Anton Chekhov - diary entries. Anton Chekhov - diary entries Approximate word search

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov



September 18. Korsakov post. The shipwrecked American whalers were interrogated at the police department. Five Americans and one black. They said that the captain of the ship sent them in a boat in pursuit of the whale; they harpooned a whale and followed it in tow; the boat started leaking due to the strong speed; I had to cut the tug and let the whale go. It became dark and the ship was not visible. In the morning there was fog... Then we stormed at sea for four days, having only 10 pounds of bread with us. They washed up on the south-eastern coast of Sakhalin near Cape Tonin.

My neighbor V.N. Semenkovich told me that his uncle Fet-Shenshin, a famous lyricist, driving along Mokhovaya, lowered the window in his carriage and spat on the university. He will hark and spit: ugh! The coachman was so used to this that every time he drove past the university, he stopped.

In January I was in St. Petersburg and stayed with Suvorin. I often visited Potapenko. I saw Korolenko. He often visited the Maly Theater. One day Alexander and I were going down the stairs; B.V. Gey came out of the editorial office at the same time and said to me indignantly: “Why are you arming the old man (i.e. Suvorin) against Burenin?” Meanwhile, I never spoke ill of the employees of “New Time” under Suvorin, although I deeply do not respect most of them.

In February, while passing through Moscow, I visited L.N. Tolstoy. He was irritated, spoke harshly about the decadents and argued for an hour and a half with B. Chicherin, who all the time, it seemed to me, was saying nonsense. Tatyana and Maria Lvovna were playing solitaire; both, having made a wish about something, asked me to remove the cards, and I showed each of them separately the ace of spades, and this saddened them; There were two aces of spades in the deck by chance. Both of them are extremely cute, and their relationship with their father is touching. The Countess denied the artist Ge all evening. She was annoyed too.

5 May. Deacon Ivan Nikolaevich brought my portrait, which he painted from a card. In the evening, V.N. Semenkovich brought his friend Matvey Nikanorovich Glubokovsky to me. This is the head of the foreign department of the Moskovskie Vedomosti, the editor of the Delo magazine and a doctor at the Moscow<овских>imp<ераторских>theaters The impression of an extremely stupid person and bastard. He said that “there is nothing more harmful in the world than a vile liberal newspaper,” and said that the men he treated, having received advice and medicine from him for free, asked him for tea. He and Semenkovich spoke about the peasants with anger and disgust.

On June 1st was at Vagankovskoe cemetery and saw there the graves of those killed on Khodynka. I. Ya. Pavlovsky, the Paris correspondent of Novoye Vremya, went with me to Melikhovo.

August 4th. Consecration of a school in Talezh. The Talezh, Bershov, Dubechen and Shchelkovo men brought me four loaves of bread, an icon, two pieces of silver<яные>salt shakers. The Shelkovsky man Postnov gave a speech.

From August 15 to 18, M. O. Menshikov visited me. He is forbidden to publish, and now speaks contemptuously of Gaideburov (son), who told the new head of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs that because of Menshikov alone he would not sacrifice “Week” and that “we have always prevented the desires of censorship.” M<еньшиков>in dry weather he wears galoshes and carries an umbrella so as not to die from sunstroke, is afraid to wash with cold water, complains of heart palpitations. From me he went to L.N. Tolstoy.

Left Taganrog on August 24th. In Rostov I had dinner with a friend from the gymnasium, Lev Volkenshtein, a lawyer who already had own house and a dacha in Kislovodsk. I was in Nakhichevan - what a change! All streets are illuminated with electricity. In Kislovodsk at the funeral of Gen. Safonov's meeting with A.I. Chuprov, then a meeting in the park with A.N. Veselovsky, on the 28th a hunting trip with Baron Steingel, an overnight stay on Bermamut; cold and strong wind. September 2 in Novorossiysk. Steamship "Alexander II". On the 3rd he arrived in Feodosia and stayed with Suvorin. I saw I.K. Aivazovsky, who told me: “You don’t want to know me, an old man,” - in his opinion, I should have come to him for a visit. On the 16th in Kharkov I was at the theater to see “Woe from Wit”. 17th house: the weather is wonderful.

Vlad. S. Soloviev told me that he always carries an ink nut in his trouser pocket - this, in his opinion, radically cures hemorrhoids.

29 was at the zemstvo meeting in Serpukhov.

On the evening of November 26, there was a fire in our house. S.I. Shakhovskoy participated in the extinguishing. After the fire, the prince said that once, when his house caught fire at night, he lifted a vat of water, weighing 12 pounds, and poured the water on the fire.

21 Dec Levitan has an enlarged aorta. He wears clay on his chest. Excellent sketches and a passionate thirst for life.

From January 10 to February 3 - census. I am a counter at the 16th precinct and I mentor the other (15) counters in our Bavykino volost. Everyone works great, except for the priest of the Starospassky parish and the zemstvo chief Galyashkin (the head of the census section), who lives almost all the time in Serpukhov, dines there in the congregation and telegraphs to me that he is sick. They say about other zemstvo leaders in our district that they also do nothing.

Writers such as N. S. Leskov and S. V. Maksimov cannot have success with our criticism, since almost all of our critics are Jews who do not know, are alien to Russian indigenous life, its spirit, its forms, its humor, completely incomprehensible to them, and seeing in a Russian person nothing more or less than a boring foreigner. Ostrovsky was never successful with the St. Petersburg public, mostly led by these critics; and Gogol no longer makes her laugh.

Task 50 #4145

State Tretyakov Gallery(1) collection (2) of which (3) numbers more than sixty thousand works of art(4) reflects the development of Russian art since the 11th century.

“The State Tretyakov Gallery reflects the development of Russian art since the 11th century” is the first thought. The basis is “The State Tretyakov Gallery reflects.”

“the collection of which numbers more than sixty thousand works of art” is the second thought. The basis is “the collection contains”.

Two thoughts = two sentences. The second sentence is inside the first, so we put two commas: in numbers 1 and 4.

Answer: 14

Task 51 #4146

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Chekhov's notes for the study “Medical Practice in Russia” (1), work on which (2) began in 1884 (3) were published only after the death of the writer.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“Chekhov’s notes for the study “Medical Science in Russia” were published only after the death of the writer” - the first thought. The basis is “the records were published.”

“work on which began in 1884” is the second thought. The basis is “the work has begun.”

Two thoughts = two sentences. The second sentence is inside the first, so we put two commas: in numbers 1 and 3.

The conjunction word “which” does not have to appear directly after the comma. It, unlike a union, can stand anywhere.

Answer: 13

Task 52 #4147

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

From the entryway the door led directly to the kitchen (1) to the left wall (2) of which (3) a large Russian stove was attached to one side.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“From the entryway the door led straight to the kitchen” - the first thought. The basis is “the door led.”

“to the left wall of which a large Russian stove is stuck on one side” is the second thought. The basis is “the stove stuck.”

The conjunction word “which” does not have to appear directly after the comma. It, unlike a union, can stand anywhere.

Answer: 1

Task 53 #4148

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“Articles have appeared in the press more than once” is the first thought. The basis is “articles appeared.”

Two thoughts = two sentences. They are in a row, and therefore the comma is only in place of the number 1.

The conjunction word “which” does not have to appear directly after the comma. It, unlike a union, can stand anywhere.

Answer: 1

Task 54 #4091

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

But when he began to speak in the same touching voice (1) and with the same sensitive intonations (2) with which he usually dictated to us (3) his eloquence had the strongest effect on himself.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“His eloquence had the strongest effect on himself” is the first thought. The basis of the sentence is “eloquence worked.”

“But when he began to speak in the same touching voice and with the same sensitive intonations” - the second thought. The basis is “he began to speak.”

However, a subordinate clause with the conjunction “when” has its own subordinate clause with the conjunction word “which”. This is the third thought: “with which he usually dictated to us.” The basis is “he dictated.”

Three thoughts = three sentences. They are all located sequentially, so you need to put two commas.

Answer: 23

Task 55 #4092

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The impression (1) that he made on me (2) and the feeling (3) that he aroused (4) will never die (5) in my memory.

You need to find all the basics. And unions (conjunctive words). Most often - WHICH, WHEN. It is useful to read the sentence carefully and highlight two ideas in it. One thought may be inside another. Or they will go in a row.

“The impression and feeling will never die in my memory” is the first thought. The basis of the sentence is “impression and feeling will not die.”

“which he produced on me” is the second thought. The basis is “he produced.”

However, there is a third thought here: “which he aroused,” which is expressed by the truncated stem “aroused.”

Three thoughts = three sentences.

The second and third thoughts are inside the first, refer to different parts of the sentence and are separated by a fragment of the first thought, therefore each subordinate clause must be separated by commas on both sides.

Answer: 1234

Task 56

Three thoughts = three sentences. Here the subordinate clause with the conjunction “when” has its own subordinate clause, they are arranged sequentially and are inside the main one, so there should be three commas.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search words

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

Chekhov A.P. <Дневниковые записи>: <Записи Чехова в дневнике П. Е. Чехова> // Chekhov A. P. Complete collection works and letters: In 30 volumes. Works: In 18 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of World Lit. them. A. M. Gorky. - M.: Science, 1974-1982.

T. 17. Notebooks. Records on separate sheets. Diaries. - M.: Science, 1980 . - pp. 230-232.


March 15 16. The ram is jumping. Maryushka is happy.

17. P. G. Chekhov went to Moscow. During the day +2. They brought oats.

18. -1. It's snowing. Thank God, everyone left and only two remained: me and Mme Chekhov.

19. -5. Masha and Mizinova arrived. Clear day.

20. -5. Clear day. The greenhouses are ready. Mom dreamed of a goat on a potty.

21. +5. Semashko arrived. They ate fried udder.

22. +6. Semashko left.

23. +3. Mom dreamed of a goose in a kamilavka. This is good. Masha is sick with her stomach. They slaughtered a pig.

October 8th. Clear morning; We went hunting with the dachshunds, but we didn’t find the badger in the hole. The Semenkovichs arrived in the evening and, frightened by the fire, left.

9th. Cloudy. P +5. Covered asparagus with manure. M.R. Semashko and Masha left for Moscow. Levitan has arrived. There is a fire in [Leshin] Okshena in the evening.

10th. Ut -3; the garden and field are white with frost. The flowers froze. Clear day. P +15. Tulips were planted. They were plowing in the garden [Lev<итан?>]

11. Cloudy. P +6. Levitan left.

12. U +5. There was no frost at night. They carry firewood from the forest. Warm and clear all day. Covered the roses with straw.

13. At night and in the morning it was +8. Cloudy. P +11.

April 8. Sent to the insurance savings bank: for 5 cows and a bull 6 rubles and for 5 heifers 2 rubles 50 kopecks, a total of 8 rubles. 50 k.

May 10. Yesterday the chicks hatched in the birdhouses; the starlings stopped singing. Tulips are blooming. Noon +25. Misha arrived with his wife. Rain in the evening.

11. The morning is cloudy. Noon too, +15. They sow clover. Vanya arrived with his family.

12. Trinity Day. There was heavy rain at night. It's raining in the morning. The weather is depressing. +10. Noon +17. Misha and his wife prepared morels for dinner. After lunch there was heavy rain and thunderstorm.

13. The morning is clear, at 8 o’clock in the morning +20. North-East wind. P +27. Warm, nice day. Flowers were planted in the beds. Quiet in the evening, dewy. Moon.

14. Quiet, cloudless morning, +16 in the shade. P +29. The teacher had lunch. Ringing. Mr. Varenikov had been shooting all day.

15. The morning is quiet, cloudy, raining, +12. Peppers, tomatoes and eggplants were replanted. Cucumbers were sown. P +26, sunny. P. E. Chekhov arrived from Moscow.

August 20. Wonderful weather in the morning. Afternoon cloudy, light rain. Warm. N. M. Lintvareva and T. L. Shchepkina-Kupernik left.

21st. Warm rain in the morning. P +30°, sunny. In the evening it is cloudy. Moon.

22. Cloudy in the morning, clear at noon. M. O. Menshikov arrived. Doctors Witte and Sosnin came. Meeting at Mr. Varenykov.

23. Morning +8, M +9. It's been raining since morning. We went to Ugryumovo to buy bricks for the school.

24. Morning +3, after a cold night. Wind. Sunny. M. O. Menshikov left.

25. Morning +5, cloudy; sunny during the day. Roman left to bury his wife Olympias.

26. At 6 o’clock in the morning +3, cold, the grass was covered with dew and had a whitish appearance; By noon it got warmer, +14,

it became sunny, calm, clear weather, crucian carp were walking in clouds in the pond. There are almost no mushrooms. I.P. Chekhov arrived.

27. Clear, warm weather; In the morning it’s +3, but in P it’s +24, it’s hot in the sun. They brought the image of Savva of Zvenigorod. The priest came. Vinogradov, drank tea and had lunch. Masha left for Moscow. N. M. Ezhov came. At 4 o'clock the weather changed and it began to rain.

28. At +7, cloudy, cold. P +7. Gray, boring weather. I.P. Chekhov left at 6 p.m. to Moscow. The Melikhovo teacher and V.N. Ladyzhensky arrived.

29. U +5. It's raining, it's cold, it's dirty near the taverns. (They consecrated the Melikhovo school) Prayer service at the Melikhovo school. The priest dined with us. The stoves were heated in the house. P +8. [In the evening]. Was literary evening: Ladyzhensky read his poems in the presence of summer residents.

30. U +4. Damp, chilly weather, rain. P +8. Another literary evening.

31. U +7. It is clear, but the sun often hides behind the clouds. P +17. V.N. Ladyzhensky left.


September 1st. U +4. Beautiful warm day. P +26. The priest dined. Vinogradov. It's the start of school. Soldier Alexander Kretov went back to Moscow. We started harvesting vegetables in the garden. Heavy rain at night.

2nd. U +11. Rain. Champignons appeared.




Printed by autograph ( TsGALI).

Chekhov's entries in his father's diary were first published by Yu. Sobolev in 1930 - Chekhov and his environment. They are also accompanied by the notes of P. E. Chekhov, in which there is the name of Chekhov. These direct references, of course, do not exhaust the significance of the daily chronicle of events in Melikhovo for the biography of Chekhov. The “calendar of nature” and agricultural work, the arrivals and departures of relatives and guests - all these are marks that significantly clarify the chronological outline of Chekhov’s life, clarify the dating of his letters, etc.

A comparison of the notes of father and son reveals Chekhov's techniques of stylization. Chekhov made separate notes in the absence of his father, maintaining or only slightly exaggerating his manner, turns of speech, resorting to the designations characteristic of Pavel Yegorovich: P (noon); U (morning). But most of all, Chekhov’s imitation of his father’s chronicle techniques was reflected in the selection of facts, in the conscientious sequential recording of events, in the combination of facts of different kinds and series. Chekhov's stylization techniques are clearly revealed when compared with the notes of Pavel Yegorovich. Here are some of them (preserving the original spelling):

"28. It's snowing. 5°+ Antosha has arrived.

29. Same thing. There were Potapenko and Mezinova.

30. Sunday. Mass was celebrated in Vaskino. The red cow calved a daughter.

31. The guests left on 2 sleighs. The puppies were taken to Moscow" (January 1894).

"28. I left Moscow at 3 p.m. We met Masha and Misha in Lapasna. The road is bad. We rode in a troika with Roman and arrived in Melikhovo. at 10 ¼ o'clock. with Misha. They scolded the Zemstvo.

29. The pond went over the edge, it was flooded up to the terrace, the water was strong. Cranes are flying north" (March 1894).

“Easter 17. Matins and Mass ended late at 4 o’clock. The weather was calm and warm. The men were given vodka. The Prince and Princess were with us and had dinner.

18. Radishes are in abundance. In Sokolniki I stood at mass. No rain 30 gr. in the sun. Women came and gave 1 ruble. The bird flew into the room. The cucumbers have bloomed" (April 1894).

The diary was started by P. E. Chekhov in anticipation of the purchase of the estate, in 1892, and this fact was noted by him: “The estate was purchased by Anton under S. Melikhov. On March 1st, our whole family moved from Moscow to the village to live.” Pavel Yegorovich's diary ended with his death (October 12, 1898). On October 14, 1898, Chekhov wrote to his sister from Yalta: “It seems to me that after the death of my father, life in Melikhovo will no longer be the same, as if with his diary the course of Melikhovo’s life stopped.”

    Damp, chilly weather ... - The word “chill” is also found in notebooks Chekhov (see I, 72, 6 and IV, 4, 1). It is recorded in " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" by V. Dahl; was used by Chekhov's contemporaries - for example, in A. Palm's novel “The Petersburg Locust” (see “New Time”, 1883, No. 2640, July 6).