Beautiful hairstyles with your own hands step by step. Evening hairstyles for short hair, step by step

Hairstyle is the first thing people pay attention to when they meet. Stylish hairstyles for short hair Any woman can do it with her own hands, especially if she doesn’t have time for daily visits to the salon.

Styling for every day

A short haircut is fashionable, and besides, such hairstyles visually make their owners look younger. You can create simple, beautiful hairstyles at home. All you need is styling products and tools. Age, lifestyle and situation will tell you which quick hairstyles for short hair are best to choose.

Slight negligence is the highlight of the image. The option is appropriate for daily wear by young ladies and as an evening model is suitable for older ladies.

Curls, thin strands - new image every time. Short curls, straight and asymmetrical partings, voluminous hairstyles and the effect of wet hair are possible. Short locks allow you to quickly change business and retro hairstyles to original and stylish models.

With the help of mousse or gel, an ordinary bob turns into a mischievous hairstyle if you twist the ends of the strands from the back of the head outward. You can pull them in the desired direction. Gel is applied to the ends. Correctly selected models will allow you to correct appearance flaws.

Beautiful hairstyles will not take much time. Here is an option for a simple and effective styling: twist the strands with soft curlers, make a side parting and arrange the hair so that the curls frame the oval of the face. Slightly dried strands are tousled with your fingers, simultaneously distributing wax, foam or mousse for styling the haircut. Next comes blow drying on cool air. The slightly damp ends are curled inward and fixed with varnish.

The main requirements for daily styling are beauty and simplicity. For such a hairstyle you need a hairdryer, brushing and a round brush. Warm air lifts hair at the roots. A little wax is distributed over the fingers, warmed by rubbing, and the bangs or individual strands are isolated. A hairstyle on thick, coarse hair will last all day without fixation.

Office hairstyle models

For voluminous styling, mousse or foam is evenly applied to the hair and dried from the roots with a hairdryer and brushing. The ends are curled inwards. If the hair is sparse, then it is recommended to lightly backcomb it from the middle.

Each time, varnish is used for fixation. In cold weather, the headdress is worn over a varnished hairstyle. You can comb your hair only after removing your hat. When the work is completed, spray the varnish onto a comb and run it through the strands. The desired volume is provided.

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For an interesting styling on hair shorter than average, each strand no more than a centimeter wide is twisted onto a curling iron from the back of the head. In the front, the hair is pinched with bobby pins for smoothness; small curls, secured with hairspray, are left on the sides and at the back of the head.

A spikelet is an option for styling even short strands. The main object of weaving is long bangs. The forehead will be completely open and attention will be drawn to the eyes. The time to create such a hairstyle is short haircuts- a third of an hour. Ideal for the office.

The washed strands are dried with the head tilted to obtain volume at the crown. The bangs are separated with a thin comb, braided with a tourniquet and secured at the side or at the top with hair clips. If there is no bang, then separate the bulky part of the hair from temple to temple and weave a “spikelet” on it. The weaving is fixed behind the ear, the crown is lightly combed and secured with varnish.

Holiday styling

An everyday hairstyle turns into a festive version without much effort if you add a flower or a composition with flowers, or use glitter hairspray.

The styling looks very feminine Greek style. The main thing is to observe the direction of the strands back each time and fix them in this position. Ribbons with headbands will help. For volume on the crown and back of the head, the hair is curled into large ringlets. The hairstyle does not tolerate straight strands. Even a slight waviness is necessary.

To create a romantic Witch model, apply styling mousse to moistened strands. The front part of the hair, more precisely, a quarter of it, is dried by pulling out the strands, directing them upward and back. Each tip is curled inward. The remaining mass of hair is dried, laid back and up, and secured with bobby pins. A beautiful headband is tightly put on and the model is secured with varnish.

Princess evening hairstyle is also possible with ultra-short locks. The hair with the mousse applied to it is dried with a hairdryer, pulling the hair forward and curling the ends with brushing downwards. The strands are combed back and secured with a beautiful ribbon.

The peculiarity of the Suare model is its large curls. To create a hairstyle, strands are twisted on large curlers with styling foam. The bangs are dried with brushing, pulled up and forward, and each tip is slightly curled down.

After removing the curlers, you get luxurious curls. They are distributed evenly with your hands and the result is fixed with varnish.

To model individual strands of wax, you need to take a minimal amount of it, each time no more than a match head. Otherwise, the strands will stick together.

It is not advisable to use hot air to dry short hair. There is a towel for this purpose, and it is better to model the hairstyle with your fingertips with styling applied to them.

You cannot fix hairstyles with hairspray at close range: the haircut will be “decorated” with a whitish coating, and the strands will stick together. The result of such work looks sloppy. The varnish should not be noticeable, and the appearance of the hairstyle should remain natural and aesthetic.

If you follow the recommendations of professionals with your own hands, you can create hairstyles for every day and for a celebration, always look different, always feminine and attractive. This hairstyle takes little time, but the result will pleasantly surprise the owner of the stylish hairstyle and those around her.

It is not so easy for those with short strands to create a masterpiece on their heads when there is no way to braid their hair, curl their curls, or create a voluminous hairstyle. In fact, sometimes this minus can be turned into a plus, since a beautiful hairstyle with such a length can be done much faster and still look impressive.

Beautiful curls for a bob

You can create a stylish version with small curls, which is suitable for girls with bobs.

Step by step execution:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner, dry slightly so that it remains slightly damp.
  2. Applying a mask to moisturize the ends. You can’t apply it to the roots, as it will be difficult to achieve the required volume and the strands will become heavy. However, the ends will no longer seem so lifeless and dry and will acquire a natural shine. DIY evening hairstyles for short hair can look impeccable if you use special products: masks or balms for shine, foams, mousses, varnishes.
  3. The upper part needs to be gathered into a bun and pinned with bobby pins, hairpins, and bobby pins.
  4. First you need to use a heated curling iron to tighten the volume at the back. You need to twist it so that the curling iron is directed from the roots to the ends. The side volume twists in the other direction - towards the face.
  5. Next, you should tighten the part that was assembled on top, removing the bobby pins and pins. The curling iron is directed in different directions, and you can take strands of different thicknesses.
  6. If you have bangs, it is better to make them smooth and stretch them out with a medium brush of a hairdryer in the direction “away from the face.”
  7. You need to straighten the curls with your hands, without using a comb. This is followed by fixing with varnish, which will allow you to keep the result for half a day.

These evening hairstyles for short hair in the photo will have a neat and stylish look, and they will last for more than 6 hours. The usual bob will become an evening option with small curls.

Laid chaos

If the length is short enough, but there is an irresistible desire to create a stylist’s masterpiece, then using a medium brushing hairdryer is a suitable option.

Step by step execution:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo, apply foam or mousse for further work.
  2. First, you need to dry the strands with a hairdryer from bottom to top, that is, in the opposite direction of their usual growth. It is better to use medium brushing, which will create beautiful curls that resemble natural ones.
  3. At the same time, you should twist them down, creating small waves.
  4. Make a parting on the side or in the middle and style it.
  5. Dry and lay in different directions. This will give you a large volume and an almost professional result. It is better to cover the ends with wax so that they also take shape. The result lasts up to 6 hours or more. If you use varnish, the result will last almost a day.

Accessories in the form of a hoop or hairpins will make the look lighter and more romantic and complement the main evening outfit. Evening hairstyles for short hair are significantly transformed if you use jewelry and correctly place accents.

Length simulation

This option is used by many who need to create a non-everyday option, but at the same time imitate the length.

Step by step execution:

  1. Wash your hair, apply a moisturizing mask, do not rinse. A mask that does not require rinsing is suitable.
  2. After drying, apply foam to the entire length of the strands, including roots and ends.
  3. Make a side parting to the crown so as to divide all the strands into two unequal parts. A straight parting in the middle will not work.
  4. The first third of the head does not need to be touched at the front, but the rest of the head should be curled using a large hair dryer brush from bottom to top.
  5. Pin the strands with a bobby pin in the middle to create Thirties style curls.
  6. Carefully remove the bobby pins from the curls without damaging their shape.
  7. Direct the curl removed from the bobby pin at the front onto the forehead so that it falls onto the face, creating the effect of negligence.
This option is very popular with Western stars; it is often used by Milla Jovovich, who always wears short haircuts.

You can also create the visual effect of strands pulled together at the back by putting together an imaginary bun. Such beautiful evening hairstyles on short hair create additional volume. A small bunch or pinned part will be visible at the back, which will visually form the volume. This is an analogue of the “shell”, but in a different design.

For installation you will need to do the following:

  1. Wash your hair and apply foam to slightly damp strands.
  2. Pull out the strands and dry them using a hair dryer. This must be done from the bottom up.
  3. Use bobby pins to pin the strands gathered at the back from the sides and bottom. The result will be something like a bun, but neatly collected. You will need bobby pins or stilettos in a flesh-colored or black color of your choice.

If you have bangs, you need to pull them out and dry them with a hairdryer towards the forehead or to the side. It should be straight, without twisting strands. A special thread with stones or a small chain with decor is suitable for this styling. It is attached to the sides, and is visible from the front, like a hoop, or from the back.

Accessories and decorations

If you can’t spend a lot of time creating the perfect hairstyle, you can use what’s in every girl’s box. For example, a beautiful hoop will immediately create volume at the back if you comb this part and varnish it. You can also use voluminous hairpins with decor in the form of beads, stones, and seed beads. It is better to fasten them to the side, on one side.

There are special jewelry that are produced specifically for professional styling. They have fastenings, the required length, shape and look very stylish. Weaving spikelets is also possible at a short length if you use hair from the main part at the top of the head. You can also gradually weave ribbons of one or more colors to create something like an unfinished wreath. Naturally, the weaves will not be complete; they will need to be reinforced with invisible pins and pins so that they do not fall apart. You can simply twist the strands on the sides and then gather them at the back.

Don't forget about accessories: voluminous earrings, necklaces, mini tiaras that will complement the whole look. But you shouldn’t overload your style with them, so that they serve as a complement and not an accent.

The listed evening hairstyles for short hair with or without bangs will complement an elegant look and can be done in short time at home.

Drawings on the sides are also often used, which are trimmed using a trimmer. This option is suitable for girls under 25 years old. This is a bold decision that looks unconventional, and the outfit must be chosen accordingly. Asymmetrical haircuts can also be considered festive if you simply decorate them with a pair of beautiful hairpins or a hoop.

The braid has always been a symbol female beauty. Modern fashionistas This hairstyle is also often chosen, especially since there are many varieties of it for different occasions. Short hair is also used to create a variety of hairstyles, including holiday ones. Styling is done with special care products and cosmetics. for short hair you can do it yourself with your own hands. Now there are a variety of master classes that allow you to cope with the task step by step. There are also hairstyles for medium hair. Hairstyles can be created using them too, which is easy compared to long ones.

There is an opinion that women with short hair have a strong-willed character. Nowadays, many fashion shows are constantly taking place, where evening hairstyles for short hair are presented, which have a feminine and romantic style.

The length of the hair can be different, because the main thing in the image is the details. Short hair styling is universal, since the hairstyle is suitable for both business meeting, and for work.

Face shape

You can make beautiful evening hairstyles for short hair with your own hands only after choosing it according to your face shape. For chubby girls, long front strands are better, as this will visually make the face oval. It is better to choose sloppy strands for the elongated one. For any face shape, you can create a hairstyle with a lot of hair at the back of the head. By experimenting, you can choose the most suitable image for yourself.

With a high forehead, styling with bangs is suitable. Moreover, the curls can be either short or medium. But with a small forehead, it is not advisable to have bangs as they will make your face look smaller. Do-it-yourself bangs can be done in different ways. It is combed back, to the side. Its ends can be sharp, and this can be done with the help of styling foam. A hairstyle with bangs combed to the side is perfect for women of all ages. Step by step you can do both simple styling and beautiful curls.

Options for creating curls

Do any hairstyles with your own hands only with clean hair. It is best to visit a hairdresser, and it is advisable to wash your curls there, because some types of hairstyles are created on wet strands. These include creating the effect of wet hair. You can do your own hairstyle at home, following the instructions step by step. It is better suited for medium hair.

To create the effect of wet hair at home with your own hands, you will need to apply a special foam to the strands, after which the hair is curled using small curlers. When the curls are dry, you need to remove the curlers and fix with varnish. If you have naturally curly hair, you should not use curlers. If you apply foam, original curls will be created on their own. After fixing with varnish, you do not need to go outside immediately, since the fixation will be unreliable.

In the role evening hairstyles there may be curls that need to be styled in various ways. They are created with a curling iron and curlers different sizes. The curls will be neat if you do not use a comb for styling, but do everything yourself. For medium curls, such hairstyles will be the most suitable option for the evening.

For a natural look of curls, you do not need to use a lot of varnish, there should be a minimal amount. Another important secret is to create original curls - winding curlers on moistened strands. After several hours, the hairstyle is dried with a hairdryer. When the curlers are removed, they turn out attractive voluminous hair. You can make this hairstyle step by step for both medium and short curls.

The traditional version of evening hairstyles with combed hair began to be used a long time ago; there were no means of fixation yet. Over time they became even more popular. You can use simple methods to create beautiful hairstyles, and to fix it you will need a little varnish. There is a hairstyle option presented in the form of a deep side parting and strands hanging down the sides. The parting can be straight or zigzag. Bangs may be present, but are not required.

Any evening hairstyle creates volume. You can also get it yourself. The classic option for creating volume is backcombing. The process of its implementation has some peculiarities.

  • It is advisable to start creating it from the back of the head, moving towards the face.
  • All strands are combed well, and varnish is used to secure them.
  • If the curls are combed, then you can start styling. It is necessary to move the strands from the front to the back of the head using a ponytail comb or a special brush. The hair should be straightened during the process.
  • Bangs in this type of hairstyle can be different options. This is affected by the shape of the face. In some cases it is advisable to leave it, and in others it is advisable to comb it to the side. These design options are very easy, so every fashionista can independently update her hairstyle depending on the occasion. A variety of ribbons, headbands and hairpins can be used as accessories.

Fashion accessories

There are many types of jewelry used to achieve evening hairstyles. If you don’t want to wear regular headbands, then you can take original accessories based on beads, feathers and flowers. It is important that the jewelry is in perfect harmony with the fashionista’s image, because otherwise the accessory will be superfluous.

You need to choose quality accessories. No matter how stylish they are, if they damage your hair, it's best not to buy them. For evening hairstyles, hairpins and clips are often used, which cause creases in the curls. In this case, they harm the curls. Some types of headbands are harmful to hair. Therefore, you should choose comfortable hairpins that will not pull your head and curls too much.

The main advantage of short hair is the ease of styling. This will take very little time. You can always create new types of hairstyles yourself by experimenting with your hair in your free time. Many ideas can be used from fashion magazines and from modern master classes. Evening hairstyles with short hair can be done very quickly. A properly complemented look with haircuts and bangs will transform your appearance.

Like other types of hair, short curls require constant care. They require regular washing with a special shampoo. The strands should be combed after they are completely dry. Only when all the rules of care are followed will the hair be neat with any chosen hairstyle.