What is Christina Aguilera doing now? Christina Aguilera: biography and personal life, creative career of the singer. Personal life of Christina Aguilera

“Women who behave well do not have a chance to go down in history,” Christina Aguilera once said. However, despite the provocative images and sharp turns in her career, Aguilera, unlike the same Britney Spears, never went too far. Today, the limit of her provocations is (relatively) frank posts on social networks, otherwise she is an accomplished artist and a happy woman. ELLE has collected a dozen and a half facts from the personal and professional life of the singer, whose voice is considered one of the best in the history of pop music.

1. Already as a child, Christina set a record, becoming the youngest performer of the US anthem at sporting events. When the future star sang the anthem at sports games in Pittsburgh, she was only 11.

2. By the way, at the same time, in 1991, Aguilera was accepted into the television show “Mickey Mouse Club”, in which, as you know, also participated Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Ryan Gosling.

3. Christina made her first demo recording in Japan, where she lived for some time with her mother, who taught English there. Christina was 14 years old, and then she recorded the song All I Wanna Do in a duet with Japanese singer Keizo Nakanishi. Three years later, in 1997, the song will be included in Nakanishi's next album.

4. About Timberlake. In the first half of the 2000s, being at the height of fame but not yet married, Aguilera was a constant subject of gossip. The singer was credited with numerous novels, naming a variety of alleged boyfriends, including Justin Timberlake. It’s difficult to say what kind of cat ran between them at one time, but, once commenting on the latest rumors, Christina rather offensively “kicked” her former colleague from the “Mickey Mouse Club”. “Almost every day I learn from the newspapers about my next celebrity boyfriend. For example, Justin Timberlake. Guys, you should look for prettier boyfriends for me.”

5. At one time, Aguilera was one of the most pierced celebrities. Two earrings in the right ear, three in the left, lower lip, left nostril, navel, intimate piercing - a total of 11. Then, when the fashion passed, Christina got rid of all this “hardware”, but, according to the tabloids, she definitely left one - on one of the chest.

6. Last year, Christina, teaming up with one of the online platforms, launched personal vocal training. 20 lessons for 90 dollars is a good price, considering that for this fee the singer teaches you to expand your musical range, work with breathing, and do special warm-ups. As an incentive bonus, the lessons included an acapella performance by Christina of her main hits.

7. The singer named her second child, a daughter born in August 2014, Summer Rain, “Summer Rain.” And six months later she explained why she chose that name for the baby.

“Summer is the time when the world is filled with warmth and light. While the rain washes away everything unnecessary from the face of the earth, it allows something new to grow and be created. I wanted her name to be filled with inspiration, love and joy. This is what she brings to everyone who meets her,” Christina said in an interview.

8. Having become the wife of Jordan Bratman in 2005, Aguilera got a tattoo on her lower back in honor of her husband, but just in case she did without names. How I felt. As a result, when the couple broke up six years later, there were no problems with the inscription “I belong to my lover, and my lover belongs to me.”

9. Aguilera has been dating the father of her second child, Matt Rutler, since 2010; at that time she was still officially married. In February 2014, the couple announced their engagement, but the wedding was constantly postponed - mainly due to Christina's busy work schedule. And finally, Aguilera and Rutler reportedly got married. This happened the other day, the ceremony was secret and rather modest, but the newlyweds do not refuse a large and crowded party and intend to organize a powerful celebration in a few months.

10. At the 2017 American Music Awards, Aguilera, a big fan of changing her looks, took the stage in a rather modest - compared to her previous outfits - black dress, with discreet makeup and slicked back hair. And it created a sensation.

American Music Awards-2017

11. Aguilera often amazes fans quite candid photos on her Instagram, and her recent Christmas party post was no exception. The singer posted a photo of herself posing naked in a blazer. “So much holiday joy last night,” she captioned the poignant post.

12. Christina is not offended, despite the fact that some colleagues in the music industry tried to offend her. The band Good Charlotte, in their 2002 song Riot Girl, sang, “Christina... I wouldn’t want to date her.” Two years earlier, Eminem had taken a hard, if not insulting, turn on Aguilera in The Real Slim Shady. However, Aguilera is now friends with the wife of Good Charlotte vocalist Joel Madden, Nicole Richie, and as for Eminem, there was talk about a possible duet with him.

13. One of the most important creative tools for Christina is lipstick. She records all her songs with lipstick on. bright red. “For me, the visual is as important as the music. I never work in the studio without red lipstick. This is my way of getting into character in a song,” Aguilera once said in interview The New York Times.

14. Most of their wedding gifts she donated to charities supporting victims of Hurricane Katrina.

15. The beginning of the 2000s was not easy for Aguilera: her album Bionic flopped just like the film Burlesque. As a result, the singer began to drink. In January 2011, she was spotted sleeping at Jeremy Renner's birthday party, and a month later she fell on stage during the Grammy ceremony. The apotheosis was the arrest of her boyfriend Matthew Rutler for drunk driving. The trouble was that Aguilera was sleeping (again!) on the next seat, quite heavily on her chest. Both were eventually released, but while Rutler had to pay a bail of $30,000, the singer, although the bail was only $250, was ordered to undergo treatment for alcoholism.

Famous American pop singer and songwriter. Christina Aguilera first appeared on national television in 1990 as a contestant on the program "Star Search". Fame came to her after her debut music album "Christina Aguilera" in 1999. The release of each subsequent album was accompanied by a complete change in image, performance style and theme of the compositions.

So, from a young nymphet who was constantly put on a par with Britney Spears, Christina turned into a chic mature woman, at the same time a sexy socialite and a touchingly caring mother of a little son.

Christina is an internationally recognized star with unique vocal abilities for the pop scene. She is a bright fashion icon - her constant changes in image inspire millions of imitators.
However, she is not focused on herself and devotes her time to charity, current world problems and the fight for human rights. She became one of the most successful stars of the decade, selling more than 43 million albums worldwide.

Christina Aguilera's childhood / Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera(Christina María Aguilera) was born on December 18, 1980 on Staten Island in New York in the Fausto family Wagner Xavier Aguilera(Fausto Wagner Xavier Aguilera), US Army Sergeant, and Shelley Lorraine(Shelly Loraine), Spanish teacher.

In her house, they always spoke two languages, and therefore Christina Aguilera is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Her parents divorced when she was seven, and her mother took her and her sister Rohel to my grandmother's house in Rochester, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. The singer herself recalls that her father was always very hot-tempered, tough, even cruel person. Christina Aguilera wrote about her difficult relationship with him and her mother in songs "I'm OK"(album "Stripped") And "Oh Mother"(album "Back to Basics"). Despite her father's constant letters and attempts to renew her relationship with her daughter, she ruled out any possibility of keeping in touch with him again.

Musical career of Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera

In 1998, the singer recorded her voice over the song Whitney Houston "Run to You" to an audio cassette. After this, she was chosen to record the soundtrack "Reflection" To Disney cartoon "Mulan". This song allowed Christine signed a contract with RCA Records in the first week, and became a Golden Globe Award nominee in 1998. Under the careful guidance of Steve Kurtz, Christina Aguilera released her first album "Christina Aguilera" August 24, 1999. It immediately topped the Billboard 200 and soared to the top of the Canadian charts. The hits of this album were the songs "Genie In A Bottle", "What A Girl Wants", "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)" And "I Turn To You". According to the album's creators, Christina Aguilera She wanted to demonstrate all the capabilities of her voice so much that she abandoned acoustics in favor of ordinary piano accompaniment. At the 42nd Grammy Awards, she received the award for Best Pop Female Artist.

In 2001 Christina Aguilera, Lil Kim, Mayan And Pink were chosen to perform on the soundtrack "Lady Marmalade" for the film "Moulin Rouge".

Within days, the song topped the music charts in eleven countries and all four performers received a Grammy Award. The video clip received two MTV Video Music Awards, including the nomination " Best Video 2001" Christina Aguilera, receiving the award, jokingly said that “the reason for such success is her hairstyle in the video.”

Despite the fact that the singer’s debut album was received with a bang, she was very dissatisfied with the music and image that the managers chose for her. Without hesitation, she broke the contract with Steve Kurtz, and chose a new manager, now more of an assistant than a leader - Irving Azoff.

The second album debuted on October 29, 2002. Christina Aguilera "Stripped". This album was a cocktail of many musical styles- modern R&B, soul, ballads, pop rock and hip hop.

Upon its initial release, the album was very well received by critics, although it was not so much her vocal abilities that were the reason for discussion, but rather the provocative sexual photographs. At this time, Christina Aguilera begins to participate in erotic photo shoots and calls herself “Xtina”. In America, they are wary of her new image, despite all Christina’s claims that this image better reflects her true essence than the image of a cute girl from the 90s.

The most famous singles from this album were "Dirrty" And "Beautiful", which occupied the top positions in the music charts for a long time. "Stripped" became a quadruple platinum album in the US with over thirteen million copies sold worldwide.

Christina Aguilera joined Justin Timberlake during final stage his US Justified tour. It was quite a show! Timberlake I just broke up with Britney Spears and revealed a completely different side - as a seductive and sexy man with a unique voice and manner of performance. Aguilera dyed her hair black and covered her exposed body with tattoos. This duet has become one of the brightest and most shocking in the history of music!

Perhaps, best image Christina - critics agreed on this opinion. Burlesque style, icon Marilyn Monroe, bright scarlet lip color - small details of amazing Hollywood style. Aguilera She’s not alone in her preferences; the beautiful Dita Von Teese adheres to this style , Gwen Stefani and Ashley Judd.

I returned to the 30s of the previous era: jazz, blues... It's simple good music for the soul, but with elements of a modern twist.

Universal acclaim for the single "Ain't No Other Man" is a significant success, reaching number two on the worldwide chart, number six in the US charts, and number two in the UK. Subsequent singles were very well received in various regions: "Hurt" in Europe and "Candyman" beyond the Pacific Ocean.

At the 49th Grammy Awards, she again won the Best Pop Female Artist category. In January 2007, she was included in Forbes magazine's list as one of the 19 richest women in show business.

Christina Aguilera's latest album to date is Bionic- received mixed reviews from critics and was less popular with the public than the singer’s previous works. So far this is Christina’s only disc that has not received a Grammy, and the song “ You Lost Me" is her first single not to chart on the Billboard Hot 100.

Personal life of Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera

November 19, 2005 Christina Aguilera married a music producer Jordan Bratman, and in 2007, Paris Hilton publicly congratulated her friend on her pregnancy, which surprised the world community - after some time Christina confirmed the pregnancy, but continued to shock the public. Her nude pictures on recent months pregnancy for magazine "Marie Claire" were received extremely ambiguously.

On January 12, 2008, she gave birth to a son in Los Angeles Max Liron Bratman(Max Liron Bratman), whose name translated from Latin and Hebrew means "My most important song".

Discography of Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera

1999 - Christina Aguilera
2002 - Stripped
2006 - Back to Basics
2010 - Bionic

It looks like Aguilera has given too much control over her finances to her fiancé Matt Rutler.

“Ok” magazine writes that Christina Aguilera’s close friends are seriously concerned about the fact that her future husband Matt Rutler is recklessly squandering the performer’s multi-million dollar savings.

“It seems strange of Christina, but over the last couple of years she has transferred a lot of exclusive rights and financial responsibilities to Matt. This all seems even stranger given the fact that they are not married yet,” an unnamed source told Ok magazine.

Earlier this year, Christina stated that her relationship with Rutler is trusting enough that they don't need a wedding to prove their love. Matt may be able to manage the star's finances, but there may now be no guarantee that they will become husband and wife.

“Matt has no idea how to manage her multi-million dollar fortune. He doesn’t understand anything about this, so Christina’s friends believe that he is simply wasting her fortune,” the insider added.

Fans of the singer are not interested in her financial condition, and working on a new album. Aguilera's last long play was released back in 2012 and, by and large, received negative reviews from both critics and some fans of the performer. Fans are eagerly awaiting news about the recording of the eighth studio album, work on which is already actively underway.

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Christina Maria Aguilera was born on December 18, 1980 in Staten Island, New York, to Fausto Xavier Aguilera and Shelley Lorraine Fiedler. The beginning of the girl's life was not easy. Her father, an immigrant from Ecuador who served as a sergeant in the United States Army, was the tyrant of the family. Only when the girl was already 6 years old did her mother finally manage to end the marriage and move with her two daughters (Christina and her younger sister, Rachel) to Rochester, Pennsylvania, where the family began a new life.

WITH early years Christina awakens to a passionate love for music, a talent for which she undoubtedly inherited from her musical mother, a professional violinist and pianist. By the time the girl enters primary school, her strong voice manages to sound at local talent shows, causing black envy classmates and even parents. And this annoys Christina so much that her mother finally decides to educate her daughter at home.

But the girl continues to perform, and in 1990 she took prize place on television program national importance"Looking for the stars." The nine-year-old miracle amazes the audience with a mesmerizing rendition of Etta James' "Sunday Love", for which he receives second prize in the competition.

Commercial success

In 1993, Aguilera again attracted attention by taking part in television program « New club Mickey Mouse." Her partners in the show are future stars Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Ryan Gosling and Keri Russell. Aguilera’s participation in the filming lasted only two years, after which the ambitious singer traveled with her mother to Japan, where she recorded the single “All I Wanna Do” with Japanese pop icon Keizo Nakanishi. This was followed by new achievements. In 1998, Aguilera recorded the soundtrack for the Walt Disney film Mulan. Next year the star will make his debut at the concert festival female vocals“Lilith Fair”, after which he signs a contract with the recording studio “RCA Records”. In 1999, Christina released her debut album, entitled “Christina Aguilera,” which sold 8 million copies, bringing fame to two undisputed Billboard hits: “Genie in a Bottle” and the undisputed leader “What a Girl Wants.” The album earned Aguilera a Grammy for Best Performer.

Along with her former New Mickey Mouse Club co-stars Spears and Timberlake, now also topping the charts, Aguilera became one of the key figures among the teen pop stars of her time. But the image of a pretty girl, imposed by such a role, was too small for Christina. After recording the song "Lady Marmalade" with Pink, Mya and Lil' Kim, Aguilera released her second album, Stripped, in October 2002.

As was already clear from the title, the superstar entered a completely different stage of his creativity. The performed album included singles that soared to the top of the charts: “Dirrty”, “Beautiful” and “Make Over”.

Aguilera's new music, as well as her new piercings and tattoos, stunned some critics but also attracted new fans. The album "Stripped" sold a little more than 4 million copies, but Christina, to her credit, was not at all ashamed of either her music or her appearance. “I knew that this was music for adults, and that not everyone was ready for it,” Aguilera commented on her album in an interview with The New York Times magazine.

In 2006, Aguilera changed her style again, releasing a new two-disc studio album, “Back to Basics,” which was heavily influenced by the music of the 20s and 40s. As with the previous album, Christina is changing her image again. Now her style matches the classic Jean Harlow look.

New projects

In 2010, Christina Aguilera returns to recording studio with the album “Bi-on-iC”. The sound becomes more electronic, which was the result of collaboration with “Le Tigre” and “M.I.A”. But, despite the fact that “Bi-on-iC” reached the very top of the charts, none of his singles became a hit.

In the same year, Aguilera made her film debut in the musical “Burlesque,” ​​appearing on the same stage with Cher. Christina recorded several soundtracks for the film, including “Show Me How You Burlesque,” ​​which did not receive wide recognition. Although many people expected the release of the film, it never drew full houses, and critics tore it to smithereens.

During this period, Aguilera was in an extremely depressed state both in her personal and professional life. At the Super Bowl in February 2011, she forgets the lyrics to the National Anthem. Soon after, the pop star is arrested for public indecency while drunk. Both of these cases gave rise to a wave of rumors about her possible alcoholism.
But by the spring of 2011, Aguilera was back on her feet, busy with the new long-running television competition “The Voice,” which launched April 26 on NBC. In this project, Christina acts as a judge and coach of young performers competing against teams led by such musical talents as Cee Lo Green, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine. And, although there were rumors about behind-the-scenes drama between Christina and her team, the pop star turns out to be a faithful support for her charges. In the finale of the show “Voice-3” in 2012, Aguilera announced that she was leaving the project for a while. In the fourth season, Shakira takes her place.

Aguilera is releasing at this time new album“Lotus”, which was received very indifferently by the public. The single released in 2013 together with rapper Pitbull is much more successful. The duo recorded the song “Feel This Moment,” which they performed in the finale of the fourth season of the television show. Shortly after this, Aguilera announced her return to the 5th season of the project.

Personal life

During the filming of Burlesque (2010), Aguilera began an affair with assistant director Matthew Rutler. By that time, the singer already had a son, Max, from her first marriage to record director Jordan Bratman: the couple married in 2005, separated in 2010 and officially divorced in 2011. On August 16, 2014, Aguilera and Rutler were born daughter Summer Rain.

Outside of her stage work, Aguilera has proven herself to be a compassionate person, participating in AIDS awareness campaigns and being a member of the Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh. In early 2010, she takes on the role of ambassador for the World Food Program's anti-hunger mission, which takes her to Haiti, where Christina provides aid to earthquake victims.

Christina Aguilera is considered the greatest pop singer of our time. The star's biography and songs deserve attention. Her works have been awarded prestigious awards and do not leave the first lines of the world charts. Her work began in the late 90s, at which time she, while still very young, loudly announced herself to the whole world of show business. Many readers want to know about the personal life, age, biography of Christina Aguilera. Well, let's note that this real story overwhelming success, fame and popularity. Christina is the standard of pop music.

Basic information about the singer

The singer's real name is Christina Maria Aguilera. Day, month and year of birth - December 18, 1980. Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The singer is short, 157 cm, and weighs 54 kg. The waist circumference is 54 cm, and the hips are 87.5 cm. Christina has a small leg of size 36. She has a natural Blue eyes and golden hair.

Christina's childhood

Christina's hometown is New York, where she was born. The girl had someone to inherit her musical talent from - her mother, Shelley Fiedler, played piano and violin in one of the New York orchestras. Her creative activity did not last long, the woman began to teach Spanish. Christina's father is a sergeant in the US Armed Forces. The man had a domineering, tyrannical character, which became the reason for his parents’ divorce. Christina was 7 years old at the time, and her younger sister was only one year old.

Photos of Christina Aguilera now and in childhood prove the girl’s extraordinary charm. Creative success Christines started very early. At the age of 8, she became a participant in the Star Search competition, where she won second place. The girl then performed a song by the famous Whitney Houston, causing a real sensation among the public.

Soon the family moved to Pittsburgh. It was here that 11-year-old Christina was invited to perform the national anthem at the opening of sports competitions. The talented girl was noticed by specialists. So, at the age of 12 she participated in the show “Mickey Mouse Club”. Here she was able to compete in singing skills with future pop stars - Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. Christina was distinguished by her deep and sonorous voice.

Rapid career growth

Biography of Christina Aguilera, personal life is quite successful, although the singer is only 37 years old. The girl was so fascinated by her singing career that she completed her studies after 8th grade as an external student. At the age of 16, Aguilera was already touring the world. While in Japan, she met singer Keizo Nakanishi and recorded the song All I Wanna Do with him. The song was loved not only in the Country rising sun. The next stage of her performances was the Romanian Golden Stag festival.

In 1998, Aguilera recorded a song for the cartoon "Mulan" from the Disney film studio. The Reflection soundtrack immediately fell in love with many music lovers and received a Golden Globe. After this, Christina signed a contract with RCA Records. Famous producers and composers helped the aspiring star present the first album of Christina Aguilera. The hit of this disc was the single Genie in a Bottle, which received several awards.

After some time, her hit What A Girl Wants topped the American ratings. It was the best-selling song of the year, with 8 million purchases in America. Aguilera's popularity was gaining momentum. The year 2000 was marked by receiving a prestigious nomination best performer. Soon, her singles I Turn To You and Come On Over topped the world chats.

After this, the singer decided to record Spanish options their hits. It also won her several awards. In 2001, the Christmas video My Kind of Christmas sold millions of copies.

Christina and new trends in show business

2001 was marked by a radical change in Aguilera's image. From a romantic singer who always suffered on stage, she turned into a defiant and aggressive Christina. In many ways, this transformation into a shameless person on stage is due to his collaboration with the singer Pink. Together they recorded the song Lady Marmalade, which became the soundtrack to the film "Moulin Rouge". Viewers saw Aguilera aggressive, cheeky, in revealing outfits. Such changes initially alarmed fans, because the romantic image of a teenage girl had already disappeared. However, the new album, Stripped, sold so well that it was certified four times platinum.

Aguilera never gave up on new trends in show business. Christina starred in several candid photo shoots. The caller and the artist provoked many controversies. Aguilera began filming heart-warming videos and performing sensual and social ballads, touching on issues of homophobia, anorexia, and teenage uncertainty. The singer also began posing nude for the famous publication Rolling Stone.

In 2003, the star changed her appearance once again - she dyed her hair brunette. She was prompted to do this by a joint tour with famous Justin Timberlake. It was the most successful tour of her career.

The end of 2004 was marked by new changes in her image - the star removed all the piercings from her body, of which there were plenty. The girl began hosting the TV program Sex, where she talked about sexual abstinence.

Aguilera's singles came out one after another. In 2006, her third numbered album was released. It featured jazz, soul and blues compositions. This album was intended not only for teenagers, but also for a wider audience. Fans and critics recognized her hits Hurt and Candyman.

In 2008, Christina starred in documentary film, dedicated to the rock group. In the same year, she took part in the filming of the comedy Get Him to the Greek and sang a duet with Mick Jagger. In 2009, Aguilera was included in the list of the most desirable women on the planet, according to Maxim magazine. Her fourth album, Bionic, was released in 2010.

Love affairs of a famous blonde

Christina Aguilera has a very eventful biography and personal life. When she turned 24, music producer Jordan Bratman became her husband. The newlyweds celebrated a luxurious wedding. Their wedding was not without the participation of many celebrities. Soon the singer became pregnant and gave birth to a son, Max (2008). But constant contradictions in the couple led to divorce (2010).

Soon Christina had new lover, casting assistant and guitarist Matthew Rutler. In 2014, they announced their engagement, and the wedding ceremony will take place in the spring of 2018. Back in 2014, the couple had a daughter, Summer. They also raise their eldest son, Max, together. It is worth noting that Aguilera’s best friend was who died in 2009.

New pop star albums

Christina's seventh album Lotos, released in 2012, did not gain high ratings. In 2013, the singer was awarded the title “Voice of the People. For special achievements.” In the same year, her single Feel This Moment, which featured Pitbull, received platinum status.

After her second birth, Aguilera was able to lose 15 kg and show off her beautiful shape. Soon Christina became the coach of the American project “The Voice”. In the fifth season of this show, she sang the song Do What U Want with Lady Gaga. Before this, there were rumors about their feud.

In 2015, the pop star was awarded a Grammy Award for the song Say Something, which she performed with the group A Great Big World.


In addition to her singing activities, Christina starred in one episode of the TV series Beverly Hills. Her voice was used in the cartoon "Shark Tale". Once she had a chance to host a show television show"Saturday Night Live."

In 2009, Aguilera played main role in the film "Burlesque". This film tells the story of a provincial girl who goes to Los Angeles to pursue a singing career. Cher also participated in this film. Already in 2015, a new series with the participation of Christina “Nashville” was released, where she played the singer Jane.

The singer's charitable activities

In addition to concerts and filming, the star is involved in charitable causes. Since 2007, a series of her perfume aromas, the first was called "Christina Aguilera". It was followed by the scents “Inspiration”, “Red Sin”, “Unforgettable” and others.

Many fans are interested in Christina's tattoos. On her left forearm she has a tattoo in the form of a Celtic sign, symbolizing eternal friendship and love. On her neck is the title of the album, Stpipped, written in cursive. The singer has tattoos on her left forearm and lower back, dedicated to her first relationship with Jordan Bratman. Even his initials are emblazoned on the lower back.