Listen to the audio tale "Smart Dog Sonya" online. Smart dog Sonya, or rules of good manners for small dogs

In one city, on one street, in one house, in apartment number sixty-six, there lived a small but very smart dog, Sonya. Sonya had black shiny eyes and long, princess-like eyelashes and a neat ponytail, which she fanned herself with like a fan.

And she also had an owner, whose name was Ivan Ivanovich Korolev.

That’s why the poet Tim Sobakin, who lived in the next apartment, nicknamed her the royal mongrel.

And the rest thought that this was such a breed.

And the dog Sonya thought so too.

And the other dogs thought so too.

And even Ivan Ivanovich Korolev thought so too. Although he knew his last name better than others.

Every day Ivan Ivanovich went to work, and the dog Sonya sat alone in her sixty-sixth royal apartment and was terribly bored.

This is probably why all sorts of interesting stories happened to her.

After all, when it becomes very boring, you always want to do something interesting.

And when you want to do something interesting, something will definitely work out.

And when something works out, you always start to think: how did it happen?

And when you start to think, for some reason you become smarter.

And why - no one knows!

That's why the dog Sonya was a very smart dog.

Who made the puddle?

When the little dog Sonya was not yet a smart dog Sonya, but was a small smart puppy, she often peed in the hallway.

The owner Ivan Ivanovich was very angry, poked Sonya with his nose and said:

-Who made the puddle? Who made the puddle?!

“Well-mannered dogs,” he added, “should be patient and not make puddles in the apartment.”

The dog Sonya, of course, didn’t like this terribly. And instead of being patient, she tried to quietly do this thing on the carpet, because there are no puddles left on the carpet.

But one day they went out for a walk. And little Sonya saw a HUGE PUDDLE in front of the entrance.

-Who made such a huge puddle? – Sonya was surprised.

And behind it she saw a second puddle, even larger than the first. And behind it - the third...

“It’s probably an ELEPHANT!” – the smart dog Sonya guessed.

“How long he endured!” - she thought with respect...

And since then I stopped writing in the apartment.

Hello, thank you and goodbye!

Once on the stairs, a small dog Sonya was stopped by an elderly unfamiliar dachshund.

“All well-mannered dogs,” the dachshund said sternly, “must say hello when they meet.” Saying hello means saying: “Hello!”, “Hello” or “Good afternoon” - and wagging your tail.

- Hello! - said Sonya, who, of course, really wanted to be a well-mannered dog, and, wagging her tail, ran on.

But before she had time to reach the middle of the dachshund, which turned out to be incredibly long, she was called out again.

“All well-mannered dogs,” said the dachshund, “should be polite and, if they are given a bone, candy or useful advice, say: “Thank you!”

- Thank you! - said Sonya, who, of course, really wanted to be a polite and well-mannered dog, and ran on.

But as soon as she reached the taxi’s tail, she heard from behind:

– All well-mannered dogs should know the rules good manners and when parting say: “Goodbye!”

- Goodbye! - Sonya shouted and, pleased that she now knows the rules of good manners, rushed to catch up with the owner.

From that day on, the dog Sonya became terribly polite and, running past unfamiliar dogs, she always said:

- Hello, thank you and goodbye!

It’s a pity that the dogs she came across were the most ordinary ones. And many ended before she had time to say everything.

Which is better?

The dog Sonya sat near the playground and thought: what is better - to be big or small?..

“On the one hand,” thought the dog Sonya, “being big is much better: cats are afraid of you, and dogs are afraid of you, and even passers-by are afraid of you...

But on the other hand, Sonya thought, it’s also better to be small. Because no one is afraid or afraid of you, and everyone is playing with you. And if you are big, they must lead you on a leash and put a muzzle on you...”

Just at this time, a huge and angry bulldog Max was passing by the site.

“Tell me,” Sonya asked him politely, “is it very unpleasant when they put a muzzle on you?”

For some reason this question made Max terribly angry. He growled menacingly, rushed off the leash... and, knocking over his owner, chased after Sonya.

“Oh-oh-oh! – thought the dog Sonya, hearing a menacing sniffle behind her. “Still, it’s better to be big!”

Fortunately, on the way they met kindergarten. Sonya saw a hole in the fence and quickly ducked into it.

The bulldog just couldn’t get through the hole - and only puffed loudly from the other side, like a steam locomotive...

“It’s still good to be little,” thought the dog Sonya. - If I were big, I would never have slipped through such a small gap...

But if I were big,” she thought, “why would I even climb here?”

But since Sonya was a small dog, she still decided that it was better to BE SMALL.

Let the big dogs decide for themselves!

How Sonya learned to talk

One day, the dog Sonya was sitting in front of the TV, watching her favorite show “In the Animal World” and thinking.

“I wonder,” she thought, “why people can talk, but animals cannot?”

And suddenly it dawned on her!

“But the TV also talks,” Sonya thought, “when it is plugged in...

That means,” thought smart Sonya, “if you plug me in, I’ll also learn to talk!”

The dog Sonya took it and stuck its tail into the socket. And then someone will grab it with their teeth!..

- Ay-ay-ay! – Sonya screamed. - Let go! Hurt!

And, pulling out her tail, she jumped away from the socket.

Then a surprised Ivan Ivanovich came running from the kitchen.

- Silly, there is ELECTRIC CURRENT there. Be careful!

“I wonder what he is like, this ELECTRIC CURRENT? – thought the dog Sonya, looking warily at the socket. “Small, but so evil... It would be nice to tame him!”

She brought a bone from the kitchen and placed it in front of the socket.

But the current did not come out of the socket.

“Maybe he doesn’t eat seeds or doesn’t want to be seen?” - Sonya thought.

She put a chocolate candy next to the bone and went for a walk. But when she returned, everything was untouched.

“This ELECTRIC CURRENT does not eat tasty seeds!..

This ELECTRIC CURRENT does not eat chocolates!!..

HE’S KIND OF STRANGE!!!” – thought the smart dog Sonya. And from that day on I decided to stay away from the outlet.

How Sonya the dog sniffed flowers

More than anything else, the dog Sonya loved to smell flowers. The flowers were so fragrant and tickled the nose so pleasantly that, after smelling them, Sonya immediately began to sneeze. She sneezed directly into the flowers, which made them smell and tickle even more... and this continued until Sonya began to feel dizzy or all the flowers flew off.

“Well,” Ivan Ivanovich was angry. – I gutted the whole bouquet again!

Sonya looked sadly at the crumbling petals, sighed heavily... But she couldn’t help herself.

TO different colors Sonya had a different attitude. For example, she didn’t like cacti. Because although they don’t fly around, when you sneeze into cacti, they painfully stick into your nose. She really liked lilacs, peonies and dahlias.

Most of all, the dog Sonya loved to sneeze on dandelions. Having collected more of them, she sat down somewhere on a bench - and the fluffs flew across the yard like snow.

It was incredibly beautiful: summer was outside – and it was snowing!


Who comes first?


The mountain ash sprinkles a handful of berries into the snow,

A treat on a tree stump for a beloved guest.

The Fox has an excellent sense of smell - there will definitely be a celebration

On the ski track Winter goes into the forest of course first

Help yourself, hurry up, the meeting is at the edge of the forest,

Crumble bread for the birds and feed them in the feeder.

Here one the bullfinch walks: neither big nor small,

The snow decorates with traces, having lost their felt boots.


A ringing chirp in orbit,

And sometimes murmuring

In turquoise and malachite

Spring will come to us second.

Number two in her breath

Builds nests for chicks with comfort,

The month is the cradle of the universe

The earthly house rocks in the stars.

Artist Lena Spravtseva, 13 years old

I'm learning to draw with a pencil.
I can. I can, I know.
I carve a wave on paper
and I’m building a steep path.
I'm learning how to draw a pencil!
It's simple, not difficult at all:
grab the pencil firmly
and close your eyes and make a wish,
and then draw, draw...
Whatever you want!
No rules, no schemes.

...Well, what a catch!
It's not necessary.
Unskillful, timid.
The pencil will jump under your hand
(the girl will become Baba Yaga),
he is heavy and clumsy.
Apparently you won’t give me peace.
Why don't you understand?
There should be a straight line here. Straight!
I'm learning how to draw a pencil...


Alexander KISILEV


About the chicken

The chick was born in the spring. It was completely yellow. He was born and immediately went for a walk.

And a bird of prey, a kite, flew high in the sky. Kite loved chickens. He loved to eat them. And he saw a chicken. And immediately flew down.

The chicken was smart. He saw a kite and ran to the meadow.

Dandelions grew in the meadow. They were yellow, like chicken. The chicken ran into the dandelions and stopped.

And the kite was confused. When the chicken was on the green grass, he could see it clearly. And now, among the yellow dandelions, he was completely invisible. The kite circled, circled and flew back.

Summer has come. The chicken has grown up. And he turned from yellow to white. And the kite noticed a white chicken on the green grass.

The chicken saw the kite again and ran to the meadow.

Dandelions still grew in the meadow. The chicken ran into the dandelions and stopped.

And the kite was confused.

Do you know why?

Because the dandelions have grown too. And from yellow flowers they became white and fluffy balls. And the chicken among the dandelions was completely invisible. The kite circled, circled and flew back.

It's good to be a famous actor!
Okay, eh!
Composer and conductor
Okay, eh!
- Eh, good!

Oh! Fame makes us dizzy:
Everyone you meet will know!
- And invites you to visit for dinner,
He gives his hand first.

Be a dancer, singer and poet
- Okay, eh!
- Fine!
May there be posters and portraits all around!
- Okay, eh!
- Fine!

- they sang cheerfully.

But at the door with the sign “Theater Director”, two monkeys beat them to it.

Where did they come from, as if they emerged from under the ground!

You are behind us!

We were the first to stand!

Well, after you, so after you. - said the Little Elephant good-naturedly.

Audio fairy tale Smart dog Sonya, a work by A. A. Usachev. The fairy tale can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook “Smart Dog Sonya” is presented in mp3 format.

Audio tale Smart dog Sonya, contents:

Audio tale Smart dog Sonya – collection funny stories. What could be more fun than listening online stories about the well-mannered dog Sonya, who lived with Ivan Ivanovich Korolev?!

Once, when Sonya was a puppy, the owner convinced her not to leave puddles at home, but to wait until she went for a walk, and of course, the dog categorically disagreed with this. And when she saw giant puddles in the yard, it seemed to her that an elephant had made them. How much he had to endure! - Smart Sonya admired and also began to endure it until the street.

And one day she met an elderly dachshund who taught her politeness. Or, for example, Sonya decided to consult a bulldog about which one would be better for her: small or big. How this philosophical conversation ended, you will learn from the online audio tale.

Sonya also learned experimentally about electricity by sticking her tail in a socket, fell in love with sneezing on flowers, looked at the street with binoculars, caught flies, thought about the meaning of life, hunted for echoes, grew cherries, learned to read, listened to fairy tales, went fishing, lost everything in the world and found a thousand more interesting things to do.

It’s simply impossible to get bored with this dog!