Andrey skorokhod Lithuania. Andrey Skorokhod: biography of KVN player and Comedy Club resident. Skorokhod Andrey. Biography: where was he born?

Showman Date of birth June 24 (Cancer) 1988 (30) Place of birth Starye Dorogi Instagram @andreiskorohod

As you know, laughter prolongs life. But there are very few people who know how to cause laughter with their behavior, their jokes and the ability to react with lightning speed to an unusual situation. And there are even fewer who are not afraid to be funny. One of these is Andrey Skorokhod. The young man made his favorite profession what he knows and loves more than anything else in the world - making people laugh despite all the vicissitudes of fate, finding topics for jokes where, it would seem, they could not exist. He made himself and gives his talent to millions of fans.

Biography of Andrey Skorokhod

About my childhood and school years the comedian himself tells with his characteristic humor and self-irony.

The teachers considered him a natural disaster, as the boy always tried to be the center of attention. Parents often visited school, but not because of poor academic performance - Andrei studied well. But the behavior was “lame”, and strongly. He fought with classmates and argued with teachers. As he himself claims, because of a heightened sense of justice and the inability to veil one’s thoughts.

Personal life of Andrey Skorokhod

After school, I did everything that was available in the small town - clubs, sections, clubs, and KVN became my favorite pastime.

After graduating from school, without much difficulty, he entered the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics at the Belarusian State Economic University.

Almost from the very first days of their student days, together with their new friend Maxim Voronkov, the guys created the university KVN team “Lost Thoughts”; it immediately qualified for the major KVN league of Belarus.

Latest news about Andrey Skorokhod

This was the starting point in the career of a showman and the collapse of the career of an economist. KVN occupied all his free and non-free time, and student Andrei Skorokhod was soon expelled for systematic absenteeism and poor academic performance. But at the very young man This didn't cause me the slightest bit of grief.

He enthusiastically took care of the affairs of his team, organized tours, wrote scripts, and performed on stage himself. And in addition, a Belarusian version of Comedy Club appeared, where the two founders of the team became welcome performers. We started filming programs and after a series of episodes it became clear that studying at the university had faded into the background forever.

But then a “dark streak” began - the team broke up, they stopped filming Comedy Club programs and the artist was left without a livelihood. Returning home is a shame and a shame. So temporary work began, which became fateful.

In 2010, at the suggestion of a friend Stanislav Komisarenko, Andrey wrote a script for the KVN team “Triod and Diode”. And just a few days later the author received an invitation to work permanently as an author. Already in 2012 the team became the champion Major League.

And in 2013, Andrei Skorokhod was invited to the Moscow comedy club, where he is a resident to this day.

The talent and charisma of the young actor make him very attractive to millions of fans. But it is impossible to say for sure whether his heart is occupied today. He's either really into " active search”, or carefully hides the name of his beloved. Only one thing is known for certain - Andrei is not married.

He himself explains this fact very simply and banally - due to the dense tour schedule There is simply no time left for personal life. But he dreams of simple and completely understandable things for everyone. Beautiful country house with a well-groomed lawn, a beloved wife, children and a big dog.

And all this will definitely happen, because dreams tend to materialize.

Andrey continues to work at the Comedy Club today. It turned out that he sings quite well and now performs musical numbers himself. His sketches are always sparkling, cause bursts of laughter and make you not only laugh, but also think about what was said from the stage by the actors.

He closely collaborates on stage with Demis Karibidis, and always receives standing ovations. Many jokes posted on YouTube receive millions of views.

And the sketch “Exam at the University of Rap,” where he plays together with Zurab Matua, Dmitry Sorokin and Andrei Averin, became a revelation for many. No one has ever thought of interpreting the classics in this way, adjusting them to modern literary trends.

The number “Don Corleone” invariably evokes a flurry of emotions at every concert.

Filming on television, touring with the Comedy Club artists, writing new jokes and composing numbers - that’s what I do at the moment is a talented author, performer and charismatic showman.

In 2013, the team and Andrei Skorokhod parted ways. The portal calls Andrey Skorokhod the most recognizable KVN player in Belarus. Andrey Skorokhod was born on June 24, 1988 in the small town of Starye Dorogi, near Minsk. Also in this conversation, Andrei Skorokhod said that he first played in KVN in his first year at university.

Skorokhod was born near Minsk, but never limited his field of activity to the scale of one state. Now Skorokhod is recognized on the street, but he considers himself the most an ordinary person. Andrei’s parents were constantly called to school because of their son’s hooligan behavior: either he would be rude to the teachers, or he would fight with a classmate. After finishing school, Andrei went to enter the Belarusian State Economic University.

The talented Skorokhod easily passed the competition and began studying for a degree in economic cybernetics. While studying at the university, Andrei met Maxim Voronkov, and the young people created their own KVN team at the faculty, which they called “Lost Thoughts.”

Literally a week after this event, team representatives called Skorokhod and invited him to join the team on a permanent basis. In the same year, the Smolensk guys took third place in the KVN Major League, which helped Andrey achieve fame and improve financial situation. Now Skorokhod lives in Kyiv, coming to shoot new numbers as needed. In 2013, there were rumors that Andrei married actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya; photos allegedly from the couple’s wedding were posted online, but the information turned out to be a “duck.”

KVN player and Comedy Club resident Andrey Skorokhod is from Starye Dorog

Andrey, I know that this year at the Festival “Week of High Humor with Comedy Club in Jurmala,” among other things, there will be a real fashion show. This is something new. Yes, they say something like this will happen! (Laughs.) And I even participate in this.

This comedian managed to live in Minsk, Kyiv and Moscow, and traveled even more. The performer himself says that since childhood he loved to attract attention to himself, so at school he was a real disaster, although he studied well. It was difficult for the young man to leave his parents, and he was not eager to continue his studies in the capital, he simply did not see any other choice for himself.

The newcomers quickly entered the Major League of KVN of Belarus. He was involved in performances and organizational activities within his native team; the guys even went to Moldova to give performances. In 2012, the Triod and Diod team received the title of Major League champions, beating Gorod Pyatigorsk and a number of other strong rivals.

Andrey Skorokhod - official website of the concert agent

The young man was invited to the Comedy Club. Although the comedian initially had doubts, he still tried his hand at the project and ended up staying. The young man himself admits that in his dreams he sees himself surrounded by family and children, but is not yet ready to take this step, since he really loves to travel.

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Andrey Skorokhod: KVN and television

We will walk across the stage like Victoria's Secret "angels", albeit in some unusual outfits. So you guarantee that at the festival in Jurmala all the acts will be funny?

For me, this is exactly the same performance as any other. In fact, this is true. Nothing special. You probably did well at school? Although, in general, in all subjects, except physics and chemistry, I had nines and tens. Were your parents called to school for getting straight A's? Since childhood, I had a desire to perform on stage and be the center of attention.

And besides, I studied well, didn’t really get into fights, took part in theater clubs. I was sure that now I could do anything, and my studies immediately faded into the background. Maxim and I constantly missed lectures. Plus, a Comedy Club had just appeared in Belarus, and we were immediately taken there. We starred in probably thirty programs, and they told us: “Guys, choose - either study or perform.”

I was only attracted to the stage. I didn’t want to spend a minute at the institute, and, on the contrary, I wanted to constantly be present on the set. The parents, naturally, were shocked. All my life my mother thought that I would be a lawyer or a scientist, but by no means an artist.

My mother was very sorry and asked me to graduate from college. But you nevertheless showed perseverance and dropped out of college? In the end, did the story of getting a higher education end there? That's not all. Then I entered the European Humanities University in Vilnius and even went there once for an orientation session.

I looked at all this and left. And he never returned there again. All! This completed my training. Invited to several films and TV series. There was a period when I had nothing at all. I lived in Minsk, with friends.

Andrey is a person who resembles a tumbleweed. At one time, Andrei, having appeared on the KVN stage, literally captivated the audience. In addition, just at that moment the Belarusian branch of the “Comedy club” project appeared, where they wanted to see Skorokhod and Voronkov. In his free time from school, young Skorokhod did everything. From the very first game, KVN captivated Skorokhod so much that he began to be careless about his studies, and was eventually expelled from the university for non-attendance.

– this is a Belarusian bearded man! The images he creates on stage are easy to remember and just as easily recognizable! Well, and of course, he is the most recognizable KVN player in Belarus (even if he doesn’t play in the Belarusian team). In general, the idea of ​​interviewing him has been creeping in for a long time. And finally, we managed to do it. In fact, Andrey turned out to be a pleasant online interlocutor who answered all my questions despite the acute shortage of time. It turned out, in my opinion, nice and thorough...

Andrey Skorokhod. Born in the city of Starye Dorogi, Minsk region, he entered the university, from which he was expelled twice, entered the Yerevan State University in Vilnius, from where he also safely escaped (smile). Lived in Minsk for 6 years, moved to Kyiv last year. He has been and is involved in television projects. Player of the KVN team "Triod and Diode". Finalist of the Major League 2010.


Andrey, the return of Triods to the KVN Major League season was a real holiday for all Smolensk fans, but how did you make this decision?

How far ahead are the team’s plans in this case?

Now there is a plan for the season, and it is extremely simple! You just need to give your best in every game and do everything to win. It's simple.

Which rivals are the Triodes best friends with?

We are not friends with anyone, we smile to their faces, but behind their backs we do all sorts of dirty tricks and break everyone’s bones) In fact, we are friendly and communicate with everyone.

Have you ever played a game that you will never forget?

Our last final... A lot of effort was spent, both physical and moral.

How did you feel after that game? Devastation, rage, or satisfaction?

Probably the whole range of emotions overwhelmed me then. It's difficult to describe. One thing is for sure: I really wanted to rest. Well, I also wanted to tear someone into pieces.

But just for comparison - describe your feelings after the first game at HSE, and during it.

I was wildly afraid and nervous. Basically, I have stage fright. In general, it was difficult.

KVN is definitely not life for me and never has been life.

They say: KVN is no longer the same! What is your response to this?

Everything in life changes. Of course, KVN is not what it was before. It’s just that today people have a much larger choice of entertainment, and compared to new toys, the old one is no longer so good.

Which team was the best in KVN, in your opinion?

Among KVN players there is a popular phrase: “KVN is life!” What is KVN for you?

KVN is definitely not life for me and never has been life. Yes, it has significantly influenced and continues to influence my karma, but today it’s more of an excellent reason to see old friends.

How much do you know about modern Belarusian KVN?

I’ve been living in Kyiv for 7 months now and am doing completely different things, so unfortunately I can’t follow KVN in the Republic of Belarus.

What do you think Belarusian teams lack to perform more successfully at a high level?

I believe that Belarusian teams have very good level. In general, there are not enough sponsors. Money today, sadly enough, plays a big role in KVN.

Do you remember your first game? Where and when did it take place?

How do you feel about plagiarism in KVN?

Plagiarism is a crime!


Blitz survey

Favorite book?

12 chairs.


Beef, chicken.

Pop or rock?

The music is good and varied.

Favorite sport?

Football, Formula 1.

Favorite animal?

I love cats, I love them just like a child.

Favorite movie?

There are many favorite films: The Beach, Titanic, The Matrix... You can’t list them all.


Andrey Igorevich Skorokhod – comedian, resident of the Comedy Club, former member KVN team "Diode and Triode", screenwriter and singer.

Childhood and adolescence

Andrey was born and raised in a small Belarusian town with the unusual name Starye Dorogi. As a child, he caused his parents a lot of trouble with his restless character and not always exemplary behavior, which he more than compensated for with funny antics and sweet spontaneity.

The boy organized home concerts, sang, danced, composed poems and funny reprises on the go, which incredibly touched those around him. To channel their son’s energy into a peaceful direction, his parents enrolled him in all the clubs that existed in the local House children's creativity. Andryusha played the clarinet, burned wood, wove macrame, performed on stage puppet theater, attended the sports tourism section and played in KVN.

At the same time, he managed to do well in school and pleased his parents with high grades. In all subjects, except chemistry and physics, he got “nines” and “tens” (in schools in Belarus there is a 10-point grading system).

Comedian career

Having received a certificate, he left for Minsk and entered the budget department of the capital's Economic University (BSEU). But the cybernetics he studied there quickly became boring young student, and he was again drawn to creativity. With a friend Maxim Voronkov, they organized the KVN student team “Lost Thoughts” and began to devote all their time to its development.

Very soon the guys made it to the Major League of Belarus and became residents of the local Comedy Club, although they paid for this by being expelled from the university for absenteeism. This circumstance did not upset Skorokhod at all, since he had already mentally said goodbye to the profession of cybernetics economist and did not see his future in this field. He made another attempt to get higher education and entered the Vilnius European Humanities University at the Faculty of Law, but withdrew the documents after the first session.

Andrey Skorokhod on the stage of the KVN Major League

Deciding to dedicate later life humor and stage activities, Andrei unexpectedly encountered serious difficulties. The “Lost Thoughts” team broke up, and the Belarusian “Comedy” was not worried better times. There was no work, there was a catastrophic lack of money, and pride did not allow me to return home.

Everything changed after a chance acquaintance with Slava Komissarenko, from whom Skorokhod borrowed a small amount of money. After some time, Slava called Andrey and jokingly offered to work off his debt in the KVN team “Triod and Diode,” which at that time was looking for a screenwriter to create numbers. So Skorokhod not only unexpectedly ended up in Moscow, but also “lit up” in the Major League.

Two years later he was invited to the Comedy Club on TNT. The audience warmly greeted the former KVN player, heartily laughing at his funny miniatures. Particularly popular have become the numbers in which Skorokhod performs with other Comedy members: Demis Karibidis, Marina Kravets, Timur Batrudinov, Zurab Matua, Dmitry Sorokin and Maxim Averin. Some miniatures with his participation have already been included in the Comedy Club Golden Fund and have become a unique business card artist.

“Comedy Club”: Andrey Skorokhod and Demis Karibidis

One of his most favorite roles is “redneck rapper Glebati” (a parody of rapper Timati).

I am Glebati, I come from Detroitsk. I was born black to a white family on September 13, 1996, the day Tupac Shakur died! Now just add 2+2, manigaz: I am the rebirth of Tupac!


In February 2018, Olga Buzova was going to sue Andrei Skorokhod. It all started when Andrei, on Instagram, which he runs on behalf of Glebati, compared Buzova to the Predator from the film of the same name, and then “liked” someone else’s comment, which seemed offensive to the singer.

Buzova called Skorokhod a “subman” and announced that she would not leave the insult unpunished, but would defend her honor in court. The comedian tried to reduce everything to a joke by challenging Olga to a rap battle, but she left the offer unanswered.

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Andrey Igorevich Skorokhod
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An excerpt characterizing Skorokhod, Andrey Igorevich

- OK then. You can't tell me how boring it is!
“Qu"est ce qui est la fable de tout Moscou? [What does all of Moscow know?] - Pierre said angrily, getting up.
- Come on, Count. You know!
“I don’t know anything,” said Pierre.
– I know that you were friends with Natalie, and that’s why... No, I’m always friendlier with Vera. Cette chere Vera! [This sweet Vera!]
“Non, madame,” Pierre continued in a dissatisfied tone. “I didn’t take on the role of Rostova’s knight at all, and I haven’t been with them for almost a month.” But I don't understand cruelty...
“Qui s"excuse - s"accuse, [Whoever apologizes, blames himself.] - Julie said, smiling and waving the lint, and so that she had the last word, she immediately changed the conversation. “What, I found out today: poor Marie Volkonskaya arrived in Moscow yesterday. Did you hear she lost her father?
- Really! Where is she? “I would very much like to see her,” said Pierre.
– I spent the evening with her yesterday. Today or tomorrow morning she is going to the Moscow region with her nephew.
- Well, how is she? - said Pierre.
- Nothing, I’m sad. But do you know who saved her? This is a whole novel. Nicholas Rostov. They surrounded her, wanted to kill her, wounded her people. He rushed in and saved her...
“Another novel,” said the militiaman. “This general elopement was decidedly done so that all the old brides would get married.” Catiche is one, Princess Bolkonskaya is another.
“You know that I really think that she is un petit peu amoureuse du jeune homme.” [a little bit in love with a young man.]
- Fine! Fine! Fine!
– But how can you say this in Russian?..

When Pierre returned home, he was given two posters by Rastopchin that had been brought that day.