A British director is making a film about a Mongolian doctor-lama. hours in the cold

Photo by Yulia Plekhanova

A press conference with the filmmakers was held at Inform Policy

Starting January 21, the drama “Sarzham” will be released in cinemas in the city and the republic. The release of the film is timed to coincide with the White Month holiday “Salaalgan”. The creators and actors of the Buryat film spoke about the meaning of the film, the difficulties of the filming process and plans for the future.

A film about faith, about love, about different worlds. Unusual film, - with these words the director, screenwriter and performer began the conversation about the work done leading role Bair Uladaev.

Let us remind you that the Vozrozhdenie film studio made its second film. First job creative group became the already famous drama “Live”. It raised the problems of alcoholism, unauthorized buildings and adaptation of rural residents.

In “Sergem,” it seems to me, the purely technical work turned out better than in “Live.” Interesting montage. In general, the films are incomparable. The script, idea and presentation are different,” says Bair Uladaev.

The new film was filmed in the Kizhinga region and Ulan-Ude. The film crew consisted of only 15 people. As the authors of the film say, what fewer characters in a film, the harder it is to shoot. After all, the key episodes have to be pulled out by the two main characters.

We showed one day in the life of a young couple. Through the relationships of the main characters, they tried to convey the meaning of the concepts of “faith” and “love”. The main character comes to the village without knowledge Buryat language, customs and traditions. It is through knowledge main character we reveal the phenomenon of faith in her life. And also how you can save and help your loved ones by performing the “serzhem” ritual,” he describes main idea film director.

9 hours in the cold

The filming process was not without difficulties. The film was shot in winter, in cold February. The temperature then dropped to 40 degrees below zero. According to the creators, they had to film a difficult scene in the forest. It took nine hours.

Both physically and technically, everything was not easy. In order not to freeze, we had to light a fire, and the cameras froze, says the leading actress, Zhargalma Badmaeva. - This was my debut. I have no acting education. But when you understand what the idea of ​​the film is about, it will be easy to act. It was unusual to constantly be in front of a camera, to see myself on the screen. It was also not easy to get into the role. Fortunately, the guys shared their experience and set us in the right mood. However, everything went well, everything worked out.

On your own

The film's budget is small. At the initial stage, the costs amounted to about 200-300 thousand rubles. Now the film studio is promoting the film both in Ulan-Ude and throughout the republic. In addition, the production team is in negotiations with Irkutsk region and Trans-Baikal Territory, it is planned to show the film in Yakutia, Khakassia, Kalmykia. An agreement was also reached with our fellow countrymen in Moscow, St. Petersburg, America, specifically in New York. Due to these circumstances, the budget is increasing.

It's no secret that our fellow countrymen, being far from their homeland, spend national holidays, for example Sagaalgan. The film is intended to be shown on the eve of the White Month holiday. Since the main theme of the film reveals the traditions and customs of the Buryats during this holiday, says film producer Dmitry Olzonov.

The creators of the drama admitted that during filming the film's budget had to be cut. To achieve this, changes were made to the script of the film.

This is wrong. Why is this happening? Because there is no funding. We do everything on our own - we try to remove good movie with the money that is available. I think that in a few films we will reach such a result that we will be able to take on big projects. For example, the upcoming work on the next film is tentatively estimated at 5 million rubles. With this money we can make a really good movie, filming in other cities, with the help of famous actors. People have been very supportive of us since the first film. I would like to receive the same support from the government,” says the director.

The third picture is just around the corner

By the way, 2016 has been declared the year of cinema in Russia. Taking this into account, the Vozrozhdenie film studio is establishing contacts with authorities state power, local government. They have already announced their intention to participate in competitions from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic and other departments.

We are not going to stop there. We will soon begin filming our third work under the working title “The Path of the People” or “The Road of Destiny.” After this, we’ll probably start making films in other genres, perhaps comedies. We are also planning to make a sequel. social drama“Live,” so beloved by our public, the heroes of the press conference shared their plans for the future.

Last week there was a presentation of the short film “Keepers” directed by Bair Uladaev. The film is dedicated to patients and doctors, where the main roles were played by doctors from the RCH named after. Semashko: neurosurgeon Rinchin Darzhaev and nurse Evgenia Nikolaeva.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the premiere took place in the conference hall of the Republican Hospital, which temporarily turned into an art-house cinema. Before the start, Bair Uladaev said that his desire to film “Watchmen” was inspired by his personal story. Some time ago, due to severe chest pain, he ended up in the hospital. Here two teams of doctors saved his life.

- At these moments I hoped only for the help of doctors, - admitted the director.

But it was not only the fact of being in the role of a patient that prompted the director, already known for the films “Bulag” and “Sergem,” to make a film about doctors.

- I know firsthand how difficult the medical profession is. The older sister and nephew work at the Republican Clinical Hospital. I can judge by their tired faces at home how much effort they put into their work., - shared Bair Uladaev.

The film starred professional actress Irina Urbaeva and, possibly, future screen star six-year-old Alina Tsybikzhapova, who touchingly played the role of the daughter of a patient involved in an accident.

- I would like to thank the entire film crew for the film. The film left no one indifferent; I, like many, had tears in my eyes. The theme of the film is the irresponsible attitude of the driver who committed the accident, causing indignation and anger among the audience, - noted Deputy Chief Physician Igor Shpak

Joint project The relationship between the RKB and Buryat cinema will continue; the parties still have ideas for cooperation.

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Buryat director made the film "Keepers"

Buryat director made the film "Keepers"- Ulan-Ude

Last week there was a presentation of the short film “Keepers” directed by Bair Uladaev.
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Famous British documentarian Benjamin Jones is making a film about the Mongolian doctor - Hambo Lama of the Manba Datsan monastery and the Honored Doctor of Mongolia D. Natsagdorzhe. Benjamin Jones began a series of documentaries called “Wisdom Keepers.”

As part of his team, a producer and consultant arrived in Mongolia Konstantin Pavlidis(Konstantin Pavlidis) and cameraman Jerry Wasbenper(Gerry Vasbenper). Jerry Wasbenper was the cinematographer for films such as “The Lord of the Rings,” Star wars” and “Gravity”.

Damdinsuregniin Natsagdorj born in 1957 in Tsagaanchuluut soum of Zavkhan aimag. Buddhist scholar, monk.

The “Manba Datsan” monastery was first created in 1760 by the doctor-lama Luvsandanzanzhaltsan, but during the repressions it was completely destroyed in 1938. Khambo Lama D. Natsagdorj restored this monastery in the early 1990s. Nowadays there is a traditional Mongolian medical center and clinic “Manba Datsan” at the monastery. The center receives patients from all over the world.

The very first episode of the “Wisdom Keepers” project was dedicated to the Australian Abrogens of the Yuin tribe and its elder, Max “Dulamunmun” Harrison, who is a knowledge keeper and teacher of guides at the NNCA. “Uncle Max” is a respected elder, served on the National Council of Elders, published several books, dedicated to culture Aboriginal Studies, including My Dreams of People, and is a lecturer at the University of Wollongong. He led the opening of the Sydney Traditional Ceremony in 2011 and 2012 in Australia and was highly respected throughout the NSW South Coast for his work as an Elder. He still plays a vital role in the NNCA, advising and overseeing how his family maintains and develops the Yuin culture.

Benjamin Jones is a director and Bafta producer who runs Eye-Cue Films, based in London.

“Shorty Candy Bar Kid,” which he produced (directed by Shan Han), was nominated for Best Short Film in 2002 by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Benjamin Jones produced and directed Nuestro Abuelo - documentary, filmed in Mexico and featuring 6,500 people. The film was presented at the British Library. He also wrote, produced and directed the British short film Old Harry, starring Robert Hardy, in which an old man visits a special beach spot to remember his late wife.

His next film, “The Mud Hut,” is a comedy-drama starring Taraji P Henson and TBC.

The operating rooms and treatment rooms of the Republican Clinical Hospital became open for several weeks to the film crew of director Bair Uladaev. Filming took place in January-February, and today the short film “Keepers” is premiering in Ulan-Ude.

The first viewers of the film are doctors, they see the familiar faces of their colleagues and the walls where they treat and save lives every day. On the screen is the story of the accident. The mother of the main character got into it. An angel in the person of a neurosurgeon comes to the aid of a child. During breaks between duties, Rinchin Darzhaev plays the role of himself.

Rinchin Darzhaev, neurosurgeon: This is my first case, I didn’t have it behind me acting work, for me it was very interesting, Bair Naidanovich came up and asked if you wanted to read it, I agreed, I thought why not.

Director Bair Uladaev says that the theme of the film is close to him, since he himself found himself in a dangerous life situation, and as a sign of gratitude to the doctors for saving his life, he made this film.

Bair Uladaev, director of the film “Keepers”: I myself studied - how you see, how you imagine, how you want to see. For example, I imagine a scenario, what a hero should be, what a heroine should be, and in the end I imagine what kind of story should turn out.

After watching, viewers give positive feedback. From the hospital management for such an impulse of the soul - flowers and gifts to the participants in the filming process.

Irina Urbaeva, performer of the role of mother: This is one of the stories that can happen to anyone, in any city, it’s as if we took a peek into someone’s life.

Friday, February 07

13th lunar day with the element Fire. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today is a good day to lay the foundation, build a house, dig the ground, start treatment, buy medicinal preparations, herbs, and conduct matchmaking. Going on the road means increasing your well-being. Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching, get a job, hire a nurse, workers, or buy livestock. Hair cutting- to happiness and success.

Saturday, February 08

14th lunar day with the element Earth. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. Today is a good day to ask for advice, avoid dangerous situations, perform rituals to improve life and wealth, move to a new position, buy livestock. Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Mouse and Pig. It is not recommended to write essays, publish works on scientific activities, listen to teachings, lectures, start a planned business, get or help get a job, or hire workers. Going on the road means big troubles, as well as separation from loved ones. Hair cutting- to increase wealth and livestock.

Sunday, February 09

15th lunar day with the element Iron. Benevolent deeds and sinful acts committed on this day will multiply a hundred times. A favorable day for people born in the year of the Dragon. Today you can build a dugan, suburgan, lay the foundation of a house, build a house, start a planned business, study and comprehend science, open a bank account, sew and cut clothes, as well as for tough decisions on some issues. Not recommended move, change place of residence and work, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter as a bride, and also hold a funeral and wake. Hitting the road means bad news. Hair cutting- to good luck, to favorable consequences.