Andrey Malakhov will go to “Live. Andrey Malakhov will go to “Live broadcast Andrey Malakhov will host

The figure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who seemed to become the eternal face of evening television on Channel One, in the summer of 2017 became one of the central figures in show business and media news. Malakhov’s unexpected and rather sensational transition to a competing TV channel became perhaps the main television event of the entire year. Let's find out why Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, what are latest news about him future fate.

The news is that Malakhov, who is in lately hosted a talk show on the country's main television channel called “Let Them Talk,” leaves the team in which he worked for exactly 25 years, since 1992, became so sensational that they did not immediately believe in her.

Indeed, over a quarter of a century, the figure of Malakhov, who grew from a correspondent and host of a secular column morning broadcast becoming the host of almost the highest-rated evening talk show, became inextricably associated with the channel, and imagining Malakhov working somewhere else was unusual and surprising.

The rumors were soon confirmed, and speculation began about the reasons for leaving. Some said that Andrei Malakhov was constantly under pressure, demanding more politics and state propaganda in his program.

Others said that the whole point is that Malakhov’s wife is expecting a child in the fall, and the TV presenter volunteered to look after the baby on maternity leave in the first years of his life, to which he received a sharp and insulting refusal at his place of work.

What motives actually motivated Malakhov and what has been happening lately behind the scenes of Channel One now, of course, will not be reliably told to us. If you trust the comments of Andrei Malakhov himself, he presented approximately the following version of why he left Channel One.

According to Malakhov, the attitude towards him is on the first button Russian television Not much has changed over the years of his work.

Just as he came there as a young intern who made coffee for his senior colleagues and ran to the store to buy alcohol for them, he was perceived by his colleagues as a minor character. Although over the decades of work Andrei Malakhov grew very noticeably professionally, he was treated condescendingly in many ways, not allowing him to become more than just a show host.

At the same time, people like Ivan Urgant, who came to the channel much later, not only host their own programs, but also produce them, determine the topics and guests of the programs, etc.

In a word, Malakhov compared his career on Channel One to a marriage that began for love and ended with habit and calculation. At some point, the presenter’s patience ran out and he decided to leave his job.

Where is Andrey Malakhov now: latest news

The main competitor of the first channel, the VGTRK holding, could not help but take advantage of the situation, which invited Malakhov to work on the Rossiya channel. Malakhov already works on this channel, where he hosts the “Live Broadcast” program.

The former host of this talk show, Boris Korchevnikov, left to head the Orthodox TV channel. Malakhov himself in “Let Them Talk” was replaced by the host of the “Time” program, Dmitry Borisov.

As they say, on the Rossiya channel Malakhov received much more freedom in his creativity. By the way, the presenter denied rumors that the reason for leaving his previous job was pressure over the need to add politics to the show.

Quite the contrary, Malakhov is glad that he can devote much more time to such topics at VGTRK, since he can maintain the level of interest in his shows and high ratings It’s quite difficult on social and everyday scandals alone.

Andrei Malakhov has lost mutual understanding with the management of Channel One and is leaving for “Russia 1” - this news excites the day wide circles to the public, even though it has not been officially confirmed.

“The appointment of Malakhov as the host of the “Live Broadcast” program is not only possible, it has already happened,” assured one of the editors of this talk show (for obvious reasons, he agreed to speak on condition of anonymity). — Now we are discussing a new studio design: a new presenter in old scenery - it’s somehow not very good. And I’ll probably be looking for a job soon: I’m sure that together with Andrei Malakhov, at least part of his team will move here to Rossiya 1 (the talk show is produced by four teams of editors, each with their own boss, not counting the two chief editors). editors - Author)

Employees of the Let Them Talk program are already moving to work on the Live Broadcast program, which airs on the Rossiya 1 TV channel, the source claims. The change in composition may also be due to the fact that the presenter " Live broadcast» Boris Korchevnikov will finalize his position only until the end of the summer, and then will concentrate on working as general director and general producer of public Orthodox channel"Saved".

“VGTRK set a condition (for Korchevnikov - RBC): either you are on the Spas TV channel, or with us,” the interlocutor said.

According to the source, new presenters are already being selected for “Let Them Talk.” The first test recordings of programs with new presenters took place last week. “Two men” were considered for the position of new talk show hosts, said an RBC source familiar with the selection process.

The press service of VGTRK did not confirm the information that TV presenter Andrei Malakhov is moving to work for the TV channel.

“Our entire management is on vacation, so this physically cannot happen in at the moment", the press service told RT.

Earlier, reports appeared in a number of media outlets that TV presenter Andrei Malakhov was moving from Channel One to work at VGTRK.

At the time of publication, it was not possible to obtain a comment from the press service of RT Channel One.

Andrei Malakhov began working on television while still studying at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University - since 1992, he has been preparing stories for the program “Sunday with Sergei Alekseev.” In 1995, Malakhov graduated from the Faculty of Journalism with honors, after which he worked as a full-time editor of international information for the Morning program, as well as the author and presenter of the Style column.

After working in the directorate information programs"Channel One" in 2001, Malakhov became talk show host"Big wash" The program lasted three years, then it was replaced by the “Five Evenings” project. Since 2005, Malakhov has been the permanent host of the “Let Them Talk” show.

According to information on the presenter's official website, over the years of work in Ostankino, Malakhov was awarded more than 550 awards in the field of show business.

The leading publication estimated the income at $1.2 million.

The media report that TV presenter Andrei Malakhov is moving from Channel One to Rossiya 1, where he will host the Live Broadcast show.

Andrey Malakhov will host the show “Live” on “Russia 1”

According to RIA Novosti, on Wednesday, August 16, it became known that Andrey Malakhov will work for "Russia 1" on a talk show "Live".

Until now, the host of the program was Boris Korchevnikov. It is known that at the end of August Korchevnikov is expected to take a leadership position on the Orthodox TV channel Spas.

According to the agency's interlocutor, the presenter has already met with the show's film crew. Exit new program with Malakhov is scheduled for the end of August.

It is reported that Malakhov will also be a co-producer of several projects on Rossiya 1. Perhaps an analogue of the program will appear on the channel in the near future "Tonight", which Malakhov hosted on Channel One.

“Pervoy” aired two episodes of the talk show “Let Them Talk” with a new host Dmitry Borisov. was dedicated to Andrei Malakhov and his work on Channel One. True, Andrei himself was not in the studio. Boris Korchevnikov did not announce himself as the new host of “Let Them Talk,” however also came out with his participation. Channel One has still not officially commented on the situation with the departure of Andrei Malakhov.