Man is not alone in the world. The most terrible person in the world. Photo of the most terrible person The man who hardly ages

Our planet amazes us with its diversity, and sometimes we see things that seem to have wandered to us from a parallel universe. Among them are people whose amazing stories, unusual appearance or strange actions attract everyone's attention and become small sensations.

1. Avtara Singha

The man wears a huge traditional Punjabi turban called a pagdi every day. The headdress weighs 45 kilograms and consists of 645 meters of fabric. The 60-year-old Indian man has been wearing it regularly for the past 16 years, despite spending six hours a day wrapping the turban.

2. Thai Ngoc

64-year-old Thai Ngoc has not slept for 35 years in a row. He stopped sleeping after he had the flu back in 1973, and has now spent 11,700 sleepless nights counting sheep in an unsuccessful attempt to sleep. However, prolonged insomnia did not affect his health in any way.

3. Kalim

Each hand of 8-year-old Kalim weighs 8 kilograms and reaches a length of 33 centimeters - from the base of the palm to the end of the middle finger. Kalim is not able to do many, even the simplest, things that boys his age do with ease. His parents earn only $22 a month and are desperately trying to find help for their son, but to no avail. Even those doctors who would like to help him do not know how to do it.

4. Jen Bricker

American Jen Bricker was born without legs due to a genetic failure. Her parents abandoned her, and the girl was adopted by the Brickers. Having learned about her youthful dream of becoming a gymnast, her adoptive parents enrolled their daughter in a sports school at the age of 16. This decision not only gave Jen victory, but also revealed the secret of her birth. Like many aspiring gymnasts, the girl idolized the American athlete Dominique Helena Mosina-Canales, who won the gold medal on Olympic Games 1996. "You'll never believe it, but your real name was Mosin,” her adoptive mother once admitted and showed her the documents. It turned out that the champion Dominique was Jen’s sister. Gymnastics was in her blood. Perhaps this is what helped the girl achieve success.

5. Mehran Karimi Nassari

Mehran Karimi Nassari is a refugee from Iran who has been living in the waiting room of Terminal 1 of Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport for 20 years. In Iran, he was imprisoned, tortured, and then expelled from the country. Since then, he has been unsuccessfully trying to obtain political asylum in France, Great Britain and other countries that constantly refuse the unfortunate man. The fact is that Mehran does not have any documents with him: they were stolen on the way to the UK. After landing at Heathrow, the British authorities refused to allow the undocumented man into the country, and he was transferred back to the French airport. Since then, Mehran has been living there, since the French authorities cannot allow an undocumented person into the country and assign refugee status, and an Iranian cannot confirm his identity - for this he would have to return to his homeland, where he is not at all welcome with open arms hugs. The vicious circle has been going on for 20 years.

6. Ting Hiafen

The largest breasts in the world belong to Chinese woman Ting Hiafen from the village of Chang. Each of her breasts weighs 10 kilograms and hangs 48 cm. Fame came to her at the age of 14. According to Ting Hiafen, due to such huge breasts, she experiences a lot of discomfort.

7. Katie Jung

Katie Jung is the owner of the thinnest waist in the world, whose achievement is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Katie's waist measurement is only 38.1 cm. It all started with envy of the Barbie doll's waist, and then at the age of 22 she discovered an interesting thing - a corset, which she has been wearing without taking off for about 30 years.

8. Yoti Amge

Yoti Amge is the smallest living woman, her height is only 63 centimeters. But the Indian woman could not break the record of the Dutch Polina Masters. Masters, born in 1876, was only 59 cm tall.

9. Supatra Sazufan

Supatra suffers from a very rare disease - hypertrichosis, which manifests itself in excessive hair growth on the body and face of a person. As a girl ages, her hair becomes even thicker. There is simply no cure for such an anomaly. There were attempts to stop hair growth with laser, but it did not help.

10. Doug Soos

Doug Soos is one of the most famous trainers on the planet who has tamed grizzly bears. Doug allows himself to do things that no other person in the world would dare to do - for example, putting his head in a bear's mouth. On their ranch in Heber City, Utah, Doug and his wife Lynn have raised and raised four bears over the past four decades. The bears and their “parents” managed to work with a good dozen Hollywood stars– Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Eddie Murphy were filmed on their ranch.

Are you unhappy with something about your appearance? Just look at these people and you will instantly forget about some non-existent flaws in your own body. Today we will talk about those who are modern society are usually called freaks.

1. Ulas family

The Ulas family lives in Hatay province in Turkey. Of its 19 members, five brothers and sisters walk on all fours. Scientists have concluded that they all suffer from a rare type of disability. They cannot master upright walking simply because they lack balance and stability. Interestingly, scientists still cannot give an exact explanation of why this happens. Professor Nicholas Humphrey notes that this shining example strange violation human development. Moreover, some scientists believe that the family problem is proof that people can devolve, while others are of the opinion that the poor fellows suffer from some kind of hereditary disease, for example, Youner Tan syndrome or cerebellar hypoplasia.

2. Aceves Family

This Mexican family is also called the hairiest in the world. All its members suffer from a rare disease - congenital hypertrichosis. People with this genetic mutation have an extra piece of DNA that affects nearby genes that control hair growth. This pathology manifests itself in the fact that not only the whole body, but also the face becomes hairy. In the Aceves family, about 30 people - both women and men - suffer from this disease. It’s hard to imagine how much bullying these unfortunate people suffered from society...

3. Jose Mestre

The face of this poor fellow from Portugal was “swallowed” by a tumor whose weight reached 5 kg. Moreover, he lived with her for 40 years. It all started when Mestre was born with a vascular malformation, also called a hemangioma. It grew uncontrollably until the age of 14. These types of tumors tend to increase during puberty and distort all facial features. A simple meal cost Jose his tongue and gums to bleed. The tumor literally consumed his face and completely destroyed his left eye. To date, the man has undergone a number of operations. While his face looks like it's covered in burns. But despite this, Jose is overjoyed that he has finally gotten rid of the unfortunate tumor.

4. Unknown with a horn

We often joke about the fact that someone has grown horns, but we don’t even realize that there are people in the world who actually have them. It turns out that cutaneous horn is a rare disease formed from horn cells. To date, the exact cause of the formation of a cutaneous horn has not been identified. The development of such a process can be provoked by both internal (endocrine pathology, tumors, viral infection) and external (ultraviolet radiation, trauma) factors. Fortunately, this can be treated with surgery.

5. Bree Walker

The American TV presenter from Los Angeles lives with a congenital defect called ectrodactyly (“claw-shaped hand”). The defect consists of underdevelopment of one or more fingers on the hands or feet.

The personality of this young man can inspire many. He is the one who managed to turn his rare disease and unusual physique into a special effect, into something that will bring him fame and financial independence. Being 2 m tall and weighing just over 50 kg, Spanish actor Javier received many alien, horror roles. At the age of 6, Botet was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome, a rare genetic pathology that is accompanied by elongation of fingers and limbs, as well as tall stature combined with extreme thinness. Now he can be seen in “Crimson Peak” (where he played ghosts), in “Mama” (Javier as main character), “The Conjuring 2” (Hunchback) and many other films.

7. Petero Byakatonda

This boy comes from an African village in Uganda. He suffers from a genetic disease - Crouzon syndrome, which leads to abnormal fusion of the bones of the skull and face. In Crouzon syndrome, the bones of the skull and face fuse too early, and the skull is then forced to grow towards the remaining open sutures. This results in abnormal shape of the head, face and teeth. Usually this disease is treated within several months after birth, but the 13-year-old baby lived in isolation and it is still a miracle that he survived. Today he is undergoing treatment. The basic operations have already been done, thanks to which the guy’s head has a shape familiar to all people.

9. Harry Eastleck

During his lifetime, this man was nicknamed “the stone man.” He suffered from fibrodysplasia ossificans, a very rare disease characterized by the transformation of connective tissue into bone. Eastleck died at the age of forty-odd years, before which he bequeathed his skeleton to the Museum medical history Mutter (Philadelphia, USA).

In 2013, at the age of 62 heart attack Paul Karason, known throughout the world as the “blue man” or “Papa Smurf,” has died. And the cause of his rare disease was... ordinary self-medication. An American tried to fight dermatitis at home, which he treated for about 10 years with colloidal silver. After 1999, drugs based on it were banned in the United States. It turns out that when taking silver internally, there is a high probability of developing argyrosis, a disease characterized by irreversible skin pigmentation. Blue skin prevented Karason from living, and he moved from state to state (he had to leave his native California largely because of the curious looks that locals and tourists cast at him), sought doctors and understanding, went to various talk shows, talked about himself, smoked a lot.

11. Dede Kosvara

“Tree Man”, Indonesian Dede Koswara suffered from a rare disease - his immune system was not able to fight the growth of warts. His arms and legs resembled tree roots, all the result of a mutated papilloma virus that science has never been able to cope with. This virus is not contagious, but Dede’s wife left him, took the children, and passers-by turned away. Despite the fact that doctors initially cut off the growths on his body, over time they reappeared. As a result, in 2016, alone and with heartache at the age of 42, Dede Kosvara left this world.

12. Didier Montalvo

And this baby was previously called a turtle. Fortunately, in 2012, doctors freed the 6-year-old boy from the terrible shell that occupied 45% of his body. Colombian child suffered rare form a congenital disease called melanocyte virus. Fortunately, doctors removed the tumor in time, and it did not have time to become malignant.

Tessa suffers from aplasia - a congenital absence of any part of the body or organ, in in this case- nose. In addition to aplasia, the girl suffers from heart and eye problems. At 11 weeks she had cataract surgery on her left eye, but complications left her completely blind in one eye. Today, the baby is preparing for a series of nasal prosthetic operations, although it is already known in advance that she will still not be able to smell.

14. Dean Andrews

This Briton looks at least 50 years old, but in reality the unfortunate man is only 20. He suffers from progeria. This is one of the rarest genetic defects, which results in premature aging of the body. By the way, the world-famous American motivational speaker Sam Burns, who died at the age of 17, had this disease. Unfortunately, on at the moment there is no effective treatment the disease and patients affected by it die very quickly.

15. Unidentified woman with Treacher Collins syndrome

As a result of this disease, patients experience craniofacial deformation. As a result, strabismus occurs, the size of the mouth, chin and ears changes. Patients have problems swallowing. Cases of hearing loss are common. In some cases, these defects can be corrected with plastic surgery.

16. Declan Hayton

Declan lives with his parents in Lancaster, UK. This baby has been diagnosed with Mobius syndrome. Until now, science has not been able to fully understand the causes of the development of the disease, and the possibilities of its treatment, unfortunately, are limited. People with such a rare congenital anomaly lack facial expression, which is explained by facial paralysis.

This man has pituitary dwarfism, in other words, dwarfism. His height is only 80 cm. But this did not stop him from realizing himself in life and revealing his creative potential. Today, Vern acts in films, and is also a famous stand-up comedian and stuntman. By the way, he became famous for his role in the film “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me,” where Verne Troyer played the role of Mini-Me, a clone of Dr. Evil.

18. Manar Maged

19. Sultan Kesen

This man from Turkey is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man in the world. His height is 2 m 51 cm. He is associated with a pituitary tumor. This young man never managed to finish high school. As a result, he works as a farmer, and moves exclusively on crutches. Since 2010, Sultan has been undergoing radiotherapy in Virginia. Fortunately, the course of therapy was able to normalize the hormonal activity of the pituitary gland. Doctors managed to stop the Turk’s constant growth.

The Elephant Man was the name given to this man who lived in Victorian England. He lived only 27 years. Due to his deformed body, Merrick was unable to get a job. In addition, he had to run away from home for the reason that his stepmother constantly humiliated him. Soon Joseph got a job at a local circus to participate in a freak show. In his 27 years, this young man accomplished so much... So, he was a gifted person. He wrote poetry, read a lot, visited theaters, and collected a collection of wild flowers. With only his left hand he assembled models of cathedrals from paper, one of which is still kept in the Royal London Museum. The surgeon Frederick Reeves took him under his wing, thanks to whom Joseph received a room at the Royal London Hospital. In his memoirs, Dr. Reeves wrote:

“When I met this guy, I thought he was born weak-minded, but later I realized that he was aware of the tragedy own life. Moreover, he is smart, very sensitive and has a romantic imagination.”

Joseph Merrick suffered from a genetic disease called Proteus syndrome, which causes unusual growth of the head, skin and bones. On April 11, 1890, Joseph went to bed with his head on the pillow (due to growths on his back, he always slept sitting up). As a result, his heavy head bent his thin neck, and he died of asphyxia.

21. Unknown Chinese boy

Polydactyly is an anatomical deviation characterized by a greater than normal number of toes or fingers. In addition, it can occur not only in people, but also in cats and dogs. And in the photo you see the hands and feet of a boy who was born with 5 extra fingers and 6 extra toes. Doctors were able to remove the extra fingers so that the child could live a full life and not feel like an outcast in society.

22. Mandy Sellars

The 43-year-old British woman, like Joseph Merrick the Elephant Man (item #20), has Proteus syndrome. During her life, she underwent many surgeries, and one of her legs had to be amputated at the knee. Now her legs weigh 95 kg. The girl notes that she is proud of herself, that she managed to love her body and accept herself for who she is. Moreover, Mandy is a great smart girl. Despite her disability, she graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in psychology.

23. 27-year-old unknown Iranian

Did you know that there is a person on Earth with hair growing on his pupil? And the reason for this is a tumor. Fortunately, doctors were able to cut it out.

24. Min An

This Vietnamese boy is called a fish, and all because he was born with an unknown disease, as a result of which his skin constantly peels off and forms a kind of scales. That's why he showers several times a day. And swimming is his favorite activity. Doctors believe that the cause of the disease could be Agent Orange. This is the name given to a mixture of defoliants and artificial herbicides. It was used by the US military during the Vietnam War.

The modern world is very diverse. It contains the beautiful, the frightening, the devilish and the divine. This applies not only to some landscape places, but also to people. Some suffer due to serious illnesses that cause deformities, while others are victims of a terrible accident or some other incident. But there are also those who decided to change to the point of real ugliness, just to be happy. Sometimes it is difficult to say who is the ugliest person and, often, it is impossible to accurately determine which of the ugly ones should be in first place.

Rick Genest aka Zombie Boy

Born in 1985 in Canada. He became very popular and gained the title of the most feared person because of the tattoos on his face. First of all, attention is drawn to the skeleton’s jaw, made “in its place”, dark circles under the eyes, and a dark nose with rings. All this makes the guy a real zombie. Seeing such a person at night is unlikely to be pleasant.

Elaine Davidson - female piercer

Brazilian E. Davidson received the title of the ugliest person on Earth. This woman has the most large number piercing: there are nine thousand punctures on the body with a total weight of almost four kilograms. Surprisingly, Edein's husband does not have a single puncture.

The image was complemented by 2,500 tattoos. A woman runs a small aromatherapy shop in Edinburgh.


The first person to cut the tongue like a lizard was Eric Sprague. He cut the tip in half and daily stretched both halves in different directions so that they would not grow together. In addition to his tongue, Eric has an unusual appearance: his body is decorated with tattoos in the form of lizard scales. The image of the ugliest person is completed by sharpened teeth.


One more extraordinary personality- Marie José Cristerna, nicknamed the vamp woman. This Mexican woman grew fangs on all her teeth, had horn implants sewn into her forehead, and covered her body with tattoos. In addition, she pierced parts of her body, including her face. To complete the image of the vampire, she wears colored lenses: they add expressiveness to her appearance.

Picture woman

Among the ugliest people on the planet is Julia Gnuse or the woman-picture, the woman-illustration. She has the largest number of tattoos on her body. She was forced to have them done because of an incurable skin pathology - porphyria. For ten years, Julia covered her body with a variety of designs.

The tattoo covers 95% of the skin. Because of this, the girl was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed woman in the world.

For many years, Julia fought the disease, but she was unable to overcome the disease, and she decided to hide the scars with drawings. In 2016, the woman died at the age of 48.

Lizzie Velazquez

Lizzie Velazquez received the official recognition of the ugliest person. She was born in 1989 in the USA. A woman's deformity is associated with two pathologies - Marfan syndrome and lipodystrophy. Because of them, the body has lost the ability to form subcutaneous fats. Pathologies caused loss of vision in one eye. Despite her deformity, the woman leads a normal life, she writes books and travels around the world with seminars.

The girl was advised never to go outside or look in the mirror. There were “well-wishers” who told her to commit suicide. Fortunately, Lizzie turned out to be a strong girl and became a speaker.

Jason Schechterly

Among the nominees for the title of ugliest person is Jason Schechterly. The media has already called him the most terrible man.

Jason is a police officer. One day while on duty he was in a terrible accident. The impact was so strong that the policeman's car immediately caught fire. As a result, the man received fourth degree burns. To save his life, doctors had to literally remove his face. The officer underwent a skin graft, but not a trace remained of his sweet face.

One of the media published a photo of Jason with a new face, where he hugs his wife. For it, the photographer received a huge amount of money and several awards. Jason himself sued the publication and won the case. Now the media pays for its reporting by making contributions to a fund for burn victims. In addition, the court revoked the licenses of the newspaper employees who published the photo.

Godfrey Baguma

Among the most terrible people in the world is an ordinary shoemaker from Uganda, Godfrey Baguma. He is suffering incurable disease, but the man does not lose heart and considers himself very happy. Once he took part in an anti-beauty competition and, of course, took first place.

In 2013, Baguma got married for the second time. His first wife cheated on him and he left her. After some time, he met his second love and proposed to her. Godfrey understood that his native girls were unlikely to accept him the first time.

Over the years of marriage, the man had six children.

Yu Junchan

The list of the scariest people in the world includes the hairiest Chinese man, Yu Junchan. He suffers from a rare pathology - atavism, due to which the body is covered with long hair. The man is not particularly upset about being included in the ranking of the ugliest people in the world by nature. He gladly allows himself to be photographed, appears in various shows, and gives interviews.

Kala Kawaii

Another ugliest person on Earth is Kala Kawai. Once upon a time, he was unable to stop his passion for tattooing and covered 75% of his skin with drawings. However, it seemed to the man that this was not enough. He decided to complement the image with silicone bumps on the forehead, as well as attach metal horns, and made a snake cut on the tongue.

Tree Man

Indonesian Dede Koswara is on the list of the ugliest people on the planet. At the age of ten he injured himself in the forest. In all likelihood, some unknown infection got into the wound, which caused the development of ulcers on the lower extremities. Gradually they appeared on my hands. Over the course of several years, Dede observed his own transformation into a real monster.

The man cannot walk, he has lost the opportunity to have a family, to live normal life. In order to somehow support himself, he began working in a circus of freaks.

Doctors were able to remove some of the tree warts, but they soon reappeared. Dede lost faith that he could ever be healed.

Donatella Versace

Fashion representative Donatella Versace is among the top ugliest celebrities. She was attractive, but after too much plastic surgery the woman was included in the ratings of freaks. The Italian has huge lips, unnatural thinness, sagging skin, and a terribly made nose.

Marilyn Manson

Shock rocker Marilyn Manson holds the position in the ranking of the ugliest people in the world. Few people have been able to see a rock star without makeup: every appearance in public is frightening. It’s not for nothing that they say about this guy that if you see him on the street at night, you can die.

Clint Howard

The actor was always given the roles of scarecrows, for which he received decent fees. It was they who brought Clint success and more than one million dollars.

Evgeniy Bolotov

In the ranking of the ugliest people in Russia, first place was given to Evgeny Bolotov. He has dreadlocks on his hair, tattoos instead of eyebrows, and discs on his lips. The Perm designer claims that people are not intimidated by his appearance, but ask to be photographed with them.

Evgeniy is a real body modifier. It stretches the lips, nose and ears. He likes Australian platypuses.


Let's live through all sorts of incredible inhabitants of the Earth. I’ve met almost all of them individually before, but here the selection turned out to be quite good.

The total length of the nails was 6 meters 15 centimeters. On right hand Sridhar Chaillal did not grow his nails.
The Chinese man's meter-long nails grew in 15 years, and he began growing them at the age of 23. "When I was 20 years old, I read about an Indian man who grew fingernails about a meter long. I decided to beat him," says Lee.
“Before 1992, my nails accidentally broke twice: the first time when I was moving things, the second due to the fault of my friend. Each time I had to start over,” the record holder admitted.

Meanwhile, the world record for the length of nails belongs to 65-year-old Salt Lake City resident Lee Redmond. Last year she entered latest issue Guinness Book of Records, having grown the longest nails in the world - their total length is 7 meters 51 centimeters.

The largest and smallest heads.

The largest palms. A man named Hussein Bisad (UK) gained fame because of his enormously large palms. The length of the palms from the tips of the middle fingers to the wrist is 26.9 cm.

A man named Radhakanta Bajapai (India) became famous for having the most long hair 13.2 cm.

A resident of the Indian city of Bhopal, BD Tyagi was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who has the longest hair in the world growing from his ears: the length of the unusual vegetation reaches 10.2 centimeters.

The longest nose. A figure created in the image of the German nobleman Gustav von Albach, who lived in the 18th century. in Bremen. He was famous for his unusually long nose. Gustav turned his ugliness into an object of fun and jokes, and was everyone’s favorite, especially children. He took part in carnivals (luckily he didn’t need a mask).

A child who grows old quickly. Due to his mother's illnesses (according to some sources, drug and alcohol abuse) he was born in 1811 in Austria weighing 1 kg 733 g, and height 25 cm.

The shortest man. The shortest man was Gul Mohammed from New Delhi (India). In 1990, when examined at the Ram Manohar Hospital, his height was only 57 cm. He died of a heart attack in 1997.

The heaviest newborn. On January 19, 1879, Seville (Ohio, USA), Anna Bates (Canada), whose height was 2 m 27 cm, gave birth to a boy weighing 10 kg 8 g and 76 cm tall. The boy lived only 11 hours.

The longest hair.

Most fat man on Earth.

American Katie Jung today has the narrowest waist in the world - 38.1 cm. The record holder has practically not taken off her corset for 14 years, and she has about a hundred of them. Recently, another “achievement” appeared in the Guinness Book of Records: the volume of the most immense female waist – 160 cm.

Beauty is, of course, a relative concept, although the fashion and cosmetics industry tells us otherwise. There is another common expression - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All this is true, but let's be honest with ourselves: there are many people in the world whose appearance does not correspond to our idea of ​​beauty. And if some people were not born very beautiful or became so due to tragic circumstances, then others “worked” to their heart’s content on their appearance at your own request. We offer you a rating of the most terrible people in the world.

"The Scariest Woman in the World" - Lizzie Velazquez

A girl named Lizzie Velazquez, let's face it, does not have an attractive appearance. She is even called the most terrible woman in the world. And people who saw videos of her on Youtube left dozens of the most offensive comments that the imagination is capable of.

She was advised to never go outside, not to look in the mirror and even to commit suicide immediately - fortunately, Lizzie was strong enough to answer the haters. She became a motivational speaker (following Nick Vujicic, who was born without both arms and legs).

Lizzie Velasquez suffers from a rare disease - Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome. She can't gain weight no matter how much she eats, and she's blind in one eye. Every day is a struggle with death, but Lizzie participates in medical research, writes books and does not hide from life.

The Man Who Had His Face Removed - Jason Shechterly

Jason Schechterly ugly man the planet has been dubbed the tabloids. He was the most ordinary American guy - he served in the police, went to the bar after work and looked after girls. But he had to endure a great tragedy. In 2001, he suffered fourth degree burns. It happened at work - Jason was driving a patrol car. A taxi crashed into a car at full speed. Moreover, the blow was so strong that both cars burst into flames like a match.

Unfortunately for Jason, he was unable to get out of the car right away. Firefighters and rescuers arrived quickly; they managed to pull Jason out of the pile of metal and save his life. But the burns were so severe that the surgeons actually had nothing to save: the skin on the face was completely burned. The young policeman received a skin transplant, but not a trace remained of his quite pretty appearance.

One publication even published a photograph of Jason Schechterly - the one where his wife hugs him. For this photo, the photographer who photographed the couple received several awards (and a lot of money). And Shechterli himself immediately filed a lawsuit against the newspaper. Naturally, he won the case. And now the corporation that runs the publication is paying a considerable amount of money to a fund to support burn victims. In addition, by a court decision, the newspaper employees who allowed the photo to get into the issue were deprived of their jobs.

The Chinese Yu Junchang has a rare atavism: he is almost completely covered with hair. Since people are usually horrified when they see something unusual, the young man was also “honored” by the media as one of the ugliest people in the world. However, the editors of uznayvse.rf note that he is not particularly worried about this. Yu Junchan willingly participates in numerous talk shows, gives interviews and in all programs says that his heart is free and he will gladly give it to the girl he likes.

Girl with tattoos of everything in the world

A young woman with a not-so-sounding surname, Gnuse, is unlucky with her health: she suffers from porphyria. American Julia Gnuse suffers from a rare disease: she cannot be in the sun, the light causes blisters on her skin. To hide the disease, she began to apply tattoos to her skin, but the effect was purely cosmetic.

Julia Gnuse covered 95 percent of her skin with tattoos and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed woman in the world. She spent many years fighting the disease and posing in front of reporters' cameras (she received the nickname Painted Lady in the press): she believed that a serious illness was not a reason to hide from the world. In 2016, Julia died at the age of 48.

The most terrible people in the world who did this to themselves voluntarily

Brazilian Elaine Davidson boasts a huge amount of scrap metal on her face: she wears at least three kilograms of piercings on it around the clock. 2,500 tattoos complement the crazy look. Elaine Davidson moved to Edinburgh and runs an aromatherapy shop there. It’s good that she doesn’t have to go to the office - it’s unlikely that any large corporation would hire such an exotic (and, to be honest, scary) looking lady.

Kala Kawai once failed to stop his passion for body modification in time and covered 75% of his body with tattoos. But, apparently, this was not enough for him, and he decided to make his tongue like a snake, bifurcating the tip, and also to grow silicone bumps on his forehead, resembling cones, and attach metal horns to his head. However, a completely prosaic motive is also possible: he decided to become a living advertisement for his own tattoo studio in Hawaii.

Lizard Man

Once upon a time, the lizard man Eric Sprague was a respectable member of society, wore a suit and went to work - to the University of Albany. But one day everything changed. We at the site’s editorial office don’t know exactly what prompted Sprague to do all this to himself, but the fact remains: the American, who is considered the founder of the body modification movement (decorative changes made to one’s own body), gradually turned into a lizard.

Speech by the scary lizard man Eric Sprague

He was “helped” in this by numerous tattoos, stylized reptile skin, piercings, and most importantly, a terrible forked tongue. In addition, Eric Sprague sharpened his teeth. Now he makes a living by showing all this stuff for money, and also by swallowing fire, hanging himself directly by his skin on hooks, and doing other similar things.

The scariest person in the world: Cat Man

His name is Dennis Avner. But he gained great popularity under the nicknames Cat, Tiger Man or Man-Cat. Dennis changed his appearance not because he wanted to stand out from the crowd in an original way or because he was sick. Since childhood, the man was attracted to the image of a tiger - and at some point his love for cats crossed all conceivable limits.

Today it's emblazoned on Dennis's body huge amount tattooed stripes that imitate tiger stripes. In total there are more than a hundred of them. Dennis Avner's teeth are specially sharpened to resemble a cat's. The upper lip was surgically bifurcated, and to change the shape of his face, the man needed implants placed in the forehead and eyebrows. Tiger Man also had his hairline corrected. And to enhance the similarity, she regularly extends her nails.

Hobbies for body modification and the passion to endlessly “improve” oneself do not lead to good things. We invite you to read about the “terribly beautiful” stars who once went under the plastic surgeon’s knife - but could not stop.
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