What is the difference between a drawing and a sketch? Michelson's Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. spelling) What is a sketch, what does it mean and how to write it correctly. Applying dimensions on sketches and drawings

Before you start making various items, it is necessary to perform certain preparatory work. They usually begin with sketches and drawings, called graphic documentation. Items that need to be manufactured are called products, and their individual parts are called parts.


Sketch- this is a conventional image of a product, drawn by hand, without the use of drawing tools, but with necessarily maintained “by eye” proportions between its individual parts, i.e. This is a preliminary, rough sketch of the product.

Drawing- this is a conventional image of a separate part or product, made using drawing tools. The drawing is considered the main graphic document. If you know how to read drawings correctly, then from them you can find out what the dimensions of the product depicted on them are, what material it should be made of, what its appearance and shape. In the drawing, all dimensions of products and parts are indicated in millimeters.


A sketch is an inaccurate, very preliminary sketch of a part or product. A sketch is performed when you need to quickly depict on paper the idea of ​​a new product. It is most convenient to apply it to checkered paper. And it is intended for one-time use. Subsequently, working drawings are developed based on the sketches, and sometimes even parts are manufactured.

A working drawing of a part, unlike a sketch, is carried out drawing tools or using a drawing tool computer program(for example, AutoCAD, Compass, etc.) in standard formats, on a standard scale with strict adherence to line types and thickness. Both the sketch and the drawing of the product must contain all the necessary information, i.e. the shape of the product and its dimensions are conveyed, and the permissible errors of the nominal dimensions are also indicated.

Drawing of a machine for rolling out arches

Often drawings and sketches are made in a reduced or enlarged form compared to the part to be manufactured. For drawings, a clearly defined scale is used (1:2; 1:4, etc.) For sketches, such strict requirements do not exist.

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  1. A sketch is an inaccurate, approximate sketch of a part or product, made by hand.
  2. A sketch is usually performed when developing a structurally new part, when finalizing a design in a pilot version, or in the event of a part failure during operation.
  3. In the sketch, all the proportions between the individual parts of the part must be maintained “by eye”.
  4. The drawing is the main graphic document from which the part is manufactured.
  5. A drawing is a conventional image of a part or product made using drawing tools.
  6. In the drawing, all part dimensions are presented in millimeters.

Sketch (fr. esquisse) - a preliminary sketch that captures the idea work of art, structure, mechanism or its individual part. Sketch- quickly completed freedrawing, not intended as a finished work, often consists of many overlapping lines.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try out other ideas before turning them into painting.Pencilorpastelmore preferable for sketches due to time constraints, but a quick sketchwatercolorsor even a quickly modeled model made of clay or soft wax can also be consideredsketchin the broader meaning of the word. Graphite pencils relatively new invention, artistsRenaissance did sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

Contrary to popular belief, artists often use erasers when drawing. An eraser can be used to remove construction lines, or to soften too harsh lines.

Sketch– a preparatory sketch for a work, reflecting the search for the best embodiment of the creative concept. Sketch can be made using various techniques.

A sketch is a sketch that captures the idea of ​​a literary orwork of art, structure, mechanism or its individual part. In literature sketch can be considered as preparatory work in the creationwork of art, can also be considered as something independent.

IN literary significance sketch accompanies almost any literary work. This is evidenced by the writers' drafts at our disposal. Pushkin used to write on paperpreliminary plan of planned work. ManuscriptsDostoevskystore severalsketchesto one novel.

Sketches writers indicate that at the time of their creation the concept of the work was not yet clear enough: they reflect numerous alterations and changes. Although sketch, in the meaning of preparatorysketchto the work, must inevitably already possess some artistic merits, but, in essence, it belongs rather to the field of psychologycreativitythan to the theory of verbalart.

Sketch, as an independent work of art, has and independent purely artistic features. Works of this kind are most characteristic of our days, and the spread of this literarygenreis undoubtedly related to the principlesimpressionism.

In the field of literary research, an example of this kind sketches The Book of Masks by Remy de Gourmont can serve as a reference, where the general outlines of a series are given in a few basic lines modern poets. In Russian literature, such an example is Aikhenvald’s book “SilhouettesRussian writers" (where even the title itself emphasizes sketchy character of the letter). Based on the idea that literary work exists only in the perception that its effects are born from the contact between writer and reader, Aikhenwald asserts the inevitable subjectivity of any critical study. Thanks to this,criticismand can never claim a final, unchanging meaning. A consciously applied subjective method brings closersketchesEikhenwald to typeartistic sketches. This closeness is emphasized by the form itself."silhouettes": counting workcriticismcontinuation of the poet’s work, Aikhenvald uses as material not onlyideas, but also with the images and vocabulary that he finds in one or another of the authors under consideration. This is the most tested and effectivereceptionartistic-criticalsketch .

In the area literary prose sample sketch Impressionistic constructed poems in prose by I. Annensky (“Posthumous Poems”, 1923) can serve as examples.

sketches Verlaine show an obvious predominance of statics: the poet’s perception lingers on the same lines andcolors. His most clear example is the play: Dans l’interminable ennui de la plaine, before us is a purely picturesque task - a plain covered with snow, above it - a dull, copper-coloredshadethe vault of the sky, the dull gray outlines of the forest on the horizon, and above everything the pale face of the dying moon drooped:scenerymotionless, frozen.

Sketch found in fiction and as part of a larger work: sketch You can name some descriptions and characteristics, for example, from Gogol.

Sketches Leonardo da Vinci and Edgar Degas are two examples of artists sketches which became objects of art.

esquisse) - a preliminary sketch that captures the concept of a work of art, a structure, a mechanism or a separate part of it. In design documentation: a sketch is a drawing made by hand on a visual scale.

Sketch – A quickly executed free-form drawing, not intended to be a final work, often consisting of many overlapping lines. Can be made using various techniques.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try out other ideas before turning them into painting. Pencil or pastel are preferred for sketching due to time constraints, but a quick sketch in watercolor or even a quickly modeled model in clay or soft wax can also be considered a sketch in the broader sense of the word. Graphite pencils A relatively new invention, Renaissance artists made sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

When working on a sketch, you can use an eraser, which is used to remove construction lines or soften too sharp lines.

Sometimes a sketch is called a sketch (not to be confused with a skit - a one-act play with comedic content). “Sketch” (from the English “sketch” - outline, sketch) is a drawing quickly done by hand, usually not considered a completed work. A sketch can serve a variety of purposes - it can help you quickly capture what the artist sees. Record or develop an idea for the purpose of further use, or serve as a convenient form of graphic demonstration of a picture, idea or principle.

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Sketches of a lion. 1980 Pen and porcelain ink on paper

Sketch(fr. esquisse) - a preliminary sketch that captures the concept of a work of art, structure, mechanism or its individual part. Sketch – A quickly executed free-form drawing, not intended to be a finished work, often consisting of many overlapping lines.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try out other ideas before turning them into painting. Pencil or pastel are preferred for sketching due to time constraints, but a quick sketch in watercolor or even a quickly modeled model in clay or soft wax can also be considered a sketch in the broader sense of the word. Graphite pencils are a relatively new invention; Renaissance artists made sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

Contrary to popular belief, artists often use erasers when drawing. An eraser can be used to remove construction lines, or to soften lines that are too harsh.

A sketch is a preparatory sketch for a work, reflecting the search for the best embodiment of a creative concept. The sketch can be made in various techniques.

See also

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See what “Sketch” is in other dictionaries:

    sketch- a, m. esquisse f. 1. A preliminary sketch of a drawing, painting or part of it. BAS 1. Shkits.. Unfinished drawing; the first thought on the drawing: unfinished carving, etc. (French with a German accent). 1772. Sl. architect I am studying under... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    A term borrowed from painting. In the literature it is used both in the field of scientific and critical works, and in the field of works of art. Both in one and in the other, according to their meaning in fine arts, means... Literary encyclopedia

    - (French). Essay, sketch. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SKETCH, sketch. Complete dictionary foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. SKETCH ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Essay, sketch, sketch. See book... Dictionary of synonyms

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    SKETCH, sketch, husband. (French esquisse). A preliminary, cursory sketch (painting, drawing; pictorial). Exhibition of sketches. “In the middle of a canvas streaked with charcoal and chalk..., a sketch of a woman’s head would stop the attention of a connoisseur.” Gogol. || Sketch, plan,... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    - (French esquisse), a preliminary sketch that captures the concept of a work of art or its individual parts. The sketch outlines compositional structure, spatial plans, basic color relationships of the future... ... Art encyclopedia

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    Sketch- is a preliminary sketch (simplified image) fixing the fundamental concept, product design, main parameters and technical requirements in a volume sufficient for the development of full-fledged design documentation (drawings).... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations building materials

    - (French esquisse), a preliminary, often quick sketch that captures the concept of a work of art, a mechanism or its individual parts... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French esquisse) a preliminary sketch that captures the concept of a work of art, a structure, a mechanism or a separate part of it... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

esquisse) - a preliminary sketch that captures the concept of a work of art, a structure, a mechanism or a separate part of it. In design documentation: a sketch is a drawing made by hand on a visual scale.

Sketch – A quickly executed free-form drawing, not intended to be a final work, often consisting of many overlapping lines. Can be made using various techniques.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try out other ideas before turning them into painting. Pencil or pastel are preferred for sketching due to time constraints, but a quick sketch in watercolor or even a quickly modeled model in clay or soft wax can also be considered a sketch in the broader sense of the word. Graphite pencils are a relatively new invention; Renaissance artists made sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

When working on a sketch, you can use an eraser, which is used to remove construction lines or soften too sharp lines.

Sometimes a sketch is called a sketch (not to be confused with a skit - a one-act play with comedic content). “Sketch” (from the English “sketch” - outline, sketch) is a drawing quickly done by hand, usually not considered a completed work. A sketch can serve a variety of purposes - it can help you quickly capture what the artist sees. Record or develop an idea for the purpose of further use, or serve as a convenient form of graphic demonstration of a picture, idea or principle.

See also



  • // Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes / author's compilation. V. I. Dal. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Printing house M. O. Wolf, 1880-1882.