Andrey Razin: biography, education, personal life and family, musical career, history of the creation of the group "Tender May". Razin marries his son after the tragedy

Razin Andrey Aleksandrovich (according to some sources, real name and surname Vadim Krivorotov) was born on September 15, 1963. Parents died in a car accident. Brought up in an orphanage. From 1978 to 1979 he studied at the Stavropol State Technical University No. 24. Upon graduation, he received the profession of a bricklayer. From 1979 to 1982 he worked in the direction of the Komsomol in the regions of the Far North in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym. Participates in the construction of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline. In 1982 he returned to Stavropol and entered the Stavropol Cultural and Educational School. From 1983 to 1985 he served in the ranks Soviet Army. After demobilization, from 1985 to 1986, he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic. From 1986 to 1988 he worked as deputy chairman of supplies at the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory. In 1988, having received money to buy a tractor, he went to Moscow, where he got a job at the Record recording studio. There, his responsibilities include searching for new talents, as well as communicating with suppliers of film, equipment, etc. About Tender May “Tender May” was born in the city of Orenburg on December 6, 1986. Sergey Kuznetsov, obsessed with the idea of ​​creating music group, found himself a cute pupil of Akbulaksky orphanage Yuri Shatunov. Subsequently, Kuznetsov seeks to transfer Shatunov to Orenburg, where they begin to rehearse and record their first album, with which they begin to perform at local discos and pioneer shows. The album is selling out quite quickly in the Orenburg recording tents. People started talking about “Tender May”; they came to the orphanage to film a story about young talents

The director of the Orenburg orphanage does not like everything that is happening. Kuznetsov is fired from the orphanage, where he is listed as an electrician, and the police open a criminal case regarding the theft of disco equipment from the orphanage. But here the enterprising Andrei Razin, who was engaged in promotion in Moscow, intervenes in what is happening music stars. Razin easily achieves the closure of the criminal case against Kuznetsov and the transfer of Shatunov to Moscow. Also, Konstantin Pokhomov is going to Moscow at the invitation of Razin

In Moscow, Razin put “Tender May” on a commercial basis and in September 1988 the group’s triumphant tour began with 3 soloists Shatunov, Razin, Pakhomov. 3 albums are being recorded: “White Roses”, “Autumn”, “A Little About Me”. In January 1989, Priko and Igoshin arrived from Orenburg. There are vigorous tours, 3 more albums are being recorded: “March 8”, “Pink Evening”, “On the Roof”. The popularity of “Tender May” takes on unprecedented dimensions and along with them disagreements appear in the group, due to which Kuznetsov, Priko, Igozhin, Serkov leave “Tender May”, who in March 1989 create the group “Mama”. Pakhomov also leaves the group and begins his solo career. After Kuznetsov left, Razin was faced with the question of finding song material, which was not resolved by inviting Vladimir Shurochkin as a composer. (Shurochkin was working at that time in the “double” of Razin’s “Tender May”, the so-called “Tender May-2” under the leadership of Mikhail Tomilin), but by a completely random circumstance. For some reason, none of those who undertake to write a “biography” of “Tender May” mentions the true state of affairs, calling Shurochkin a “guest” composer to the group. In fact, the fate of the group’s further “repertoire policy” was decided by 2 songs, the poems for which (to Shurochkina’s already finished music) were written by the talented and quite successful Moscow poetess Alla Goltseva, who was invited to “save” in emergency mode. The recorded album included only 6 songs (back then albums were not as bulky as they are now). All the poems for these songs were written by Alla Goltseva. And two of these songs (“Goodbye, Baby” and “Kaleidoscope”) decided the further “fate” of Razin’s LM repertoire. Razin recorded these 2 songs, and invited Alla to join the group for a permanent job! It was this album that became the leader of the “Sound Track” of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. Razin, as usual, prefaced the album with another sound letter:: Subsequently, both Razin and Shatunov recorded songs based on Alla’s poems Goltseva, the music for which was written by Anatoly Meshaev, Igor Pushkarev, Oleg Kaledin and the Kulikov brothers. Therefore, the position of Kuznetsov’s deputy attributed to Shurochkin, to put it mildly, is not true! Moreover, the relationship between Shurochkin and Razin has always been more than strained! until February 10, 1989, the revue show “White Roses, White Winter” was held at the Olimpiysky sports complex, in which Razin’s “autobiographical hits” (“Uncle Misha”, “Ataman”, “Red Limousine”, “Fatima”, “Red Limousine”, “Fatima”) were successfully performed. Ah, Christina,” the final song of the play “White Roses in White Winter” - “From Smiles and Tears”) to the verses of the same deliberately suppressed Alla Goltseva with music written for these wonderful verses by the wonderful composers Tolya Meshaev, Igor Pushkarev, and the Kulikov brothers . In 1990, new soloists appeared, brothers Yuri and Andrei Gurov, fellow countrymen Razin and Oleg Krestovsky. The albums “Silly Snowflakes”, “Naughty Girl”, “Come Back” are being recorded. The repertoire of all the “new soloists” listed here also consisted of songs by Meshaev and Goltseva. Shurochkin was, to put it mildly, removed from the group by Razin and began solo career, continuing her collaboration with Allochka Goltseva. This ongoing collaboration with Shurochkin was the reason for such a stubborn hushing up of the role of Alla Goltseva in the work of Razin’s “Tender May”. But such wonderful albums by Shurochkina-Goltseva appeared as “Mashka-Matryoshka”, “From the Ship to the Ball”, which included hits very beloved by fans of LM’s work, which are still popular today, just like those songs that gave continuation of the repertoire of Razinsky LM. Alla Goltseva left the group after its collapse, continuing active collaboration with Andrei Razin. In 1995, Alla acted as executive producer of Andrei Razin's album "From White Roses to Eldorado", which included very famous songs performed by Andrei Razin, including songs written especially for Andrei by Yuri Chernavsky. Vladimir Shurochkin after litigation with Razin, he created his own group, Shatunov also began a solo career. Razin began to actively engage in politics, ran for people’s deputies, wrote books about the group “Winter in the Country of “Tender May”,” “Party Man,” and published the newspaper “Tender May” in Minsk. But the group begins to decline, unknown soloists take part in concerts, and Shatunov appears less and less in winter. In winter, regular concerts “White Roses, White Winter” are held, but they do not have the same success. In 1991, the last albums of “Laskovoy” are recorded. May": "Do you know?", "Fatima". The Gurovs leave the group. For unknown reasons, Razin announces a boycott of Moscow and Leningrad, announcing the cessation of concerts in these cities.

In February 1992, the almost collapsed “Tender May” left Shatunov. Razin tries to bring Shatunov back with threats, when this fails, Razin attempts to replace him with another soloist, but this also fails. Razin announces the dissolution of the group

What next On February 3, 1989, the “Vzglyad” program announced the opening of a criminal case against A. Razin by the prosecutor’s office of the Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow under Article 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. On April 29 of the same year, Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin married Natalya Evgenievna Lebedeva. In January 1990, the criminal case against A. Razin was terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti. In the summer of 1990, Razin’s first book, “Winter in the Country of “Tender May,” was published. On August 1 of the same year, the first issue of the newspaper “Tender May” was published. On April 1, 1991, Andrei Alexandrovich’s second book, “Party Man,” was published.

Life after Tender May In 1993, Andrei Razin became rector of the Stavropol Institute contemporary arts at Stavropol University. In the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in 1996, he is a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov. On April 2 of the same year, they, together with Yuri Shatunov, took part in a concert at the Taganka Theater. In 1996 he headed the Stavropol Cultural Foundation. In the fall of the same year, he led the campaign to elect Alexander Chernogorov as head of the administration of the Staropol region. In May 1997, he was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol branch of the Cultural Foundation. Later, on December 14, he was elected to the Stavropol Regional Duma of the second convocation. Also in December, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Stavropol single-mandate electoral district No. 55 as an independent deputy. In the elections he takes 2nd place out of 16 (14.38% of the votes), losing to Vasily Iver (18.08%). In February 2000, according to media reports, he was appointed advisor to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Vladimir Semenov, plenipotentiary representative of Karachay-Cherkessia in Belarus. In October 2000, he registered as a candidate for the post of governor of the Stavropol Territory. In the elections on December 3, he ranks 6th out of 13, receiving 3.78% of the vote. In February 2001, he states that the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Stanislav Ilyasov invited him to take a place in the republican government as Minister of Culture. On December 16 of the same year, he was again elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory in the Oktyabrsky district of Stavropol N17. He is Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Stavropol Territory on Industry, Energy, Construction and Housing and Communal Services. Elected chairman of the Stavropol Cultural Fund.

Andrey Aleksandrovich Razin. Born September 15, 1963. Russian politician, manager, singer and music producer.

Father - Alexander Vaclovich Razin. He was born in Grodno and moved to study in the Stavropol Territory, where he met his wife, Andrei’s mother.

Mother - Valentina Ivanovna Krivorotova.

Grandmother - Valentina Mikhailovna Gosteva.

Parents died in a car accident in 1964.

He was brought up in an orphanage in the city of Svetlograd, Stavropol Territory.

From 1977 to 1979 he studied at the Stavropol State Technical University No. 24. After graduating from college, he received the profession of a bricklayer.

From 1979 to 1982 he worked in the direction of the Komsomol in the regions of the Far North in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym. Participated in the construction of the Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod gas pipeline.

In 1982, he returned to Stavropol and entered the Stavropol Cultural and Educational School. At the same time, he worked with the Bravo ensemble (not to be confused with the group of the same name from Moscow).

From 1983 to 1985 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army (tank unit No. 40526). He was transferred to the reserve as a tank commander.

From 1984-1986 he worked in the Chita Committee on Television and Radio, on television as an assistant director. Anne Veski, who was there on tour, left Chita as an administrator.

From 1985 to 1986 he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic.

From 1986 to 1988, he worked as deputy chairman of supplies for the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory, and, having received money to buy a tractor, went to Moscow.

Graduated from the East Siberian Academy of Culture and Arts with a degree in directing mass events and spectacles”, Stavropol State University, Faculty of Law and Economics. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Worked as a group administrator "Mirage". For the first time he performed on stage in a duet with singer Katya Semenova.

From 1987 to 1990 he worked as a producer-manager at the All-Union Association of the USSR Ministry of Culture “SPM Record”.

In June 1988, the group’s album fell into the hands of Razin "Tender May" recorded in the city of Orenburg. On July 4 of the same year he transports the group “Tender May” to Moscow.

On September 9, 1988, thanks to Sergei Kuznetsov, the lead singer of the group found himself in the capital. This is followed by work in the studio and numerous tours of the group.

“In eight months, thanks to the railway, we promoted the team. Using borrowed money, I ordered a carload of blank cassettes and recorded the songs of Tender May on them. I rented a small room at the Kazansky station, and for three weeks the people I hired offered without exception, all train chiefs, for a small fee, could take a box of cassettes and play my band’s songs on the train, and give this cassette to those who liked the songs for free. Three months later, we started touring and making money,” he recalled.

His idol was the singer Donna Summer, so he himself became the lead singer of Tender May. He performed songs of his group and hits of other famous groups, for example the song “On the White Blanket of January” by the group “Sweet Dream”.

Considers himself the founder Russian show business: “And not only I think so, everyone thinks so. The Primadonna herself said that show business in Russia began when this collective farmer set foot on the platform of the Kazansky station. When they asked her what kind of collective farmer, she said that we have one collective farmer - Razin. To be honest, it was I who came up with real production. I had the most correct production approach, because I primarily proceeded not from creative motives, but from rationality,” he said.

Andrey Razin - Old Forest

In 1993, Andrei Razin became the rector of the Stavropol Institute of Contemporary Arts at the Stavropol state university. In the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in 1996, he was a confidant.

On April 2, 1996, Andrei Razin, together with Yuri Shatunov, took part in a concert in the new building of the Taganka Theater.

In 1996 he headed the Stavropol Cultural Foundation. In the fall of this year, he led the campaign to elect Alexander Chernogorov as head of the administration of the Staropol region.

In May 1997, he was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol branch of the Cultural Foundation. Later, on December 14, he was elected to the Stavropol Regional Duma of the second convocation. Also in December, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Stavropol single-mandate electoral district No. 55 as an independent deputy. In the elections he took 2nd place out of 16 (14.38% of the votes), losing to Vasily Iver (18.08%).

In February 2000, he was appointed advisor to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Vladimir Semenov and plenipotentiary representative of Karachay-Cherkessia in Belarus.

In October 2000, he registered as a candidate for the post of governor of the Stavropol Territory. In the elections on December 3, he took 6th place out of 13, receiving 3.78% of the vote.

In February 2001, he stated that the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Stanislav Ilyasov invited him to take a place in the republican government as Minister of Culture.

On December 16, 2001, he was again elected as a deputy of the Regional Duma of the Stavropol Territory in the Oktyabrsky district of Stavropol No. 17. He was deputy chairman of the Committee of the Regional Duma of the Stavropol Territory on industry, energy, construction and housing and communal services. He was elected head of the Stavropol Cultural Fund.

In 2007, he was again elected as a deputy of the Stavropol Regional Duma of the IV convocation. Responsible for the energy of the region.

In 2011, the registration of Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin as a candidate for deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory was canceled due to violations committed by him and he did not become a deputy. On March 4, 2012, ex-producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin and two of its soloists Dimitry Veselovsky and Oleg Komarovsky were elected deputies to the council of the Gorky village council of the Novoaleksandrovsky district of the Stavropol Territory.

On July 1, 2008, by decision of the President of the Russian Olympic Committee, he was appointed General Director of the International Olympic Festival “Sochi-2014”. Also holds the position artistic director Olympic Committee of the Russian Federation.

On June 30, 2015, Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin was appointed to the position of adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation A.K. Isaev.

He is engaged in business, in particular, the banking sector. In April 2014, he acquired a 3% stake in Donivest Bank and became its president and member of the Board of Directors. Initiated the consolidation of capital, expansion of the network of offices, including in Crimea. He initiated an inspection of this bank by the Bank of Russia and on October 1, 2014, 8 days before the bank’s license was revoked, he resigned. On September 26, 2014, he bought a 9% stake in the Nizhny Novgorod United National Bank and became its president. On October 6, 2015, the bank’s license was revoked; a month before the license was revoked, Andrei Razin resigned.

In 2015 he received the title Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea.

Andrey Razin's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Andrei Razin:

In the 1980s, he was in a civil marriage, in which his son Ilya was born (born 1985), he is a stylist. Razin learned about the existence of Ilya only in 2003.

From 04/29/1988 to 05/02/1989 he was married to Natalya Evgenievna Lebedeva, now he lives in Hungary.

The third wife was Faina, whom Razin met back in 1984. The marriage gave birth to a son, Alexander, in 2001.

Son . The guy just fell on the street while walking with a girl. Suddenly he lost consciousness and she arrived ambulance declared death from cardiac arrest.

In 2013, it became known about the fourth marriage of the artist and politician. He announced this on one of the TV shows. His chosen one was former soloist"Tender May", with whom he had long maintained a close relationship. Natalya Grozovskaya has lived in the United States, in Las Vegas, for many years.

Filmography of Andrei Razin:

2009 - Tender May - cameo
2010 - Bailiffs (series “Father”)

Discography of Andrei Razin:

1990 - Island for two
1996 - Eldorado
2000 - You are alone on the whole Earth

Bibliography of Andrei Razin:

1990 - “Winter in the Land of Tender May”
1991 - “Party Man.”

Photo by Robert Netelev /TASS Photo Chronicle/

August 4, 1990, Luzhniki. The crowd of 60,000 roars, demanding that their idols take the stage. The main legends of that time are looking at the audience from the posters: the groups “Kino” and “Tender May” - it’s hard to imagine performers more opposite in style.

But the fact remains: that evening most people came to the stadium to hear the legendary “White Roses” performed by Yura Shatunov.

“I understood that there were more of our fans, and before the concert I went out to the public to ask that the public receive Vitya well. The concert was just great,” Andrei Razin, producer of “Tender May,” recalled in an interview many years later.

A man without whom the country would never have plunged into mass madness over the vociferous orphanages.

For myself

Yuri Shatunov, Andrey Razin /Personastars/

He had no one to count on from the very beginning - he grew up without parents. According to Razin himself, they died in a car accident; according to other rumors, the mother simply left her son in an orphanage.

Having graduated, the young man receives the profession of a mason at a technical school, but is not going to work in his specialty: where have you seen successful masons? And Andrei wanted a beautiful, successful life.

For some time, he was seriously interested in working for the Komsomol. Arriving at a collective farm in the Stavropol region in the 70s, Razin laid the foundation for a legend that is still remembered to him - about his relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev.

The first president of the USSR, like Razin, is from Stavropol. Mikhail Sergeevich’s mother lived on that collective farm, and he sometimes came to visit. Razin rented a corner from a local resident, Valentina Mikhailovna Gostina (she is still called “Razin’s grandmother”).

Gostina helped the Gorbachevs with housework - that’s how Andrei ended up in their house. On one of Mikhail Sergeevich’s visits, a young guy asked to take a photo with him: intuition, nothing less. He will treasure this photo carefully. for many years, and then show him to the “right” people, saying that he is Gorbachev’s nephew.

The same cassette

Until the mid-80s, fate did not particularly smile on Andrei Razin. He works on laying a gas pipeline in the north, then returns to Stavropol, enters a cultural and educational school, but then drops out of school and joins the army.

In 1985, he first appeared on television as a singer - on the program “Morning Mail”. “Warmer, warmer,” as if fate was whispering to him.

And a year later, Razin decided on his first serious adventure: being deputy chairman of supplies at the collective farm named after. Sverdlov, he receives money for a new tractor and leaves for Moscow.

The collective farm never received the tractor. But Razin is hired to work at the All-Union Creative Studio of the Ministry of Culture for gifted orphans. Here he falls into the hands of a cassette with recordings of the group “Tender May”.

Children from the orphanage, without music education, ears and voices, sang simple songs. Andrey intuitively felt that this is what the people need now.

“The whole country was then in the same state of mind. Anxiety, a crossroads, no one had anything. Everything is consistently bad. And then Pugacheva and Rotaru appeared on stage in sparkles, pretending that everything was fine. The people didn’t believe in it, they needed a group that would warm their soul,” Razin recalled in a 2008 interview.

"Tender May"

He understood that such music would not be played on Union television. And he decided to go a different route: having recorded the first album on cassettes with the guys, Razin went to storm Moscow train stations.

He told the conductors of long-distance trains the same story: “My girlfriend is leaving in your carriage, and these are her favorite songs. Please put on the cassette! And if anyone else likes it, here are a few more copies, please.”

Simple words and the melodies spread throughout railways huge country. 13-year-old Yura Shatunov became a star on a national scale, “Tender May” for schoolgirls was like the Beatles for their parents, and Andrei Razin became one of the first Soviet millionaires.

Already in the 2000s, on the eve of the release of the film “Tender May,” the producer asked Shatunov for forgiveness in live"Echo of Moscow":

“I want to tell you that I really am guilty before Yura, very guilty, because Yura saw nothing except the dressing rooms, the apartment, the guards and the stage. He received $10 million for this at age 18. ...Not right away, because the money was registered in the name of the guardian, and we went to court for a long time so that the guardian would not get it, but would go directly to Yura.”

Success accompanied the group for 5 years. “Tender May” traveled to concerts with several teams at once - spectators were immediately kicked out of the hall for taking photos and videos. Thousands of girls sang along to “White Roses” and “Pink Evening” and declared their love to Shatunov, Razin and the musicians.

Then conflicts began to arise between the group members, no new hits were released, and at the end of 1991 Shatunov left the country. “Tender May” broke up, and a new chapter began in the life of its producer.

Politician, banker, father

Since 1991, Andrei Razin went into politics: he founded the International Association of Children of Orphanages and Boarding Schools “Happy Day” under the Government of the Russian Federation, was a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov in the presidential elections in 1996, and then he himself was elected to the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory.

In 2014, he tried himself as a banker: he became president of Doninvest Bank, and then resigned 8 days before the license was revoked. The same scenario happened with the United National Bank.

In March 2017, Andrei Razin experienced a real tragedy: his 16-year-old son Alexander died of cardiac arrest.

“My pain of loss is unbearable. I express my gratitude to all my loved ones for their condolences and support,” the producer wrote on his Instagram at the time.

He hasn’t forgotten about “Tender May”: the group still exists, but with a different lineup, without Yura Shatunov, and instead of stadiums, it gathers fans at nostalgic corporate events.

Andrei Razin is a man who became famous as the first music producer in the USSR. The group he created, “Tender May,” was once a real embodiment of creative and commercial success.

The stadiums applauded them. They were adored and idolized in all corners of the USSR. Andrei Razin himself rarely appeared on stage, but everyone knew that the musicians of “Tender May” owed this success to him. After all creative genius can manifest itself not only in art, but also in commerce. And our today's hero is the most striking confirmation of this.

Early years, childhood and family of Andrei Razin

Andrei Razin’s father was from the Belarusian city of Grodno, and his mother was from the Stavropol Territory of the RSFSR. They met while studying at one of the Stavropol universities, but did not live together for long. Their lives were cut short during an accident that left their young son an orphan.

So still in childhood Andrei Razin ended up in an orphanage in the city of Svetlograd. In this place he grew up, learned life and the art of survival. At first, our today's hero was not distinguished by any bright aspirations or creative plans.

He was the most ordinary teenager - he graduated from college, received the profession of a bricklayer and, in the direction of the Komsomol, went to the Far North. Only in later life did the future music producer begin to show a passion for art. In 1982, he applied to the Stavropol Cultural and Educational School, but studied here for only a year, after which he went into the army.

After finishing his service, Andrei Razin returned back to the Stavropol Territory, but very soon left his native place again. In 1985, he went to the city of Ryazan, where he soon got a job as deputy director of the local regional philharmonic society. It was during this period that our today’s hero began to manifest his innate talent for entrepreneurship.

He always knew everything about everyone, he always had the necessary connections, funds and creative ideas. It was these qualities that ultimately brought Andrei Razin to the Chita Committee for Television and Radio, where he was able to obtain the position of first assistant director, even without any specialized education in this field.

However, stingy creative life The enterprising guy very soon became bored with the provinces. The lucky ticket turned up quite by accident - she came to Chita on tour famous singer Anna Veski. It’s difficult to say now how the acquaintance of the two celebrities began. However, the fact is that very soon our today’s hero managed not only to leave Chita with the artist’s troupe, but also to receive the position of its administrator.

Tender May and Andrei Razin 1989

In this capacity, Andrei traveled to many cities of the USSR, gaining invaluable experience in doing business in the world of show business. But the collaboration with Anna Veski still did not last too long.

After breaking up with the singer, Andrei moved back to Stavropol. There for some time he worked on a collective farm as deputy chairman for supplies. It is very noteworthy that the collective farm was located in the village of Privolnoye, where the then Secretary General of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, was from. It was this circumstance (no matter how strange it may be) that again opened the doors to the world of Soviet stage for Razin...

Star Trek by Andrei Razin: “Mirage”, “Tender May” and other successes

In 1988, having received money to buy a tractor for the daily needs of the collective farm, Andrei went to Moscow, where he soon spent all the money entrusted to him. Having put the “tractor” fund into action, our today’s hero got a job at the record company “Record”, within the framework of which he began to search for young talents. It is quite noteworthy that Razin was helped to get a job by the fact that in communicating with colleagues and superiors, he pretended to be Gorbachev’s nephew.

Looking ahead a little, it is worth noting that such an adventure was by no means the last in the life of the “great schemer.”

Andrey Razin - scandal and fight in the NTV studio

At first, Andrei Razin’s main project was the group “Mirage”. Our today's hero worked as a group administrator, and also sometimes acted as an opening singer. Razin sang his first songs in a duet with the singer Ekaterina Semenova, famous in those years. During this period, his first success came to him. However, the arrangement of creative priorities was changed by a disc with recordings of the group “Tender May” that accidentally fell into his hands.

Having experience of living in an orphanage, Andrei Razin simply could not be indifferent to the work of Yura Shatunov. Their fates were extremely similar, and therefore very soon our today’s hero decided to transport “Tender May” to Moscow at all costs. To do this, he began to pose as an employee of the Ministry of Culture and thus, “taking advantage of his official position,” persuaded the creator of the group, Sergei Kuznetsov, to transfer “Tender May” to the capital of the RSFSR.

From this moment it began long haul groups to the heights of popularity. Having recorded about a million cassettes with Shatunov’s songs, the enterprising producer began distributing them to passenger train conductors, paying them extra to play them all the way. Thus, in just a few months the group became popular in literally all corners of the USSR.

In the nineties, “Tender May” became a cult project. The audience adored their songs, and millions of fans were ready to give everything for the right to touch their idols. At this moment, Andrei Razin pulled off his most famous trick - the trick of “cloning” the team. Over the years, about twenty groups worked in the CIS, singing songs “to the tune of plywood” recorded by Yura Shatunov. This circumstance predetermined the unprecedented commercial success of the group, which remains significant today.

Andrei Razin’s career after the collapse of the group “Tender May”

After the group “Tender May” disappeared from the musical map of the CIS, Andrei Razin began to get involved in business and politics. He was the head of the Stavropol Cultural Foundation, a representative of Karachay-Cherkessia and the Republic of Belarus. Currently, our today's hero is leading active work as one of the prominent figures of the United Russia party.

Personal life of Andrei Razin

As part of a civil marriage that took place back in the eighties, the music producer had a son, Ilya Razin, whose existence Andrei learned only in 2003.

Subsequently, there were several more marriages in Razin’s life. The artist’s second wife was Natalya Lebedeva, who now lives in Hungary. The third wife's name was Faina Razina. In his marriage to his fourth wife, Maritana, the producer’s son, Alexander, was born.

It is known that Andrei Razin currently lives with the ex-soloist of “Tender May” Natalya Grozovskaya.

Andrei Razin is a shark of Russian show business, a successful entrepreneur and politician. His name is known in every corner of our country. An active, enterprising person and simply strong personality- these words characterize our hero of the article.
Who is he? How did his activity begin? These and many other questions are of interest to a large audience - fans of his talent.

Andrei Razin: biography

In 1963, Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin was born in the city of Stavropol. Our hero’s father is from the city of Grodno in Belarus, and his mother is from the Stavropol Territory. Razin's parents died in a car accident. After that, he ended up in an orphanage in Svetlograd, Stavropol Territory. For him, the cloudless days are over. But he didn't give up. At the orphanage, Andrei began to engage in creative and organizational activities.

In 1978, Andrei Razin entered State Technical University No. 24, where he mastered the profession of a bricklayer. In 1979, our hero graduated from college and, in the direction of the Komsomol, was sent to work in the regions. There he spent several years of his life.

The beginning of the journey

In 1982, Razin returned back, where he entered the Stavropol “Cultural Education School”. A year later (in 1983), our hero left to serve in the army. Having repaid his debt to his homeland, he got a job at the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic as deputy director. I worked there for only a short time. His character did not allow him to stop at the achieved result and sit in one place.

In 1986, he changed the position of deputy director of the Philharmonic and took the place of deputy chairman for supplies at the collective farm named after Sverdlov in the village of Privolny, Stavropol Territory. He also stayed at his new place of work for a short time and in 1988 he went to Moscow, taking with him money intended to buy a new tractor for the collective farm.

In Moscow, Andrei Razin, with the legend that he was Gorbachev’s nephew, easily got a job at the Record recording studio, where he searched for new talented performers and negotiated the supply of necessary equipment.

Group "Tender May"

And then one day, in search of talent, Andrei finds the group “Tender May” in Orenburg. He was very interested in this group, and Razin went there with a briefcase with the inscription “Ministry of Culture” on it. Posing as a ministry employee, he persuaded Sergei Kuznetsov (the founder of the group) to move to Moscow with the team for further cooperation.

After that, the guys began constant touring, recording new hits and albums. The main hits of “Tender May” were written by Sergei Kuznetsov, who both led and maintained discipline in the team. The promotion of the group was carried out by Andrei Razin. “Tender May”, thanks to his efforts, gained enormous popularity. Gradually Kuznetsov stepped aside, and our hero began to do everything himself. The group gave four concerts a day. The record was eight performances in one day. Wanting to earn more more money, Andrey found doubles and organized concerts simultaneously in different cities, accompanied by a soundtrack, passing off completely different people as members of the “Tender May” group.

In 1990, Andrei Razin published his first book entitled “Winter in the Land of Tender May.” He didn't stop there. A little later, the newspaper “Tender May” began to be published. In 1992, the group broke up. As Razin explains, this happened because of Yuri Shatunov’s desire to perform solo.

Now our hero has collected new team, which all operate under the same name. They still tour throughout the country, but with less success.

Razin's personal life

Andrei still does not disclose the name of his first common-law wife. All that is known is that from their union a son, Ilya, was born. Razin found out about him when the boy was 17 years old. After this, the father took his son to Moscow to study as a stylist. Our hero assures that he is preparing a worthy replacement for the famous Zverev.

Andrei’s first official wife was with whom they lived for nine years, after which they divorced. Razin's next wife was Faina, the owner of a Moscow restaurant. They had a son, Alexander. And again failure. The couple separated.

Razin's next lover was stripper Karina Barbie. The couple initially hid their union. But when Karina’s belly became round, there was no point in denying her relationship.

In 2013, on November 7, Andrei Razin became the happy parents of little Aurora, to whom our hero promised to give the AR media holding. The girl was named after In addition, she was born at dawn, and translated from Latin language"Aurora" is the morning star.

Andrey Razin - singer

During his activities at the recording studio, Razin began working as an administrator for the Mirage group. Sometimes he performed at concerts as a singer with the band. The listener liked them. Razin performed his first songs in a duet with E. Semenova.

Afterwards, our hero devoted himself to working with the group “Tender May”, where, with the help of its creator Kuznetsov, he recorded several songs, which were then included in the ensemble’s second album.

Political career

When the group broke up, Razin became involved in politics, business, science, and culture. In 1993, Andrei Razin tried himself as rector of the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Stavropol.

In 1996, in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation, he was a confidant. In the same year, he headed the Stavropol Cultural Foundation and was the head of the company.

In May 1997, Razin was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol Cultural Foundation. His activities did not end there. In the same year he was elected deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory of the second convocation. Razin was subsequently elected to this position several times.

In 2000, Andrei tried himself as an adviser to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia V. Semenov and was his plenipotentiary representative in the Republic of Belarus.

Razin also becomes an active supporter of the United Russia party.

Today, no one can think that this once famous producer, politician and singer Andrei Razin, known throughout the country and beyond, whose biography began very tragically, achieved such heights thanks only to his strength and strength of character.