Cat with green eyes. Cats with orange eyes

Stepanovna hated her daughter-in-law Zoya. But the only son Misha was adamant, he loved his wife madly. When Zoya was taken to give birth. The mother-in-law couldn’t stand it; her daughter-in-law’s pregnancy worried her until her palms trembled. She was afraid that having given birth to a child, Zoya would finally take her son under her power and set her against her own mother, as Stepanovna herself had once done. Because of everything - not wanting to think about the morality of her action, the woman ran to church and lit a candle for the repose of her daughter-in-law. Zoya died during childbirth, but her daughter Dasha survived.
The son brought a crying little bag from the maternity hospital and left it with his mother, and he went on a drinking binge. Stepanovna became despondent again, Misha disappeared, and she could not do anything, since her hands were tied with a small one. One day, in the winter, an alarmist neighbor ran to Stepanovna and reported that Mikhail was drinking in the house of the criminal Grigory, who was released from prison yesterday after another murder. Alarmed, Stepanovna wrapped the baby in a blanket and ran with the stroller to Grigory. The woman left the stroller with the baby on the street, thinking that she would immediately pick up her son and go out. But what she saw in the hut made her forget about everything. Misha sat with a naked torso, on which fresh tattoos adorned, and the son of a local teacher was drinking next to him. The woman began to scream and wail, wringing her elbows. The drunken men immediately began loudly discussing, arguing “for life,” making excuses and philosophizing. As a result, Stepanovna came to her senses almost an hour later. When I ran out into the street, I saw something I couldn’t even imagine. The baby did not cry, despite the bitter cold. There were three cats in the stroller with her; they warmed the girl with their bodies and purred loudly, like their own. Stepanovna never liked cats, considering them the devil's servants. Moreover, daughter-in-law Zoya loved cats to the point of adoration. The woman was enveloped in mystical superstitious horror. From that day on, Stepanovna began to notice where she didn’t go with the baby and cats stuck to her. A couple of times the woman deliberately left the stroller on the street, but just like then, cats appeared and began to warm the girl. Stepanovna didn’t really like her granddaughter before, considering her a burden, but now she even began to fear that she might grow up and begin to take revenge for her mother. And the woman decided to firmly get rid of the child. She knew that her son would be against this.
Therefore, I did everything quickly and without warning. First, she registered her son with a narcologist as an alcoholic, then she deprived him of parental rights and quickly sent the girl to an orphanage. The fact that his own mother sent his daughter to an orphanage completely broke Mikhail, and he began to drink especially desperately, without drying out.
That night, Stepanovna was already falling asleep when, through her drowsiness, she heard a loud, ominous meow, as if a huge cat was standing over her ear. The woman opened her eyes and looked out the window. A black cat was sitting under the window in the December snow. And she didn’t take her green evil eyes off Stepanovna. The woman cowered in fear. She didn't know what to think as she quickly read the prayer. With a trembling hand, Stepanovna pulled the curtain again, the cat was no longer there, but there was a trace in the snow where she had been sitting. And no leaving traces, as if she had vanished into thin air. And then it dawned on Stepanovna. I quickly got dressed and ran across the street to my son’s house. What she saw immediately knocked her off her feet. Mikhail, with a smile on his face, was hanging in a noose...
After her son’s funeral, Stepanovna completely gave up. There was no one to take care of her, and the local paramedic suggested registering as a nursing home. The elderly woman signed all the papers without looking, thinking that it would be better this way and she was lucky that there was an empty seat. But this stardom turned out to be one of the worst places you can go to. There were old people there mental disorders, and there were a lot of rowdy ones. When Stepanovna realized this and wanted to go back. It turned out there was no way back. No one wanted to help Stepanovna, everyone was sure that she was where she belonged. After all, when she came to see a doctor or another official, she would constantly nervously push the non-existent cat off the table and loudly swear that in these institutions cats roam right in the offices. Stepanovna did not understand why they thought she was crazy because she was not violent and really saw all these cats.
Life in the old house was a living hell. In the mornings, she woke up because her neighbor was hitting her on the head with an iron mug. Stepanovna had all her teeth knocked out long ago, and her ribs were repeatedly broken... But everything was attributed to an unfortunate fall from her walker. The administration of the old house was characterized by extreme indifference and dislike for the elderly. There was no government for them. But Stepanovna’s death still did not come, despite all the pleas, because that was not all.
That evening Stepanovna felt extremely good that she was able to get up on her own and use a walker to walk to the hall where everyone was watching the evening program. The program was about Russian children adopted by foreigners. They especially distinguished and told in detail about the Russian girl Dasha. Dasha turned out to be an indigo child and, despite her age, she had already helped find many missing people and had the gift of foresight. When they began to ask the girl about her life in a Russian orphanage, she began to cry, remembering how the older children beat her and the teachers mocked her. But detailed biography She made the girls shudder and Stepanovna cry; she recognized in the girl her granddaughter, whom she had once handed over to an orphanage.
The old woman, barely hobbling, dragging a massive walker, reached her bed and, exhausted, collapsed on it. She no longer felt sorry for herself and did not complain - she was sorry... At that moment, Stepanovna, with her poor eyesight, saw a large black cat on the threshold. And for the first time in her life, she gently called her over to her. Saying the last phrase in my life:
- “Forgive me, dear, for everything, take me, please, I have suffered my share, be merciful.”

Cats are such pets, representatives of which can be found in almost every second family. However, it is worth noting that not every cat is purebred. Some cats, due to their appearance, do not fit into any category at all. famous description However, in any case, cat eyes remain unique.

Yellow eyes

The uniqueness of a cat's eyes can lie in two things - the shape of the eyes, and also the color of the cat's eyes. For example, if a cat has round eyes, then this is more likely to characterize the fact that either she herself or one of her descendants was directly related to the exotic breed. Eye color is also interesting, depending on many factors.

Most often, yellow eyes in a cat can characterize its belonging to a breed such as the British, and it is the British who may be distinguished by the presence of eyes different colors, when one of them can be yellow, and the second, for example, blue. In principle, such unique features are not related to every breed of cat; usually the color of a cat’s eyes can be green or even brown.

Often, the pigmentation of a cat's eyes directly depends on its color; for example, cats with red hair often become the owners of green eyes. The so-called cat eye shape, which is characteristic even for some people, deserves special attention.

Orange eyes

Not far from yellow eyes there are other, more interesting pigmentation options for cat eyes. For example, cats with orange eyes are quite common, and such an individual is not always a representative of a specific breed.

Very often, the most common mongrel cats, which are commonly called “tabby cats,” have orange eyes. By the way, the lighter the cat’s fur, the more likely it is that it will have orange eyes mixed with yellow.

Dark cats can also be distinguished by the presence of orange eyes, however, this is rather an exception. Dark colors are most often distinguished by green or gray eyes, which may be complemented by some blue.

If you want a cat with a rare eye color to live with you, you don’t have to go to expensive elite clubs, since today this feature is quite common in cats.

These cats, cats and kittens have some differences in character and behavior, but many people think that they are completely insignificant and should not be emphasized. The article invites you to familiarize yourself with only the most interesting and all pet lovers useful information about them.

It is recommended to learn more about the favorite pets that we all love so much, and more information about them will be easy to find on this site, which will be helped not only by thematic sections, but also by the internal search system.

Cat breeds with green eyes

There are also many cat breeds with green eyes, such as:

— Havana is a very slender, graceful, medium-sized cat, with a narrow, elongated triangular muzzle, a long neck, large widely spaced ears, short velvety fur, small oval paws, and greenish oval eyes;

— British chinchilla – with an arctic fox coat, amazing round green eyes, a brick nose and a smile “ Cheshire cat", silver British chinchillas are a very rare color.

- Abyssinian cat - cats grow up to 35 m tall and cats up to 28 cm. Wedge-shaped head, large wide-set ears, long neck, medium-sized muscular body. The paws and tail are long, the thick, short, silky fur fits tightly to the skin. The eyes are smart and expressive, almond-shaped, with black eyeliner, the iris is green or amber.

— The Australian Mist has a medium-sized body, muscular, with a broad chest. Strong legs, with longer hind legs. Short, dense, shiny fur. The middle ears are wide at the base, rounded at the tip, inclined forward, wide nose. The eyes are large, inclined towards the nose, widely spaced, all shades of green.

There are also several breeds with green eyes:
— American Bobtail;
— American Curl;
— Arabian Mau;
- Bengal;
— Brazilian shorthair;
— British Shorthair;
— Burmilla;
— Devon Rex;
— Anatolian cat;
— Egyptian Mau;
— Korat;
- Cornish Rex.

Black, gray cat with green eyes breed

The European Shorthair cat is very similar to the British breed - medium to large in size, active. There are colors of this breed: white, black, silver, brown with black pattern, etc. up to 35 types of color. The body is muscular, dense with a short massive neck, but flexible. The fur is short, lying close to the body. The muzzle is round, cheeky, the head is large, with a powerful chin. The nose is straight, medium size. The eyes are round, widely set, the color depends on the color and can be: green, dark blue, from golden orange to copper, and others. The ears are triangular, small, rounded at the ends. Powerful chest, strong legs, medium tail, tapering towards the end.

White, red, gray fluffy cat with green eyes breed

As a rule, red cats are found in different breeds, but most often they turn out to be outbred. Although they may be representatives of the Persian, or less often British, breed, a lot of them are long-haired.

White and gray fluffies usually turn out to be representatives of Persian cats.

Why do you dream of a cat with green eyes, black, red, white dream book

No matter what color a cat’s eyes are, it always dreams of trouble or a quarrel, especially if the cat is black, you need to be on your guard.

Cat tattoo with green eyes, black

Most often, tattoos depict black cats; they can be either an independent design or part of a composition. For the most part, girls depict cats on themselves. The meaning of a cat tattoo with green eyes is independence, femininity, flexibility, grace, and mystery of the owner of such a tattoo.

If a small kitten is depicted, it will give the owner defenselessness, nostalgia and spontaneity.