Biography of Gypsy Victoria Yuryevna. Vika Tsyganova: “I have a strong marriage - my husband is my partner, my brother, my father, and my child

Vika Tsyganova biography death


1996 becomes turning point in the works of Vicki. She stops singing hooligan songs and releases a disc of lyrical ballads “Only Love”, then, in August 1997, “Romances”, followed (December 1997) by the full-length album “Kalina Krasnaya”, after the release of which Vika disappears for almost 2 years.

For several days the singer was dying. Doctors did everything possible to save Tsyganova’s life. Now, after several weeks in the hospital, the artist is ready to talk about the disease on her own.

Over a period of four years, it is published annually. best albums: With love for Russia (92), Strawberry (93), My Angel (93), Love and Death (94), Eh, not a sin (95), Russian songs. Who needs this?! (96). In 1996 - 97 Tsyganova turns to a new lyrical direction; the bandit and patriotic songs are replaced by the lyrics of Only Love from the album Kalina Krasnaya and Russian romances from the album of the same name. 1998 This period becomes a turning point in creativity for Tsyganova.

Her desire to renew and increase the audience of listeners prompts Victoria to change her style and fresh musical direction with elements of Rock ‘n’ roll, rock and pop. As a result of Victoria's efforts, new album The sun, a lot of clips, she again began to occupy the top lines of the top charts, introducing a new concert system. At the beginning of the 21st century, and more specifically in 2001, the audience of listeners will again recognize Victoria Tsyganova in tandem with everything famous Mikhail All around.

Eight joint songs were included in the album in memory of Mikhail Krug, which was released in the fall of 2002, called Dedication. The song Come to My House is remembered by people for a long time and becomes (the card) the face of Vika for many years. Summarized 10 summer job can be heard in the album Russian Vodka. Best songs. A very enchanting event in 2002. The performance on the ship Moscow begins.

This significant promotion was called Great Russia under the St. Andrew's flag and was first broadcast in live on central television, destroying the singer’s many years of protection from the Means Mass Information 2004 Marked by the debut of Victoria Tsyganova. Even in the cinema, our heroine found a calling and starred in the film On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 4 where she played herself. Victoria Tsyganova's album Come to My House was awarded the Chanson of the Year Award in 2006. Victoria releases the album Voyage-Voyage. This album was a great success, it has an unusual ranking musical compositions. Vika gave her audience not only wonderful music but also a trip to different countries, a culture that is interesting to each of us. The author of all musical compositions is still her chosen one.

My Angel (1993)

With love for Russia (1992)

My Angel (1992)

Balalaika-infection (1991)

A significant event in 2002 was the concert in Sevastopol on Navy Day on the missile cruiser "Moskva" - the flagship Black Sea Fleet. This enchanting maritime event, entitled “Great Russia under the St. Andrew’s Flag,” was first broadcast on central TV, breaking through the long-term information blockade of the singer by the media.

2004 marked Vika Tsyganova’s film debut: the singer participated in the filming of the television series “On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 4,” playing the role of herself. And Vika’s album entitled “Come to My House” was recognized as the winner in the “Album of the Year” category at the “Chanson of the Year” award ceremony.

In 2006, the album “Voyage-Vintage” was released. This work is unusual musical arrangements songs. She gave listeners a journey through countries whose cultures were interesting to the singer herself. The author of Vika’s entire song repertoire is still her husband and producer Vadim Tsyganov.

2010 - work on a new project with music by Alexander Morozov and poetry by Vadim Tsyganov under the working title “retro - NEW”. As a result of this work, Victoria’s new album, “My Blue Flowers,” is released, and the song “ Eternal memory"becomes one of the laureates of the all-Russian competition "Spring of Victory".

2001 returns to the audience the former Vika Tsyganova in tandem with the chanson star Mikhail Krug. Eight duet works were included in the album in memory of M. Krug, released in the fall of 2002, entitled “Dedication”. And the song "Come to my house" becomes business card singers for many years.

A unique result of ten years of work on stage is summed up in a collection published in the same year from the “Legends of the Genre” series entitled “Russian Vodka. The best songs."

In 1990 Soviet Union I learned that a new bright singer Vika Tsyganova has appeared. The biography connects the beginning of it solo career with the album “Walk, Anarchy”, which was released in 1991. The singer's talent was so obvious that two years later Victoria conquered the capital of our homeland, performing in Moscow at the Variety Theater.

Vika Tsyganova – performer of popular songs, talented singer, born in Khabarovsk on October 28, 1963.


Vika was born into an ordinary officer family. The father served in the navy, the mother devoted all her time to her only and beloved daughter, who showed musical and artistic abilities literally from the first years of her life.

Even when Vika was very little, her mother noticed that she often hummed something, reproducing the melody quite clearly and hitting the notes. When the little girl grew up, she began to constantly dress up and present herself on stage, copying famous actresses and singers. Sometimes she performed entire mini-concerts.

Therefore, when, after graduating from school, the girl announced that she wanted to become an actress and was going to enroll in Vladivostok, this did not surprise her parents at all. Not having too much faith in Vika’s stellar future, they did not oppose her choice and allowed her to try her hand.

On the theater stage

Now few people know that Vika began her artistic career with theater stage. Having easily entered the specialty “theater and film actress”, in 1985 she received higher education and assignment to his first place of work - the Jewish Musical Theater.

Then she moved to Ivanovo, where she also worked in the local theater, and later joined the Youth Theater troupe, where she even quickly became one of the leading actresses and often played leading roles. But the stage did not bring her the moral satisfaction she dreamed of. I wanted fame, recognition, fame. And Vika decided to sing.

Music career

Mine musical path Vika started as a member of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “More”. It cannot be said that the group was super popular, but it had its fans and quite successfully performed on tours throughout almost the entire territory of the USSR. During the couple of years that Vika was with them, the group released two music album, which sold quite well.

However, in the early 90s, disagreements began to arise more and more often in the group, and by this time Vika herself had managed to meet two significant personalities in her life - professional composer Yuri Pryalkin and Vadim Tsyganov, who later became her husband and the author of many of the singer’s hits. They convinced Vika to start a solo career.

In just a year, the singer and her new band prepared a solo program and recorded their first professional studio album, which included completely new songs in a hooligan-brutal style that perfectly matched the singer’s velvety voice.

The listeners liked the new songs, and a year later Vika was already giving her first solo concert in the capital's hall.

Vika Tsyganova's new style quickly became super popular. For some time she even successfully collaborated with the king of Russian chanson, giving joint concerts and recording duet songs. However, to bind your concert life She didn’t intend to date anyone else, especially since a more romantic period soon began in her life, and she abruptly changed her repertoire.

Quite unexpectedly for everyone, in 1998 she released a completely different, romantic-lyrical album, which included romances and love songs. In her new image, Vika was so harmonious that the dramatic changes only increased her popularity. She began performing on tours not only in Russia, but also in countries near and far abroad.

However, the chanson style was still closer in spirit to Vika herself and the co-authors who wrote texts for her, so after some time she returned to it and remains faithful to this day.

Over the years creative activity Vika has recorded more than 20 solo albums, which have sold in huge numbers. And now she successfully continues her creative path, remaining just as popular, unique and beloved by the audience.

Personal life

To some, the personal life of Vika Tsyganova, who has always had dozens of devoted fans, may seem boring and monotonous. Someone, on the contrary, will envy her and sincerely rejoice. This beautiful and incredibly charming woman spent her entire life next to her only man - her husband and the author of her songs, Vadim Tsyganov.

Vika Tsyganova with her husband Vadim

They met in their youth, when Vika was studying at the institute, and got married only a few years later, when she began her solo career - at that time only registered spouses could stay in the same hotel room, and the money for an extra room was in the budget of the start-up group it just wasn't there.

Since then, for more than a quarter of a century, they have been walking through life side by side, and Vika always feels support and support in the person of her loved one. He also supported the singer’s new hobby - creating her own fashion brand, which is now successfully selling and enjoying popularity. The couple is also involved in charitable activities, helping the families and children of military personnel who died during the fighting in Chechnya and Afghanistan.

Vika Tsyganova biography husband children

Biography, life story of Victoria Yuryevna Tsyganova

Victoria Yuryevna Tsyganova (nee Zhukova) – pop singer.

In general, I love countries where sympathetic people live. I just flew back from Thailand, I really like it there. Especially the mentality of these always friendly people. We invited Vadim Galitsyn, the sound producer with whom we recorded the album in Milan. This is our Russian guy who has been living in Italy for 20 years and has a lot international awards. He really wanted to finally work for Russia. And so the Lord brought us together. We took a catamaran called “Mozart”, and the captain was Wolfgang, which is very symbolic. Also on the team were a masseuse and a cook. We had a great time.

On the subject of travel: how the idea came about joint project with traveler Fedor Konyukhov? Do you want extreme sports?

That's not the point. We have known Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov for a long time. He has now taken monastic vows and is a priest. And one day he turned to my husband: “Vadim, I have an idea to build a temple for Fyodor Ushakov. I have already received a blessing from Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill. And I want to involve you in the construction of this temple.” Of course, we began to look for funds and sponsors. The first funds were invested - a chapel was installed where the temple of Fyodor Ushakov will stand. Well, in order to attract people’s attention to this construction, we decided to send our yacht to the places of military glory of Fyodor Ushakov. A lot of people responded. And thus, this entire big campaign was dedicated to the idea of ​​​​building a temple.

Vika Tsyganova’s mother, Lyudmila Mikhailovna, loves to feed her daughter and son-in-law. Pies, home-baked bread and tea according to your own recipe sell with a bang. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

But why Fedor Ushakov?

Thank God, the parents behaved very correctly. They never spoiled me with delightful feedback about my " song creativity"Both dad and mom always said that I had a voice like everyone else. I bow to them for that! They never kindled passions or ambitions in me. Thanks to my parents, I learned to treat myself with restraint, if not harshly. This is very it came in handy when I came to Moscow to work in the mid-eighties and began an independent life.

How did your acting career develop in Moscow?

Let's start with the fact that no one invited me there and, therefore, no one was waiting for me. Nevertheless, I still got a job in the theater. It was Jewish chamber theater. I remember when they asked me why I work in the Jewish theater, I answered with irony that, in principle, all our theaters are Jewish. But seriously, I actually liked it there, because the theater was national, and its productions compared favorably with those of that time modern dramaturgy. There were a lot of dances and songs, which was interesting for me. A little later I had the opportunity to work for others theater stage: in Sochi, in Ivanovo.

- How did it happen that you finally said goodbye to the acting path?

Circumstances forced me to leave the theater. Now, years later, I understand why I couldn’t work there. Apparently, I am not a performer by nature. Even during my studies at the Theater Institute, I more than once caught myself thinking that I did not want to portray something that was incomprehensible and alien to me. I think it was arranged by God so that I would radically change my life. Already while working in Ivanovsky drama theater Things were going very badly for me. It would be more correct to say that everything was falling apart. My career and personal life collapsed, and a serious illness struck. Alone, without parents, without money, without registration - without everything... Today, looking back at that terrible past, I know for sure that my main trouble was that I was not a believer then. I lived without God in my soul, I was not even baptized... There came a moment when I was so confused that it’s scary to remember now, I didn’t want to live. And so, when I was already on the verge of despair, the Lord extended His saving right hand to me: my girlfriend unexpectedly advised me to go to church and light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. ...I remember well how I went into the church, found a large beautiful icon of St. Nicholas, and lit a candle. There, in the temple, I suddenly began to get really hysterical. Barely holding back my sobs, with some inept words I asked this man from the icon to help me. So for the first time in my life I prayed... I believe that it was St. Nicholas the Wonderworker who brought me to church...

“I had never had such a high temperature in my life before. The fever was such that I had to change the bed linen several times a night - within half an hour it became completely wet. I felt weak, I couldn’t even move my hand. There was a feeling that life flows out of the body,” said Vika.

Vadim Tsyganov: Well, this is a special story, the house is not simple, it was built on the site of a cemetery. Shchusev designed this house, which was both a Mausoleum and red granite lined with the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and when they started changing the pipeline, some things started happening there and first the roof caught fire and some kind of crazy running priest appeared.. At first I didn’t understand anything, but then things like this happened, I was lifted one and a half meters above the ground, I was sleeping, I was lifted, and then it began to spin. There were things that were beyond the bounds. Vika arrived and I couldn’t talk. We ran to the priest, explained the situation to him, he said that you should leave there immediately. After that, we left there one day, moved into an unfinished house and started living. Malakhov: and all the correspondents tell me how amazing you cook, that your wife doesn’t come into the kitchen, that you’re in the kitchen all the time, how you keep yourself in shape, especially since you lost 30 kg in a month. I have read many times that you don’t sit down at the table without prayer... - We try. There are moments when my throat closes up, I start to choke.. I take this seriously, because I experienced everything myself..- I know that Vika already thinks that her first video cannot be found, the video for the song “Darling” edge", but we found this video and today we will watch one of the first videos of Vika Tsyganova..

- Vadim, are you joking or scaring me?

Vika: - It's true! Once I went on tour without Vadim. When she returned a couple of days later, he was completely confused. He said: “I don’t even know how to explain, but this is a very bad apartment, we need to leave here...” It turned out that at night some force lifted him half a meter above the bed! I was terrified. We immediately ran to the temple, to the priest. He advised us to sprinkle the apartment with holy water. It turned out that our neighbors - famous actors- they’ve done this a long time ago. Apparently evil spirits from all over the house gathered with us!

We learned that this building stands on the site of a cemetery and is lined with marble left over from the blown-up Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and we realized that we must run away from here! And into the forest, into the wilderness, into fresh air, away from the city ghosts! (They laugh.) We first settled in a dacha that was being completed in Myshetskoye, and then bought another larger plot here.

It took a long time to build new home? It turned out to be a real castle!

A significant event in 2002. becomes a concert on Navy Day on the missile cruiser "Moskva" - the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet (Sevastopol, 2002). This enchanting maritime event, entitled “Great Russia under the St. Andrew’s Flag,” was first broadcast on central TV, breaking through the long-term information blockade of the singer by the media.

2004 marked the debut of Vika Tsyganova in cinema: the singer participated in the filming of the television series “On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 4”, playing the role of herself. And Vika’s album entitled “Come to My House” was recognized as the winner in the “Album of the Year” category at the “Chanson of the Year” award ceremony.

Grand Collection. Vika Tsyganova (2009)

Romances and Russian songs (2008)

Have fun, Rus'..! (2007)

Vika, it’s too early for you to think about old age, but a real woman is always concerned about her beauty and preserving her youth. Have you found the recipe for eternal youth or are you still searching? - I don’t have any special recipes, but whenever possible, I try to go to a sports club regularly. This winter I was looking forward to the snow falling - I love skiing in the forest. I sing well there, and deep filtration of the lungs occurs. When a lot of oxygen gets into the lungs, a person rejuvenates, I always look better after such outings. I really love the bathhouse. I have my own bathhouse, which works both as a sauna and as a bathhouse. You definitely need to do exercises in the morning. I can advise all women on how to get rid of cellulite. My mother overcame cellulite in two years, and now her skin is smooth, like my sister Sveta, who is thirty years old. You need to lie down, raise your arms and legs and shake them, as if shaking off something. This exercise should be done in the morning while lying in bed.

Vika Tsyganova - popular Soviet and Russian singer, which performs in the chanson genre. Tsyganova’s work is based on the themes of patriotism, Orthodoxy and nepotism. In addition, Vika Tsyganova succeeded both as an actress and composer.

The chosen song themes brought the performer mixed responses from music lovers. Some call Tsyganova the only worthy singer, others accuse her of pandering to outdated and harmful traditions. But what is difficult to reproach the singer for is hypocrisy. In life, a woman also corresponds to the image she sings about and adheres to her own ideas expressed in songs.

The performer gives charity concerts, speaks in support of the military in hot spots and is not afraid to go with concerts to places of political tension in order to cheer up people in difficult situations.

There is probably not a person who does not know the name of the chanson star Vika Tsyganova. But few people know that famous singer received an acting education and could remain a theater artist.

Victoria Zhukova, that was the singer’s maiden name, was born in October 1963 in Khabarovsk. Her dad was naval officer and served in the navy, while my mother looked after the home and took care of her long-awaited daughter. Vika grew up as an artistic child. At first, the girl performed on the home stage, giving concerts and performances to her family, and then made her debut on the school stage.

Therefore, after graduating from school in 1981, Victoria Zhukova went to Vladivostok, where on the first try she entered the Far Eastern Institute of Arts. After 4 years, Vika received a specialty as a theater and film actress. But during her studies, she never for a moment forgot about developing her vocal talents. All these years, the girl attended the department of opera singing, where she worked on her voice together with the teachers.


For the first time, the young actress appeared on stage in the graduation production “Our People – We Will Be Numbered.” In this performance based on the play, the girl got the role of Lipochka. So it began theatrical biography Vicky Tsyganova.

In 1985, the aspiring artist was accepted into the Jewish Chamber Musical Theater. But a year later Tsyganova appeared on stage regional theater dramas in Ivanovo. But even here I stayed only for a year. The creative search continued. Rate the game talented actress, to whom the directors trusted the main roles, Magadan viewers were able to. Here in Molodezhny musical theater, Vika Tsyganova sang and played in 1988.

The girl played a number of notable roles. And all this time Tsyganova not only played, but also sang talentedly.


Vika Tsyganova became the soloist of the group “Sea” in 1988. The girl was so captivated by her singing career that the vocalist left her job in the theater. Together with the team, Vika began to tour throughout the country. The singer's performances were a huge success. Each victory pushed Tsyganova to the idea that she had exhausted herself as a theater actress.

Over the course of two years, Tsyganova released two albums as part of “Sea” - “Caravel of Love” and “Autumn Day”. But in the late 1980s, Vika realized that she was ripe for a solo career. Next to Vika were the musician Yuri Pryalkin and the talented songwriter Vadim Tsyganov, who became Victoria’s husband. A year later, Tsyganova released her solo album “Walk, Anarchy.”

Vika Tsyganova's debut solo concert took place in 1992 at the capital's Variety Theater. By this time, the singer had pleased music lovers with more than one hit performed solo. Tsyganova’s performances are included in concerts that are broadcast on central channels. Mostly Victoria's songs were performed in the style of chanson.

Every year, since 1990, one album by Vika Tsyganova has been released. The singer regularly tours and becomes a recognized pop star. One of the singer’s hits is the composition “Bunches of Rowan,” which was included in the album “My Angel” published at that time.

In 1996, the performer changed her role. Tsyganova appears lyrical songs, radically different from the previous repertoire. In 1998, fans were again surprised by the changes in their favorite singer. In order to attract a wider audience, Vika Tsyganova dramatically changed her image. Not only the songs have changed, but also the singer herself. The singer’s new disc “Sun” was completely different from the others. This did not escape the audience, and the singer again found herself on the crest of popularity.

And in 2001, Victoria was again the same chanson singer familiar to her fans. This year Tsyganova fruitfully collaborated with. Together with him, 8 songs were performed, which were included in the album “Dedication”. And the composition “Come to my house”, which appeared in 2001, on for many years becomes not just a hit, but a calling card for Vika Tsyganova.

Another striking composition performed by the singer was the song “For Men,” which was later included in the album “My Blue Flowers.”

In addition to audio recordings, the singer also presented a number of video clips. Music videos appeared for the songs “I Love and Believe”, “Only Love”, “I’ll Return to Russia” and “My Blue Flowers”.

Since 2011, the singer appears in public less and less. This year the last 2 albums were released called “Romances” and “Golden Hits”. Vika Tsyganova devotes more and more time to her hobby, which has grown into a profession. She created her own clothing brand “TSIGANOVA” and produces her own designer collections, which are successful with Russian pop stars.

Personal life

Both the singing career and personal life of Vika Tsyganova turned out happily. Her husband Vadim Tsyganov is not only her only and beloved man, but also her creative colleague. Almost all the songs performed by the star were written by him. The wedding of Victoria and Vadim took place in 1988. Since then they have been together constantly. Unfortunately, there are no common children in the Tsyganov family.

In 1994, the couple got married in a church. The singer attaches great importance to issues of faith.

The couple live in a wonderful house in the Moscow region, similar to a fairy-tale castle. They have several pets that have long become members of the family. These are the dogs Pluto and Lordi, the cat Frosya, the parrot Zhora and the goat Bela.

Vika Tsyganova also noted that, even if such a ban is adopted, it will not be able to reduce the popularity of chanson in Russia.

In 2018, Victoria Tsyganova was included in the “black list” in Ukraine, where the country’s Ministry of Culture includes artists who pose a “threat to the national security of the country.”

The singer was not surprised to be blacklisted. According to the performer, the woman liberated Crimea in 2014 and performed at concerts dedicated to the Liberation Day of Odessa and the elections in Donbass and Lugansk. Therefore, Victoria only expressed bewilderment that she was included in this list so late.

The singer also noted that she is not going to visit Ukraine in the near future. According to the woman, power there was seized by “incomprehensible” people.


  • 1991 - “Walk, Anarchy”
  • 1991 - “Balalaika-infection”
  • 1992 - “With love for Russia”
  • 1993 - “My Angel”
  • 1994 - “Strawberry”
  • 1994 - “Love and Death”
  • 1995 - “Oh, it’s not a sin”
  • 1996 - “Russian songs. Who needs this?!”
  • 1996 - “Only Love”
  • 1997 - “Kalina Krasnaya”
  • 1998 - “Sun”
  • 2002 - “Dedication” (Together with Mikhail Krug)
  • 2004 - “Officers of Russia”
  • 2006 - “Voyage Vintage”
  • 2007 - “Have fun, Rus'..!”
  • 2010 - “My blue flowers...”

Victoria Tsyganova (Zhukova) is a pop singer, composer, fashion designer and actress. Born in October 1963 in the city of Khabarovsk, she graduated there music school, in Vladivostok she graduated from the Institute of Arts and began working in the theater.

The beginning of her solo career was in 1990, and two years later the whole country already knew about it. From 1992 to 1996, the singer released a solo album every year. In subsequent years, he constantly changes his image and style of performance.

Personal life

She has been married to Vadim Tsyganov, a poet and designer, for more than twenty-five years. They got married at the beginning of Victoria’s career, and the marriage was more for show, but they got married in October 1994, having consciously and responsibly made this decision. No children.

House of Vika Tsyganova

The three-story mansion of the Tsyganovs is located near Zelenograd in the village of Myshetskoye, next to Lake Krugloye. The construction of the house took the couple five many years, but it was worth it. They managed to implement in the setting and appearance all the ideas and dreams accumulated over many years of moving.

Vadim, a designer by training, developed furniture design, embodied ideas in wall painting and forged products, and Vika took on the job of selecting fabrics and sewing curtains. Over time, their hobby grew into a second profession, and today Tsyganova sews her own clothes, and her husband designs interiors.

The interior is dominated by natural and organic materials: wood, fur. Most of the items are handmade, but there are also plenty of antiques and modern appliances, mostly in the kitchen.

The pink hall on the second floor with a beautiful stone staircase with original railings is decorated with stained glass windows and paintings in the style of Alphonse Mucha.

The master bedroom is made in light colors. Vika sewed an original bedspread for the bedroom white from fox skin, and Vadim made a fireplace from solid stone. The bedroom set imitates the furniture of Indian maharajas. Stained glass doors in the shape of strange birds lead into the bathroom. They are installed so that while lying in the jacuzzi, you can watch TV in the bedroom.

The owner's office has a purely masculine character; here the emphasis is on antiques. You can see magnificent furniture from Flemish masters of the 17th century, a Persian carpet and icons embroidered with pearls and beads; they are also the brainchild of Tsyganov.

The hostess's office is completely decorated in Chinese style and filled with antique furniture and things. Here she designs and sews new models and accepts visitors for fittings.

The estate has a swimming pool, gym and sauna. The pool is located under a glass roof.

A bathhouse with a plunge pool and a jacuzzi was built nearby. The dressing room is striking in its size and furnishings. The walls are painted with three layers of painting, and in the middle there is a table made of three-hundred-year-old cedar.

In the singer’s kitchen there is a real Russian stove, made in the Dutch style, but fully performing the functions of a Russian one. The star’s mother does most of the cooking in the house; she makes excellent porridges, but her husband often treats everyone to his signature dish, “lamb with vegetables.” A small bench next to the table is upholstered with polar bear and goat fur.

The Knight's Hall, where men like to spend time, is decorated using stone and painting. Here stands one of the most original pieces of furniture - a huge bench, upholstered with a six-meter python. There is also a bench for relaxation, one of the fireplaces and a collection of bladed weapons.

The roof is decorated in french style with a landscaped outdoor terrace. Because of this, the roof had to be further strengthened and its waterproofing improved.

All the necessary vegetables and herbs grow on the plot, and the farm has chickens and a goat, which is mainly looked after by Victoria’s mother, who also lives here. There is a huge pond dug next to the house, in which there are a lot of fish, and everyone goes to the forest to pick mushrooms.

According to CIAN, a cottage in the village of Myshetskoye can be bought from 5 to 30 million rubles.