Biography of Alexey Bryantsev, married. Young and promising chanson performer Alexey Bryantsev: biography

The release of the joint album “Hello, Baby” with Irina Krug helped this chanson performer become popular, where they performed a number of romantic love songs as a duet. The young performer’s velvety baritone captivated the audience and helped him acquire numerous fans. Having become famous, he attracted attention not only to his work, but also to his personal life - many fans would like to know who wife of Alexey Bryantsev, does he have children, how is his life? family life. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find information about this - the performer carefully hides all the details of his personal life and tries to avoid such questions. It is only known that he is married and has a growing daughter, born in 2011.

Anyone who has heard Alexey’s voice can no longer remain indifferent to his velvety baritone. Despite the fact that the singer did not receive special vocal education, thanks to his natural talent, Bryantsev was able to become a real artist, gathering entire halls of numerous fans of chanson. As a child, Alexey studied at a music school, and this was the end of his special education. The artist recalls that he studied without much enthusiasm, but he had enough willpower to finish school and receive a diploma indicating that he can play the accordion and piano. However, it was a good help in future profession Alexei, although today he does not play these musical instruments, but only sings accompanied by them. Bryantsev was born on February 19, 1984 in Voronezh, and before becoming an artist, he graduated from the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in micro-electronic equipment design.

The creative biography of the young chanson performer began in 2006 and from the very beginning he began to make great strides on stage. Collaboration with Irina Krug was not limited to just recording a joint album - together with her, Alexey Bryantsev gave many concerts in different corners Russia, which were always sold out. The artist is pleased that thousands of fans gather for his concerts, and this happens in all the cities where he tours. Having gained extensive experience working on stage, the singer decided to take up solo career and he was not mistaken - his concert tours in countries near and far abroad are a huge success.

However, Alexey does not suffer from “star fever” and even his growing popularity does not spoil his character. He continues to record new albums and perform new songs, bringing the artist even more popularity. Bryantsev was advised to become a chanson performer by his relative, his full namesake, also Alexey Bryantsev. Hearing the voice of a young guy who was only twenty-two years old at that time, he immediately advised him to take up vocals. And before that, the future artist managed to work as an electrician, fire alarm installer, renovated apartments, own business. At the beginning of his solo career, Alexey Bryantsev heard more than once that the timbre of his voice resembled that of Mikhail Krug, but he is aware that Krug remains a legend of chanson, which he is still far from achieving. In addition to music, Bryantsev has other hobbies - bullet and skeet shooting, and he sometimes happily devotes his leisure time to training at the shooting range. And of course great value The artist has a family - Alexei Bryantsev’s wife and daughter.

Having started his solo career in 2011, Alexey Bryantsev has already gained popularity among the general public, who are simply fascinated by his chic velvet baritone. Their lyrical songs it is dedicated to both women in love and stern men, because the theme of love and fidelity worries all people.

Listeners always look forward to Bryantsev, as a result of which his concerts always attract full houses. The biography of the talented chansonnier interests many of his fans, so during his performance he is asked questions not only about his work, but also about his personal life.

Childhood and adolescence

Alexey was born in 1984 in the city of Voronezh. His father and mother are not related to music world while doing normal things. His parents tried to develop the future singer comprehensively: in addition to studying at school, he studied accordion and piano at a music school for seven years, and also painted. In addition, the boy had to attend football and karate sections. Constantly busy, Alexey hardly found time for friends, dreaming of playing “war games” with them. But the future performer did not have to take vocal lessons, despite the fact that he had good vocal abilities.

In the ninth grade, the young man’s voice “broke”, as a result of which a chic “velvet baritone” appeared. However, after graduating from school, he didn’t even think about musical career, although he loved to sing and played the guitar well. Having chosen the specialty of oil and gas engineer, Bryantsev began studying at the Polytechnic Institute in his city. IN student years he opened his own business - a fast food cafe. At first he was interested, but soon the profitable business began to bring losses. His mother continued to run the business, and at the moment is doing this.

Start of a creative career and success

After graduating from university, 22-year-old Alexey decided to audition with his distant relative, songwriter and arranger Alexey Bryantsev. His namesake was delighted with what he heard, inviting the young man to record several songs. Even then, the composer noted that his baritone was very similar to the voice of the deceased Mikhail Krug, and besides, the young guy’s vocals did not match the young guy’s appearance.

The first composition that Bryantsev Sr. wrote was the song “Hello, baby!” It was planned to sing a composition with singer Elena Kasyanova, however, by chance, Irina Krug, who then flew to Voronezh on business, became his partner. After this work, Alexey continued to collaborate with the widow of Mikhail Krug, releasing their first joint album in 2007. In 2010, the second album was released. Compositions such as “I Miss Your Eyes”, “Favorite Look”, “Come to Me in a Dream” are still played on radio stations and are popular among listeners. After three and a half years, their duet work stopped, and the singers took up solo careers.

First solo concert Bryantsev took place in 2011 in Vilnius, and a year later he pleased fans with another work called “Your Breath”. The singer toured a lot, thanks to which his career took shape rapid growth. He recorded several more albums, and also collaborated with the Butyrka group, recording about 12 songs with them. Bryantsev Sr. still writes songs and arranges them in the studio. According to Alexey himself, he has his own achievements, but for now he acts as a performer.

In the photo are Alexey Bryantsev and Irina Krug.

His repertoire consists of lyrical songs, although the singer wanted to perform criminal lyrics at the same time. Now he intends to expand his repertoire by also including songs about his mother. In 2018, Bryantsev recorded the compositions “I am not a saint” and “At a distance of love,” which his fans have already appreciated. He has practically no clips, however, Alexey himself believes that live communication with viewers is much more important than a colorful video. During the concert, the singer invites the audience to write him notes with questions, and after the performance he answers them.

Personal life and hobbies outside the stage

Fans are often interested in Bryantsev’s creative plans, and also ask him questions about his personal life, who his wife is and whether he has children. The popular chansonnier himself does not answer them, as he protects his family from prying eyes. According to some reports, he is happily married to his wife, who gave birth to his daughter in 2011.

In his free time from creativity, the singer tries to be more often with his family. He prefers active recreation, loves hunting and fishing. He likes to follow the trail of the beast, track it and sit in ambush. Alexey not only sings himself, but also likes to listen to many performers, among whom he singles out Grigory Leps.

The release of the joint album “Hello, Baby” with Irina Krug helped this chanson performer become popular, where they performed a number of romantic love songs as a duet. The young performer’s velvety baritone captivated the audience and helped him acquire numerous fans. Having become famous, he attracted attention not only to his work, but also to his personal life - many fans would like to know who wife of Alexey Bryantsev whether he has children, how his family life is. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find information about this - the performer carefully hides all the details of his personal life and tries to avoid such questions. It is only known that he is married and has a growing daughter, born in 2011.

Anyone who has heard Alexey’s voice can no longer remain indifferent to his velvety baritone. Despite the fact that the singer did not receive special vocal education, thanks to his natural talent, Bryantsev was able to become a real artist, gathering entire halls of numerous fans of chanson. As a child, Alexey studied at a music school, and this was the end of his special education. The artist recalls that he studied without much enthusiasm, but he had enough willpower to finish school and receive a diploma indicating that he can play the accordion and piano. Nevertheless, this became a good help in Alexey’s future profession, although today he does not play these musical instruments, but only sings accompanied by them. Bryantsev was born on February 19, 1984 in Voronezh, and before becoming an artist, he graduated from the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in micro-electronic equipment design.

The creative biography of the young chanson performer began in 2006 and from the very beginning he began to make great strides on stage. Collaboration with Irina Krug was not limited to just recording a joint album - together with her, Alexey Bryantsev gave many concerts in different parts of Russia, which were always sold out. The artist is pleased that thousands of fans gather for his concerts, and this happens in all the cities where he tours. Having gained extensive experience working on stage, the singer decided to pursue a solo career and was not mistaken - his concert tours in countries near and far abroad are a huge success.

However, Alexey does not suffer from “star fever” and even his growing popularity does not spoil his character. He continues to record new albums and perform new songs, bringing the artist even more popularity. Bryantsev was advised to become a chanson performer by his relative, his full namesake, also Alexey Bryantsev. Hearing the voice of a young guy who was only twenty-two years old at that time, he immediately advised him to take up vocals. And before that, the future artist managed to work as an electrician, fire alarm installer, renovated apartments, and ran his own business. At the beginning of his solo career, Alexey Bryantsev heard more than once that the timbre of his voice resembled that of Mikhail Krug, but he is aware that Krug remains a legend of chanson, which he is still far from achieving. In addition to music, Bryantsev has other hobbies - bullet and skeet shooting, and he sometimes happily devotes his leisure time to training at the shooting range. And, of course, family is of great importance for the artist - Alexei Bryantsev’s wife and daughter.

Alexey Bryantsev quickly gained popularity and fell in love to a wide circle listeners, captivating them with his velvety baritone. To attract viewers, Alexey does not need to arrange bright show with backup dancers, it is enough for him to simply perform his lyrical song. During the concert, the artist not only sings, but also answers questions from fans. At the same time, Bryantsev covers some events from his biography, but says nothing about his personal life, considering this topic closed to journalists and the public.

Alexey was born in 1984 in Voronezh in ordinary family. His parents had nothing to do with creative world, but the future singer has been interested in music since childhood and loved to sing. The boy went to music school in piano, and then learned to play the guitar, to which he sang songs. After graduating from school, he entered a technical university, choosing a specialty - designer of micro-electronic equipment.

However, the 22-year-old young man was in no hurry to work in his specialty, as he dreamed of singing on stage. And soon he met songwriter and arranger Alexey Bryantsev, with whom he shares namesakes. It was he who recognized the future chanson star in the talented guy. Alexey's voice was very similar to the voice of the legendary Mikhail Krug, so the composer did not want Bryantsev to be considered one of the imitators of the great singer.

At the beginning of his career, he sang in a duet with Elena Kasyanova, and then performed the song “Hello, Baby” with Irina Krug, after which his close collaboration with Krug’s widow began. In 2007, the couple's first duet album was released, and three years later they released their second disc. The albums did not sit idle and were instantly sold out by music lovers. The singers performed in different parts of Russia, where they were always greeted warmly. In 2012, Alexey, having gained extensive experience working on stage, decided to pursue a solo career, as a result of which his debut album “Your Breath” was soon released.

In the photo Alexey Bryantsev with Irina Krug

Bryantsev says little about himself and his personal life. He does not consider himself a stage star, but only an ordinary person, who had a lucky chance to demonstrate his abilities. However, journalists and fans want to know not only his work, but also who his parents are, his wife and whether he has children. The singer himself answers these questions very succinctly. He does not hide the fact that there is a beloved woman in his life, whose name he does not disclose. Alexey prefers to lead healthy image, and in his free time from creativity he likes to play football. Some sources indicate that the singer is married and has a daughter born in 2011.

See also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/20/2017

Place of birth: Voronezh.

Childhood: born, raised and studied in the city of Voronezh. In parallel with general education, he graduated from music school.

Study: Alexey Bryantsev studied to become a designer of micro-radio-electronic equipment. His profession is to create new computer technologies.

Career: his knowledge was useful in another field of activity, he began to quickly develop in music business. Alexey was one of the first to use computer technology to create and process music. He worked for a long time in projects that were entirely aimed at creating a popular dance music. His professional knowledge helped him quickly get used to business, so he was popular among many stars Russian stage. Alexey often communicated with foreign DJs and gained experience, which ultimately allowed him to become a famous person.

Alexey is a distant relative of his no less famous namesake - producer Alexey Bryantsev, who is known not only for participating in such a successful project as “Butyrka” as a producer-arranger, but also for authoring songs for other performers. Alexey “junior” came to him for an audition after graduation educational institution at the age of 22, driven by the desire to sing with big stage to an audience of thousands. Even as a child, he loved to perform songs with a guitar around the fire. His magnificent baritone immediately impressed his famous namesake. At the same time, the producer noted the highlight of the performer: the outwardly young man performed the compositions in the voice of a mature 50-year-old man. However, he did not dare to take on the young performer. The reason for this was the amazing similarity of Alexey’s voice and the most popular singer Mikhail Krug. After the tragic death of the Vladimir Central performer, Russian prices were filled with numerous clones that specifically imitated both the popular artist’s performance style and arrangement. During this period, it was risky to go on stage and become “another one” a la Krug. But famous producer couldn’t let the beautiful baritone go unnoticed for a long time and he writes a song specifically for the vocals of the younger Alexey. The song “Hello, Baby” was originally a duet, but the first performer was Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanova. But a happy coincidence of circumstances led to the formation of a new duet, where the widow of Mikhail Krug, Irina Krug, sang with Alexei Bryantsev.

The duet turned out to be more than successful and fruitful. Two albums, “Hello, Baby” (2007) and “If It weren’t for You” (2010), where Alexey and Irina sing love songs together, were practically swept off the shelves of music stores, and the compositions became leaders of the charts.

The artist’s first performance took place on the stage of the Kyiv palace “Ukraine” during the celebration of the 9th anniversary of radio “Chanson”. Alexey later admitted that he was very worried, and no matter how many times he had to go out to the audience, he would always remember those first feelings of fear and delight that he experienced while standing on main stage Ukraine.

In 2012, Alexey released the long-awaited solo album “Your Breath,” which was received well by both critics and fans, as evidenced by both the level of sales and the number of mobile phones that play songs from the disc during a call.

Alexey considers himself an ordinary non-star person. He does not hide his love for football, in particular for teams from Italy, and prefers to live in nature. As a student, he opened a fast food outlet, but soon lost interest in it, even though it was profitable.

Interesting facts, personal life: married, has a daughter.

Currently: Singer with a stunningly beautiful baritone voice. The artist has big creative plans, but he is not going to stop. He craves development, and wants to do it in his own way, only in his own manner.

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