How does faith differ from previous heroines? Vera "Hero of Our Time", what is the characteristic

IN this work the romantic beginning is clearly visible. Love line will make the reader empathize with the main character throughout the novel. The image and characterization of Vera in the novel “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov will help to better reveal the character of Pechorin himself, and understand the motives of his actions. Faith the only woman whom he loved, but isn’t it in love that a person shows himself as real, without embellishment and feigned bravado.


Vera was a pretty woman, but she made an unhealthy impression. She looked sickly and consumptive. Blonde. Height is short, average. The facial features are correct. A neat mole adorned her right cheek. She was all kind of serious and strict. Expressive face. There was wisdom and melancholy in his gaze, like a man who had seen and experienced a lot in life.

Love in her life

There is only one love in Vera’s life. Pechorin was and remained her. Twice the woman tried to arrange her personal life. She got married, gave birth to a son, but did not feel anything similar for her husbands to what she felt for Gregory. For the sake of the child, she had to pretend, portraying a loving, caring wife.

Having met Pechorin in Kislovodsk, where Vera came to improve her failing health, she understands that he is still dear to him. All these years, she honestly tried to erase his image from her memory and forget forever, but in vain. Love turned out to be stronger.

Vera knew that she did not have long left. The disease lassoed the woman, and it was impossible to get out of her bonds. The treatment only supported, but did not heal. For Vera, moments with her beloved were the most valuable. She again felt happy, young and carefree. Just being close, just feeling his presence, the touch of his hand.

Purity and Morality

Vera was tormented by remorse in front of her husband. She appreciated and respected her husband, but did not love him. Common child didn't bring me closer. Vera always kept her husband at a distance. I fell asleep with one, thinking and imagining the other. This is a betrayal towards him, but it was impossible to change anything in the current situation.

When her husband left on official business, Vera invited Pechorin to her home. She hoped that the night visit to the house would go unnoticed by others, but she was wrong.

Rumors spread throughout the town quite quickly. Society decided that Pechorin visited Princess Mary, but only Vera knew where and with whom he spent that night. Tired of tormenting remorse, Vera confesses to her husband that she has cheated.

What did she mean in Pechorin’s life?

They could be happy. Both understood each other perfectly. Vera accepted Pechorin for who he really was. With her, he doesn’t have to pretend, pretend to be God knows who. With Vera he was himself, real. They are like two kindred spirits, lost in a world where they don’t belong. She managed to discover in him the best qualities and traits that were carefully hidden from others. Faith meant too much to him, but he understood this truth only when he lost his beloved woman.

Women of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” - bright personalities. They are beautiful, strong-willed, smart, sensitive and kind hearts. But no one kept Pechorin by his side for long. Didn't save him from moral decline. In the novel, through the mouth of the simple-minded hero Maxim Maksimovich, the story begins with a story about Bela.

Female character in the novel “Hero of Our Time” - Bela

Bela - the daughter of a Circassian prince, Azamat's sister - one of the main characters women's novels, who is kidnapped for Pechorin by her brother in exchange for the horse Kazbich, a free, vindictive Circassian. Bela's image - tragic image. Tall, thin with black eyes, it seemed that she was looking into the soul of her interlocutor. This look amazed and captivated the main character of the novel. He suddenly realized that in her alone he could find solace and relief from boredom. However, a girl brought up in a different social environment could not make him happy. After a few months, Pechorin became bored and began to seek solitude while hunting. Over time, Bela, although she understood that Pechorin no longer loved her, only became more attached to him. How long could Bela love her hero? Perhaps all my life. But Pechorin had already cooled down and was bored again. Only the tragic death of Bela at the hands of Kazbich returned his love to those last moments of her dying life. And for some time Pechorin felt his loss. Although Bela's death was a relief to him.

Mary in the novel “A Hero of Our Time”

Mary and Vera - two female characters, appeared in Pechorin’s life at the same time. Princess Ligovskaya's young daughter, Mary, is infatuated with Grushnitsky, Pechorin's friend. Subsequently, she has to choose between Pechorin and Grushnitsky.

Princess Mary is considered a smart girl and morally pure. Her romantic nature is still inexperienced. Falling under the calculating influence of Pechorin, she passionately falls in love with him. Mary turned out to be a naive romantic, which she successfully took advantage of main character. Pechorin immediately understood the essence of the princess. His spoiled nature required arousing the young girl’s love for himself, but having achieved his goal, his passion immediately cooled down. Mary, having fallen under the influence of Pechorin, received a cruel lesson.

Pechorin could not bring happiness to women. He only brought suffering to others. Mary, a young, inexperienced soul, did not have the ability to awaken a real, sincere feeling in Pechorin. Her love turned out to be unnecessary to him.

Vera in the novel “A Hero of Our Time”

Vera was luckier. This is a different image of a woman. She socialite, Pechorin’s former lover is the only one who defeated his cynicism. She was the only one who understood his essence and fell in love with all his shortcomings. She is insightful and true to her feelings. But she is experienced and always understood that Pechorin would never marry. She was content with what he gave her. Pechorin appreciated this and, as he told her, she was the only one he could not deceive. The image of Vera is humility, sacrifice and a dull sense of self-worth. Love is the main thing for her.

Ondine in the novel “A Hero of Our Time”

Ondine is a mermaid who is never given a name in the novel. Smuggler girl. Ondine is an energetic girl. He makes a living by helping to preserve goods brought ashore by smugglers. She is loyal and brave. Everything in her appearance is from nature. Pechorin’s very succinct statements about her: “He grabbed hold of her like a cat, purebred like a horse, and so on.” With a declaration of love, the girl lures the protagonist into the water, then trying to drown him in order to keep the secret of her trade. The unusual folk beauty of the girl attracts Pechorin. Even after Ondine tried to put an end to him, until he left the village, he went to the shore and looked out for a boat with an insidious seductress. He forever remembered her long white hair, her fragile, thin figure and her attractive and insidious smile. A demon girl, a temptress, calculating and ruthless. However, it attracts with its lightness and independence.

The female characters in Lermontov's novel play an important role. With their help, the author shows how lonely Pechorin is in any environment. There is no peace for him either in love or friendship. This is his tragedy and the tragedy of the women who met on his way.

characterization of faith and Mary in the novel Hero of Our Time

  1. Oh.. this is a familiar story..)
    Mary Ligovskaya is a well-bred city girl, she is smart, capable of real deep feelings and very sentimental. Pechorin initially attracted her attention simply as a person capable of dispelling her boredom. Princess Mary was also interested in the main character because she saw in him the hero of the novel in a new taste. Pechorin's mysterious story about himself, about how he turned out to be misunderstood by society, leads to the fact that Mary begins to feel sorry for him. After some time, she confesses her love to him, but the main character rejects her love. As a result, her feelings for Grigory Pechorin bring suffering and humiliation to the princess.
    The image of Vera is just a sketch. She is depicted only in her relationship with the main character, he has loved her for a long time, but this love can bring nothing but suffering. Vera knows about this, but still makes many sacrifices for the sake of her love. I think that the image of Vera is ideal for Pechorin, because only she fully understands him and, despite everything, still loves him.
    Think for yourself))))
  2. Princess Mary
    Moscow princess. She came to Pyatigorsk with her mother, Princess Ligovskaya. Mary is very young and, due to her age, romantic. At the beginning of the story, she is captivated by Grushnitsky, taking his pretentious speeches seriously. She is impressed by his soldier's overcoat, and the image of a young military man, demoted to soldier because of some brave act, appears before her eyes. Pechorin sets out to completely lure the princess’s attention from Grushnitsky to himself, and he skillfully manages the situation, changing M.’s attitude towards himself from hatred to deep love. It is worth noting that in M. there is a lot good qualities. She sincerely feels sorry for Pechorin, after his confession, she sincerely wants to help him. All the princess’s thoughts and feelings are deep and sincere. The last time we see M. is in the scene of explanation with Pechorin. The hero says that he laughed at the girl, and all his advances were just a game. The reader understands that after everything that happened, M. is unlikely to ever become the same. Pechorin undermined her trust in people.

    The heroine of the story "Princess Mary". Vera is a society lady, Pechorin's longtime lover. A description of her appearance is given from the lips of Doctor Werner: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by marriage, very pretty, but, it seems, very sick... of medium height, blonde, with with the right features, her complexion is consumptive, and there is a black mole on her right cheek: her face struck me with its expressiveness." Later we learn the history of the relationship between Pechorin and V.. This is his old love, perhaps the only woman who managed to leave an indelible mark on his soul. She not at all like the typical representatives high society. We understand V.’s value for Pechorin: this is the only woman who understood him completely and accepted him for who he is, without trying to remake him. During their meeting in Pyatigorsk, we learn that V. married an unloved man who has substantial capital. She did this for the sake of her son, to give him all the conditions for a good life. Vera and Pechorin meet secretly. She is very jealous of him for Mary. Unable to withstand strong psychological stress, V. tells her husband about her love for Pechorin, and he takes her away. She leaves Pechorin a letter with a declaration of love. V. says that P. devastated her soul, but she never tried to change him. Only after losing V. does Pechorin realize how much he needs her. He tries to catch up with the heroine, but only drives the horse. Then he falls to the ground and begins to sob uncontrollably. V. leaves his life forever.


(Novel, 1839-1840; published as a separate edition without preface - 1840; 2nd edition with preface - 1841)

Faith- a character in the story “Princess Mary”, a society lady, Pechorin’s mistress. Vera plays a prominent role in the plot of the story, participating in two " love triangles"(Grushnitsky - Mary - Pechorin; V. - Pechorin - Mary). On the one hand, thanks to Pechorin’s relationship with V. and her thoughts, it is explained why Pechorin, “without trying,” is able to invincibly dominate a woman’s heart, and on the other hand, V. represents a different type of secular woman compared to Mary.

For the first time, Dr. Werner mentions V., telling Pechorin about the new inhabitants of the Caucasian waters: “some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by marriage, very pretty, but very, it seems, sick... of medium height, blonde, with regular features, her complexion is consumptive, and there is a black mole on her right cheek: her face struck me with its expressiveness.” From the further narration, the background of the relationship between Pechorin and V. becomes clear: she was Pechorin’s mistress, and this long-standing love left an indelible mark on the hero’s soul. Now V. is sick. The young princess Mary and V. are given as different poles of life - flourishing and fading. However, if the air of Kislovodsk is short time returned V.’s “complexion and strength,” then Mary’s cheeks at the end of the story are covered with a “painful blush,” the same sign of suffering, the imprint of which lies on V.’s face. Although Pechorin gives both women a moment’s revival and bliss of love, romances with him are the same disastrous for both. The only difference is that V. was loved by Pechorin and got used to her suffering, and Mary, who fell in love with the hero, but was not loved by him, entered the dangerous zone of a mental crisis.

V. tells Pechorin that she is married. Her husband is lame, rich and burdened with illnesses. V. married him, of course, without loving him. She sacrificed herself for her son and values ​​her reputation - again, not because of herself. Persuading Pechorin to get acquainted with the Ligovskys in order to see him more often, V. is unaware of the intrigue with Mary planned by the hero, and when he finds out, he is tormented by jealousy.

Naive attempts to conceal the affair with Pechorin in the end do not save V., and she involuntarily gives herself away, confessing everything to her husband. Having once again sacrificed herself to Pechorin’s desire to be loved (“I died...”, “I lost everything in the world for you...”), now she asks for only one thing - so that Pechorin does not fall in love with Mary and marry her.

Only after losing V., Pechorin realizes that it was she who carried within herself the love that he greedily sought, and this love died, because he depleted V.’s soul without filling it with his feelings. And yet V. Pechorin fulfilled his last request, although it cost him a lot of work, - did not love Mary and did not marry her.

Vera is an important character for understanding the image of Pechorin

The characterization of Vera in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” gives the reader the opportunity to better know and understand the main character, Pechorin. Faith was his only love, and it is in love that a person shows himself most clearly.

We meet Vera in the chapter “Princess Mary”. She and her husband come for rest and treatment to Kislovodsk, where Pechorin was already staying by that time. Doctor Werner tells him about her arrival, not yet knowing that they know each other. It turns out that this girl is Pechorin’s old love, and that the feeling for her has not faded away in him to this day. Already knowing a lot of unpleasant things about Pechorin from previous chapters, this information about him seems unusual to us, revealing him from a new, unexpected side. Is he really capable of truly loving? And who is the woman who was able to awaken sincere affection in the egoist Pechorin?

Characteristics of Faith


The description of Vera and her appearance is given by the same doctor Werner, a friend of Pechorin. From him we learn that she is a relative of Princess Ligovskaya by marriage, “very pretty... of medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and a black mole on her right cheek.” Her face struck the doctor with its expressiveness. Such faces only appear on rich people. inner world, they reflect the presence of deep feelings and thoughts. Thus, already one by one appearance We can say that Vera is not a dummy, but an attractive, wise and sensitive woman.

Ability to love

The image of Vera in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” clearly characterizes her love for Pechorin. She is married for the second time, but in her heart she remains faithful to him alone. Marriage is only a material necessity, an opportunity to put a son on his feet, a tribute to the conventions of society. Whereas love for Pechorin is a spiritual attraction beyond her will. From the content of the conversation during their first meeting on the waters, it becomes clear that Vera tried, but could not forget her love. And she may have come to Kislovodsk to say goodbye to him, anticipating her imminent death from illness.

She does not demand anything from her lover in return, she accepts him as he is - with all his weaknesses and vices. For her, it is a pleasure to simply be with him, catch his gaze, feel his hand shake.

Moral purity

Vera respects her husband as a father and cannot do anything about her feelings for Pechorin. She arranges a secret meeting with him at night in her husband’s absence. However, when a scandal broke out and everyone began to think that Pechorin was visiting Princess Mary at that time, Vera could not stand it and confessed everything to her husband. Lying is unbearable for her.

The value of Faith for Pechorin

The fact that Pechorin fell in love with this particular woman, and not any other, suggests that he found in her qualities that were initially close to him. Only with Vera does he feel like who he really is; he doesn’t need to pretend or be a hypocrite. With her, he can be gentle and honest, openly express his feelings. She understands him very well, because she herself is forced to live in a light that disfigures everything that is good and bright. How lucky he was to meet in this spiritual desert kindred spirit, Pechorin understands only when he loses her.

In the novel “A Hero of Our Time,” Vera serves as an indicator of Pechorin’s healthy moral principles.

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