Battle of psychics novel veil. The sorcerer Alexey Fad died of a heart attack

Alexey Fat is one of the finalists of the 3rd season of the show “Battle of Psychics” (TNT). He demonstrated his extraordinary abilities to the whole country. Would you like to read his biography? Are you interested in the cause of the sorcerer's death? All the necessary information is presented in the article.

Biography: family

Alexey Fatrod was born on June 22, 1959 in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. He studied at a regular school. At the age of 20 he got married. In 1982, his wife gave birth to a son, who was named Roman. Soon the family moved to Russia, namely to Cheboksary (Republic of Chuvashia). There our hero had a daughter, Alina.


The clairvoyant family dates back to 1564. Alexey called himself a descendant of character sorcerers. At the age of 5, he inherited the gift from his great-grandfather, who lived to be 95 years old. Fat is a pseudonym that representatives of the Alexei family have long used for work. Real name the sorcerer himself and his son carefully hide it.

Our hero's grandfather was arrested in 1933 and then shot. And all because of his magical abilities. The father of the future finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” was afraid of a similar fate. Therefore, he did not accept the gift. And the great-grandfather had to wait until his grandson (Alexey) was born. After all, the gift is passed down through the male line.

Together with his son Roman, our hero was engaged in occult practice. In Cheboksary they received people who needed the help of a clairvoyant. After Alexey’s participation in the “Battle of Psychics,” the number of clients increased significantly. Fat Sr. moved to Moscow. He opened an office, renting a spacious room near the Patriarch's Ponds. Seminars were held there.

In 2008, the sorcerer sent his son to try his hand at the fourth season of the “Battle of Psychics.” Roman Fat became a participant in the paranormal show. He passed all the tests with dignity, managing to reach the finals. According to the results of the audience voting, the guy took 4th place.

Roman and Alexey Faty published the book “The World through the Eyes of Clairvoyants.” The circulation was small, and it was completely sold out by fans of these sorcerers. The book contains valuable knowledge that was passed down from generation to generation in the Fatov family. Our hero had 3 unfinished higher education. He easily managed to enter the university. However, Alexey quickly lost interest in studying. He had a chance to get a diploma from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. But the sorcerer cannot use it.

Participation in the “Battle of Psychics”

Alexey Fat has been watching the project since the first season. He applied to participate in the paranormal show in 2007. Soon the editors of the program called him and invited him to the selection tests. Our hero arrived at the appointed time at the appointed place. As a result, he was among the participants in the “Battle of Psychics-3”.

During the tests of the show, the sorcerer amazed the host and observers with accurate answers. In his work, Alexey used various attributes: a staff, an amulet, African tambourines and rosaries. To summon the spirits and souls of dead people, he cast ancient spells and performed special rituals.

What results could Alexey Fat boast of? The psychic successfully passed 28 tests out of 33. Sometimes he simply refused to complete the tasks announced by the presenters. For example, Alexey did not want to look for a cow. During three tests the sorcerer had a high fever. This condition did not allow him to show good results work.

Four participants made it to the final of the 3rd season of the “Battle of Psychics”: Fat Alexey, Vika Zheleznova, Sulu Iskander and Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa. A large army of fans of the pagan sorcerer voted for him. But our hero took only second place.

Alexey Fat: cause of death

The finalist of “Battle of Psychics-3” had many plans for later life. However, the man did not have time to implement them. The tragedy occurred on the day when the sorcerer celebrated his 50th birthday. This happened on June 22, 2009 in the Turkish resort of Marmaris. Doctors who arrived at the scene confirmed the death of Alexei Fat, the cause of which was heart failure.

Many fans of the psychic are confident that there was some magical intervention involved. After all, our hero had many ill-wishers and enemies, including powerful sorcerers. In addition, death on one's birthday is a mystical sign. However, all this is just guesswork and speculation.

The successor to the business of Alexey Fat is his only son Roman. He visits “places of power” and hones his acquired knowledge and skills in practice. Hundreds of people turn to him for help different corners RF.

In conclusion

We talked about where Alexey Fat was born and from what he died. Even his opponents and envious people admit that he was a strong sorcerer and a multifaceted personality. Eternal memory to him...

Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Season 11 Season 12 Season 13 Season 14 Season 15

The sorcerer Alexey Fad died from heart attack!

Psychic Alexey Fad, who took second place in season 3 of the project “ Battle of psychics”, died on his fiftieth birthday.

He was celebrating his anniversary in Turkey with his son Roman and relatives when he had a heart attack.

The accident happened at a hotel in the Marmaris resort in Turkey, said the 26-year-old son psychic Roman Fad. “Dad was taken to the hospital in serious condition, but, unfortunately, the doctors were unable to save him.

We all mourn the great psychic of our time who has irrevocably passed away from us and offer our sincere condolences to Alexei’s family.

Oddities in the fate of Alexey Fad.

Sorcerer Alexey Fad received recognition on the project as one of the brightest individuals. This psychic was deservedly awarded in season 3 television project second place.

His unexpected death on his birthday, on his half-century anniversary

It’s rare that someone manages to subjugate a crowd of drunken, skeptical, rollicking onlookers to his will and reason. The only people who can boast of such abilities are those who are widely known and beloved by the people. talented artists, or extraordinary speakers.

To perform in front of a laughing, hooting crowd that had gathered on Old Arbat to watch unusual magicians - this was the condition of one of the qualifying tests offered to psychics by the organizers of the project.

Random passers-by and groups of drunken walking youth commented on the performance of this or that candidate with laughter and mockery. However, everyone immediately fell silent and lost all desire to mock when he came out to them.

He invited anyone present to experience the effects of his power.

That is, someone who is doing well in life can go out and then check how likely the prediction is, where he guarantees that within 13 days everything in the subject’s life will begin to collapse. After these words, no one else had the desire to grin, and the pagan sorcerer continued his speech.

What happened on Old Arbat amazed not only the audience, but also the entire film crew. The Safronov brothers, in turn, also had to admit that they could not explain such a phenomenon.

A widely known technique among television people to increase their popularity ratings is to invite celebrities to the show. This time the guest in the show “Battle of Psychics” was Mikhail Shufutinsky.

The test was called "Mr. X". The artist, sitting in a comfortable chair, was entertained by the participants' attempts to guess his name. For this purpose, the applicants were helped to enter the stage, since their eyes were securely covered with a mask impenetrable to light.

appeared on stage. Witch began to read his spells, then smiled and said that it was this artist that he had dreamed of meeting all his life.

One can also understand the feelings of Alexey Fada when he sang the words of his favorite song “Palma de Mallorca”, because in such a bizarre way his dream came true... One can also understand what the feelings of Mikhail Shufutinsky were when he witnessed the phenomenon associated with his name ... You can also imagine the effect that all this had on the audience and the film crew.

Everyone especially powerfully felt the presence of some inexplicable otherworldly force through which Alexey Fad exerted his influence on events when Alina Velikaya, a young television presenter, was invited to participate in one of the tasks for psychics. Feeling something inexplicable, she began to get nervous as soon as Alexei Fada appeared. The moment he began to cast spells, she seemed to be paralyzed. She froze and could not move. All the participants in the show experienced something similar.

The amazing date of Alexey Fad’s departure - his fiftieth anniversary on his birthday - makes me think that there is nothing accidental in the world. 50 years is a round date.

The roundest thing in my life! If we remember the spiral development of all living things, when everything develops in a circle, only moving from one stage to another, then the thought naturally comes to mind that what happened in the fate of Fada was the completion of some very important life cycle, which, as if by someone mathematically precisely calculated and verified. Symbolically, his life appears as if at one point, known only to the Creator, the cause and effect of the most important things came together and intersected. life events this person. Is this why Alexei’s son Roman Fad sees favorable circumstances for him in the date of his father’s departure?

But, apparently, not all of my father’s work on earth is completed, because... His son feels his presence constantly.

At first no one took him seriously. But after he managed to find an arsonist in the village under difficult initial conditions of the competition, his opinion regarding Roman’s abilities changed diametrically. It became clear that the son had hereditarily received at his disposal the powers that his father had used. They began to fear and respect him. However, Roman’s proposal, who decided to flex his magical “muscles” and inflict fatal damage on the criminal, caused outrage and indignation among the villagers. Apparently, the young man who took second place in the project, like his father, who felt fame and success for the first time, temporarily lost the sense of responsibility and seriousness of those actions for which any sorcerer will then have to account to eternity. I think the virtual presence of his father’s spirit will cool his head young man and will help him treat his abilities more responsibly in the future.

We present to your attention the finalist of season 3 of the “Battle of Psychics” - Alexey Fada.

Alexey Fad (Cheboksary city):

about the highest caste of sorcerers, the duration of spells:

The highest caste of sorcerers and magicians consists only of parapsychologists, says. These are people who can see the future, predict one or another outcome and can influence a person from any distance: return, bewitch, etc. There is nothing supernatural here.

If you take your husband away from your wife, a good half can psychics, then only five to ten percent of them are capable of returning. U Alexey Fad There were cases in life when he brought people back from anywhere on Earth.

Spells vary, but are usually updated regularly. Each ritual and spell has its own period: from a month to two years.

According to sorcerer Alexei Fad- it is still 100% impossible to insure yourself against magical influence.

According to Alexey Fad: There are very few true believers on Earth. Show me a sinless person! If a person is sinful in some things, and adultery is a sin for 99% of people, then he is definitely not immune from magical influences!

“The world through the eyes of clairvoyants” Roman and Alexey Fada.

The authors of the book, Roman and , are well known to everyone who is interested in paranormal phenomena and watches the show" battle of psychics".

Father and son - sorcerers Roman and Alexey Fada- hereditary psychics, or sorcerers, as they position themselves, - in 2007 and 2008 they became participants in various seasons of the television program “ Battle of psychics” on TNT and attracted the attention of millions of viewers. And Roman Fad use psychic abilities to help people. In the book father and son Fadas share their thoughts about what hidden laws govern the destinies of people all over the world, what real people can really do psychics, clairvoyants, sorcerers and other people with extraordinary abilities and how to avoid real threats and live life to the fullest.

“We decided to write this book to answer all the questions we are asked. By the way, the number of such questions increased by an order of magnitude after the popular show “ Battle of psychics”, in which we took turns taking part, and deserved it, getting one by one into final battle, recognition from TV viewers.

100 most effective rituals for fulfilling desires from the most famous psychics Lobkov Denis

Alexey Fad: “Say a magic code-spell”

Alexey Fad is a Slavic sorcerer, the heir to a family clan of sorcerers that dates back to 1564, the gift was given to him by his grandfather when he was 5 years old, and his grandfather was 95. He claimed that he could influence the weather and subjugate any people to his will. Took an honorable second place in Season III of the “Battle of Psychics.” He died on his birthday (at the age of 50) from a heart attack; he predicted his death the day before, saying goodbye to all his relatives.

During his lifetime, Alexey managed to participate in hundreds of television shows and give dozens of interviews, in which he shared secrets with many admirers of his gift. His current ancient Slavic spell to make a wish come true has become widely known and, according to esotericists, it really works. All you need to perform a miracle is to learn the magic code-spell.

When you decide that you need to get something, to achieve something, when you are faced with a difficult life choice and you don’t know what to do, you need to mentally imagine that the situation will be resolved in your favor, imagine that your wish has come true, your plan has come true and read the spell 9 times. Here it is: “Ved, Vekha, Vermakhod.” This code should become something like a mantra for you, you need to constantly keep it in your head, all the time! Are you watching TV or driving a car, walking in the park or riding a bus... As soon as you have a free minute, as soon as you relax, mentally cast the spell 9 times. The more often you do this during the day, the better. If you can cast a spell a thousand times - good, if you can do it more - even better! The code will work within 9 months.

“We didn’t come up with the law of materialization of thoughts: wish and everything will come true,” said Alexey Fad. – Think, and the ancient spell will only push your thoughts in the right direction. And have no doubt: everything we really need comes into our hands!”

There are, however, several clarifications - what the desire should be for it to come true. Firstly, it must concern you personally, your life, your material well-being, and in no case affect other people and family members. You can't ask for a child to get better, many years the life of a grandmother or the return of a husband who left the family, but you can ask for wealth, new job, cure your illness. Secondly, the wish you make must come true within the next 12 years. That is, you cannot make a wish, for example, to become a world celebrity at the age of 50, if you are now only 30. Thirdly, the wish will not come true if you make it in the period from January 1 to February 7 (the date the eastern year changes) - in this time all efforts will be wasted. Finally, fourthly, demand, ask, always desire more than you want to receive, your plans must be Napoleonic! Things always get done a little less than planned - so don’t waste your time on trifles, plan to the maximum. Roughly speaking, if you need ten million to buy an apartment, ask for twenty or, why bother, thirty.

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The finalists of the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, Alexey and Roman Fada, brought to Yekaterinburg to present two books - “The Crown of Celibacy” and “The World through the Eyes of Clairvoyants.” The last one was written by the psychics themselves. “Crown of Celibacy” and “ Ancestral curse" - books created about sorcerers by former DJ and now writer Mila Micheva. After her own successful experience of working with the Fads - they brought a girl out of severe depression - Mila was inspired by the idea of ​​​​making her saviors literary characters. So in “Crown of Celibacy” one of storylines tells the story of how Alexey Fad married off to France an elderly, lonely woman who lived with her disabled son in a small family and had seemingly zero chances. But “she really wanted and worked fanatically,” says Alexey. “We don’t do this for the money, the process itself is important. After all, oligarchs, politicians, and show business “stars” come to us. And if these people earn billions from us, then, naturally, we are not poor either. But we are interested in dealing with serious problems and seeing the results.” The elder Fad has been living in Russia for about forty years and considers himself the main Russian sorcerer. For some time now they have been successfully “conjuring” together with their son Roman.

— How were you invited to the casting?
— We have been watching the project from the very beginning. I wasn't eager to go there. But they called me exactly at the time that I predicted. Or rather, three days later, something prevented them from calling at the scheduled time. I easily passed the first casting, which contained three envelopes - the first was empty, the second was a banknote, and the third was a photograph of a woman. I said that I could choose an envelope with a photo, or I could talk about the woman without taking out the photo. That's how I got into the project. It seems that we are already known everywhere, people call from Canada, China, America. The phones in the office don't stop ringing. When the project with my participation ended, Roman entered the battle.

Novel: My casting was on November 15th. The battle itself began on January 13. The project was immediately interesting to me, because my father was a finalist in the previous one. I can say that rooting for a loved one is much harder than going through the trials yourself.

— Which of the tests did you find the most difficult and interesting?
Alexey: - We sat down at computers at one end of Moscow, and had to determine who would approach the computer at the other end of Moscow. They gave me the most difficult option, a transvestite. But I guessed him, after which I heard that I was a real monster.

— Are your abilities innate or acquired? Is this a unique gift, or can each of us learn similar tricks if we wish?
Roman: — As for abilities, in any business, in my opinion, a person should be given. I can theoretically know surgery, but have a bad tolerance for blood. In theory, a person can know the same extrasensory perception, but this is not enough. It is impossible to describe in human language how we obtain information about, say, a missing person. We do things like this often. Sometimes it comes as images, sometimes as memories. But in 98 percent of cases—we work together when searching—we always have the same information.

- Alexey, your grandfather passed on the art of witchcraft to you, your father didn’t want to do it...
“It’s really passed down through the male line in our family.” I didn't really let my son in until he was 18 years old. Then I made a direct transmission, and he suddenly began to be able to do what I can do. Before that I had assistants. One of them is a professional psychiatrist, I worked with him for two years, but he still couldn’t. And everything started to work out for Roman.

— Your witchcraft power is transmitted from man to man, what do your women do?
— In our family there are normal wives, mothers, sisters, women who support us. The only thing is that women in our family never worked, they only took care of the family and housekeeping. Roman (he is 25) already has a three-year-old daughter. I have a daughter, Alina, Roma’s sister, who is studying to become a psychologist at the Chuvash State University. If he wants, let him work. A psychologist is not a sorcerer.

-You are pagans. Celebrating pagan holidays?

— We work with a large pantheon Slavic gods, among which, for example, Perun. We also work with the Afro-Caribbean gods of Voodoo or Esho, with the Mayan-Aztec gods. We visit these countries, acquire images of these gods, negotiate with them, make offerings, in general, we work with these forces. We do not strive for heaven, but we do not descend into hell either. We are clearly in the middle, with our own rules and views on life. As for the holidays, we decorate the Christmas tree New Year, we burn Maslenitsa. We celebrate Ivan Kupala in the summer.

— Do you have conflicts with the Orthodox Church?
Orthodox Church treats wise men and witches loyally. It was Catholics who burned it. And yet, burning sorcerers, from 1312 to 1640, five popes held black masses in their monasteries. It turns out that they held a monopoly on miracles.

— Tell me, what is your education? Did you, say, acquire this historical knowledge on your own?
— I have three unfinished higher educations. In particular, I left the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University in my third year, having reached the philosophy of the CPSU. I became uninterested. But education and what we do are completely different things. Education is the direction of a person in one direction, in fact programming. In addition, people often confuse two different things - education and education. A person must constantly move forward, because in its energy it resembles water - when it is enclosed in a container without movement, it soon begins to turn sour.

— What else do you do besides searching for people?
— What we definitely don’t do is healing. We do not treat arms, legs, heads, stomachs, enuresis, diathesis. Because... because. The answers can be found in our book “The World through the Eyes of Clairvoyants”, it was recently published in Moscow.

— Do you give specific recommendations in your book?
- No one in the books can give serious recommendations. Over the last twenty years, I can single out two or three authors. This is Sergey Lazarev, “Diagnostics of Karma”, Zhikarintsev “Looking into Yourself”, Cimaron. From foreign countries - John Keyhoe. The rest is indigestible.

— L People of Vanga’s level, they say, in any city there are five or six people. They are just not “promoted” at all.
— The Americans, in particular the CIA, checked the accuracy of Vanga’s testimony, and it turned out to be 60 percent. Of the thirty-three tests, twenty-eight of them were successfully completed. I didn’t take two because I didn’t want to look for a cow, for example. On three he had a high temperature... The battle went on for more than three months: one episode - four shooting days. And every day - from ten to twenty hours. We lived in cold minibuses, 159 km from Moscow. After five hours of waiting in line, I had to go, get ready in 15 minutes and perform a miracle. So my “challenge” is, as I say, 85 percent. Only God has more.

—You have an image of more black magicians than white magicians. How actively do you use black magic, and how true is it that those who use it themselves receive negative results from it?
— As for the negative, many psychics are afraid. It’s a dangerous thing; if you shoot a strong negative, you can get it on yourself. Roughly speaking, get sick and die. We never launch an attack first. All clients turn to us for protection. And we protect them. Moreover, we punish if the person really deserves it. So a man comes and says, black raiders are taking away my plant, putting up obstacles, not allowing me to live in Moscow. We know who is attacking, we take photographs of these people, we begin to work with them, because we understand that the person is under threat. As a result, a situation develops: part of the gang is sent to prison, three, the ringleaders, are smashed to pieces in a car. The client remains alive, healthy and grateful to us.

- It turns out that you are causing damage?
- What do you think? What would be better if the scoundrels finished off one and continued to spoil others?

— Tell me, do they contact you to find or protect a car?
- Most often to protect. Cars, even new ones, can have negative energy, so it is advisable to carry out procedures with a new car, especially a used one. I give six spells, those who use them travel safely for twenty years. Fathers also bless cars.

“You recognize a higher mind, don’t you?”
Roman: — Darwin’s grandfather’s theory about descent from apes is nonsense. But no one denies the higher mind that created us. It doesn’t matter what we call him - Allah, Jesus, Buddha. We recognize his presence and consider him to be the main one; all other gods are only assistants.

— Isn’t it scary to see fate?
Roman: — In most cases, people are quite careless about predictions. The subtext is this: my life will be 85 percent positive. In fact, it doesn’t always work out that way.
Alexey: - A man comes and says: “Tell me my good future?”
What if he is not there? What if it's all negative?

- Then you honestly tell the person about this?
“Then we tell him that the future has forty-six thousand options, and it’s stupid to ask, “What awaits me.” How we behave today, what choice we make - our tomorrow will depend on this. The point is not to know when a brick will fall on your head, the point is to make sure that it does not fall.
People come to us not to ask what awaits us, but when there is no other way out, they ask for help. We don’t even charge you money for forty seconds of diagnosis. We say what will happen and what needs to be done. If you want, do it, if you want, go, think.

— Are people right when they say that you can’t turn to sorcerers for trifles?
“People rarely come to us for trifles.”

— How much does the average call to you cost?
— An average appeal to us costs the same as any appeal to the finalists of the Battle of Psychics. All traffic is on the Internet.

— There is a lot of talk about the crisis now, what is your forecast?
Roman: — The crisis is in people’s heads. This hysteria. It won't be catastrophically bad, the situation will last until the end of next year. And then, well, Abramovich became poorer by 15 billion, all this virtually. A crisis is a periodic phenomenon; any crisis leads to renewal. The darkest hour is before the dawn. Remember - we have crises every ten years - 88, 98, 2008. America deserved this cataclysm with its own pride, they consider themselves the smartest.

Alexey: - People who constantly respond to any problem with aggression do not improve their fate. Americans always have a clear business plan, but in our country it’s the opposite. Therefore, we keep our nose to the wind, and are accustomed to everything; we are immune to any crisis. Americans rely on social guarantees. We all rely only on ourselves. Habit.

— Are firms and enterprises asking for protection?
— We have a lot of regular customers - from small traders to owners of metallurgical holdings. Today they are calling more often because many people are panicking. In Yekaterinburg, we attended the anniversary of the company of one person, our long-term regular client. Everything is fine with him, despite the crisis. So we are needed. At the anniversary we listened to “Meaning Hallucinations”. We love them - some songs match our vibration.

— They say that the police often contact you. You help them...
“This is just an indicator that there are very few clairvoyants of our level.” Contact often. In Cheboksary, the head of the republican traffic police was my friend, I helped him throughout life. There have already been cases in Moscow.

— To help a person, is a photograph enough for you?
- Enough. What is important is not the quality of the photograph or its color; what is important is the density of the energy phantom, i.e., the energy field of the image. Today we don’t even need a photograph for diagnosis. A visitor comes in, and we see the person for whom he came, even without a photo. Photos are needed more for action.

- What do these golden pentacles on your chest mean?
— For Roman, this is the seal of Voodoo, complete all-round protection and transformation of the future. I have a pentacle from all failures. On the back is the inscription: “Alexey Fad - Slavic sorcerer.”

— Tell me, your black clothes are work uniform, or do you dress like this all the time?
— You could say it’s a work uniform, because somewhere in the Maldives I happily wear a white shirt and shorts.

— There are schools that teach clairvoyance. How realistic is this?
Roman: - They can install a network card, but run the cable... Two women came recently and said that they opened our third eye yesterday. Why can't I see anything? I look at the aja chakra, it is really 90 percent open. I'm telling you, you weren't cheated out of your money. But imagine, they brought a TV, plugged it into the socket, and there were stripes, stripes... You need to tune the channel!

— What changed for you after participating in the “Battle of Psychics”?
Alexey: - Perhaps the number of people. Half of Russia came to us before, now the whole world is coming. We used to work 12 hours a day, now we work 22. People recognize us. But we earned our name not on the “Battle of Psychics,” but earlier. After all, we lived in Cheboksary for twenty years, this is a city with a population of 700 thousand people. It is impossible to work there for twenty years without getting results. Now we have an office in Moscow, just opposite the Patriarch’s Ponds. Very serious clients come, mainly for search purposes. And it depends on our answer whether our head will remain on our shoulders or not.

— The office is opposite the Patriarch's. Do you like Bulgakov?
Roman: - Brilliant things. My favorite thing in Moscow is the Patriarch's Ponds. An absolutely mystical place, but I feel comfortable and good there.
Alexey: - And the film “The Master and Margarita” with Basilashvili is magnificent!

— Is it difficult for your loved ones to be with you?
Roman: - You need to be able to switch off, and at home I ordinary person. If we need to solve something in our own family, we do it. In general, if a psychic is sitting in a dirty shack, without a family, without children, without money, and is ready to help you, think before you contact him. Have you seen those who live for people?

Alexey Fad is a psychic, participant in the 3rd season of the battle of psychics on TNT. Such unusual abilities were inherited from his great-grandfather, who at the age of ninety-five passed on his gift to the boy. At that time, Alexei was five years old.

In their family, the gift was always passed down only through the male line, to the son from the father. The chronology of this family dates back to 1564 and has its own very fascinating story. My grandfather was shot in 1933 for his amazing gift. Considering that time, the father flatly refused to accept the wonderful gift, then the great-grandfather still waited for the birth of his great-grandson and passed on all his abilities to Alexei, who passed on to his son when he was eighteen years old. And until the age of 18, he protected his son from knowledge, because it could be dangerous for a person who does not have enough strength and experience to control.

People who have such abilities understand that this requires a significant investment of their own health, strength and energy. Alexei Fad is often called a Slavic sorcerer. Alexey is a pagan, he worships completely different gods, therefore christian religion he doesn't care much. Some call Alexey the “Zaporozhye sorcerer”, there is an explanation for this. The Zaporozhye army never went on a campaign if there were no “characteristic sorcerers” with them. It was the “characteristic sorcerers” who helped the army win, they charmed their blood and wounds, so during campaigns they were considered indispensable healers and helpers. The family of Alexei Fada has been practicing witchcraft for many centuries.

Now Alexey practices African-Caribbean Voodoo magic. In Africa, about 7 years ago, he communicated with the bakors, and was even able to surprise them several times with his own abilities. Sometimes Alexey uses their experience for his work, because African-Caribbean and Slavic magic is pagan. Sometimes there are situations when people and psychics who deal with unconventional treatment They simply “attach” clients to themselves for the sake of constant income. For such people, abilities are nothing more than a means to earn money. more money. Such methods are practiced very often, it can be done very easily, according to Alexey Fat, he can do this to a person in just thirty seconds, it will be enough for him to just look at him, but never, and under any circumstances, will he do this will not do. He already has enough knowledge, strength and capabilities to help a person with just one ritual performed. Clients always leave him completely satisfied with the results obtained.

People have become convinced of the knowledge and capabilities of Alexey Fad, so many people come to him more people than you can take in your entire life. Only those psychics lie who cannot prove their strengths and capabilities in practice. Recognize the deceiver in front of you or really a person who has special abilities can be done very easily. If in front of you real psychic, then he will not impose his services on you and boast of his superiority in front of you - that he is a real pro and can do anything with a simple person. A true professional will never use his own abilities to control and dominate people. Alexey said that the third part television show“The Battle of Psychics” became the most successful in terms of the composition of those participating in it, and this will not happen again.

In the first battles, there were no more than three people who truly had strong abilities. But in the third battle there were many strong, real psychics, and it was for this reason that four people made it to the finals. Alexey took second place in the battle of psychics, but he doesn’t think that he lost in anything. Every day to him from different countries clients arrive, and by their reaction one can judge that he won this battle. Alexey believes that his friend really does have the gift of clairvoyance. They have this gift, they are destined for it. According to the press, in the third part of the battle of psychics there were many different behind-the-scenes intrigues, some participants in the battle even left the TV show with a scandal. The scandals were caused by those participants who had to leave the project in disgrace.

People who watched the battle of psychics and closely followed the development of events noticed that Alexey Fad tried not to take part in the ongoing scandals; many told him that he always “behaved like a rock” and showed great self-control. Alexey, as a fairly strong person, never participated in feuds, scandals and other similar situations, and he used his abilities only for the purposes of self-defense. Alexey Fad has no This wonderful person died on his birthday - he was then fifty years old. Alexey celebrated his birthday in Turkey, he was surrounded by family and friends, and suddenly he had a heart attack. According to his twenty-six-year-old son, it became known that the tragedy happened in Turkey, at the Marmaris hotel. The father was urgently brought to the clinic, but the doctors could not do anything.

Alexander, November 14, 2014.