Aryan race and its physical characteristics. The most beautiful Aryan women (18 photos). Nazis better not watch

The question of the nation and the so-called “purity of blood” concerns everyone differently. There are people who had representatives of different nationalities in their family, and they are not at all worried about this and are proud of their ancestors. And there are those who do not accept representatives of other races and despise them. They get married only after making sure of the pedigree of their future half, and, noticing even the slightest nuances in it, they immediately break off any relationship.

Fact or Fiction

Many people still argue about who the Aryans are. Translated, "Aryan" means "respected", "worthy", "noble". However, this term is not scientific. It was put forward by nationalists with the aim of dividing people living at that time into worthy and unworthy. The first included representatives of European nationalities, primarily belonging to the so-called Norman type. Traditionally, this is what people from Northern Europe who have a strong build, blond hair and blue eyes. The representatives of those who, according to the nationalists, were unworthy of life, were primarily considered to be Jews.

Hitler's theory

Surely everyone knows that Hitler’s dream was not only to conquer the whole world, but also to create an ideal race, according to his theory, of fair-haired and blue-eyed people. To understand who Hitler’s Aryans are, just read his quote:

"All human culture, all the achievements of art, science and technology that we are witnessing today are the fruits of the creativity of the Aryans... He [the Aryan] is the Prometheus of humanity, from whose bright brow at all times sparks of genius flew, kindling the fire of knowledge, illuminating the darkness of dark ignorance, which allowed man to rise above other creatures of the Earth."

Given his character and pathological determination in achieving the goals he set himself, Hitler made demands not only on the external data of ideal people. Defining who the Aryans were, he also took into account character traits, lifestyle, principles and even characteristics of sexual development and maturation. The requirements were very strict, but the desire for a fictitious ideal was so high that those who did not meet the slightest requirement were expelled from the caste of the chosen in disgrace and could even be physically destroyed. Arguing on the topic of who the Aryans were, Hitler acted harshly: compassion was alien to him, and with equal success (if one can put it that way, of course), both children and adults were destroyed on his orders.

Making a portrait of an Aryan

To imagine who the Aryans are and what they look like, you can familiarize yourself with the supposed criteria that were applied to the appearance, character type and characteristics of the physical and sexual development of this category of people.

So, a real purebred Aryan is distinguished by:

  • very light, almost snow-white skin;
  • light, preferably Blue eyes;
  • smooth and thin hair light shades;
  • height of at least 180 cm (women may be shorter);
  • weight proportional to height;
  • refined facial features, long thin fingers;
  • lack of hair on the back, legs, other manifestations on the face and genital area are mild;
  • high forehead and regular shaped skull;
  • absence of brow ridges;
  • the presence of a sign of a metopic suture on the forehead;
  • evenly set eyes;
  • straight and healthy teeth;
  • late puberty and late aging;
  • pleasant sound of speech;
  • mandatory talents and (preferably) genius;
  • lack of desire for physical and monotonous work;
  • equilibrium;
  • independence from alcohol and drugs;
  • lack of susceptibility to hereditary diseases (in principle, a person should not get sick);
  • accuracy;
  • complete rejection of even the thought of an alien racial culture, religion, dislike of Jews;
  • selective and picky in sexual relations;
  • strong concepts of the value of family;
  • An Aryan woman is beautiful, slender, faithful to her husband, loves children, an excellent housewife, hates Jews.

Having studied these characteristics, you can imagine who the Aryans are and what they look like. A photo of everyone considered to be a worthy representative of the superior race will not give a complete impression, so all that remains is to fantasize.

Useful information

If you believe the statistics, then most often when asked about who the Aryans are, associations arise precisely with the period of the nationalist movement during the Second World War, but such a nation actually existed and still exists. This question causes a lot of confusion in the scientific world, because the Indo-European race, some of which were called Aryans, really existed.

An artificially created nation or a nation with a historical foundation?

Most peoples of the world speak similar languages. This can only mean one thing: we all have common roots and origins. Even in ancient tribes there was a division of people according to social status, and given natural selection, which was particularly strict in the wild, only the strongest and most dexterous survived. Tribes consisting of such people conquered territories, later their leaders became rulers, etc. The Aryan tribe was unique.

Its representatives were something of a legend at the time. They were looked up to, imitated, respected and feared. It was precisely because of their historically inherent superiority that Hitler chose them as a model. He was based not only on appearance, although of course this fact cannot be denied. High cheekbones and smooth facial features are characteristic of most Germans, but similar differences in physique are also characteristic of many representatives Slavic peoples, with whom the Nazis waged a fierce struggle. But why should they fight if (based on external signs) they are connected with the Slavs by family ties? This dilemma is the reason why it is not possible to get a clear answer to the question of who the Aryans are.

Historical facts

Brief historical overview will help people who are interested in who the Aryans are and where they came from to understand. Tribes living in northern Europe are often called Indo-Europeans. This term is still used today, but has a broader meaning than in the last century. What the Aryans called themselves is still unknown to historians. These tribes occupied what was then fertile land and are often considered the founders of agriculture and animal husbandry.

It’s interesting, but if you believe the research, the Aryans originally lived in the territory modern Russia, not in Germany.

Around the second millennium BC, there was a large-scale settlement of representatives of this tribe throughout the territory globe. Of course, preference was given to areas suitable for agriculture, but the harsh conditions did not frighten them in principle.

As a result of mixing with other peoples, their appearance underwent significant changes, and it became impossible to determine their origin. Even modern indigenous Tajiks have two main types of appearance. One half is dark-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed people, and the other half has blond hair and blue eyes. But this does not mean that they are Aryans?

A nation of kings and rulers

Even without really knowing who the Aryans were and where they lived, the ancient kings and emperors recognized belonging to this race as prestigious and were sure to look for the opportunity to find representatives of this race among their ancestors.

Perhaps this is what gave rise to what we call nationalism and fascism. After all, the concept that all people are brothers exists only in church teachings, but practically never occurs in life.

By dividing people into those similar to God (and therefore worthy of worship) and those descended from monkeys (suitable only for providing services to a superior race), our ancestors, without knowing it, laid the foundations for the age-old confrontation between peoples. Some were ready to die to exterminate other races, while others defended their lands and rightly condemned the fascists for their beliefs.

Adolf Lanz theory

At the beginning of the 20th century, the views of the Catholic monk Adolf Lanz on the origin of human races on Earth were published. He believed that initially there were two tribes - the Aryans and the animal people. He called the former heroic, and the latter monkeys. The “super talented” Aryans had divine origins and even looked like angels. Demons on earth were symbolized by monkey people: they were incapable of anything except destruction and stupidity, lies and deception. These races hated each other and tried their best to destroy the opposing tribes. The monkeys began to act by mixing blood and seduced Aryan women, and the Aryans tried to exterminate everyone who posed even the slightest danger to dilute their divine blood.

At the moment, due to the mixing of blood, there are people on Earth, each of whom has an affiliation to a greater extent to one or the other type, therefore, is closer to either God or a demon. It is from this well-known theory that the Nazis start in their discussions about who the Aryans and Slavs are.

Let's sum it up

Who are the Aryans? Where did they come from and who are they? Most likely, this question will interest humanity for a very long time, but with complete confidence we can only say that special attention to this category of people is caused by historical factors that have a serious impact on the development of world society.

From the title of this rating, one might think that we are talking about fair-haired and blue-eyed beauties of the Nordic race (like Anita Ekberg or women from the paintings of Wolfgang Willrich), which Nazi theorists called Aryan. However, the rating will focus on the most beautiful, according to the rating of the Top Anthropos website. girls and women of peoples speaking Aryan languages.

Until the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. the Aryans were a single people who roamed the steppes of Siberia and Central Asia. Then a split occurred within the Aryans. Some of the Aryans moved to the southeast and reached India, while the other part populated the Iranian plateau. Perhaps the reason for the split of the Aryans was a religious conflict, traces of which are visible in the difference between the names of good and evil beings in Hinduism (the religion of the Indian Aryans) and Zoroastrianism (the now almost extinct religion of the Iranians). For example, gods in Hinduism are called devas, and in Zoroastrianism, devas are evil spirits. In Hinduism, demons and opponents of gods are called asuras, and in Zoroastrianism, ahuras are gods, supreme deity Zoroastrianism is named Ahura Mazda.

Until the 19th century, it was assumed that there were only two groups Aryan peoples (Indo-Aryans And Iranian arias), but then it turned out that in the mountain valleys of the Hindu Kush there has been a third branch of the Aryans for several millennia - Nuristanis, representing several peoples living an archaic life. Until the 19th century, they successfully fought with the surrounding Muslims, preserving their ancient beliefs, but a little over 100 years ago, having lost the war to the Pashtuns, they finally converted to Islam.

Dardy(the peoples inhabiting the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region) are often considered as the fourth branch of the Aryans, and one can often find information that the Dards are Indo-Aryans.

Currently, there are 313 Aryan languages, which is 2/3 of the total number of Indo-European languages. More than 1 billion people speak Indo-Aryan languages, about 200 million speak Iranian languages, 5.5 million speak Dardic languages, and about 130 thousand speak Nuristani languages. In total, Aryan languages ​​are spoken by approximately 1.2 billion people, accounting for half of the number of speakers of the languages ​​of the Indo-European language family (which also includes Slavic, Germanic, and Romance languages).

The most beautiful women of Iranian peoples

The most beautiful Persian- model and actress Claudia Lynx / Claudia Lynx. She was born on June 8, 1982 in Tehran (Iran) into a Persian family. When the girl was 5 years old, her family moved to Norway. Claudia Links currently lives in the USA. Real name and surname - Shagayegh Samen. At the same time, Azerbaijani sources indicate that her real name- Alizadeh, and her family belongs to Iranian Azerbaijanis. Claudia Links herself does not comment on these rumors.


People of the Nordic race are tall and slender. The average height of adult men is 1.75-1.76 m, often reaching 1.90 m. And this is not due to the excessive length of the legs, as, for example, among blacks from the upper Nile. In terms of the proportion of the length of the legs to the entire length of the body, this race occupies just a middle position between the short-legged Mongoloids and some tall tropical tribes. The height of the seat is approximately 52-53% of the height of the body.

Growth in people of the Nordic race lasts the longest; it can be significant between 20 and 25 years. In southern Italy it ends earlier than in northern Italy; in Baden it ends less during this period than in Sweden. A relationship has been established between the achievement of sexual maturity and the completion of growth. Since people of the Nordic race have a longer growth period, puberty occurs later.

Men of the Nordic race, in addition to being tall, are distinguished by wide shoulders and narrow hips. The slenderness of male hips is emphasized by a feature very characteristic of the Nordic race, the so-called. the antique pelvic fold, a muscular thickening running from the spinal ridge through the thigh forward and down. They liked to emphasize this racial feature ancient greek sculptors. A special thickening of the upper part of the kneecap is also present in Europe, mainly among the Nordic race.

Nordic women are also distinguished by their racial slenderness, despite their feminine body shapes. Here the effect of the so-called false thinness: Nordic women in clothing appear thin despite their developed female forms.

Slimness is manifested in the shape of all parts of the body: neck, arms, legs, hips. The ratio of arm length to body length is the same as in the case of leg length: the arms of people of the Nordic race are not as short as those of Mongoloids and not as long as those of Negroids. The arm span of people of the Nordic race is equal to 94-97% of body length. Knoop established these figures in a study of the Nordic population of Lower Saxony; according to his data, the longer the head, the more this figure approaches 94.

The artist of people of the Nordic race is struck by the freedom inherent in every part of the body, every muscle, as if they obey their own special laws of formation while maintaining a harmonious whole.


The shape of the skull is as slender as the body. People of the Nordic race have a long skull and a narrow face. The average cranial index is about 74 (on the head of a living person this corresponds to the figure 75-75.5). The width of the Nordic head is related to its length as 3:4. Many researchers bring the longitudinal-transverse index for living representatives of the Nordic race to 77.9, Deniker even to 79. (While Kollman takes the cranial index of the Nordic race as the average value as 71.5, Eugen Fischer - 76-79.) I believe , that heads or skulls with an index up to 79 can be considered Nordic if they have a convex back of the head, characteristic of the Nordic race. It is likely that the width of the head and skull of the Nordic race varies over a larger range than that limited by an index of less than 75. In any case, the dolichocephaly of the Nordic race is closer to mesocephaly than the pronounced dolichocephaly of the Negroes or Eskimos.

The width of the Nordic face is 10:9 to the length, but a ratio of 10:10 is also common. We can say that the facial index of the Nordic race is above 90. Long heads - combined with narrow faces, make the head shape such that it can be enclosed in a rectangle. This shape is striking among Nordic people with short hair or bald, especially when turning the head. If the round head does not change shape when turning - the ball looks the same from all sides - then when turning the Nordic head, two long side planes are especially striking. If we divide the side view of the head into two sections, one in front and the other behind the ears, we see that the Nordic head develops in length mainly behind the ears. The back of the head, as already mentioned, is convex. If a long-headed person is placed against a wall, the back of his head will touch it, but with a round-headed person there will be a gap between the back of his head and the wall.

The Nordic skull is distinguished by a relatively low height of the area behind the ears, so we can talk about the flat shape of this skull (in children, however, this feature is not expressed). The Nordic (and Dinaric) races are characterized by a strongly protruding occipital protuberance. A purely Nordic feature is the process of the temporal bone. If the area behind the ears in other European races is relatively flat, in the Nordic race a noticeable elevation can be felt there.

The features of a Nordic face in profile are clearly pronounced. The forehead is sloping back, the eyes are deep-set, the nose is more or less prominent. The jaws and teeth are located almost vertically. The chin protrudes especially sharply. The presence of three protruding parts gives the impression of aggressiveness. When an artist wants to express in the facial features the qualities of a leader, courage, willpower, he always draws a more or less Nordic (or Nordic-Dinaric or Nordic-Falian) head.

From the front, attention is drawn to a narrow forehead, slightly arched eyebrows, a narrow bridge of the nose, and a narrow, angular chin. The head is narrowed at the temples, as if it were squeezed on both sides in a vice.

The shapes of individual bones of the skull and soft parts of the face also contribute to this general impression. The forehead running back is combined with noticeable brow ridges and glabella (thickening above the bridge of the nose). These signs are less pronounced in women and young people. The eye sockets have the shape of an oblong ellipse or quadrangle.

A very important facial feature is the cheekbones. Among the Nordic race they are not very noticeable, because they are turned to the side and located almost vertically.

Individual races differ in the shape of their nose. The Nordic race has a narrow nose, starting from the bridge of the nose, so that there is often no visible border between it and the forehead (“Greek nose”). In profile it is sometimes straight, sometimes curved outward. There are also concave noses and noses that curve slightly outward in the lower third (a common form in Sweden). If the Nordic nose is curved, it usually describes a smooth arc. It is more of a hooked or hawk-like nose than an aquiline (curved at the top) like that of the Dinaric race. The ratio of the length (height) of the nose compared to other parts of the face in the Nordic (and Dinaric) races is greatest, in the Western race it is smallest, and in the Eastern and Eastern Baltic races it is smallest. The nostrils are located at an acute angle. The Nordic nose develops from a child's snub nose by age 25. Women of all races have wider noses. The Nordic race also has a nose shape that looks straight in profile, but slightly wavy. The strongly protruding nose of people of the Nordic race, such as that of the Norwegian polar explorer Amundsen, is usually and especially narrow.

The narrowness of the Nordic face is due to the greater curvature of the cornea of ​​the eyes, the narrowness of the jaws and the close arrangement of the teeth, with the fangs located at an angle. A purely Nordic feature - large and long upper front incisors.

Soft parts of the face. These parts do not blur the impression of a narrow face. The skin of the face has a uniform thickness, the eyelids are not thick, the slit between them is horizontal, and at the outer corners of the eyes is slightly slanted down. The skin on the cheekbones is thin, round cheeks do not make the face round. The border of the lips is not clearly defined. The lips themselves are usually narrow, but do not appear compressed, and the upper lip often protrudes less than the lower lip. Nordic Englishmen often have a very high vertical upper lip. The groove under the nose is clearly defined and narrow. The ears are relatively small, although the size of the ears varies greatly among all races and the ears of all people grow into old age.


Skin color in all races is caused by the deposition of pigment. The Nordic and Falian races are least susceptible to this. The Nordic skin color is pinkish-white, the skin color of the Eastern Baltic race is light with a gray-yellow tint.

Only the Nordic race can be called “white” in the proper sense of the word, and even then this will not be entirely correct - only a corpse has completely white skin. Even the whitest skin always has a yellowish tint. Blood shining through the skin turns it pinkish-white. Where the veins are visible, “blue blood” is visible. But such fair skin, even in northwestern Europe, is less common than people think. Moreover, the skin color of a dressed European is not sufficient evidence of his racial properties. Many Europeans, when tanned, become like Egyptians or Indians. Only the skin of the Nordic race is resistant to sunlight: it turns very red, as if burned, but after a few days the redness disappears.

The skin thickness of individual European races was not measured. The skin of the Nordic race is especially delicate and appears to be thin. According to Roman writers, the skin of the Germans was more sensitive to wounds. The delicacy of Nordic leather is also evidenced by its transparency. The expression "blue blood" indicated the racial origin of the nobility. Blush on the cheeks, “blood and milk” - these and similar expressions speak of the Nordic origin of the European ideal of beauty. Even the nipples of men and women of the Nordic race are pink, while those of other European races are brown. Only the Nordic race has truly red lips.

Since in the tropics skin pigmentation is a means of protecting it, the Nordic race is not adapted to life in the tropics. The influence of tropical climate on different European races was shown by the American Woodruff in his book “Medical Ethnology” (1915). He noted the very harmful effect of strong solar radiation on the nervous system of fair-skinned Europeans.

Whether the appearance of freckles is associated with Nordic blood is unknown. Freckles often appear on red-haired people, but in them, unlike the Nordic race, oily skin. But I often observed freckles in people of the Nordic race. Darker areas of skin, unlike other races, are not found in the pure Nordic race.


In comparison with other races of the Earth, the Nordic (as well as Western and, above all, Dinaric) races should be considered more hairy. People of the Nordic race have good hair growth on their heads, men have a beard, but their body hair is weaker.

The color and shape of the hair on the head are signs that distinguish races. In Germany, a phenomenon that has not yet been satisfactorily explained is the darkening of hair in adults aged about 30 years. So only by the hair color of adults can one judge their race.

I have often observed the hair growing on the forehead among Jews. Often it is also among the Dinaric race. This phenomenon does not occur among the Nordic race.

The hair color of the Nordic race is light, with variations from blond hair to yellowish and golden, usually with a more or less obvious reddish tint. Ash hair, more common in eastern Germany and northeastern Europe, is more likely a sign of the East Baltic race. Light color hair influenced the European ideal of beauty. According to the description of the Romans, Germanic children had the same hair color as gray-haired old men.

It used to be argued whether red hair could be considered a Nordic trait. They are often combined with very white and delicate skin. Redheads were seen as a relic of a special race. Their special smell, comparable to that of a goat, was often noted. But they cannot be considered a special race; red hair is especially common in the area of ​​the Nordic race. In eastern Germany and eastern Europe there are generally fewer redheads than in northwestern Europe, i.e. This phenomenon is not typical for the East Baltic race.

Red hair is now considered a phenomenon similar to albinism, since red-haired people, like albinos, are found in all races. Therefore, they talk about erythrism or rutilism and do not consider red hair as a racial characteristic. There are relatively many redheads among the Scots and Jewish half-breeds.

The hair of the Nordic race is less oily than that of other European races. They are smooth or wavy, thin, often “like silk.” Curly hair are more common in children of the Nordic race than in adults. The features of Nordic hair are well shown in the images of women in many of Rubens's paintings. Nordic hair can be recognized by the ease with which it flutters in the wind. Thin Nordic hair is less durable and breaks off more easily.

The result of crossbreeding can be coarse, often curly (for example, among Jews) blond hair or dark hair with a Nordic structure. The texture of your hair says more about your racial origin than its color. The blond hair of the Eastern Baltic race is thick and coarse.

The beard hair of men of the Nordic race is also light, often more reddish. Indra was depicted with a red beard, like the god of thunder of the ancient Germans, and Emperor Barbarossa is a favorite image of German folklore. The beard hair is curly, like on ancient Greek statues. The shape of the beard has not been studied.

When crossing, even with dark hair on the head, light or red beard- Aristotle noticed this.

Eye color

We are talking about the color of the iris; the pupil of all races is black. The conjunctiva of the Nordic race is completely colorless and appears white. In darker European races it is more cloudy or yellowish. The iris of the Nordic race is very light, blue or gray. Babies are usually born with dark blue or dark gray eyes.

There is an opinion that gray eyes are “not Nordic”, that this is a sign of crossing or a sign of the East Baltic race. I do not believe that the Nordic race is characterized only by blue eyes, although among them there are indeed more blue eyes, and among the East Baltic race there are more gray eyes. Gray eyes can be considered a sign of crossing the Nordic race with dark European races, since, according to Virchow, the number of gray eyes increases in Central Europe not only to the east, but also to the south. Gray eyes more often combined with brown hair than with light ones. When crossing, it happens that eye color is inherited from the dark race, and eye brightness from the light race. This is how you get light brown and green eyes.

Nordic people often change eye color depending on the lighting and mood. When the light falls from the front, the eyes appear blue, and when the light comes from the side, they appear gray. Their color is somewhere between blue and gray. But, since gray- dominant, blue eyes can be considered “more Nordic”.

Dark blue eyes, like those of Jews or Jewish half-breeds, or opaque matte blue eyes are always the eyes of hybrids. They are often found when crossing with the eastern race. Nordic eyes have a luminous color. Paintings often show the refraction of light by a dark ring surrounding the iris.

These properties of Nordic eyes are associated with the special impression they make. Dark eyes look around, Nordic eyes take a closer look. When excited, the look of Nordic eyes becomes “terrible.” This view was attributed to the Germans by Caesar and Tacitus. The contrast of the dark pupil with a light frame, along with the corresponding facial expressions, makes the German’s gaze not only “terrible”, but also “sharp”, as Caesar himself wrote about. This is due to the fact that the pupil dilates when excited. It is to the bright Nordic eyes that excited states (joy, the ecstasy of struggle) give a special shine; they begin to emit light. In the fight against the Germans, Roman soldiers had to get used to their gaze so as not to be afraid of it. Caesar writes about the Gauls that they could not withstand the wild gaze of the Germans. Hagen (The Nibelungenlied) had the same terrible look. This property of the peoples of the Nordic race was attributed to the heroes, which is expressed in the Edda. Only Nordic eyes can cast a terrible look, the eyes of other races in a state of excitement can look sinister, threatening, even poisonous, but only Nordic eyes can express courageous anger. Their usual expression is determination, but the range of feelings they express is large, from gentleness to the strong will of the master.

Gobineau aptly calls the general impression of the features of a Nordic face “somewhat dry.” Especially in middle-aged men, this coldness, rigidity and efficiency of Nordic facial features is striking.

the name of the peoples belonging to the Indo-European community. According to surviving legends Aryans were migrants from the stars of Ursa Major. They founded a state on the continent of Arctida (Hyperborea) with the capital of Thule. Part Aryans moved to the north of the European continent even before the death of Arctida. Then, during the next wave of the great migration of peoples Aryans captured the Mediterranean, rushed through the Middle East to Central Asia and stopped in the north of the Indian continent. One of the streams of the great migration from Central Asia headed through Eastern Europe to northwestern Europe, which led to the formation of European states. Some anthropologists believe that with their development human civilization owes to the Aryan (Nordic) race.

Despite the fact that the concept of Aryan initially implied belonging to the Nordic northern race, whose descendants live in Europe, the peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus and China persistently claim Aryan origin. Accordingly, the parameters of a true Aryan are very different for each of the applicants. We will turn to the works of one of the founders of racial theory, the German anthropologist and eugenicist Hans F.K. Gunther.

signs of the Nordic race according to Hans F.K. Gunter

1)Figure: People of the Nordic race are tall and slender. The average height of adult men is 1.75-1.76 m, often reaching 1.90 m. Men of the Nordic race, in addition to being tall, are distinguished by wide shoulders and narrow hips. Nordic women are also distinguished by their racial slenderness, despite their feminine body shapes. Here the effect of the so-called false thinness: Nordic women in clothing appear thin despite their developed female forms. The arm span of people of the Nordic race is equal to 94-97% of body length.

2)Skull: People of the Nordic race have a long skull and a narrow face. Long-headedness - combined with narrow-facedness, makes the head shape such that it can be enclosed in a rectangle. The convex back of the head is characteristic of the Nordic race. If a long-headed person is placed against a wall, the back of his head will touch it, but with a round-headed person there will be a gap between the back of his head and the wall. The features of a Nordic face in profile are clearly pronounced. The forehead is sloping back, the eyes are deep-set, the nose is more or less prominent. The jaws and teeth are located almost vertically. The chin protrudes especially sharply. The presence of three protruding parts gives the impression of aggressiveness. From the front, attention is drawn to a narrow forehead, slightly arched eyebrows, a narrow bridge of the nose, and a narrow, angular chin. The head is narrowed at the temples, as if it were squeezed on both sides in a vice. A very important facial feature is the cheekbones. Among the Nordic race they are not very noticeable, because they are turned to the side and located almost vertically. A purely Nordic feature - large and long upper front incisors.

3) Leather:
Only the Nordic race can be called “white” in the proper sense of the word. Only the skin of the Nordic race is resistant to sunlight: it turns very red, as if burned, but after a few days the redness disappears. The nipples of men and women of the Nordic race are pink, while those of other European races are brown. Only the Nordic race has truly red lips. The skin of the Nordic race is especially delicate and thin.

4) Hair: People of the Nordic race have good hair growth on their heads, men have a beard, but their body hair is weaker. The hair color of the Nordic race is light, with variations from blonde to dark brown.

5) Eye color: Blue or gray. Nordic people often change eye color depending on the lighting and mood. When the light falls from the front, the eyes appear blue, and when the light comes from the side, they appear gray. Their color is somewhere between blue and gray

6) Character Traits: The main mental qualities of the Nordic race are the ability to evaluate, truthfulness and energy. Associated with the first of these are a sense of justice, a tendency toward isolation, distrust of eloquence and the spirit of the masses, suspicion, a sense of reality, distrust of strangers and loyalty to those considered worthy of trust. Intransigence towards malicious enemies is also connected with this. He shows sexual aspirations more restrained and selectively than people of other races. The Nordic person tends to hide his assessment behind reserved behavior and polite coldness and would rather show his mind than his soul. For the Nordic person, freedom is also liberation from the power of one's own moods. There is a strong desire for cleanliness, both in the house and for spiritual purity.
Another quality of a Nordic person is cleanliness. In the entire Nordic race, as in individual Nordic people, contemplative peace, sensitive warmth are as possible as thirst for action, cold calculation, mocking contempt and implacable cruelty. A truly Nordic trait is the love of physical exercise. Nordic people love to work outdoors.


1POINT - YES=2 NO=0 .2POINT-YES=3 NO=0. POINT 3 - YES=2 NO=0. 4 ITEM YES= 3 NO=0. POINT 5 - YES=3 NO=0. POINT 6 - YES=1 NO=0.

I don’t even have a hobby, but rather a small hobby, I’m interested in the German armed forces during the Second World War. I am interested in the military formations of the Third Reich, their weapons, uniforms, awards, symbols and other paraphernalia, so since my youth I have been reading books about the war, memoirs of German soldiers and officers, I like to watch films and look at photographs. And today a still from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” caught my eye and I remembered a phrase from the characterization that in the film sounded like this: “... a true Aryan, a Nordic, self-possessed character.” And I began to wonder by what actual signs and parameters this is determined. Of course, I studied the origins of the Aryans at school, studied the ways of their settlement in lessons, and also more than once saw “true Aryans” in photographs of the war years, so the data of this type of appearance are of course in general outline I can imagine, but it was the German version that interested me, as it was interpreted then. I went on the Internet, found a description of the criteria and characteristics, even the dimensions, and also came across a test posted on one of the Internet resources, according to which anyone can test themselves whether they are a representative of that very Aryan race and whether they can write it down on their resume the above phrase from the famous film! :)))

In my opinion, the test is still mostly entertaining and is unlikely to correspond to reality in the sense that in fact, belonging to the so-called “superior” race was most likely determined by more scientific methods, rather than by counting some points, although The description of the characteristics themselves in the test is very close to what I saw during my searches, although with some abbreviations. So please consider this test with humor and not take it seriously! :)

Read the parameters and answer whether they match your data: YES or NO.

Signs of the Nordic race according to Hans F.K. Gunter

1) Figure:
People of the Nordic race are tall and slender. The average height of adult men is 1.75-1.76 m, often reaching 1.90 m. Men of the Nordic race, in addition to being tall, are distinguished by wide shoulders and narrow hips. Nordic women are also distinguished by their racial slenderness, despite their feminine body shapes. Here the effect of the so-called false thinness: Nordic women in clothing appear thin despite their developed female forms. The arm span of people of the Nordic race is equal to 94-97% of body length.

2) Skull:
People of the Nordic race have a long skull and a narrow face. Long-headedness - combined with narrow-facedness, makes the head shape such that it can be enclosed in a rectangle. The convex back of the head is characteristic of the Nordic race. If a long-headed person is placed against a wall, the back of his head will touch it, but with a round-headed person there will be a gap between the back of his head and the wall. The features of a Nordic face in profile are clearly pronounced. The forehead is sloping back, the eyes are deep-set, the nose is more or less prominent. The jaws and teeth are located almost vertically. The chin protrudes especially sharply. The presence of three protruding parts gives the impression of aggressiveness. From the front, attention is drawn to a narrow forehead, slightly arched eyebrows, a narrow bridge of the nose, and a narrow, angular chin. The head is narrowed at the temples, as if it were squeezed on both sides in a vice. A very important facial feature is the cheekbones. Among the Nordic race they are not very noticeable, because they are turned to the side and located almost vertically. A purely Nordic feature - large and long upper front incisors.

3) Leather:
Only the Nordic race can be called “white” in the proper sense of the word. Only the skin of the Nordic race is resistant to sunlight: it turns very red, as if burned, but after a few days the redness disappears. The nipples of men and women of the Nordic race are pink, while those of other European races are brown. Only the Nordic race has truly red lips. The skin of the Nordic race is especially delicate and thin.

4) Hair:
People of the Nordic race have good hair growth on their heads, men have a beard, but their body hair is weaker. The hair color of the Nordic race is light, with variations from blonde to dark brown.

5) Eye color:
Blue or grey. Nordic people often change eye color depending on the lighting and mood. When the light falls from the front, the eyes appear blue, and when the light comes from the side, they appear gray. Their color is somewhere between blue and gray

6) Character traits:
The main mental qualities of the Nordic race are the ability to evaluate, truthfulness and energy. Associated with the first of these are a sense of justice, a tendency toward isolation, distrust of eloquence and the spirit of the masses, suspicion, a sense of reality, distrust of strangers and loyalty to those considered worthy of trust. Intransigence towards malicious enemies is also connected with this. He shows sexual aspirations more restrained and selectively than people of other races. The Nordic person tends to hide his assessment behind reserved behavior and polite coldness and would rather show his mind than his soul. For the Nordic person, freedom is also liberation from the power of one's own moods. There is a strong desire for cleanliness, both in the house and for spiritual purity. Another quality of a Nordic person is cleanliness. In the entire Nordic race, as in individual Nordic people, contemplative peace, sensitive warmth are as possible as thirst for action, cold calculation, mocking contempt and implacable cruelty. A truly Nordic trait is the love of physical exercise. Nordic people love to work outdoors.

For each item, if the answer is “YES”, the corresponding point is given, and if the answer is “NO” - “0” points.
point 1: yes-2 points
point 2: yes-3 points
point 3: yes-2 points
point 4: yes-3 points
point 5: yes-3 points
point 6: yes-1 point

11 points and above - congratulations (or sympathize) you are a true Aryan
8-10 points – you have 70% Aryan blood
5-7 you are a half-breed
up to 5 and you are not Aryan at all

P.S. I got 11 points... it seems like I didn’t shortchange myself! :)))