Biography. The participant in “Just the Same” left the children to her sister and ex-husband Lyudmila Sokolova personal life children

The owner of the Golden Gramophone, Lyudmila Sokolova, purchased an apartment in the Karamyshevskaya embankment area about a year ago. The singer has long dreamed of her own apartment. Recently Lyudmila completed renovations and invited StarHit to visit.

“Initially, we didn’t have a single wall,” the singer told StarHit. - We decided ourselves how many rooms we should make, and what size they would be. As a result, from a small area of ​​62 square meters we built three rooms, a kitchen, a dressing room and two bathrooms - one for guests, the other with a shower.”

Before starting the renovation, Lyudmila looked on the Internet huge amount photographs of a variety of apartments with interesting design solutions. According to Sokolova, she likes Italian classics in light colors.

“Taking into account the fact that we spent our whole lives in rented apartments, which we had to clean, do at least some cosmetic repairs to make candy out of nothing, in our own we embodied all our ideas, dreams and desires,” continues Lyudmila. - We created and conveyed an atmosphere in which we would like to spend as much time as possible, create and enjoy life. One amazing construction company and an amazing woman, architect Olga, helped us with this. We thought through everything down to the millimeter. I wanted to make everything so beautiful that every day, waking up, I would receive aesthetic pleasure. In addition, I have a beautiful and picturesque view from all the windows – of the Moscow River and the park area.”

The star was lucky with the construction company - the renovation went like clockwork. Difficulties arose only with air conditioners. Due to the fact that the house is new, they were not installed as quickly as the owners wanted.

// Photo: Personal archive of Lyudmila Sokolova

“Of all the places in the apartment, I will probably highlight the kitchen. Here I can spend hours drinking tea with sweets, answering fan letters, corresponding with friends, shooting videos, and most importantly, this is where interesting creative ideas are born. I also like to stand at the window for a long time and watch the changes in nature different times year and think about your own.”

// Photo: Personal archive of Lyudmila Sokolova

Almost all the furniture is from an Italian manufacturer. Only the kitchen set is made in Germany. The repairs took a relatively short time - six months.

“My own corner is very important to me,” the singer shares. - I grew up in my grandparents' house. We lived very simply, but I always had a craving for beauty. An apartment is a place where you are drawn, where you can rest and relax, where there must be a corner in which you can retire, where you receive family and close friends, where you enjoy every day you live.”

// Photo: Personal archive of Lyudmila Sokolova

// Photo: Personal archive of Lyudmila Sokolova

// Photo: Personal archive of Lyudmila Sokolova

// Photo: Personal archive of Lyudmila Sokolova

And I found everything for myself...

“Every evening I thank everyone who comes into my life to teach me something. And God for giving me talent,” says Lyudmila Sokolova, a versatile singer, vocal arranger, about herself. music teacher. “For more than one year I have achieved such a state when you are not afraid of anything, you do not judge anyone. Be happy with what you have and understand why you are here." This is her No. 1 secret to success.

Lyudmila Sokolova is a real “girl next door” who is now “shown on TV.” “I am from the people, I know their essence. There were periods in my life when there was literally nothing to eat. I had to experience both physical and mental pain in order to understand people. How difficult it is for them and how they need consolation,” not The performer regrets the difficulties she experienced.

Lyudmila always knew that her calling was to sing for people, to give them a piece of her soul through her voice. She was born in the city of Volzhsky in a very musical family. My father was a singer and guitarist and made his own guitars. Grandma sang in village choirs, and Lyudmila knows Russian folk and military songs well. He dreams of one day bringing unique Russian melodic music to Western listeners. A universal artist, she can sing rock, pop, jazz, blues, and maybe even her own songs in six languages.

Music school for piano, Linguistic University named after. N.A. Dobrolyubova in Nizhny Novgorod, Grand Prix at the All-Russian competition of young performers "On the Wave of the Volga", collaboration with world jazz performers Igor Butman, Sergey Manukyan, Joe Locke - all these were stages on the path that led Lyudmila to Moscow, to the circle of friends of Alla Pugacheva, to a contract with producer Igor Matvienko, on the big stage, on Channel One.

I'm a wave, a new wave
The whole country will be under me

Lyudmila Sokolova moved to Moscow at the age of 30, being the mother of three children - she simply packed her things, strollers and left for a new future. So brave! “Children never bothered me; on the contrary, they helped me a lot. I thought a lot about how to behave with them, read books,” says Lyudmila. “I learned to love, learned to “fly.” I am absolutely not afraid of anything. Fears hinder us moving forward, they prevent you from developing. You need to think about the good.” This is secret of success number 2.

Lyudmila has a very warm energy and many friends. Having heard it once, in emotionally cold Moscow people want to hear it again. Both songs and advice. Meanwhile, the capital has always been for Sokolova the city where Alla Pugacheva lives - an idol, a standard. And then the day came when, introducing Lyudmila at the “Songs for Alla” concert at Crocus City Hall, Alla called her a pearl! Sokolova then performed one of Pugacheva’s most complex and heartfelt songs, “Three Happy Days.”

I fell, got up and walked again
In my own way - with rain and blizzards,
And I found everything for myself...

In the same 2010, Lyudmila Sokolova received music award"God of Ether" in the nomination "Best dance composition"for the song" New Wave", recorded with DJ Smash. The composition was at the top of all the charts, rotated on radio stations in Germany, France, and America. "Volna" took the singer to a new level, and in 2011, at the House of Music, Lyudmila presented her own solo concert"My way".

In February 2013, Sokolova signed a seven-year contract with producer Igor Matvienko. He heard her in the prestigious Italian restaurant "Mario", where only millionaires, politicians and stars go, and where Lyudmila worked for several years. “Igor is one of the best producers in our country. Kind, generous, attentive. If someone spits in his soul, like me, he remains calm. Because no one is our enemy, every person is a great teacher for us.”

The father of the lead singer of the group “Serebro” was the first to notice Lyudmila Sokolova’s talent.

The father of the lead singer of the group “Serebro” was the first to notice Lyudmila Sokolova’s talent.

Before the singer of the hits “Women’s Spring” and “Another Martini” Lyudmila SOKOLOVA had time to show off her vocal skills in the TV show “The Voice”, she was again invited to Channel One. Now she is participating in the TV show “Exactly”, where she appears in the images of Irina ALLEGROVA, Olga KORMUKHINA, Kylie MINOUG and other stars. In an interview, the 42-year-old singer repeatedly told how, having been left with three children after a divorce, she came from Nizhny Novgorod to conquer Moscow and met here her current husband, composer Vladimir KOVALEV. But for some reason she modestly kept silent about who, even before moving to the capital, made her a mother of many children.

In Nizhny Novgorod Lyudmila Sokolova was considered the coolest jazz singer, - her fellow countryman, the former head of the accompanying staff, enlightened me Dima Bilan Evgeniy Skripkin. - She performed well at festivals in our city, and to earn money she sang in taverns and nightclubs. True, I only came across her in passing - I was more familiar with her now ex-husband, sound engineer and arranger Mikhail Krylov nicknamed Krylych. Sokolova gave birth to some of her many children from Krylov.

Not a fan of fussing

Through social media your humble servant managed to find Sokolova’s ex-husband. It turned out that he still lives in his hometown and performs as part of the revived VIA “Vremena Goda”, which existed in the Gorky Philharmonic in the 70s and 80s. To my disappointment, Krylov categorically refused to give an interview. He referred to the request of Lyudmila and some comrades. To clarify the reason for such increased secrecy, I had to turn to Mikhail’s colleagues.

In my opinion, there is no military secret here,” the head of “Vremena Goda”, guitarist, grinned Yuri Babaev. - Misha Krylov is a famous musician in our city. I've known him since the 90s. Then my keyboard buddy Lesha Smirnov, with whom we worked in Moscow Alexandra Kalyanova And Stas Namin, created a “Private sound studio” in Nizhny. And Misha worked there as a sound engineer. And another friend of mine, a composer, introduced me to Lyuda Sokolova Egor Shashin, father of the current lead singer of the group “Serebro” Dashi Shashina. “We have a girl at our studio,” he once told me. “He sings jazz great!” And he brought the still very young Luda to me. This was before she met Krylov.

She was not married then. But she already had an eldest son, Vadim, from someone. Then they somehow met Misha and became husband and wife. They gave birth to two children - a son, Sasha, who will be 15 this year, and a daughter, Masha, who is two years younger than him.

Personal life of Lyudmila Sokolova, participants music project“The Voice” is not only music, but also a family - a husband and four children. Lyudmila’s biography has been associated with music since childhood - she was born into a family of musicians, graduated music school, has participated in numerous competitions and festivals since childhood. After school Sokolov from hometown Volzhsky went to Nizhny Novgorod, where she entered the Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University. Dobrolyubova. While studying German and English, she did not interrupt her musical career- in 1997, Lyudmila became the winner of the All-Russian competition for young performers “On the Wave of the Volga”, took part in various jazz festivals, performing compositions with such jazz stars as Igor Butman, Joe Locke, Sergey Manukyan.

In 2009, Lyudmila Sokolova released her first video for the song “Dial my number”, and the following year she won the “Best Vocal” nomination at the “God of the Air 2010” radio award. From that moment on, the singer’s career began to develop rapidly - she took part in several projects of Alla Pugacheva, performed in the Kremlin concert hall together with Stas Mikhailov, together with the Lyube group, she created the composition “Long”, which received the Golden Gramophone award in 2013.

At the blind auditions for the show “The Voice,” Lyudmila Sokolova performed Olga Kormukhina’s composition “Falling into the Sky” and immediately won the attention of all members of the jury. In the personal life of Lyudmila Sokolova, everything did not go as smoothly as in her work - she separated from her first husband, having three children in her arms, the youngest of whom was only seven months old. And then Lyudmila decided to start all over again at the age of thirty and moved to Moscow with her children. In the capital, she was lucky to meet a wonderful woman, also a mother of three children, who could not remain indifferent to Lyudmila’s fate. She let her into the apartment for free, saying that she would pay back when she earned money.

Later, when the singer had already settled in the capital, pleasant changes took place in Lyudmila Sokolova’s personal life - she met the man she loved. Lyudmila's children have grown up, and the elders have already made their choice life path- son Vadim, who is twenty-three years old, graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod seminary, Lyudmila’s eldest daughter Tatyana is adopted, she is thirty-two years old, son Alexander, who is fifteen years old, is going to enter the music school, and thirteen-year-old Maria also dreams of connecting her life with music.

  • Lyudmila Sokolova was born in the city of Volzhsky Volgograd region in a family of musicians. At 7 months old she moved with her family to the Nizhny Novgorod region, where she lived for 30 years.
  • Lyuda Sokolova graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, and participated in many vocal festivals and competitions.
  • Lyudmila Sokolova graduated from the Dobrolyubov Linguistic University in Nizhny Novgorod (English and German
  • In 1997, Sokolova won the Grand Prix at All-Russian competition young performers “On the Wave of the Volga”, the chairman of the jury of which was Igor Nikolaev.
  • Lyudmila Sokolova participated in various jazz festivals, sang with such world jazz performers as: Igor Butman, Sergey Manukyan, Joe Locke. For several years she collaborated with Russian singer Valery Leontyev. Wrote the lyrics to the song “I’m Falling in
    heaven" performed by him.
  • Thanks to the range and power of her voice, Lyudmila Sokolova excellently performs rock, jazz and blues compositions.
  • In 2008, Lyudmila Sokolova joint project performed the song “I Am a Wave” with DJ Smash.
  • Lyudmila Sokolova has four children.
  • When Lyudmila Sokolova moved to Moscow with three children, no one wanted to listen to her: she went to restaurants and producers, tried to give them her CDs, but no one was interested - in this city everything is done by recommendation, even in restaurants. It doesn't matter whether you sing well or not. Lyudmila had to live with huge debts, renting apartments. She and her children were even kicked out of some apartments. A good friend from Nizhny Novgorod helped, who got Lyudmila a job in a Georgian restaurant. Since then, things have gotten better - from a Georgian restaurant she ended up in a Brazilian one, and then, by pure chance, in an elite Italian restaurant, where Russians are usually not accepted. Lyudmila Sokolova worked there for 7 years.
  • It may seem to many that as soon as you meet a star, you have already “caught luck by the tail.” Alas, this is not true. While working in a restaurant, Lyudmila Sokolova met Stas Mikhailov. Hearing her voice, he suggested they sing a duet. They sang. It turned out great, but that was the end of the conversation with him. The same story happened with Alla Pugacheva - Lyudmila sang at her birthday, and was absolutely delighted with it, because she was and is her idol since childhood. They had a nice conversation, but there was no promotion or help afterwards - after all, Alla Borisovna is a singer, not a producer.
  • Work with the producer began when Igor Matvienko came to the restaurant, who, having seen Lyudmila Sokolova’s performance, invited her to sign a contract. For three years Lyudmila refused, because she did not want to sing pop music. She loves to perform rock, jazz, blues and other styles, but “pop” is not her thing. But after much thought, Lyudmila gave up.
  • In 2013, Lyudmila Sokolova began collaborating with Igor Matvienko. Together with Nikolai Rastorguev, she performed the song “Long”. This composition received the Golden Gramophone from Russian Radio. Also for Lyudmila, Igor Matvienko wrote the songs “Women’s Spring” and “Another One...”.
  • Lyudmila Sokolova wanted to participate in The Voice even when this show first appeared in Russia. In order to pass the casting, she had to stand in a queue of 2,000 people all day.
  • At the blind audition, first Bilan and Pelageya turned to Lyudmila Sokolova, then Agutin, followed by Gradsky. During the song, and especially after it, Lyudmila captured the hall and the attention of everyone around her. She told about herself, she behaved very confidently, relaxed; said that she dreamed of Pelageya, who sings very well in English. Lyudmila wanted to dedicate an excerpt from a song in Spanish to Agutin, and in the end she went to him. After she left, the impression was that she was the mentor and she chose her students. On The Voice you rarely meet people with such a stable psyche, with such inner self-confidence. As Bilan put it about Lyudmila Sokolova: “She screwed everyone up at once!”