Chichikov is the new hero of the era of dead souls. Essay: “Chichikov is the new hero of the era” in the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Universal type of scammer

Gogol, according to V. G. Belinsky, “was the first to look boldly and directly at Russian reality.” The writer's satire was directed against " general order things,” and not against individuals, bad executors of the law. The predatory money-grubber Chichikov, the landowners Manilov and Sobakevich, Nozdryov and Plyushkin, officials of the provincial city from Gogol’s poem “ Dead Souls"are scary in their vulgarity. “One could go crazy,” wrote A. I. Herzen, “at the sight of this menagerie of nobles and officials who wander around in the deepest darkness, buying and selling the “dead souls” of peasants.” The image of Chichikov reflects a new phenomenon in Russian life - the emergence of the bourgeoisie. This is a typical hero of the original capitalist accumulation, a representative of those businessmen who large quantities appeared in Russia in the 30s, when the crisis of the serfdom system sharply emerged.

Chichikov is the son of a poor nobleman, who inherited a “dilapidated house with an insignificant piece of land,” and became a real tradesman in his lifestyle. All his life he remembered and followed his father’s instructions - most of all to take care and save a penny: “You will do everything and you will spend everything with a penny”; to please teachers and bosses, while at the same time blatantly deceiving them in order to get a lucrative position. Already in teenage years the hero learned to evaluate people from the point of view of real benefit for himself, showed resourcefulness, iron restraint and baseness of soul. Through small speculations, he “made increments” to the half ruble donated by his father. “When he had enough money to reach five rubles, he sewed up the bag and began saving it in another.” A bag of money replaced Chichikov's friendship, honor and conscience.

Deciding on a scam with dead souls, he thinks: “And now is a convenient time. We lost at cards, went on a spree and squandered it like it should.” Chichikov’s whole life became a chain of fraudulent machinations and crimes, his slogan was: “if he caught it, he dragged it, if it fell through, don’t ask.” Chichikov shows enormous efforts and inexhaustible ingenuity, and indulges in any scam if they promise success and promise the coveted penny. The hero understands that capital becomes the master of life, that all the power is in the box with which he travels around Russia, buying up dead souls from landowners. Life and the environment taught him that “you can’t take the straight road and that the oblique road is more straight forward.”

Ready to deceive and rob the nobles, Chichikov himself is under the spell of the life of the noble class. Having imagined himself as a Kherson landowner, he sincerely strives to adapt psychologically and everyday life to the nobility, which is expressed in the appearance and habits of the hero.

Chichikov can be called a gentleman in manners and a bourgeois entrepreneur at heart. His bourgeois entrepreneurship still appears in the form that characterizes the period of primitive accumulation. Gogol calls Chichikov a scoundrel, a master, an acquirer. The hero’s meanness lies in the fact that he is ready to profit from the grief and illness of people. The author notes that Chichikov strives to get to those provinces where epidemics and epidemics occurred, since more peasants died there. For the same reason, he is interested in crop failures and famines occurring more often. About the hero’s acquisition, the author writes: “Acquisition is the fault of everything; because of it, deeds were carried out that the world calls not very pure.”

Images of landowners are created by describing the village, manor house and interior, portrait characteristics, attitude to Chichikov’s proposal, description of the purchase and sale process itself; At the same time, Gogol highlights the leading, main character trait of the character. Chichikov is revealed somewhat differently. There is no demonstration here through the attitude towards serfdom, through a description of everyday life. If all the landowners, except Plyushkin, are given statically, then Chichikov is given in development, in the process of becoming. Depicting landowners, the writer highlights their defining features, while Chichikov is revealed in many ways.

In order to more clearly illuminate the origin and life development of a new type - Chichikov, and to comprehend his historical place, the writer dwells in detail on his biography, character and psychology. Gogol shows how his ability to adapt to the situation and navigate in any situation developed; Depending on the conditions, Chichikov’s manner and tone of conversation changes. Everywhere he charms, sometimes arouses admiration and always achieves his goal: “You need to know that Chichikov was the most decent person who has ever existed in the world... He never allowed himself an indecent word in his speech and was always offended if he saw in the words of others lack of due respect for rank or title..."

New hero era has many advantages that the landed nobles do not have: some education, energy, enterprise, extraordinary dexterity. Chichikov knows how to find an approach to every person, quickly guessing the character traits of people, accurately identifying their strengths and weaknesses; win over new acquaintances, the guise of good manners helps the hero gain confidence. In a conversation with Manilov, he looks like Manilov; with Korobochka, Chichikov “spoke... with more freedom than with Manilov, and did not stand on ceremony at all.”

In conversations “with rulers, he very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone. He somehow hinted in passing to the governor that entering his province was like entering paradise, the roads were velvet everywhere... He said something very flattering to the police chief about the city guards...” Constantly changing his appearance, Chichikov carefully hides his fraudulent goals from those around him.

Symbolizing the advent of the era of the bourgeois, the era of dexterous, tenacious, energetic people who profess the morality of acquisition, Chichikov demonstrates perseverance, energy, practicality of mind, and willpower. Gogol writes: “We must do justice to the irresistible force of his character.” In terms of practical ingenuity and resourcefulness, the hero - the “acquirer” stands out strongly among the representatives of the patriarchal landed order, in whom immobility, inertia and deadness have firmly built a nest for themselves.

At the same time, Chichikov also has features in common with landowners - a lack of civic interests and socio-political conservatism. Chichikov does not worship either humility or virtue, but he needs them to achieve his goal. He is calculating and knows how to patiently wait for the right moment. The thirst for profit and the desire to occupy a commanding position in society haunt him. Civil and patriotic feelings are alien to Chichikov; he treats with complete indifference everything that does not concern his personal, selfish interests.

Noble society mistook the swindler and rogue Chichikov for outstanding person. Gogol writes that “the word “millionaire” is to blame for everything, not the millionaire himself, but precisely one word; for in one sound of this word, besides every money bag, there is something that affects both scoundrel people, and neither this nor that, and good people, in a word, it affects everyone.” In Chichikov, bourgeois traits appear with such strength and truthfulness that contemporaries already saw a wide public importance this type.

Gogol, according to V. G. Belinsky, “was the first to look boldly and directly at Russian reality.” The writer's satire was directed against the “general order of things”, and not against individuals, bad executors of the law. The predatory money-grubber Chichikov, the landowners Manilov and Sobakevich, Nozdryov and Plyushkin, the officials of the provincial city from Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” are terrible in their vulgarity. “One could go crazy,” wrote A. I. Herzen, “at the sight of this menagerie of nobles and officials who wander around in the deepest darkness, buying and selling the “dead souls” of peasants.” The image of Chichikov reflects a new phenomenon in Russian life - the emergence of the bourgeoisie. This is a typical hero of the original capitalist accumulation, a representative of those businessmen who appeared in large numbers in Russia in the 30s, when the crisis of the serfdom system sharply emerged. Chichikov is the son of a poor nobleman, who inherited a “dilapidated house with an insignificant piece of land,” and became a real tradesman in his lifestyle. All his life he remembered and followed his father’s instructions - most of all to take care and save a penny: “You will do everything and you will spend everything with a penny”; to please teachers and bosses, while at the same time blatantly deceiving them in order to get a lucrative position. Already in his youth, the hero learned to evaluate people from the point of view of real benefit for himself, showed resourcefulness, iron restraint and baseness of soul. Through small speculations, he “made increments” to the half ruble donated by his father. “When he had enough money to reach five rubles, he sewed up the bag and began saving it in another.” A bag of money replaced Chichikov's friendship, honor and conscience. Deciding on a scam with dead souls, he thinks: “And now is a convenient time. We lost at cards, went on a spree and squandered it like it should.” Chichikov’s whole life became a chain of fraudulent machinations and crimes, his slogan was: “if he caught it, he dragged it, if it fell through, don’t ask.” Chichikov shows enormous efforts and inexhaustible ingenuity, and indulges in any scam if they promise success and promise the coveted penny. The hero understands that capital becomes the master of life, that all the power is in the box with which he travels around Russia, buying up dead souls from landowners. Life and the environment taught him that “you can’t take the straight road and that the oblique road is more straight forward.” Ready to deceive and rob the nobles, Chichikov himself is under the spell of the life of the noble class. Having imagined himself as a Kherson landowner, he sincerely strives to adapt psychologically and everyday life to the nobility, which is expressed in the appearance and habits of the hero. Chichikov can be called a gentleman in manners and a bourgeois entrepreneur at heart. His bourgeois entrepreneurship still appears in the form that characterizes the period of primitive accumulation. Gogol calls Chichikov a scoundrel, a master, an acquirer. The hero’s meanness lies in the fact that he is ready to profit from the grief and illness of people. The author notes that Chichikov strives to get to those provinces where epidemics and epidemics occurred, since more peasants died there. For the same reason, he is interested in crop failures and famines occurring more often. About the hero’s acquisition, the author writes: “Acquisition is the fault of everything; because of it, deeds were carried out that the world calls not very pure.” Images of landowners are created by describing the village, manor house and interior, portrait characteristics, attitude to Chichikov’s proposal, description of the purchase and sale process itself; At the same time, Gogol highlights the leading, main character trait of the character. Chichikov is revealed somewhat differently. There is no demonstration here through the attitude towards serfdom, through a description of everyday life. If all the landowners, except Plyushkin, are given statically, then Chichikov is given in development, in the process of becoming. Depicting landowners, the writer highlights their defining features, while Chichikov is revealed in many ways. In order to more clearly illuminate the origin and life development of a new type - Chichikov, and to comprehend his historical place, the writer dwells in detail on his biography, character and psychology. Gogol shows how his ability to adapt to the situation and navigate in any situation developed; Depending on the conditions, Chichikov’s manner and tone of conversation changes. Everywhere he charms, sometimes arouses admiration and always achieves his goal: “You need to know that Chichikov was the most decent person who has ever existed in the world... He never allowed himself an indecent word in his speech and was always offended if he saw in the words of others lack of due respect for rank or title...” The new hero of the era has many advantages that the landed nobles do not have: some education, energy, enterprise, extraordinary dexterity. Chichikov knows how to find an approach to every person, quickly guessing the character traits of people, accurately identifying their strengths and weaknesses; win over new acquaintances, the guise of good manners helps the hero gain confidence. In a conversation with Manilov, he looks like Manilov; with Korobochka, Chichikov “spoke... with more freedom than with Manilov, and did not stand on ceremony at all.” In conversations “with rulers, he very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone. He somehow hinted in passing to the governor that entering his province was like entering paradise, the roads were velvet everywhere... He said something very flattering to the police chief about the city guards...” Constantly changing his appearance, Chichikov carefully hides his fraudulent goals from those around him. Symbolizing the advent of the era of the bourgeois, the era of dexterous, tenacious, energetic people who profess the morality of acquisition, Chichikov demonstrates perseverance, energy, practicality of mind, and willpower. Gogol writes: “We must do justice to the irresistible force of his character.” In terms of practical ingenuity and resourcefulness, the hero - the “acquirer” stands out strongly among the representatives of the patriarchal landed order, in whom immobility, inertia and deadness have firmly built a nest for themselves. At the same time, Chichikov also has features in common with landowners - a lack of civic interests and socio-political conservatism. Chichikov does not worship either humility or virtue, but he needs them to achieve his goal. He is calculating and knows how to patiently wait for the right moment. The thirst for profit and the desire to occupy a commanding position in society haunt him. Civil and patriotic feelings are alien to Chichikov; he treats with complete indifference everything that does not concern his personal, selfish interests. Noble society mistook the swindler and rogue Chichikov for an outstanding person. Gogol writes that “the word “millionaire” is to blame for everything, not the millionaire himself, but precisely one word; for in one sound of this word, besides every money bag, there is something that affects both scoundrel people, and neither this nor that, and good people, in a word, it affects everyone.” In Chichikov, bourgeois traits manifest themselves with such strength and truthfulness that contemporaries already saw the broad social significance of this type.

Date: 5.02.19

Class: 9

Subject: Chichikov is the “acquirer”, the new hero of the era. Chichikov as an anti-hero.

Goals: continue to familiarize students with the content of the poem “Dead Souls”; characterize main character Chichikov's poems.


1) to develop in students the ability to write character descriptions, determine the role and significance of the images of officials in revealing the author’s intention; improve your analytical work skills prose text;

2) contribute to the aesthetic and moral education of students;

3) cultivate a culture of reader perception.

Equipment: tables, text of the poem “Dead Souls”, illustrative material on the topic of the lesson.


I. Organizational stage

II. Update background knowledge

Students reading quotation materials from the characteristics of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.

III. Motivation educational activities

In the chapter of the eleventh poem “Dead Souls” N.V. Gogol writes that Russian literature paid a lot of attention to the “virtuous” hero: “There is no writer who would not ride on him, urging him on with a whip, and with everything he could get his hands on.” But in reality, in a serf-dominated society, scoundrels play an important role. Why are they not exposed to the “public eyes”? “No, it’s time to finally hide the scoundrel too. So, let’s harness the scoundrel!” It seems that Gogol’s attitude towards his hero is extremely clear. But is this true? Does Chichikov have a future? Who, finally, is in the chaise drawn by three, which is rushing into the distance? Let's look at this image again. This is the main character of the work, the connecting link between the chapters. What do we know about him?

IV. Working on the lesson topic

1. Analytical conversation

What is Chichikov's life story?

Give its characteristics.

Chichikov's servants play an important role in revealing his character. What were their names? How were they different from each other?

Selifan and Parsley. Petrushka is submissive and silent, his remarks in the poem are few and insignificant. But he always fulfills his duties, whether with love or displeasure, he looks after Chichikov. He has become close to his master to such an extent that he does not need to give unnecessary orders. Parsley knows when to help his master get dressed, undressed, or clean his feathers. Without him, Chichikov, as a master not accustomed to cleaning and other household chores on his own, with all his pedantry, would have found it difficult to keep himself and his surroundings in proper shape. The uniqueness of Parsley’s image is indicated by its special smell, which allows it to easily and unpretentiously settle in any place. The author does not reveal Petrushka’s thoughts, they remain between the lines (“it’s difficult to know what a serf in the yard is thinking at a time when the master is giving him instructions”).

Selifan, unlike Petrushka, can speak freely and even “made very sensible comments ... to the horse.” He knows his business, is constantly on the move, but is by no means as scrupulous about his duties as Petrushka. Selifan may drive a chaise while drunk, may not obey the master's direct orders, and may turn a blind eye to obvious faults in the carriage. He is even capable of manipulation

Why is the description of the evolution of his soul in the “genre” of biography given only in last chapter?

the reader must do. Telling the biography of the main character at the end of the poem,

N.V. Gogol shows the reasons why Chichikov became exactly like this. He writes: “It is very doubtful that the readers will like the hero we portray.” Perhaps this is the first openly expressed author's assessment of the character.

Outlining the biography of Chichikov in sufficient detail in this chapter, N.V. Gogol tries to show the origins of the character’s character and determine the reasons for the hero’s actions. As the author explains, “the nature of our hero was so harsh and callous and his feelings were so dulled that he did not know pity and compassion; he felt both, he would even like to help, but only so that it would not be a significant amount, so as not to touch the money that should not have been touched.”

How does the idea of ​​spiritual rebirth relate to the image of a hero?

Why does Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov become the “soul of society”?

Appearing in the provincial town under the guise of a landowner, Chichikov very quickly enters the “selected society” and wins everyone’s sympathy. He knows how to show himself as a secular and versatile person. Characteristic feature Chichikov is able to carry on a conversation: “Whether there was a conversation about a horse factory, he also talked about a horse factory; they were talking about good dogs, and here he made very sensible comments. But it’s remarkable that he knew how to dress it all up with some kind of sedateness, he knew how to behave well. He spoke neither loudly nor quietly, but absolutely as he should.” As we see, Chichikov learned to wear the mask of vulgarity and imaginary decency masterfully, but the true content of his thoughts and actions is hidden under this mask of a completely decent, decent gentleman.

He knows how to find his own special approach to every person in whom Chichikov is interested. He masterfully plays on the weak strings of a person, achieving the location and sympathy of a wide variety of people. Chichikov “reincarnates” very easily, changes his behavior, but at the same time never forgets about his goals. In a conversation with Manilov, he looks almost exactly like Manilov himself. He is just as gallant and courteous, just as sensitive as his new friend. Chichikov knows very well how he can make a strong impression on Manilov, and therefore does not skimp on all kinds of confessions and emotional outpourings.

However, when talking with Korobochka, Chichikov does not show any particular gallantry or spiritual gentleness. He quickly unravels the essence of her character and therefore behaves cheekily and unceremoniously. You can’t get through the box with delicacy, and Chichikov, after many attempts to reason with her, “completely went beyond the limits of all patience, slammed the chair on the floor in his heart and promised her the devil.”

When meeting Nozdryov, Chichikov flexibly adapts to his unbridled behavior. Nozdryov recognizes only “friendly” relations, and Chichikov behaves as if they were old, bosom friends. Nozdryov speaks to him on a first-name basis, and Chichikov answers him in kind. When Nozdryov boasts, Chichikov remains silent, giving the other the right to express doubts about this. However, he is vigilantly careful not to fall into Nozdryov’s network, who is clearly going to deceive him.

When meeting Sobakevich, Chichikov’s “directness” and “spontaneity” completely disappear. Sobakevich is not touched by discussions on lofty topics. And then Chichikov enters into a gambling bargaining with him, in which each strives to outdo the other. With the businessman Sobakevich, Chichikov shows himself to be an experienced businessman who knows all sorts of techniques for influencing his partner. “You can’t knock him down, he’s stubborn! “Sobakevich thinks to himself.

Chichikov has a different approach to Plyushkin: he plays the role of a generous well-wisher who wants to help a lonely and defenseless old man.

Chichikov's ability to transform is based on his extraordinary resourcefulness and energy. Behind the external softness and grace lies a calculating and predatory nature. Chichikov does not admit anything and does not believe in anything except money. While flaunting his goodwill towards people, he is only interested in taking advantage of their location. Chichikov completely lacks any moral principles; the meanness of his nature is limitless.

How does his ability to “find himself somehow in everything” manifest itself?

How does the hero's speech change depending on who he is talking to?

What is the semantic and compositional significance of such a detail as Chichikov’s box?

Chichikov's box is a female form of an image, where the heart is “a small hidden box for money that moved out imperceptibly from the side of the box.” It contains the secret of Chichikov’s soul, a “double bottom,” so to speak.

What is the purpose of Chichikov's life?

Back in early childhood Chichikov's father taught Pavlusha, more than anything else, to save a penny. As you can see, the father’s teachings fell on fertile ground; the son was enterprising from an early age - he sold rolls and trained mice to his classmates. Well, then - more. Fraud at customs, and after exposure and expulsion Chichikov came up with new business- buy dead souls in order to then receive loans for them. Money, money and money again - that’s the meaning of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov’s life.

Why is he scary?

But the vices of that time have not passed, and now the “passion for acquisition” is the main evil of our time. The image of Chichikov is eternal, because even now there are a lot of people “attached to money”, for whom the main thing is to “save a pretty penny.” For many people, their position is only a source of income, a means of a carefree and idle life. In our society, bribery and servility to higher officials occur. The poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol is relevant and interesting for the modern reader.

The Chichikovshchina is scary because these days we often see “a swindler sits on a swindler, he drives the swindler.” As long as the Chichikovs are alive, bribery and greed, meanness, and indifference to other people's troubles will flourish.

What new phenomenon of Russian life does it represent?

Is it possible to say that Chichikov is a “hero of his time”?

2. Compiling a table

Conclusion. Chichikov's character is multifaceted, the hero turns out to be a mirror of the landowner he meets, because he has the same qualities that form the basis of the landowners' characters.

V. Consolidation

“Workshop for a beginning literary critic”: analysis of episodes of the poem (work in groups)

1st group. Chichikov's thoughts on the list of purchased peasants (chapter seven).

2nd group. Chichikov at the governor's ball (chapter eight).

3rd group. Conversation between two ladies (chapter nine).

V I . Consolidation

Can Chichikov be called a hero of his time?

Why can’t Chichikov’s activities be creative?

Under what conditions could such a personality appear?

How interesting is the hero? to the modern reader?

Thus, Chichikov is a great hero, classic work, created by a genius, a hero who embodied the result of the author’s observations and reflections on life, people, and their actions. An image that has absorbed typical features and therefore has long gone beyond the scope of the work itself. His name became a household name for people - nosy careerists, sycophants, money-grubbers, outwardly “pleasant,” “decent and worthy.” Comprehension of this image is possible only through a painstaking, careful analysis of not only the work itself, but also the huge mass of critical literature.

D/z Prepare oral history about Chichikov using notes in a notebook and an article from the textbook “Chichikov” or write a profile of Chichikov. Learn by heart a fragment from the final lyrical digression first volume.

At the literature lesson we got acquainted with the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This poem gained great popularity. The work was repeatedly filmed both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters have become symbolic: Plyushkin is a symbol of stinginess and storage of unnecessary things, Sobakevich is an uncouth person, Manilovism is immersion in dreams that have no connection with reality. Some phrases have become catchphrases.

The main character of the poem is Chichikov. Chichikov's portrait is different from other residents of the city. He is not handsome, but not bad-looking, not too fat, not too thin, not old, but not young either. The author classifies him as a “mediocre gentleman.” But still, Chichikov liked everything in his appearance to be noble, because... appearance is one of his main weapons. At first he wore a lingonberry-colored tailcoat, but then by the end of the poem he changes it to a jacket European style. This can be explained by the fact that he feels a change in his position in society. His status has grown, so now he needs to look different. He tried to flatter people with high ranks and did not allow rudeness in conversation, but with his equals or with lower ranks he behaved proudly. All the heroes spoke of him as a decent person, even “Sobakevich, who rarely spoke on the good side of anyone,” called him “a very unpleasant person.”

Chichikov's origins are “dark and modest.” It is not known whether he is a nobleman, a pillar or a personal one. He spent his childhood in a small house, without comrades, friends, with a sick father. The father constantly forced his son to learn to read and write, and raised him according to the principle “don’t lie, listen to your elders and carry virtue in your heart.” When the father sent his son to school, he gave him the instruction: “Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be stupid and don’t hang around, and most of all please the bosses with your teachers. Hang out with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you. Better behave in such a way that you will be treated, and most of all, take care and save a penny: this thing is more reliable than anything in the world.” Chichikov followed his father’s instructions and was very successful in this matter. As a result, he grew up to be an egoist whose greed knows no bounds.
At school, he pleased the teacher, as his father instructed, and graduated with good grades. Chichikov also succeeded in commercial affairs. He denied himself everything and sold his comrades their own treats, after which he showed initiative in different ways and began to earn good money from it. For him, a penny became higher than any human relationship. When his former comrades collected money to help a teacher in trouble, Chichikov made the excuse of not having enough and was ready to give only a nickel of silver. Thus began his hoarding policy.

In the service, Chichikov found an approach even to the most unapproachable boss. He has a keen sense of human nature and is a good artist. All this helps in work. I would also like to note his patience. Not everyone is willing to wait that long to achieve their goal, given all the ups and downs that Chichikov experienced. I would like to talk about his service at customs. At the beginning, he pretends that he came to serve with good intentions. His superiors promote him, and then he sets about his true goals. But due to carelessness, he involves his friend in this matter. Afterwards, allowing himself to be stupid, he manages to quarrel with him. And in the end they report each other to their superiors.

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    • It should be noted that the episode of the crews’ collision is divided into two micro-themes. One of them is the appearance of a crowd of onlookers and “helpers” from a neighboring village, the other is Chichikov’s thoughts caused by his meeting with a young stranger. Both of these themes have both an external, superficial layer that directly concerns the characters of the poem, and a deep layer that brings to the scale of the author’s thoughts about Russia and its people. So, the collision occurs suddenly when Chichikov silently curses Nozdryov, thinking that […]
    • Chichikov met Nozdrev earlier, at one of the receptions in the city of NN, but the meeting in the tavern is the first serious acquaintance of both Chichikov and the reader with him. We understand what type of people Nozdryov belongs to, first seeing his behavior in the tavern, his story about the fair, and then reading the author’s direct description of this “broken fellow,” “ historical person”, who has a “passion to spoil his neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all.” We know Chichikov as a completely different person – [...]
    • Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is one of the greatest and at the same time mysterious works of the XIX V. The genre definition of “poem”, which then clearly meant a lyric-epic work written in poetic form and predominantly romantic, was perceived differently by Gogol’s contemporaries. Some found it mocking, while others saw hidden irony in this definition. Shevyrev wrote that “the meaning of the word “poem” seems to us twofold... because of the word “poem” a deep, significant […]
    • In Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" the way of life and morals of the feudal landowners is very correctly noted and described. Drawing images of landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the individual suffered moral degradation. After writing and publishing the poem, Gogol said: ““Dead Souls” made a lot of noise, a lot of murmur, touched many people with mockery, truth, and caricature, touched […]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most brilliant authors of our vast Motherland. In his works, he always spoke about painful issues, about how His Rus' lived in His time. And he does it so well! This man really loved Russia, seeing what our country really is - unhappy, deceptive, lost, but at the same time - dear. Nikolai Vasilyevich in the poem “Dead Souls” gives a social profile of the Rus' of that time. Describes landownership in all colors, reveals all the nuances and characters. Among […]
    • The poem "Dead Souls" reflects social phenomena and the conflicts that characterized Russian life in the 30s and early 40s. XIX century It very accurately notes and describes the way of life and customs of that time. Drawing images of landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the individual suffered moral degradation, regardless of whether she was a slave owner or [... ]
    • Plyushkin is the image of a moldy cracker left over from Easter cake. Only he has a life story; Gogol portrays all other landowners statically. These heroes seem to have no past that would be in any way different from their present and explain something about it. Plyushkin's character is much more complex characters other landowners represented in Dead Souls. Traits of manic stinginess are combined in Plyushkin with morbid suspicion and distrust of people. Preserving an old sole, a clay shard, [...]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol noted that the main theme of “Dead Souls” was contemporary Russia. The author believed that “there is no other way to direct society or even an entire generation towards the beautiful until you show the full depth of its real abomination.” That is why the poem presents a satire on landed nobility, officials and other social groups. The composition of the work is subordinated to this task of the author. The image of Chichikov traveling around the country in search of the necessary connections and wealth allows N.V. Gogol […]
    • Landowner Appearance Estate Characteristics Attitude to Chichikov's request Manilov The man is not yet old, his eyes are as sweet as sugar. But there was too much sugar. In the first minute of a conversation with him you’ll say what a nice person he is, a minute later you won’t say anything, and in the third minute you’ll think: “The devil knows what this is!” The master's house stands on a hill, open to all winds. The economy is in complete decline. The housekeeper steals, there is always something missing in the house. Cooking in the kitchen is a mess. Servants - […]
    • Landowner Portrait Characteristics Estate Attitude to housekeeping Lifestyle Result Manilov Handsome blond with blue eyes. At the same time, his appearance “seemed to have too much sugar in it.” Too ingratiating look and behavior Too enthusiastic and refined dreamer who does not feel any curiosity about his farm or anything earthly (he doesn’t even know whether his peasants have died since the last revision). At the same time, his dreaminess is absolutely [...]
    • Compositionally, the poem “Dead Souls” consists of three externally closed, but internally interconnected circles. landowners, a city, a biography of Chichikov, united by the image of a road, plot-related by the main character’s scam. But the middle link - the life of the city - itself consists, as it were, of narrowing circles gravitating towards the center; This graphic image provincial hierarchy. It is interesting that in this hierarchical pyramid the governor, embroidering on tulle, looks like a puppet figure. True life is in full swing in civil [...]
    • Chichikov, having met landowners in the city, received an invitation from each of them to visit the estate. The gallery of owners of “dead souls” is opened by Manilov. The author at the very beginning of the chapter gives a description of this character. His appearance initially made a very pleasant impression, then - bewilderment, and in the third minute “... you say: “The devil knows what this is!” and move away..." The sweetness and sentimentality highlighted in the portrait of Manilov constitute the essence of his idle lifestyle. He is constantly talking about something [...]
    • Gogol was always attracted by everything eternal and unshakable. By analogy with " Divine Comedy"For Dante, he decides to create a work in three volumes, where the past, present and future of Russia could be shown. The author even designates the genre of the work in an unusual way - a poem, since different fragments of life are collected in one artistic whole. The composition of the poem, which is built on the principle of concentric circles , allows Gogol to trace Chichikov’s movement through provincial town N, to the estates of landowners and all of Russia. Already from [...]
  • Chichikov is new

    hero of the era

    • V. Kozhinov: “Chichikov is a truly strong personality...”
    • P. Weil: “Chichikov’s mediocrity, dullness... limitedness is his main feature. Little man with little passions"
    • A.I. Herzen: “One active person is Chichikov, and that is a limited rogue”
    • V.G. Marantsman: “Chichikov, different from the landowners, is also a dead soul. The “brilliant joy of life” is inaccessible to him
    • N.V. Gogol: “It would be fairer to call him: owner, acquirer”
    Expected lesson outcomes: Know:
    • biography of Chichikov, the story of his adventures;
    • Understand: - what are the reasons for the hero’s actions; - what influenced the formation of Chichikov’s personality; Evaluate the characteristics and actions of the hero, analyze the text of the poem “Dead Souls” (chapter 11); draw conclusions, prove your point of view.

    "Mr. Average"

    “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin.”

    "College Advisor Pavel

    Ivanovich Chichikov,

    landowner, in his own way


    “An excellent actor with the ability to pretend, be a hypocrite, adapt to people in order to benefit” M.A. Belyaev)

    How did Chichikov show himself in public service?

    Start of service

    “He got an insignificant place, a salary of thirty or forty rubles a year...”

    Thanks to his iron will and ability to deny himself everything, while maintaining neatness and pleasant appearance, he managed to stand out among the same “nondescript” employees.

    “Chichikov was the complete opposite in everything, both in his somberness of face, the friendliness of his voice, and his complete non-drinking of any strong drinks.”


    To advance in his career, he used an already tried method - pleasing his boss, finding his “weak spot” - his daughter, whom he fell in love with.

    Chichikov became a “famous man”

    Serving on the commission "to build

    some state-owned capital building,” began to allow himself “certain excesses”

    Namely: good goods, good shirts, expensive fabric for suits, purchasing a pair of horses...

    Service failures

      • Lost a “warm” place

    Why did Chichikov have to leave the commission?

      • He pulled off a risky operation (transporting contraband), in which he first got rich, and then got burned and lost almost everything.

    Work in customs

      • “And in anticipation of the best, I was even forced to take up the title of attorney.”

    This is how the idea of ​​acquiring “dead souls” came about.






    Imagining myself




    in a bag



    all sorts of rubbish


    In cash

    greedy in affairs,





    Who is Chichikov?

    • A businessman (who successfully, without ever being stingy with his means, conducts business).
    • Acquirer (seeking to acquire things, values, and enrichment).
    • Entrepreneur (enterprising and practical).
    • Scoundrel (mean person, scoundrel).
    Testaments of Father Chichikov:

    1. “Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be stupid and don’t act out, but most of all please your teachers and bosses. If you please your boss, then, even though you don’t have time in science and God hasn’t given you talent, you will put everything into action and get ahead of everyone.”

    2. “Don’t hang out with your comrades, they won’t teach you any good; and if it comes to that, then hang out with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you.”

    3. “Do not treat or treat anyone, but behave better so that you will be treated, and most of all, take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable thing in the world.”

    4. “A comrade or friend will deceive you and in trouble will be the first to betray you, but a penny will not betray you, no matter what trouble you are in.

    You will do everything and ruin everything in the world with a penny.”

    Qualities that contributed to career growth and enrichment

    • Knowledge of human psychology
    • The ability to do something at the right time
    • Ability to plan a profitable business
    • The ability to conduct business from the “row” of unclean ones
    • Ability to carry on a conversation and make a good impression
    • The ability to easily incarnate
    • The ability to find an approach to everyone
    • The ability to show oneself as a person of good taste

    “Take it away

    on the road with you...

    all human movements

    don't leave

    them on the road

    you won’t get up later!”


    • I was wondering...
    • I realized today that...
    • What would you call the lesson?
    • What was the most important thing in the lesson?
    • What did we want to find out?
    • What did we find out?
    • What is useful in life?
    Thanks for the work! d/z Prepare for the essay “Chichikov – Hero of the New Era”