attitude develops towards smokers.

Public transportation in America is not popular. But there are a lot of motorists here. You can get around the country by rented car. Uber taxi services are also common in the United States.

When entering a house, shoes are usually not taken off. But in some families it is still customary to do this. It all depends on what traditions people adhere to. In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation, you should pay attention to the behavior of the owners of the house and guests. Nothing bad will happen if you directly ask what you should do in a particular situation.

There is also no need to bother your newly made friends from America with phone calls. Empty talk is not welcome. You can only bother Americans if the issue is truly important.

To summarize, it is worth saying that main feature The United States is its formation and development under the influence of many cultures. People and their uniqueness are respected here. The key to success is a sense of humor; respect for human rights and freedoms is also of particular importance to Americans.

USA - extremely interesting country. American etiquette unique and multifaceted. Just by touching cultural traditions population of this state, you can better understand the American mentality.