Cheeks are burning - signs about your close circle. Why and why do cheeks burn?

Remember this saying: “Cheeks are burning - people are talking”? In fact, the reason why cheeks and ears burn, of course, has a medical basis. But you really want to believe that someone is praising you! According to folk superstitions, when your right ear and cheek are on fire, they say pleasant things about you, and when your left cheek is on fire, they scold you. Still, let's approach the issue from a scientific point of view.

What causes your ears and cheeks to burn at the same time?

Most often, when your ears and cheeks burn, there is an increase in temperature. This could be a reaction to a cold, a virus, or internal inflammation. So first of all, pick up a thermometer. If you see the number 37 or higher on it, try to remember whether you sat in a draft and got your feet wet for an hour? If the situation is complicated by a painful shine in the eyes, discomfort in the throat, cough, or runny nose, you can be sure that you are starting to get sick. If you notice the disease immediately and begin treatment, there is every chance of defeating the cold and feeling good the next day. When your cheeks are burning and your head hurts, it is very likely that you have the flu. Lean your body forward and look up without raising your head. Is the pain getting worse? So it's time to take action. The best you can do is:

  1. Make yourself tea with lemon.
  2. Steam your feet.
  3. Take an antiviral drug.
  4. Go to bed and get at least a couple of hours of sleep.

Reasons for cheeks burning

If your ears and cheeks burn for just a few minutes, the cause may be excitement, fear, anger, embarrassment, joy and other strong emotions. At such moments, a lot of adrenaline is produced in the blood, it dilates the blood vessels, as a result of which blood actively rushes to the face and ears. The situation may be aggravated by an immediate and short-term increase in temperature. This is a normal reaction of the body, do not worry if such situations do not occur too often. Otherwise, you will still have to go to the doctor - you may have problems with blood pressure or blood vessels.

Sometimes a hormonal imbalance can cause such a reaction in the body. In women, it occurs as a result of pregnancy or various diseases, so if your ears and cheeks regularly burn, you should not play with fire. Make an appointment with a gynecologist and endocrinologist. He will prescribe appropriate treatment. By the way, the cause of redness can also be incorrectly selected oral contraceptives.

Why do my cheeks burn in the evening?

In the evening, fatigue makes itself felt, so the symptoms of various diseases appear especially clearly. If your cheeks and ears burn in the afternoon, all of the diseases listed above could be the cause. But most likely in in this case we're talking about about normal nervous excitement. You can’t sleep for a long time, are you worried that tomorrow you have a meeting with management, a driving test, or a long flight? Your body reacts to the situation as if it were stressful. Hence the burning of the cheeks.

Why are my cheeks red and burning?

Often the cause of a sudden rush of blood to the cheeks may be an allergy to food, cosmetics, pollen and much more. Remember what you used and what you used in lately? If there are new products on the list, it is very likely that they caused such a reaction in the body. Take a mild antihistamine or consult a doctor.

Other reasons


It’s hard to find a lucky person who has never in his life felt his cheeks suddenly “burning with fire.” Long-term or short-term, this unexpected phenomenon often prevents you from concentrating on work and makes you experience some kind of inner trepidation. As a result, putting everything aside, the owner of “rosy cheeks” tries with all his might to find some kind of salvation from the obsessive state.

The editors of the magazine “Women's” hope that this article will help you figure out not only why your cheeks are burning, but will also help you find the answer to how to stop this disgrace...

Why are your cheeks burning? Signs, traditions, beliefs

The mystery of “burning” cheeks is shrouded in a haze of mystery and ambiguity. There are many different opinions of people on this matter, but they all agree on old saying: « Cheeks are burning - people are talking».

Young girls, feeling their faces “blazing,” rejoice because they know that their loved one is sad. But what should those whose cheeks turn red certainly not from the memories of their dear one think?

There is a surprisingly accurate one that will help any person who trusts signs to determine who remembers him and how.

So, we take the gold wedding ring and, with light pressure, run it along the burning cheek. Based on the color of the trace left on the skin, we determine the cause of “red cheeks”:

  • if the ring leaves a light trail behind it, it means someone remembers you very kindly

  • red stripe on the cheek - a person is thinking about you, but his opinion has not been fully formed

  • a black stripe indicates a person’s bad attitude towards you
Another sign says that “burning” cheeks can only indicate negative thoughts of your friend. The same belief advises you to start listing in your memory the names of all your enemies and ill-wishers. When the “right” name is called, the “fire” on the face will subside by itself.

For the “” spiteful critic, the Russian people even composed a conspiracy (get ready to talk with your cheeks):
« My cheeks, right and left, why are you hot? Damn be the one who wishes me harm. If this is a virgin, let them kill her. If it's a woman, let her die. If this is a widow, she will mourn for a long time. If this is my love, let my cheek continue to burn».

On top of that, some signs associate red cheeks with:

  • if this happens to be the day Monday- getting ready for a new acquaintance

  • Tuesday promises a quarrel with a loved one

  • Wednesday promises a romantic date soon

  • Thursday portends a favorite activity

  • Friday speaks of soon receiving news

  • Saturday will give an unforgettable meeting

  • well, oh Sunday combined with glowing cheeks will certainly attract some fun into your life
Many older people, wise with life experience, sigh: “ Cheeks are burning - trouble is just around the corner" And in order to resist this very misfortune, the sign advises using holy water.

All of the listed beliefs and signs relate to the “burning” of both cheeks at once. What if only one cheek is burning?

Why is my right cheek burning? Signs and sayings

If only your right cheek is burning, someone is telling the truth about you; if the heat also covers your ear, get ready to hear the true news.

Another superstition says: “ The right cheek burns for a quarrel».

Another sign: “ The right cheek is burning - someone is praising».

And finally: “ The right cheek is burning - you will blush from pleasant words and pleasure».

Naturally, it remains up to you.

Why is my left cheek burning? Sign... This time there is only one

With the left cheek, everything is much simpler - according to superstition, it can only burn when someone scolds a person behind his back and strongly slanderes him at the same time.

So if your left cheek is “on fire,” it would be nice to remember who you didn’t please in the recent past.

Why do my cheeks burn? Doctors' opinion

Here, as always, everything is medically prosaic: the phenomenon of burning cheeks has a specific name “blanching syndrome”, and there can be quite a few reasons for its occurrence. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Problems with the circulatory system. For vegetative-vascular diseases of the cheek and. Therefore, flushes of blood to the face indicate, first of all, serious problems and abnormalities in the human body.

  2. A constant blush on the cheeks also indicates a metabolic disorder.

  3. A muted, “dry” blush may be evidence of diabetes.

  4. Pulmonary tuberculosis can be seen in a bright complexion. A blush appears on the cheek on the side of which the lung is affected.

  5. An unhealthy blush also occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

  6. Increased adrenaline and pressure can also give the face a reddish tint.

  7. The most common cause of facial redness is allergies.
As we see, medicine also cannot give a definite answer to this question. Therefore, if your cheeks burn regularly, but you are not inclined to believe it, get ready to go to the doctors (first of all, you should visit a dermatologist and cosmetologist).

How to get rid of red cheeks?

If you have no doubts about the state of your health, consider signs to be a relic of the past, and are already quite tired of regular “outbreaks” on your face, we can recommend several options for solving this problem:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to limit (and ideally completely eliminate, at least for some time) the consumption of alcohol, spicy, hot and peppery foods, in other words, everything that promotes blood flow to the cheeks.

  2. Besides, . Just like alcohol, it can turn your face a sickly red color.

  3. It is also worth trying to drink instead of coffee and black tea green tea or rosehip decoction, as these drinks can strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In this article, we examined both the most common signs and scientific interpretations of the phenomenon of “burning” cheeks. Of course, we cannot say with certainty that the cause of your little “fire” was described above. However, now you know why other people’s cheeks burn, and how our ancestors fought this phenomenon.

At the same time, do not forget that the reason for “outbreaks” on the face may be the most common natural shyness, or the body’s natural reaction to temperature changes. If this is true, then you should not look for serious diseases of the body. Just relax and mind your own business.

In any case, we wish you good health, and your cheeks to “light up” only from pleasant moments in life and unexpected compliments.

Random quote

We are not particularly picky and fair about what we don’t care about. (Marcel Proust)

Probably everyone has encountered the problem of burning cheeks; this sign is interpreted differently, because everything depends on many factors. Based on folk wisdom, your cheeks burn the moment you think about a person, but you even need to take into account what day of the week this happened. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in detail all the meanings of the above-mentioned signs.

When the right cheek burns

When the right cheek begins to burn, there is no reason to worry, because this is considered a fairly good omen. If you have a loved one, then most likely he is bored and eager to meet, and maybe he is going to surprise you.

For a lonely person, this may mean the appearance of a fan who has a hard time showing his feelings. This phenomenon may not have anything to do with your personal life; perhaps someone remembered you, spoke positively about you, or used you as an example.

But there is another sign that speaks of an upcoming quarrel. As you can see, the same phenomenon can be interpreted in different ways.

If your left cheek is burning

It is considered a bad omen if the left cheek begins to burn. This suggests that they are not just talking about you, but a real betrayal is being planned behind your back. But the worst thing is that such people turn out to be relatives and good friends. Perhaps someone wants to take revenge on you simply out of envy, or, taking advantage of your trust, to achieve their goal.

But this does not mean that you need to run headlong to look for your enemy or suspect everyone. It is best to remain calm, try not to get involved in disputes and avoid conflict situations not only at work, but also at home.

Some believe that at the time when the left cheek begins to glow, you need to say out loud the names of all the people you suspect and whose name it stops glowing is the enemy.

Why are both cheeks burning?

Another bad sign is that both cheeks glow at the same time. This suggests that in the near future you will cry, and your face will be cooled with tears. This sign promises misfortune, resentment, bad luck, and even speaks of an upcoming illness. However, do not panic, as all troubles can be avoided with the help of holy water. It is necessary to wash your face with water: if the fever subsides, then the omen has lost all its negativity.

There is a simple method that will help you find out what word people use to describe you. When the cheeks begin to burn, take a gold ring and pass it from top to bottom along the burning cheek and carefully monitor the remaining mark:

  1. Light - they speak well of you.
  2. Red – a person does not have a clear opinion.
  3. Black - the person is unkind to you.

Flaming cheeks and ears

Many people wonder why their cheeks and ears burn at the same time. The sign indicates that you are being discussed very vigorously, by a whole crowd of people. Most likely, the discussions are being conducted by colleagues or a group of your mutual friends. In order to avoid the evil eye, it is better to wash your face with holy water.

Another interesting sign is that your ears are burning; it should be noted that it can mean not only something good, but also something negative. Flaming ears indicate that someone remembers you, and very strongly. It is believed that in the near future you are expected to meet someone who thinks about you. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to know in what direction a person thinks.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

Quite often, it makes sense to interpret folk signs by day of the week.

  • If on Monday your cheeks suddenly flare up, then you are expecting a meeting with a good old friend or a new interesting acquaintance.
  • Burning cheeks on Tuesday indicate that a serious conflict situation awaits you.
  • All your goals will be achieved if your cheeks glow on Wednesday.
  • If your cheeks glow on Thursday, then expect an occasion that will bring you incredible joy.
  • For the arrival of relatives or wait for news from them if your cheeks are on fire on Friday.
  • Did your cheeks burn on Saturday? Feel free to go have fun with your friends.
  • It is considered a bad omen if your cheeks begin to glow on Sunday, as this promises separation from a loved one.

It must be remembered that you need to pay attention to this sign only when your cheeks start to burn unexpectedly, and not due to illness or hot weather.

This is a very relevant question for almost every person in everything globe. All of us, at least once in our lives, have experienced for a moment an incomprehensible feeling: “our cheeks were on fire.”

None of us can know exactly when this unpleasant phenomenon will occur. It can be present for a short time, and disappear in a matter of minutes, without giving the person any discomfort. And when people’s cheeks burn for a long time, it has a bad effect on their condition. Since the long-term phenomenon of “burning cheeks” does not allow a person to concentrate normally on his work. He worries a lot about this and wants to quickly get rid of an unpleasant condition, unless, of course, it is associated with any disease, for example, with.

Why do my cheeks burn? – the answer to this question is not clear. People who believe in different grandmother's signs interpret the answer in their own way. Others think about their health and look for any symptoms. According to older people who have already gained life experience, you can hear from them more than once: “your cheeks are burning - expect some kind of trouble.” Therefore, they advise: immediately wash your “flaming face” with holy water, which you need to bring from the church.

Cheeks can burn when a person spends a long time in the sun. Under the influence of the sun, all blood vessels dilate, and a rush of blood occurs to the cheeks. The same thing happens if you walk down the street for a long time on a cold, frosty day, your cheeks not only burn, but also itch very much, for example, if you don’t know what to do.

Why do my cheeks burn? – from a medical point of view

Experts in this field express their opinions. They explain that burning cheeks have a specific diagnosis called “blanching syndrome.” And the causes of this syndrome can be various diseases.

The most common ones include:

    • Circulation problems or acne on the face which can be combated with creams, masks, etc.
    • Cheeks often burn in people with clearly defined vegetative-vascular diseases. In most cases, such patients have big problems, and there may even be some deviations.
    • By the blush of the face, doctors can detect a disease such as pulmonary tuberculosis. To do this, they take into account on which side the cheek is burning, and on the same side there is a focus of lung disease.
    • Very often, “flaming cheeks” can be seen in people whose endocrine system is disrupted or with a disease such as, including in the neck area
    • If a person experiences frequent symptoms of hot cheeks, then his metabolism is very seriously impaired. You need to balance your diet and your metabolism will not return to normal.
    • Redness of the cheeks can also be indicated by adrenaline, which goes off scale, as well as high blood pressure. If you don't take care of this, you can get a stroke or heart attack.
    • In patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, a “dry blush” often appears on the face
  • Violated hormonal background especially in women during menopause. Their cheeks turn pink. If this happens to you quite often, we advise you to seek help from an endocrinologist or gynecologist. They may suggest a special course of treatment. This phenomenon can be found not only in women, but also in men. Truth be told, this happens extremely rarely among them and is expressed without any discomfort. It happens that men don’t even notice it.
  • There is very interesting fact, all women during pregnancy become frequent owners of “flaming cheeks.” This most likely happens due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Very frequent reddening of the cheeks can be caused by hormonal drugs, we want to calm it down immediately, it will not cause you any harm.
  • Many studies have proven that cheeks burn in people who take large number antibiotics or medicines. Many of them contain aggressive substances.
  • But doctors believe that the most common and widespread cause of “burning cheeks” is manifestations of an acute form of allergy.
  • If your cheeks are very hot and you feel unwell, it could be a cold or some kind of virus, or maybe even inflammation. In this case, we advise you to measure your temperature; if the thermometer is above 37 degrees, most likely you are starting to get sick. Be sure to take antiviral medications and warm raspberry tea.

Having learned all these symptoms and their causes, you realized that you are prone to frequent manifestations of “burning cheeks” and do not believe all those old, traditional methods, then we advise you not to delay, but be sure to seek help from specialists, such as cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Is it possible to get rid of “burning cheeks”?

This question torments many people who are already tired of these feelings. There is an answer, but in this case you need to be confident in your health. Do you have any abnormalities or illnesses? And also do not believe in any ancient signs and beliefs. Then we advise you to look through some options that we hope will help you solve this unpleasant problem with a beautiful part of the body - the face, and in our case with burning cheeks.

  1. Plan your diet correctly. It should not contain: spicy, peppery, fatty, or hot. Because it is these dishes that can promote blood flow to the cheeks.
  2. Limit alcoholic drinks, or better yet, give them up altogether for a while. After all, alcohol, when it enters the body, greatly dilates blood vessels.
  3. Very often, blood flow to the cheeks is caused by smoking. In people who smoke a lot and drink alcohol, the face becomes painful and red.
  4. Replace your morning coffee, as well as strong black tea, with green tea, or even better, rosehip decoction. These drinks will not only strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but will also perfectly energize your body. And thanks to the healing properties of rosehip decoction, you can also strengthen your immune system. And this is very important during the acute respiratory infection epidemic.

Cheeks are burning - reasons

No one can say with certainty that these particular options will help you get rid of “burning cheeks,” but at least you will try it for yourself and will certainly recommend it to people who suffer from the same discomfort as you. After all, everyone’s body is individual and will react differently to changes.

If you feel like a healthy person, lead healthy image life, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol and eat right, then the reason for “flaming cheeks” may be: your shyness or changes in air temperature. Therefore, don’t be upset, enjoy life, raise your children and take only the good from life.

Why do my cheeks burn? – scientific point of view

According to many scientists who believe that those people who often feel a rush of blood and a feeling of heat in the cheeks are in strong emotional agitation, which implies:

  • Embarrassment
  • Anger
  • Outburst of emotions
  • Stress
  • Joy
  • Unrest

Because of all this, the temperature may rise, capillaries and blood vessels may dilate, the face becomes red, and the cheeks glow with fire.

If you do not have any health problems and the heat in your cheeks lasts only a few minutes, this is normal and you should not seek help from a doctor.

The reasons for burning cheeks, as we said above, can be caused by allergies. of different nature:

- for cosmetics;

- for food;

- for dust;

- on plant pollen.

Therefore, you should be especially careful and remember everything you did and used during the day. When allergens enter the human body, they cause redness and heat in the cheeks.

Children's cheeks are burning - what to do?

Why, or rather, why are your cheeks burning? Folk signs and beliefs

Sometimes there are people who give preference not to specialists, but to folk signs.

As we already say: “Everything that happens to us wrong has its own explanation. In this case we will talk about “burning cheeks”.

Here's an example:

Young people are sure that if their cheeks are burning, then their lovers are thinking about them.

If you believe the old signs that say:

When your left cheek burns, expect something bad. And when the right cheek glows, it’s good. A person can be calm, because they only say nice things about him.

There is a way that will help you find out the reason for discussing your modest person.

For this experiment you will need:

- a mirror and gold jewelry.

Blush on the cheeks - causes and consequences

1.Stand in front of a mirror, take a gold piece in your hand and pass it across your burning cheek, wait a few minutes.

The formation of a dark stripe on your cheek indicates that someone is saying bad things about you. To find out who exactly is doing this, you need to say the name of the ill-wisher out loud. If you guess the person while saying his name, the bar should suddenly disappear without leaving any trace.

A light stripe means that you have nothing to fear. They only have good conversations about you.

The red stripe that appears means that someone does not think anything specific about your person, that is, we can talk about both good and bad.

There is an opinion that “flaming cheeks” signal to us that the body is dehydrated and needs fluid to restore itself. You need to drink approximately eight glasses of clean water a day, this is the norm.

Sometimes you can hear something else: your cheeks glow with fire, precisely when the body overheats. He, in turn, gives a signal to us through his cheeks.

One ancient sign indicates that cheeks are burning, that a person will have to cry a lot. To prevent this from happening, old people advised those with burning cheeks to laugh a lot and sing funny songs.

There are many signs that explain: why do cheeks burn? People have learned to recognize these unexpected phenomena and interpret their meaning on certain days of the week.

  • Cheeks are burning on Monday: expect a new, pleasant acquaintance, which may end in a wedding.
  • Tuesday: Foresees a quarrel with loved ones. Therefore, try to avoid conflict situations.
  • Well, Wednesday will bring you an unforgettable romantic date.
  • Thursday: On this day you can do what you love.
  • On Friday: wait for news. They can be both good and bad. News means some long-awaited letter from close friends.
  • Saturday is meeting day.
  • Well, resurrection promises us: a lot of communication with loved ones and family. Try to have fun on this day from the heart.

But, as you understand, this all sounds banal and yet, the real reasons for burning cheeks must be looked for in your body. Thanks to it, based on the signals it gives, you can identify the problem in time and avoid health complications.

Many people think that when they concentrate their attention on all these phenomena, they can easily avoid upcoming problems. But, unfortunately, this is just a myth.

As you can see, such a sign as “cheeks blazing with fire” includes many explanations and meanings.

It's up to you to believe or not to believe in these explanations. If it makes you feel a little better and doesn't pose any threat to your health, then everything is fine.

Today we, dear readers, will try to find out what burning cheeks promise. We dare to assume that this question is of interest to many people, because such a phenomenon is not uncommon.

If both cheeks are burning

If you feel your cheeks suddenly flare up, you should be wary, because, according to popular belief, at this time someone is scolding you. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, you should start listing all possible ill-wishers and only after you guess the foul words, your cheeks will cool down.

However, burning cheeks have more than one interpretation from the point of view of folk signs. So, according to another belief, if your cheeks are on fire, then tears await you. Fortunately, this can be avoided - you need to wash yourself with holy water.

Others believe that if your cheeks are burning, then at that moment your loved one remembers you. Agree, this is the most pleasant explanation.

For better or worse

There is one method that allows you to quite accurately determine what word, good or evil, you are remembered with, evidence of which is flaming cheeks. You need to take gold wedding ring, run it from top to bottom along the burning cheek and carefully examine the remaining mark. So, if the stripe from the ring is light, then they remember you with a kind word, a red mark indicates that the person thinking about you has not yet formed a definite opinion, and a black stripe left by a gold ring reports an unkind attitude towards you.

Out of trouble

If, according to the descriptions presented above, flaming cheeks are trying to warn you about ill-wishers and bad news, then you should not get upset ahead of time, because there is an excellent amulet. You need to address your cheeks with the following words: “My cheeks, right and left, why are you hot? Damn be the one who wishes me harm. If this is a virgin, let them kill her. If it's a woman, let her die. If this is a widow, she will mourn for a long time. If this is my love, let my cheek continue to burn.”

If one cheek is burning

At the same time, it often happens that not two cheeks burn at the same time, but one. Now let's try to find out what this promises us in the future.

Burning left cheek warns that someone scolds you strongly, without neglecting slander.

But at the burning right cheek much more explanation. According to the first sign, she warns of a quarrel that promises to happen soon. If you believe the other, then you will have to blush at the compliments and pleasant words heard addressed to you. And finally, if your right cheek is burning, it means someone is praising you. Which one to believe is up to you.

What day of the week what to expect

It would not be amiss to find out the interpretation of this folk sign by day of the week.

So if your cheeks are on fire on Monday, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you very soon.

Flaming Cheeks on Tuesday warn of a quarrel with a lover.

A romantic date is promised by burning cheeks on Wednesday.

The opportunity to devote yourself entirely to your hobby is heralded by cheeks blazing with fire. on Thursday.

On Friday feeling the fire in your cheeks means that you will learn some news, but it is difficult to determine what it will be, good or bad.

A chance meeting is predicted by burning on Saturday cheeks.

And finally, a similar feeling appeared on Sunday, report about the upcoming fun time with friends.


We think it will be interesting to find out how medical specialists explain the phenomenon of burning cheeks. If you believe their explanations, then the cheeks begin to burn at a time when a person experiences strong emotional disturbance, which can be caused by a feeling of shame, anger, embarrassment, etc. At these moments, a surge of emotions is felt, leading to a rise in temperature, expansion of capillaries and blood vessels, and as a result, the face begins to burn.

Flushing to the face is often caused by hypertension, in simple terms, an increase in blood pressure. However, redness in this case is permanent and does not occur suddenly. Often in this case the face turns burgundy.
Allergies known to many can also “ignite a fire” in the cheeks.

Sometimes a red complexion is a reason to consult an endocrinologist, as it may indicate a disorder in the endocrine system.

And of course, alcoholic drinks can also give you a burning sensation in your cheeks.

As you can see, there are actually many reasons for a fire. Most often it is a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli. In this case, do not try to look for signs from above in this phenomenon. If you are used to interpreting everything from the point of view of popular superstitions, then we advise you to choose only those explanations that promise you pleasant events, because if you believe in good things, then they will definitely happen!