Experienced artist of the republic. Unforgivable mistakes in films that you probably never noticed Quest with your eyes closed “Episode V-I. Playing blind »

How to feel like you are not the last Jedi?

Space Opera " Star wars"with all the additions in the form of comics, cartoons, games and souvenirs - an example of a student’s dream come true. After watching Akira Kurosawa's films and reading Burroughs, the unknown student eventually became George Lucas. No, of course, he was always George Walton Lucas Jr., that’s what his parents named him, but he turned his name into a brand with the help of Star Wars. Few people have managed to create something similar, except for Tolkien’s Hobbits, but anyone can find themselves inside this epic. So, we “step into the TV” and find ourselves in the world of the Jedi, Princess Leia and R2D2. It is quite obvious that game creators are unlikely to be able to “outdo” Lucas in terms of the script and invent something completely different from the plot of “Star Wars”, and there is no reason to, but the mechanics and focus of each game are different, so choose wisely to get maximum pleasure.

Shooter quest "Star Wars"

Organizer: amusement park "Immersion"
Location: st. Avtozavodskaya, 18, shopping center "Riviera"
Number of players: 2-20 people
Age: 12+
Price: from 1500 rubles per person

The Death Star space station hides a military weapon that, as usual, brings chaos and destruction. Even if you are not very up to date and don’t know that this base appeared after the defeat of the Imperial Remnant and the destruction of the ominous Starkiller, yes, in general, you also know little about the Sith Lord - none of this matters. The scenery will play its assigned role, the immersion in the cosmic atmosphere will be created by music, the sounds of blaster shots, and the play of light and shadow. The quest itself lasts 40 minutes and another 20 will be spent on preliminary explanation and summing up. Several teams can be in the location at the same time, a maximum of 4 groups of 5 people, but each will have its own task, proposed for completion at the beginning of the game. It will help unite the team, because without activating the attention of all participants, it simply cannot be dealt with. Then the fun begins - everyone fights against everyone and everyone is for himself. True, it is impossible to “die” here, even if you have run out of “lives” - return to base, reinforce your strength and go fight further. Each player is given a special vest and a blaster, the number of cartridges in which is not limited, but you still won’t be able to shoot without stopping, each weapon requires periodic reloading. Your goal is to seize power over the base. At the end of the game, the team will reconvene for a scoring session that takes into account both individual performance and team statistics. The gaming location is located on the third floor of a shopping center; it is spacious, futuristic and well thought out. For example, there are mirror fortifications, with their help players can develop battle tactics, look for cover and best places to attack the enemy. In general, the game, like any laser tag, is very dynamic, so my advice is to dress comfortably, wear comfortable shoes and cool clothes, you will have to sweat a lot. At the same time, this is not just laser tag - there are riddles and tasks, which gives the game elements of a quest. You will have to shoot, and run, and think.

Unexpected game bonus- this is its location. In order to play, you do not need to go somewhere separately, specially. You can combine the event with a shopping trip or dinner with friends. And after the game, there is a place to discuss everything that happened and exchange impressions - the food court and separate cafes of the Riviera are at your service.

Target audience of the game- active group of friends. You can play together, or even alone, by joining a team or going “free swimming”, but the undoubted advantage of the location is its size and the ability to accept a company of, for example, 20 people, dividing everyone into separate teams.

Live story quest "Star Wars"

Location: away
Number of players: 9-100 people
Duration: 2 hours
Price: individual calculation

Another name for such quests is “role-playing”. Actually, that says it all: the players are given roles according to which they exist within the game space. At the same time, the quest is not a theater; the role has no text, only a mode of action. What exactly to do, you decide for yourself, accordingly turning the game script or simply shifting it a little in the direction that interests you. At the beginning of the quest, an introductory story is given with the following content: The Republic is devastated due to the Clone Wars, the question arose about the need to create an absolute weapon - a combat Space Station. Everything is almost ready, but, as usual, there are a few parts missing, which can only be obtained on the Coruscant Black Market. Everything would be fine, but Coruscant merchants do not engage in direct sales, get the right thing can only be achieved by winning " fair games" There is also a Kua capsule on display on the market, when you open it you will receive... Well, you get it first, and then you’ll figure out what to do with this treasure. Along with intrigue, espionage, bribery and other “dark deeds”, do not forget to still complete the construction of the Space Station and save the Galaxy.

Distinctive feature this game is its away nature. It can be held in any place and for any number of people, up to a hundred.

Target Audience- large groups, organizers corporate events -offices and companies that want to organize an interesting and memorable corporate event for yourself and your employees.

But the event is truly memorable. Here is just one of the reviews that we saw on the website of the organizer, the company “QUESTCORP”:

“Activists from the youth of the village played a powerful team quest “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” from Questcorp. Expectations were very different, but everyone joined the unusual format of the game and really became Traders, Investigators, Committees and even entire departments of the Planet. There was a real struggle for Resources, intrigues were woven, rumors were spread around the world - everything just to complete the Objectives of the Game and not let the team down! The main tool of the participants - communication skills - was improved at a serious level. Encouraged by the leaders, the teams sought the necessary information from the most hidden enemies. For all departments of the Empire, the results of the game were different - there is room for improvement!”

Quest with closed eyes “Episode V-I. Playing blind »

Location: 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 2/11
Number of players: 2-4 people
Age: 14+
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: from 3500 rubles per team

Sleep and dream, dream and escape from reality even for a second, kissing, after all, we are used to doing all this with our eyes closed. Approximately this mechanism is used in games from the Morpheus company. In light of the release of the new part of Star Wars, we recommend that you not just re-watch the previous episode of the saga, but find yourself inside the film. Hold a laser sword in your hands, shoot from a blaster, make your own decisions, separating the “bad” from the “good”. In this quest, you are the one who builds the game scenario, and your decisions will determine which direction the player will turn. storyline. You have tasks, but you can complete them completely in various ways. Any improvised object or mechanism can become a weapon, as well as a means of defense, because this world is only in your head. Although, the operator helps you, guides and guides you inside the game, and his assistant is responsible for the sounds, touches and smells of the game world. Where does it all begin? You enter the room, they seat you on a chair, blindfold you, and with an almost hypnotic, enveloping voice, they immerse you in the game universe. Next - only your imagination, which the operator helps to realize. For example, you can ask to voice what exactly you picked up, say, on the road, and it will actually appear in your hands. A distinctive feature of the game scheme is that you are not given any hints. You yourself are looking for a way out of the situation, and it cannot be right or wrong, it can only be yours personally.

The extraordinary nature of what is happening lies in the game format itself, in the game mechanics itself. Before Morpheus, no one had thought of or done anything like this. They even say that the game plan was developed by military psychologists, but this is nothing more than rumors. Although, in every joke there is...

Target audience of the game- those who are tired of classic quests and want to try something different. At the same time, those who have never played and believe that quests are not for them. Experienced players who will find a way out of any situation. At the same time, beginners who are afraid to go to scary performances or go through tricky escapes. Fans Star Wars fans who dream of being the heroes of the film. At the same time, those who have not watched a single part, but want to find themselves in this space saga without revising it from the basics.

Children's quest "Star Wars"

Location: away
Number of players: up to 30 people, then individually
Duration: 2 hours
Price: from 14900 rubles

There is an opinion that with age the ability to dream becomes dull, fantasy dries out and imagination ripples, in general, theorists say human souls, an adult needs paraphernalia that children do not need. This may be so, of course, but kids also want to fill the play space with more than just imaginary objects, so the QUESTKINDER company first offers players dress up in costumes and get lightsabers. After this, the guys rightfully become Jedi students and take their place on bright side Strength. Despite their young age, they are given an important mission: to infiltrate the base of the Dark Lord Darth Vader and return the stolen plans for the Jedi military bases. Before this, the young Padawans will have to solve many riddles, find all the hiding places, find the code to the safe, and, to top it all off, also defuse the bomb. The quest consists of four stages. The first is equipment, putting on the Jedi robes. The second stage is physical training and team building. Here you will have to run, learn to fight with a lightsaber and complete various tasks for dexterity and strength. The third part of the game is the quest itself: defuse the bomb, find the code to the safe, illuminate the inscriptions with ultraviolet light, decipher the password to the laptop, and, ultimately, return the drawings of the Jedi bases. After which you can move to the fourth level and go to individual assignments to Darth Vader's laboratory. In a dark, dark room... or in a tent, to be more precise, each player in turn is blindfolded, a video camera is hung on his head and sent to wander in the dark under the frantic screams of his comrades. Everything would be fine, but these screams need to be deciphered somehow, because they are the player’s eyes, because all the other team members see the image from the action camera on the monitor and tell them how and where to collect the elements of the code needed to open the secret capsule.

Interesting feature offers - division of service packages into “standard”, “super” and “VIP”. You can choose the one that suits you based on your financial preferences.

Target Audience games - active children who are ready to play as a team and want to win not only with strength, but also with logical thinking.

The QUESTKINDER company can offer different options venues for the event or come to a location convenient for you and prepare it for completing the quest.

Action game in St. Petersburg "Star Wars"

Location: St. Petersburg, lane. Solyanoy, 8
Number of players: 2-6 people
Age: 12+
Duration: 80 minutes
Price: from 450 rubles

St. Petersburgers, St. Petersburg residents, residents of Northern Venice - whatever you call it, they always wanted to be different from everyone, especially from Muscovites, as a result, if in the Mother See there are a number of quests, the name of which is “Star Wars,” then St. Petersburg walks parallel to the main route, here “ wars" turned into "warriors". But the Committee for Copyright Protection and intellectual property won't find fault. So, if you live or find yourself in St. Petersburg, then you have the opportunity to try out this action game for yourself. The legend is this: the Emperor completed the construction of the Smerch Station and began to destroy the planets. He went on a wild ride. There is a chance that he will soon gain power over the Force, which definitely cannot be allowed. The galaxy, as usual, is in danger. You will follow in the footsteps of the Jedi Knight, meet Chewie, make friends with the old master, participate in a lightsaber fight and save the world. The location has several rooms that are detailed, which helps the quest participants experience the game legend and completely immerse themselves in the feeling of a “far, far away Galaxy.”

The most interesting here is the dualism of reality: you you can choose any side, be it Light or Dark.

Target Audience- taking into account the location, residents and guests of the city on the Neva.

As an addition, the ILocked team offers the services of a photographer and children's animator.

This is how it turns out to be curious: the plot is the same, familiar almost from childhood, the characters are the same, George Lucas did not give us new ones and is unlikely to give them to us, and the games are different and cover any target audience. All you have to do is make a choice. By the way, don't rush! When you book any quest, not just one of those presented in this review, through the EscapeTeams.ru website before December 1, you get a chance to win tickets to the movie “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” Every tenth person who books a game is guaranteed to receive 2 tickets as a gift.

ProRealGames Correspondent,
Vladislav Pozdnyakova

What do science fiction films have in common? recent years? They definitely have robots in them! “Terminator”, “RoboCop”, “Transformers” - all of them are remembered for their futuristic models. Many of them have common features, since they were created by the same person - designer Vitaly Bulgarov, who moved from Moldova to Hollywood. Now his graphic solutions are embodied in metal. This is being done by the South Korean company Hankook Mirae Technology, which has created one of the largest manned robots in the world.

When the first articles about the Method-1 prototype appeared, many readers reacted with skepticism. The images presented looked more like renderings for another movie than photographs of a real robot.

Indeed, there was some embellishment here, but real prototypes differ little from the 3D model. Doubts were dispelled by a demonstration of Method-2 by Amazon founder and robotics fan Jeff Bezos at the MARS conference last year.

In the video, we see that Bezos is simply waving the robot's arms, trying to get used to the controls. In fact, it is very simple. The robot copies the operator’s movements, just with a noticeable delay. Therefore, out of habit, it seemed to Jeff that the robot did not accept the command, and he gave it again.

Method-2 runs on Linux OS and the industrial real-time processing system EtherCAT. It uses Intel Xeon processors (up to 16 pcs), connected via IBM System X 4. So, there are no problems with processing commands - there is plenty of computing power. The catch is different.

The robot is driven by complex system out of 56 electric motors, nine different types. Each of them has a small delay, which add up. The motors are powered by three lithium-ion batteries with operating voltages of 24 V, 48 V and 320 V. One charge lasts for a maximum of three hours, so for laboratory tests they use mains power.

The lower part of the Method-2 is completely made of aluminum alloy. The top part is only 20% aluminum. The lightweight cabin (excluding glazing) and manipulators are 80% made of carbon fiber.

The robot has incorporated many non-trivial solutions. In the next video, you can look at unusual joints that can move in two planes at once, complex limb profiles and a swaying gait that ensures constant stabilization of the robot. It also demonstrates external control and precise movements of the manipulators - each finger bends independently and very smoothly.
To climb into the 4200 cm high robot cabin, the operator uses a ladder. For safety, some functions are tested using a gimbal. The robot is very heavy (approximately 1600 kg including the pilot), so it is held in place by steel chains.

Hankook Mirae Technology has spent more than $100 million on the development of manned robots. The company is negotiating the creation of specialized models based on Method-2 and their use in eliminating the consequences of various emergencies. Robots with large and powerful manipulators (currently their span exceeds seven meters) would be good assistants when clearing debris, and remote control reduces the risk for the operator. They also express their interest in the project armed forces, but so far the robot is too slow for combat missions.

Film buffs often entertain themselves by looking for errors and inconsistencies in the films they watch. As soon as new movie appears in cinemas, the keen eyes of observers notice every tiny change in the appearance of a character or in the position of an object.

We have compiled for you a list of interesting film bloopers, which, however, may be too subtle for many people. Most of them you probably never noticed, and it would be truly unforgivable if you never found out about them. Read on and you'll never watch these movies the same way again!


If you watch the film carefully, you can see the reflection of the camera in the car window. This is actually a common mistake that many directors forget. A similar thing happened in Twilight.

"Iron Man 2"

At the beginning of the film, we see Tony Stark performing his show, wearing a white shirt. Then he disappears from the screen for a moment, appears already in a black shirt and remains in it until the end of the show.


If you watch the scene of Deadpool speeding down the highway, you'll notice that one moment there is nothing behind him, and the next there are sword hilts appearing there.

In a scene filmed in a bar, the tattoo on Vanessa's neck appears and disappears again.

"Forrest Gump"

In the scene where Forrest meets Jenny, you can see an iron behind her that appears to be moving on its own.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

When Aunt Petunia wishes Dudley a happy birthday from behind him, a microphone wire can be seen around her neck.

When Harry approaches the Gryffindor table after the sorting ceremony, he takes a seat next to Ron. But in the next scene he is already sitting between Hermione and Percy. That's what makes the magic happen!


When Rose looks at the huge ship, her birthmark is on her left cheek, but then it turns out to be on her right.

In order to free Jack from handcuffs, Rose breaks the glass fire shield that contains the axe. The impact shatters all the glass, but when she grabs the ax, the pieces are back in place.

It seems there were two ships. Otherwise, how can one explain the changing appearance decks?

"Pulp Fiction"

Before injecting Mia with adrenaline, Vincent draws a thick red mark on her chest. But when the girl is “reborn”, the mark disappears.

When Mia and Vincent are sitting in a cafe, she smokes while choosing an order. When viewed from the side, she is holding a cigarette in her left hand; and if from the front - on the right.

"The Fifth Element"

Before the jump, Lilo is frightened by a monorail that rides on the wall next to her. The next moment she jumps and we see that the scene has completely changed: the monorail is gone and the buildings look completely different.


In the scene where Flynn sneaks up to Rapunzel's tower, Mother Gothel stabs him with her dagger, but there is no blood left on the blade. Although there is for this good explanation: According to the film's rating, there should be no blood on screen.

When the dying Flynn touches Rapunzel's hair, the shackles on his hands seem to disappear. Of course, they could slide along his hand, but the next moment it is clear that they returned to their original place.

"Inglourious Basterds"

In one scene, the emblems on a German officer's chest disappear and then reappear.


When Jake opens the capsule, there is no sign of a stroller near it. But a moment later she appears from nowhere.

"Terminator 2: Judgment Day"

At the beginning of the film, the Terminator shields John from the T-1000's bullets with his own body, and they bounce off his back. Naturally, a lot of holes appear on the jacket. But after a few moments it looks like new.

When the truck driven by the T-1000 is chasing John Connor, it drives under a bridge, causing windshield flies out. But in the next frame it is there again.

"The Avengers"

In the scene where Thor destroys everything, the bumper of one car miraculously is being restored.

"Dallas Buyers Club"

The events in this film take place in 1985, but in one scene we see a poster of a Lamborghini Aventador. This car was released only in 2011.

"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"

It seems that there were several fans of modern fashion in Captain Jack Sparrow's gang.

"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"

At one point, John and Kate are flying on a small white plane. The number N3035C can be seen on its board. However, after the heroes disembark, it suddenly changes to N3973F. Then the original number appears in the frame again.

"Marie Antoinette"

A truly shocking mistake can be seen in the film about this French queen, which was directed by Sofia Coppola. It seems Converse was popular among the aristocracy in the 18th century!


When the crew is on the alien ship, Kane can be seen wearing a special cap inside his spacesuit. When he is later admitted to the hospital, the suit's helmet is opened to remove the alien creature, but the cap suddenly disappears.

"The Suspicious Persons"

When we first see the plane landing, it has four engines. A second later, it seems that he has already lost half of it.


The main character John holds his smartphone upside down in all scenes of the film. Although this does not seem to prevent him from communicating.


In one of the scenes in the film, you can see that the ancient Romans apparently used gas canisters for their chariots. How can you miss such a movie blunder and not see it before the film is released?

"Star wars"